Michelle Brailsford Welcome to Accelerated Learning


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Michelle Brailsford

Welcome to Welcome to Accelerated LearningAccelerated Learning


Positive Learning StatePositive Learning State


The Lozanov ApproachThe Lozanov Approach

Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles


The Triune BrainThe Triune Brain

The Reptili

an Brain

The Neoco


The Limbi





Multiple IntelligencesMultiple Intelligences


The Four Phase Learning CycleThe Four Phase Learning Cycle

Case StudyCase Study



Experience with Accelerated Learning?

Getting Into A Positive Getting Into A Positive Learning StateLearning State


...remember a time when learning something was easy...


....was it riding a bicycle?...playing a card game?...what was it that was so easy to learn?...was it easy to play a board game...or a sport...or a subject in school?....think of a specific time and go there.......now...

The Lazanov ApproachThe Lazanov Approach

• Bulgarian Psychiatrist

• Baroque music & positive suggestions relaxed patients

• Applied to education, combination of music, suggestions and play allowed learners to learn significantly faster

Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles


1. Positive Emotions Greatly Improve Learning

2. Learning Involves the Whole Mind and Body

3. Learning is Creation, Not Consumption

4. Collaboration Aids Learning

5. Learning Takes Place on Many Levels Simultaneously

6. Learning Comes From Doing the Work Itself (With Feedback)

7. The Image Brain Absorbs Information Instantly and Automatically

Optimal LearningOptimal Learning

A Positive Learning Environment. Total Learner Involvement. Collaboration Among Learners. Variety That Appeals To All Learning Styles. Contextual Learning.

We remember...We remember...

20% of what we read30% of what we hear40% of what we see50% of what we say60% of what we do90% of what we read, hear, see, say and do!


The Triune BrainThe Triune Brain

The Reptili

an Brain

The Neoco


The Limbi




• Visual

• Auditory

• Kinesthetic

Which of the above three main sensory receivers - Vision, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (movement) -

determine your dominant learning style?

How do you learn best?


To integrate this style into the learning environment:

Use graphs, charts, illustrations, or other visual aids.

 Include outlines, agendas, handouts, etc. for reading

 Include plenty of content in handouts to reread after the session.

 Leave white space in handouts for note taking.

 Invite questions to help them stay alert in auditory environments.

 Post flip charts to show what will come and what has been presented.

 Supplement textual information with illustrations

 Have them draw pictures in the margins.

Show diagrams and then explain them.

 Have the learners envision the topic or have them act out the subject


AuditoryAuditoryTo integrate this style into the learning environment: Begin new material with a brief explanation of what is coming.

Conclude with a summary of what has been covered. This is the old adage of "tell them what they are going to lean, teach them, and tell them what they have learned."

Use the Socratic method of lecturing by questioning learners to draw as much information from them as possible and then fill in the gaps with your own expertise.

Include auditory activities, such as brainstorming, buzz groups, or Jeopardy.

Leave plenty of time to debrief activities. This allows them to make connections of what they leaned and how it applies to their situation.

Have the learners verbalize the questions. Develop an internal dialogue between yourself and the learners.


KinestheticKinestheticTo integrate this style into the learning environment: Use activities that get the learners up and moving. Play music, when appropriate, during activities. Use colored markers to emphasize key points on flipcharts or white

boards. Give frequent stretch breaks (brain breaks). Provide toys such as Koosh balls and Play-Dough to give them

something to do with their hands. To highlight a point, provide gum, candy, scents, etc. which provides a

cross link of scent (aroma) to the topic at hand (scent can be a powerful cue).

Provide highlighters, colored pens and/or pencils. Guide learners through a visualization of complex tasks. Have them transfer information from the text to another medium such as

a keyboard or a tablet


Multiple IntelligencesMultiple Intelligences– 1983 book entitled Frames of Mind: The Theory

of Multiple Intelligences

– People have a unique blend of intelligences.

– Gardner argues that the big challenge facing

the deployment of human resources 'is how to

best take advantage of the uniqueness

conferred on us as a species exhibiting several


Verbal/Linguistic Verbal/Linguistic

Word SmartPoets Journalists Writers Teachers

Lawyers Politicians Media/PR

William ShakespeareJ.K. Rowling


Logical/Mathematical Logical/Mathematical

Logic Smart

Scientists Computer Programmers Engineers Accountants Mathematicians Researchers

Albert Einstein

Marie Curie


Visual/Spatial IntelligenceVisual/Spatial Intelligence

Picture Smart

Navigators Sculptors Inventors Architects Mechanics Engineers

Pablo Picasso

Donna Karan



Body Smart

Athletes Dancers Actors Fire-fighters Physical Education Teachers

Paula Radcliffe

Kelly Holmes



Music Smart

Musicians Singers Composers DJs


John Winston Lennon and James Paul McCartney


Interpersonal Interpersonal

People SmartCounsellors Salespeople Politicians

Account/Relationship Managers Facilitators

Winston ChurchillMother Teresa



Self Smart

Researchers Theorists Philosophers

Roger Bacon

Sigmund Freud



Nature Smart

Zoologists Meteorologists Botonists

Charles DarwinJane Goodall

The Four Phase Learning CycleThe Four Phase Learning Cycle


• Positive suggestions

• Clear, meaningful goals

• Curiosity raising

• Creating as positive physical, emotional, social environment

• Removing learning barriers

• Raising questions and posting problems


• Pre-tests and knowledge sharing

• Observations of real-world phenomenon

• Interactive

• Variety to appeal to all learning styles

• Discovery exercises, partner and team based projects, real-world problem solving


• Teachbacks

• Skill-building practice activities

• Reflection and Review

• Dialogue

• Learner processing activities


• Action Planning

• Follow Up Reinforcement activities

• Post-session materials

• On-going coaching

• Performance evaluation and feedback

• Peer Support Activities (Action Learning Sets)

• Organisational support

Case StudyCase Study

