Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Document Control in ISO 9000 Registration


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  • 7/29/2019 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Document Control in ISO 9000 Registration


    Microsoft VisualSourceSafe for

    Document Control inISO 9000 Registration

    J. Mandell

    Microsoft Corporation

    October 1995

    IntroductionThe first thing you notice when you enter the main workspace in

    Microsoft's Canyon Park facility is a huge banner with white letters on a

    lilac background proudly proclaiming, "ISO 9002 Registered on

    October 21, 1994." The banner represents the culmination of a lengthy

    and complex process signifying that Canyon Park and other worldwide

    facilities have quality assurance and management programs that meet

    the stringent standards of the internationally accepted ISO 9000 series.

    Canyon Park is the largest software production facility of its kind.

    Within the 5.7 acres under one roof, more than 850 workers ship 2.7million software packages of 5,500 finished products in 31 different

    languages per month.

    As described in the "ISO 9000 Registered Company Directory,"

    "Essentially, ISO 9000 requires a company to document what it does,

    and do what it documents. To illustrate the objective of ISO

    documentation: if a company suddenly replaced all personnel, their

    replacementsproperly trainedcould use the documentation to

    continue making the product or providing the service as before" (Irwin

    Professional Publications, Fairfax, Virginia).

    Control of documentation is the critical element for International

    Standards Organization (ISO) registration. According to Brian Parnell,

    senior quality engineer and ISO project manager at the Canyon Park

    facility, the number one reason that companies fail their ISO audit

    document control problemscauses twice the number failures as the

    second most common reason.

    Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is a project-oriented version control

    system with many features that make it ideal for use in the process of

    ISO registration. This document discusses the potential and uses of

    Visual SourceSafe as a document control system in companies seeking

    registration to one of the ISO 9000 series of quality control standards.

    This paper contains the following sections:

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    The Advantages of Obtaining ISO 9000 Registration

    Documentation Requirements for Registration

    How Visual SourceSafe Can Help with Registration

    An Example of Using Visual SourceSafe for Registration

    The Advantages of Obtaining ISO

    9000 RegistrationThe ISO registration process includes an audit of a company's quality

    systems by a third party. Once ISO registration has been achieved, the

    process does not end. Auditors return on a regular basis to verify that

    standards are being upheld. It is important to keep in mind that ISO

    registers the process that leads to a product or service, not the product

    or service itself.

    The ISO 9000 series covers all companies of all sizes, whether service or

    manufacturing. The series comprises three standards:

    ISO 9001: Quality assurance in design, development, and


    ISO 9002: Quality assurance in production and installation,

    everything in 9001. Canyon Park is registered to this standard

    because no design work is done there.

    ISO 9003: Quality assurance in final inspection and test.

    Within a company, ISO registration benefits many functions, including

    production, manufacturing, contracting with suppliers, and legal

    requirements. Registering to an ISO standard focuses a company's

    energies on quality and consistency. Quality engineer Brian Parnell said

    of the Canyon Park facility, "We needed an impetus to get things

    together. ISO provided that focus."

    For a company that deals with subcontractors, registration to an ISO

    standard is the closest thing to a guarantee that the product or service

    being purchased has been created under a quality-assured process,

    whether a supplier is in Indiana or India.

    In a world economy, where most companies depend increasingly on

    other companies to provide some part of their product or service,

    quality standards have become essential. The ISO 9000 series is rapidly

    becoming the quality standard throughout the world. More than 80

    countries as diverse as England, Colombia, Canada, Germany, Israel,

    and Turkey have adopted the ISO series.

    The ISO standards ensure that the process used to produce a product

    or service, not the product or service itself, provides dependable

    quality. Increasingly, the companies that the Microsoft Canyon Park

    facility deals with are ISO registered to assure that their products or

    services are up to the standards that Microsoft expects and demands.

    Perhaps the most cogent reason for seeking ISO registration is the

    marketplace itself: customers are beginning to demand registration.

    Documentation Requirements forRegistrationDocumentation review is usually the second of six steps in the

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    registration process (application, documentation review,

    pre-assessment, assessment, registration, and surveillance). If an

    applicant fails the documentation review, the registration process stops

    right there.

    The American National Standard ANSI/ASQC Q9002-1994 corresponds

    to ISO 9002:1994. Differences between the two standards consist of

    "Americanization" of spelling and usage. This standard describes

    documentation needed for each phase in production of a product orservice. The phases include quality-system requirements; contract

    review; documentation; data control; purchasing; inspection and

    testing; control of nonconforming product; corrective and preventative

    action; handling storage, packaging, preservation, and delivery; control

    of quality records; internal quality audits; training; servicing; and

    statistical techniques. Each section contains the words, "the supplier

    shall establish and maintain documented procedures."

    ISO 9000 registration requires four levels of documentation:

    Level I consists of a quality manual that outlines what acompany plans to achieve and outlines the policies it plans to

    implement to achieve its goal.

    Level II outlines procedures the company will follow, what

    workers will do, in what order, by whom, and with what results,

    structured to reflect the process flow of events.

    Level III consists of detailed work instructionsspecific written

    information on how to do a particular taskavailable centrally

    and locally. Canyon Park has 25 local areas.

    Level IV consists of reference material and information not in

    other categories. In Canyon Park, this information includes

    quality records, forms, rates for carriers, and so forth.

    Registration is achieved through an on-site audit and assessment of

    the company's quality system by independent auditors, including the

    quality policy, quality system documentation, and quality records. The

    complete process typically takes about two years and typically costs

    from $10,000 to $30,000 per facility. When performing the document

    review, auditors look at the following:

    Intent of ISO 9000 standard. How well does a documented

    system stand against the ISO standard?

    Implementation. Do people within the company follow the

    documentation? Is the documentation readily available?Effectiveness. How well does a documented system work?

    How Visual SourceSafe Can Help with

    ISO 9000 RegistrationIn a wide-ranging discussion, quality engineer Brian Parnell described

    the process of achieving ISO registration, the scope of which he

    described as "humongous," and how the process could have been

    improved. He described the need for a good document control system

    as critical. "We need a good document control system to tie everything

    together." A good system must perform well in each of the followingareas:

    Documentation must be controlled.

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    Documentation must be available for auditors' perusal.

    Documentation must be easily accessible.

    Documentation versioning is necessary.

    Evidence of approval for each document must be available.

    A master list identifying revision status of documents must be

    readily available.

    Visual SourceSafe provides all this required functionality and a great

    deal more. The top ten reasons for using Visual SourceSafe as a

    document control system:

    It is available for multiple platforms, including the Windows

    95 operating system; Windows 3.1 and Windows NT

    operating system for Intel, MIPS, and Alpha AXP and



    It stores any kind of file, whether text or binary.2.

    It provides both a graphical user interface and a command line



    It uses a small set of commands that are intuitive and easily



    It is designed to work in client-server environments. Typically,the Visual SourceSafe database resides on a server. Client

    installations contain the executables and auxiliary files necessary

    to gain access to the database.


    It tracks the history of every change to every file and every



    It contains a highly customizable, easy-to-use security system.7.

    It is easy to view the contents of a file.8.

    It is easy to generate reports containing the revision history of

    any file in its database.


    It has an enormous capacity for f iles, holding over 8,000 files in

    a single project and as many files and projects in its database

    as your hard disk can hold.


    The Visual SourceSafe version-control system features an easy-to-use

    interface that is similar in appearance and use to the Windows 95

    Explorer, as shown in Figure 1.

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    Figure 1. The Visual SourceSafe Explorer interface

    Visual SourceSafe is a version control system with a difference: rather

    than being file-oriented, like most version control systems, it is project-

    oriented. This means that in addition to performing actions on

    individual files, you can deal with files as a groupa much more

    efficient way to control documents. Instead of a separate operation foreach file, you have just one operation for a group. If a particular project

    contains a dozen files, you can check out all twelve from storage with

    one command rather than with twelve separate commands.

    All files are stored in the Visual SourceSafe database, but only the most

    recent version of a file is stored in its entirety. Only the changes to

    previous versions are stored in the reverse delta system. This system

    saves space on your hard disk. When an older version of a file is

    needed, Visual SourceSafe can easily recreate that version.

    Visual SourceSafe contains a large number of tools to simplify the taskof version control and document storage. These tools include a report

    generator, a history tool for showing history of projects or individual

    files, tools to identify differences between versions of files, a tool for

    finding strings in text files, and a tool for viewing f iles.

    Documentation Must Be Controlled

    One reason why companies don't have document control systems is

    that they can be hard to learn and hard to use. In a typical situation, a

    worker on a production floor needs to check the specifics of a certain

    step in a procedure. The worker must find the information quickly so as

    not to interrupt the work flow in his or her department. If the worker

    can't find the information quickly, the worker is likely to abandon the


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    When a worker needs to see a particular procedure, he needs only to

    open the project containing the procedure and double-click on the file

    containing the procedure. Visual SourceSafe automatically starts the

    application associated with the file and displays the contents of the file.

    A major aspect of documentation control with regard to ISO

    registration is the ability to track changes to a document and produce

    change history. Each file in a Visual SourceSafe project has an

    associated comment. It is incumbent upon the people maintaining thefiles and projects to enter meaningful comments. Even the best system

    in the world won't work unless people use it properly. Each time an

    action is taken that affects the content of a file, you are presented with

    an opportunity to enter a comment. When you add a file, you can enter

    a comment of thousands of words should the need arise.

    Visual SourceSafe controls documents by:

    Keeping the source files in the Visual SourceSafe database.

    Storing all changes to all versions so that any version can be

    easily reconstructed.Limiting access to the files by using a security system that can

    control access down to the file level.

    Documentation for Auditor's Perusal

    Section 4.5.2 of the ANSI/ASQC standard ANSI/ASQC Q9002-1994

    (ASQC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) describes the standards for document

    and data control, posing the questions "What gets documented?" and

    "What documentation do you need to do your job successfully?"

    Section 4.5.2 specifies the following:

    The documents and data shall be reviewed and

    approved for adequacy by authorized personnel prior

    to issue. A master list or equivalent document-control

    procedure identifying the current revision status of

    documents shall be established and be readily available

    to preclude the use of invalid and/or obsolete

    documents. This control shall ensure that:

    a. The pertinent issues of appropriate documents are

    available at all locations where operations essential to

    the effective functioning of the quality system are


    b. Invalid and/or obsolete documents are promptly

    removed from all points of issue or use, or otherwise

    ensured against unintended use.

    c. Any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or

    knowledge-preservation purposes are suitably


    Although registration is usually for three years, surveillance visits are

    exercised typically every six months, or in the words of Brian Parnell,

    "ongoing, forever."

    Making documentation available for auditors involves a great deal of

    preparation. The large amount of documentation involved makes a

    document control system essential. If an applicant is not prepared for

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    the auditors' inspection, the cost to the applicant can be substantial.

    Typically, a team of auditors will cost the applicant more than $1,500. If

    even one day of the auditors' time is wasted due to lack of preparation,

    the cost is unacceptable.

    In addition the preparation for the auditors' visit can be expensive and

    time consuming. Brian Parnell reported that in the Canyon Park facility,

    a person delivering hard copies of a document to everyone who needs

    to see it walks five miles, all within the facility.

    A good document control system can pay for itself in one day.

    To prepare for the auditors' visit, Visual SourceSafe can help a

    company prepare as follows:

    View all necessary documents from any SourceSafe client to

    determine whether to include them in the review, without

    having to check the files out of the database.

    Generate reports to provide a change history of all comments

    associated with projects, as required for document review.Generate reports showing all changes to the contents of text


    Generate any version of any document in the Visual SourceSafe

    database. Even obsolete documents that have been deleted

    from projects can be retained in the database.

    Documentation Must Be Easily Accessible to All

    Who Need It

    Information must be readily accessible to anyone in the corporation,

    from managers to accountants, but particularly to workers on the

    production floor. The main reasons why companies fail their auditsbecause of documentation problems include:

    Documentation isn't controlled, such as work scheduling, or a

    list of which component screens to use. Many companies still

    work with hard copies of documentation subject only to

    physical changes. If a page falls out of a binder, it can simply


    Documentation might be available, but the person doesn't

    know how to find it. Format of the documentation does not

    matter. It simply needs to be effective for users. The

    documentation can be hard copy or online, or online with hard

    copy backup.

    The most current version of the documentation is not available.

    Updates to documents are difficult to propagate, particularly

    with hard-copy-only documentation. Online systems that are

    not distributed across a network also face problems updating


    Documentation must be usable. Users of the documentation

    complain that the system, whether hard copy or online, is hard

    to use; in fact, they find it so hard to use that they find it easier

    not to make necessary changes.

    One of the key elements of the quality assurance system concerns

    procedures. All workers must have access to documentation thatprovides each step of the process for which they are responsible.

    Typically, work instructions are referenced often and must be available

    at all times.

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    In many companies, people work with a mix of different computers.

    Some people might still be using Intel 286 machines that lack the

    power to run a contemporary graphical user interface. For these users,

    Visual SourceSafe provides a command line interface to be run in an

    MS-DOS shell. Users can work with the command line to create and

    use batch files that can perform such functions as daily updates of files

    and projects. Figure 2 shows a change history generated from the

    command line.

    Figure 2. Change history generated from the command line

    Currently, documentation in Canyon Park is online in Microsoft Word

    documents and consists mainly of high-level documents with

    embedded Visio diagrams and other embedded figures. However,

    according to Don Hirt, a systems analyst at Canyon Park, if response

    time of the online system is too slow, a worker is more likely to look

    for the hard copy and thumb through the pages in search of the

    information he or she needs.

    Although much documentation is currently available in hard copy,

    online documentation would be acceptable if the response time for the

    delivery system were adequate.

    Visual SourceSafe, designed for client-server systems, makes

    documentation available to any with access to a client machine. The

    graphical interface contains a listing of all projects and all files within a

    project. The same information is easily available with the command line

    interface. By giving files names that are meaningful, the file list provides

    easy access to the files. For someone to see a file, they need only to

    double-click on the filename in the file list. Response time for the

    display of the file is dependent on the application with which a file is


    Documentation Versioning Is Necessary

    Brian Parnell held up a large ring binder overflowing with different hard

    copy printouts. "This," he explained, "is the archive system currently

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    being used at Canyon Park." Other groups in other facilities use

    different types of archiving systems. Because of the need to provide

    older versions of documents, an online archive system is desirable to

    make the documents available not only to a central group, but also to

    any local groups that may require access to the documents.

    Visual SourceSafe retains all versions of documents through its

    reverse-delta technology, saving only changes between versions, not

    the entire documents. Any version of any document can be retrievedby using the Visual SourceSafe history tool. Figure 3 shows the History

    of File dialog box, which is the place from which many tools are

    available from buttons in the dialog box.

    Figure 3. The History of File dialog box

    By working from this dialog box, you can:

    View any version of the file by selecting it in the file list and

    clicking View.

    View all comments on a file by clicking Details.

    Obtain a read-only copy of a file by clicking Get.

    View differences between any two versions of text files by

    selecting both and clicking Diff.

    Create a report by clicking Report.

    Visual SourceSafe has a tool for displaying differences betweenversions of text files. The tool can identify whether or not a binary file

    has changed between versions, but due to the structure of binary files,

    the changes cannot be displayed. For some binary files, such as

    Microsoft Word documents, the application that created the file has a

    tool for displaying differences. Figure 4 shows a Visual SourceSafe

    difference screen in the Visual SourceSafe format. In this format,

    differences and insertions are identified by color. Differences can also

    be displayed in UNIX style.

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    Figure 4. Visual display of differences between versions of a text


    Evidence of Approval for Each Document Must

    Be AvailableAll changes to all documents and procedures must be signed to

    provide evidence of approval. Currently at Canyon Park, a physical

    signature is needed for all changes, but Brian Parnell feels that online

    approval would be acceptable. A document control system needs to

    provide evidence that the people who needed to approve the

    documentation actually did approve it.

    All verified changes must be noted on the cover pages of the affected

    documents. A history of changes is also necessary, but it is only as

    good as the information given by the provider. One way to show

    approval of changes online is to edit the comments for a particular fileby using the History Details dialog box, available from the History of

    File or History of Project dialog boxes.

    Each person who must sign off on a change can edit the comment to

    show they approve or disapprove of a change and explain why. The

    comment field can accommodate lengthy comments. For facilities with

    scanners, a signature can be scanned into a file and then that file can be

    stored in the appropriate Visual SourceSafe project.

    Figure 5 shows the History Details dialog box that has been edited to

    show how each person in the approval loop has granted their approval

    to the changes.

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    Figure 5. The History details dialog box showing approval of


    Identifying Current Revision Status of


    Section 4.5.2 of the ANSI/ASQC states:

    A master list or equivalent document-control procedure

    identifying the current revision status of documents

    shall be established and be readily available to preclude

    the use of invalid and/or obsolete documents.

    This requirement of the standard seems to be aimed squarely at

    version control systems, and in particular at Visual SourceSafe. As a

    document management system, Visual SourceSafe provides tools to

    display the current revision status of all files in the Visual SourceSafe

    database, to display the comments associated with all changes to each

    of the files, and a tool to display the changes between versions of textfiles.

    The history command is the means by which you use these tools.

    Access to these tools from the history command consists of selecting a

    file from the file list in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, then clicking the

    history button. SourceSafe then displays the History of File dialog box.

    This dialog box displays a listing of all versions of a particular file.

    To generate a listing of the details of each change, you need only click

    the Details button. To generate a listing of differences between

    versions of text files, such as procedure details or source files, you need

    only click the Diff button. To combine the two, click the Report button,

    which displays a dialog box, shown in Figure 6, offering the choice of

    how much information to include in the report and what format in

    which to generate the report.

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    Figure 6. The History Report dialog box

    By default, the reports are generated as text files. You can, however,

    apply formatting by writing the report to the Clipboard and pasting

    the contents of the clipboard into Microsoft Word. The content of the

    report does not have to change because Visual SourceSafe provides all

    the information. Figure 7 shows the "raw" report.

    Figure 7. A "raw" Visual SourceSafe report

    Figure 8 shows a report that originated in the History dialog box; the

    report was formatted to add blank lines for readability and to change

    font size and bolding for making certain elements easy to find. Notice

    that the report contains comments entered by the person who last

    checked in the file to the Visual SourceSafe database and also contains

    differences between versions of the file. The ability to generate this

    type of information is crucial for a version control system in an

    environment that is to be ISO registered.

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    Figure 8. A Visual SourceSafe report formatted in an editor

    An Example of Using Visual

    SourceSafe for RegistrationTo see how Visual SourceSafe functions as a document control system,

    consider the example of a hypothetical sewing company that

    manufactures backpacks, tote bags, briefcases, gym bags, and other

    outdoor equipment. As the designer, manufacturer, and distributor of

    its products, this company is seeking registration to the ISO 9001


    To expedite the registration process, the sewing company has used

    Visual SourceSafe to control all documents. Each product line that the

    company produces is represented as a different project within Visual

    SourceSafe: Backpacks, Briefcases, Gym Bags, and Tote Bags. Each

    project contains subprojects. For example, the Backpacks project

    contains subprojects for Day Packs, External Frame Packs, and Internal

    Frame Packs. Likewise, the Day Packs subproject contains subprojects

    for each daypack, including Daypack 101, Daypack 202, and Daypack


    The company is set up with a local area network. The system has been

    set up so that certain departments have read and write access to the

    database. These are the departments with reasons to make changes to

    files, such as design and purchasing. Other departments, such as

    production and shipping, have only read access to certain projects.

    The Visual SourceSafe database is installed on a server and each

    department has at least one client installation. From the client

    computers, people in each department can view or edit files to which

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    they have appropriate access rights. Figure 9 represents portions of the

    Visual SourceSafe installation for the company. Each division of the

    company can access all projects, or only those projects that directly

    affect them. Access can be set up by project or by person.

    Figure 9. Representation of a client-server installation for a

    sewing company

    To be certain that the entire project stays on target, the company is

    using Microsoft Project, which contains built-in templates for ISO 9000

    projects, to make scheduling and planning simple and intuitive. Like all

    files associated with the registration effort, the .MPP and associated

    Microsoft Project files have been placed under Visual SourceSafe

    control in a separate project for scheduling. Figure 10 shows the screen

    display for the master project.

    Figure 10. Microsoft Project for ISO 9000 registration template

    Because Visual SourceSafe is designed to work with projects and not

    just with individual files, anyone who needs to gather all the

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    documentation for the production of a particular item can easily look

    at the documents, check them out of document control to make

    changes, compare newer and older versions of documents, and much

    more. Anyone needing to look at an individual file can perform any

    action that he or she has the access rights to do.

    Testing has uncovered a problem with seams ripping in Daypack 202.

    Changes must be made to both the materials list and to the

    procedures. To do this, people must check out the files that they needand make the necessary changes. When they check in the file, they use

    the comment field to describe what happened, how testing found

    weaknesses, how they tested other possible ways to correct the

    problem, and their final solution, including what changes will go into

    effect and when.

    While these changes are being discussed, specified, and then

    implemented, all documents associated with the Daypack 202 are

    under version control in Visual SourceSafe. This means that even under

    such stressful situations, all documents are available to everyone who

    needs to see them, including the ISO auditors.

    Figure 11 shows the Visual SourceSafe Check In dialog box with a

    lengthy comment. Comments in this dialog box can be hundreds of

    lines long if necessary.

    Figure 11. The Visual SourceSafe Check In dialog box

    After checking in the file, it is available for perusal by all departments.

    Then, the head of each department who must approve the changes

    views the file. After they have studied the changes and decided whether

    or not to approve them, each department head then goes to the

    history of the file and edits the details in the comment field to show

    whether or not they have approved the changes. The approval or

    disapproval then becomes part of the history of the file and will show

    up in the reports of the file's history.

    These reports provide a complete history of all changes to the file. Even

    if the person who changed a file did not add descriptive comments, arecord of the activity on the file is part of the file history. Visual

    SourceSafe tracks all changes to individual files and to the projects that

    contain the files. Figure 12 shows the history of a project, showing all

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    changes to each of the files within the project.

    Figure 12. The History of Project dialog box

    At this point, the company now has all the documents needed both forISO registration and for producing each project.

    ConclusionsMicrosoft Visual SourceSafe is a version control system that provides

    control of all documents that a company produces. These documents

    are available in all versions since their creation. All changes to the

    documents are stored so that any version of any document can be

    viewed or retrieved at any time.

    For a company seeking ISO 9000 registration, Visual SourceSafeprovides all the tools needed in an easy-to-use graphical interface or in

    a command line interface for using batch files or for users who do not

    have access to graphical interfaces.

    When combined with Microsoft Project, Visual SourceSafe becomes a

    powerful system for control of documents and schedules for any

    company producing a product or a service.

    2013 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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