Mens Health Personal Training




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Edited by Ray Klerck

Personal TrainerBecause t is the new rich


124Go for the burnUp your pace and shift more calories for a leaner body and stronger heart

Smashing platesNew, all-body, free-weight moves


137Hands-on approachPrevent aching arms

126Get the beefBoost post-workout muscle-building

On the ropesThe muscles youll build by pulling through


Bulk up

Drink this

Save time

Turbo foods

Be warned





Worth the weightDont be stupid about dumb-bells: take them apart and youll open up a whole new world of fat-burning. Use weight plates for a versatile go-anywhere exercise routineWarm-upUse the cross-trainer for 10 mins on level 8. Then perform 18 reps at each station, repeating the circuit 3 times. Rest 45 secs between sets and do the workout 2-3 times a week.


Stand your feet shoulder-width apart holding a weight plate against your chest. Step out laterally, about 3 or 4ft, with your right leg. Bend your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Without pausing push back to the start position. Repeat with the opposite leg.


Weight-plate side lunge

Hold the plate above your head. Bend your hips and knees so the bottoms of your thighs are parallel to the oor. Straighten your legs to rise to the start position along the same path keeping knees bent at the top of the movement.


Overhead squats


Lie with your upper back perpendicular to a bench. Push your hips slightly upwards. Position the plate over your chest and keep your elbows bent at 30 degrees. Lower the plate behind your head until your upper arms are parallel to your torso. Pull the weight back to the start.




Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a plate above your head with your elbows locked. Bend at your hips and knees until your back is parallel to the ground. Push your heels into the ground and, with locked elbows, swing the plate up and over your head as you stand up.


Overhead plate-swing


5 4Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a plate with both hands at arms length in front of your thighs. Keep your back straight; pull the weight up to your chest so your hands are just below your chin. Pause for a second then slowly lower it to the start position.


Upright rows

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding the weight plate in one hand. Bend your elbow and curl the weight in front of your body to a point just below your chin. Keep your wrist rm through the movement. Pause then move back to the start. Repeat with the opposite arm.


Weight-plate ape curls




3/06 Run

Run there's snow time to lose!

Winter of contentLoop-the-loopWork out a loop from your house, approximately 3km long, so youre always close to home. When you feel you cant drag yourself out of the house, plan to do only one loop. When youve nished, youll more than likely want to keep going so just add another loop.

Torch 12% more calories and 32% more fat than the same workouts in warm weatherreaches 25 minutes. Then hit the countdown button and attempt to beat your time back to your start point.

Get the dropGet your girlfriend or a mate to drive you a good distance away from home. The only way for you to get back will be to run. Dont worry, food and central heating will be motivation enough for you to beat any of your previous times.

7 8

Beat the clockLie on the ground with your knees bent and feet at on the oor. Place the weight on your chest and lift your upper body by using your abs to ex your entire spine. Bring your chest towards your knees without arching your neck forward to assist you. Roll back down, slowly and with control.



Hit your stop watch and start running. Stop when it

Lie with your back on a Swiss ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a plate at arms length. Rotate arms and trunk while keeping your legs still. Your head and spine should stay in the same position throughout while your core rotates around them.


Russian twist

Cold ComfortFive quick rules of dressing for your winter run

1 2

Wear layers so you can shed items as your body temperature rises.

the wind away from your precious crown jewels.

Gym assassin If youve only got 20 mins...Complete the circuit once performing 12-15 repetitions at each station. Rest 20 seconds between each exercise.

A quarter of your body heat escapes through your head. Wear a hat.


Better than nylon, wool socks retain their insulation even when wet.

Run in briefs or boxers with a nylon wind barrier to keep heat in and


Pick a jacket with a front zipper so you control how much heat you MH keep next to your body. I





Youll be building muscle till the cows come home

Beef upScoff this post-workout power burgerYou will need (makes 4 burgers)I 450g extra-lean minced organic beef I 1tbsp sunower seeds I 1tbsp onion, nely chopped I 1tbsp red pepper, nely chopped I tsp freshly ground black pepper I Toasted wheatgerm I 1 wholewheat bun I 1 apple, sliced (as a side dish) I Optional garnish:

lettuce, thinly sliced tomato and honey mustard

Why you should eat thisThe power burger is cover model Gregg Avedons own muscle-maxing creation. Its loaded with protein, iron, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin E and antioxidants. The bread and apple add carbs to help replenish energy stores and drive the protein into your muscles to help them grow. Approx per burger 190 cal, 26g protein, 18.4g carbs, 3g fat

Step 1 Put the beef, seeds, onion and both types of pepper in a bowl and knead

Step 2 Make 4 thin patties,roll them in wheatgerm until theyre covered

Step 3 Grill one burger to your liking; 4 minutes each side for medium rare.

Step 4 Serve with the garnish of your choice. Freeze the others for future use.

Enjoy the fruits of your labour

GET MORE ENERGYYou will needI 1tsp Glutamine Absolute

Neck away your neck pain with a drink to grease your joints and help you climb the stairs after that squats sessionWhy its good for youThe glucosamine contained in Ache-Free promotes the growth of healthy joint cartilage while the chondroitin improves the elasticity of your cartilage. An enzyme called bromelain found in pineapples is a great natural antiinammatory proven to heal your hurt and reduce swelling.

Shake The Ache

What to doPile these muscle-ache busters into your blender; hit the switch for 2 minutes and neck it 30 minutes after your workout. You should start to feel the benets within half an hour. You can also drink it before your workout and itll provide extra stamina for a weights or caridiovascular session.

(34.99, from I 1 scoop Ultra Multi-vites Tropical (24.95 for a 30-day serving, from I 1 Ache-Free tablet, opened (34.99, I 250ml fresh pineapple juice I 50ml coconut milk126 MENS HEALTH MARCH 2006


3/06 Q&A

Double your manpowerMore testosterone equals more muscle and less fat. These are foods thatll boost your man juice and kick your training up a gear

Magic beansThese wonder nuggets cram in more of the testosterone-boosting mineral zinc than any other vegetable. Baked beans even rival the zinc content of red meat.

Got a craving? Careful, vending machines bite back


Sow your oatsAnything made with oats contains the compound avena sativa, which stimulates testosterone to surge through your blood supply.

This months most-asked readers questions, answered by MH tness expert and qualied personal trainer Ray Klerckabdominis the six-pack muscles that need time to recover. Doing crunches every day overtrains your abs, ensuring theyll never grow. Try the plank instead. It challenges your postural muscles so you can perform it frequently. Get in the press-up position but rest your body weight on your forearms. Your body should form a bridge from ankles to shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. And stick to information from reputable publications from now on.


Whats better: eating junk from the vending machine or not eating at all? Number of times asked: 37

Return of the macIts not the reason theyre called nuts, but Macadamias are one of the best sources of monounsaturated fat (17g per oz), which increases your resting testosterone levels.

Fat chanceA study in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed men who ate the most saturated (found in cheese) and monounsaturated fat had the highest testosterone levels.

You should eat when youre truly hungry to keep your metabolism active, but reach for the healthiest option available some mixed nuts or chocolate with nuts, such as a Snickers or Lion bar. Going hungry just makes your body think its going into starvation. When you eat a massive meal at home, whatever you dont absorb immediately will be stored. And storage means a wider notch on the belt buckle. The best strategy? Stash snacks (granola and cereal bars, almonds, peanut butter, and tinned soup) in your desk drawer, so you have healthy options, instead of pushing the button for tighter buttons.


Is it possible to stretch too much? If so, how will I know? Number of times asked: 21

Go greenSpinach is loaded with vitamin E to preserve your testosterone supplies. But dont eat more than a saladsized bag a day large doses have been known to raise blood pressure system.


I read that you can work your abs every day with crunches, but Im getting nowhere. Am I doing something wrong? Number of times asked: 26

What have you been reading? Overtrainers Weekly? Most traditional abs exercises, like the crunch, neglect your deep abdominal stabiliser muscles, and stress the rectus

Anytime you feel a sharp or insect-like sting, youre overstretching. The perfect stretch should feel comfortably uncomfortable for the rst 8 seconds, with a gradual drop in pain in the following seconds of the stretch. Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds when muscles are warm like after a workout. This will develop and improve your exibility. But if you stretch too much you can put your joints at risk by making the tendons and ligaments around them so exible and limber that they can become more MH prone to dislocation. IMARCH 2006 MENS HEALTH 127

93% The proportion of his own body weight the average guy can bench press

12% The increase in your risk of heart disease caused by 20lbs of extra fat. Just 1lb of fat needs to be fed by a quarter of a mile of blood vessels, arteries, capillaries and veins.



3/06 Muscle50MIN WORKOUT

Ignite your fat-burning furnaceThese innovative muscle-builders will boost your metabolism and put you on track to dropping that last bit of stubborn fat22% How much less space on your body that 1lb of muscle takes up compared with 1lb of fat

The exercises that burn fatSwitching to circuit training burns fat by upping the pace of your workout. Want to speed up your metabolism even more? Try splicing your aerobic exercises into a circuit of resistance-training moves. The tag team of aerobic and anaerobic exercise increases the challenge on your heart, lungs and muscles and youll burn even more calories.

The muscles that burn fatHeres a fact, muscle is the primary fat burner in the human body. So the more of it you work, the faster youll lose your gut. The surest way: spend your gym time on exercises that hit your back, chest, gluteals, quadriceps, and hamstrings the largest muscles in your body.

The pay-offs A stronger heartCircuit training, using high reps and light but challenging weights, requires endurance. Consequently the heart becomes better at oxygenating muscle (a traditional measure of tness) so you can run up stairs with ease.

Overall strengthA full-body circuit of compound exercises (like the squat or row, which use more than one joint) works more muscle per session than isolation exercises (like curls and extensions).

A leaner bodyLifting weights increases the rate at which your body burns fat for up to 48 hours after, even while youre scofng that dessert. By eliminating downtime between sets and exercises, youll keep your muscles working for your entire workout, so you burn the most calories possible every session.

Turn the page for your workoutMARCH 2006 MENS HEALTH 129

Your workout starts hereThe programmeThis routine conditions all your major muscle groups, with an emphasis on the lower body, which contains more than 50% of your bodys muscle mass. Instead of resting between sets, do 30-45 seconds of cardio, such as skipping, running on a treadmill, or riding a stationary bike. Aim to keep your heart rate between 60% and 90% of its maximum during these aerobic bouts. Dont be concerned if you cant lift as much weight as usual. Without rest, your muscles will tire faster, but that doesnt mean youre getting weaker. In fact, when you switch back to a plan thats more focused on building muscle size and strength, youll see faster gains than ever, because every muscle will be in peak physical condition. Because this is a full-body plan, start by performing the workout twice a week (working up to three times a week), with at least a day for recovery between workouts. Youll soon see how easy it is to banish that last pesky little roll of blubber hanging over your belt.

Section 1DeadliftWorks quadriceps, gluteals, back, calves and abs 1 Stand with a bar-bell 2 With your head and on the oor in front of back straight, slowly you, with the bar over stand, keeping the bar your toes. Bend your close to your body as knees and grasp the you lift, until your legs bar with an overhand are straight. Pause, grip, your hands just then lower the bar to outside your knees. the oor.

Single-leg bent-over rowWorks your back, quadriceps, gluteals, calves and abs 1 Hold a pair of dumb2 Lift the weight on bells with your arms your right to the right extended in front of side of your chest. As you and stand on one you lower it, bring the foot. Bend forward at weight on your left to the waist until your the left side. Switch back is almost parallel arms for a set, switch to the oor. legs, and repeat.





Avoid rounding your lower back, which increases your risk of a herniated disk.

If you cant maintain balance, try raising and lowering both weights together.

Section 2Ranging-stance squatWorks quadriceps, gluteals and hamstrings 1 Place a bar-bell across the back of your shoulders and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform the second set with your feet spaced 2in wider, then put them another 2in apart for the third set. 2 Keeping your back straight at all times, bend down until your thighs are at least parallel to the oor. Pause at the bottom of the move, then push yourself back up to the start. Thats one repetition.

Section 3Ratchet leg pressWorks quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, calves and hip exors 1 Sit in a leg-press with your back at against the pad, feet hip-width apart and your legs straight. Make sure you dont lock your knees. Begin to slowly lower the weight.1

Clean and pressWorks shoulders, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, triceps and calves 2 As you rise, shrug your 1 Hold a bar-bell, hands shoulders, pull the bar and feet shoulder-width to shoulder level, dip apart. Bend your knees your knees and catch and lean forward so the the bar on your bar is below your knees. shoulders. Press the Explosively jump up, as weight overhead. Return if you were throwing the to the start position. bar overhead.

2 Lower the weight a few inches, pause, lower a few more inches and pause. Do these stop-starts until your legs are at right angles. Push up so your legs are straight. Thats one repetition.






If spreading your feet wide feels awkward, turn your toes slightly outward before you start your set.

Even though this exercise is part of a fast-paced circuit routine, perform the move slowly.

Dont stop and start between parts of the exercise; keep the movement continuous.



3/06 MuscleYour Fat-burning PlanA four-week schedule to say goodbye to those last few poundsTime period Create your routine by

Week 1Choosing one move from each section (1, 2, 3 and 4)

Week 2Performing the four moves you didnt do in Week 1 3 12 sets 1215 1 second up, 3 seconds down None Twice a week

Week 3Doing all eight moves in the order shown 2 16 sets 1215 1 second up, 1 second down None 2 or 3 times a week

Week 4Doing all eight moves in the order shown 2 16 sets 1520 1 second up, 3 seconds down None 2 or 3 times a week


3 12 sets 1215 1 second up, 3 seconds down

Your workout should be Repetitions per set Speed of each repetition

Rest between sets Do this workout

None Twice a week

N ip ids you w bodily u nt in the gym. no differe g and leave a slu weat Dont be stening s trail of gli ches a on ben

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Section 4Varied-level bench pressWorks chest, shoulders and triceps 1 Lie on a weight 2 Press the bar up and bench, grip a bar-bell slightly back. Do this with hands shoulderon an adjustable width apart. Keep feet bench, then for each at on the oor. Lift the set your can raise the bar off the rests and bench one notch slowly lower it to (about a 10- to 15your chest. degree incline).

One-arm rotational chest pressWorks chest, shoulders, triceps and abs 1 Lie on a bench with a 2 Press the weight dumb-bell in your left up and lift your left hand, by your chest. shoulder as high as Move your body to the you can, then lower left so your left side the weight. Switch hangs off the bench, positions and use and hold the right side your other hand for with your right hand. the next set.

Push pressWorks shoulders, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, triceps and calves 1 Hold a bar-bell in front 2 Bend your knees of your shoulders, feet down a few inches, and hands slightly wider then quickly push back than shoulder-width up as you thrust the apart, elbows pointing weight overhead, without locking your forward. (Load the barknees. Then lower bell with more weight the weight in front of than you usually would for a shoulder press.) your shoulders.

1 1







Lower the bar to a point on your chest thats just above your nipples. If it strays below your nipples, it can strain your rotator-cuff muscles.

Your shoulder blade can rise off the bench at the top of the move. Keep your head at against the bench to help prevent this.

Use your legs. The momentum you create by squatting should allow you to use heavier weights for bigger results.

Gym assassinBut if youve only got in15 minutesMH Perform 20 repetitions at each station; rest 30 seconds after each exercise. I



3/06 6 for 1

Tug of moreTo get the best results in half the time, build six muscles with just one move. The pull-through is a super-fast exercise that works you from back to frontPHOTOGRAPHY GLEN BURROWS. SHORTS BY ELLESSE; TRAINERS BY ADIDAS. FOR WHERE TO BUY SEE STOCKISTS, PAGE S46. CABLE FROM WWW.HOTGYM.CO.UK (01254 243727)



Lower back Attach rope handles to a lowcable pulley. Stand with your back to the weights stack. Reach down to grab the handles with an overhand grip, and hold it between your knees. Tense lower back and core to keep your entire back at.

Glutes Balance your weight on your heels and keep your arms straight with locked elbows. Pull the rope through your legs by straightening your knees and raising your arms. Drive your heels into the ground in order to use the power in your glutes.


Quadriceps Use the front of your thighs to straighten your back while tensing your shoulder blades together as you raise the ropes. Keep your head in line with your spine, making sure your chin is lifted. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart.


Front deltoids At this point your legs should be almost straight. Your front shoulders (deltoids) will be the dominant muscles raising the ropes. Remember to keep a constant arch in your elbows (don't lock them) but don't allow them to are outwards.


Upper pectorals With your arms now past horizontal, veer both ends of the rope away from each other by turning your thumbs outwards. Youll start to use your upper pecs to do this. The cable should run up the inside of your thigh to avoid any discomfort!



Rear deltoids Raise your arms over your head and form a V-shape with them. The muscle at the back of your shoulder (rear deltoid) will contract and stabilise your shoulder joint. Pause once the rope is vertical and slowly lower it back to MH the start position. I

WHAT TO DO Theres a workout plan for you, whether you want to get

thinner stronger bigger

Reps 15-20 3-5 8-10

Sets 4 6 5

Rest 45 secs 120 secs 60 secs

Times per week 3 2 2

Lifting tempo 2 secs up, 2 secs down 1 sec up, 3 secs down 1 sec up, 4 secs down


Your workout starts here

Build up to a perfect bodyDifferent workouts produce very different results. Sculpt the muscles you really want with these 4-week workoutsPump yourself muscle-boundYou want broad shoulders and a strong back and are more concerned with muscle mass than denition. This plan works well for naturally muscular men slimmer guys may take longer to achieve results. Take 48-72 hours rest between workouts. The workout I Shoulder press (3), 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps I Dumb-bell bench press (2), 5 sets of 6-8 reps I Pull-up (10), a total of 25 reps I Front squats (1), 5 sets of 6-8 reps I Single-arm row (4), 5 sets of 6-8 reps


Front squatsWorks quads and glutes

Set-up Rest a bar-bell on the front part of your shoulders. Feet shoulder-width apart and pointing outwards. Execution Crouch down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then stand back up, keeping your back straight.


Pull-overWorks chest, triceps and abs Execution Keep a 30 arc in your elbows. Lower weight beyond your head until your upper arms are parallel to your torso. Pull the weight back to the start position.

Train to be an athleteClearly dened muscles and symmetrical proportions can be achieved relatively quickly with little training. This workout shows you how to get attractive muscles quickly without turning into a hulk. The workout I Front squats (1), 3 sets of 20-25 reps I Shoulder press (3), 3 sets of 10 reps I Pull-up (10), 3 sets of as many as you can do I Reverse crunches (8), 2 sets of 25-50 reps I Pull-over (5), 3 sets of 15 repetitions I Crunch (6), 3 sets of 25-50 reps

Set-up Lie with your upper back perpendicular to a bench. Hold a dumbbell from behind or from the side with both hands under the inner plate of the weight.


DipsWorks triceps and shoulders

Work at becoming a stamina manSlender, well-dened and wiry thats how your dream body would look. Youll get sharply dened abs, thin muscular upper body and wiry legs that reect your penchant for endurance sports. This workout will work your muscles in the strength and stamina zone. The workout I Dumb-bell bench press (2), 3 sets of 13-15 repetitions I Dips (9), 3 sets of 13-15 reps I Hanging knee raises (7), 2 sets of 15-25 reps I Front squats (1), 3 sets of 13-15 repetitions I Crunch (6), 2 sets of 25-50 reps

Set-up Grab the parallel bars and lift yourself so your weight rests on your hands, with your arms straight but not locked. Execution Tuck your elbows to your sides and lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the oor. Press yourself back, keeping your elbows unlocked at the top of the move.




3/06 Body type2Dumb-bell bench pressWorks chest, triceps and shoulders Execution Remove the bar and lower the bar to your chest. Press the weight back up until your arms are straight and repeat.


Dumb-bell shoulder press


Single arm rowWorks lats and biceps Execution Keep your back straight and pull a dumb-bell up to your chest keeping your elbows tucked. Pause and slowly lower it to the start position.

Set-up Lie on a bench holding a bar-bell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Works the shoulders Set-up Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, holding a dumb-bell in each hand. Raise the weights so they are in line with your shoulders on either side of your head. Execution Press the weights up until your arms are straight but not locked. Slowly lower the weight back to your shoulders along the same path.

Set-up Position yourself with one knee on a bench. Balance yourself with your free arm and extend the leg thats on the oor so your body forms a tripod shape.


CrunchWorks the abdominals Execution Lift your shoulders no more than 30 off the ground. Hold for 3 seconds. Then slowly return the shoulders to a resting position.


Hanging knee raisesWorks the abdominals Execution Raise your legs up until your thighs are parallel to the oor. Next, tense your abs, tilt your pelvis and raise legs further.


Reverse crunchesWorks the abdominals Execution Raise your legs so they're perpendicular to the oor, then bend your knees in. Next, straighten legs upward then lower them.

Set-up Lie face up on the ground with your knees bent, feet at on the oor. Put your hands behind your head but dont pull on your neck.

Set-up Hang from a pull-up bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and your legs bent at a 30-degree angle.

Set-up Lie on your back. Place your arms at your side with your palms at on the oor. Keep your knees straight but not entirely locked.


Your fat-burning planAdd cardio to your workout for maximum resultsYou want to be If youre abs

Set-up Grab the pullup bar with an overhand grip, about shoulderwidth apart. Execution Hang at arms length so your elbows are completely extended and pull yourself up until your chin crosses the plane of the bar. Pause then slowly lower yourself to the starting position without allowing your body to sway.

Muscle-boundSkip the cardio.

AthleticPerform CV training twice a week for 20 minutes.

Stamina manRun or cycle 30 minutes 3 times a week. Run for 40 minutes four times a week. Do CV workouts 4-6 times a week.

are visible

If you cant see your abs If you cant even feel your abs

Run twice a week for 20 minutes. Run 35 minutes 3 days a week

Run 35 minutes 3 times a week. Run 40 minutes 4 days a week.

MH Perform each workout 2-3 times a week; with at least 48 hours between each session I


