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August 1, 2019 Edition 16 Volume 8

In the News

EPC Designation program now IIROC/CECAP Approved

2020 EPICs – Niagara Falls, ON & Halifax, NS Date Released. More Locations Being Considered

CIEPS Member Code of Professional Conduct # 3

Smart Homes Allow the Aging to Maintain Independence

Elder Abuse Is Not Going Away!

A Guide to Elder Abuse & Neglect

Making the Decision to Retire and Deciding What Comes Next

Top 10 Summer Activities for Seniors

5 Healthy Summer Treats for Seniors

10 th Edition EPC Updated Materials are Available

Did you Know that CIEPS/EPC is on LinkedIn

We would like to wish you and yours a very safe and enjoyable summer!

“To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.” …Henri Frederic Amiel

Did you know that the EPC Designation program is now IIROC/CECAP Approved!

Successful completion of the EPC Designation Program qualifies for 20 Professional Development CE credits, CECAP # 009618 & 5 Compliance CE credits CECAP # 009619 for Cycle 7 beginning January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2019.

Please tell your associates about this new approval if they are licensed with IIROC.


2020 Elder Planning Issues Regional Conferences (EPIC) are in the planning stage.

We would like to thank all of the EPC members and guests who supported the 2019 EPIC Regional conferences.

Plans are well underway for the 2020 EPICs.

Niagara Falls, ON - May 31 – June 2, 2020 has been confirmed.

* Halifax, NS - June 4, 2020. Location TBD. This location will depend on the

CIEPS is Looking for Articles for the PULSE

Please Keep Your Contact Information Current

CIEPS Member Benefits

Alberta EPC Chapter Information

Vancouver EPC Chapter Information

Important Notice Regarding Your EPC Membership Dues

CE Requirements When Renewing Your EPC Designation

EPC Membership Renewal Reminder

Contact Us

EPC Member Site

If you want to print a copy of any of the PULSE editions, you will find them on your member site.

registration numbers, so please help promote all the EPICs with your associates, clients, families and friends.

Other locations are being considered.

Keep checking here - 2020 EPIC Information as updates are posted.

Our CIEPS Member Code of Professional Conduct. Have You Read It Lately?

Like any professional organization or association, CIEPS has a Member Code of Professional Conduct that all EPC designees are expected to follow, to the letter. This Code provides creditability to those we serve, so that they can expect the best from a person who holds their EPC Designation.

All EPCs have signed the Code prior to writing their final EPC Qualification examination.

The CIEPS Code of Professional Conduct is fundamentally based on seven tenets. These "Tenets"  serve as model standards of exemplary professional conduct.  They express the general concepts and approaches from which more specific rules (the principles) are derived.

View the Member Code of Professional Conduct

As a result of this code, CIEPS has taken steps in the past to censure EPC members who are in violation of it.

We wanted to revisit our Code of Professional Conduct, as to the part that is violated most often.

An Elder Planning Counselors will always:

# 3. Give clients, customers, patients and prospects the same advice and service they would expect themselves if the circumstances were the same.

This part of the code is based on Tenet 3:

The member shall not disclose to another person any confidential information entrusted to or obtained by the member in the course of the member’s business or professional activities, unless a disclosure of such information is required by law, or is made to a person who necessarily must have the information in order to discharge legitimate occupational or professional duties.

Smart homes allow the aging to maintain


This article will reference the USA, but there are similar resources here in Canada

Life expectancy has increased dramatically over the last century. In fact, the World Health Organization now estimates that people over the age of 65 will outnumber children under the age of 14 by 2050. This shift in age demographics raises significant health and quality-of-life challenges for both aging parents and their children. But scientific advances such as smart-home technology for the elderly, often referred to as assistive domotics, are supporting the ability to age in place and extending independent years for those who wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible.

What Is “Aging in Place”?

What is aging in place? Simply put, aging in place is a person’s ability to live in his or her own home as he or she grows older. A person may age in place independently or may require the assistance of caregivers, assistive domotics or other support services.

Assistive domotics refers to smart-home systems like Constellation Connect, which can be used to improve home safety for the elderly or to assist with aging parent care by monitoring their homes and keeping them safe and protected. Assistive domotics can also be used to help with daily tasks that seniors might have difficulty completing on their own. These same solutions can also be used to help disabled people lead independent lives.


Remotely control your home and save energy with appliance-monitoring systems.

Taking care of elderly parents who live on their own can be nerve-racking if the parent lives with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Seniors living with these conditions may neglect to turn off lights, may leave faucets running or—most alarmingly—leave stove tops or ovens on. Smart technology can help detect abnormal appliance use.

Appliance-monitoring systems send alerts to seniors and their caregivers when unusual activity is detected, allowing for a quick response. Many such systems offer the ability to turn off appliances remotely, making aging parent care easier and safer.

Decrease energy use and adjust room temperature with a smart thermostat

With many seniors living on fixed incomes, reducing energy costs is an important aspect of aging in place. Smart thermostats control the home environment, heating and cooling the home automatically so that you don’t

have to worry about someone forgetting to set the thermostat.

Assistive domotics can detect when the house is unoccupied, reducing heating or cooling to save energy until the resident returns home.

Make quick and easy calls from anywhere in the house with smart assistants

Home automation for the elderly and disabled often utilizes smart assistants capable of making phone calls and functioning as in-house intercoms. If you’re taking care of elderly parents, this allows them to contact you quickly without having to locate a phone—an important consideration if your loved one falls or needs medical attention.

Smart assistants also help access entertainment. Simple voice commands are all you need to play music or videos or read e-books. For someone with limited mobility, such features make independent living easier and more enjoyable.

Health and Accessibility

Track your health with smart health-monitoring systems—and send results automatically

Taking care of elderly parents sometimes means being in the know about serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cancer or diabetes. Wearable biomedical sensors monitor blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate and other vital signs, allowing both seniors and caregivers to respond to medical emergencies quickly while avoiding the costs associated with in-patient care.

Make grocery shopping a breeze with smart assistants or smart refrigerators

A loss of mobility can make even a grocery trip problematic. Assistive domotics can help with this necessary chore. Smart refrigerators monitor how much food is left in the fridge, pushing notifications to the homeowner or caregiver when groceries need to be restocked.

Smart assistants can also be programmed to order items at set times from online or local delivery services so that groceries are delivered directly to the home.

Get automatic reminders to take essential medications and never miss a pill or dose

Ensuring that medication is taken on time and in the right amounts is one of the challenges of aging parent care, as a parent may forget whether they took important medication.

A smart-assistant routine can remind seniors when they need to take

medication or let them know whether they already took those meds. Smart pillboxes—which link to other smart devices—also help maintain safe and regular medication routines.

Install automated doors and cabinets to improve accessibility around the house

If mobility is an issue, automated doors and cabinets can make it easier for the elderly to navigate their homes, especially when combined with safety handrails, walk-in bathtubs and other mobility devices. Robot vacuums reduce the effort seniors need to keep their houses in order while keeping rooms free of debris that could be a tripping hazard.

Home Safety for the Elderly

Set up window, cabinet, door or flood sensors to monitor your home

Seniors who age in place make attractive targets for criminal activity, but smart technology can enhance home safety. Smart-home systems like Constellation Connect link to sensors capable of detecting suspicious activity such as breaking windows, motion within the house, or the opening of doors or cabinets.

Other sensors detect less sinister but potentially damaging activity—including plumbing leaks and flooding. In all cases, push notifications are sent to any linked smart devices, alerting you to possible home damage or safety issues.

Install automatic lights to keep loved ones safe and save energy

A bad fall can cause serious injury and even bring a loved one’s days of independent living to a sudden halt. Smart motion sensors reduce the risk of falls by turning on lights when movement is detected.

The same sensors can also alert you to unusual activity inside and outside the house at night, improving home safety for the elderly. As a bonus, automatic lights help you save energy by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms.

Pro tip: for more information on motion detectors, check out Constellation’s article on dimmers and energy-saving light switches.

Access personal emergency response systems from anywhere in your home

The possibility that a loved one could be in danger or in need of emergency medical treatment while you’re not with them is a scary scenario for anyone considering aging parent care. A personal emergency response system (PERS) is a portable emergency button for seniors.

Activated literally at the push of a button, a PERS can be linked to a user’s smartphone or to smart assistants. If linked to a smart assistant, a PERS can be voice activated from anywhere in the home.

Prevent accidental wandering and keep loved ones safe with elderly monitoring systems

When suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, an emergency button for seniors may not be sufficient to keep him or her safe. People living with dementia are prone to wandering from their homes. Once out in the world, they may become lost and confused.

Geofencing can help you keep track of a person with dementia by setting up designated safe zones through GPS. Should the person wander out of these safe zones, caregivers are notified through smartphone apps, which then help track your loved one.

Prevent outdoor injury and keep your lawn trim with a robotic lawn mower

Your loved one can overexert themselves, fall or otherwise be injured performing yard work. While an emergency button for seniors will alert you to such problems, avoiding injuries in the first place is always preferable!

Similar to robot vacuum cleaners for inside the house, robot lawn mowers can keep the lawn trimmed, freeing homeowners from this time-consuming and exhausting outdoor chore.

Pro tip: interested in more ways to extend technology into your backyard? Check out Constellation’s compilation of outdoor home automation ideas.


Install a video doorbell to see who is at the door without having to stand up

Video doorbells allow seniors to see who’s at their door without opening it. The doorbell sends streaming video to their smartphones, allowing them to not only identify the person at the door but also speak to the visitor from a position of safety.

As a security device, a video doorbell has obvious benefits. But virtual doorbells also make life easier for those with hearing problems: they can send notifications to smartphones when packages are delivered to the door.

Secure your home with easy-to-use smart locks

Smart locks offer a number of advantages for those aging in place. By using an app on your smartphone, you can lock and unlock doors remotely or set times at which doors lock automatically. The app can grant specific people access to the house—such as caregivers—and there is no need to use a

physical key.

Keep an eye on your house with smart security cameras

Depending on the system, home automation for the elderly and disabled can include smart security cameras, which monitor the home for intruders and send notifications to smartphones if suspicious activity is detected.

The benefits of home security cameras also make taking care of an aging parent easier—you can use the smartphone-enabled app to check in on parents and make sure they don’t require assistance.

Pro tip: installing a smart security system with home automation built-in like Constellation Connect can protect your home from intruders anytime, anywhere. Get 24/7 protection, monitoring, and home connectivity to devices in your smart home for seniors.

Implementing smart homes for elderly and disabled family members can make aging in place safer and more enjoyable. A sense of independence helps maintain a high quality of life, and children of elderly parents appreciate how quickly smart-home systems alert them to their parents’ needs. A little technology can make at-home independence possible for longer—and can help your loved ones thrive for years to come.

Elder Abuse is not going away!...from information found on the CARP website and submitted by Jim Ruta BA, EPC

According to CARP, two-thirds of all elder abuse is committed by family or loved ones, with financial abuse often par for the course.

A 2015 survey, Into the Light, by the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly, the presence of financial abuse was just 2.6 per cent representing 244,176 older Canadians. But the numbers are likely much higher, says Tamblyn Watts, as participants surveyed did not include those in assisted living or long-term care facilities, or those with cognitive impairment.

Did you know 1 in 6 older adults worldwide have been abused in the past year? As many as 2 out of 3 people with dementia suffer abuse. These are huge numbers, and shows just how important World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is. While the taboo topic of elder abuse has started to gain visibility across the world, it remains one of the least investigated types of violence in national surveys, and one of the least addressed in national action plans says the United Nations. With two-thirds of abuse being committed by a family member or loved one, victims do not always come forward to seek help. What is Elder Abuse? 

Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, by a person or an institution, which causes harm to an older person. Some Forms of Elder Abuse: 

Financial Abuse a Financial abuse occurs when a person engages in actions that decrease the financial worth of a senior without a benefit to that person. This can include fraud, theft, coercion, threats, and pressure.

Psychological Abuse a Psychological abuse occurs when a person engages in actions that decreased a senior’s sense of self-worth and dignity. This can include social isolation, harassment, intimidation and insults.

Physical Abuse a Physical abuse occurs when a person takes actions that injures or risks injuring a senior. This can include hitting, shaking, shoving, pushing, over-medicating, and inappropriate physical or chemical restraints.

Sexual Abuse a Sexual abuse occurs when a person engages in unwanted touching, behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature toward a senior. This includes the inappropriate taking of intimate photos.

Spiritual Abuse a Spiritual abuse occurs when those in authority take action that leads to the erosion or breakdown of one’s cultural or religious belief systems. This is of concern to Aboriginal Seniors.

Neglect a Neglect occurs when inaction results in harm to a senior. It can involve the failure to provide assistance with necessities, medical care, clothing, food or water, or shelter.

 Signs of Elder Abuse 

Fear, anxiety, depression or passiveness in relation to a family member, friend or care provider

Unexplained physical injuries Dehydration, poor nutrition or poor hygiene Improper use of medication Confusion about new legal documents, such as a new will or a new

mortgage Sudden drop in cash flow or financial holdings Reluctance to speak about the situation

 In the News Stan Lee, the 95-year-old Marvel Comics legend, has been in the news recently due to elder abuse allegations against his family and business associates. The alleged abuse began last year after Lee’s wife Joanie passed away in 2017. His daughter and close friend have been accused of financial abuse, as well

as an ex-publicist who is accused of draining accounts and selling his blood. Most recently, Lee was granted a restraining order against his business manager as it is alleged the manager was “taking advantage of Lee’s impaired hearing, vision and judgment, moving Lee from his longtime family home and preventing family and associates from contacting him.” How You Can Raise Awareness There are many ways you can help raise awareness about elder abuse. It can be as simple as having a conversation with friends and family, sharing this webpage, and educating yourself on how to spot abuse, how to report it, and how to protect yourself.

Elder abuse and neglect – A guide for Police Officers…from an article found on the Hull and Hull LLP website July 2019 and submitted by Jim Ruta BA, EPC

The guide lists various reasons as to why elder abuse/neglect is often under reported by the older adults that are the victims of such treatment. Such reasons include, but are not limited to shame/embarrassment, dependence on abuser/family member, guilt/self-blame, and physical inability to report abuse.

View the Elder Abuse Guide for Some Useful Tips

Making the decision to retire and deciding what comes next…from an article found on the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal, July 16, 2019

Many are waiting for it impatiently while others dread it. Retirement can be synonymous with freedom or bring on anxiety. Eight factors are said to influence retirement perceptions, expectations and planning: gender, socioeconomic situation, ethnocultural characteristics, family situation, health status, work or profession, preparation and sense of control and attitudes towards aging in the workplace.

Many older adults who are still in the workforce are faced with stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination because of their age, also known as ageism. These negative work environments can have an impact on older adults’ health and well-being and may lead to them retiring earlier than they planned. Employers who offer personal and career development opportunities in an equitable manner to all employees, and who put in place accommodations to address aging-related issues and promote an inclusive, non-discriminatory work environment, can push back retirement age among their employees, while also fostering experience sharing and reducing labour costs.

If you’re thinking of transitioning to retirement, or are already retired, you may want to think about what meaningful roles you could play in your new

life as a retiree. Many older adults go back to school or enrol in online courses to learn something new. We have compiled the latest research on retirement, ageism in the workplace and life after retirement to help you.

Top 10 Summer Activities for Seniors

The weather is getting hotter, making it the perfect time of year to enjoy spending time outdoors. If you’ve reached retirement age, the old summer tradition of visiting an amusement park to ride the roller coasters is probably no longer your cup of tea. If it is, more power to you; keep riding those coasters until you can’t take it anymore. If you’re like most seniors, though, you’re probably looking for something a bit more mellow. Read on for ten fun summer activities seniors.

Try Aqua Aerobics

Aqua aerobics isn’t just for cruise ships and resorts anymore. Many popular fitness centers and public swimming pools offer these classes, giving you the chance to stay in shape while also beating the heat. Check with your local gym or public pool for specific class times and difficulty levels. Most of these workouts are low impact, making it perfect for elderly individuals. Depending on the instructor’s style, though, some of these challenges can be much more challenging. If you are unsure if a class is suitable for your ability level, feel free to ask the instructor before signing up for the class.

Visit a Local Museum

Many museums offer discounted tickets for seniors, so don’t miss your chance to take advantage of these money-saving opportunities. Tour an art or natural history museum in your area or look for something a bit out of the ordinary. Museums are popping up all over the country with focuses on niche interests, like collectibles, specific points in history, regions and more. A quick internet search can reveal a plethora of opportunities in your area, with some just a short train or bus ride away.

Have Lunch Outside

At most restaurants, the lunch menu is more affordable than the dinner menu, and the portions tend to be smaller as well. Check review sites like Yelp and OpenTable to find restaurant recommendations in your neighborhood. These sites will also tell you which restaurants have outdoor seating. Summer is the perfect season for Al Fresco Dining, so put on your favorite hat to protect your face from the sun and meet up with some friends for a leisurely lunch at a new spot.

Tend to Your Garden

Flowers bloom like crazy this time of the year, so head to your local nursery or home improvement store to pick up some new plants for your garden.

Don’t feel the need to redo your entire yard; even a simple flower box can spruce up your home, giving it new life. When working outside, be sure to drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and back. Gardening is meant to be a fun pastime, not a chore, so take care not to overdo it.

Take a Hike

Don’t be frightened by the word “hike” if you aren’t as mobile as you used to be. There is no need to scale Mount Everest at this stage in your life unless you’ve been preparing for years. Check with your local Department of Parks & Recreation to learn about hiking trails in your area. You’ll be surprised by how many trails are rated easy or very easy, with minimal incline and smooth, well-worn trails. Put on some sunscreen, fill up your water bottle, and enjoy a relaxing stroll in the outdoors. Feel free to set the pace as fast or slow as you wish.

Go to the Park

Most communities, even urban ones, have plenty of public parks where you can relax outside. Round up your kids and grandkids, if you have any, and head to your local park for a family picnic. Lay down a blanket, sit back and relax while the little ones run around and play. This is a great opportunity for some old-fashioned family bonding and fun in the sun. Don’t forget sunscreen and water. A beach umbrella is great for providing shade if there are no large trees nearby.


One of the best things about being retired is that you have plenty of free time to pursue the things that are most important to you. For many people, this involves giving back to those in need. Look for charitable organizations in your area so that you can volunteer your time to help. These days, there are charities for just about every woe of the world, making it relatively easy to find a cause you’ll be passionate about. Bonus points if you can get your children or grandchildren involved!

Stay in Shape

Summer is the perfect time for exercising outdoors, and there are numerous options available that are suitable for seniors. Stay away from any outdoor fitness class with “boot camp” in its name, as these types of classes tend to be incredibly challenging. Instead, look for outdoor tai chi or yoga classes. These types of exercises are great for seniors and can help you stay limber and agile as you age. The more committed you are to maintaining your health in your golden years, the longer and more enjoyable your life will be.

Start Scrapbooking

Throughout your life, you have built up countless fond memories, but it can become harder than ever to recall them as you age. To solidify these wonderful events in your mind and your heart, try your hand at scrapbooking. This creative pastime lets you exercise your artistic side, while also preserving your favorite memories for your descendants. If you don’t view yourself as artistic, don’t worry; most craft stores offer scrapbooking classes and kits to take the guesswork out of getting started.

Hit the Drive-In

While the general idea is still the same, today’s drive-in movie theaters are not the same as those you remember from your youth. The modern incarnations are more luxurious than ever before, providing concessions delivered right to your parking spot, premium audio delivered into your car’s radio and more. Ticket prices tend to be far more affordable than standard movie theaters, and you’ll get to enjoy the fresh air while you watch.

Being a senior doesn’t mean you’re bound to your home. In fact, you can enjoy many of the past-times you did when you were younger. These are just a few of the many potential activities you can try out this summer with your family or friends to make the most of the year’s warmest season. The more active you are, the more active your body will want to be; so, pick your favorite from this list, get out there, and enjoy the summer!

Five Healthy Summer Treats for Seniors

Beat the heat with these cool and refreshing recipes. Nostalgic as the ice cream truck jingle sounds in the summer, the high sugar, high-fat treats it dishes out aren’t the best way to keep cool in your older years. Instead, smarter strategies for “chilling out” call for lighter, nutrient-packed frozen and liquid treats that don’t pile on the pounds or aggravate good health.

Check out these five easy do-it-yourself recipes that you can easily make at home and let you stay cool in the summer with good health in mind.

1. Chocolate-Dipped Bananas

Health Benefits: The blood-pressure lowering potassium from the bananas and the health-enhancing antioxidants from the dark chocolate make for a guiltless treat.

DIY Recipe: Microwave 6 tablespoons of dark chocolate chips in a glass bowl on medium power for one minute, and then stir. Continue microwaving in 15-second increments until chocolate is melted. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Cut two medium bananas in half and insert popsicle sticks into cut ends. Dip banana sections in melted chocolate and freeze on tray for two hours, or until firm. Place in freezer bags and store until ready to eat.

Lazy Cook’s Substitute: Choose the dark chocolate version of Diana’s Bananas. With only 6 grams of fat, chocolate-dipped bananas are a tasty treat that you won’t feel guilt eating.

2. Fruit-Infused Waters

Health Benefits: A tasty, healthy way to stay hydrated. With a less-than-reliable thirst mechanism in later years, it’s common for your water reserve to drop too low. And with the summer heat, staying properly hydrated is especially important for seniors.

DIY Recipe: Clean and slice up to 1 cup of any of your favorite seasonal fruits or veggies and add them, along with a few sprigs of fresh herbs, to a 1-quart pitcher. Fill with water and let steep in the refrigerator for two hours or longer. Serve as is or strain out fruit mixture. For stronger flavors, muddle or crush fruits and herbs.

For example, if you want strawberry-lime-cucumber water, slice 12 large strawberries, one lime and one-fourth of a cucumber; add a few fresh crushed mint leaves along with ice and water and let steep.

Lazy Cook’s Substitute: Hint Water or Hint Fizz. There are no sugars or fake sweeteners in this drink. It is purely good old water (sparkling or still) with natural flavors such as:

Apple Blood orange Blackberry Grapefruit

3. Frozen Fruit Bars

Health Benefits: Research confirms that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may reduce risk for heart attack and stroke.

DIY Recipe: Combine 1/2 pound of frozen mango chunks with 6 tablespoons light coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 tablespoon lime juice and 1/2 teaspoon lime zest in a blender. Puree until smooth and pour into juice bar molds. Freeze bars for four hours or until firm.

Lazy Cook’s Substitute: Mango Fruit Bars. At a skinny 60 calories and only 11 grams of sugar, Mango packs big flavor yet less sugar than most store-bought frozen fruit bars.

4. Green Smoothies

Health Benefits: Dark leafy greens are fiber-rich, full of vitamins and sport

two potent antioxidants: lutein for healthy eyes and heart, and beta-carotene for a healthy immune system, skin, and bones.

DIY Recipe: Green smoothies typically start with at least one dark leafy green (kale, spinach) and add other vegetables, along with a bit of fruit to keep things sweet. Eating Well magazine’s Green Smoothie or Good Green Tea Smoothie are good choices that use whole fruits and vegetables and so offer plenty of healthy fiber.

Lazy Cook’s Substitute: Unfortunately, the supermarket choices here aren’t as good as they should be. Supermarket “green” drinks typically list fruit juices as their main ingredients and sadly contain very little of the “green stuff.” So what you’re sipping is a lot of simple fruit sugar that’s absorbed quickly instead of being buffered by the fiber in whole fruits.

For example, an 8 ounce glass of cola sports 93 calories and 26 grams of simple carbs. By comparison, 8 ounces (about half the bottle) of Naked Green Machine racks up a whopping 140 calories and 33 grams of simple carbs. Similarly, 8 ounces of Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness Fruit Smoothie (again, about half the bottle) weighs in with 140 calories and 30 grams of simple carbs.

5. Fruit Sorbets

Health Benefits: Filling half the plate with colorful fruits and veggies nets you all kinds of vitamins and disease-fighting chemicals. On that list:

Anthocyanin to help keep blood vessels healthy Lycopene for heart health and cancer prevention Beta-carotene for immune, skin, and bone health

Whatever you pick, it’s all good.

DIY Recipe: The sky’s the limit on flavor combinations with fresh fruits, so go ahead and blend your own combos. You can also get easy recipes from Cooking Light for Double Berry Sorbet or refreshingly tart-sweet Pink Grapefruit Sorbet.

Lazy Cook’s Substitute: Haagen-Daz Strawberry Sorbet is one of the lowest sugar supermarket sorbets. Though there is more sugar here than in a homemade light sorbet, it has only 130 calories in half a cup.

10th Edition EPC Materials are Available

The revised 10th edition of the EPC materials are available now for you to update your elder knowledge and provide the best information that you can

for your clients, prospects and families.

You will receive the 4 manual 10th Edition Desk Reference Set, the 10th Edition EPC Student Workbook, and the EPC PowerPoints.

They are available for $159 + taxes and includes shipping.

If you reside in AB, BC, SK, MB, QC, NT, NU or YT,  your cost is $166.95,  all taxes & shipping included.

If you reside in ON, your cost is $179.67, all taxes & shipping included.

If you reside in NS, NB, NL or PE your cost is $182.85,  all taxes & shipping included.

You can order them securely here - 10th Edition EPC Desk References

Did you know that CIEPS is on LinkedIn?

EPC member Paul Fawcett started a group on LinkedIn, and it is now an open group. Why not join it so that you can keep up to date with trending discussions that would be of interest to the Elder Planning Counselor.

Join and share with the group here – EPC LinkedIn Group

CIEPS/EPC is always looking for interesting articles from the EPC membership for submission to the PULSE

If you have any interesting articles that you would like to have submitted into the EPC PULSE pertaining to senior issues etc., please send them to me and if suitable, we will put them into the monthly PULSE and give credit where it is due. You can send them directly to me –

Please keep your contact information current with us

In order to help us keep your contact information up to date, so that you do not miss any timely information, renewal notifications and the PULSE monthly email newsletter, please use our Member update form if any of your information has changed. You can access the form here -EPC Member Update Form

CIEPS Member Benefits

CIEPS has recently added 2 new member benefits for those EPC members in good standing.

1. Major Hotel Discounts – Now you can use many of our CIEPS hotels

across Canada and enjoy EPC member discounts when travelling in those areas. For more information, view here - EPC MEMBER HOTEL DISCOUNTS

2. CARP – CIEPS is pleased to now offer EPC members in good standing a special rate for a 1-year CARP Membership, including a subscription to Zoomer magazine. For more information, view here - EPC/CARP MEMBER DISCOUNTS

3. CIEPS is pleased to announce a new partnership with They provide professional looking customized certificate and diploma frames for your EPC suitable for framing certificate indicating that you have qualified to be an Elder Planning Counselor. These frames are very reasonably priced and can be ordered directly from We will ship a certificate directly to the company after you submit your order to them.

Go here - EPC Customized Diploma Frames to find out more information and how you can order them.

Alberta EPC ChapterIf you live in Alberta and would like to be involved in starting an EPC Chapter please contact Earl Robertson -

Vancouver EPC ChapterIf you live in Vancouver, BC area and would like to be involved in staring an EPC Chapter please contact Jane Chang at

If you are interested in starting an EPC Chapter in your area, please let us know. CIEPS will be happy to provide any assistance necessary to get you started.

Important notice regarding your EPC Membership duesWhen you pay your EPC Membership Dues, please include applicable taxes (GST/HST) for your Province of residence.

If you are sending a cheque for your EPC Membership, please reference that the cheque is for.

Annual renewal fee—$150.00 + Applicable taxes for the Province you reside in. This can be paid by Cheque, Visa or MasterCard

If you reside in AB, BC, SK, MB, QC, NT, NU or YT your yearly renewal is $157.50 all taxes included.

If you reside in ON, your yearly renewal is $169.50 all taxes included. If you reside in NS, NB, NL or PE your yearly renewal is $172.50 all

taxes included.

CE requirements when renewing your EPC Designation

CIEPS has a requirement of 30 CE credits annually when you renew your EPC membership.

Lately we have been receiving questions about the Continuing Education requirements when renewing your EPC Designation.

The following should clarify this for you.

If you are in a profession that requires CE Credits, then we accept that number of CE hours towards your EPC Membership renewal.

If you are in a profession that does not require CE Credits, then you do not require any CE to renew your EPC membership.

EPC Membership Renewal Fee Reminder Please ensure your membership dues are up-to-date.

Annual renewal fee—$150.00 + Applicable taxes for the Province you reside in. This can be paid by Cheque, Visa, MasterCard or email transfer to and it will be processed for you.

If you reside in AB, BC, SK, MB, QC, NT, NU or YT your yearly renewal is $157.50 all taxes included.

If you reside in ON, your yearly renewal is $169.50 all taxes included. If you reside in NS, NB, NL or PE your yearly renewal is $172.50 all

taxes included.

Don’t forget to add the taxes for your Province of residence.

Not sure when your renewal is? Check the date on your EPC Certificate. The date you passed your EPC Qualification examination is your renewal date each year.

We email receipts for renewal payments at the end of the month which you paid your dues.

To renew securely online RENEW HERE

ReminderRemember, only an EPC member in good standing may use the EPC mark, the words EPC Designation, or logo on any advertising, business cards, stationery, signage, voice mail or email. This is in accordance with the CIEPS tenets and standards.


Just a reminder that when you use your credit card to pay for your EPC tuition, Renewal fees, or purchase anything from the EPC Resource Library, it will show on your statement as CNDIAN INTIVE FOR ELDR ST… Beamsville, ON. With a phone number of 866 833-8606 don’t panic, as this is the Elder Planning Counselor Designation (EPC).

If you would like to stop receiving this publication, please respond to with the message “STOP MY PULSE!”

To contact CIEPS:

Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies4438 Ontario Street, Suite 203 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B5 Phone: 866.833.8606 Fax: 866.209.5111
