Mihretu is Home



After 18 months of waiting, praying, and hoping, Mihretu is finally home! Congratulations, Autumn Kerr!

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mihretuhome forever

dear friends,

There is something so utterly precious about this particular story of rescue that my fingers shake as I tap at the keyboard. How do we articulate the wonders of heaven through mere words, and these mere moments of time captured on film? I am acutely aware of my own inadequacy, and instead pray that Christ Jesus will give you greater vision for those still forgotten and that He will instill within you, a heart that rejoices over His manifold wisdom and great ability to redeem the lost, set the captives free, relieve the suffering of the oppressed, and bring hope to little boys like Mihretu.

As I have been privileged to watch this wonder unfold, my heart is full and happy and satisfied, knowing that His hand is not shortened to save, His ear to distant that He does not hear.

I believe that Mihretu is a beautiful testimony of Christ’s heart for us all. That His love for us has no boundaries, His heart for us always good, and His plans for our future always filled with hope and peace.

On behalf of Autumn and this dear little kiddo, I thank you for standing in the gap and praying this miracle through. May you experience the blessedness of these answered prayers and may it stir within a greater passion for those still alone, still hurting, still aching to know love and home.

“God settles the solitary in a home.”

! ! ! ! ! Grateful I know you, who have joined in prayer,


and when i hold youi hold my miracle


for this child i prayed,and the Lord has granted

me my petition that I made to him.

“In this child, there may be slumbering

a noble heart which shall stir the christian church in

years to come.”

instead of your shame, there shall be a double portion,instead of dishonor, they shall rejoice in their lot,

therefore, in their land they shall posses a double portion;they shall have an everlasting joy.

and for you, whomever you might be

may this little something find you hungry for the Life and Presence of Christ Jesus

& may it encourage you in what joy is ours knowing the Almighty One, who

rescues, redeems, and saves.

for thekerr family

in testimony of what God can do to transform the countenance of the

