MiCrobe-Lift/bMC kills developing mosquitoes before they ......Experience the miracle! Item# BmCStA...


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Mosquito ControlC o n C e n t r a t e d L i q u i d

B i o L o G i C a LEPA Reg. No. 62637-174466EPA Estab. No. 74466-FL-001

MiCrobe-Lift/bMC kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding, biting adults, including those which may transmit WEST NILE VIRUS and EqUINE ENcEPhALITIS and hEARTWoRm DISEASE to dogs and cats.MiCrobe-Lift/bMC can be applied to areas that can contain aquatic life, fish and plants.

Experience the miracle!

Item# BmCStAUPC# 097121 20056 3

Mosquito ControlMiCrobe-Lift/bMC kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding, biting adults, including those which may transmit WEST NILE VIRUS and EqUINE ENcEPhALITIS and hEARTWoRm DISEASE to dogs and cats.

MiCrobe-Lift/bMC can be applied to areas that can contain aquatic life, fish and plants.

MiCrobe-Lift/bMC can be applied to areas used by or in contact with humans, ANImALS, hoRSES, LIVESTock, pets, birds or wildlife.

EPA Reg. No. 62637-174466 EPA Estab. No. 74466-FL-001B i o L o G i C a L

ConCentrated Liquid

Protect your Livestock from West nile Virus & equine encephalitisLook around the property periodically for dead birds, such as crows. Any dead bird should be reported to the local health department. Use gloves to handle dead birds or use an imple-ment, such as a shovel.

www.microbel ift.com

For Stock Tanks & Areas where Standing Water Exists

Stock tank Mosquito Control Shelf Display

B e n e f i t s :• Biological Larvicide (B.t.I. Active Ingredient)• Can be used in areas where standing water accumulates• 540 square foot coverage per tsp.• Up to 14 days activity depending on application site• Disperses evenly in water• No water toxicity• No potential for resistance development in the target mosquito population• No organic or inorganic residuesThere’s a bottle in the bottle every plastic canister has a smaller bottle of mIcRobE-LIFT biological mosquito control inside. this inside squeeze bottle has a convenient dropper control tip.

one 1 oz./30ml bottle treats 250 gallons for up to 10 moNThS


