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W o lv e r i n e

S u p p e r i o r L e v e l o f C o d e C o m p l i a n c e :Principal member on the technical committee for NFPA 409 = standard for Aircraft Hangars

Principal Member on theNFPA72 committee = National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

D e s i g n - b u i l d E x p e r i e n c e i n a n A r r a y o f A v i a t i o n F a c i l i t i e s I n c l u d i n g :

Airport terminalsAircraft facilitiesMaintenanceServicingStorage hangarsCorrosion control hangars

Fuel cell repair hangarsDepot overhaul facilitiesResearch & development facilities housing aircraftAll other types of aviation facilities

Wolverine has extensive experience in fire supression as it relates to the aviation industry. We focus on the applications of a combined code understanding of NFPA, ETL, USACE, DoD and other fire suppression requirements. High quality of work and client commitment is demonstrated by our multiple project awards, repeat clients, and years of design-build experience that includes a wide array of aviation facilities. Our goal is to minimize a client’s loss of life and capital and ensure mission continuity through quality fire supression and alarm systems.

Our company’s proven skills in code compliance, customer needs, and applying these as fully integrated criteria, results in reduced construction and life-cycle maintenance costs, and increased reliability of the fire protection system. Both existing and newly designed aviation projects often require an experienced engineer that specializes in fire suppression to design a system that will meet both the codes and customer needs. Wolverine’s Engineering department exemplifies this capability, with an in-house staff of well qualified Fire Protection Engineers.

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

You want to advance the use of air travel and ensure mission continuity... ...We want to provide protection from the unexpected so you can.

A v i a t i o n M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

W o lv e r i n e

Since 1958, Wolverine Fire Protection has developed their expert skills, captured lessons learned, and honed best practices to manage large and complex projects. We can provide reliable turn-key solutions with a focus on safety and quality assurance. Our goal is for your projects to run smoothly with expert results that protect lives and property. In fact, Wolverine is one of the few contractors that can self perform the entire fire protection work scope with their own, in-house resources. Our complete, energy focused solutions can provide consulting, engineering, fabrication, and installation. Our process utilizes in-house professional engineers and designers, BIM modeling technology, expertise in code compliance, quality materials, and past experience in large, complex, power generation projects.

You want to supply the world with power... ...We want to protect your people and facility so you can.

E x p e r i e n c e i n D i v e r s e P o w e r G e n e r a t i o n F a c i l i t i e s

F o c u s e d o n S a f e t y & Q u a l i t y

NQA-1 2008ISO 9001 - 2008

Bio-fuel/BiomassCombined CycleHydroelectricOil & Gas

NuclearCoalSteamNatural Gas/LNG

P o w e r G e n e r a t i o n M a r k e t s

W o lv e r i n e

I n d u s t r i a l & M a n u f a c t u r i n g M a r k e t sI n d u s t r i a l & M a n u f a c t u r i n g M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

With many years of experience designing and installing systems for the industrial and manufacturing industry, Wolverine is well positioned to take on your needs. Our portfolio includes work on major production and processing facilities in a multitude of different industrial environments.

Our expertise and commitment to quality and safety, decreases costs over the life of the system. We have completed millions of dollars worth of automotive, industrial and manufacturing projects nationwide to validate our abilities in the market. In addition, Wolverine has completed projects in the oil and gas market, and has the policies and procedures in place to respond to their elevated safety requirements.

Wolverine Fire Protection Co., as a full service design build fire protection contractor, has the ability to staff each level of need that you may have. This includes wet/dry suppression, clean agent/special hazards, detection, alarm, and releasing. Our staff includes engineers, design technicians, and fitter foreman/project managers. We have the ability to field installation crews comprised of sprinkler fitters. Our established supply chain and product delivery systems eliminate complications of project location - We travel to where your project is located.

You want to minimize downtime and supply the world with products... ...We want to protect your people and facilities so you can.

S y s t e m E x p e r i e n c e : V a l u e A d d i n g C a p a b i l i t i e s :

Dry systemsDeluge systemsDetectionWet Sprinkler systemsSystem risersSupply systemsFoam suppressionWater mist suppression

BIM design program capabilitiesEngineers that sit on NFPA committeesIn house professional engineers, fire protection engineers, and designersISO 9001-2008 NQA-1 2008Familiarity with API standardsand NFPA codes & standards

W o lv e r i n e

C o m m e r c i a l M a r k e t sC o m m e r c i a l M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

Commercial markets often require special fire protection systems to protect property and reduce down-time in case of occurrence. Wolverine Fire Protection Co. has had experience in data center, office, and high rise settings as well as many other commercial settings.

Our expertise in system requirements, and our abilities, offers access to a complete detection, notifi-cation, and suppression system in these types of environments. We are prepared to put our commit-ment to code compliance, customer needs, quality, and safety to work in any commercial project. Wolverine Fire Protection Co., as a full service design build fire protection contractor, has the ability to staff each level of need that you may have. This includes wet/dry suppression, clean agent/spe-cial hazards, detection, alarm, and releasing. Our staff includes engineers, design technicians, and fitter foreman/project managers. We also have the ability to field installation crews comprised of union tradesmen.

You want to minimize the effect of fire to “business as usual”... ...We want to provide the correct solution so you can.

D e s i g n - b u i l d E x p e r i e n c e i n v a r i o u s s y s t e m t y p e s :

Dry systemsWet systemsDeluge systemsAlarm & sprinkler

Dry chemicalFoamInfrared detectionClean agentsMist Systems

G e n e r a l S y s t e m s S p e c i a l S y s t e m s

W o lv e r i n e

E d u c a t i o n a l M a r k e t sE d u c a t i o n a l M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

According to the NFPA, "Educational properties include day-care centers, public, private or parochial boarding schools, trade or business schools, and college or university classroom buildings". Over 5,000 structure fires are reported annually in these types of facilities, and 64% of them occur during normal hours when students, children, staff, and other public are present. For these reasons, it is important for educational fire suppression systems to uphold the highest quality and code compliance to protect lives and property.

Wolverine Fire Protection is prepared to provide high quality design-build expertise for all educational projects. We are bolstered by over 50 years of experience in the educational market and have completed over $57 million in educational projects. Our commitment to code compliance, safety, and customer needs improves quality, reduces project timelines, and leads to lower unforeseen system malfunctions.

You want to educate the world's students... ... We want to protect your students, staff, and facility so you can.

S y s t e m E x p e r i e n c e :Extension & repair of existing systems

Installing in historical buildings

Meeting NFPA and building codes for educational structures

Designing and installing in unique structures

Complete new construction

Design-build systems

W o lv e r i n e

H e a l t h c a r e M a r k e t sH e a l t h c a r e M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

Structure fires in medical facilities cause approximately $52 million of property damage annually. These facilities often have unique requirements that their fire suppression systems must meet to efficiently protect lives and property. The human factor of patients and families makes protection in these facilities an important topic.

Wolverine Fire Protection is equipped with the experience, knowledge, and expertise to design detection and suppression systems in these medical environments. With experience in many hospital, lab, and other medical settings, our engineers and designers are capable of providing solutions for any unique application that the medical field may have.

You want to provide industry leading health services to the world’s population... ... We want to protect your people and facilities so you can.

E x p e r i e n c e i n v a r i o u s f a c i l i t y e n v i r o n m e n t s :

HospitalsSenior assisted livingNursing homesLabsDoctors officesClinicsMental health facilitiesHospice centers

S p e c i a l E x p e r t i s e :Labratory protectionPatient safety

Equipment protectionSpeial hazard systems

W o lv e r i n e

U n i q u e E x p e r i e n c e Rack sprinkler systemsalarmsClosed head sprinkler systems in high temperatures characteristic of non-climate controlled warehouses

W o r k e d f o r M a j o r C u s t o m e r s :WalmartTargetHome DepotDollar TreeKohl’sLowes

AldiCocoa ColaLegoUnileverKmartMany More

$64 million in combined warehouse and retail projects

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

You want to deliver products to people... ... We want to provide protection from the unexpected so you can.

Retail and warehousing settings have particular needs. They often contain racks of product and temporary walled structures within their footprint. Their layout and contents are constantly changing, and therefore their needs may be difficult to pin-point. They are also unique in that no two retail outlets are the same and they all carry a differ-ent variety of products, equipment, and/or contents. These types of structures encourage the quick spread of fire if not controlled in an incident. Implementing fire protection systems allows retail and warehousing locations to experience less water damage to property and products than when a fire department must intervene and offers the possibility for lower insurance rates.

Wolverine Fire Protection has been servicing customers in the retail and warehousing sector for over 56 years. We are able to customize a fire alarm and/or suppression system to meet a building's unique needs and stand behind our commitment to quality. Wolverine Fire Protection Co., as a full service design build fire protection contractor, also has the ability to staff each level of need that you may have. This includes wet/dry suppression, clean agent/special hazards, detection, alarm, and releasing. Our staff includes engineers, design technicians, and fitter foreman/project managers with the ability to field installation crews comprised of union tradesmen. Our approach to delivering design build, on an aggressive schedule is based on the concepts of the integrated project delivery and focused solely on what is best for the overall project.

R e t a i l & W a r e h o u s i n g M a r k e t s

W o lv e r i n e

R e s i d e n t i a l M a r k e t sR e s i d e n t i a l M a r k e t s

1-800-530-9006L o c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

w w w . w o l v e r i n e f p . c o m

Of fer ing high qual i ty professional f i re protect ion and a sol id commitment to the preservat ion of

l ives and proper ty s ince 1958

All people want to feel safe in their home environments. This could be in single family homes, apartments, dormitories, hotels, or wherever people call home. Wolverine Fire Protection can provide that extra system to make them feel more at ease. Fire suppression systems reduce the number of injuries and amount of damage in residential structures with the added bonus of possible insurance savings.

Wolverine Fire Protection Co has completed over $23 million of residential projects, and we carry the proper skills and knowledge to design and install systems in all types of residential structures. Our diverse experience provides us with a vast knowledge base to generate solutions for a customer's needs, and contributes to an efficiently maintained project schedule. The outcome is a quality system with lower life cycle costs and minimal project schedule delays.

You want to provide “home sweet home”... ... We want to provide additional peace of mind so you can.

S y s t e m E x p e r i e n c e :

Extension & repair of existing systems

Installing in historical buildings

Designing and installing in unique structures

Complete new construction

Design-build systems

High rise residential projects

Headquarters: 8067 N Dort Hwy / P.O Box 219Mt. Morris, MI, 48458

tel. 810.686.4630 fax

W o lv e r i n e

E n g i n e e r i n g & C o n s u l t i n g S e r v i c e s

Conceptual & detail f ire protection system designNarrow-band signaling evaluation & designEngineering & procurement specificationsContract administration & plan reviewNFPA 850 design basics documentsWater supply evaluation and designBudget work scopes and estimatesNFPA 654 combustible dust PHAsBuilding and fire code consultingPower plant fire risk evaluationsLife safety compliance reviews

Se r v i c e s P rov i ded :

“Fire protection for power plants, and other complex industrial facilities, requires a comprehensive knowledge of the hazards. Wolverine has the engineering expertise to provide complete fire protection solutions.” -Dan J. Sheridan, PE Senior Fire Protection Engineer

P ro j e c t s I n c l ude :Powder River Basin (PRB) Coal-Fired Power PlantsSimple-Cycle & Combined-Cycle Power PlantsRenewable Energy/Biomass Power PlantsAP1000 Advanced Nuclear Power PlantsAutomotive Production FacilitiesHydroelectric Power PlantsSolvent Extraction PlantsAircraf t Hangers

Wolverine Fire Protection Co. offers a variety of fire protection engineering and consulting services direct to utilities, AE firms, construction companies, and EPC joint ventures. We are experienced with NFPA 850 Design Basis Documents, Fire Risk Evaluations, Site Assessments, Alarm/Detection System design, Suppression

System design, Water Supply System design, and more.

F i r e P r o t e c t i o n