Message from the Faculty Center Director Faculty Center Hours · Marketing, shared this poem with...


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Spring 2016

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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live

forever. ― Mahatma Gandhi

Message from the Faculty Center Director

Dear Faculty, As another academic year winds down and we gear up for summer, I wanted to reflect on a highlight of my year. This past year, I had the privilege of leading a Faculty Learning Community for Mid-Career faculty. Ten of us met each month for several hours and as one member often said, “This is the best two hours of my month.” It was. We worked on projects, we discussed our careers and families, we laughed, we ate, we thought about what we still want to accomplish in our careers, but most of all we took the time to connect with each other, support each other and to think about what was important to us. In my five years as Faculty Center Director, I have realized it is easy to get absorbed in the day to day demands and the never-ending “to do” lists. Faculty rarely feel caught up and when we do we think “what’s next?” Although an academic career is wonderfully flexible, it can be simultaneously all consuming. Taking the time to step back, learn something new, connect with others, and reflect on what’s important is vital to staying engaged and energetic in our careers over the years. Faculty Learning Communities provide one venue for doing this. Time and time again, I hear faculty remark that participating in an FLC has been one of their best experiences. Here are a few reflections from the mid-career FLC: Marisol Ibanez-Clarke, Associate Professor, Sociology,

Faculty Center Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm

Kellogg Library 2400 T: 760-750-4019 F: 760-750-3151

FCAC Fall 2016 Meetings: September 9th October 14th November TBD December 9th 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., KEL 2413

Faculty Center Resources

• Faculty Center Website • Faculty Mentoring

Program • Calendar • Current Events • Workshop RSVP • Faculty Center Advisory

Council • Faculty Center Directory

describes, “At first, I was not sure if I really needed a mid-career FLC, but with each passing month, our sessions have provided support to sustain and increase my confidence about new directions in my trajectory at CSUSM. Personally, I had an "aha" moment at every meeting. Additionally, the diversity of faculty from different disciplines lent an important comparison to understanding my own field. We are a fun loving group, leaning on each other for this part of our journey. Sue Moineau, Associate Profession of Speech-Language Pathology, described, the Mid-Career FLC as “a 2 hour block of time that fuels my work, reminds me that I am part of a larger community of mid-career colleagues, and gives me great appreciation for all that I have”. If you have not been part of a learning community lately, or even if you have, I encourage to you consider joining an FLC for fall! Have a wonderful and rejuvenating summer and we will see you in the Fall. All the best, Elisa Faculty Center Director

Message from the Faculty Center Associate Director

Dear Faculty, This has been an amazing first year as Associate Director of Teaching and Learning with the Faculty Center. My favorite thing about being able to create programming around teaching and learning is getting to gather a group of wonderful colleagues together in one place to share their passion and expertise. We were able to host student-focused teaching workshops including exploring issues of how to better serve transgender students CSUSM, that included a powerful student panel. Dr. Chris Bickel’s engaging workshop about democratizing the classroom gave participants powerful food for thought about challenging power dynamics in the teaching. Additionally, we were able to have faculty-focused teaching workshops highlighting the experiences of female and working class faculty. These workshops driven by incredible faculty lead panels, helped explore how issues of gender and socioeconomic class affect classroom interactions and the way we approach teaching. We partnered with Dean Formo and the Office of Undergraduate to create a Teaching Toolbox series

Thank you to all faculty who participated in the New Faculty Institute 2015-16. It was a pleasure to work with you all and we hope you will visit the Faculty Center often!

CEHHS Alham Abuatiq, Nursing; Blake Beecher, Social Work; Rebecca Brooks, School of Education; Kenneth Gonzalez, School of Education; GG Salvatierra, Nursing; Noriko Toyokawa, Human Development. CHABSS Ruoxi Li, Political Science; Cynthia Melendrez, Modern Language; Allison Merrick, Philosophy; Gloria Pindi Nziba, Communication; Lucy Solomon, School of Arts; Kim Tsai, Psychology; James Young, Social Work. COBA Rebecca Dellegrazie-Perren, Marketing; Maia Farkas, Accounting; Kevin Hee, Accounting; Kristin Stewart, Marketing; Sun Xiaojie, Accounting. CSM Ali Ahmadinia, CSIS; Casey Mueller, Biology; Justin Perron, Physics. Library Tricia Lantzy, Library

incorporating AVID for higher education. Not only were these sessions well attended, but it was inspiring to begin each session with the brilliant ideas that faculty had incorporated from the material covered in previous workshops. Lastly, this year we were able to create a CSUSM Teaching and learning blog features interesting articles and highlights some of the remarkable work CSUSM faculty implemented after our annual Summer Teaching Institute. It is just another way to share the work CSUSM faculty are doing around teaching and learning, feel free to visit the blog here. We look forward to building even more exciting programming next year and hope to see many of you there. Regards, Matt Faculty Center Associate Director

Faculty Learning Community Calls Looking for a new professional development opportunity? Want to connect with your CSUSM colleagues? We are offering a wide range of Faculty Learning Communities starting in Fall 2016! · Compassion Led by Ranjeeta Basu & Marie Thomas · Hispanic Serving Institutions/PASO Lead by Marisol Clark-Ibáñez · Learning Matters Led by Elizabeth Matthews and Melissa Simnitt · Online Learning Led by Pamela Kohlbry · Writing a Journal Article in 12 Weeks Led by Rebecca Lush Applications are due on May 20th; however, in order to ensure diversity of disciplines and rank/status in the FLC membership, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 1st.

Congratulations to our Faculty Center Fellows On behalf of the Faculty Center Council, we welcome our new faculty fellows and look forward to the creative input and energy they will bring to Faculty Center Programs in the upcoming year. Faculty Fellow for Online Teaching, Pam Kohlbry,


As you set out for Ithaka hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians and Cyclops, angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them: you’ll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body. Laistrygonians and Cyclops, wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them unless you bring them along inside your soul, unless your soul sets them up in front of you. Hope the voyage is a long one. May there be many a summer morning when, with what pleasure, what joy, you come into harbors seen for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations to buy fine things, mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony, sensual perfume of every kind— as many sensual perfumes as you can; and may you visit many Egyptian cities to gather stores of knowledge from their scholars. Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you are destined for. But do not hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you are old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you have gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich. Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you would not have set out. She has nothing left to give you now. And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.

Associate Professor, Nursing, CEHHS Faculty Fellow/Liaison for Lecturer Faculty, Ashley Fogle, Lecturer, Communications. CHABSS Faculty Fellow for Faculty Mentoring Program, Michelle Ramos Pellicia, Associate Professor, Modern Language Studies, CHABSS Faculty Fellow for Cultural Intelligence, Fredi Avalos, Lecturer, Communications, CHABSS

Quality Online Learning & Teaching Calls: Would you like to get involved with the Quality Online Teaching Projects at CSUSM? We have several professional development and service opportunities centered around this project! Over the last few years, the Faculty Center has partnered with Instructional Design Services and the CSU Chancellor’s Office to support faculty in the development of online courses. One such opportunity is for faculty to get involved in the process by becoming a peer-reviewer for courses submitted by CSUSM faculty looking for feedback on their online courses. Interested faculty will receive training to become a peer-reviewer. Upon completion of training, faculty will have the opportunity to review courses as part of a review team and will be compensated for the review work. Please see attached application for Faculty Associate positions. In addition, if you have an online course already developed and would like to have your course reviewed (and receive valuable feedback for improvement), please see the call for QOLT Peer Review Mini-grant. Mini grants are up to $500 for completed course reviews. For Priority Consideration: Applications and registration for course evaluation are due on May 26th. In order to ensure diversity in the pool of Faculty Associates and courses for review, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 1st.

Faculty Mentoring Program Dear FMP Mentors, This Academic Year we graduate fifty-two Protégés! I

Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean. Translated by Edmund Keeley/Philip Sherrard (C.P. Cavafy, Collected Poems. Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. Edited by George Savidis. Revised Edition. Princeton University Press, 1992) **Vassilis Dalakas, Professor, Marketing, shared this poem with our Mid-Career FLC to remind us life is all about the journey. Make yours meaningful

Super STEM Saturday

The Faculty Center, in collaboration with University Advancement, hosted a special lunch for faculty, their families, and special guests in the Faculty Center in March!

Here are some pictures to enjoy.

Spring 2016 FC Research Colloquium Dinner

take this number as evidence that we are taking the appropriate steps to improve the performance of students on our campus. It is through workshops and social gatherings that we facilitate conversations that encourage students to see what is ahead of them in life after college. Many if not all of our students in the Faculty Mentoring Program come from limited socioeconomic backgrounds. If we add to this equation that many are first generation in their families to attend college, we see that the information we share is news to them. Thus, we want to continue facilitating events like these to encourage students to succeed during their college life. After all, the steps we take now to improve the performance of students in this population will help all students over all. So, as we move forward to give closure to this Spring semester, I want to convey my appreciation to you. Without the supportive educators that you are and without your commitment, our Faculty Mentoring Program would not be possible. Thank you for your time and dedication that you invest in our students! Have a relaxing and productive Summer!!! Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia Associate Professor of Spanish, Applied Linguistics Faculty Fellow, Faculty Mentoring Program

FC Professional Development Grants Congratulations to the following faculty who were awarded a Faculty Center Professional Development Grant (PDG) or a Social Justice & Equity Project 2015-2016 Grant by the Faculty Center Advisory Council.

PDG Recipients: Joely Prodfit, Associate, American Indian Studies; John

A special thanks to Paul Stuhr, Ph.D., Associate Professor, for his amazing presentation "Adventure-based Learning Transcending the Communal Experience in Education for Social-Emotional Growth" Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

3rd Summer Teaching Institute

The summer institute will help faculty to re-imagine and reinvigorate their classes. Through a combination of research based presentations and hands-on workshops, faculty learn about numerous techniques to help engage today’s learners. Congratulations to all faculty who will be participating on July 25th - 29, 2016.

Get Involved

Please visit and join in the discussion about teaching and learning at the CSUSM Teaching and Learning Blog.

Want to be a Mentor? FMP Now Accepting Faculty Applications

The Faculty Mentoring Program welcomes faculty who are only able to volunteer for one year as well as those who are able to volunteer for consecutive years. Serving as a faculty mentor can be seen either as service or as an extracurricular activity, but the focus is always on fostering student success. Click here for more information and an application.

Eme, Lecturer, Biology; Casey Mueller, Assistant, Biology; Heather Marie Cook, Lecturer, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Anne K. Randerson, Lecturer, College of Business Administration; Fredi Avalos, Lecturer, Communication; Cecilia S. Uy-Tioco, Assistant, Communication; Ali Ahmadinia, Assistant, Computer Science and Information Systems; Ranjeeta Basu, Professor, Economics; Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall, Professor, History; Jeff Nessler, Associate, Kinesiology; Erica Duran, Lecturer, Literature & Writing Studies; Cynthia Headly, Lecturer, Literature & Writing Studies; Rebecca Lush, Associate, Literature & Writing Studies; Yi Sun, Associate, Management; Rochelle Green, Lecturer, Philosophy; Allison M. Merrick, Assistant, Philosophy; Jessica Elbert Decker, Assistant, Philosophy; Stephen Tsui, Associate, Physics; Benjamin Nienass; Assistant, Political Science; Rachel M. Miller, Lecturer, Psychology; Kimberly D'Anna-Hernandez, Assistant, Psychology; Kim Mai Tsai, Assistant, Psychology; Sara Bufferd, Assistant, Psychology; Kim Pulvers, Associate, Psychology; Anya Cloud, Lecturer, School of Arts; Ching-Ming Cheng, Assistant, School of Arts; Kristine Diekman, Professor, School of Arts; Marcos Martinez, Professor, School of Arts; Karen Schaffman, Professor, School of Arts; Andrea Liss, Professor, School of Arts; Mary Anna Robertson, Assistant, Sociology; Larry W. Carter II, Assistant, Student Health and Counseling Services; and Natalie Wilson, Lecturer, Women's Studies. SJEP Recipients: Kaja Dunn, Lecturer, School of Arts; Sheryl Lutjens, Professor, Women's Studies; Joely Prodfit, Associate, American Indian Studies; Mary Jo Poole, Lecturer, Sociology; Lucy HG Solomon, Assistant, School of Arts; Linda Pershing, Professor, Interdisciplinary Program; Ana Hernandez, Assistant, School of Education; Natalie Wilson, Lecturer, Women's Studies; Cesar Rodriguez, Assistant, Sociology; Kendra Rivera, Assistant, Communication; Michelle Ramos Pellicia, Associate, Modern Language Studies.

PDG Final Report is due on June 30th If you received the FC Professional Development Grant, your final report and a copy of any documentation of funds spent are due on June 30, 2016. Please make a note of this date; if you do not submit your report by the deadline, you will be ineligible to be awarded a professional development grant the next year.

Campus & Community Events

Summer Professional Development from Instructional Development Services (IDS) Flipped Camp will be held June 8, 10, 13, 15, and 17 from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Applications are due Friday, May 27th Stipend: $500 TULIP will be held August 1-5 from 8:30 to noon daily. Applications are due Friday, June 10th Stipend: $500 You can learn more about the workshops and apply for one (or both) For more information, please contact the IDS Support: Barbara Taylor Cherie Vinopal Susan Wilson 2016 Seventh Annual Professional Development Retreat for Faculty Teaching First-Year Students This popular annual retreat celebrates the new academic year and features a half-day workshop focused on best practices for supporting our first-year students. First-Year Programs is thrilled to announce that our very own Dr. Fredi Avalos will be the featured workshop facilitator for the 2016 retreat! Her workshop will focus on

SAVE the date New Faculty Institute Tuesday August 23, 9:00 a.m - 4:30 p.m., KEL 2413 Wednesday, August 24, 9:00 a.m - 3:30 p.m., KEL 2413 Friday, August 26, 12:00- 2:30 p.m., KEL 2413 New Lecturer Orientation Friday, August 26, 9:00- 1:00 p.m., KEL 11106 13th Annual Faculty Reception The Faculty Center in collaboration with the University Library will host the 13th Annual Faculty Reception for new and returning faculty on Wednesday, August 24th from 3:30 p.m. -5:00 p.m. in the Faculty Center - We hope you could join us!

Other Resources in the Faculty Center or on-line:

• Resources on active learning compiled by our academic technology team

• The Teaching Professor and The Chronicle of Higher Education are available for your review in the Faculty Center

• International Journals for the Scholarship of Teaching and learning (IJ-SoTL)

• Scholarly Communication Research Guide • Data Management Plans(DMP Tool). Now available


Please RSVP Here for any event FC Calendar for more upcoming events

using the principles of cultural intelligence to build intellectual and emotional resiliency in the college classroom and beyond. Relevant to all academic disciplines, participants will walk away with a better understanding of cultural intelligence and many practical ideas for facilitating this important learning outcome within the classroom environment. In addition to the workshop, participants will receive updated information on our first-year student population and learn more about campus-wide resources for supporting faculty and their first-year students. To be held at the McMahan House Great Room, the retreat also offers an opportunity to network with colleagues in a celebratory setting with good food! RSVP Here For more information contact Dr. Joanne Pedersen, Director, First-Year Programs (, 760-750-4186. Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Time: 8:30am - 1:00pm Location: McMahan House Great Room

Call for 2016-2017 TLC Presenters Are you looking for a fun way to engage with CSUSM students or share your leadership expertise? Student Life & Leadership wants YOU! Applications are now open for Fall

Have a great summer!

Learn more about the Faculty Center by visiting its website at Spring 2016|* *|Faculty Center|*, All rights reserved.

16 and Spring 17 Tukwut Leadership Circle (TLC) presenter circuit. As a presenter, you’ll be invited to present a 45 minute leadership workshop on both Tuesday and Friday of your chosen week, 12:00pm-12:45pm. Your workshop should include an activity or discussion on a topic of your choosing as it relates to leadership. We help you craft student learning outcomes and you’ll be invited to a TLC presenter orientation on Tuesday, August 23rd. You’ll also be invited to our annual reception where you will receive a certificate of appreciation signed by President Haynes. Learn more about the TLC and apply to be a presenter by Monday, May 23rd. For more information contact: Shannon Nolan
