MembraneType1MatrixMetalloproteinase(MT1-MMP/ MMP-14 ... · of collagenase (MMP-1) expression in...


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Membrane Type 1 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP-14) Cleaves and Releases a 22-kDa ExtracellularMatrix Metalloproteinase Inducer (EMMPRIN)Fragment from Tumor Cells*

Received for publication, July 24, 2006, and in revised form, September 26, 2006 Published, JBC Papers in Press, October 18, 2006, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M606993200

Nagayasu Egawa‡, Naohiko Koshikawa‡, Taizo Tomari‡, Kazuki Nabeshima§, Toshiaki Isobe¶, and Motoharu Seiki‡1

From the ‡Division of Cancer Cell Research, Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108-8639, the §Departmentof Pathology, Fukuoka University Hospital 814-0180, Fukuoka 814-0180, and the ¶Department of Chemistry, Graduate School ofScience, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan

Proteolytic shedding is an important step in the functionaldown-regulation and turnover of most membrane proteins at thecell surface. Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer(EMMPRIN) is amultifunctional glycoprotein that has two Ig-likedomains in its extracellular portion and functions in cell adhesionas an inducer of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression insurrounding cells. Although the shedding of EMMPRIN is report-edly because of cleavage by metalloproteinases, the responsibleproteases, cleavage sites, and stimulants are not yet known. In thisstudy, we found that human tumorHT1080 and A431 cells shed a22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment into the culture medium. The shed-ding was enhanced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and inhib-ited by TIMP-2 but not by TIMP-1, suggesting the involvement ofmembrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs). Indeed, down-regulation ofthe MT1-MMP expression in A431 cells using small interferingRNA inhibited the shedding. The 22-kDa fragment was purified,and the C-terminal amino acid was determined. A synthetic pep-tide spanning the cutting site was cleaved by MT1-MMP in vitro.The cleavage site is located in the linker region connecting the twoIg-like domains. The N-terminal Ig-like domain is important fortheMMP inducing activity of EMMPRIN and for cell-cell interac-tions,presumably through its ability toengage inhomophilic inter-actions, and the 22-kDa fragment retained the ability to augmentMMP-2 expression in human fibroblasts. Thus, the MT1-MMP-dependent cleavage eliminates the functional N-terminal domainof EMMPRIN from the cell surface, which is expected to down-regulate its function. At the same time, the released 22-kDa frag-mentmaymediate the expression ofMMPs in tumor tissues.

The extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer(EMMPRIN2; also known as CD147, tumor collagenase-stimu-

lating factor, basigin, andM6) is amultifunctional glycoproteinthat belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily (1–4).EMMPRIN-null mice are sterile and have defects in spermato-genesis, fertilization, sensory and memory functions, andmixed lymphocyte responses (5–7). However, the exact mech-anisms underlying the observed defects are still largelyunknown.The protein backbone of EMMPRIN is 28 kDa, but the

molecular mass of the glycosylated form varies between 44 and66 kDa (4). The extracellular portion of EMMPRIN containstwo Ig-like motifs and three potential N-glycosylation sites (8).EMMPRIN is expressed at high levels in many types of tumorsand stromal cells (9–14), and the N-terminal Ig-like domain,which can form homodimers (15, 16), may modulate cell-cellinteractions within tumor tissues or during metastasis.EMMPRIN is released from tumor cells and acts as an inducerof collagenase (MMP-1) expression in the surrounding stromaand tumor cells (17–19).Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are zinc-binding

endopeptidases responsible for the turnover of many proteinsin the extracellular space, including those that compose theextracellularmatrix (ECM), cell adhesionmolecules, cytokines,growth factors, and receptors (20). Most tumor types and thesurrounding stromal cells overexpress multiple MMPs, whichare important players in promoting tumor growth, invasion,and metastasis (20). EMMPRIN also induces MMP-2, -3, and-9, MT1-MMP, and MT2-MMP in addition to MMP-1 (9,21–25); only glycosylated EMMPRIN is able to induce theseMMPs (26), and theN-terminal Ig-like domain is also indispen-sable for the MMP inducing activity (26), as well as for thehomophilic interactions of the protein (26). Therefore,EMMPRIN potentially mediates the excessive production ofMMPs in tumor tissue and is expected to act as a modulator ofECM in tumor tissues through the activity of the MMPs that itinduces.* This work was supported by a grant-in-aid for scientific research on priority

areas, “Integrative Research toward the Conquest of Cancer,” from theMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (toM. S.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by thepayment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indi-cate this fact.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 81-3-5449-5255; Fax:81-3-5449-5414; E-mail:

2 The abbreviations used are: EMMPRIN, extracellular matrix metalloprotein-ase inducer; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; CM, conditioned medium;ECM, extracellular matrix; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography;

MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight;mAb, monoclonal antibody; MT-MMP, membrane-type MMP; pAb, poly-clonal antibody; PMA, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate; siRNA, small inter-fering RNA; TCL, total cell lysate; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotein-ase; Dox, doxycycline; MS/MS, tandem mass spectrometry; GAPDH,glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; ELISA, enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorter; PBS, phos-phate-buffered saline.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 281, NO. 49, pp. 37576 –37585, December 8, 2006© 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


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According to the literature, EMMPRIN is released fromtumor cells in at least two different ways. A significant amountof intact EMMPRIN is released from tumor cells (27, 28), pos-sibly contained within membrane vesicles (microvesicles) thatsome tumor cells release upon stimulation (28). The otherpathway is proteolytic shedding. In addition to inducingMMPs, EMMPRIN is likely to be cleaved and shed byMMPs orother metalloproteinases, because the shedding of EMMPRINis inhibited by zinc chelators (25, 29). Supporting this, MMP-1andMMP-2 can cleave EMMPRIN at the membrane-proximalregion, at least in vitro (29). The proteolytic shedding ofEMMPRIN from the cell surface is not only important for reg-ulating EMMPRIN function at the cell surface but is also amechanism to release a soluble MMP inducer. However, thedetails of the proteolytic processing of EMMPRIN, such as theresponsible proteinases, cleavage sites, and stimulants, is verylimited.In this context, MT1-MMP (MMP-14) is an interesting can-

didate for the EMMPRIN shedding as an integral membraneprotease responsible for pericellular proteolysis (30, 31). MT1-MMP is expressed in human tumors, and its potential sub-strates are ECM proteins, such as collagens, fibronectin, lami-nins, vitronectin, and aggrecan (30, 31). Other functionalproteins that can be cleaved byMT1-MMP include pro-MMPs,CD44, the integrin �v chain, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein, interleukin 8, and pro-tumor necrosis factor(32–37). Thus, the proteolytic activity ofMT1-MMP is a potentmodulator of the pericellular environment and promotestumor growth and invasion, particularly in collagen-rich envi-ronments (38). Our knowledge about the physiological sub-strates of MT1-MMP is still fragmentary, but proteins that canbe cleaved byMT1-MMP are often co-purified with it from celllysates, and EMMPRIN is among the proteins we identified asco-purifying withMT1-MMP.3 Thus, we were interested in thepossibility that MT1-MMP cleaves and releases EMMPRINfrom tumor cells.In this study, we characterized the proteolytic shedding of

EMMPRIN by MT1-MMP for the first time. Two of the threehuman tumor cell lines tested released a small 22-kDa fragmentof EMMPRIN. The shedding was enhanced by treatment of thecellswith phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and inhibitedby tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2 but not byTIMP-1, indicating the possible involvement of MT-MMPs.Indeed, expression, knockdown, and in vitro cleavage studiessupported the involvement of MT1-MMP in EMMPRIN pro-teolysis. Our results raise the interesting possibility that MT1-MMP may trigger the expression of MMPs in tumor tissues.


Cells and Culture Conditions—The human fibrosarcoma cellline HT1080, human epidermoid carcinoma cell line A431, andhumanmelanoma cell lineA375were obtained from theAmer-ican Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA), and theAfrican green monkey kidney cell line COS-7 was obtainedfrom Health Science Research Resources Bank (Osaka, Japan).

The gastric cancer cell line TMK-1 was a gift from Prof. E.Tahara (Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan). Human pri-mary fibroblast cells were obtained from nonlesional dermisaround nodular fasciitis according to the guideline for clinicalsample handling in Fukuoka University Hospital. A431,HT1080, COS-7, and human normal fibroblast cells were cul-tured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Sigma) contain-ing 10% fetal bovine serum (Hyclone, Logan, UT), 100 �g/mlstreptomycin, and 100 units/ml penicillin (Sigma). TMK-1 andA375 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 (Sigma) supplementedwith 10% fetal bovine serum, streptomycin, and penicillin.MT1-MMP-inducible expression cell lines were establishedusing the Tet-Off gene expression system (Takara Bio Inc.,Otsu, Japan) as described previously (39). The cells were seededin 6-well plates (1.5 � 105 cells/well) and cultured for 16 hbefore transfection. Expression plasmids were transfectedusing FuGENE 6 (Roche Applied Science) according to themanufacturer’s instructions. TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were kindlygifted from Daiichi Fine Chemical (Takaoka, Japan).Construction of Expression Vectors—FLAG-tagged MT-

MMP constructs (MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, and MT6)were prepared as described previously (34, 40). The othercDNAs were subcloned into pENTR/D-TOPO vectors(Invitrogen) using theGateway System (Invitrogen).We ampli-fied a cDNAsequence corresponding to the open reading frameof human EMMPRIN using the PCR, and then generatedexpression constructs for aMyc-tagged form (NM-EMMPRIN)or a FLAG-tagged form (NF-EMMPRIN) in which each tag wasinserted downstream of its signal sequence by a PCR-basedmethod.We also generated an expression construct for aC-ter-minally FLAG-tagged EMMPRIN fragment (from Met1 toThr121) containing the N-terminal Ig-like domain (D1) by aPCR-based method.Establishment of Stable Transfectants—Cells expressing

EMMPRIN or MT1-MMP were established using the ViraP-ower lentiviral expression system (Invitrogen) following themanufacturer’s instructions. The pLenti6 vectors for mock,NF-EMMPRIN, MT1-MMP, or D1 and the packaging plasmidmixture were introduced into 293FT packaging cells providedwithin the kit. The recombinant lentiviruses in the conditionedmedium were harvested and titrated using A431 cells. Trans-ductions were performed at a multiplicity of infection of 5, andthe cells were propagated and maintained in the presence ofblasticidin (5 �g/ml; Invitrogen).Western Blot Analysis—To detect proteins in the condi-

tioned medium (CM), proteins in the CM were precipitatedwith 10% trichloroacetic acid, and precipitates were collectedand dissolved in SDS-PAGE sample buffer. Total cell lysates(TCL) and proteins in the CM were separated by SDS-PAGE(10 and 14% gels, respectively) under reducing conditions, andproteins separated in the gel were transferred to a polyvinyli-dene difluoride membrane (Millipore, Billerica, MA). Afterblocking themembranewith 5% fat-free drymilk in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 0.05% Tween 20, the mem-brane was probed with a primary antibody specific to each pro-tein, including an anti-EMMPRIN rabbit polyclonal antibody(pAb, Invitrogen), an anti-actin goat polyclonal antibody (SantaCruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA), an anti-FAS ligand

3 N. Egawa, N. Koshikawa, T. Tomari, K. Nabeshima, T. Isobe, and M. Seiki,unpublished results.



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mouse monoclonal antibody (BD Biosciences), an anti-FLAG mouse monoclonal antibody (Sigma), and an anti-c-Myc mouse monoclonal antibody (Roche Applied Science).The reacted antibodies were treated with a horseradish per-oxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (GE Healthcare)and detected with the Western Lightning chemilumines-cence reagent (PerkinElmer Life Sciences). An alkaline phos-phatase (ALP)-conjugated anti-goat IgG secondary antibody(Sigma) in developing solution (8.25 mg of nitro blue tetra-zolium, 2.1 mg of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphatasein 25 ml of 100 mM Tris-HCl, 100 mMNaCl, 5 mMMgCl2, pH8.6) was used to detect actin. Densitometry analysis was per-formed using ImageJ (available on line).Detection of Cell Surface EMMPRIN by FACS Analysis—

A431 cells that express MT1-MMP in a doxycycline (Dox)-in-ducible manner were used. The cells were cultured in Dulbec-co’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10% fetalbovine serum for 3 days in the presence or absence of 1 �g/mldoxycycline (Sigma). The cells were trypsinized, collected,and stained with an anti-EMMPRIN mAb (R&D Systems,Minneapolis, MN). An Alexa 488-conjugated goat anti-mouseIgG (Invitrogen)was used as a secondary antibody. The amountof cell-surface EMMPRIN was evaluated with a FACSCaliburcytofluorimeter (BD Biosciences).Temporary Knockdown of MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP by

RNA Interference—Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targetingthe MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP mRNAs were designed andprepared by B-Bridge (Sunnyvale, CA), and transfection wascarried out using the Oligofectamine reagent (Invitrogen).Thirty six hours after transfection, cells were cultured withserum-free medium in the presence or absence of 100 nM PMAfor 8 h. Total RNA was isolated using the TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen) and quantified at A260. An aliquot of the sampleswas reverse-transcribed, and mRNAs for MT1-MMP andMT2-MMP were measured by real time PCR using SYBRGreen I (MolecularApplications, BioWhittaker, Rockland,ME)and the Smart cycler system (Takara Bio). The specific primerpairs used were 5�-TTGGACTGTCAGGAATGAGG-3� and5�-GCAGCACAAAATTCTCCGTG-3� for MT1-MMP, 5�-TGAGCTAGAACCCTCTGT-3� and 5�-GAGGCTAGTGGT-GTGAGT-3� for MT2-MMP, and 5�-AGGTGAAGGTCGGA-GTCAAC-3� and 5�-GACGGTGCCATGGAATTTGC-3� forGAPDH. After initial denaturation (95 °C, 15 s), the PCRs werecycled 40 times with the following parameters: denaturation95 °C, 1 s; annealing 65 °C, 4 s; and extension 72 °C, 6 s.Purification of EMMPRIN Fragments from the Culture

Medium—A375-derived cells that express NF-EMMPRIN sta-bly and MT1-MMP in a Dox-inducible manner were used toisolate the EMMPRIN fragments shed byMT1-MMP, and cellsthat express D1 stably were used to isolate the C-terminallyFLAG-tagged EMMPRIN fragment containing N-terminal Ig-like domain. The cells (5 � 107) cultured in Dox-free inductionmediumwere further culturedwithout serum for 72 h to obtainCM. The CM containing the FLAG-tagged EMMPRIN frag-ment was purified on an affinity column filled with agarosebeads conjugated to an anti-FLAGM2mousemonoclonal anti-body (Sigma). After washing with a buffer containing 25 mMHEPES, 1.0 M NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, pH 7.4, the EMMPRIN

fragment retained in the column was eluted with the FLAGpeptide (200 �g/ml). Then the eluate was applied to a gel per-meation column (Superdex 75 10/300 GL; GEHealthcare), andfractionation was carried out using an AKTA Explorer 10S (GEHealthcare) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Fractions containingthe EMMPRIN fragment were collected, dialyzed againstMilliQ water (Millipore), and freeze-dried. The purity of theEMMPRIN fragment was checked with SDS-PAGE and silverstaining. The concentration of the fragment was determined byELISA using an anti-EMMPRINmAb and a BCA protein assaykit (Pierce). Deglycosylation was performed using N-glycosi-dase F (2 units/100 �l; Roche Applied Science) in a reactionbuffer (200mMNa2PO4, 10mMEDTA, 0.5%TritonX-100, 0.1%SDS, pH 8.0) at 37 °C for 16 h.Determination of the C-terminal Amino Acid of the

EMMPRIN Fragment byMass Spectrometry—The purified NF-EMMPRIN fragment was digested with 2 pmol of V8 peptidase(Roche Applied Science) in 25 �l of digestion buffer (25 mMammoniumcarbonate, 5% acetonitrile, pH7.8) for 18 h at 25 °C.The reactionmixturewas applied to aC18 reverse-phaseHPLC(HiQ-Sil C18-3; KYA Tech, Hachioji, Japan) and eluted by ace-tonitrilewith a linear gradient from5 to 90%. Each peak fractionwas collected and applied to a sample plate (Applied Biosys-tems, Foster City, CA)with 1�l ofmatrix solution and analyzedby matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight(MALDI-TOF)mass spectrometry (4700 Proteomics Analyzer,Applied Biosystems). Ionswere then used to interrogate humanprotein sequences in theNCBInr data base using theMASCOTdata base search algorithms (available on line).Digestion of the EMMPRIN Peptide by MT1-MMP in Vitro—

An EMMPRIN peptide (89FLPEPMGTANIQLHGPPRVK108;10 �M) was incubated with the catalytic fragment of humanMT1-MMP (rMT1; 10 nM) (34) in a digestion buffer (50 mMTris-HCl, 50mMNaCl, 10mMCaCl2, pH 7.5) in the presence orabsence of 10 �M MMI270 (a synthetic hydroxamic MMPinhibitor, a kind gift fromNovartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzer-land). After incubation at 37 °C for 8 h, the digests were directlysubjected to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis.Induction of MMP-2 by the EMMPRIN Fragment in Normal

Fibroblasts—Normal human fibroblast cells were cultured in a24-well plate (5 � 104 cells/well) for 3 days. After the culturemedium was changed to serum-free Dulbecco’s modifiedEagle’s medium containing the purified EMMPRIN fragment(0, 0.1, 1.0, or 2.0 �g/ml), it was cultured for 24 or 72 h. Theamount of MMP-2 in the CM was measured using an MMP-2quantitative assay kit (Daiichi Fine Chemical) according to theinstructions in the product manual.Immunoprecipitation—A431 cells (2 � 106 cells) expressing

FLAG-tagged MT1-MMP were lysed in lysis buffer (25 mMHEPES, 1% Triton X-100, 150 mM NaCl, protease inhibitormixture set I (Calbiochem), pH 7.5) at 4 °C for 1 h. Cell lysateswere clarified by centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 20min at 4 °C,and the supernatant was collected and incubated with anti-FLAGM2mAb-conjugated agarose beads at 4 °C for 12 h. Thebeads were washed with lysis buffer four times, and the mate-rials bound to the beadswere elutedwith lysis buffer containing200 �g/ml FLAG peptide. The samples were then subjected toWestern blot analysis.



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Immunocytochemistry and Immunohistochemistry—A431cells expressing FLAG-tagged MT1-MMP were cultured onglass coverslips for 16 h in the presence of 10 �M MMI270 andthen fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 5 min. After ablocking step using 5% goat serum, 3%bovine serumalbumin inPBS, the cells were treated with a rabbit anti-FLAG polyclonalantibody (Sigma) or a mouse anti-EMMPRIN mAb. An Alexa488-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG and an Alexa 568-conju-gated goat anti-rabbit IgG (Invitrogen) were used as secondaryantibodies. The signals were analyzed with a confocal lasermicroscope (Bio-Rad).Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections of human

ovarian carcinoma were kindly provided by Prof. Y. Okada atKeio University (Tokyo, Japan). Sections were deparaffinizedand dehydrated. Endogenous peroxidase was quenched with3% H2O2 in methanol for 15 min. The antigen was activated bymicrowaving it for 10min in 10mM citric acid, pH 6.0. Blockingwas performed using a Histofine blocking kit (Nichirei, Tokyo,Japan) for 10 min. Samples were treated with an anti-MT1-MMP mAb (222-1D8, a kind gift of Daiichi Fine Chemical) oranti-EMMPRIN mAb overnight at 4 °C. After three washeswith PBS, biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulinswere used as secondary antibodies, and they were reacted witha horseradish peroxidase-streptavidin complex. Peroxidaseactivity was detected by a solution of diaminobenzidine con-taining H2O2 in a Tris-HCl buffer, which develops a browncolor.


Tumor Cells Shed EMMPRIN in anMMP-mediatedManner—EMMPRIN is expressed in most human tumor cell lines. Weused three such cell lines for our study, the human fibrosar-coma line HT1080, the human epidermoid carcinoma lineA431, and the human gastric carcinoma lineTMK-1.We exam-ined the expression of EMMPRIN in cell lysates and its shed-ding into the CMwithWestern blotting using anti-EMMPRINpAb (Fig. 1). The cells were also treated with PMA, becausePMA often stimulates the expression and activity ofMMPs. Allcell lines expressed EMMPRIN with a molecular mass between44 and 66 kDa, as reported previously, and the peak of the dis-tribution appeared to be at 58 kDa (Fig. 1, upper panels). Asmaller 37-kDa band that presumably represents an intermedi-ately glycosylated form (41) was also present. Stimulation of thecells with PMA did not affect the expression levels or the bandpatterns in the cells.EMMPRIN of almost the same size as the cellular form was

detected in theCM (Fig. 1, lower panels). This is consistent withprevious reports that the intact form of EMMPRIN is releasedinto the CM, although PMA did not stimulate this sheddingsignificantly. In addition to the intact form, a small 22-kDa frag-ment that had not been reported previously was also shed intothe CM of HT1080 and A431 cells, but not TMK-1 cells. PMAtreatment enhanced the shedding of the 22-kDa fragment fromboth cell types, and it was completely inhibited by a broad spec-trum synthetic MMP inhibitor, MMI270. However, the shed-ding is not an immediate response to PMA treatment, becausethe 22-kDa fragment began to appear more than 4 h after stim-

ulation (data not sown). The shedding pattern of TMK-1 cellswas not affected by PMA treatment or by MMI270.Identification of the Protease Responsible for EMMPRIN

Shedding—To characterize the protease(s) responsible for theEMMPRIN shedding, we tested the effects of the natural MMPinhibitors TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. TIMP-1 inhibits soluble MMPsand some disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), but notmembrane-typeMT-MMPs, whereas TIMP-2 inhibits allMMPs,including MT-MMPs, but not most ADAMs. We treated A431cells with PMA in the presence or absence of the inhibitors andexamined the shedding of the 22-kDa fragment (Fig. 2A). Again,the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment was detected weakly in the CM,and its amount was enhanced by PMA. TIMP-2 inhibited theshedding effectively, but TIMP-1 showed almost no effect.MMI270 inhibited the shedding, as it did in the experimentsshown inFig. 1.Thus, the 22-kDaEMMPRIN fragment appears tobe produced by the action of MT-MMPs, which are sensitive toTIMP-2 but not to TIMP-1.To test the effects of MT-MMPs on EMMPRIN shedding,

each of sixMT-MMPswas expressed as a FLAG-tagged form inCOS-7 cells, and EMMPRIN was expressed as a Myc-taggedform (NM-EMMPRIN). Expression levels of MT-MMPs wereconfirmed byWestern blotting (Fig. 2B, lower panel). Althoughthe expression levels of the MT-MMPs varied widely, withMT2-MMP and MT3-MMP expressed at much lower levelsthan the others, the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment was detectedin the culturemediumof cells that expressed eitherMT1-MMPorMT2-MMP (Fig. 2B, upper panel). Thus, at leastMT1-MMPand MT2-MMP can induce the shedding of the 22-kDaEMMPRIN fragment. Then the cell lysate used for Fig. 1 wasanalyzed by Western blotting using either anti-MT1-MMP oranti-MT2-MMP. HT1080 and A431 cells but not TMK-1 cellsexpressed MT1-MMP (Fig. 2C). MT2-MMP was undetectable

FIGURE 1. Tumor cells shed EMMPRIN in an MMP-mediated manner.HT1080, A431, and TMK-1 cells were cultured and treated with 100 nM PMA inthe presence or absence of 10 �M MMI270 for 8 h in serum-free medium. TheTCL was analyzed by Western blotting using an anti-EMMPRIN pAb (upperpanel) and an anti-actin pAb (middle panel). The CM was collected and ana-lyzed with an anti-EMMPRIN pAb (lower panel). Arrows in the upper and lowerpanels indicate the intact form of EMMPRIN. The arrowhead in the lower panelindicates the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment. The asterisk indicates a presumedintermediately glycosylated form of EMMPRIN. Molecular weights deducedfrom marker proteins are indicated on the left.



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in all three cell lines (data not shown). Shedding of the 22-kDafragment from the cell surface in the presence of MT1-MMPdecreased the amount of cell-associated EMMPRIN, as ana-lyzed by FACS analysis (Fig. 2D).A real time reverse transcription-PCR analysis showed that

mRNAs for both MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP were detectablein A431 cells and that their expression was increased aboutthree times upon treatment of the cells with PMA (Fig. 3A). Toevaluate the role of each MT-MMP on the EMMPRIN shed-ding, we performed knockdown experiments using siRNAs.The siRNA for MT1-MMP (siMT1) specifically reducedMT1-MMPmRNA by 80% and that for MT2-MMP (siMT2) specifi-

cally reduced the mRNA for MT2-MMP by 90% (Fig. 3A). An siRNAfor the luciferase gene (siLuc) usedas a control did not affect the MT-MMPmRNA levels. We then testedthe effect of the siRNAs on sheddingfrom A431 cells stimulated withPMA. Down-regulation of MT1-MMP strongly inhibited sheddingof the 22-kDa fragment (Fig. 3B,CM), and down-regulation of MT2-MMP slightly inhibited the shedding.Combining the siRNAs for MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP reducedthe level more efficiently (Fig. 3B,CM). Thus, MT1-MMP appears tobe a major protease leading toEMMPRIN shedding from A431cells, although MT2-MMP also hassome effect.Identification of the Cleavage Site

for the 22-kDa EMMPRIN Frag-ment—To characterize the 22-kDaEMMPRIN fragment, we estab-lished A375 cells that expressMT1-MMP under the control of aDox-inducible promoter. Deple-tion of Dox from the culturemedium induced expression ofMT1-MMP (Fig. 4A). The induc-tion was accompanied by the gen-eration of an auto-degraded43-kDa fragment, which can beinhibited by MMI270 (42). Theexpression levels of EMMPRINwere not affected by Dox (Fig. 4B,TCL). Induction of MT1-MMPclearly augmented the shedding ofthe 22-kDa fragment, which againwas inhibited almost completelyby MMI270 (Fig. 4B, CM).To make it easy to purify the

22-kDa fragment, theA375 cells weremodified to express EMMPRIN witha FLAG tag at its N terminus (NF-EMMPRIN). The FLAG-tagged

22-kDa fragmentwas shed upon expression ofMT1-MMP (Fig.4C). The 22-kDa fragment appears to retain the intact N termi-nus of the full-length EMMPRIN, because it was detected by theanti-FLAG mAb (Fig. 4C). The CM of the A375 cells was col-lected, and the FLAG-tagged EMMPRIN fragment was purifiedwith a combination of an affinity column using an anti-FLAGmAb and a gel permeation column.When the EMMPRIN frag-mentwas incubatedwithN-glycosidase F to eliminate the sugarmoiety, the molecular weight shifted to a relatively sharp10-kDa band (Fig. 4D).To determine the C-terminal amino acid sequence of the puri-

fied fragment, the 22-kDa fragment was digested with V8 pepti-

FIGURE 2. Analysis of the protease responsible for EMMPRIN shedding. A, A431 cells were treated with 100nM PMA in the presence of the indicated MMP inhibitor (1 �g/ml TIMP-1, 1 �g/ml TIMP-2, or 10 �M MMI270(MMI)). TCL were prepared 8 h after treatment with PMA and analyzed by Western blotting using an anti-EMMPRIN pAb (upper panel) and an anti-actin pAb (middle panel). The CM was also analyzed using ananti-EMMPRIN pAb (lower panel). B, six MT-MMPs were expressed in COS-7 cells together with Myc-taggedEMMPRIN. TCL and CM were prepared 24 h after transfection of the indicated expression plasmids and sub-jected to Western blotting analysis using an anti-Myc mAb (CM, upper panel) and an anti-FLAG mAb (TCL, lowerpanel). MT1 to MT6 represent the expression plasmids for MT1-MMP to MT6-MMP, respectively. The asteriskindicates a nonspecific band detected by the antibody. Molecular weight markers are indicated on the left. C,the same cell lysate used in Fig. 1 was analyzed by Western blotting using the anti-MT1-MMP antibody. Arrowsindicate the pro (62-kDa) and active (54-kDa) forms of MT1-MMP. The 43-kDa band is a major degraded form.D, the amount of EMMPRIN on the cell surface of A431 cells with Dox-inducible expression of MT1-MMP wasmeasured by FACS analysis. The cells were cultured for 3 days in the presence or absence of Dox (1 �g/ml).MMI270 (MMI; 10 �M) was used as a MMP inhibitor. EMMPRIN was detected with an anti-EMMPRIN mAb andAlexa Fluor 488-labeled secondary antibody. Dotted line, no MT1-MMP induction; broken line, MT1-MMP induc-tion; solid line, MT1-MMP induction in the presence of 10 �M MMI270.



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dase, and the resulting peptides were separated on C18 reverse-phase HPLC. Each peptide fraction was analyzed using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Two peaks matched the EMMPRINpeptides spanning amino acids (aa) 74–84 (1324.55 Da) and aa85–98 (1584.69 Da), respectively (Fig. 5A, underlined sequences).The amino acid sequences of the two fragments were further ana-lyzed with the tandem MS/MS mode. Peaks obtained from thelaser-generated fragments completely matched the sequences ofaa 74–84 (bn ion series for 2–10andyn ion series for 3, 4, and7–9;datanot shown) andaa85–98 (bn ion series for 2, 5–8, and10–13,and yn ion series for 6 and8–13; see Fig. 5B), respectively. Becausethe V8 peptidase generates Glu at the C terminus, the peptide85–98 is not the product cleaved by V8 peptidase at the C termi-nus. Thus, we expected Asn98 to be the C terminus of the 22-kDafragment (Fig. 5A, arrowhead). The fragment deduced from theexpected cleavage site was calculated to be 9.3 kDa.Recombinant MT1-MMP Cleaves EMMPRIN at the Same

Site—To confirm whether MT1-MMP cleaves EMMPRIN atthe expected site, a 20-mer synthetic polypeptide (89FLPEP-

MGTANIQLHGPPRVK108, 2202.18 Da) spanning the ex-pected cutting site was prepared and incubated with the cata-lytic fragment of MT1-MMP (rMT1). The reaction productswere then analyzed usingMALDI-TOFmass spectrometry.Wedetected two major fragments (Fig. 6A) that were inhibited byMMI270 (data not shown). The molecular sizes of the frag-ments corresponded to 99IQLHGPPRVK (1144.69 Da) and94MGTANIQLHGPPRVK (1618.88 Da) (Fig. 6B), and theirinternal amino acid sequences were confirmed by tandemMS/MS (data not shown). Thus, MT1-MMP is able to cleaveEMMPRIN directly at Asn98–Ile and Pro93–Met, although wefailed to detect a fragment cleaved at Pro93–Met in the purifiedpreparation.MMP Inducing Activity of the 22-kDa EMMPRIN Fragment—

TheN-terminal Ig-like domain (IgD1) is included in the 22-kDafragment. Because IgD1 is reported to be important for theMMP inducing activity of EMMPRIN, we tested whether theshed fragment retained this activity. To test this idea, weexpressed two forms of FLAG-tagged EMMPRIN (D1 and NF)in A375 cells (Fig. 7A). The D1 fragment corresponds to theC-terminally FLAG taggedEMMPRIN fragment containing theN-terminal Ig-like domain, andNF is EMMPRINFLAG-taggedat theN terminus. FLAG-tagged fragments that accumulated inthe CM were purified. The fragment shed in a cell-mediated

FIGURE 3. Effect of MT1-MMP and/or MT2-MMP siRNA on EMMPRIN shed-ding. A431 cells were transfected with siRNA for MT1-MMP (siMT1), MT2-MMP(siMT2), or luciferase (siLuc) as a control. After 36 h, the culture medium wasreplaced with a serum-free medium, and cells were treated with 100 nM PMAfor 8 h. A, total RNA was extracted, and expression of the indicated genes inthe figure was analyzed by real time reverse transcription-PCR using primersspecific to MT-MMP and GAPDH. The graph shows the relative mRNA expres-sion level of each MT-MMP normalized to GAPDH. B, TCL was analyzed byWestern blotting using an anti-EMMPRIN pAb (upper panel) and an anti-actinpAb (middle panel). The CM was analyzed using an anti-EMMPRIN pAb (lowerpanel). Numbers at the bottom indicate the relative intensity of the 22-kDaband measured in a densitometry analysis using Image J.

FIGURE 4. Characterization of the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment shed byMT1-MMP. A, A375 cells with inducible MT1-MMP (as in Fig. 2C) were cul-tured for 3 days in the presence (MT1�) or absence (MT1�) of Dox and with orwithout MMI (MMI270). Expression of MT1-MMP was monitored by Westernblotting using an anti-MT1-MMP mAb (upper panel). Actin was detected withan anti-actin mAb for use as a standard (lower panel). B, EMMPRIN in the TCL(left panel) and the CM (right panel) was examined by Western blotting anal-ysis using an anti-EMMPRIN pAb. The arrow indicates the intact form ofEMMPRIN, and the arrowhead indicates the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment.C, A375 cells were modified further to stably express NF-EMMPRIN. The cellswere cultured and analyzed similarly to B except that an anti-FLAG M2 mAbwas used for detection. D, NF-EMMPRIN fragment shed by MT1-MMP waspurified from the serum-free medium using a column conjugated with ananti-FLAG M2 mAb and was then subjected to gel filtration chromatography.The purified NF-EMMPRIN fragment was incubated with or without N-glyco-sidase F (N-gly, 2 units/100 �l). An anti-FLAG mAb was used to check thefragment by Western blotting. The black arrow indicates the untreated formof the EMMPRIN fragment, and the white arrow indicates the unglycosylatedform of the fragment.



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manner (NF) showedmultiple bands presumably reflecting dif-ferences in its glycosylation status. The concentrations of theobtained fragments were determined by a single ELISA and aBCA protein assay kit and confirmed further by Western blot-ting (Fig. 7B).The activity of the purified fragments in inducing expression

of MMP-2 was assessed using normal human fibroblast cells.The fibroblasts were cultured in the presence of NF or D1 for 3days, and MMP-2 secreted into the CM was measured byELISA. MMP-2 was expressed constitutively in cells, and itsexpression was enhanced in a dose-dependent manner (Fig.7C). The fragment shed from NF stimulated production ofMMP-2 to a similar extent. Thus, the 22-kDa fragment retainsthe MMP inducing activity.Expression ofMT1-MMPandEMMPRIN inCancerCells and

Tissue—Inorder for the cleavage reaction to occur,MT1-MMPand EMMPRIN would be expected to localize in the same areaof the cells. Indeed, separate experiments have reported that

these proteins localize at lamellipodia (30, 43), but their co-localization has not yet been confirmed. We used immuno-staining of A431 cells stably expressing the FLAG-tagged formofMT1-MMP to confirm the co-localization of the proteins, asshown in the representative picture in Fig. 8A. A similar co-localization pattern was also observed with HT1080 cells (datanot shown). Co-localization of the proteins was further sup-ported by the observation that immunoprecipitation of MT1-MMPalso precipitatedEMMPRIN from the cell lysate (Fig. 8B).Under the same conditions, FAS-L, used as a negative control,was not precipitated.EMMPRIN and MT1-MMP have each been reported to be

overexpressed in a variety of human tumors. To confirmwhether the proteins are co-expressed in the same tumors, weprepared serial sections of human ovarian carcinomas and sub-jected them to immunostaining. A pair of representative pic-tures is shown in Fig. 8C. Prominent expression of MT1-MMPwas detected in carcinoma cells, some fibroblast-like cells, andendothelial cells (Fig. 8C, left). EMMPRINwas detected inmostof the carcinoma cells (Fig. 8C, right), primarily at the tumor cellborder. Although EMMPRIN signals differed from the MT1-MMP staining pattern in being weak in endothelial cells and

FIGURE 5. Identification of the cleavage site that generates the 22-kDaEMMPRIN fragment. A, amino acid sequence of the extracellular portion ofEMMPRIN. The signal peptide and transmembrane sequences are indicatedwith arrows. The boxed regions represent two Ig-like domains. For determina-tion of the C-terminal amino acid of the EMMPRIN fragment, the purifiedfragment was digested with the V8 peptidase. Digests were separated byHPLC, and the peak fractions obtained were analyzed by MALDI-TOF massspectrometry. Two fragments spanning aa 74 – 84 (1324.55 Da) and aa 85–98(1584.69 Da) were identified and are underlined. B, the MALDI-TOF MS/MSspectrum obtained for the 1584.69-Da fragment. The amino acid sequencesdetermined from the laser-fragmented peaks are indicated below.

FIGURE 6. Recombinant MT1-MMP cleaves EMMPRIN at the same site.A, 20-mer polypeptide spanning the expected cleavage site 89FLPEPMG-TANIQLHGPPRVK108 (2202.18 Da) was prepared. The peptide (10 �M) wasincubated with a catalytic fragment of MT1-MMP (10 nM) for 8 h at 37 °C. Thereaction mixture was directly analyzed with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.The MS spectrum and sequences determined for each peak by MS/MS analy-sis are indicated. B, summary of the cleavage sites of the synthetic EMMPRINpeptide by MT1-MMP. Arrowheads indicate the in vitro MT1-MMP cleavagesites. The molecular weights of each peptide are also indicated.



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fibroblasts in the stroma, both MT1-MMP and EMMPRIN areat least expressed in carcinoma cells derived from the sametumor.


Cell-surface EMMPRIN is shed through the release ofmicrovesicles or by proteolytic cleavage. In this study, we firstconfirmed the release of the previously reported intact form(27, 28) and identified a new EMMPRIN fragment in the CM oftwo tumor cell lines (HT1080 and A431). Shedding of the22-kDa fragment was enhanced by PMA whereas that of theintact form was not. In contrast, another tumor cell line,TMK-1, did not shed the 22-kDa fragment at all, although thesecells released the intact form of EMMPRIN. We hypothesizedthat MT1-MMP is the proteinase responsible for the sheddingof the 22-kDa fragment for the following reasons. First, we had

noticed from previous studies that HT1080 and A431 cellsexpress MT1-MMP, but TMK-1 cells do not (44, 45). Second,the TIMP-2-sensitive and TIMP-1-insensitive nature of theshedding fits well with the profile ofMT-MMPs (30). Third, theexpression and activity of MT1-MMP are reported to beenhanced by PMA (42). Fourth, we identified EMMPRIN as aprotein possibly associated with MT1-MMP in a proteomicanalysis (data not shown). MT1-MMP was confirmed to beexpressed inA431 cells, and knockdownof the expression usingsiRNA inhibited the shedding substantially. MT2-MMP mayalso contribute to the shedding because knockdown of bothMT1-MMP and MT2-MMP expression produced slightly

FIGURE 7. Induction of MMP-2 expression in fibroblasts by the EMMPRINfragment. A, schematic illustration of the two forms of EMMPRIN expressedin the cells. IgD1, the first Ig-like domain; IgD2, the second Ig-like domain; TM,transmembrane domain; CP, cytoplasmic domain. Black boxes representFLAG sequences. NF is the N-terminal EMMPRIN fragment generated by theMT1-MMP-dependent cleavage. D1 represents C-terminally FLAG-taggedEMMPRIN fragment containing the IgD1. B, A375 cells were stably transfectedwith expression plasmids for the two forms of EMMPRIN. The conditionedmedia were collected, and EMMPRIN fragments were purified. After the con-centration of the purified fragments was determined by ELISA and a BCAprotein assay kit, equal amounts of fragment were subjected to Western blotanalysis using an anti-FLAG mAb. The control is the fraction obtained frommock-transfected cells. C, indicated proteins were incubated with normalhuman fibroblast cells for 24 or 72 h in serum-free medium. Then the amountof MMP-2 in the CM was measured using an ELISA kit. Closed circle, in thepresence of NF for 24 h; closed square, in the presence of D1 for 24 h; opencircle, in the presence of NF for 72 h; opened square, in the presence of D1 for72 h. Each point represents the average of three independent experiments;error bars, S.D.

FIGURE 8. Co-localization of EMMPRIN and MT1-MMP. A, A431 cells stablyexpressing FLAG-tagged MT1-MMP and endogenous EMMPRIN were usedfor immunostaining. Cells were cultured on slide glasses in the presence orabsence of 10 �M MMI270. MT1-MMP was detected with an anti-FLAG pAb(left panel, red) and EMMPRIN with an anti-EMMPRIN mAb (center panel,green). A merged image is presented in the right panel. Because MMI270 didnot affect the localization pattern of the proteins, a single representative pic-ture of MMPI-treated cells is presented. Arrows indicate signals. Bar, 20 �mB, FLAG-tagged MT1-MMP was expressed in A431 cells, and immunoprecipi-tation was carried out using anti-FLAG antibody. Precipitates were analyzedby Western blotting. Antibodies used for blotting are indicated to the left.C, representative pictures of ovarian carcinoma tissue expressing MT1-MMPand EMMPRIN. Serial sections of an ovarian carcinoma were stained for MT1-MMP (left panel) and EMMPRIN (right panel), as described under the “Experi-mental Procedures,” and observed under a microscope (�200). Arrows indi-cate typical signals.



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greater inhibition (Fig. 3). Similar results were obtained withHT1080 cells (data not shown). Thus,MT1-MMPappears to bea major enzyme leading to the cell-mediated shedding of the22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment.In previous in vitro studies, proteolytic cleavage leading to

the shedding of EMMPRINwas suggested to occur at the regionof the molecule proximal to the plasma membrane (25, 29),although the actual fragments released into the CM had notbeen characterized clearly. The 22-kDa fragment we detectedhad not been detected in previous studies, perhaps because the22-kDa fragment cannot be detected by antibodies that recog-nize the membrane-proximal region of EMMPRIN.We identi-fied theC-terminal amino acid of the 22-kDa fragment as Asn98(Fig. 5), and MT1-MMP cleaved at this sequence even in an invitro digestion (Fig. 6). Although an additional cleavage site wasobserved in the digest with MT1-MMP in vitro, the corre-sponding fragment was not identified by mass spectrometryanalysis of the fragment purified from the CM. Cleavage ofEMMPRIN by MT1-MMP significantly decreased the totalamount of cell-surface EMMPRIN as demonstrated by FACSanalysis (Fig. 2C). Thus, the shedding of EMMPRIN by MT1-MMP appears to be a mechanism for protein turnover at thecell surface.The Asn98–Ile scissile bond is located in the linker sequence

connecting the two Ig-like domains, so that the 22-kDaEMMPRIN fragment contains the distal Ig-like domain. Thisdomain has been reported to be indispensable for the MMPinducing activity and for homophilic interactions (26). Thus,the shedding may down-regulate the cellular functions medi-ated by EMMPRIN, becauseMT1-MMP cleaves off the impor-tant N-terminal Ig-like domain. This regulation may be partic-ularly important at the ruffling edge because both of theproteins co-localize there (Fig. 8A). The purified 22-kDa frag-ment retained the MMP inducing activity (Fig. 7), suggestingthe intriguing possibility that MT1-MMP itself acts as a triggerto promote MMP expression in tumor stromata by releasingthe 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment.In addition to shedding the 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment, all

three tumor cell lines tested released the intact form ofEMMPRIN, presumably integrated withmicrovesicles releasedfrom the cells (Fig. 1). This intact form is also expected to retainthe MMP inducing activity. We do not know at this timewhether these two forms of the MMP inducer have some dif-ference in activity, efficiency, or fate. The intact form ofEMMPRIN is heavily glycosylated compared with the 22-kDafragment, and themicrovesicles containing EMMPRIN are big-ger than the fragment. Thus, it may be difficult for the intactform of EMMPRIN to reach distant target cells that can bereached by the 22-kDa fragment.There is a possibility that the proteinases responsible for

shedding differ depending on the cell type and the stimulantsemployed. For example, tumor cells co-cultured with fibro-blasts have been reported to release a 50-kDa solubleEMMPRIN (25), although we have not been able to detect thisfragment in the cells both in the monoculture and co-culturesystem (data not shown).How EMMPRIN induces expression of MMP remains

unclear. In our experiments, relatively high doses of EMMPRIN

fragment were required for substantial induction of MMP-2expression. Thismay suggest that theMMP inducing activity ofthe 22-kDa fragment does not have biological significance orthat the inducer becomes active only in the presence of co-stimulators. The shedding of EMMPRIN in response to MT1-MMP stimulation may be more important as a mechanism todown-regulate EMMPRIN function on the cell surface than asan MMP inducer.In summary, we identified MT1-MMP as the enzyme

responsible for the cell-mediated shedding of EMMPRIN.MT1-MMP cleaved off the N-terminal Ig-like domain that isimportant for MMP induction and cell-cell interactions. If thereleased 22-kDa fragment indeed acts as an MMP inducer,MT1-MMP may play an intriguing role in the regulation ofMMP expression in tumor tissue.

Acknowledgments—We thank Yohei Ohtake, Takashi Shinkawa,Shinobu Ohmi, and Hiroyuki Fukuda for their helpful discussionsand Nozomi Ichikawa, Keiko Kurosawa, and Takeharu Sakamotofor their kind technical help.

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Isobe and Motoharu SeikiNagayasu Egawa, Naohiko Koshikawa, Taizo Tomari, Kazuki Nabeshima, Toshiaki

Fragment from Tumor CellsReleases a 22-kDa Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer (EMMPRIN) Membrane Type 1 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP-14) Cleaves and

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M606993200 originally published online October 18, 20062006, 281:37576-37585.J. Biol. Chem. 

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