Menu Creation Business Rules Menu System By George Tisdale (April 2005)


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Menu Creation

Business Rules Menu System


George Tisdale

(April 2005)

Basic menu

Text button menu

Button and Icon menu

Icons only menu

Logo menu

Icon and logo menu

Options for format

Windows menu contains all options Buttons act as short cuts One data source Nine languages Look can be set by workstation or user

(line 260)


User name and case sensitive password Passwords are encrypted when stored Users can be allowed into selected menus Selective deactivation for up to nine

permission levels

What happens

Three no-close files opened 97,98,99 Logon user name and password checked

against User file (97) LOCAL.[WSID] (99) checked for existing

menu data If the called menu is not in 99

master menu file (98) is read user’s allowed items added to 99 in user’s

language Menu displayed from data in 99

User Selects Option Program option for selection is checked First character defines action

?Program or procedureChains passing POST$ and OPT$

*Return a valueFNMENU is set to value

| Display another menuCalls and displays another menuDoes not load another program

Set-up sequence Create menu families and items Create users and set permissions Edit options in WB.INI file

Text Icons Logo Companies


Create Menu Families(

SYSTEMFamily name

NumberMenu within family

Description Logo

For full menu only F2 to add

Adding a menu

Description Logo if using Menu name and

sequence to return to Text for mouseover


Main Listbox

Menu Item

Indent for sub items Press ENTER in

column 1 for other languages Mouseover help text

F2 inserts a line F4 deletes a line

Program Call?path\program.wb post$ opt$*5|ARSYSC 001

?chains to another program and passes variables post$ and opt$

*sets FNMENU equal to a number and returns to the program

|displays another menu without changing programs


Places items on the desktop if TEXT and or ICONS are true (greater than zero)

ICONS=true a valid graphic file must be referenced

Text=true any character will cause the text box button to appear

Blank – no short-cut is created


E causes an event when item is selected C makes item checkable CX makes the item checked P makes item protected (gray) – see


(Generally E will be used)


Nine security/permission levels A Always display the option B Display option, but if program does

not exist deactivate the item (gray it out) C Display option ONLY if program

exists D Do NOT display option

Easy update

From Screen 2 press F3 to export menus to a spreadsheet

This options assumes that you have Excel installed in the default configuration

Configure menus and resort and save as TXT file

Load and run BLDMENU.BR to import

Adding a User

User logon User name (memo

only) Password Language number Reminder phrase

Assign Permission Level to Menu Families

Menu families are displayed

Number in Perm column relates to the Perm column in the menu set-up list box



Load and display menu with FNMENUSHOW(NAME$,NUMBER$)

At input/rinput fields reference fnmenuIf fkey=98 then let FNMENU

orIf fkey=98 and FNMENU=4 then …

orIf fkey=98 then on FNMENU goto (…
