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TMEORE~ICAL Pl\Mi!i!(RK . 4 - - • . ..



sanford (1962) describes a coll$ge or.- un1wrsitr

as a "·c:otnplex orgenlsatlon of social structures ana procest:Has,~ in· varylnq d.eg1:'aes separate from ".the lerqer

soelety wltft which .tt inte~aQt.s• 1nto -w.hieb students of

tft'S&t di vetsi ty ·and inte~at· cornplexi ty enter. tO be

developed in such a way that they possess quali tles

that e.r:e desired by those who support and. operate the

o.tge.nisatlon. ••

'tl'lue. the COllege or university is e special

plaoe whera st.udent.s master a bod.y of knowledge.»

prepare for n career and expand thef.J:" pe"pectivee on

all walks ·Of 11£e. A uniW!rsity ls a.ompo.sed of.~

proqrafit!nes• polteie$; personnel and procedures, within

whleh lt. attempts to tnfluance the kinds of ·tf)aehlng

and 1eatn1ng that oc!curs wJ.thJ.n .tt.s context.. The

·tote.1.lty of these en"i'1romnents, aecordlng to Gaff

et.al. (10?3) • ctonstitttte t.ha envtromnent. of e. college.

Any enVirol'Jlllent, whether it le a college,, o~ work, O%'

home, affords opportunities end set$ lJ.Itd.t.aUons for

individual development~ In or4er to learn how univer~

sitJ.es function as environments for learning# it 1s

necessary to see how they influence end interact with

individual students.


Oet=el•s (1.969) model of 1nteraott.on among th.e

elements of 'Envlromnent.' uti •xna.ivit!ual' deals wt. th

behavtou 1n an eduoat:J.ona1 s•~u.ng lfh!Qb is conceJ.w4

as ~ spc1a1 system(!' This soc:lal.psyehologJ.cal approach

of a:tuctyinq this tnteraetlon ls being used as the base

in this study• to in<J'l,ll.re into the natur-e, of factors

influencing 9$1'ftu:manee •

Ge~ls (1969) point$ out that. M7 eduoat£ona1

LnstituttoA involves two olasses, of phenomenoa, whleh

an at OMe co:ttceptually ln4epende-'~ and phenomenally

lnternc:ttve. 'lherf! ue• on tb& one htmd, 1nstltut1one

wltb creJ."utn cotes ana. e~tior.l& that. wU1 fu1f'l1

tho ·goals of the s:ys"tem, ·ancl on ·t:Jw othe•• there ar:~

4;nd.tv1dua1s with ·CGJ:t&An pe~:sone11Ue·s and dlsposit1ons

lnhablt>1nc;; t:be system• lnterac~lon between these t.wo

comp~ise Vle resulting pe.r:fo~ of thflt 1n41v1dual.

, At. a JDO~ ~ne.-a! 1o•el, 'both these elemenu

ere· •en as be1nt ernbe4Cle4 witbln a c:ult.ure. wtt.h •

certatn etbos &iafined 'by a coru:tt:ituent pattem. of

values~, .. 'lhe speclfi·c J!'Oltt exp•otatJ.ona of tbe ins.u. <!!'

tut!.on, that ie1. ·the goals ee aet Up by tQ\e J.nstltuUon.

ere der1 ved• at 1e.ast in Pa:'t.. from the 'Valo•s of t:he

cultu~:e l.n which the !r1st.!:tuUon Ss sit.ue.te4J end •

tM UspoeJ.tlon& of the !ndlvtctuel ue also" at least

1n part. 1nt.ettaa11satJ.ona of the values (ol:' aubvalues)

of the Cultture (or sQbcultute) in wh.ich. m is ~:eared.

Tha el.C;mtewte of ~e system, that I.e, both

Jativ!dual and Envirol'm\ent, as:e :DOt only reletea to

each other sq:uctur'ally, they an also t'$latea 4ynanli•

~ly to the quaUey ·Of perfo-=ance of the 1n41ri.dulll.,

wbtch ts the basic: concern of all. edueat.i.Oftal institu­

tions. 4J.'hree basic cr•esr$.oa cc,nc:epts cf perfo~ce

were suggested 'here by aamutt (1938) ~White (1959)~

'fhGse were .. (1) B.!l;ectLV~I'lt}$& (2) Efficiency# enci

(3) Sffe.ct.2ltlce•

(1) L)ffet:ti!.@R~f& Thl$ Is a concep-t. denoting.

behaviour in keepln<r with an4 :r:eflectitlg the values,

e~ctat.tons ~ .e.splre:tlons of the crulture/&nst.1tution.

(2) !ffjistencz: ~~e le a .eotJQept denoting behaviour

that:. As congruent or in keeptag wlth the indtvi~l.s > • • ~· • •

.. I and dfeotJ.ve needs •.

" " ~

•.' .

w.Mn behavl.ou.- conforms to thE! e)Cpe~tl.ons of

the . .ln$t.ltuUon,. .it. .!a eflecttve, but not ef£1e.tent~ ·

att :1. 't. is not 1n keeping wi tb lnd&Y1dua1 or pertJOl'lallty

·aJ.spOsl.tJ.ons r al\4 when behaviour confocms. to the

41sposttloJ'ls of ·the individual.;, it: is $&1CI t:.o be effloient,

but not etfeotlve, &e· it does, not contribute to the

goals set forth by the lnt~Utu.t.ion/eystem •.

Ja explaining factors mald.ng for both effecUveness

and ef!ie1ency, at1<l to expltd.n t:h~ relation between these

two concepts,. Wh1te (1959) ;t-eferred to a tbJ.t'4 concept.,

that of 1Effeetan:ce* •

('). !f€eetama th#.s nfere to a general 14 '

1'$lat1onship between eff.t.ciency ($4. effectiveness.,

Bebav:4wr: ts saitl to be effeetant when 'it ts eJ.mul•

taneous1y efficient an<! eff$~Uver whetl$\t'eJ:' tbea;-e is

a <lte"-'tepency betveet'l e£f1C1ency ar&d effecti'W!M8St

· behav.!ou.t $.& sd.d to be 4y.efunotiona1 •.

'the ~of any e4ucattona1 :lnet!t.uUon shcru.ld

be to ~ae bel\:a11lour that is e4ucat1onelly

ef'fectantr~. the;it 1a1 s.tttaent. perforrtt'tance in en, tnsd.•

t.utJ.on sb;cu14 'be batMid ota bOth indl'Vidu~llY •ff.S.elent .·

Wbe.n one foQUses on the formal st~~te of any

e<J.ucat1oru.t1. instibl:tlon, the basic •declogy behind such

lnsUtu:tlotl$ ~ those o! .:tmpanJ.ng knowled9G within

Lts.st.ructUR of J>toqraintnee• polieies, t;>ersonnel and

ps-oce4UEUtf Therefo:r:e~: the tnajor actJ.v&Ues of a ·

C'JOllege/!b.ettltutJ.on are c~urried fo$Ward in accordance

w1t.il S01't&e EJducat.S.Ona1 toals or philosophy as to how

at.udent$ ere· to be ebe.nge<t'* The goals of college era \- '-.:~ -

tvanslatea, accor~lng to Hoehbaum (1968) tnto ~ set

of role e"PeCtatiOD$ fot students_,, end apeolfy the

type .and dtrc!)c::t:.ton of the desuecS ehange,i. and t,n. t:b1e . ·~ .

nmnnGJ".i· control and A.nfluenoe the outcome of ~e ~ . . .

- . . a . ·• .a.. 15 01\ tbe otlteJ" hand e.wtr lnd-.v!.dueJ. stl;l•n't. WhO

entets the aeahle :lnsUhtlon eomes -to it wltb a

c:ert.as.n ehataotetist1c- s&t of .cognJ.tlw an4 Gffeoti~

dt.spositto~a. these ~tt11l., in turn, de~erJD.tt:lG hta

reaet.tone to the. role. of the. le:amer • el'ld. 'the eJe,Pec:­

tet.ions .at.ted\ed,.to t11e t:Ole~

.. :~

-eput. from:: the cont.ertt of tl\e lor.iaUtu:tional ooal,. with ~~

its corret:sPon41nt set o£ ttole e~ElO~f:l't1ons • nl.so 4epen4$

upon 'the f;ndlridual lea.-ner: .e;nd ht.G cn:Jn~~ion of the . . .

.-o1o4 as W$11 u the t:onseneu.s · ~· goal. eltel·t• ernong

the etu.dents~· OispaX"&t;iee between tbe O#geniset1ona1 '·

f!'QJ.e d.eman4.e (e¥Cte.UonsJ end the· role or.t.entaUOft

ana perfoman• of both tea~ra and students miftimlrtes

the inflU$~ee .-of ttte &p$Of..al CJOaifJ of college.

A» 1J;t.d;j.vid.ual lias var~ouEI 1:dllfl set forth by the

.instlt.ut4<.m• .ln o~4e:t th.at he may carry out ·tbe e.fJns·

of the fot:mal $4ucatio~td prop"~·~· !'be$& are tht!t

tole 4emantte or exPectations., (Levinson; l959) aut:

·What tfie· .lndtv.tdua1 .ect\1&l1Y does,: tht'l~ 1•• his role . . . , .· I

. -pet:fo,nnanae, may .no~ ·be in a<:cordance wt.tb role

expecta.tlona., The 4iserep4ftay betveel'l tbe 'tWO may be.

quite luge., Despite any consensus tbat may be aobieve4

·through 1lnterpersona.1 anti work soo1a1tsat1o~,; and the·

16 eRpllctt an4 autmori tettw .goal at.r\tQt.t.tce. ictervenino


between attuctul:'l\lly gt.ven ~ole 4Gman&t4 and. tole pe..,

£os:tntmcew will be t.wo ·main fact.o~s. ~t• are ,....

(1) iol~ SS!!Nl!OD ~ role pet'fottllance o£ en

intti\fldual .ls affe.eted ·by bl.s conoept.ion. of the detnan«a

OJ' expeet.ataons o£ tbe 1nat.Ltut1on., Each lna&vl.dual

4iff.,;-s .tn hits perceptt,ons and ar-~actlons to tbe u.pec:ta•·

tJ.ono end :he can onlY ctt;.rr:y out hls task as be .sees .t.t.

(I) 821! · 0£1entpttolc!Dlsm!itt.&~D file other

4etemft4nant of t'Ole per!omnence _is t.bf) unique .tev the

ind_:t. vldttal bc;ld$ towa#de hS.s tole in ia\e eyst.em. this

.I.$ c!et.$mf.ned t.o. a g~at extent by the abilJ.Ues, per"""

sonaltty taraitl• pbysloai anct·soetl\1 Cherac~ratice he

brings to hie taak ~· •u.tt. £$., his dlspos1t1on. l'heee

JRElY ulso, in var:.ious cletJMea!!,; be suite4 . to 'the ..-ole I

4~an.4s# atAd. In ·twm 1-o role eona.;.pt!on.

the e)ltent. of 4isCJ:eppcy bet1reen .ttole concept1ou

an4 role orientation ls what d•-urmlnea dte pel'fQtmenoe

of the tnctlvi4\\a1 .t.n the syste~·"


· Cul~ CUl·tUJ:al EtbOI!!i St:h()s ¢ · · . . 4> . · · ff'~ Role

.Jnet!t:ut.iol'l ·~ Ro1• Expe~ti('ijl$ :ttole Ccme'aptton·. :Per .. ~. . ~ /

1 i fo~ance %tld&Vi&lal--7Pereonali ty Dispo.s.f.Uon .. _. ,~ Role Or ten-

t . . t taU1 CU1tnt'e eu1t.uJ:"al Value• Values

!:1)! Ro.le Or1~n~~2P Perepectiva

-.n one ·OOns14erG st.udents responaea to the:

«allege env1ro11n\e:nt.,. a <l1$t!.net10D 18 maae between


bt:abarior (periOEiliatlt:e) 81'ld pe!:'eOmdity. Perio~e (l.ft thJ.s ust.anee f Aeai!emte Acht.ewtnent) consists of

o'bsturvable a•ts.t · While »ersone.li t.y la an. inf&l".te4

otgalseU®. of processes w1thl.n the 1nd.ivJ.dua1.­

~er:fo$ai'lce •lao ·dep$ni.1a bot~\ uport 1ncU. vidual personeli t:.y

ant ~e euvucnmentl ·e>f tbe ~nt.. In any study of i:be

lmpa.c;et of college env1=nment1 tbitl'efo.e. both tbes$

ttlertliUltG of the SJ'Stelrl ·ate ·to be cons!&u:ea..

I .

positions :(exp~:&eeed in the aaedemic setting in t.emns

of e4uc~tlona~ or~entation) ·ab4 the role expeCt$t!one

of the ,....stlltution ,(as is pot:ee.lved by the .student), .

it. Ms teen emphe.$1-.ed. by th;f..Cker1nq (1969),Hoohballm

(t96Bl end otlie~s tbat. the roles stu<ient.s play in t:hek

own. e4'Qcetlen is a .majo.- factot to the developmental

p~se 4ur1ng. ooil(;OO• White (1952} }las explained the

ee.me aspect. ln bls oon4eption: of a • sense of compei:Gnc.e'* !!!

~ ·•~nee of competenoe• •· . he eaya. should be v!Gwetl

as a :Q0$1 of •dueat.lon Iii¥· tibat. is, helping a etu4en:t

htw,e ·the feeltno that he have some eay as to the nature

of W• academic elCperlenoe. by tatctco an active role

tn his own ea.ueatlcm!:

Gblekeclng (t.969) •p~tasizea a;at. the fosteri~g

qf chuactemUcs suob u in<tepen4once and ln1tlattve

ttt:e ·lne)ttr1cab1Y 11nke4 to a eolle~ or unil:versltles

e4ucat1onal practice:; so also. .according to McrstQJ.n

(1973),. if ond .is to accept the pre:ruj,oe the't: cne·•s

18 ~4~t1cn J.a ,,Jlbean<tly a peteonal and.wd.C'lll$ pbanornancn#

• col.leoe ot u.utwralty sho~14 asstst et.udents in estiNJil­

s.ng taore J:6S:P®tdl>l.1ity f~r developing the k1nc1s of edu .-.

cat1ol\al eJq>$d.ence$ whleh are most. appropr:late· to theit:

put.l.eulllt goal•• u.eas, interests end ~raorJalttles,

fald.ng iftt.<) .ac<ZOtU'lt Cb!ckerlrlg (1969) and. WbJ.te• s

(ltl52) proJ>Oael$ for 4~wloping 'J.t~t.ellet:t.1,1al COII\P1!tenoe•,

wbtch ill linked to a geMral •sense of compe.t.eru::e• CWh1t.e.,

'10!2)• &t tie~s neeessary· to cortside.- the .tn:teract.!on

~~ll ~· edu~.Uol\41 or1ettea:tl.ons as expresse.d by tb.G

et:w!entct (.and a& it. 4s 1af1ueneed by hi.s pet:sonelf.ty

dteposltlon#) $114 bb concepU<ms of the :olE! demands•

(that le,·,; blo ~rcept.tort of the erwir~nt of the lllOiDerit) ·•

vulat:i.Ol'l$ ·~ these twO ·will not only affect per-formance~ -

£t w$11 also .).eese~ ·tb~ impect of inatJ.t.utiona1 goals• A

nle . orierttaUon PGrtei;ecdw bere w1l1 thus not only

b!Qhltghtt the differ::en•s betveen ::ole <:oneeptlontt and:

or.ientat.On$,: 1\ •Lll· t\lso help the :student Clevelop a

aenee of pattlelpaUt.l\1 ln. the Ot9m'llsat1on of hls aea4eJnlc

expel'l~nce.~ .•·

lai'O,aeh~! .wa ~rae~ • .. In!~~~!: Irtkfrpdtion

Bffo.rts to 4evelap objectl*(te me'thods ot underetancllng

t:he "latJ.onshl.p bet.ween the person and. h.ta environment

ln an ~ducat1ona1 .perspeoUve has led to a ftumbor o•


b plonee:cing work wa$ begun by Pece u4 s~m

(1059),,, by' usinq a percept.uel stratev. ~bey baaed ·their

. 19 wot'lt on Mur~ay's Nee« ""' Press Model ·(1938), vb1Cb

s~•se4 ·the need to view beba~or: .as the outcome

of the reletlonsblp between parson· .and .enV'JJ:onn'lent.

Needs were referred u· bere as ot>gatd.satt.onal tendenoies (

'Which appe:ae ~ wive ·v.ai.t:y an4 4lrocuc:m to a persop• s

behavtor.~ and ebVii'Onmentd pres$ was &"Ofer.r:e4 to es

au at.emal attu~Uonal eounte~ to the lntemalieed

pet"sona1i1:7 Deeas,~ l:n eqlalnhtg the 11\terectiol'l between

n~s end pres~i. stem (1"958.,. 1910) el•o refe:r.re4 to

u oongru.en~~.ssononee Mmne.ton. based on a bypot:hetical

paytltiologlcal. a]'ltf:uJt:q" between • pe .. son end 'the

·ei'lV.I.~ntn~n~. A cont~ruent. :rol$t10neb1p for an 1ndiv1dtta1 .... ,....

w~ de$CJ:";l'bed u ont'!J pJ.ti04ucing a tJf!nse of sat1sfa<::tlon

·or :f\Jlfil•nt for tke.· pa#ti.c1pant.~. .OJ.scomfort. abd

ave1s ve~a «&~~ ·~ being the concom:l:tants of

d.tesonance: •. ~·"f

' work on p&t:sosuilii:Y t.ypea aftti• model envtrOt'lmSntc ·

also str:easea that 't>eluavlout" is a function of tho

..,_..aoftal·it.y ard envJ.rOl'Unent.. -~ indlcate« t.bat theA

·were oew.J:al tli.stiftct. "rs<m$llt.y types., end parallel

moclel environmeat#, and suggested 'that the typJ.csl

·Chuecterisuea of tab·' envlto~.n:t ves depende~ upon

the typical <9\aPtaclsti<:u-, of iits ~re. He also

stceaf!lt!Ui a (!OftqrU.en~t. pe"on • envA.r:onmen~ ,.,1at1onship

$n4. saU tbat. lneongruence would tesult. ln ma.ladjuetment.;

4tssatlafactf.on and poor achievement..

·Othersi au~ sa JiJo Con~1 and llett=~t (1 9&2) ,, .

20 elepl~ perfoz:tMmee ln tetm\$ of E!Jt\Pba&l$ · of pe.:so1'Ua1

a~~s of stttdtm.U aa they influence 'the env.ltoa•

•n-t.. atu 1n t.urn ~a4s to the eJd.atenoe of c::onoruent

lettimlng ·envlrotll'(leflts.~ Aetln (1068) crti:!OlZGs the

~e $f>proaeh tUlti. ~asiees, not the pe~rsonal att.rl~ ' -

bu:t:~·s bUt tlle cgener&l beba~our Gi!· act.ton of the

a:tutatU.tt bOdy t\lS. J.nfl~nt:ln9 tbe 1:eaming environment.

Pei"'rin (.1H?.) matntatns ~a~ fat each i!ldlv!dua·t

there, .u:e envttonmenu tbt\t tll)nd ~ tttat.cb the· 1nd!v1&lala

pqeeptloa Of b:~•l£.., He ltt\p1he tba.t:. a pereepd.on

·Of seJ.e~nvlromnent. slidlettlty, tends u et.tmulate b1gher

perfo~ce $14 v.reater aatlafact.t.on•

All ~ str-ategles ~lain petfo.anance .tJ:\ ter:m.s

of p$1!'St:ln-envt.rcnmen~ 1a<t.e:t>.act1on. Some empbasiSI;t! the

4nv.t~ftt.al $$Pf)C't a:s lnf1\$tle&M the inCU.vid.uel

~P· ·~· P~.f \t63J ·pace., 19f!t Mo Ccnnel eD4

He1$t:r 10fit)· ~ ~~e :foewr on the ia41vt~.lel persone1lty

dtm.au!on ~e l~£1~e&ng: i!he· envU'O~nt. en4 tl'lsk

perfoJ."IIlartce Oto11und, lOG'2.f 19591 Astin, 1969). ae u-.raot.ion Mate~n petstm 04 •nvironment ie etnphntd.~e4

~by .StetQ (19G2:t 1910) ln e~laJ.D£na petfoz:monce.

stem (1962) .i!~«r4 1:he nlettve con.g.tUenee o~

<U.ost.?ueoe o1! st~tm; met\# (o~ dt.epcuJttlons) u4

env$t"Onme»t~ Pl'GSS (ot expeot6:tlon) • He streseetl

tna1: petOeptions of 'the preas w~ no'f:. aeoessar·tly

pr:qjectt!ol\f!. of ~Bt.: tbet e~nt.e In the same l.nau ...

tulon may lm'Ve e.lmi.1U needs. .&Qd 41ff~ltet\f! t.YPGS. Of

$P$"ttlt!On.9 va~lo4 in U\0 wtqueaass of · student: needs

21 aft4 ·eftv.t.rooment~ press. s~m (1910) an« webb en4

~r· (2. 965) -.lao s·tc·t<ussed the imPortance of e,q>lor­

lng tbe dit"eot&on of· ineo.ng.-uer~cy as w~ll u <legree of

indt.S.dual·~nvt.ronment Ct>n~ncy J.:n explai.U.ng


AU ~se et.udie& used a pereapt.ual stratew

ln maeurtng person-envlro~nt. intetaetions, ·tl\et

.is• t.bei' exp1a.Jlled the ,ps~J.og1ca1. s1qn1fteance of

both pet&On enU · eDV1:t'ONtlellt in tems Of th., extent of

1\.Qe4 cu; e)Cp:re$Sfl4 aDd enviromnent.al pJ:es-s as perceived

by the. pcu:t1cipat1ng titudent•

A ~eriew r<>f ;tie Vt\1'10\is person•enV'it'Ontnent '

btera-=tlon ·stuftie, based on tbe a'bOve theoc-tet!J

rewa1e4 that altboufh ways of ,fllttaswrtng ·the general

cmuaetet;lstlce E!bd at:U tu4es of ow4enu (Petereon.

l96Sl., students• pe~Uons of the college envJ.;ton•

iftent (Pac::e. 19G3t stern., 19611 Holland, 1962)

~rsona·lt~y ct\eact.e~rlat.ic st.u4&$e (Heist end Yonoe.

&·969) and etu4el\t. enriromnr.tnt. congruEutey studies

(Petvinif' 1061) ere all av,a11.le1 none of the

lnven~ries employed above ded &:r:ect.ly wtt.h the

4t.ud~nta at.U tudes cegar:dlng e4ucet1onal pr:eeesses

eil4 polte.tes* or lfitb tbfb corre~Spol'lding aeaetemte

environment, tbat .I.Gt the ClJ.fttens1ons related

stude:nt pel'fomance w!tbin en edueauoael


AS mentioaecl ear1le .. , generally. a untvezoslty

l$ eontposed. of pt:Og#etm\es, policies,, persormel ant1


22 procedures. ·w1i:b1n wblcb At. attempts to influence

tbe ldnda of teedbing and 1eamtng wittttrl 1ts

.Q(lntext, ft\e.reby, a fomnaJ. Anveetiqatlcm tnto

~lstJ;"aUve proeese~•· o~gard.ze:tJ.oa$1. etr:uctue,.,

lQetneda of e'fl'll~aUon ana oti'ler suQh e$PQct.s of the

l.nst1t11tlonal environment. a~ importa:nt in exmn.ln1nq "

Rorste!n an« GJre'f (19?3), u their st.udy on

student or-.ent.a.tion; baJ.ea.te4 eeveral dimensions

wltbln .p educaUotml btJU~t.lon in which et.u4ents

ml.gbt, lle· OJtPf!Ctecl tc»· 4Ufe• itt atelr · 'Vl~s en4

attitu4~s tow~; .~41jc$UOh. 9hese 4tmenaions ere

aleo ~1lceble 1:0 tl:le manner- tn which tbe studnnt:

peP&lws bA,s -~tlnf en\tlrOntnel'lt• J'ive major

d:fd:Qenstona wet-e 'OUt1i~4 by Rotsta&n au4 Grey (1973) •

ftese -w-ere .as £ol1ows& , I

~.) ~e ,,., ng~g tile. 1)111"pOse 02: purposes

of a collete or unlw~sity e4t.toat.l.on.

2) Proce~aa .,. regadta.g 'the 4iffe.rent. t:ee.chin9/

1eal'tl1ng mo4es wi.i!bln the lnsUtutton.

3) Power'""' regarding de(tlsicm lftald,ng end .student/

:faeultoy nles within ~e instltut&.on

-4) l'eer reltlttors$ • · te(latdlng dif:fenn.t. modea

of .associations w.ltb pGeJ:S within t.be

instJ.t.uUon.-. ···\

S} Public- position • regarciLng th&'commun1ty/

soetety~~ and student roles within 1 t.s conuxt.. '.

i 93 AnY eiluc:att.oa.S iasU:tuUon w111 have en ....

onvtrom'ft.fltit made· Up Of a\ le4et. these general

4$..tttene1oft~_, st.ctten:ts will 4lftes: ·not. only i.n the

way tb~y ,pe"etw' ttnes~ •nvil!'ontttenta, but also !.n

~tt· .P~f$Jt'eAO$ fort p~ftla~ ~cu wl'thln each


t.¥he fol.lowlQg- ae~ton pt'e8$nte a Msc:ussi.on of

tJtudent. ~tat,tcu ·&n l!du(!atJ.onal <nient.ai:ions and

pe~t«;eptlonfJ &! Ae~ ·Env11:or.tnent. wi. thin these


1.) ~- • ••cy ~at. •ntstte the eo11ege

o.- Ull1Wi!'$ltr with ~~ <roal. ·o~ objeet:.tw J.n mind..

and ~WQ 4J<tllete/\lal•wurelt!y ~ta ·fol'tb some Qapeclf1o

Qbjc;~tt•ea · tbr•\lb ~Cb $tu4ettb an expecu:e4 • . -~:t . . .. " .

Oh•tf$• , the' ltJOst. t•t.eaa£ve1Y endo~sea voa:ls ate ''·

(e) 4eftc1opt,.t E.~k111a $114 t.t!!Chniques

~1JA•1o 'to ·one·'e f~ ~el'.

((fc>ldsen ·•"•at• 1·J$0r Qo:lctsen 19511

eaff~:lf64.) ..

(b.) J?Mvi<l!.r.g .a b~slo pneral educa~ion

an4 appJt"eOitt'tlon.of .i<!ess (Rose 19641

Di Aeneo 19651 Gaff# 1965t -t.r:en't"1964t

McCOnnel e,t.;aJ.., I9Gll etc .. )

ln all 'the 1ongi<tu4tnal. stuC11ea t:'l'!po:rrt.ed r ~., . .l

(Ooldtmn" 19601 aos(u'.lberg,:l9S1l" the general ~.!ldi

o~ stu4e~tt Cb$nge was seen • M tower« those of

*911ntu:~l ed.ueetton an.d appt:e~t-tion of &4~ea• •.

. .

abS.llttes-. in the area .of s•t.J.efylag CUG&.fr ~U:e·

meut$ is also ·cons!o<!eret\ ifnpoftant* tbe respotuJe 0£

s~llts W&$ seen to vary ln tbe etr~Phuis 9ivea to

. tbese t.tto at~peots._ sonte st\tdefltts eau>haslee4 the

«<:quf.aition of st:lll:t while otm!l·ts emphaelaecl opportu~ ·

1litlee for se1f~~ess!on•

·~e• wou14 pe,r'haps varrt -•pen4lftg on tbe.

baekg~d and pereonaJ..4tJ' of 1:tae 1n4lv1duaJ.,.

I) .fr'!JiS!sH ftts dlmeneloll nfers to student

preferenc~$ Eoz: «l.ffetent tea~gjlearatng modes as:

well .as bls pe:~e.pUon of tbe exJ..st.ing modes in bie


AatiQ and .PallO$ (SH9J f <!htdle~lng (196.9) .I

Cltu$, ltelat., ~nnel, ~row and Ycnge, (1972) r 8lt4

»'e14man an« He~ (1969) ell ~epon or sUU~nal'i£8

4Jv14ence $UgqestJ.ng that studats ti!'t to pw:sue

lnt.ellect.ual a~tivl'des atad t.n~.tefltl! .tn college

wh10h 6ft eortsistent "Wlth their t.ni.'tial personality

or.ten.t.ati<ms .. .- ana ·tfla~ those .l.n:lta.al eberacter.t.stics

1;1~ Q~t.uate4 88 e Rsult of thai.- dLtferenUal

·expetrt~ncee. .ae w$11 as relnforcement of eav#.roi\t'l\ental

peRept.to.ns t!urlng college~ Wilson e~al. (1975)

rePOtt. that et'U«!ellt.s Who . eought a high level of informal

contact w.t.'th fe.oult.y Wht.le in college were e1gnif!e4nt.ly

<14ffe~ent f~cmi ~he!J:' peets on a variety of entering


. 95 'lhus., whllt. t".be s~uaent le~s .la college 18

4ependeat tmdr,n,ly on Wbatt and how·._ watJt;& t6 leun. aJ;thouc;h it ts teinfor<*l -to a cert.atn fi.atent by the

tD&nner in whtol\ h~ ls taught.. Bach stu<lel'it leams

the mated.al pteeentea to hlm in -vut.cu.s wars • for

inst..qce. st.udfJttts Who self se141lct thetns$l.ves .S.nto . expe~:i•ntal l4lUUmf.~9 p.togr~e haw been chown i:O

·haft ·a t!lstinct:1y4lf!a'tent;.ftriE~nttatione towarc!l

lea,mt•e ·.men ~•"4 ~ t;he_tr: peeta irl regu1•

fomal progr~s (Hstst. end Btlowtsltyf' (1$68)1

&11-Qk and Alf&Jrt.J Ctt7.f.l) )' • stu«~.es by Aecb U. 951) ._

Me aeael!hie ,(3;9SIO 'balle shown ·tbat. a•tttuaes end

pnf:curences ·of $tu4a~ fott v.-tous types of lGSJmtng#

baSI!4 ··on the l~c;t.t.t~:e verws dS.sw981on rmthO<l differs

sJ.gnlflcantly~, A stUdy by Weiss (1.964) showe4 t.hat

only 651i of atu<teuts frroa a particular ®1vet:si:ty

wante4 to heve ~· opponublUes to leam thrOugh

tnfot'l'mll disa.ttud.ons wta. tear:hers ae wei1 aa with

ot:ber s'tUdeau,.~ ~· ite$t llbewe4 a pre:fe.r:enc:e fot

t.ra41ttonal 'te$.0bbq methodst

S) iSM!! • ~ie dtmenslon tefe.~s to 4e~s!l.on

,mak!ng \Q.th r:ete:reru:.• ·to stuaent/fecult.y rol$e ·.anc.i

evatuauon tt!u:~b·ntque:s.: . ~"'·

l'awlt.y ana st.udent:" ro~s are .• ery"ll.mited in

a 41scuss1on of decleton m.aid.n9 wlthtn. the unt"tsLUes.

Xn developing the curr1<:ulutfl to JDat.cl\ the· ne~4s of

the s1:U.<Je~ti t!OIQe: es.sumpt.tons ·ere made concerning the , I . -

26 of the ·enter:J.nq st.u4ent. aeco.t4lt19 to l(ata and senfo~

(1960) J.s tbat ·the .stutiant ented.ng co11ege ls a

~e person vbosa value o~ie.ntnt.iont.J ~ already

.established~ Jt .4s $$$1.Utlad. that the stuaent 1$ already

tm· Sntlependen:t per:son. ot if he is not:,, tbat he wt11 . ·- \ .,

4e?Glop 'lndependen<:e more ra:p&clly 1£ be is allowed

Ol" ~ncout"acret to do ... Mepentleilt wodt• '1'ba opposite

eoncept&on ts that. th$ student. J,s br no mans naay

"to mak:t1 eu~ fun~ntal tJeQta!ona, .tlftd fer f.rmn

pel!'mltUng 1\tm to tQGke· Qhoteee J.n accord with th$

~ues be heo, tb~ c:ollefe should btl conc::emea with

'tt!ie. ... lng- him 1fba.t. en 1;:he .-alue:s 'tit;!. ought to contJ!der .•

NeA::tller Of ·the$ 'Vlew'$ can l;)e eatd to be ideal•

~ 4e'\Te,l.Optt'Jeat. of a. w".teul:um at pmsent

include& ne.ltl'Ku.· a r.;onal<.ter.at..lon ot t11e views of the

etuaent, nor of the teache.l',. It is too mueb allied

with th.e ~antos Of soQS.f4, authority. Ae t:he

Cttrrtculum c~ be & pftetlt int:Jtt:'Umeitt s.n the 4evelop. '

~t; of pe~sonai$~y,. £~ eboul~ ba qons~ci:ecl wi.tll

·the ,prefareneaa of. t'he·. st"Q4en1; bOdy itt mln4,, ~el tber­

$h0Uld e'he effect of pe~aonEl1ltY t.actot" be 1~4 . ~

bete. soma .1:1~aat mar went. a hGll4 .tn. the development

oR thell' <mn.tCUle;; ·anti· others may not.• A. curriCUlum.

~f'oref shouJ;a be based on. eccordlng to .Kata and

SanfoJ"4 (1960) ~· diff&ltlng Ctlf:r.teular modes Of p:cesen•

tat!on and cont:snt,, eontd.md.ng exp$rimentatton, and

noognlt.lon of differing impact& ot the. cur:c1cul.urn on

difEe•.tn; stu4en~i~·

27 tt1 e$peo:t .oct evalue.Uon •Cht\lques, Hunt (1971).­

.nportea tl'lat .$tt14tlnta w11;h a lower:- level of cognj.tive

eomp1ex1ty pe~:formea bette#' _Q<l pe.tQeive4 the env!ron•

JMnt ~ more satla£actQsy wea ~Y ·wen olven ·eonetent

feeeaok of theil' werk. wttkfJJ: et.al. (196~) in tbe11'

wo~k em caqnl~t.• t1t11lee aat4 tbn •t.uc:t.•te Wli!Y• base4

oa tlte&r style:•· to tbe ~em: Of l'equir:tng extf.urnall.y

&f!.lned toals an4 J:einfoJZCemen~'S-• ~us,. .it. web $ean

that Go.nte pe<Aple pnfe.H'04 ~CUlat' QVa1u•t.ton. tfjdhntque&

wl'tb !u CO!l<'Onli~ta., uueh as graaino and eJt$1'01natf.ons.

WhUe otiher~: ,I!QEefted wo~g at. tbatar 0t11n pece w1 th

an oecas·t0fta1 :'6·ee(ll)~ by the teeobeJrS•

4) £e~r ,.rtela;t&?!!! '~his aimeflslon ~"efe·u· t.o

Pr&fer:enees ~ot: 4tffen.n• modes of aesoolat.lon with

JM!•rs and t:be extent to- whldh the tttu«eat .P$~1ves

the p~settOa of sucb interaction.

Oe11$ral observauont3 ba:ve au~~et..ed a nwribeJ."

of f'Wt.(lUona t,hat pee#f 91''0U.PEJ se._- fot ln4iv14uaJ.


(aJ Peer 9t'OUPth ttJtdet' certain cond.1t.tozu;.

suppon ud. fac~ltta~ '\the aaademlc

.J.u:tel.l-~1 qo-els Of college (HewcO!Db,.l. 962) •

·(b) Pe&c- orou.Pa offeJ" general emotional

support to the stu.4ente • tt ful.f11t~ nettu1s

not re-t. by tile cw:rlct.~l:um. t:be classroom

or the fawlty (»wshne1l~1962, P~,


28 (c) 'Jthr:oufb val\!$ te1nforceme~t., pae: groups

prov!d$ suppo.J;."t, :1nteJ..1ect.ua1 et..t.nmlatlon,

e.Jld eet e4!J a. $08rldlftg bOard eor new points

of 'View, pns~nt. nt!nf . .tnfornte.tion and. new

·•xt>a~!ences :for the st~ent.s, h.elp to el&r'l.fy

new self ilefln1tion R9geet new caJ"eet

poBs_lb1lit.les end provides emotional auppOJ:'t'c.

(Sabford• t9S6t .1963ti COe.lboj. Hambul'g 8M . . ~by t·tG3t ad Pemn. 19")•

(4) Pt!er ga:"OuPlJ. offet elt.et:ll&tiw souce of

fl'e.tiflcaUon · ~ post~• self ittla9Q, along

w1th ~1.~ e variety. of ilon-.aca<iefdc . .

tllt.$J"eete Ct:oelho et:; al~ J. 961 t Mt;Jer $14

ewers 1~64). Friends Ml<l soclal Ue$ may

also .EJer.'W 'to &.mxm~:a_, vol,ua\:s!fy withdrawal

ftoltl d0l.l$p foit other 'tban aaa&mttc :reasone

(Pf!Jl"Vll\; 1966) • - . ' "' . - '

(el <=o11ege peer ·1~\#P te1at:loue me.~ be sL~­

f1omJ:t to G~ts &n their pcst.cclleoe

·C&!l'-eers • ·ao~ only becaus• they ptwiae.

·~Mral tJoct.at trat.ntng but alr.;o hecauee

· Of ~~l~nt of personal i:les that. may

nppeer later is\ t:1'le caft$r of the former

student Cttl.mbal:t~, 1~2-6S) "'.

Studentc may Va.ty in the ~w.tent and &notion

Of contact with tl'lelt' peer g.roups~ ~ough peer

gro..aps have been found to haw s1qnif1cmt iftfluenee

OD·<:'b~e 1ft. ••U~\ltea, ~-• f~ace Itt•)• U.4 ln ,...._ ... .,,.. •. tt-.,..oilliWllo (ilL••••""-'""-- ,..,_,a ftiloV'ftA. 1l•r#Wtft.). -·-~ .. ~ ..... '¥""'~~~ ~J!I'~lii' ,...,.~ -1\'l fl"'g.;J.,.....,..,, .• ;lf-I!JA ., \f;IJ'YWii'~<• ·~·

with ftl•n48b'P ~· a~. oo11eoe ten4 to 1:fl ~

"'* _._.. • '¥ad.-otltl «tWUMlte$ • ·~nllr ftluea • . e.t.d~a .a fat*n•-· (FJOf~•. Ot.t.o, i036t 80DDey,

I'M; R~ •t.:IAtt .19$''1 Sl\Qho• 1.0,13) • Slml:latlt:r

ot pt~~scmaU.tl" neeu $ft4 110UvaUolls .-. •• cleutF

•atablieMCit ... P it.,. . &ttw•~aat.loNJ flfttl tbet.

IWr-'entb -UG e$tdlt* rtdtb ••ct to thea (C$-te1l.lfJ4J

stootf.t .... a~,ti.Gtl• QU.u otntt.oualy• .-... paft,

of ttl$~ b.tmOP,..,'l' .-ag: cx>lllete ftt.fltld$ le· ~ ou.tcotl'll

Of .-•• ._ •t••on ot e40h Ot'helt ,M fe&emts. • it_.....__ . -..: ., ... '-"':te . ·-···· ,a .. • ,. .. •11·-. 1 _ .. ~ ... ~-- w.:. ~~~· ,.··-~-A\- .... ~·- "'GQ¥ ·CO•"-•-~r .,,._. .. , ... low '**grouol d\uactAtdettc••

·fia1\UJJ _.. atUtu$ttt ·Ce~ lt&t.ttfil aewCOl$t,.:1tl2.etc,,) I

...... 'On. tibeM;, tqaeM;J. ,_~. ie tt.ea-eo-..

i'.O· a _ _.*"" ..... -. hfl~ .... by peee ~. #eleUouhip.s•

..a ~..,~ on • pe;~acmditv .~ tJ$(4t~ ~-.-.

'-•l•t~C#, IOta •••~ •t lat.J.taotioa .aonv tntlvttttta1 ....... ., .................... ri ........ .......... ........... . . -~ .. ~· ~ .... ~ ~--·.' ·~ ·""'~ .,

S). •ut .. ll;iSit!!· ~-~; '"' a..us.en Cleat• wte •~• etti._e -.a Jte.&"Oeptlou, wit:b •ouct to· -.utou #f>lto wl~ the ~t.y/aooiet7•


A g&ner:al awareness of tbe eod.ety at ,large

is manifested. tot\~1 in ~ fom of stu.4eni: pr:otft"&t.s·

agt4n·s.t po1it.1<:a1 ·end. civlc issues.- en4 ~ioue

Ot:h$Jr Pllb.t1e ect~.v~tf.e••· i.tbe· ma;Jo":J.tY of the

~$es ~u,Qt.e.4 bere lnt.ar:p#St at.i:ltudes i:owar«s

civiC i$sues. p.Ucd.:patJ.on lrt pU'b).i.t: ecttvt.tles etc.;

1Jl •me ·(Jf· ae~ of 11be~a11sln and conseJN"attem,.

ttu~t. '"' :l..n <teJ:ms ol the ,s.er:f.ilQn favoua:-tng change.,

to· one ·WhO· -.amp4.orw tM Dtat~.a quo., ~ough UlOat '

of t:b.ese t~ks (l'osta.s: e:t.al .. 1tSll Pet:e~c>n..

lit6SJ ~nn•l et-.al.r; 1t.G3J llhow only dlent;;es ln.

favout- Of!' llbehlt-. tlley 40 not $bow the pr®QrtJ.Oft

.Qt ~.Jtud•t• ·Wftt) })e.eotfte Mite libeftl o.- those who

be~ lest tto. s~~· by Corey (1940) and tlnney

U.967l .eA the .P..X®ptt~. ~e stud.ies ~pert

tb&t: s~t.s· d)lange irt both <ll~cUons.

'thus stuaeats will very ln thi!i¥" pell'cepttcns

of th.~1t nl'$e in soole~y., aad in 'the exten"t of

1ntet'Qst · and inwlvemen• in such eltustlOhlh As

this 4ime&s1on ls e. p~ of the . soc.ta1 system·

O·f the et!ucat:iond .inst.ltutJ.on, the eat.ent to

Wbieh students t:eport being in fawur Qf/not til

!avow: of the I'Olet~ played by attlilant: 'Wlll be .,.,-

useful irt gaining e. more comp1ete p'ct.uH of


31 otbe:ftd.se~: .aa 1!14:!11 -a,a the stu&rnts percept.S..on of

tl\ese di11$ns:lon$ af;J tb$1' ·•lst :tn h1s ~n.nt. floadom1c: . envt.-omnent. es manttonod ~-~ ~ not :unrelatbd

to·~ personality dtopositt.on$ of the student. SftClents

lil t.t given J.nstltu.t:loP·· 41ffe.t: wtdely at the· ·Utbe of

entl!rtece. ln resJ)f.lot of v•not;~s edu.C$tlona11y sSgnl•

£iO$l1t fadtor:e/d\Qa11:'ter£.$Uo$/4t&pOe1tions. ~ougb

t'hfJ .el(p.:e$se4 attl~es~ tnt:cl'eatm,. values elon~ the

above d.imarud.ons oan t)e. l•aitl~ly v~a a.e .aapects •

of .. -po~tsonal.lty:,. the· pe:.rsonalltt chat:actert.sucs;

c.UGposttlotla bet:e, refers · ~ ·a type of meaaur.e4

bebPiOUI' ·'t,bat is COtl\pl,eX an4 d.lwrse in tl\e personal.t-ty

at.rtl.:~.• ••• -diat:'aotel'lfstics m:e ·ccme!l.derea a& )<. ' -

motte- ~14 0$" fWld~tal -tn that 'they trend ~ tnfluenc~

nuab ~f.U: psyQhologlaat behaviour • for e .• _g., cognitive

stl'te;· may be· eK})ecte4 t9 £nfl11$JlC:e to a $£.qnlftcet . . '

4ett•~t: muc:l\ Of a person' • tb.tftlttnc;. many of hts mre

s-c1fl<ll e1:~&twaes-1: tlls ~e:,et.Aohsblp wl th other people#

:q well ~s • W$y: be pen:elV'es the envttonment•

Conse~ntl~; 4lff•renaea of. this type, whe~r '~ ·. .

Chet'.acte'rlstic .Of· .1n4&vttluals o;r· groupe, may., 1n mtmerous

.lbStd~$- be $$ J>OU,tlt. • etlueattonal 4etermineJ:"

as eca4ent1o ep'tl'-uae aai! ,nviowa academic: ~ehievement..

In e r:ev,Jew qt· J'flu~eudl_, fuhll1an am1 Puettella

(19Go) bave 1ndicate4 ~e intportan• ·Of non•.tntelleo't.lve

QZ'itetta. on a~mle pertomance en4 f4Justinent~, ~·

' '

32 :&y th$. ·~ an tn<l1v1<1tt&1 m-e~$ 1lhe educa~1onal

system and as~s the role of the leuner.- he

Q #eady to· Jte&ct tn a pvUeu.1er way.. In other

wo~$. he comes w1th .e OhQ'act..tuzo.SsUo set of

cogn1t£w -4 dfeoUve dlspos-1Uons. wh1cb -I:UfQ

the centxel analytic ur4t.• of pe.reonf11lty and.

Which 4etermtne bts "act.tons t.o the roJ.e of a

leameu:," ~'bough eoc1a11GUt'tiOn and cultural factors

affect 't.bEl :fomat:.ton Of on~ntattons towards learning,

.BJtd. the way st.u~nts ~rceive the environment. wJ.tb

lte oon$t!quent efff!Ct on student. perfo~ee. it

ts title d.eepcaJt J)$rsonel.ity traits and 41.,_posl.t1ona

that 4ete-'ne t:'be developtnent Of the$e £aewrs and

the -s~ttts $.bl).iey ~· ptoflt fr:om $nst.I:11CJtton. - I

Zn41vUual.s 41ffer s\lbatantidly 1n their

.style-s of 1:hbkP1« u4 modes of creat.-1vo e~rees1on.

'these ·dharac:ter.l$UCJ 41ffet<ences in c=eat!:v·tt.y an4

Qogn1tlon .,ut the £om of in41vidua1 .learning

anEJ. performance. ~se pet'eonalit:y dlmetls1ons

_that And1<=ate one.s t.ypicel ®dee of cognJ.~ive and

CC'eatJ.ve func:t.ioning- are revealed. in the indivlduals

etyli&tic consi\ste-nclea across diverse areas.

33 orggl~lco all th~.t be sees and ~beJ:o and

tblnks 1\bou.t.. CO!lel$tent; .&nd\v!41a&l dtffet'ettcas

1ft theee W$~D· of ugants~ ea pi"OCe·se1ft9 tnfo.l!'•

filatLon .tQ'ld e~c#4~ ha'" come to 'be celled ~

nlt.!ve e:tylea.- ttesetck (t9?0l petnu cut. ·tbGt

thette stylet np~:eaent :c::ons!etenclf>s f.rl the manner

or 1om .Qf l:!ovni ttl>n, at~ 4.tf5Urmt: ft."Om the t:onte•

of eopttton o~r the level of skill t:U.npla:re-4 .In

~-u~ 1\in.;t.lontag:, ~s.e ~· oonceptuali.ze4.

as etsble ett,J,.~e,; pt(Jfe~nef!s or habt t.wal

evate~$ •~~lr..t a p$:rson.* e qpiee1 ~ ot

per'Ce£~, .-eme.aeJ:'lng., tbi:nld.ng an« problem

aolv~., At~ such, ·tl\eia: Influence ex~ w ~·~· •11 ·~!') •<~tlvlttes tl\$t .tm,plta&f'A

·~1d.on1 t.n.cl\.ICU.ftiJ $oc!4! tm-4 !nt-.erpetsonal.


~~: ~tt:I;'V't atrl.e.s <!ewiop slowly atld ~ri M•"al·''·v ·--"*•. A ..... -• 6:t"'l .... ""'- "'- ·· •tv .....,."!l"'""'····.6A>to~ ........ ~~ ~ fo:Jl.W .... ~)pe_ ·wv ~ f18.$.a, "

an04lf1ed by s.P&~flc ba1111ng (t(ag~ en4 Kog~

1970f. Keven lttJ).,, .aft4 es ~~ ~tl.ft $t.ylea

Ot'q&n1H aftci C!O"ti"'J bah&~OU%" 4Cl"OIS a wide'

vu:l&ty o£ ueu~ 1the· stability end pervasiveM·S$ '

of ~lttve styles across 41ve&-,$e spberes of

bebavioul' $Uggei!Jt deeper:- roo-te ifl the per$onalJ.W

suue~ than might at f1t:ot 9lanc.te be implied

by the concept o~ Chat:ad:teristic rnodee of c:ognitJ.on.

Cogntttve style$ ·mar entail gtmeralt.Md hebi'ta

of lnforma:tton proceseing. to be eure, but they

develop .ln ~del wers· coun<1 undelllylng

p$.et~onal:.t~y tref14;., ¢09ftitl• jtyles ~ th'U

lfti:e1:'--oveti wlth affecttw,. temperamental ana rnoU•at.tone1 atruatur:ee as pesrt ~ the tote1

pereona1.1_. CSb•ptro1 1915) ~· .111 t:ble v.&t!iw, a


eore pEnrec.na11ty J.a JQrd.festsCl ln tbf) Yad.ous

tew1e •• domains Of. psycbolo!lcal fr.mct:ionbg.w·

1nu1l$Ctlta.1, a£.fG¢UW1 moUvational• 4eferu!J1W

and it:s man.Uestatton in co~tt:t.on i$ reba· ooontuve style•

One· Q£ \-.1le .aos~ wJ.Clely st.utUed. of t.b.es~ '

styles. is .'tba" of 1'1t:!l4 Dependence Vs.~ Pie14

i•pen4~nce* ~bA-a tat. . .r• to a ~nel-sten~ ~

..,.. apptoachlng ·the· ~11vt#onmen't 1~ enalyt!ca1, tte

eppond _, global ·uans~c. :fi,e1d. bdepen4Qnt. per$one

tend t.o &r:ii!<~Ulatt ti~s ~ <U.aorate ~~ ·t:helt

baek~lil'de end tf) ••tl:r <U.ffexe:ntia:te ob;Jeots

£.com ~nv e<m~s, wt.aere>Ss F$el4 oape:nd$llt.

persons· tend to· expeJr1em2e eVE!!ntn globally 4-n en

unAtfferenUe..t.e<j fa~Mon. 1'1e1d lndependcan't people

have more fa<U11ey wlth teske nqu.irin,g d1fferen•

tiaUon sn4 analysts.- whather in .tdentlfying more

easily the pt:esQnc:te e>f .logical ~ZTOX'I.f or .la

~.ret-..endtng the point of a jobit mrl tbb

e.nalyti.cfll ~nelnm~ l$adS as wel,. to a hidh degree

Of dJ.flerentlett!On Gf ,p1t ft.'oltl its' t:ontext •.

35 J'le14 Dependant. 1nd1v1d\talts, on the othet: hen41

~n.4 to. i4en.t&.f.r wtth e fl.tOUP• exh1b1tJ.ng a ooc:1a1 '

orl$ntad.on tn wbi.cb they a~:e more- pereepttva

$14 serud.ttV'Et to eoelal stimuli ·than .eJ:e f.te14 d.!' -

:DePendellt: par.s.on.f3• eey ·ate also znQ):'e susceptible . "" •,. \

tel e1tten.al in~l~n- emt Mh ~e41Y effected til'

£ool4Uon,. 'thUs_. at. one ea~f· pe,tceptt.on is strongly

ciomtna~d bY the pretra!l1ng flE)J.d. .t.~e· • ·J'te.la Depen4ent:

end (itt the" oth~r,. percepttoT-~ is reled:J.wly .!n4ependent

of the· f!eldt :t..~. ~ ttiold Xr-.d~POndent.-.

t:ogniUvs strl•s.t _..e eollotd.n~ ess~ntic!ll dluec:tcu:J.s­

tlcs Of· GQ.gn,tt;t'\$, atYlee bfiVe been ,g.~s•a by vcicus


(1) Cogntt:tw. Qtyles ~ mneem$4· w!.th torm,

ntbe:tr then eonten·t ot COtJnlUw acttvJ/ty., fi'ley c-efetr

to tnd,tvld\tal dlfferences .t.n how one perceiws.

thtnks . .. . . (2) ~ogn.t.tlw etylos are perveai.ft d!tnensions.,

~s chu-aotedstlc has .important: .tmpllc:at.tons for

the educational aetUng... In ~f1$ct1ng:. tbeiJ:"

:PeJ'Ya&lve, cuttlntt ecc-oae: dimension chnracte$:1attc,

cogn1t:J;\te styleaf m.tr:n>r fea~s of t!he pe~eonalf.ty

Of the incU.vidual and not: just Of eognltton. Tests

ot ~ogni Uve s.tyle have· J)otent!el. va~ue in essestttng

Ro:n~gn1tJ:ve flt~tea (wlt'fd.il. '-961)• -tbis fea't'.W:e

36 al$.0 Jnak~S QOgnitl,'Cr$ · StY)e $1lSes~at: po:selbJ.e

'tlu:'ougb pe~:Qa~t.ua' met.bode. !!he use· ot ~

~r'bal pt:n:c~pt.ual t0Cbl'li~a to asses$.lmU.v1&:Hl1

co~i~lw ltt&l¢e~ h~lps wold ·ttlle· Mffieult&es

f~ in t;.tS'b9 vetbal as•esment proee4ute.~•

(J) COCftitl:ve et.yle$ ue s~lE: ov>el'· tAme•

'~his doet1 not lttlply ·that the! ~ tot&liv ~

ehangeeb1c.- .$J'l . fa~. C$G& t19?:5) bas roporte«

tbt!c there is Q. ~wng ~n&mcy fol:' child:~en t.o

·1te flela depen.aen"t, ~s well as a atea4y increase

with ate -• ~el'd mrper1~a to. overcome this

tendency., w&~ et.e:l.~ (19G2) f h$ve ~rte4 that ,' ~ . -,. ·.. - -

&n BPlt.e· of_ ~. · f-~dt. -tha~ -gemJ:al e>eperi..ence tnc•uets

. till &fur ~-~tee'Q. vea.te of age,, :Pi~14 4$pendene,e

4o.e uot.. ftU$t. pattiettl~· $t;.fles., -. accor01n9 t.o

WLQln (1·9?4), ;eM:Jtally perslst <We¥ 'fe1U'e fot

patticulet ln41vlduals~

<•) coun1tlVta tJt;f1o.s et."e blpol•t* · t4t::..'t

J:ie9~ to Value jU<lgement.~·,,. Eaoh pole ha$ ~4apt1ve ··~ --'~.

value \lm<krt $PeeUtea cltcumstamea anc!l my be· seen

es ttet.ng_eepectuly sul'OOd t.o meet the :requirementa

of p:ut1~1as: te.Sk$~( t'i\1$ tdll help in using ,.

evalt,at.t<m r,f st.udeti-ts £n ta.~ of; ~·tyle, ae aetitlng

the student h•e1f.f~' #tltb$~ then 'the in&tt tutton,.

AltJo, &!I potnted ou.t by W£tJttn (1974l,. the mon; '

ceutC'al ch~a.etet" of cognlt£ve styles, ae~1'\tint:

from their va!tte b.tpoilll"1tv.,, makes lt less threat!en!no

,E&ta4 thla$ tt is ea.&"'a.r to ~J..cate J.nf.orrnat.ion

a'bo'U.t. an 1mli:vl4uala c:OtJn.4U• st-yle 4£-mectly to


b coatras-t to tnt:elle~ ubt1£tD$, 'W'h.f.eh

~ ptod&at;.tve cf .general. leve1f3 of aahleve~~~&l'tU,

cogn!tt.~ ~tYl$t:1 pt:e41et tb,g 4lnoUon of eeh.tevemen1:.­

ana. ~~ h~ powetful ~llcat:t.ona lor educ,aUon.

1-.e~; cooatUve strae·· «eal With e bJ:'Oa<l 4.tln$nston

~ .1ndi•£4ua1 dif£erenee.s that e~nds aeross bOth

ps~~ptual.•4 J.nt..elle¢tusl acUvl~$* l'!e14

:$!Jper~n~/!tl~peflflenefi infl.U$:nt:e9 the· tiT&J' students

bam. !f;lUJ..· way teachet'$ t&aeh, bow 'bOtll o~ these

pe~eetve the· fA~lf., - how ell tb$$9' factol!"a

ln•lta<Jt• ~~;·

$t;:ud!e.$ haw ebO\fn. ~at l?iel.tl f.\epen.4ent pereons

~ee. better· at ees~niU .. ng to social ~t.e~iaalt· ant!

a~ apt: to be ~ept;. at .leamtnq ·er,d ral'!lel'l'tber.tn,g

m~rte.l tbiELt b:aW soctal. content (Ctutehfteld e~

el~, tgsa, ~~. ~, M~ ant! Webberl.y* 19ft).;tt:

Ev$-&!nee on re!nfor~nt 4.n ler.u:ntng.

'nt11oa.i:es that F.'ield 1n«ewndent: persons tend to

~am 1nore then lPleld dependent. pernons unc!er

condit.1ons of !ritrins!e motivation (,it::s 191:tr

J?acllsanu 19701 SteinfJ.e.14 1973).~, HOW$Vat~. this


38 diff~~ 4~s~pea~s Wb~n external ~eras

fol:'· 1earrd:aq tln» lntl'odUce4 (fea:-l'f!l. 1971. Pac118anu

1970r Stelnfie14 19?1).

'Thls .n•A• su-ggests that. rJ.elB dependene<:~/rle:ld

tntlepe~Q8. may p~~lde e usefuJ. base for predicttng

the· mau.t in w\Ucb at\t®Dts ~UtC effectlll4 ·t.r te~lnq/ l&a~lag tttcnntqu.es., LetU~l {19?4) ana R"'-Gb (1974)

bave else abc:Mn t!:l•t. f!teld ~pe·ndent:. stt.tdenttl pJ:Oflad

f~ beln'Q' prov&.t!iecl w#,tm a sU'Uc~ 1Ge.miag epproech:-.

t.eeser UGf! of svuotw:itlf es e. :medt.at.Or may hend.leap

Ji'~1d indepent1$at stu&mte $n unstruct.ured leernlng


.SJitm:~ md,.§C!D.~~ Be~-~~

Aput f~ the c:o~ pe,:ao~it.y cnarectertst:lcs.

Othe:r Eilt~n£fi,Qact. !actors tnfluonclng stu4ent ' f4t'l.<tma.nce ad~ oue of the &-tudenta. cu1t\1nl and

econom.tc baeltOtO'Wld• ..

8rta4sbQ.if Ut75t; tn b1& non-colleqe tbtl01:Y1

,says. t!la~.~ $J.tftot$ob diffe.tetlt eoe.tal sp~ma tU:e·

•pelt'a•a fteOm ·one ~the:l'" ;\t U not; tzue that

e ·pe,t<;;on• ~· 'behavJ.owr i.rn; one $ocia1. eyet~am- such e,.s

a OOll.ege~ ts l$OJ4~ from ht.~J eotnci~nte~ i11'110lve.­

me'ftt tn ariOtber' system, ~ell a$ hl.a fatly:, or fX'Oln

pas-. invol~nt of eny so~. !bus, theee tnt.er•

e.otlons with tbG system influence the 4$WlOpment

of the 1n<U.vl4ual pereoaality4J: '1'he r.stUd.ellts eocie.l

college opport.uut.Ues. _, to ~reJect cenaln otbel:'et

to aevelep t:ettaln ori-entations and pet"Celve tho

~mrJ.r~nt tn 4ifferent w4ays~ Assoc.t.etea wttb tbese

~·the ®ltw:al an4 social background., the t.ype

of ea~l,er e<tueetione1 e~enc:e etc, All these .... - _..,. .lAo..- a- ·~6.-.t. - ........... ·n· ...... _ .... ,.,.. ......... 0_ to ceo--• el'lltlit n$v,... Y.te¥- illof.~~..,...,.,_ -~ ;p,.~e . u QN."W M9·~ '"" . · ·•~ ... ,..

et1ft the way he ;r;e!"e.Ct.EJ to f..t_.

Sot.''¥ the· cc1turat. refl~ct.$4 by tbtt· puente•

e®.caUonn:t. ~- OCWpf!tlonal level, end ths ecotiomic

~gt:nUtld 4ilffocts ~t\ide•t•· s ao•rotc achievement.

Wie~n (t·DGJ) pointed ,out. that the d.ecgtee of literacy

Qr1d ettltu4Q ~ ,P®P'ts tow~ education tWe· tmpo~ant

fiaoto#'s 1ft par-eucun, J>erfO:menoe~ Other £actor•

influencing fftud•nt. e~ote.tl.Oft o:f perfoxnuutce aJ:e

tl'lot~e Of .eQlY :$ch()01/Cdll~ eJ~PeJ:iene ua .bter­

~lon Wlt.btn -~ cult.utes,.

All ~e st.udt.es S'epc»~ .aboft. conee~tno

va1f.f.adon in stu4eht ,:esponse dono t:tte va!'ioua

41..nleruJ.t.on., ~f ~aucauo~ (b both ors.enta._ion eft4

.-~pU.c:m ,.;iass:lillct~t.loat I.e•• wit'h "feX'Gnett to

vutaUon in swde.:n~ etti"tUcle:s towa.r4s e<lue,a-t1on ae

w~l as .in the dllfennt trtanner tn which ind.tvAd\Utl

st11dents percoJ.w their edt.lcatJ.onal envJ..ronmentt

variatloDs ot>searve4 tn the rea:PQnse Of students

40 Gn<loJ:stng ~1oue perGonali'-Y style&, .as w11 as

vat4ationa in oi:her bacJc~ and eult.ud .faotore,

1\ighlifbt one aapect .of etudetlt ;:eapon.e ""' tndiv!4ue.1

4tffet!"ences ..

Base4 on a 1vga n\lJtfber: of st.\t<U.es, Morswa

and Crey ·(1913). tndl<:ated 'two .~sa 1.'Qlder wblch

stuti.eats wol,lld be eapeoted· to 4tff&~ ed.gntficant1i'

along tJtfi!. five t!$.mensions speQU!ea ec¢l1er, 'lbese

were t:Jle· (l(tnetal pftpar~tot:Y and exploreto~:Y areas.

%.nd1vtduala in aq$4etd.o instttu't.tono ho14 differen-t

cor:u:::ept&Qne (per:o.tl"VG·· the f:lnv1~nnent as being

4U'fer'Snt) :ana·~entattone of their 1:oles l1t1d

duttee wltb r:eoed to tbes., CUtaens£on$ of edu.ceUon.

!these woula* !n ·t.W:n~ ult.l.mate1y ~llrwe t:beU

pe:r:formanc.~ 91bese 411t'eas, i..e·.,,. i:he Preparatot:Y

~ Explol!'atnry can be· et,ai;ed. t:n the followJ.ng

~£!!2!tftttO:!J: O:~lenta.ttop/~£ti:'~Qt!tpn

swcter~.t:s who pe,ree:lnrVvaltted college e.s .

. be!ftt't -re p· r~ a ............ 'I!M in fuact:" ........ ..-if ... ~:"· rin · . . ... v ~ .. ~P . ·~~..,.,.. . -- . . - ~··~ v,.. ~...,;"'~ ;

ttsaful ktlOWlfKt;e.. sl¢.i.1le" voce.Uons Md e:oe1a1

.roles haw PJ.'Elpe.t'et:ory O~ientation/Perception.

They also pre£Qt a more .sta:u.c;tured learning

env1ronnl$nt and. are :non•adwcatore of rapid social


41 -iate 6uae•:ttl•e4 1,\$ 'those pt'efen:.lng a 110n._

$~0~, .leamiat eo.v1.r:ot1mt:!nt. · fhe.y perceiw

thE:\ ~l1e .. ~e p;:ov,&.d!nt emple opport.unltJ.es fo"#/

~ value eoll$:p fott 1t:s ~lore.toey pOsslbl11U~s

• fo.l" tb$ oppo~U.es ;&.t; affol'ds fo~t ~xplotl.ti\'1

OM''' ~tetesb, J,d.ee.:s an4 ~rf.Jona1 idenUty~

W1t11 ~hw:ence eo stwtenu 4ttle~ing 1ft . .

'tl'iese two a~ae• . :l't w.ae n~d by MO~taln M4

-Otey u. '13)that. i.:hes~ two $m~a ~ere not mUtually

~clusJ.w wltl'l reference to the egpres~

ot!ontaUons Of etu<lente. ·fhe •~ w$..11 also

bold ~- AtJ $ttt4e•ts .11$t'oept;J,ons of their

·-· ~Ji · · e · _. o · · S • - · f 'th 4" ! n ar:a ~m,;~oC . nv~r J'Xtllen't,. ... om.e o . e .... mem.e o s

uy M endo~sed as ba.vtnq a pi:eparatory $trtlctu:e/

v:a1"e anti o~eJrs es tle.vtng a~ (txplocatoty one.

St1.tden't ortentat.i.:ons/pere~ptions w:L.ll.

the#efo;re. be baset;f. on .f.l eontlnuum,; on ..nt!Ch

ln<i·i;Vh!iu.:l tat:f~nem..~l:l ~ttbin the dlmens~ons wUl

be plot~ along v~oua poa:l.tJ.ons. Thb td.ll,-

tr.s. tum ps=<WUe a p~;of!l~ Qf stude!ft oz:.ten·ttltlons/

pe:re'£Jpti.Ofls of acactemtq. ~nvironment and; the

study of the dJ.fft¥1\lntlel effects. of e.ll ti'lese

1nt:eracu.ons on perforrraance is ma&J molttl fuaslble•

Beeed on the ebove fin4tngs, and d;r:awinq

bea'V'i1y from. the pe:t"eon-env.lromnent interaction

42 approaCh of Gatatd.s ·(1968) • Ste~ Clt?O.) and

othe~$ ~· a.eoneeptw.Jl model of perscm-etlvirontnent.

ie:t.eract.ton w1th.in 1M\ educa1:1onal lne.Ut.ut.!oTJ. \'litb

!t$ e~as and 6imensAon& de1lnaat$cl; d4 its

ccns~<N$nt ;Ampa«:t oo st.udet~ts educational. ou~

ls p~posa«.

Satt~e ~.ore.t,loail/®:thodc>logioa1 issues are

strase$d 1n the tmPJetMrrta:tlon of this model"

~~Y are as fo11owr;u.

:(1). M:ttn ana. Pane~ (1~69). Cb1.e1«)r~ (!969), . .

Clarltr Heiet~· ~el~ wrcw and Yonge (:t!i72} and

Pe.ldmat:t @d ~.COinb .(1969,) $11 ~rt o.r .~-uize

~v!.<teuce f!W'J~st;tn~ that students: t.ehd to purcue

1nte11e~1 tnte~st,s · ~ e.euv&ttes .in. coll~ge

;tlilb~ch, a:t'~ .consteten" wttb itheb tftt.Ua1 peteonal.1t.y

o:rl.e.n~tion:s and that thOse ln!:t.S.a.l Cb•acU,ri::u:loa

tu!'~ .a~c::&ntr..l~tstl .as· a ra$ul t. of tba1r 41ffetent1&1

e~rience·!l tturS.ng- eotleg~~ 1!hi.s cb&r'acter1$Uc;

of tnctJ.vJdual d.lf!f;lrenee h$s a great. 1-nttlel impact

on otutlen.t .to~raetlons/attitudea .end pezformance, I

(2) 'the emptnu.;;ts on e role or1entc.t1on

~rspect;t.ve •. e,s e;tre&sed by Cb1elterino (1969) er;.d

Whit$ (1.952) tak$S note of Uld£v1dua1 d.iffet"enc:E!s

:tn ~rfonnanoe~,' -me pe1reeptu1a1 strategy used tn

th1a model for .$dent.lfy1n.q student or1cnt.at1on and . (

percept1.ons makes ellow$tloe f:or- individual

dJ.ffe.-etu::es in s~-~ orientetlone/peJ"Cepd.ona'

ae WctlJ. .es etnphasleirt; tile lftdlvlcS'tl$1 .st.u4ent•s

p~c:d.patloa An bb ae~o e)(periGnce.

(.$) 'the thid .._.,_ bet:e waa tlta" uy

~OR.lYt ot :mo4el of ~:e1ationsh1p ·ehould talte .

bto account,,· acoor4lng tO .Lewin C193e), •wtaole

a~t:taad.omJ1 1.,e., ~ •'tate of both pe"'aon and

env1r:oDJOen-.. 'Ibis -lies that l~ is necesafU.Y

1:0 ••• ttrttll04s of l'ept:eaea~nt person attd

envil:onmel'lt. in co.rnttton tel'mt:J u pa~tt.e ef one

•t .. uon,.,,..:.;•·•llf••••lft otbett wor4s, ~'" con<M!pts . - . . .


t&ave to S'Ohtlerlt. 1tHJ eter:-re1aU<msh1p of

c:onctid.ona** (~ib., tis&;.· Steaa (1970) alee:

etllphQet.-es itll- coa:cU.Uo.n end says that. as the

payehologl<:al s.t.gntflc$1oe of bOUt person or

emtJ.tonment. b ·tct~urr:e4 f#Oit one source, beb~'fli.our; -

• ·.~ te.oaoroy tm:U~t• .t.e ~loye4 for both. ·

·V'\. ' t.ewio•.a (1tl·6) emphaeis was also based on

lletbo4o1og£aa1 grountta thtitt •'' .

(t.) only thOse ent.c.tU•s Vbich be.ve the · aerte

com::ept:ual .dU.nsions can be compared as

• thel.ar .pltua••· '

(2) swry\bht whl~h has the same coaceptua1

d!.meneloas can' be C::OJ:npal'ed quanti tat1ve1y.

J.t# maplt.Ud$ can be meuw:e«, $D.

pt!.ngiple1 with the sama u.nf.t$ of

inell1iJU~mettt: (Lewtn, 1951, P;J?) •


·B~sed on the ~w points, the· fo11ow$.ng

lnOdel attempts to •=•lain witb a rol.e...ortentation:

peJtepecUve.,. tbe tntel7&Qtion betwemtl Pfl#sl.lel

<U:~nsiorJS ot pe.t'eon anti env:ttonment Lft. the ed.u­

catioa$1 eonttlxt end J.t$ poSoeJ.bl$ •ffeat.e on

the .$.tudents' .aucuttona1 out:~,. The ba&lc

feat;~es' Of tb<' rrbdel draw-s heavily upon the

we»:"k of Gawele· (1969) ., Stern (1964), Moreteln

(2.9~/3} end Ottl:l~ra. ibe model suggests thai: ill

ol:del" to unaerst~ the in-teraet:t.on between

personaltttt l:md env~n~ on cduesttona1 OU1>-

-comes# .tt .&$ :~ti>ISSqtY' to take tnto nec.ount~ not

onlt th~ ba~~ Qbi:U"ac~ist.tcs tfh1d\ :student41

bt"~<l t:.o ·oQl~H~.~ but. alao the e~;aet uatu~ ~

tbe coll:~:ge envi~t, ~a . .i.t, is pc.t"<:eivetl by

t:..b~ stn~t$, ·and. tb~ tlxp~s~d orion.tati~s of

stueents wi.tb Ml~!t$tt~o to various d1mens1ons

'\<r!.tb.f•n ~ eo)i(t~•

!'he dOUb!U'l errow be-tween pe.t·eepUon .of

academic envtro~..nt aQd the per$Qtlel orientaUan

'Cif stud&n~s wogests t.hat t4'*iese variables

:lnteraet with e-ach other. 18 8 certeil'l extent •

.a s.tuaents percerYt!on o£ his envttorune:n~ may be

influenced IT! h1~ orientation ee well ae b¥ ble

peet.s/otber earUer experiences.. end., 1n t.ttrn1

" ~Q,D~LciL."R E.1,.J\ 1\Jlt-L.S K vf_ __ _9_f_.- p~ R. .?~:::__E;;_J:::L'{!_ R o_r:ifV.. 6 ~L:_IN.I.§"R.. 8S. I_! 0 N_.,L_L ___ s ,l;>j,J_:_<..tlT_1.QL~aL



51110.!2 .. 1~. 'f &AcJ;.¥i>liN~ C...Hft~c.t€Rtsn~.

___D._v_:u_Q.t.LgA.,_. __


<...ot..t..e ~e.

5'. Pv6LIC.. PosltiONr - ~fVCENf ~oLt;J

tN n1e.


lOI'l~VN tT'f.

I i

J -~------. -. -·----~----)r------

•~ent. by blc Pf)lreept.iona. aa in the case of tbe

p.r;eaenc• Of a .sttxmgl·y $1\Pbaa!M4 j,ruJUt.\ltf.on~l

go~. ~~ ~nt: of tnfl~noe depends upon bot:b.

the· St.f:e119th ~f tile $11Y'ix~tal preoa anti upen

t:ll$ ~teOnal.i.t"x di$posi.~ot~e of the J.ndlviwu.

Whe <!t#ect eonnee~.J.on between bGCJ.:grourttt

ea~J:s ana edueetlo.nal ouf::.r..o.mct"; S1lg~a<t. ~bat.

&r.-spec~w Of ·sppnrt'\J.nf,.t4e$f p~!4ed for:

effective .~man~. unless t.ba student 'has the

$bl.11t!'t: mot&vai;ion and 1nt-.er~;mt in. neh!evittl

IQOI:'tain goal$. "the ~dllcettonal outeomes u1ll

tell't&ka \Ul$-aUef~OltOI1?'·•


Grid o~~1!ion.:e. of e~nce, the PlOdel propo1)es

c:ena.tn d.imensions w1th.t.n ti\Q eduent..i.ouel..

insU-tutiou (ll.Ollq which s:t.udente v.&;ry. These

dim:tnsions ·~ also. the most. populMlY &ndo~ed

dimensloru.t of student. dlan;e: and development

lv.l.tbin eoll~~ (Feldman end tqeweornb 19691

sanford, 1SG2. ett:.)

At the next st$ge• the ~1 propoiJe.a­

a conUnuum. based on the pcepm:atory ardi

$Xp10%"ato~" ereas~ alonu. \"ihi<:h •

(.e) Stud:ents pe~eeive the vutou.s

d~storu ·within the 1nst1t.ut1on

ff,) StudM't~ ~!'tp~e.ss the Ol:i~n:taUOtll!l

~Y bo1ct towru:Gs e.dueat!oxa e&oag

CJ:<mba:Ch end: Srtotf (t~Gil) 1in theLJ."


study ·Oil .lnteJ"e.ct.ion ba~n pe·.r.·eon ·aAd e~on­

meoe, e-r t1lat .. t:ttob&rorn of provt.ding optlflial

J.ea~ng ttittlat5~ons. ~hot.tl;! ,i.nclu.de 8 :touUnely q~

1ear.ne.e Va'rlables When de$1~-ning Or" eeleetlng­

#.tHJttuati.ont:tl ·trea~.n.t~,, a1'l4 Of ntaftlpulattve

·tt-~e:tment f:~d•·t1ona when def£n!ng- acllool

r~l(!v:nlt. :tne#.v~etU;;."'\l dJ..!'i!E..":X'•®e V£l#:#.abl~s,• the fits

;tt.equi~an,t. .of M tn~raot;tve ~proaob .ie to

des~ t.ib~ ~tt,son ana ~rrn.~nt in potentially

~nU,bl;~ t:e~., th~.t. w.tll GJ.e;o pcr:mi:t coordtneUonj

tn th£$ mQd.et. ~ us~ o:f the . s~ Uilat$ of 41ffer­

~t!s.Unn_., ~plorQ;tory and pl:"~pex·atcry uea$ for

!d.~tJt!fPnO ~th J.e.a~ro ii.~nd. f1~via:onme»t..al vat:l$b1es

p:1;0vtde$ ~"&tlbJ.e ·ttems, and as lt is bascel ()n

a eon.d.t\~, ptt~6- ~s well fo~ manipulatiw

~atment condf:t!On$ fcrr diffe~t tndl.'vi<!uillliJ•

' it'u:n\\ f1 911) bQ:s an<tors.ed thl$ view pq,tnt c4

l;n; tum· ,p~se& tbat ttt:'l/lents talOu.ld be dss~d

· ~ t.Omtl$1 of ·~.eeess:f..bll!ey'· chareote~~;tsticti,;; that

cure &ret:Uy uans1atah1e into spect.fic- fonns of

ooooat,.ionel e:rltt~ronmcn,ts likely to· be effecttve:

tot:: tbe pernon' 0 1ee&.1)inq or development. 1£ a

J?~GfU~., 1n ts~ t:>:E 'at:C$tt:J!bility Qhanctel:&.St!OJJ'

that would des~~ll'$ e. perf!Otia cogni tJove ortentation

48 :motivattonal orteat.atton, value o:r:S.entaUon M4

in,, e&J;¢at10nel tnsUtutione, otlent:nto.ion twa-t'da

t¥ apeclf'a ¢e>.nt.ent Of eaucatton wer.e <Ioc.::cd1nat:e4

w:l.tb. speo.l.f.l¢ .~ns·Lon$ of the e4ucaUonat

. eftVit<o~nt., sueb a p;:-ofJ.le would pJ:OVt<le i:bf.1 'ba!ltt

tor *'bln!.ng .ln. • to t.be person, ott fot l\\eetinfl

1\tis needS mote effe~tvely •

:Wa e~ w!tl'itt lndividualfl 4iffor.- tn basic

t•r.sonttl!tty tU.menston' o£ oogct~V(! #tyle,

e-.le=tty.,. qpEr~t~ee.$ ·to tinantro etc•• some people . are .~epab:lo· of e4ApUng to MY <envirronmen't, whet"ea$

•~ ~eepont1 ~tt.et" to ~Stt•uetu;r.c;d '0:W1romant.$ ..

Cmmt 19111 fltb~A~:e,. !t7tr 1'Itt'k!.n l974). On the

·Ot.h~r. b~nd1· th.e· ~nstens 1'/rf. envir-onmental.

'\"'ia$':lt\tton ~ pi"'Vl~d by the· d~greq: of stJ:Uotur.e

cr ~!!Vai'.J.$:etton of the. J.eam1n9' envil:'Orunent_. end.

tM de9rtl!lt. to wht·cb s~snts re~ to axtotnal

·~4, (~8$1!.»' 1911 t:. DJ.<:kste1n 1968) • Zn bigta

#~ttue~e:., ·~J! ~vi#Or-,.nmnt is 1~1Y 4et:artftf.n$d

fc.- t...b~ .;"~nt.. "be:t(!as in low stru.etw:e, the

t~Jtu.4.ent htt$ ;itv,~iZ: ~spons:i.bil.t t.y toWUde Ot'\fW\i$!ng

h,!s $.rlv1it::Jl'l..'JP.9:nt.. a~lll"t$ are lmown to difft}:r lD the

weya . tM7 lean~ $~ t>y ac::t.1ve partJ.eip$tlon &td

~tb.era tl'u:OU\Jt.t ad.opt.tnq a opaetator apgcoacb. In

ettueat1 .. onal t.e,t:nt.4J~ aeec~inq to Jtun~ (1971) • th£.s

ca-"\ be detJ(~l:ibea a.$ the extent of stl.!'U:Ctu'A a

st.u4en't. needs: in oJ'<let to lea.rn.,

49 . 9he· c.nt.lrtf.lum al•-; ·tm&ch person-.uvuou.nt

!ntenotl.on is e~q>la;ined fon; ttle ~eJ., !,e., ~

prepata.t.oty $ftd \!l)tplt)rator::r a.t:ess endorse$ this 0 . .

espeot of St'.W<!turing• etu4ent •Y pert':elve th$l:f'

~nvlto~t ln terms oi bav3:nq mo#e o:r .less

sttUQtuJ:'e• e.'S W$11 es e~.nuJt;d,ag a p~fert'!nee iEosr

st:.t:'Jc:ture~'-"et.ua-ea leea'linq elt.untton.

J'~lt'ill~ll· the m.Qde1 pt<OpOSSS lit OOJ1¢ept to

lt'flp~.Qent. the inte.r~relation bflt:tfeen 't:.bQ conditions

of a~ueat.i.<>.tl•1 orientations .rut(! ~.rcepUon of

~4emie ehv.trornncn~ Once compet:iblo perGon-.

et•v1toMent 4e$.er4ptlons ~re ava11Gb1e, the next

nquJ.t:efllQi\l-. Is • tle$qrA,pt1~on of the nat.l.tre of

pe;:son~nvlrotuuent. reJ.a:ttons. Xn t.his model.

t.bLs telaUQnflh1p ls t:etc~ ·to es •Discrepancy'

·fbis .a.t.s<n"ei!Gtfr Cf."iSGt\ lt:'O$ cU.ff!e~:e:ne~a. between

~ pe~~puon- ·Of ·the env!ro11ment ttna a·tudent

G~at.J.onal olt'ienttlUons •.

P.H!:trll«}l' stuties on fe~on~nvironment

lnteraoltl&on bf S~rn n~t?O) and Pace (119GB}

baw em.Phas1ee4 the .lmportande of' the in~

hl,.aUouohJ.p. Of thas~ two d!:m9nsitms of J?arson Md

envilr'O~t on ~u!itiefactio.n. and peJ::i(tl'tnanee • .

Stet:n (1910) 'has UGe4 the aoncept. Cf •cc)n~ence •

betwear.t et:uti2nt meaa~ and c:t)llege press :to

eKPlaln behaviour., Htt commsnts that eongn~ent

. 50 ~d·p~sn rGl•;;t!or.ut~hipa tt:r."a il'l&~nta1 in .

Pt"OV~dtlng an~ pre"Jdtw~.ng a ~~e Of satl$faet.ton

or 6d .. ftll'llf3n.t for t:be put1-o.tpane. Hun~ (1913)

hliB t.tsntl: ttt11 tsr.n •ma.teh.tng• i:O &et~«~ peroon"

env!ro~1t combinations# .end. says t.bat sudh

t:ems &'r$ ntJMt~d to Cltnraate~I.Qe vaJ.tious pe~son"'""

en:d:attnttne~t <:omb~naUcms and ~u 111(e1y effe-c.ts

..... 'fia~o· -"'~­_,. ·r"'''·;.... . .... ~~<;;>', •

In tb£a ~ea. ·Giaetepa1ey# ·the con~ept

~1119 used to eaplatn peJ.>so~envtronrnent i.nter...-

acuon &s espJ:"Ils~a i$$ 41!' • ~he $1«~nt to wbtch

a ~rSQrt perCei""S ti 4J.~t:epancy b&ween the

eal$tlng "nt.ent ·of hl$ e~att.on Cpe~:ceptl.on

f!l the •nv1m~~ atl(l tbe $)ftfefted content.

of ~c~on tftd®Gtaona:t. ori•nt.atlon) •

st.srn (19,0) !tt1d Webb end ~O'Vf4eJ: (1t65)

llave .eJ.so st.ressed th~ .lrnportenee ot exploiting

~ on:tv the 4e~ of lnettv!dunl•envitt.:~runen~

oongru~ney, bttt f11ao thtJ direction of lneon.gruency •

The-",v ,tmpi'y fi •. hat di:ffe~nt;; ~qrees and dirse!Uon

of 1.ntJ:i v:ld\ttS1•env.tr01"lf!tent cooqrasncy ma,f ba.~

d1ffemnttu effecte on satiGfactS.on. t.b.lnld.nq,

aabievem!!nt end Otht!l' types of beha'lt!our:.

tn ttl~ model, two t~a of. d18fl!%1tpanciett

~ft. ow!~.nt.etion tm4 perception an Qnderl.t.ned,

w'th ~e-peot, to the a.&cecUon of 4~sorepancy-• ·

51 ............ ...__. ..........._ ~ ...... . .-M ~ ...... ......... :arlO •• :;::: ... ~""'.. ...,5 ..... ...,: .. 1illlli'!!FV ·~ ~,.~..,. . "--. ' .. . . •

-··$1-··,- ·01\Jae..a.-.-~ ...... ........... , u Jadag ia---·~

•• ""' . . . ... :.......... ................ •J&· . , .. , '.. . ... ··- ................. ~ • .. .- ._..,~ ~•~•a~ •• ..-~of*• .... ~ .. ~.,•or ••..•• Ollfl ···~ ~-~ ............ ~· .&.k .. · ...... ' . .....,_ .. '.' .. ...._;. .. _.... ... ' . ,· ... ·~ ...,.., ...... -.•••· ~ _.., •ow ·~- • ....... ~ .. (~' · .... -:. , ~···

-.u. ~~-- • .,..._. .. • ·-·~•ttr . ......... , .• ~ u • ., • ~ ............. ...

'--~ .......................... \

.....,._....., ............... ,.'.JIIo&'ri- .......... ~ ·- ........ _ _.._ .. ...... ~~. ~ ·-~· • ~-~ ·-~~p- ..... ....., ~ .. ~~-~- ~~

·-·~---- ...... .,., ......... '

' ',a-, . ....... --....t:-· . ' ·---- --. .. f!l;,clri .... _ ................. ' ,...,.ft8 ~ V!f~v..-v~l'. · • .-~-.~. ~~-~ Wll6liliJ ..

'·pOd. "' -~ • bU ............ tatlllm lo op- ... 1· .. ··.· .• ·•·.• •. •· •.•. \.·~ •.. '· ..• · .. ·:. ·· ....••.. ···

.._.., vot&t, a~ v&th • PftP«ft.., ·od'et*Ua

paaoat•• •• ~~ • btitlfl.-lo~ 1o .,._.,

.- • P~Ron wlth o t~~pa.or:.to#'f onev.lloD Pf&'Celw• • ' '

~~~~ .. -~--..,..,.to e 4lffe~MM lU botb. * ._.,... -" ~- of ,..,poue;

AS botm ·extent. of degree aod cUrectic>n of

tis~panoy ·&re eotud.etersd .trnpo,rt.ant. in that


tbef ha'\te 41ffettent1e1 !mpa.<:t.s on students • Ed.,.­i::aUonal. outcomes,. the J!'(!S\llts of an tnvestic;aticm

based. on the, . $9-lient t4!tlat.1on~bJ.ps between person­

enVli:'oni'RE!rtt tnt.eraction •. t.e .) the extent of' PQs~

tlve 8tld _ neqattve · dtser$panc::1es Ob$et:wd. will have

potential .1.nlportance in underst.andinq the nature of

"--~~n..-envi.r:'C1n.tnf!nt lateraet.ion w1 thin ttl~ aeaci$m1C

instltu.Uo;n. st will a1$o prov!a& an und.erst.m'i<ling . . ~ . . . .

o£ various .facets of ind1vJ,.dua1 cleve1opm$nt .in

college an.dhighligbt f'aat.ors ~ffect!ng per!oma11ce

~nd sat.isfaeUon,.

Educator.$ ate also coneern$4 vd.th helping tndi-

. v14ua1e f.ln4 f:;ielcts of :$tucly that are sui table .for

~em,ana also with ~it~dinq people who will benefit

the fi:e1d• of stt.ldy they enter~ some of the basic

p:;tobletris tn 'this area, of find..tnq the relationships

bet.weell pe.rsone.ll.ey Cha.raet.ertstics and l.n'telleet:ual

activitlea are beinq increasingly teseat'cbed into today.

VatS.ous'rields of et.udy attract diffe~nt types

of peOple. . the personality ~arac:rtertstics that dis­

Ungutsh people in different fields also varies greatly.

Pa4e an4 Stern (1958) & Astin .and Holland (196~ classify


stu4ente• nacd-01\e to dlG eav.t.tonment on t:Jle. 'bu1e

of 'V'at!oue petsona1ltt1:7De•~ s~u.dtea bf stan

(1968)., treldmart & Newc:cmb (1969), .&ncJJ.eete tbat.

41f!enncee tu MJOJ: field ~nvlt"Onments ln ·tfj.aiS

of a~4enta desc~p-loa~ of the dbawacterlstlc

emphates., ClemantiE1 $14 OJ>pOI"t\lidtSea assocl$tAt4 vlth

cut.riculum .a faw1ty •aer p-eatly• Natu"al science

end Rn91neertog $t\14~ts 'terlde4 -to deacc-ibe tl\ei•

~ar1eula,: en'V'b'cmtnerat u 'beJ.ag. high 011 fe.wl ty u4

et\l4$ot •rqpbui.• on· tsctl•~~temf· eel low on•burnan1sm•.

h1-- & NwOomb Cl9f0.)~. Mve nott4 that studente in

the 2nqj.ftM~lnt etl ~ye1<:at $c4ences et14 Matta•matics

t<!O;ta bigb oa teet.e llaeU\U;tng teae~:al tn.tel.lectul

abf;.l.ltr u oppo$e<l to :&'bu.4eou ift otbel" !Ae14s,..·, On

ac:ales• meesuing .PsychologJ.eal well•beblf,.. atudeJtts

. in ~ M.tural acle~ces teJ14e4 to sQOre hiQb$1" than

at.ud&a• J.n U. soc1a1 ect.eneee,. aor$tain (19?3)

ia41e•te4 tba• e't.Ud ... ts :ln dte soolal $c1eocas a1'l4

hUl'tUUd.tle$ shewed mo" lntet:est 1n bavino pt!r:ticipatow

I'Ole J.n le~mtng- whUe etu4hu in proteselone.l co11o.oee

expressed a desire for a ftlDft eU'tu:tu~ed educatJ.onel

etmoepheste. • '

~se etu.dj.es give some ln4~cat1on that etu.4enu

eneer!ng 41ffe.rebt ftelds may have eertaJ.n 4lotinct1ve

personaltt.y cbaractetist1cs,._ wbteb ma:y modify tlta

fteldl!f they ertter or in tum ·l:;e ·mod1fi,~· _.bJ' tbe impact

of the field itself .•..


OoultJtettt. 8t.udeftt. •uia•t• ;J.ft ttae O&'len~UCDS/ ;el'Cer;Uoti ~ at\t<l$tlle in dlf'tedq en~otltl'tetits w$.11

"r.wtclf) an i"~ of ·tb$ ~crt: of' tht!J eolle~ <m s'tU•

4eate e~Ui *'All be :q;,f: ~. in ttte pJ!'OVjS,ing of etfeotl.ve

.aueat:lonf41 Pt:"O~ra~ef.' • • ' ,.A

l'he io11w.t.fi9· Cbap .. J' pJ!'f!Js.~ats .a t:evletr of n1e­

,." li'teatw:e An t1le (I:OIS.teJC:\ of t:be ~· ft"~o .. lc.

