

MA Education Paper, IGNOU

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  • Ans. 1: Aims give direction to activities. Aims of education are formulated keeping in view the

    needs of situation. Human nature is multisided with multiple needs, which are related to life.

    Educational aims are correlated to ideals of life.

    Ideals of life change from time to time. Ideals have impressed to teacher, philosophers and

    society to formulate suitable aims of education. Aims have been desirably modified. Out of

    several aims of education, individual and social aims are important.

    Individual and Social Aims:

    Individual aims and social aims are the most important aims of education. They are opposed to

    each other individual aims gives importance for the development of the individuality. Social aim

    gives importance to the development of society through individual not fulfilling his desire. But it

    will be seen that development of individuality assumes meaning only in a social environment.

    Social Aim:

    The supporters believe that society or state is supreme or real. The individual is only a means.

    The progress of the society is the aim of education. Education is a for the society and of the

    society. The function of education is for the welfare of the state. The state will make the

    individual as it desires. It prepares the individual to play different roles in society. Individuality

    has no value, and personality is meaningless apart from society. If society will develop

    individual will develop automatically. Here society plays an important role.

    Criticism of Social Aim:

    (1) It makes individual only a tool of government.

    (2) It reduces individual to a mere non-entity.

    (3) Society ignores the legitimate needs, desires and interests of the individual.

    (4) It is against the development of individuality of the individual.

    Individual Aims

    Sir Percy Nunn observes, Nothing goods enters into the human world except in and through the free activities of individual men and women and that educational practice must be shaped the

    individual. Education should give scope to develop the inborn potentialities through maximum



    (1) Biologists believe that every individual is different from others. Every child is a new and

    unique product and a new experiment with life. Thompson says, Education is for the individual. Individual should be the center of all educational efforts and activities.

  • (2) Naturalists believe that central aim of education is the autonomous development of the

    individual. Rousseau said, Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Author of Nature, but everything degenerates in the hands of man. God makes all things good, man meddles with them and they become evil. God creates everything good man makes it evil. So

    individual should be given maximum freedom for its own development.

    (3) Psychologists believe that education is an individual process because of individual

    differences. No two individuals are alike. So education should be according to the interest of the


    Criticism of Individual Aim:

    Individual aim is not desirable because man is a social animal. Societys interest should be protected.

    (1) Individual aim makes individual selfish.

    (2) Maximum freedom may go against the society.

    (3) Individuality cannot develop from a vacuum; it develops in a social atmosphere.

    (4) Unless society develops, individual cannot develop.

    (5) Who will recognize society- where individual is selfish?

    Synthesis between individual and social aims of education:

    Individual aim and social aim of education go independently. Both are opposing to each other. It

    is not in reality. Neither the individual nor the society can exist. The individual is the product of

    the society while society finds its advancement in the development of its individual member.

    Individual cannot develop in vacuum. According to John Adams, Individuality requires a social medium to grow.

    T.P. Nunn says, Individuality develops in social environment.


    The true aim of education cannot be other than the highest development of the individual as a

    member of society. Let education burn the individual flame, feeding it with the oil of society.

    Ans 2: Relationship between Education and Culture

    In following few paragraphs we will discuss and relationship between education and culture.

    Both the education and culture and closely related and have its impact and our lives Teachers

    take the responsibility of educating the youth of a nation. They have to look after their all-round

  • development. Teachers are the ultimate builders of a nation. While a nation without a culture

    cannot be differentiated from other nations, hence, it is proved that the process of teaching,

    learning is a much strong way/mean of the culture to flourish. The teachers are also supposed to

    translate and to practice a countrys educational theories and policies by implementing them in a

    real and practical situation.

    Above all, as in the process of education, History is being studied which is the main and basic

    record of culture, hence it cannot be denied that it is being nourished by education. Similarly, the

    purposeful and befitting education helps in the strength and spread of culture. The needs of the

    society, whether religious, social, cultural or psychological, all are fulfilled only by education.

    Mrs. Tanveer Khalid while narrating the interdependence of education and Culture says that one

    of the important functions of education is the conservation of culture. Continuity in mans social

    life is possible through this process. The valuable cultural heritage, which has accumulated a vast

    store of human knowledge and experience, is transmitted to the coming generations through

    education, otherwise each generation would have to go over them again. Culture includes arts,

    sciences, religions and the social customs developed gradually by many people contributing to it.

    It has to be conserved and transmitted to the youth for their own benefits because past benefits

    are useful in learning the new ones. It is the oriental type of education which is, simply, aimed at

    the recapitulation on the past. In the education system of the primitives, the educational aims

    were identical to those of their parents. The youth aimed to learn what they expected to do as

    adults. What they expected to do as adults was exactly the same that their parents have been

    doing. Thus the aim of education was to conserve their culture or to enhance further the amount

    of their social experiences. In fact group survival was not only the group aim but the individual

    aim as well.

    It is generally believed that even those early civilizations which had advanced far beyond the

    primitive level were distinctly conservative in their educational aims. So far the ancient Chinese

    is concerned, it had an educational system which aimed at the perpetuation of a static social

    order. The early Occidental civilization of Greece also reflected some of the conservative

    perceptions of the Orient. The aim of Spartan education, for example, was conservative. In

    Sparta, social survival depended largely upon the military ability of the Spartans. Consequently

    the chief aim of their education was identical with the military virtues, such as courage, respect

    and obedience for superiors, patriotism and loyalty to the state etc. To conclude, it is advisable to

    say that whether it was the education of the old or New Greek period or Homeric or Spartan

    period, it has been a main instrument of conserving as well as nurturing human culture.

    Similarly, may it be a very barbarian culture and civilization but still the process of

    education is visible there. All activities, according to the prevailing conditions have been seen

    throughout all these ages, which supported education. Neither culture nor education can survive

    in isolation. They will have to go along with each other for so many years to come. All the

    discussion shows a strong relationship between education and culture.

  • Ans 3 (b) : Joint GOI-UN system Education Programme is, known as JANSHALA programme, a

    collaborative effort of the five lead United Nations Agencies viz.; UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO,

    ILO and UNFPA along with the Government of India.

    All children to be enrolled by 2005

    All children to complete 5 years of primary schooling by 2007.

    All children to complete 8 years of elementary schooling by 2010.

    Quality focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality.

    Bridge all gender and social category gaps at primary stage by 2007 and at elementary education level by 2010.

    Universal Retention by 2010.

    Ans 3 (f): The term human rights denotes all rights that are present in our society and without which one

    cannot live as human beings. Human rights are the basic rights that a person irrespective of race, gender

    or any other background cannot be denied anywhere or at any condition. Education has a very important

    role to play for promotion and protection of human rights. Education makes us aware about our civil and

    political right often called as the first generation rights and the social, economic and cultural rights as the

    second generation rights. Without proper education one cannot be introduced with these essential

    philosophic and there basic rights and obligations. The concept of expanding human rights through

    education is now popularly present and traveled to encompass as the third generation rights itself. So it is

    very important that we know what is the role of education in promotion and protection of human rights.

    Ans 3 (a): Let us discuss the recommendations of the commission. In order to relate education, the

    commission recommended the following objectives-

    1. Increase in Productivity.

    a. Science is the basic component of education and culture; so it should be made an

    integral part of school education.

    b. To inculcate the value of manual work the commission recommended the introduction

    of work experience in school education.

    c. To meet the increasing needs of technical personnel in Industry, agriculture and trade

    the IEC recommended to introduce vocational subjects in school curriculum.

    2. Promoting social and National Integration

    a. To make education a powerful instrument of national development, common school

    system of public education should be adopted.

    b. Bridge the gulf between the educated and the uneducated, intellectuals and masses,

    social and national service should be made an integral part of school education.

    c. A language is a firm adhesive for social and national integration, suitable provisions

    should be made for teaching mother tongue, Hindi and other Modern Indian languages

    in schools.

    3. Education and Modernization

    The present society is the science - based society. The present century has made

    tremendous advancement in scientific and technical knowledge as a result of explosion of

  • knowledge. In such a situation one of the main functions of education is to keep pace with this

    advancement of knowledge.

    4. Developing social, moral and spiritual values.

    a. The Central and State governments should adopt measures to introduce education in

    moral, social and spiritual values in all institutions under their direct control on the lines

    recommended by the University Education Commission on religious and moral


    b. In order to develop social, moral and religious values, some periods should be provided

    in the time table. Instruction of this type should be given by general teachers.

    c. The University departments should be specially concerned with the ways in which these

    values can be taught wisely and effectively and should undertake preparation of the

    special literature for use by students and teacher.

    Ans 4: Resources are assets used to accomplish goals. According to Olson and Defrain (2000), resources

    are tools, talents and possessions used to create a life style, solve everyday problems and reach goals for

    better living. Resources are also means to work with to maintain control over ones life as well as build

    ones life style.

    Unfortunately the abundant resources have received little attention in most literatures. This has

    made it possible for people to underrate the concept Resources and the advantage embedded in

    them. They are not harnessed or mobilized. For this reason, the management of resources becomes

    imperative, for it is useful in the running of home, schools and trade centers, as many resources are

    involved in attending to the needs of the individuals, family, community and the nation at large.

    In the school, management of resources could lead to conducive environment for learning.

    Management according to Akintunde (2001) is the process by which the goals of the organization are

    attained by directing the efforts of others in the system. In addition Abubakar (2008) opined that

    management process entail application of four interrelated concepts, planning, organizing,

    implementing and evaluating the use of resources to achieve goals. The good foundation in the schools

    are the bed rock of the society which gives rise to a great nation. And when a nation is great, people

    tend to be happy and more productive. Therefore resource management is of paramount importance in


    Resource Classification

    Resources are what enable people to turn goals into reality. They are the things that one uses to

    achieve goals ones life. Generally there are many controversy over the classification of resources. Sasse

  • (1997) classified resources into three main groups. These are human, materials and community

    resources. However, Nikel, Rice and Tucker (1976) classified resources into human and non human.

    Whatever the case may be, resources are resources. The most important aspect of resource

    classification is that the human resources are that which exist within people such as abilities and

    characteristics of individuals. And the non human are those things which exist outside people, but

    controlled, utilized or possessed by people such as time, money etc.

    Individual and Social Aims:Social Aim:Individual Aims