Midland Zone Messenger · 2016-03-26 · 1 Midland Zone Messenger Autumn 2016 Find us on Facebook...


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Midland Zone Messenger Autumn 2016 Find us on Facebook

www.midlandzone.com.au Midland Zone Club Events & Info

In this issue:

Pg 2,3 Zone Reps


Pg 4: news from head


Pg 5: Who’s who on

the MZ exec?

Pg 5: Award of Merit


Pg6: Around the clubs

Pg 7 & 8: Victorian

Pony Club Team


Pg 9: Dressage &

Showjumping State


Pg 10: MZ Calendar

Pg 11: MZ section


Daylight saving ends on

April 3rd

Midland Zone C grade show jumping team State Champs 2016

Midland Zone Dressage riders Gr 1, 2 & 3 State Champs 2016


Hello All,

As we start the year a reminder to all Dc’s that every instructor who teaches at any Pony Club rally, camp or

clinic in any capacity (volunteer or paid, even if they teach at one rally, camp or clinic only) MUST produce

their PCAV Coaches registration card before doing so. It is the Dc's responsibility to ensure instructors have

their PCAV Coaches registration card. When booking your instructors for the rally, check that they have their

card. If not this gives them time to register. It is a very simple process and costs only $25 per financial year

unless the instructor is a volunteer and then it is free.

Pony Club Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation which up until the introduction of the coach membership

depended largely on rider membership fees and government grants to run its operations, services and

programs. These activities are aimed at creating a quality Pony Club experience for riders, families and

support personnel. Members' fees are channelled back into programs and services such as membership

management, club official training, NCAS training and accreditation, club development programs, insurance,

websites and the magazine. Coach Membership is about asking coaches to assist with supporting PCAV on

this level and being proud to say they are a member of Pony Club.

Becoming a Coach Member of Pony Club is a way of supporting our riders and Pony Club’s aim to create a

fun, enjoyable, challenging and inspiring space for them to enjoy their horses with their friends. .

Membership with an organisation establishes a relationship and intent to operate and comply with the rules

of the organisation. Changes over recent years to legal requirements, specifically the Working with

Children’s legislation, have also highlighted a need to keep better information on members within Pony

Club. As a volunteer organisation we are not exempt from the law. Every person on a committee of an

Incorporated Body, such as Club or Zone, has an obligation to ensure they operate in a legal manner and

they can be held accountable for not doing so.

Instructors teaching at pony club who are not registered as a coach on the PCAV Database will not be covered by the PCAV insurance policy for their coaching activities. All Coaches, including Preliminary Coaches and other Coaches, approved by PCAV have Public & Products Liability up to $20,000,000.

The new PCAV logo is being implemented at state level and club level .A style guide for the new logo is available from head office on request. This guide will include templates for embroidery.

The logo can be used in club/zone colours as with the current PCAV Logo. The PCAV Logo will be Blue & White, used immediately on official Publications and letterhead.

The current horse tick logo and the new logo will exist in the field on uniforms until old stock is exhausted.

Working bees have been conducted over the last two months to construct a Grade 5 cross country course at PCVEC. The bulk of this work has been done by members of the North metro Zone . The course is finished and it has been decided to run a fundraiser event (for the water complex) at Gladysdale on Saturday 16th April, 2016 which will be a dressage competition (grades 1-5) and on Sunday 17th April, 2016 which is a “Mini Gladysdale” Grade 5 horse trials for grade 5’s only. Stand by for the entry forms

A lot of work has been done to eradicate the dreaded melaleuca from the course which has meant that the grade 1 & 2 course will not be ready for the PCAV State Horse Trails at the end of April. The event has been moved to Bacchus Marsh as this Zone was next on the rotation list to host the event.


A reminder to all that the rule updates are published on the PCAV website, with the changes highlighted in red. There is a new grading for combined training called 5A

c.i 5A CT competition may be held for riders 10 years old and under. c.ii 5A test only to be used. Heights and spreads of 0.30m max.

c.iii No assistance may be given, riders MAY NOT be led in any phase.

Riders will need to be graded in the CT section of their cards.

The heights and dimensions for the combined jumping course as stipulated in table E7 have been brought into line with the Horse trails heights. Our Zone wrote to State council at the request of Peggy Mills asking that they consider in increasing the speed in Horse Trials show jumping in Grade 4 from 250mpm to 275mpm. This request was granted. We also asked that State council consider a decrease in entry fees for State events for those Zones that are 200 ks or more from PCVEC. This request was denied with the advice that clubs within Zones need to work together and look after the needs of their own riders

This brings me to our Zones exciting new team event, The Victorian Pony Club Team Championships. The subcommittee to organise the event has been working hard to make it all happen and we have had feedback from clubs saying that their riders are looking forward to participating and proudly representing their clubs. Any profits from this event will go to supporting riders in our Zone.

Wishing the very best of luck to the riders from the mighty Midland Zone who are competing at the State dressage and show jumping Championships at PCVEC on March 5th and 6th. Our Zone had a very successful year last year and I know we will give it our best shot again in 2016.

Happy horsing,

Sue Foley

To clarify the process for registering


longer necessary to fill in the XL

spreadsheet. What is needed now is

for the volunteer coaches to register

via the Try booking system. When

they print their ticket they also get a

validation slip. This slip needs to be

signed by a club official and then

forwarded to Nicki Chalmers or

myself please

Volunteers are not paid, not

because they are worthless but

because they are priceless


MyClub will be closing to Clubs.

It is however not quite closed yet! If Club Officials could hold

putting members onto the old MyClub system, it would be

greatly appreciated. The PCV State Office will manually turn off

access today 22 FEB 2016.

During this week of shut down, the providers of the new Pony

Club membership & event

management system will transfer as much membership

data as possible into the new system, we don't want to miss

any members, the reason the the old system will be closed.

The new membership & event

Management system will be accessible by Club Officials from

the 29 FEB 2016. Clubs will be

assisted in getting up to speed on the capabilities of the new


Access will be given to Clubs who have provided the State Office

with a Trusted Club Official Form.

FIRST STEP - The Trusted Club Official!

Let the PCAV State Office know which

individual(s) at your Club should be given access to the database.

Trusted Club Official Form The TRUSTED CLUB OFFICAL form must be

completed with signatures from two committee members other than the person nominated. A

password, user name and link to access the system will be sent by email directly to the

nominated individual around the 26 FEB 2016.


Please contact the Pony Club State Office with

any questions or queries call 03 8685 8925.

News from Head Office

It is important that everyone who attends a rally, working bee or activity at your club grounds signs the attendance register. This is a risk management procedure and is considered best practice. From the By Laws: By Laws are rules that the PCAV State Council have officially ratified. All club members, affiliated pony clubs and zones of the PCAV must strictly follow and adhere to them.

3.1.b Zones, clubs and club members must not act outside of the rules and policies of the PCAV, in accordance with this quote from the insurance policy: “Insurance cover has been structured based on the PCAV risk management policies, procedures, rules and regulations and anyone acting outside these guidelines may prejudice their entitlement under the policy or be left uninsured.”

The secretary is responsible for:

6.a.ix. Maintaining an attendance

register for club rallies, activities,

working bees etc. in accordance

with rule 18.2

Club Attendance Register


Who’s who on the Midland Zone Executive Committee?

L to R: Zone Representative Sue Foley,

Zone Examining Secretary and Chief

Instructor Nicki Chalmers, Zone

President Linda Gerring

Vice president:

Debbie Weir

Junior Vice

president: Viv Cole

Treasurer (for the

last 20 years!!)

Christine Linton

Secretary: Debbie



The “Award of Merit” is awarded by PCAV for outstanding service to Pony Club by an Associate member of an

affiliated Pony Club. The club committee determines if an Associate member is worthy of nomination and at least

2/3rds of the committee must be in favour of the nomination.

The nominee must have given outstanding service o their club, been an Associate for 2 to 3 years and a Pony Club

member for 3 years and under the age of 26 years of age on June 30th of the year of nomination.

The nomination is to be submitted to the Zone Secretary by 31st March each year. Late nominations may not be

accepted. A brief resume is required and must be signed by two of the following club officials, President, Secretary

or District Commissioner. Note: - Parents must not sign the nomination.

The nominee must have been helpful on Rally days in various ways such as instructing, moving and erecting

equipment, assisting, advising and encouraging other pony club members and be courteous at all times. They must

have been helpful at all functions and working bees of their club and their involvement in the junior committee of the

club committee to be noted. Most importantly always upholding the aims and objectives of the Pony Club

movement, riding ability and participation in team competitions are irrelevant and are not a determining factor.

The official nomination form from PCAV plus the candidate’s membership cards for the previous three years –

which must show 75% attendance unless the Zone Representative has granted special exemption, must be brought

by the District Commissioner or his/her representative to a meeting with the Zone Executive, where an interview will

take place. If the Zone Executive recommends the nomination it is sent to PCAV Council for acceptance or rejection

by the 31st July Nomination form available at http://www.midlandzone.ponyclubvic.org.au/


Fun & Games at Loddon PC

Learning the ropes at Ararat PC

The Castlemaine crew

Jumping fun at Bealiba Pony Club


training at

Bendigo Pony


Around the clubs


Park PC on

parade at



Dahlia &

Arts festival


The Victorian Pony Club Team Championships

The Mighty Midland Zone held an exciting new event for Pony Club riders on March

12th & 13th at the Bendigo Showgrounds. The Victorian Pony Club Team

Championships was supported by many clubs from near and far. It was fantastic to

see the competitors putting into practice many of the skills they learn at pony club

while supporting each other in a fun team environment. Thank you so much to the

Midland Zone clubs who loaned equipment, fielded teams and who got behind the

event in any way. The event was well supported by amazing sponsors; first and

foremost Sandhurst Stock Feeds of Bendigo. It was a great success and planning is

underway for 2017

Great work with the gate!

Beautifully presented. Bendigo PC

Reserve Champion




Photos 1-6 credits to MooseStar photogrpahy



Tackling the Stockman’s Challenge Erin Bowman St Arnaud PC

The winning team from the

Composite Club section 'The

Barbie Ponies' consisting of

L to R Teegan Thorpe

(Maryborough PC) Sarah Sell

& Jemma R-Singles(Woodend

PC )and Anna Elliott (Glenlyon


4 5



Horseland Dressage & Showjumping State Championships 2016

Congratulations to Amy Bachmann

( BPC) on her results in the Grade 1

dressage at the State Champs. Amy came

2nd on her mount Jaybee Crackerjack (on

the left) and 7th on the pocket rocket

Heritage Park Chatreuse. Well done

Amy! (And her mum Jenny!)

Kim O’Neill (NPPC) surveying

PCVEC from the balcony of the


Shaleah Bray (BPC)

hosing down her

horse after

competing in gr 2


Hannah Wigg (APC) a member of the

B Grade SJ team. Hannah rode 2

horses in the team


Midland Zone Autumn Calendar


Year 2016

Section Zone Event B School of Instruction A Horse Trials C Games and Flat Team Ride D School of Instruction B Zone Show Jumping and Flat Team Shield A Zone Dinner D Dressage and Show Jumping Qualifying Event

Year 2017

Section Zone Event D School of Instruction C Horse Trials B Games and Flat Team Ride Qualifier A School of Instruction D Zone Show Jumping and Flat Team Shield C Zone Dinner A Dressage and Show Jumping Qualifying Event

Year 2018

Section Zone Event A School of Instruction B Horse Trials D Games and Flat Team Ride C School of Instruction A Zone Show Jumping and Flat Team Shield B Zone Dinner C Dressage and Show Jumping Qualifying Event

Year 2019

Section Zone Event C School of Instruction D Horse Trials A Games and Flat Team Ride B School of Instruction C Zone Show Jumping and Flat Team Shield D Zone Dinner B Dressage and Show Jumping Qualifying Event

In 1983 due to the vast distance to travel from one end of the Zone to the other, it was decided to divide the

Zone into four sections. Each section held one Zone event per year on a rotating basis. This meant that each

Section had the opportunity to compete at Zone level without having to travel long distances

The Sections and Clubs are :- Section A – Ararat, Beaufort, Horsham, and Stawell.

Section B – Charlton, Donald Loddon and St Arnaud.

Section C – Bendigo, Mandurang South, Neangar Park and Spring Gully/Huntly

Section D – Bealiba, Castlemaine, Harcourt, Maldon and Maryborough .

