Microsoft Power Point Acs Eg It Ea Overview



A Public Presentation Delivered in 2010 to the Australian Computer Society in Adelaide.

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  • 1. TheEmiratesGroup Emirates Group IT Christine Stephenson Enterprise Architecture

2. TheEmiratesGroupAgenda Introduction to the Emirates Group Emirates Group IT Enterprise Architecture Adoption Governance - Idea to production SOA - For Your Mother 3. TheEmiratesGroupA selection of our external Customers 4. TheEmiratesGroupStrategic Directions for IT to enable Growth Reduce complexity, leverage synergies, remove duplications, enhance scalability, reduce costStandardisationCentralisationIntegration Centrally managed IT strategy, Reduce interfaces and architecture and infrastructureredundant systems/data, reduce complexity and risks improve collaboration and improve availability and reusability, reduce cost performance 5. TheEmiratesGroupDesign : Process MapPortfolio QualityIT PerformanceSecurity & RiskGovernance ManagementIT Strategy and Management CommunicationManagement MeasurementBusiness Info. IT ArchitectureArchitecture Financial Organisational IT Strategy Architecture& Standards ManagementDevelopment ProjectReq. Mgmt & ProductPlanning Req. Dev.Integration Proj. MonitoringDesign &Proj. Config Validation& Control DevelopmentManagement IT Solutions and Risk Relationship ProgramVerification ProjectsManagement ManagementCustomer Services ManagementExternal Supplier Service LevelMgmt Management ProductionCapacityOperations Incident Service Req. Security ManagementManagementManagement ManagementManagementCustomerSupplierRelationsAvailability ReleaseProblem Inventory &IT Production MgmtRelations Management ManagementManagement StoresContinuity Configuration ChangeIdentity & ManagementManagementManagement Access MgmtPerformanceIT Strategic Sourcing People Resource Training &PeopleManagementLife CyclePlanning RecruitmentDevelopment and Development 6. TheEmiratesGroup Enterprise Architecture 7. TheEmiratesGroupWhat is Enterprise Architecture really? The structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles andguidelines governing their design andevolution over time(TOGAF) 8. TheEmiratesGroupThe concept of PHI 9. TheEmiratesGroupBusinessAnalysis EA FrameworkStrategicSourcingQualityManagementConfigurationManagement SoftwareDevelopmentServiceManagementIT ProductionIT Solutions &ProjectCustomerManagement Services 10. TheEmiratesGroupArchitecture & Technology Standards ^ff n n n/ff/W W fnWKZ^nZ ff fDf Wf Zfnf fW ^ff /d ^ff/f/fWn Wn ^ff ^ffdf ^ffff Df Wf df f f fZ^ff^ffZZ / / Wn n n ^ $ Z ^ dnnf/f Wn n/fh d /ff d 11. TheEmiratesGroupTechnology Standards Lifecycle 12. TheEmiratesGroupEA Governance through the project lifecycle Synergy Forum Alignment Approval Share demandIdea Identify reusable assets Highlight other areas that could benefit Coordinate collection of enterprise requirementsProductionSARs (Solution Architecture Reviews)Confirm design and direction aligns to standardsSAAG (Solution Architecture Advisory Group)Inform projects of emerging technologies Assess exceptions when escalation requiredInterrogate any exceptions Determine impact of exception against group needs IT Executive CommitteeEscalation path when SAAG cannot reach an outcomeIn place until Architecture Review Board is established 13. TheEmiratesGroup SOA for my Mother 14. TheEmiratesGrouptf ^K 15. The Emirates Group ^K fWm : n f nf f fnf Compromised on agility Wm : /f f 16. TheEmiratesGroup^K h 17. TheEmiratesGroup^K ^f% d fnnf % E n f^K f fnf Wn f n n% D / f D n d fnO 18. TheEmiratesGroupZ ^K Flight^vn Wv: d service provider^vnAvailabilitynf f n f fn RFlight Bookingf fnn ff n Visa ServicesW 1 2n ^vn C m: d service consumernf %n % n ^vn ^vn f n WvC m 3 /Flight nReservationAirport System Systems Travel Airline^vn R : d service registry Services Agents System f n fnf f fnn ff ff n n 19. TheEmiratesGroup^ n Df D 20. TheEmiratesGroup ^K ^ n n n f D^vn ^pnnf ^vn C f Cf ^vn Ffmwk x ^ m f ^ m ^pnnf D D U nfppnf nn ^vn D^vn WRq m ^pnnf ^vn /nfmf / F ^vn Cfnf ^vn Dvpm W n Wm Owp ^vn m Q f m^ D ^vn W ^vn ^pnnf 21. TheEmiratesGroup^ n ^ff 22. TheEmiratesGroup^K f% d nf d d n ^f ^ n t/ n E n f n f 23. TheEmiratesGroup^K f% K f n : KK ^K f f ^ fnn f 24. TheEmiratesGroup^K f% W n W n fnf f n E n n d fnf E ,n $ dn f f f D n nf n n /f fnf nf ^nn ^ n f f ^ff nfnffn 25. The Emirates GroupSummary Reduction of complexity as a critical success factorStandardisationIntegrationCentralisationEfficiencyFlexibilityPeople / Culture+ Scalabilityinnovation +IT Governance New business modelsprocesses Closer to the business and the end customers 26. TheEmiratesGroupThe End 27. TheEmiratesGroupArchitecture Models and Collateral UsedSynergy ForumSARsSAAGEnterprise Architecture Exceptions 35 1 21 1 302211 31 1 1 OSD 1 135FlyDubai 253 1 48 2 1 7 2 1 ITSM 1 131 2 1 ITPS No. of Exceptions1 2 204 22 43ITSA 6 41 5 71 121 15 CARGO 15511 2 9 2 11 124PSS2 4 6 LAA 4122 1017 8 1 7 1 1816GPS 1 1 11 2 4 144 53 2Eng 2 4 5 5 1 47 1 1 92 3 3CAP 1 376 1 3454 6 1 5 11 2 4 2 13 3APT 2 1 2 1 2211 211 0Alignment ApprovalAugust September October NovemberDecember January FebruaryMarchAprilMay JuneJuly AugustSeptemberOctoberNovember DecemberJanuaryFebruary Month - (08-10)
