MICROSOFT WORD 2010 Lesson 1 - Understanding the Word Window and Creating a New Document


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Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Word 2010Lesson 1 - Understanding the Word Window and Creating a New Document The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully explore and describe the Word window and to create a new document. The student will save the document and properly exit the program. Learning Goal of Lesson 1Learning ObjectivesOn completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Successfully start Microsoft Word 2010 using a variety of methods. Explore the Word window and identify various features in the window. Use the Ribbons in Word. Navigate the various menus associated with each Ribbon. Create a new document. Insert text in a document using various methods. Save a document using the Save and Save As commands. Close a document and properly exit the Word program. Part 1: Starting Microsoft Word

4Use The Windows Start Button

Click the start button.

Click All Programs

Find Microsoft Office and Open Microsoft Word

Double-click to openDemonstrate the different areas of the Word program window.Part 2: Exploring the Word WindowDemonstrate the different areas of the Word program window by pointing with the mouse or by using a laser pointer on the presentation area. Be sure to move the pointer to each feature as you discuss it. 6Exploring The Word Window:Title BarThe Title Bar text changes to display the name of the active document.When you first open a new document, the title bar will say Document #.After you save it, the new name will show on the title bar.

Exploring The Word Window:File TabThe File Tab allows access to the Word Options dialog box and provides control to create new documents, save and print documents, as well as several other features.

Exploring The Word Window:Quick Access ToolbarThe Quick Access Toolbar provides access to commonly used tasks like saving a document. You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar to insert your most commonly used commands by clicking on the down arrow at the right.

Exploring The Word Window:Mini Toolbar & Shortcut MenuThe Mini Toolbar contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document.The Shortcut Menu, also called a context menu, appears when you click an object with the right mouse key. This menu contains specialized commands and options for the object.

Image Source: 10Exploring The Word Window:Insertion PointThe Insertion Point can appear in various forms . Depending upon the action you are taking, the insertion point can take on many different forms. When you are inserting text, it is an I-beam.

Exploring The Word Window:RulerThe Ruler may or may not be turned on. If you dont see the Ruler, click on the View menu.Then click beside Ruler. This will turn it on.The ruler above shows a 6.5-inch typing area.

Exploring The Word Window:Scroll BarsThe Scroll Bars, just like with any program (including Internet Explorer), will allow you move left to right or up and down.

Moves the window up or downVertical Scroll Bar

Moves the window left to rightHorizontal Scroll BarExploring The Word Window:View ButtonsThe View Buttons allow you to view your document in 5 different ways. (Left to right order)Print LayoutFull Screen ReadingWeb LayoutOutlineDraft

Exploring The Word Window:Zoom SliderThe Zoom Slider enlarges the current view to read what is on the screen. It DOES NOT change text size permanently.

Exploring The Word Window:Status BarThe Status Bar presents information about a document, the progress of current tasks, and the status of certain commands and keys, and also provides controls for viewing the document.

Exploring The Word Window:Help WindowThe Help window can be accessed by pressing F1 on your keyboard. You can also click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the upper right corner of the Word window.

Exploring The Word Window:RibbonThe Ribbon is made up of tabs, groups and commands.By double-clicking a Ribbon tab, the Ribbon will be reduced to a single line to conserve space in the workspace

TabsFileHomeInsertPage LayoutReferencesMailingsReviewViewGroupsGroups in the File tab: ClipboardFontParagraphStylesEditingFileHomeCommands (Actions)PasteBoldCutUnderlineCenterFont Size

Exploring The Word Window:Minimizing The RibbonYou can Minimize the Ribbon by clicking on the button in the Title bar. This will allow the Ribbon to only display the tab names rather than entire Ribbon.

Activity 1: Complete the Identifying Ribbons and Tabs Activity

Test Your KnowledgeAnswer Key:1. FALSE2. TRUE3. TRUE

True/FalseThere are only two methods to start Microsoft Word 2010. The basic Microsoft Word 2010 window includes eight Ribbon tabs that maybe selected to view various command groupings. By double-clicking a Ribbon tab, the Ribbon will be reduced to a single line to conserve space in the workspace.

Test Your KnowledgeAnswer Key:1. Tab2. Home3. Quick Access Toolbar

Multiple ChoiceEach ____ on the Ribbon is a collection of groups, and each group contains related items. Area Unit TabDialog box _____ is the tab that contains the most commonly used commands. View Home Insert Start The _____ provides quick access to frequently used commands. Shortcut menuStart menuMini ToolbarQuick Access Toolbar Part 3: Entering Text in Word 2010Entering Text in Word 2010:Word Wrap24

Use the Word Wrap Feature. Do NOT press enter at the end of every line. Only Enter to force a line ending (such as with address lines) or at the end of a paragraph. (A forced Enter is commonly called a hard return.)

With word wrap, should you decide to make your font smaller or larger, the text will automatically adjust to the best line ending.Enter

Are you pressing the Enter key with your right pinky?

24Entering Text in Word 2010:Removing Text25BackspaceDeleteBackspace deletes to the left.Delete deletes to the right.25Entering Text in Word 2010:Margins26

By default, Word 2010 uses one-inch (1) for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.

You can customize the margins by clicking on the Page Layout tab and the down arrow on the Margins command.Default: a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user. Definition source: m-w.com26Entering Text in Word 2010:Click & Type27You must be in Print Layout or Web Layout view for this to be available.

You are allowed to click anywhere and begin typing. Click & Type

27Entering Text in Word 2010:Saving documents in Word 20102828Entering Text in Word 2010:ShortcutsCTRL + B Bold TextCTRL + I Italicize TextCTRL + U Underline TextCTRL + Shift + >Increase Size of TextCTRL + Shift +
