Meredith Oliver, CSP, MIRM · Meredith Oliver, CSP, MIRM President & Chief Digital Strategist...


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Meredith Oliver, CSP, MIRM President & Chief Digital Strategist

Website Design

Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing

Lead Management

Home Builder Marketing Agency



The Mission• Repeatable social media strategy

• Saves time and leverages effort, and,

• Increases participation, engagement, attendance and membership!

strategy #1Focus On Platform With the Highest ROI


Focus on platform with highest roi✓ New Followers ✓ Reach/Impressions ✓ Engagement

✓ Likes ✓ Comments ✓ Shares


Focus on platform with highest roi

✓ Website Traffic ✓ Event Registrations ✓ Phone Calls ✓ Referrals/Word of Mouth

strategy #2Create a Content Strategy & Schedule


Use Theme days/topics

✓ Membership Mondays ✓ Tip Tuesday ✓ What’s Happening Wednesday ✓ Thank You Thursday ✓ Fun Friday

strategy #3Create a Posting Process


create a posting process1. Gather the Information ➡ Who ➡ What ➡ When ➡ What ➡ Why ➡ $$$


create a posting process

2. Ask committees and councils to complete a creative brief/checklist with details and visuals.


create a posting process3. Determine Your Visuals

✓ Is there something I can repurpose/reuse ✓ What raw materials do I have to work with? ‣ Graphic/illustration ‣ Stock photo ‣ Photo ‣ Video

strategy #4Standardize Your Visuals


standardize your visuals✓ Create graphic template for recurring events ✓ Template uses same elements (visuals, copy) ✓ Graphic designer creates “set” all at once ✓ Same design resized for

‣ Email ‣ Social media ‣ Website | Canva For Work, $12.95/mo

strategy #5Delegate, Delegate, Delegate


delegate, delegate, delegate✓ Social media savvy members ✓ Millennial members ✓ Establish a Communications Committee


communications committee✓ Working committee, not solely advisory ✓ Establish clear role and job descriptions ✓ Allow access and participation


communications committee

✓ Chairperson ✓ Director of Social Media ✓ Director of Email Marketing ✓ Director of Graphic Design

strategy #6Use Tech Tools to Automate & Simplify

my favorite tech tools


What’s ‘appening!✓ Aviary ✓ WordSwag ✓ Over ✓ Photofy ✓ LastPass

For Slides, Handouts & More Resources
