MINI MILF better.doc


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The Mini MILF – Chapter 1

BY Big Tom

Carrie Dahl walked out onto the hardwood deck behind her house in the middleo !uburbia" shaking her blonde hair in the sun# $lthough she was %&" she hadthe bod' o a woman () 'ears 'ounger# *er supple breasts didn+t sag a bit" herwaist was toned" and her hips didn+t show a bit o at on them" e,en though shehad had two kids# !he was still a knockout" looking like an older ,ersion oCarmen -lectra" with the abulous bod' to match# $s she made her wa' out tothe pool" she stretched" eeling e,er' inch o her statues.ue &+ 11/ rame# But" inspite o the sunn' da'" her disposition was less than sunn'#/0h" ohn# I wish 'ou were here# Then I wouldn+t be so bored and lonel'#/*er husband ohn was a research scientist or a large compan' and he wasalwa's o attending conerences or spending long hours at the oice" lea,ing her with plent' o time on her hand# But she lo,ed her husband and would ne,ercheat on him#!till" she thought it was un to put on her skimpiest swimsuits to tan hersel b' thepool or to wear her white cotton tank2top with no bra and with her a,orite denimshort shorts to mow the lawn# !he knew the men and teenaged bo's in theneighborhood liked to see her strut her stu# *er lawn mowing escapadescaused more than a ew car accidents in ront o her house" and man' apaperbo' caught a tantali3ing glimpse at Mrs# Dahl wearing a short robe or acotton towel as she answered the door#0 course" this didn+t sit well with the women o the neighborhood# More than aew husbands elt the wrath o their wi,es" as well as how sleeping on the couchelt" ater the' ound out the' had been staring at Mrs# Dahl# Most o the womenwere riendl' to her" but some were 4ealous o her good looks and good ortune#Including their ne5t door neighbor" Terri ordan# Terri used to be the /hot mom/ othe neighborhood until Carrie mo,ed in ne5t door two 'ears ago# $t %(" she stillhad a great bod'" but not compared to /Barbie/ Dahl" as she nicknamed Carrie ina it o 4ealous' to her like2minded lad' riends# $s she looked out her bedroomwindow at the Dahl+s deck and pool" Terri stomped back to her ull length mirror"brushing an errant black hair rom her ace as she looked at hersel wearingnothing but a bra and panties#/I still look hot"/ she said to hersel" admiring her igure# /But Barbie gets all thegu's# I+m luck' i the pi33a deli,er' bo' notices I+m not wearing a bra when I meet

him at the door#/ !ighing" she put on a red stretch tank top and 4ean shorts beorewalking down the stairs to start on dinner#/Mom" I+m home"/ a amiliar 'oung male ,oice called rom the li,ing room# Terrismiled as she saw her 16 'ear old son" T'ler" setting down his bookbag on theloor beore heading to the kitchen or a snack#/$nd how is m' bo' genius this aternoon7/ she cooed as she hugged him rombehind#

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/ust great" Mom# M' science pro4ect is read' or m' teacher to grade tomorrow#M' bioelectric generator is sure to get an $#//That+s m' bo'"/ Terri said" smiling# That was one thing Terri had o,er Carrie8 herson was a science whi3# *e was going to graduate a 'ear earl' rom high schooland attend M#I#T# in the all# Carrie+s kids were all grown up and on their own" but

T'ler was better" hands down# *e was going to be somebod' important someda'#/I ha,e a little -nglish homework to do beore dinner" so I+ll see 'ou whendinner+s read'#/ T'ler ga,e his mom a kiss on the cheek" grabbed a bottle owater rom the rerigerator" and bounded up the stairs to his room#0nce inside his room" T'ler closed the door and laid his bookbag on the bed#!lowl'" he peeked out his bedroom window and caught a glimpse o Mrs# Dahlsunning hersel on her deck in a tin' white thong bikini# -,er since he saw hermo,ing in" Mrs# Dahl was his antas' woman# *e oten dreamed o what hewould do with her i she were to ask him to make lo,e to her# 9utting his shadeback where it was" he went back to his bookbag" pulled out his literature bookand notebook" and started doing his assignment# !omehow" though" :illiam

!hakespeare didn+t hold his attention like Mrs# Dahl+s sunbathing did#

Carrie laid in bed talking to ohn as he called her rom his hotel room in !anDiego#/ohn" I miss 'ou so much; :hen will 'ou be back7//:ell" as soon as I present m' paper on the use o molecular pol'mers in energ'generation" I will be ree to come home# <nless things get going more .uickl'than e5pected" I shouldn+t be more than two or three da's#//=ood" because I ha,e a surprise waiting or 'ou when 'ou get home"/ Carriepurred into the recei,er#/:h'" Mrs# Dahl# I do belie,e 'ou+re tr'ing to seduce me"/ ohn said in a mock

surprising tone#/0 course" I+m tr'ing to seduce 'ou" sill'# I want 'ou to come home and makelo,e to me#//$s soon as I+m done at the conerence" I+ll take a ew da's o so that we can do

 4ust that# I promise#//0ka'" hon# I lo,e 'ou#//I lo,e 'ou" too#/Carrie hung up the phone and laid back on her blue silk sheets" smiling# *er manwould be home in a matter o da's" and then she would ha,e some e5citement inher lie or a change# !he closed her e'es and dreamed o being naked withohn" eeling his gentle touch" his hot breath on her skin# !he elt his wonderulhands massaging her breasts and his long" hard dick sliding into her puss' withease# !he whimpered in pleasure as she started to do3e o" dreaming o herhusband and the surprise she had in store or him#

The Mini MILF – Chapter (

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Big Tom

9osted8Monda' Ma' >)

())& ?8&(8)>pm

It was warm or earl' Ma'# The sun beat down as hot as a sultr' $ugustaternoon as the morning slipped into aternoon# Carrie sat in her li,ingroom wearing her a,orite silk robe and tin' panties tr'ing to keep herselcool as she lipped through the channels# @ews" cartoons" aternoon talk

shows" reruns o /Cops"/ nothing appealed to her#/Man" this sucks"/ Carrie said# Looking at the clock in the li,ing room" shesaw it was a .uarter past two# /:ell" might as well swim#/ :ith that" sheturned o the tele,ision and walked upstairs to her bedroom to ind aswimsuit#

Terri opened the door or T'ler as he carried his science pro4ect into thehouse#/You need an' help getting that up to 'our room" kiddo7/ Terri asked witha broad smile on her ace# /$ter all" we don+t want 'ou to break 'our $Ascience pro4ect;/

/I+ll be ine"/ T'ler smiled back#/Don+t eat too much# :e+re going out to dinner tonight to celebrate#/ :iththat" Terri kissed T'ler on the cheek and went to the kitchen to get a bottleo water#T'ler made his wa' up the stairs to his room" the bioelectric generator inhis arms# In its current orm" it resembled a small metal bo5 with wires"panels" and se,eral lights and switches on it# :hen ull' erected" itspanned the length o a desk top and looked more like something out o amad scientist+s lab# $t one side o the generator" there was a potatosuspended in water with wires running into the generator itsel# Therewere small metal bars slid throughout the potato designed to conduct its

bioelectric energ'" but the connectors were kept awa' rom the bars sothe generator would be deacti,ated# $t the other side were two metal rods1 inch apart# This is where the potato+s bioelectric energ' would beampliied and con,erted into electrical energ'#0nce inside his room" he put the bioelectric generator on his desk andopened his window to get the air circulating in the room# *e pulled thecord to raise his blinds and opened his window when he saw Mrs# Dahlwalking out onto her deck near the pool# *e stopped as he saw hertanned" toned" and se5' ,isage in a tin' pink bikini barel' co,ering andcontaining her bod'# *e stood there staring" eeling his penis stien asMrs# Dahl bent o,er to la' down a beach towel along the edge o the pool"

her perect ass pointing directl' at him# For what seemed to be awonderous eternit'" he stared at his dream pla'ing out beore his e'es"onl' a matter o 'ards awa'#Then" Mrs# Dahl turned and looked right up at him# *e suddenl' backedawa' rom the window" hoping she didn+t think he was a per,ert orsomething# *e elt his leg hit the side o his desk and turned 4ust in time towatch the bioelectric generator all to the loor" smashing against it andcausing parts to l' across the loor#

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/0h shit;/ he said to himsel as he ell to his knees looking or the partsthat came out o the generator# $ter a .uick" but careul scan o hisbedroom loor" he ound the loose parts and went to work putting themback into the generator# $ter he had resecured the potato" hereconnected the wires# 9redictabl'" there were blue2white sparks o

electricit' that emerged between the metal rods on the right side o thegenerator# Then" the arcs o electricit' changed color" going rom blue topurple" beore a small ball o energ' appeared abo,e the bars# T'lerwatched in ama3ement as the ball o electricit' grew in si3e beoreshooting out o the open window#

Carrie noticed a slight tingle on her skin" which caused her to sit upsuddenl'# !he looked around to see i there was something wrong or isomeone was around" but when she saw nothing" she went back totanning hersel# $ter a ew minutes" she started to get up to get a glass o lemonade when she noticed her swimsuit was looser against her breasts

than she remembered# !he made her wa' to the kitchen and opened thecabinet where the glasses were# =rabbing a glass rom the top shel" sheturned to put it on the table and get the pitcher o lemonade rom thererigerator# !he opened the rerigerator" searched around or the pitcheror a ew moments" and ound it#Then" she saw her wedding ring slip o her inger and hit the back o thererigerator" landing on the top shel# !he paused to wonder how thatcould ha,e happened and then put the pitcher on the table beore turningback to pick up her ring# !he slid it back onto her inger" onl' to see ittwist on her inger easil'#/I+ll ha,e to get this ring resi3ed"/ she said to hersel as she returned to

the task o getting a glass o lemonade# $s she grabbed the pitcher+shandle" she noticed it didn+t .uite eel right# It was hea,ier and the handleelt thicker than she remembered# !he put the pitcher down" suddenl'eeling conused# -,er'thing seemed out o whack" not much" but enoughto be noticable# Looking down at her glass" she noticed it was dirt'#=etting up" she put the glass in the sink to be washed later and wentback to the cabinet to get another glass# !he stood latooted###andreali3ed she could no longer reach the top shel without standing on hertiptoes#/*ow strange"/ Carrie said to hersel# Beore she could think about it" sheheard a knock at the ront door# =athering hersel together" she walked to

the door and opened it# It was Da,e" the <9! man# *is bright white smileaccentuated his tan skin and dark brown shirt and shorts# Carrie andDa,e had pla'ull' lirted in the past" 4oking about how she was 4ust a littletaller than he was#But on this unusuall' warm da' or earl' Ma'" Carrie ound hersel ha,ingto look up at her ormerl' shorter <9! man#/*i" Mrs# Dahl"/ Da,e said with his usual smile# But he took a longer lookat her than he had beore# /!a'" there+s something dierent about 'ou#/

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/<mmm###I###got a haircut;/ Carrie said" hoping he wouldn+t noticesomething was amiss#/*mmmm###I like it"/ Da,e said inall' as he handed Carrie the electronicsheet to sign# $s she reached or the st'lus" her bikini bottom inall'succumbed to gra,it'" alling o her hips and pooling at her eet# Carrie

ro3e in her place or what seemed to be an eternit'" wanting to sa' or dosomething to co,er up" but being incapable o doing it#Da,e didn+t sa' an'thing" much to Carrie+s relie" and completed thetransaction" putting the bo5 in the entr' wa' and walking awa'# Carrieclosed the door" stepped out o her bikini bottom" and ran to the kitchen#Taking out a tape measure and a pencil" she made a mark against thewall where her head was# !tepping back" she measured rom the mark tothe loor# $ter she had gotten the measurement" she couldn+t belie,ewhat she saw#/But###this is impossible; I can+t be &+%/; <nless###/It was too antastic or her to consider" but 'ears o li,ing with ohn taught

her logical thought#!he was shrinking" and there was nothing she could do about it#

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter >

Big Tom

9osted8Monda' Ma' >)())& ?8&(8&)pm

Carrie slumped against the wall" her mind awash with .uestions# :h' didshe start shrinking7 :hen will she stop7 :ill she stop7 :hat would ohnsa' when he ound out7 :ho would do this to her7 !he spent se,eralminutes 4ust tr'ing to get her head around her circumstances#/$t least I can still pass or a normal human"/ she said to hersel" standingupright once more# /For how long is the .uestion#/!he opened the rerigerator to get a bottle o water to calm her ner,eswhen she remembered that she needed to bu' groceries# /Damn" that+s

all I need right now"/ she muttered to hersel as she closed the door#Then" she had a spark o inspiration#!he ran upstairs to her bedroom and started looking through her closettr'ing to ind clothes that might still it her# :ithin a ew minutes" sheound a white low cut cling' workout tank top and a pair o shorts with adrawstring# !he thought about wearing a sports bra" but decided againstit# /Ma'be i I show o what I ha,e" people won+t notice how short I+,egotten"/ she smiled as she elt the abric slide o,er her nipples" now erect

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with the coolness o the air and the eel o the abric against her skin#0nce she ound a pair o sandals that could be ad4usted to the new si3eo her eet and ankles" she grabbed her ke's and went out to her !<#

 $ter umbling a bit" she ound the le,er that would automaticall' ad4ustthe seat# 9ulling it upward" she elt the seat rise until she could sael' see

through the windshield# :ith a slight push orward" the seat ad4usted soshe could reach the pedals# 9utting the ke's in the ignition" she startedthe !< and backed out o her dri,ewa'#:hile she dro,e" Carrie went o,er a list o what she needed to get andwhat she would sa' i someone did catch her in this state# !he knew shemight get caught" but the closest supermarket ater her usualsupermarket was a ew miles awa' and in a bus' part o town" meaning itwould take longer to get home and making it more likel' she would bemuch smaller than she was now# !he would ha,e to risk going to herusual store#

T'ler managed to disable the bioelectric generator beore an'thing elseweird would happen# *e sat back in his chair tr'ing to igure out whatcould ha,e happened and what happened to the purple ball o electricit'that shot out o it# $ter a ew minutes to compose himsel" he ,enturedback to the window to look out at the Dahl+s deck and pool# :hen he sawMrs# Dahl was no longer there" but her towel and boom bo5 were stillthere# *e backed awa' rom the window" wondering whether Mrs# Dahlhad been aected b' the purple ball#/T'ler7/ a amiliar ,oice came calling rom downstairs#/Yes" Mom7//I need 'ou to run to the store and get some ood or dinner#/

/I+ll be right there" Mom"/ T'ler said" relie,ed somewhat b' the mundanetask asked o him# Ma'be now he could get his mind o what 4usthappened#

Carrie pulled a shopping cart rom the corral inside the store and pushedit through the aisles# It was an odd e5perience" seeing things in a slightl'larger scale than she was used to# !he managed to get .uite a ew thingsrom the shel,es without ha,ing to stretch too much# :hen she walked b'the stock bo's" she e5aggerated her walk" swa'ing her hips urther thannormal# :hen she knew she had their attention" she bent o,er pretendingto be looking or something on a lower shel" gi,ing the teenaged bo's a

nice ,iew o her ass" still se5' underneath the abric o the shorts# $nd ithad the desired eect# The stockbo's alwa's asked i the' could help herget something#But alwa's present was the eeling that her clothes were getting looser onher bod'# !e,eral times during her shopping e5perience she had toread4ust her shorts and tie them tight again" onl' to ha,e to do it again tenminutes later# !he knew that it wouldn+t be noticable right awa'" bute,entuall' it would be and with it would come .uestions#

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T'ler walked into the grocer' store and grabbed a red plastic basket# *eglanced at the list and made his wa' irst to the produce aisle# =rabbing abag o bab' carrots" he heard Mrs# Dahl+s amiliar ,oice in the ne5t aislechatting awa' with one o the stockbo's# *e walked around the corner to

see a short woman dressed in a white top and shorts pushing a cart awa'rom the stockbo'# *e stopped tr'ing to igure out where Mrs# Dahl went"and e,entuall' shrugged and mo,ed on# :alking to the ne5t aisle to pickup some croutons or the salad" he heard Mrs# Dahl+s ,oice in the ne5taisle again# !peeding up his walk" he saw the back o the short womanagain#/:here is she7/ T'ler said as he went about his shopping#

 $ ew minutes later" T'ler was getting the last thing on his shopping listand absentl' walked into an aisle# *e elt a sharp 4olt as he heard theamiliar sound o a shopping cart hitting something#/0h;/ he said" inall' looking where he was going# /I+m sorr'" ma+am#/

/T###T'ler7/This caused T'ler to take a closer look at the person he 4ust hit# $t irst" allhe could see was the white top and the shorts" but he inall' saw Mrs#Dahl looking up at him" holding up her shorts with one hand#/Mrs# Dahl7 You+re so###small;/

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Big Tom

9osted8Monda' Ma' >)())& ?8&>8((


/Mrs# Dahl7 You+re so###small;/Carrie put her inger up to her lips in a /shhhh/ manner#/@ot so loud" T'ler"/ Carrie said# /I+m tr'ing to keep a low proile#//:ell" 'ou certainl' ha,e the low part down"/ T'ler snickered .uietl'#/*a ha# er' unn'"/ Carrie said with a dour look on her ace# /!eriousl'"

I+m tr'ing to bu' groceries while I+m still tall enough to do so#//Let me help 'ou# I onl' ha,e a ew more things to get and I+m sure 'ouwould appreciate the compan'#//Thanks" T'ler"/ Carrie smiled# /That would be nice#/ :ith that" the twoneighbors walked through the rest o the store" completing both o theirshopping runs .uickl'# -,er' so oten" T'ler would look down at Carrie asshe ad4usted her shorts or tried reaching or items on a shel abo,e herhead" awed at the sight o the woman he+d antasi3ed about so man'

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times being so small and deenseless in a world o near giants#0nce the' both went through the checkout" the two went to the parking lotwith T'ler helping Carrie put the grocer' bags into her !<#/Do 'ou think 'ou+ll be able to get home" Mrs# Dahl7/ T'ler asked#/$s long as I can keep ad4usting m' seat" I should be ine#/ Carrie

reached down and read4usted her seat" putting it up and orward romwhere it was about a hal hour ago when she arri,ed# $s she was gettingread' to start the !<" she noticed that she had to stretch a bit to get heroot on the accelerator" not much" but enough to be noticable# !lammingthe door shut" she started the engine and dro,e out o the parking lot#Carrie got back on the street that lead to her house when she saw theamiliar sight o black and white police cars with their red and blue lightslashing on top o them ahead o her#/0h shit;/ Carrie said as she saw the twisted remains o two cars in anintersection" glass littering the street ahead# $ uniormed policeman wasdirecting traic to go around the accident" but the detour would take her

through a construction 3one" which would add time to her trip# /0h" great#ust what I need#$ detour#/ Turning the wheel when the oicer directedher to the detour" she dro,e slowl' through the construction 3one#Minutes passed slowl'" and with it came the eeling o Carrie+s clothesgetting looser on her bod'# !he elt her heartrate increase at the stress oshrinking while behind the wheel while traic mo,ed at a snail+s pacegetting through the construction 3one# During the trip" she had to ad4usther seat again" making it harder or her to reach the pedals# /I thingsdon+t start mo,ing soon" I+ll be stuck here"/ she thought to hersel as shecrept along#-,entuall'" the detour ended and Carrie was on her wa' back home# !he

dro,e onto Michael Lane" the street where her house was" and wasalmost home when she tried to step on the brakes###and ound the pedalhad gotten a lot lower than she remembered it# -,en when she stretched"she had a hard time reaching the pedal and keeping her e'es on theroad#/0h shit;/ she e5claimed as she reali3ed how small she+d gotten# !hesped down the street and e,entuall' turned the wheel to tr' to park the!< in her dri,ewa'# $s soon as she made the turn" she slid down in theseat and pushed on the brake with all o her might# The !< slowed andstopped within inches o her garage door# Breathing a sigh o relie" sheset the parking brake" slid up in her seat" put the !< into 9ark" and shut

o the engine# !itting up in her seat" she noticed that her shorts slid downas she slid up in the seat" so" she careull' got out o her !< andad4usted them one more time#But not beore T'ler dro,e into her dri,ewa' ater her# ust as she wasabout to pull up her shorts" she noticed T'ler getting out o his amil'+s!< and looking at her naked ass#/Mrs# Dahl" are 'ou all right7/Turning a bright shade o red" Carrie pulled up her shorts and whirled

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around# !he mar,eled at how tall ustin had gotten since she let thegrocer' store#/I###I think I might need some help getting these groceries indoors#/:ithout sa'ing a word" T'ler opened up Carrie+s door" grabbed se,eralbags" and walked with her to the ront door# Carrie umbled with the ke's"

but inall' unlocked the door# $s she walked in" she was ama3ed at the dierence in si3e e,er'thinghad become# It was as though someone created an e5act replica o herhouse" but built it to a larger scale# !he was still able to unction withsome minor ad4ustments" but she knew there would come a point where itwould be impossible or her to do an'thing# $nd it would onl' be a mattero time#T'ler pro,ed to be a big help in putting her groceries awa'# *e igured outwhere he could put dierent ood and appliances so Carrie could reachthem e,en ater she shrank too small to reach the countertop# $ter thingswere set up" T'ler looked down at his neighbor#

/Is there an'thing else I can do or 'ou" Mrs# Dahl7//I don+t think so" T'ler# Thanks or 'our help#/ !he beckoned or him tolean down as she got on her tiptoes# :hen he was down low enough" shega,e him a kiss on the cheek and smiled as he stood there stunned#/:ell###ummm###th###thank 'ou" Mrs# Dahl"/ T'ler stammered# /L###let megi,e 'ou m' cell phone number in case 'ou need an'thing#/ :ith that" hegrabbed paper and a pen rom the counter and scribbled his number onthe paper" thankul or e,en the brie respite rom the situation# *andingher the paper" he smiled and said" /I+d better get going beore m' momgets upset# I+ll talk to 'ou soon#//Thanks" T'ler"/ Carrie said" smiling#

T'ler walked out the ront door and closed the door# $s great as it elt toha,e Mrs# Dahl kiss him" he came to a conclusion that would shake himback to realit'#It was his bioelectric generator that caused Mrs# Dahl to shrink#

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter &

Big Tom

9osted8Monda' Ma' >)())& ?8&%8))pm

Carrie looked up at the mark she made on the wall when she lastmeasured hersel and compared it to the mark she 4ust made or thesame purpose# Taking out the tape measure" she held one end againstthe later mark and let the other end drop to the loor# 0nce she securedthe other end" she looked at the result# !he knew she was shorter thanshe was a ew hours ago" but she wasn+t prepared or what she ound this

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time#/Fort' se,en inches"/ Carrie said# /That makes me####/ !he calculated hernew height in her head and paused" not wanting to belie,e the results#/###three eet" ele,en inches tall#/The words echoed in the kitchen and in her mind# !he had shrunk two

eet since this morning with no end in sight# !crambling up a chair toreach the surace o the kitchen table where T'ler had put her purse whenhe carried in her groceries" she looked ranticl' or her cell phone# !hebreathed a sigh o relie when she ound it" turned it on" and ound shehad batter' power and a good connection#/$t least I will still ha,e a lieline to the outside world"/ she said" clutchingT'ler+s cell phone number a little tighter as though her lie depended on it#!lipping the cell phone and number into her shorts pocket" she looked tothe stairs" wondering when the' would become a series o high clis#

T'ler sat .uietl' at the dinner table that night" picking at his ood and

mulling o,er the reali3ation that something he created caused Mrs# Dahlto shrink uncontrollabl'# *e had ne,er considered his scientiic knowledgeto be a curse beore" and it weighed on his mind hea,il'# *is mothernoticed this and went o,er to console him#/:hat+s wrong" T'ler7//@othing"/ T'ler said" the depression e,ident in his ,oice#/!omething must be wrong"/ his mom said# /You lo,e lasagna and 'oubarel' touched 'our helping#/ T'ler sighed and looked up at his mother#/Mom" I ma' ha,e done a bad thing to someone I care about deepl'"/ hesaid ater a pause# /$nd it+s because o something I created#//I+m sure it+s not as bad as 'ou think"/ his mother said" taking a seat ne5t

to him and patting him on the shoulder# /$nd i 'ou broke it" I+m sure 'oucan i5 it#/

 $ light went on in T'ler+s mind# I the bioelectric generator could makeMrs# Dahl shrink" it might be able to make her grow as well; *e stood upsuddenl'" ga,e his mother a kiss on the cheek" and ran upstairs to hisroom to get to work#/*mmmm# I must ha,e inspired him"/ Terri ordan said" smiling to hersel#/I+d lo,e to see that bitch Carrie Dahl do that;/

 $t that time" Carrie was attempting to complete a dierent eat8 climbinginto bed# The stairs pro,ed to be less o a challenge than anticipated

since she hadn+t shrunk small enough to ha,e to crawl upstairs" but thebed was a dierent matter# $t around > 1( eet tall" the bed loomedbeore her bigger than an'thing she+d e,er seen in a bedroom beore" butshe was determined not to let her diminished si3e change her lie until itwas absolutel' necessar'# *er shorts had gotten too large to wear" soshe had to hold them up with one hand while she sur,e'ed hersurroundings# $lthough she was still taller than the top o her bed" shewould still ha,e to climb a bit to get into bed# =rabbing a hold o the

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sheets" she got a good oothold on the bed rame and pulled hersel uphigh enough so that she could throw a leg onto the top o the bed andscramble up# L'ing on her back or a bit" she smiled" knowing she wouldha,e at least one more night in her bed# !oon" she ell asleep" sa'ing asilent pra'er that she would wake up and she would be normal again#

T'ler worked to modi' the bioelectric generator to re,erse what he haddone to Mrs# Dahl# *e heard a knock on his door#/T'ler" time or bed"/ his mother said through the door#/0ka'" Mom;/ T'ler said" turning o his desk light and going to the lightswitch on the wall# Beore turning o the light" he turned on a digital timerin his hand# !lowl' the seconds ticked down#/Thirt' minutes and then it+s back to work"/ T'ler said to himsel as heturned o his lights and walked to his bed to pretend to go to sleep#

 $ter the timer went o" T'ler shut it o and snuck out into the hallwa' tohis mom+s room# $s he e5pected" she was alread' sound asleep" snoring

lightl'# *e tiptoed back to his room" shut the door" and turned on his desklight to resume his work#

Carrie woke up with a start shortl' ater ( a#m#" her ace dripping withsweat#/:ow; :hat a nightmare; I dreamed that I###/Looking around at her surroundings" she reali3ed it was no dream# Thebedroom still loomed larger than belie,able beore her as though shewere a small child again# !he elt a slight chill on her legs as she elt theair conditioning kick on# Looking down" she noticed her shorts werebunched up at her eet" ha,ing slipped o her bod' while she slept#

/0h great"/ she muttered# /I lose the tank top and I+m naked#/ !tanding upon the bed" she checked the hem o the onl' remaining piece o clothingshe had on and ound that the tank top still it" but it it more like a shortskirt#

 $ ,er' short skirt#Tugging at the bottom hem o the shirt to tr' to stretch it e,en a little bit"she noticed it still didn+t .uite co,er her pubic hair# !he sat back down onthe bed holding her head in her hands with her elbows on her thighs"thinking about what her ne5t mo,e would be# Looking up" she saw thebulge in her shorts rom where her cell phone was# *er sal,ation sat acouple o eet awa'# Yet" she was araid" embarassed e,en" that she

would ha,e to rel' on a teenage bo' with a crush on her to help her# $ndwho knew what would happen when he would see her wearing nothingmore than a tank top and being incapable o much resistance should hedecide to act on his desires# !he would be completel' helpless andsub4ect to his whims#!he sat or a long time weighing her options#

T'ler sat working on the bioelectric generator" growing more rustrated at

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not being able to igure out how it went rom a generator to a shrink ra'# $nd he wasn+t sure that he could re,erse the process# *e glanced at theclock radio b' his bed and saw that it read >8(% a#m# *e was about togi,e up or the night when he heard a low humming coming rom thecorner o his desk# Looking o,er at the sound" he saw it was his cell

phone ,ibrating# *e checked the caller ID on the phone and saw it wasMrs# Dahl# Flipping the phone open and hitting the button that would allowhim to take the call" he was barel' able to s.ueak out a /*ello7//T'ler" this is Mrs# Dahl# I need 'our help#/

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter ?

Big Tom

9osted8Monda' Ma' >)())& ?8&&8)pm

 $nd don+t worr'# T'ler is 1E# 8D

T'ler carried Mrs# Dahl up to his room" doing his best to a,ert his e'esrom looking at the e5posed lesh under her tank top# But e,er' so oten"he would catch a glimpse o her tanned ass" her puss' lips" or a tut oher pubic hair and he elt his ace grow red with embarassment# *e sather on the bed and closed the door so no one else would see# :hen heturned back" Mrs# Dahl was shi,ering" partiall' out o cold" partiall' out o

ear#/:hat+s wrong" Mrs# Dahl7/ T'ler asked#/:ell" aside rom being a three oot tall adult wearing nothing but a tanktop that+s not big enough to co,er m' genitals" nothing#/ T'ler winced atthe edge in her ,oice#/I+m sorr'"/ he said" hanging his head in shame# /I it wasn+t or me" 'ouwouldn+t be in this situation#//:hat do 'ou mean7/ Mrs# Dahl said as she cocked her head# T'ler tooka deep sigh and paused beore speaking#/Yesterda' there was an accident in,ol,ing m' science air pro4ect" abioelectric generator# I knocked it o m' desk and it broke# :hen Irepaired it and hooked up the power source" a weird purple ball oelectricit' shot out o it and out the window# I belie,e that ball hit 'ou andis causing 'ou to shrink or some reason#/There was a break in the con,ersation# T'ler looked down at Mrs# Dahl asshe processed this new inormation# @o longer was the how she startedshrinking a m'ster'# But another .uestion loomed hea,' in the room#/!o" can 'ou make me big again7/It was T'ler+s turn to pause beore responding# *e dreaded ha,ing to sa'

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the ne5t three words" but he had to be honest with Mrs# Dahl# *e steeledhimsel and looked her straight in the e'e with sorrow and shame#/I don+t know#/

 $ ra' o sunlight pierced the darkness o T'ler+s room signaling the start

o a new da'# Carrie stirred rom atop T'ler+s bed and sat up to stretchand get her bearings# -,en though this was the irst time she had been inT'ler+s bedroom" she could tell things were dierent than the' were earlier that morning when he snuck her into his house# !he looked o,er at thedesk and saw T'ler with his head down on the desktop" sleeping soundl'#!he smiled as she sat up on the edge o the bed and dropped .uietl' tothe loor# Beore going o,er to wake him" she noticed that the hem o hershirt was now a couple o inches below her pubic hair#/!till a bit on the short side" but at least m' ass isn+t e5posed an'more"/Carrie said as she made her wa' to the giant desk and teenage bo'do3ing contentl' in his chair# :hen she was close enough to reach him"

she stood up on tiptoes and grabbed the slee,e o his t2shirt#/T'ler" time to wake up"/ she said as she tugged on his slee,e# The 'oungman started to slowl' wake up# -,entuall'" he picked his head up o thedesk and looked down at his diminuti,e neighbor#/=uh morng"/ he muttered as he tried to get awake#/=ood morning" T'ler"/ Carrie said" looking up at him#/M###Mrs# Dahl;/ T'ler said" suddenl' getting a surge o energ' at thesurprise o seeing her# *e bent down to better con,erse with her and sothat he could keep his ,oice low so no one outside the room could hearhim# /*ow are 'ou eeling7//:ell" I+m still shrinking" but at least I+m not e5posing m'sel at the

slightest bree3e"/ Carrie smiled# /*a,e 'ou made an' progress onre,ersing m' shrinking7//I think so" but I ha,e to reroute some o the circuitr' and make sure it willtake a charge rom the power source# I the circuitr' blows" it mightdamage the entire apparatus and we won+t be able to get 'ou back tonormal#//I know 'ou+ll do 'our best" T'ler"/ Carrie said" getting up on her tiptoes togi,e T'ler a kiss on the cheek# T'ler smiled and turned a brilliant red inembarassment# Carrie smiled and went back to his bed" lea,ing himsitting there in stunned silence#

T'ler came back to his room carr'ing a small plate o eggs" bacon" andtoast" a glass o orange 4uice" and sil,erware on a tra'# !etting it down inront o Mrs# Dahl" he smiled# /Time or breakast"/ he said#/T'ler" how sweet;/ Mrs# Dahl said# /Thank 'ou#//I igured 'ou could use a bite to eat" so I made sure I sa,ed some o m'breakast to bring up to 'ou#/ Mrs# Dahl reached out or her ork andstarted digging in to the eggs# /But I also wanted to talk to 'ou about whatto do i m' mom were to come in here# I don+t think she+d appreciate 'ou

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being here#//:h' not7/ Mrs# Dahl asked between bites# /!he and I ha,e alwa'sgotten along#//:ell" I+,e heard her insult 'ou behind 'our back man' times"/ T'ler said"looking at Mrs# Dahl# /For some reason" she hates 'ou# I can+t igure out

wh'" but she does# $nd i she saw 'ou in here" who knows what she+ddo7//$nd I+m not e5actl' in the best position to ight back# !o" what do I do7//*ide# :hene,er someone comes into the room" hide# I it+s me" I+ll gi,e'ou a ,erbal signal and then 'ou can come out# But it should besomething that won+t arouse suspicion#//=ood idea# :hat will 'our signal be7//I+ll sa' the word +stud'#+ I I don+t sa' it" then it+s not clear#//0ka'"/ Mrs# Dahl said#/=ood# @ow I+d better get back to work# Let me know when 'ou+re doneeating and I+ll clear 'our plate" Mrs# Dahl#/

/ust like in a anc' resort"/ Mrs# Dahl smiled# !he turned her attentionback to her breakast" watching T'ler turn back to his desk and work ongetting her back to normal#

Carrie ound hersel l'ing naked on T'ler+s bed# !itting up" she noticedshe was onl' a little smaller than she had been when she ell asleep#!uddenl' the door opened and T'ler walked in wearing a towel aroundhis waist# !he looked at his toned bod' deined b' e5ercise and likechiseled stone# $ slight moan escaped rom her lips as she elt her puss'get wet with her 4uices#/Mrs# Dahl" I ha,e a conession"/ T'ler said# /I+,e lusted ater 'ou since

'ou mo,ed into the neighborhood# I+,e spent man' a night masterbatingat the thought o 'ou being naked# :ell" now I ha,e 'ou and I want touck 'ou beore 'ou shrink awa' to nothing#/Carrie smiled# T'ler ma' be a 'ounger man" but he was handsome andsmoldered se5ualit'# :ithout an' hesitation" she looked at him and ga,ea wicked grin#/Lose the towel"/ she said# T'ler smiled and dropped the white towel tothe carpet" re,ealing his naked bod' to her# -,en though she was smaller than normal" she could tell T'ler had a good si3ed cock" and it wasalread' hard# :ordlessl'" he mo,ed onto the bed and spread Carrie+slegs# Like an e5perienced lo,er" he slid his cock into her tin' puss'# It was

almost too large or her" but she took in as much as she could#/Fuck me"/ she said breathlessl'# /Fuck 'our tin' doll#/Carrie closed her e'es and ga,e hersel heart and soul to her giantteenaged lo,er# *is larger than lie cock illed her puss'# *er breath grewmore and more shallow as she grew closer and closer to clima5# *ermoaning grew louder and louder#/0h m'###I+m going to cummmmmm;/

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Carrie sat up with a start" grabbing her sides# !he wasn+t naked" but shewas still in T'ler+s room# T'ler turned rom his work with a start#/Mrs# Dahl" are 'ou oka'7/ he said with a look o concern on his ace#/I###I+m ine"/ Carrie said# /ust a bad dream#//0h" oka'"/ T'ler said beore turning back to his desk#

Carrie laid back down looking up at the ceiling with the thoughts o herdream still ,i,id in her mind# The moisture between her legs re,ealedmore than she wished" but it conirmed something that would become anobsession#!he wanted to ha,e one last se5ual romp beore she shrank too muchsmaller#

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter 6

Big Tom

9osted8:ednesda' un )1())& 68&(8()pm

This is certainl' a -$LLY hard 2rated section" so be warned# 82G

Carrie waited patientl' or the right time and opportunit' to tr' to seduceT'ler" but with his mom in the house" that could pro,e to be diicult# T'lerhad gone downstairs to wash the plate he brought up or her to use while

she ate breakast# Doing as she had been instructed" Carrie hid under thebed until he returned# $ter ten minutes o being gone" she startedworr'ing# But moments later" T'ler came back to his room#/!orr' I can+t go shopping with 'ou this morning"/ T'ler said through thedoorwa'# /I ha,e to stud' or a test on Monda'#//That+s ine" T'ler"/ his mom said" her ,oice muled b' the walls o theroom# /Don+t orget 'ou ha,e to mow the lawn tomorrow#//I ha,en+t orgotten" Mom# But now I ha,e to go stud'#//0ka'# !ee 'ou in a couple o hours#/Carrie smiled as she crawled out rom under T'ler+s bed# This was theopportunit' she was looking or and she was going to take it# $ter about

i,e minutes" she walked o,er to T'ler+s chair and tugged on his pantleg#/T'ler" could 'ou bathe me7/The stunned silence hung in the air or a moment or two as T'ler let thethought sink in#/<mmm###sure"/ he said inall'#/But irst" I want 'ou to measure me# You know" 4ust to see i water hasan' eect on me#//0###oka'"/ T'ler said" grabbing a ruler# Carrie stood up straight" puing

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out her chest to make her breasts seem larger# This lustered T'ler" but hee,entuall' got a measurement#/Two eet" ten inches"/ he said inall'#/:h'" I+m 4ust wasting awa' to nothing"/ Carrie said# /9rett' soon this shirtwon+t e,en it me#/ :ith that" she remo,ed her tank top" re,ealing her

naked" tanned" toned bod' to T'ler# -,en at less than three eet tall" shewas still gorgeous" her large breasts de'ing gra,it'# :hen she had letT'ler see enough" she turned on her heel and headed towards the door#!topping at the door" she turned her head back at T'ler" who was stillstunned b' the sight#/0h" and I insist that 'ou bathe with me"/ she cooed#:ithout a word" T'ler walked ater Carrie#

T'ler ran a bath or the two o them beore stripping o his clothes# Carriemar,eled at how it he looked and how his cock seemed gigantic to hertin' e'es# In her mind" she tried to igure i T'ler would it inside her# It

would be tight" but it would be worth it# But she would ha,e to act astbeore she got too small# T'ler climbed into the tub and sat down beorereaching out to help her into the tub#The warm water elt good on Carrie+s skin" as did T'ler+s strong hands onher bod'# !he closed her e'es and smiled as she leaned back against histhighs#/Mmmmmm###this eels good#/ :ith that" she reached down and touchedT'ler+s penis# /$nd so does this#/ $ girlish giggle escaped rom her mouth"catching T'ler o guard#/Mrs# Dahl7/!he turned to look at her giant potential lo,er with a dream' look on her

ace# /Yes7//I+,e ne,er###'ou know###with a girl beore# I mean" I+m onl' 1E#//It+s oka'" T'ler"/ she cooed# /I+,e ne,er been a three oot tall adultbeore#/ !he reached down and started stroking his penis with her tin'hands# :ithin moments he was rock hard and larger than lie beore her#/0hhhhh###Mrs# Dahl"/ T'ler moaned#/Call me Carrie"/ she replied# /I want 'ou to call me Carrie#//Yes" Mrs####Carrie"/ T'ler smiled# Carrie elt his cock throb between herlegs# @ow would be the time#/0hhhh" T'ler"/ Carrie moaned in her se5iest ,oice# /Fuck me#/:ith a bit o awkwardness" T'ler repositioned himsel in the tub" l'ing on

his back so that Carrie could sta' abo,e water# Liting her up out o thewater" he watched as she spread her legs as wide as she could toaccomodate him" and then he slid her down on the head o his cock#/$hhhhhhhhhhh;/ Carrie screamed" e,en louder than she e5pected orbeing so small# $s e5pected" it was a tight it" but the combination o painand pleasure washed together in a powerul sensation# But the si3edierence was enough that T'ler couldn+t it all o his cock into her puss'#/I can+t get it in all the wa'"/ he said#

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/Don+t worr'# I+ll manage#/ !he leaned her head back and startedclenching her leg muscles" making the it e,en tighter# Bucking her hips"she started bouncing up and down on his gigantic cock# *er screams gotlouder and louder#/0h uck; I+,e ne,er elt so horn' in m' lie; Fuck me harder;/ :ith that"

her bucking got wilder" aster" more animalistic# *er ample breastsbounced with each new upward thrust and downward slide#T'ler sat wide2e'ed at the blonde se5ual d'namo riding his cock like ahorse# It was something he had antasi3ed about or 'ears" but not .uitelike it was happening# -,en though the conditions weren+t perect" he wasaroused be'ond words# The woman o his adolescent dreams was here"real" and going wild on his cock#Carrie screamed out again as she got closer to clima5# !he elt a newsensation" like T'ler+s cock was growing inside o her# This made the itthat much tighter and her pleasure that much greater# !he bucked e,enharder" echoing T'ler+s own moans o pleasure#

/0h m'###I+m gonna cum"/ T'ler moaned#/*urr'" T'ler"/ Carrie said with an edge to her ,oice mi5ed with pleasure#/Cum inside 'our little doll' woman#/Moments later" the two screamed in pleasure" each one clima5ing at thesame time# Their combined ,oices boomed through the bathroom andechoed throughout the upstairs# !lowl'" their heartbeats slowed and T'ler helped Carrie get o his cock# Looking up at her giant lo,er" she smiled#/Thank 'ou" T'ler# That meant more to me than 'ou+ll e,er know#/

 $ter the two lo,ers had cleaned themsel,es o rom their romp" T'lercarried Carrie back to his room and sat her on the bed# !he was wrapped

in a hand towel that it like a regular towel would ha,e onl' a ew da'searlier# T'ler stood still naked in ront o his dresser and started pickingout underwear and socks to wear that da'# *e spoke while keeping hisback to his diminishing lo,er#/Carrie" about what 4ust happened###//Yes7//$re 'ou going to tell 'our husband that we had se57//@ah"/ Carrie said# /It can be our little secret#//But wh' all o the sudden7/ T'ler turned to ace her# /I+m 4ust a kid#//Because 'ou are growing up to be a ine 'oung man"/ Carrie said# /$llthe trouble 'ou+,e gone to o,er me" 'ou conessing what caused me to

shrink" all 'our work to tr' to get me back to normal si3e###'ou+,e reall'grown up o,er the last da' or two# $nd I ind that ,er' se5'#//eall'7//eall'# $nd I elt I owed 'ou or helping me through this# !o" I decidedthat I would repa' 'ou b' gi,ing 'ou what 'ou+,e alwa's wanted8 me#/T'ler blushed at this sentiment" but she continued# /Don+t think I ha,en+tnoticed 'ou peeking at me rom 'our bedroom window#/ !he wagged heringer in mock condemnation" a smile brightening her ace#

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/It+s true# I ha,e antasi3ed about 'ou since 'ou mo,ed in ne5t door#You+re the se5iest woman I+,e e,er known#/@ow it was Carrie+s turn to blush# /Thank 'ou# $nd or a irst time" 'ouwere magniicent# You pleased me in wa's I ha,en+t elt in a long time" ie,er#/

ust then" a downstairs door opened and T'ler+s mom could be heardsa'ing" /T'ler" I+m home#/ Carrie scrambled o the bed and crawled under it 4ust moments beore T'ler+s mom walked into his bedroom#/Mom; I+m changing;//I+m sorr'" hone'" but I wanted to show 'ou this new shirt I bought####/ !hestopped in mid2sentence and looked around the room as though sheknew something was wrong# *er e'es scanned the room beore her e'eslocked on an article o clothing on the loor#

 $ white tank top near T'ler+s bed#

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter E

Big Tom

9osted8!unda' un )&())& E8(>8&%


Carrie cowered under the bed" listening to e,ents unold# !he shi,eredand clutched the hand towel closer to her bod' as T'ler and his momcon,ersed# $nd with a long pause in the con,ersation" she suspected shewould be disco,ered soon#/Mom;/ T'ler said tr'ing to co,er his partiall' nude bod'# /I+m tr'ing to getdressed here;/ *e hoped he could get her out o the room and distracther rom the white tank top on the loor# But to no a,ail#/:hat is that7/ his mom said" pointing at the tank top#/It looks like a white tank top#//I can see that" but whose is it7//You know" I think I know# I was getting m' g'm clothes read' to washwhen I notice I+d picked up someone else+s tank top b' mistake# I wasgoing to wash it and return it to the owner on Monda'#/ T'ler looked at hismom as she considered his stor'#/That+s so nice o 'ou;/ she said with a broad smile on her ace# /I+ll let'ou do that" but don+t orget to get some sun and resh air# It+s a beautiulda' toda';//I won+t" Mom"/ T'ler smiled# /I+ll be down in an hour and ma'be we cango or a bike ride" but I want to inish stud'ing or m' test#//0ka'"/ his mom said as she made her wa' to the door# $s soon as thedoor closed" she smiled to hersel# *er suspicions were conirmed" butshe couldn+t act on them 4ust 'et# !he would wait a bit longer to spring her trap#

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/I nearl' got caught"/ Carrie thought to hersel as she sat on T'ler+s bed#The scene kept pla'ing out in her mind a million dierent wa's" and all othem winding up with a stroke o good luck sa,ing her ass# !he had beensilent or the better part o the aternoon when T'ler suddenl' turned witha broad smile on his ace#

/Carrie" I think I might ha,e igured out wh' the bioelectric generatorshrunk 'ou# :hen I knocked it o the desk" it broke on the loor# I 4uststarted hapha3ardl' putting the circuits into the generator to get it +i5ed+without checking the orientation#//I don+t understand#//It+s reall' prett' simple"/ T'ler said" going into his /instructor/ mode#/:hat the bioelectric generator did prior to it breaking was it would takeenerg' rom a li,ing source" like a plant" run it through the circuitr'"ampli' that energ'" and ha,e it discharge at the other end# :ith m'attempt to i5 it" I didn+t look at how the circuits were in the generatorbeore" instead going o o memor' and guessing what looked right# !o"

when I hooked up the power" it didn+t draw power rom the potato andampli' it as it normall' would# Instead" it drew power rom the potato andcondensed it to a point where it sought out the closest source obioelectricit' in its path# :hich was 'ou" unortunatel'# Then" it startedcondensing 'our bioelectricit'" causing 'ou to shrink#//@ow that we know how it shrank me" does it mean it can be re,ersed7//9resumabl'"/ T'ler said# /It ma' be as eas' to i5 as changing thecircuitr' so that it still draws power rom the potato" but changes it into agrowth ra'#//*ow long should that take7//$ couple o hours at least# I+ll ha,e to map the circuitr' beore I start

undoing e,er'thing 4ust in case it doesn+t work#//0ka'"/ Carrie said" her e'es gleaming with the irst hope she+d had sinceshe started shrinking# !he laid back on the bed and slept" dreaming o theda' she would be able to look back on this e5perience and laugh#

 $ couple hours passed with no success# Then a couple more# $nd witheach hour" Carrie+s hopes dwindled with her height# T'ler brought her asmall plate o lasagna and sil,erware" but she didn+t eel much like eating#

/You ha,e to eat something" Carrie"/ T'ler said" picking up the ork andputting a small section o the lasagna up to her mouth#

/:h'7/ Carrie said with tears starting to orm in her e'es# /I+m going toshrink awa' to nothing;//@o" 'ou+re not# It+s 4ust taking longer than e5pected to work through thecircuitr' to make sure I can get the desired eect without blowing thecircuits#//Longer than e5pected7/ Carrie said# /You+re not the one shrinking;//I I didn+t take the time" 'ou might wind up shrinking e,en aster or I ma'not be able to re,erse what I+,e alread' done; Do 'ou want to get back to

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normal again7//More than an'thing; I+m tired o being a reak ha,ing to rel' on 'ou ore,er'thing#//You+re not a reak"/ T'ler said" looking lo,ingl' at Carrie as tearsstreamed down her ace# /You+re a beautiul woman# You were one beore

'ou started shrinking" and 'ou+ll alwa's be one" regardless o whathappens#//I+m not a woman" T'ler; I+m a doll; $ li,ing" breathing" real lie doll; Youshould 4ust stick me in a dollhouse and charge admission; Come see theIncredible !hrinking Carrie; You could pa' or college 4ust ha,ing horn'teenagers and men come o,er and ha,e me act like se5';//I wouldn+t do that to 'ou"/ T'ler said#/$nd wh' not7//Because I ha,e too much respect or 'ou#//eall'7 You didn+t seem to ha,e a problem when I was writhing up anddown on 'our cock a ew hours ago;/

Those words hung hea,' in the air" hitting T'ler like a ist to the stomach#*e looked down at Carrie one more time beore turning back to his deskand continue his work# Carrie sat or a moment beore putting her head inher hands and cr'ing at her situation###but also at hurting a 'oung manshe+d grown to care about#

*ours passed without con,ersation or incident# T'ler sat at his desk".uietl' swearing to himsel when he couldn+t igure out how to re,erse theeect o his bioelectric generator and get Carrie back to normal si3e#Carrie sat on T'ler+s bed" eeling the cloth o the hand towel co,er her eetas it had or since ater her ight with T'ler# !o man' times she wanted to

walk o,er and apologi3e or what she said" but she simpl' lacked thecourage# $nd with each passing hour" her hopes and her bod' shrank abit more#It was midnight when Carrie inall' got up the courage to do what sheneeded to do# !he dangled her eet o the side o the bed" noting how ar o a drop it would be" and inall' pushed hersel o the bed to the loor#!he landed on her eet" but the impact made her hand towel all o herbod'" lea,ing her e5posed to T'ler# :alking o,er" she reached up andtugged as hard as she could on his pant leg until he looked down#/Yes7/ T'ler said with no emotion in his ,oice#/T'ler" I+m sorr' or what I said"/ Carrie said" looking up at the giant teen

beore her# /I know 'ou+re working 'our ass o to help me and I shouldn+tha,e snapped at 'ou# I was taking out m' rustration on someone whohas treated me with respect rom the outset# Can 'ou orgi,e me7//0 course I can"/ T'ler said with a smile on his ace# /You are goingthrough a stressul time right now" so I+d be a 4erk i I held that against'ou#//Thank 'ou"/ Carrie said" wiping tears rom her e'es# /*ow close are 'outo i5ing the bioelectric generator7/

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/I+m close" but I+m too tired to keep working on it tonight# I can get a reshstart on it tomorrow morning beore I ha,e to go mow the lawn#//Yes"/ Carrie said" wagging a inger in mock punishment# /You must get'our rest" 'oung man#//Yes" Mom"/ T'ler smiled# :ith that he picked up his shrinking neighbor

and got her back on the bed# T'ler stripped down to his underwear andwas about to climb into bed when Carrie looked up at him with a wickedsmile#/Lose the underwear"/ she said# T'ler smiled and slipped the underwearo his hips# 0nce he climbed into bed" he put her on his chest# !hesnuggled against his chest hair" eeling the warmth o his bod' againsthers# The rising and alling o his chest lulled her to sleep" happ' thatshe+d been able to apologi3e to him#

:hen Carrie woke up the ne5t morning" she noticed that e,er'thing hadgotten larger during the night# But she didn+t care an'more because she

was sleeping on a giant man who made her eel special# Looking o,er atthe clock radio" she saw that it was a little ater a#m#" and 4udging romher surroundings" she was a little abo,e one oot tall# Crawling up toT'ler+s ace" she ga,e him a pla'ul kiss and said" /It+s time to get up"T'ler#/ *is e'es luttered open to see his naked neighbor smiling at him#/=ood morning" Carrie#//=ood morning" se5'#//:hat time is it7//$ little ater #//=reat# That should gi,e me a little time to work on the generator beore Iha,e to mow the lawn#/ :ith that he put Carrie on the bed and went back

to his desk to start working# Fiteen minutes later" he said" /I+,e done it; Ithink I+,e igured out how to re,erse the process;//That+s great;/ Carrie said# Finall' this nightmare would be o,er and shecould go back to being her normal &+11/ height instead o being stuck atdoll si3e#/It+s a shot in the dark" but I think it would work# I 4ust need to change thecircuitr' around a bit to make it work#/ *e started in on read4usting thecircuitr' when his mom called rom behind the door#/Time to mow the lawn" T'ler;//I+ll be there in a minute" Mom;//@o" now; I let 'ou sleep until ater " but i it gets much later" 'ou won+t

be able to get it done beore it gets hot#/ *er ,oice re,ealed a tone thatlet no room or compromise# !ighing" T'ler got dressed and helpedCarrie under the bed#/I+ll be back ater I+m done"/ T'ler said as he walked out o the bedroom#Carrie started crawling back under the bed where she wouldn+t be seenwhen she heard the door open again about a minute later# !he sta'edsilent" knowing that the slightest noise would re,eal her position# Then" abright light shined in her e'es" blinding her temporaril'# :hen the spots

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cleared rom her e'es" she saw the ace o Terri ordan smiling like a catwho had 4ust caught a mouse#/*i there###Barbie Dahl#/

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter

Carrie looked disbelie,ingl' at the sight o Terri ordan" T'ler+s mom" looking ather as she hid under the bed# *er ace was as big as a billboard and her armsseemed to reach ore,er as she reached under the bed and tried to grab Carrie#The tin' woman scooted on her butt awa' rom the giant hand coming at her andmanaged to barel' escape the irst eort#

/Heep going" Barbie"/ Terri said# /You+ll run out o room soon enough and then'ou+re mine;/

/:hat is 'our problem7/ Carrie screamed#

/You are;/ Terri grabbed a 'ardstick and started poking it at Carrie# The smaller

woman dodged the strikes with ease" but the' weren+t designed to hit her" merel'to get her to mo,e closer to where Terri could grab her# -ach new 4ab orcedCarrie to mo,e a little closer to the open" and a little closer to being captured#

/Come out" come out" where,er 'ou are"/ Terri sang in a mocking tone# /You+rerunning out o time and right now I+m the onl' one capable o getting 'ou back tonormal#/

-,en though it was an ob,ious trap" Carrie knew Terri was right# I she wanted toget back to normal" she+d ha,e to pla' along and hope that the giant womanwould be able to see past her hatred and do the right thing#

/0ka'" I gi,e"/ Carrie said" crawling out rom underneath the bed and standingnaked beore Terri# !he stood looking up at Terri+s larger than lie bod'" her largebreasts held in place with a sports bra" her tanned legs e5posed b' black L'crashort shorts# :ith her long black hair in a pon'tail behind her head" she lookedlike a =reek goddess looking down on a ollower doomed to die# !he knelt down"looked at the tin' naked Carrie" and grabbed her in one hand#

/Barbie" I knew blondes were stupid" but 'ou ha,e to be the stupidest o the

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bunch"/ she cackled as she walked out with her tin' pri3e in her hand#

/:hat are 'ou going to do with me7/ Carrie asked with a earul tone resonatingin her ,oice#

/I+m going to ha,e some un"/ Terri said" looking down at her tin' capti,e like a

new to'# /$nd 'ou+re going to do what I sa' i 'ou e,er want to see T'ler again#<nderstood7/ Carrie nodded" knowing she would regret it" but also knowing shedidn+t ha,e much o a choice an'more# !he was a doll in a world o giants#

Terri walked into her bedroom and set Carrie on the bed# /@ow sta' put" Barbie"because I+m going to gi,e 'ou a se5ual e5perience that will put 'our uck sessionwith T'ler in the bathtub to shame;/

/You know about that7 *ow7/

/!imple deduction" Barbie# I saw T'ler+s clothes on the loor and I knew 'ou werehere# It was onl' a matter o time beore 'ou pla'ed the incredible shrinking slut;

Bo'" what will 'our husband sa' when I tell him that 'ou seduced his 1E 'ear oldneighbor7/ Terri+s ,oice was a combination o mocker' and e5citement# !he hadbeen waiting a long time or something like this and she was sa,oring eachdeliciousl' e,il moment#

/*ow did 'ou know I was here7/

/:hen T'ler snuck 'ou in the house" I was going to get a bottle o water when Inoticed T'ler+s light was on# I ound him sleeping at his desk###and I saw 'ousleeping on his bed" smaller than I+d e,er seen 'ou#/

/You###'ou spied on us7/

/0 course; $s soon as I knew 'ou were shrinking" I watched 'ou whene,er Icould" 4ust biding m' time until I could get T'ler out o the house so that I couldtake ad,antage o 'our###diminished abilities#/

/You sick bitch;/ Carrie screamed#

/0h" I ha,e not 'et begun to en4o' this delicious situation"/ Terri said# /But thatchanges now#/

:ith that" Terri slowl' remo,ed her sports bra" re,ealing her ample breasts#Carrie sat stunned watching Terri strip o her shorts" lea,ing her naked beore

the tin' woman# For a woman in her earl' %)s" Terri still had a antastic bod'" onethat would dri,e an' man wild#

/:h###what are 'ou going to do with me7/ Carrie asked" unable to hide her earan' longer# Terri crawled seducti,el' onto the bed beside Carrie and purred#

/I+m going to use 'ou as a human dildo"/ Terri said with a wicked smile# /$nd Ithink 'ou+ll be 4ust big enough to make me cum o,er and o,er again#/

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Terri+s hand reached down or the shi,ering Carrie#

/*elp; T'ler" help;/ the tin' woman screamed#

/*e can+t hear 'ou" Barbie"/ Terri said as she grabbed Carrie+s naked bod'# /*e+sout mowing the lawn and he+ll ha,e a ew +problems+ that will cause dela's# You+ll

be mine or at least an hour# @ow" get sti" m' little uck doll#/

Doing what Terri told her to do" she stiened her bod'" locking her elbows andlegs straight down# The giant Terri slid Carrie into her puss' eet irst# The warmthand moisture o her slit elt good against Carrie+s eet and she elt hersel gettingaroused at the sensation# :ith e,er' thrust into the giant woman+s puss'" herown puss' lips rubbed together" bringing her closer to clima5 as the giant did#!he couldn+t help but moan as she came beore Terri did# !he hoped that thegiant woman didn+t hear her and closed her e'es to let Terri inish her businessand hopeull' end this per,erted e5perience#

 $ter what seemed to be a lietime" Carrie elt the warm slickness o Terri+s cumagainst her eet# Terri+s bod' .ui,ered with delight as she clima5ed se,eral times#!he laid back against the pillows on her bed and smiled down at the tin' womanstill clutched in her grasp#

/That was wonderul" Barbie"/ she cooed# /You were a wonderul uck doll#/Carrie smiled lightl' until she saw Terri+s ace twist into a dark rage# /But 'oucame beore I did;/ :ith that" she switched her grip and 4ammed Carrie head irstinto her puss'#

/0h =od no; 9lease stop;/ Carrie cried as she elt her hair slick at the still warm 4uices o Terri+s puss'# $t irst" she gasped or air until she learned Terri+s rh'thm

and then she was able to catch a breath and hold it between thrusts into the giantwoman+s puss'# !lowl'" though" she elt hersel passing out at the lack o o5'genshe could get rom being outside o Terri+s puss'#

/I+m going to cum" Barbie Fuck Doll;/ Terri 'elled# But beore she could" Carriesuccumbed to sweet obli,ion and passed out#

T'ler hit the push lawn mower with his ists in rustration# *e+d had trouble allmorning long with the mower stalling out repeatedl' or breaking down piece b'piece# $ter 1) minutes o cursing and pulling on the starter cord" he inall' got

the engine going again#

/=ee3" what a stroke o bad luck"/ T'ler thought to himsel as he pushed themower back into the tall grass# /$t this rate" it will take all da' to mow the lawn#/

Carrie woke up to ind that she couldn+t mo,e her arms or legs# !he looked downand ound hersel bound b' string so that her arms were bound to her sides and

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her legs were bound together at the ankles# !he was immobili3ed" and she knewwho did it#

/:ake up" sleep'head"/ Terri said with a mocking smile on her ace# /I ha,e asurprise or 'ou#/ Craning her neck to see" Carrie saw T'ler+s bioelectricgenerator set up near the bed she was l'ing on#

/:hat are 'ou going to do7/ Carrie asked with more than a little ear in her ,oice#

/I+m going to use this thing to shrink 'ou into obli,ion"/ Terri said" the smile ne,erlea,ing her ace# /:hen T'ler comes back" I+ll tell him that 'ou had a shrinkingspurt and shrank to microscopic si3e# Then 'ou+ll be out o m' lie once and orall#/

/:h'7 :h' are 'ou doing this7/

/Because 'ou ruined m' lie;/ Terri+s smile aded into a mask o white hot anger#/I had a happ' marriage and a prett' good lie as the hottest mom on the block#

Then 'ou showed up and it all went to hell;/

 $ter another ten minutes" the mower stopped again# T'ler was getting rustratedat 4ust what parts were alling o or what luids were leaking out o what enginepart# *e sat under a tall tree in the back'ard to rest#

/This thing has ne,er been this screwed up beore"/ T'ler said# /First" there+s nooil in the mower# Then there+s no gas# Then the bolts holding the engine downworked themsel,es loose# @ow" it looks like the gas was bad#/ T'ler sighed inrustration# /I I didn+t know an' better" I+d sa' someone was####/

T'ler stopped in mid2sentence" his mind lashing to a scene he couldn+t begin tobelie,e" but couldn+t help but to belie,e#

/###was tr'ing to get me out o the house###0h" m' =od; Carrie+s in danger;/

/:hat did I do7/

/M' e52husband let me two months ater 'ou mo,ed into the neighborhood#Beore" he was so in lo,e with me# :e would ha,e great se5 at least twice a

week" but ater 'ou showed up" that stopped# I couldn+t e,en get him to L00H atme" but he would ga3e longingl' as 'ou pranced around in 'our bikini oranswered the door wearing nothing but a robe or a towel# $nd then I ound outthat he+d been ha,ing an aair###with a hot blonde secretar';/

/$nd 'ou blame me or that7/

/Yes; *e wouldn+t ha,e had an aair i 'ou hadn+t turned him against me; $ndnow 'ou+re going to pa';/ :ith that" Terri produced a lantern batter' rom behind

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her back# /$nd with this little bab'" we+re going to see what putting some realpower into this shrink ra' will do to 'ou#/

/T'ler" help me;/

/*e can+t help 'ou"/ Terri said" taking her position beside the bioelectric

generator# /*e+s still outside mowing the lawn and he can+t hear 'ou#/ Terriwalked to the side o the bioelectric generator and hooked up the lantern batter'to the side o the generator where the potato would ha,e been#

/!a' goodb'e" Barbie;/

!ub4ect8 The Mini MILF 2 Chapter

T'ler rushed through the ront door and started making his wa' up the stairs tohis room# *e knew his window o opportunit' was shrinking and that he had toind Carrie and his mom ast beore something bad happened#

The bioelectric generator hummed to lie when Terri hooked the terminals up tothe lantern batter'# $s it warmed up" she mo,ed the generator so that the/business end/ pointed at Carrie# The humming got louder as a ball o purpleelectrical energ' ormed on the side o the generator opposite to where thelantern batter' was# Terri smiled" knowing that her re,enge would soon becomplete# !he walked near the ball o energ' so she could get a better ,iew oCarrie shrinking down to nothingness# The purple ball o energ' grew rom thesi3e o a marble to the si3e o a sotball to the si3e o a bowling ball in a matter oseconds#

/It won+t be long now"/ Terri said to hersel#

 $nd then" there was an e5plosion#

T'ler heard the e5plosion when he was almost to the top o the stairs#

/0h no;/ he said to himsel as he ran to his mom+s bedroom# Throwing open the

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door" he saw Carrie bound on his mom+s bed and the bioelectric generatorsmoking and in pieces" the remnants o a lantern batter' smoking on the base othe generator# *e ran to Carrie and untied her#

/$re 'ou oka'7/

/T'ler;/ Carrie cried" reaching up or him to pick her up# $ter he complied" shestood up on her tiptoes and kissed him ull on the lips# /I was so araid that 'ouweren+t going to sa,e me#/

/I almost didn+t"/ T'ler said" thankul she was oka'#

/Your mom went ucking C$Y;/ T'ler looked stunned at the language" butknew it had the ring o truth to it#

/:here is m' mom7/ T'ler asked" looking around the room# :hen he saw a bit o motion behind the bioelectric generator" he walked slowl' to look at what it was#

It was his mom" shrunken to the si3e o a small to'" and thrown against the wall#!lowl' she regained consciousness and saw T'ler standing in ront o her like ali,ing sk'scraper#

/0h uck"/ she muttered#

T'ler took out a ruler and measured his mom and Carrie tr'ing to see how talleach were# Carrie stood at a relati,el' statues.ue 1( inches tall" while his momstood at % inches tall# *e then turned his attention to his mom" tr'ing to get agrasp on what happened#

/0ka'" wh' did the bioelectric generator e5plode7/

/:ell" I was going to use it to shrink Barbie####/

/*er name isn+t Barbie" Mom;/ T'ler said with an edge to his ,oice# /*er name isCarrie#/

/!orr'"/ Terri said" looking down at the top o the desk in shame beorecontinuing# /$n'wa'" I was going to shrink Carrie more and wanted to usesomething with more power" so I hooked up a lantern batter' rom the lashlight'our dad and 'ou take camping#/

/0h m'###no wonder the bioelectric generator e5ploded; You blew up the circuitr'b' orcing too much electricit' through it at one time;/

/!o what7/ Terri said# /You can i5 it" right7/

/I can i5 the generator" but I+m not sure I can return either o 'ou to normal#/

/:hat7/ Terri said with wide e'es#

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/That+s what he was working on beore 'ou sent him out to mow the lawn"/ Carriesaid# /$nd now all we ha,e let is whate,er notes T'ler made#/

/$nd e,en those ha,en+t been tested 'et"/ T'ler said# /It could take months"'ears" to igure out how to get 'ou back to normal#/

/!o" does that mean we+ll get smaller7/ Carrie asked#

/$ctuall'" I think Mom did us all a a,or# It seems her re,enge attempt backiringhas gi,en me more o an insight on 'ou shrinkage# Because she used morepower than she should ha,e" it accelerated the shrinking" but it also shortenedthe time it took or the eects to wear o#/

/:hich means7/

/:hich means" Mom" that the shrinking does e,entuall' stop#/

/That means I+ll stop shrinking e,entuall';/ Carrie said e5citedl'#

/I 'ou ha,en+t alread'"/ T'ler added# /I+ll keep an e'e on 'ou two or the ne5tcouple o hours to be on the sae side#/

/In the meantime" we+ll ha,e to igure out what to tell m' husband when he getshome and inds his wie and neighbor woman shrunk to the si3e o to's#/

 $ slamming car door interrupted the scene# T'ler walked to the window in hisroom and saw the tall" dark2haired ,ision o Carrie+s husband unloading his bagsrom his black Le5us#

/:ell" it looks like 'ou+ll ha,e to igure it out on the l'# Your husband 4ust came


Carrie sighed and said" /Bring him up here# I+ll e5plain it to him#/

T'ler nodded and walked out o the room and down the stairs# *e ran out o thehouse and caught Mr# Dahl when he was 4ust starting up the dri,ewa' to his rontdoor#

/Mr# Dahl;/

/*e' T'ler"/ Mr# Dahl said# /I 4ust got home rom a conerence and want to spendsome time with m' wie#/

/That+s what I+m here to talk to 'ou about"/ T'ler said#

/:hat+s wrong7/

/ust ollow me" Mr# Dahl#/

Dropping his bags in the dri,ewa'" the older man ollowed T'ler back to hishouse and up the stairs to T'ler+s room#

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/:here is m' wie7/ Mr# Dahl said" looking around#

/Down here" ohn"/ came a amiliar ,oice# Mr# Dahl looked down to see his doll2si3ed wie looking up at him wearing nothing more than a hank'#

/Carrie7 :hat happened7/

/It+s a long stor'# You might want to sit down#/

Carrie spent the ne5t ew minutes recounting her e5perience shrinking down todoll si3e and how T'ler helped her cope# $nd true to her word" she didn+t mentionthe tr'st she had with T'ler# ohn stroked his chin at dierent times as thoughthinking about T'ler+s in,ention# :hen Carrie inished" ohn looked to T'ler#

/T'ler" what 'ou+,e in,ented is brilliant# $ wa' to ampli' electricit' deri,ed romorganic sources# :e+,e been tr'ing to crack that nut or 'ears with no success#/

/Thank 'ou" Mr# Dahl"/ T'ler smiled" blushing a bit at the praise#

/I 'ou+re not doing an'thing this summer" I+d like to ha,e 'ou come work or usas an intern# Then" in the all" we+ll pa' or 'our schooling# You+re going to make alot o scientists mad" 'oung man" and we couldn+t be happier about it#/ T'lerchuckled along with ohn#

/:hat about Mrs# Dahl and m' mom7/

/:e+ll ha,e our researchers get to work on them as soon as we get them to thelab#/

/I ha,e m' notes rom when I de,eloped the bioelectric generator" but I don+tha,e a working ,ersion#/

/Don+t worr'"/ ohn said# /:e can work o 'our notes# ust go ahead and throwawa' what remains o 'our original protot'pe#/

/Yes" sir"/ T'ler said" carr'ing the burnt" twisted husk o his in,ention to thegarbage can# /:ell" looks like some good came o this thing ater all"/ he said ashe put the lid back on the can beore walking back into the house#

:ithin two weeks" the our people read4usted to their new li,es# T'ler took tobeing an intern where ohn worked ,er' .uickl' and soon earned the respect othe other researchers# The' were ascinated b' the bioelectric generator and howit could be used to shrink li,ing matter" but the' didn+t ocus too much on thelatter part" which suited T'ler 4ust ine#

Terri was put in the care o the research team that dealt with eects o radiationon the human bod'# *ow the bioelectric generator shrank her and Carrie was the

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sub4ect o much debate# The' didn+t know i it was dumb luck" di,ine ate" or anaccidental disco,er' that caused the shrinkage# The' did know it would take timeto igure out the wh's and how to re,erse the eects#

 $t irst" Terri was not happ' about the conditions" which re.uired her to li,e in aminiature doll house# *owe,er" she e,entuall' sotened up and came to en4o' theresearchers+ compan'# $nd the' made sure she didn+t eel like a specimen" butmore like a uni.ue human being# -,er'thing she could ha,e dreamed o needingwas pro,ided# $ll she had to do was ask#

ohn and Carrie ad4usted to her reduced si3e airl' .uickl'# 0ne o the irst thingsthe' did was to reairm their wedding ,ows# In a beautiul ceremon' at theirhouse" Carrie wore a Barbie doll wedding dress and ohn wore a tu5edo as apriest perormed a second wedding ceremon'# In lieu o another wedding ring"ohn opted or a normal si3ed diamond ring on a chain and placed it aroundCarrie+s neck#

/This is or when we get 'ou back to normal"/ he smiled at his beautiul" doll2si3ed bride#

/I can hardl' wait"/ Carrie smiled back# /But I+m looking orward to putting thatmind o 'ours to work to igure out wa's we can###'ou know#/ :ith that" shewinked seducti,el'#

/I+m sure I can igure something out"/ he smiled back#

 $ man rummaged through the latest pile o 4unk at his 4unk'ard when he came

across a strange burnt piece o electrical e.uipment# Digging a bit deeper" heound two metal bars about an inch apart sticking out# $ter a bit o eort" hepulled out the burnt out hulk and carried it back to his house on the propert'#

/*mmm###must be some sort o radio"/ the man said# /But I think I can i5 it#/

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