Melaleuca 004


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  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004


  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004



  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004


    The Pruning

    The rose bush reaches and clings to Irmas heart

    As she stands witness to the ravages of winter.

    She sees the untidy tangle of now lifeless branches.

    Thorns standing to attention

    Like soldiers,Cruel in their intent to protect the bush

    At all costs.

    Withered buds

    Like dead papery moths

    Cling lifeless to the bleak spreading limbs.

    A mini forest exists there in the rose bush.

    Lichen covers stark branches,

    A dandelion flower is caught on a thorn.

    The forest attracts a living insect zoo.

    A spider web outlined by dewdrops

    Provides a stage for the drama of life and deathPredator and prey.

    A tiny black spider

    Inside his dew encrusted gossamer castle

    Waits patiently

    While the giant moth entangles herself further

    Each desperate flutter of enslaved wings

    To hasten her impending death.

    An ant, more wise,

    Avoids the web

    And also the butterflys chrysalis

    Which hangs from the hidden branch

    Near the old stone wall of Irmas kitchen.

    A few green leaves

    Albeit tinged with brown

    Cling with desperate grace to the branches

    These branches stretching high



    The dagger edge of frosty mornings

    And the icy winds of winter

    To ride the bleak cold season away forever.Irma read somewhere,

    A rose bush screams when it is pruned.

    Does it suffer the indignity with consciousness?

    She wonders.

    She ignores the protesting thorns

    And with skilled hands cuts and clips.

    Does the bush know this savage treatment will add to its beauty?

    The length of its life?

    Does it know the bees will swarm

    To take nectar from its blossoms

    The birds will sing in its branches


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    The sun and rain will kiss its vibrant leafy being

    And coax a dozen

    Yet unimaginable scented blooms

    From each of its now lifeless branches?

    Does it know this?

    Does it care?

    Or is the selfish indulgenceOnly for the woman

    And not the creature

    With which she shares

    The same time frame of existence?

    Jill Baggett


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    By this oak four poster sits a skeleton

    clutching a pocket watch with arms of glass --

    he fingers the gold chain like rosary;

    from a gramophone there's no peace. I

    toss and turn, a hand held to my heart;

    the twilight drapes around me like a shroud,

    my eyes burn bright and white as proud new stars;

    a necklace coils around me made of lead.

    A sudden emphasis on creeping bass,

    a singer echoes, "Bela Lugosi's dead." --

    the man of bone protects me with a kiss,

    then wipes the feverish sweat from my red brow,

    turns and bolts the door to his yellow tomb,and leaves me still, alone in the blackening room.

    Stuart Barnes

    Lyrics: David J. Haskins, "Bela Lugosi's Dead" (Small Wonder Records 1979).


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    In rings of twigs the new night birds shriek like infants --

    blind as bats, the hues of midwives' hands.

    Winter's wound up like a pocket watch -- that God

    of Plagues and Chaos laments on the isolate, chill wind

    that threatens to cast the corrugated iron

    from garage rooftops

    and send me spinning like a child's top

    into the first Apollonion arms I see.

    And the trees, those creaking wardrobes, bow before

    the moon as children before a demon queen,

    and the moon rolls her one stupid eyeback in her glittering, fat black head

    till it's all white and oily, like mother-of-pearl,

    and mutters to herself, "How's that; that's that."

    Stuart Barnes


  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004




    i rode my bike

    near the river

    wed known as kids

    the houses hefted on stiltsin memory of the 50s floods

    the tracks along the banks

    as lonely as our empty house

    i thought of something you said

    as we chipped up to the eighth green

    at cabramatta last week

    we were near the creek

    and you said

    you couldnt understand

    why they didnt clean it upso people could put boats in and use it

    i saw again for a moment

    rowboats for hire

    kids dropping from a rope tied high in the trees

    oars slapping in rowlocks as fathers

    rowed their sunday families upstream

    David Falcon


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    On cycle rides

    I pass by homes

    I'd love to call my own.

    Could have lived

    in one for years now.Instead I end up,

    when day of riding's done,

    in my stuffy shell

    I cannot prise myself from,

    except on trips away,

    and in my dreams.

    Yet somehow I've still

    been living in these other homes.

    And in some sense could this

    be just as real for them

    as if they'd hadmy fleshly presence?

    And will my stale abode

    keep its hold on me

    long after I have gone?

    Marc Marusic


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    Simon Penis,

    after fifty years

    of having such a name,

    felt the time had come to change it -

    so Peter Penis he became.Peter - coming from the word

    in Greek for rock.

    Did he hope its hardness

    would come to mind in women

    when he introduced himself?

    Or was his reason just the same

    as when he changed his doggie's name

    from Saul to Paul?

    Marc Marusic


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    edge of leisure

    another breaking morning

    wave after wave

    of communication

    a beach of flotsam

    drifting gossip

    Noosa, Cronulla

    all the coastal ladies

    rising from their ocean beds

    each a Phoenix

    with a fish in its mouth

    stretching eastward

    towards the light

    the birds know water

    has employment for alland fire is a friendly sun

    by mid-day, the ocean is flat

    as a body on a beach-towel

    nothing to do

    but watch a capable nature

    manage a mini-recession

    in a leisure industry

    where each beam of sunlight

    supports a human cell

    wave after wave

    sounds achievable

    another morning

    a measured chaos

    Margaret Owen Ruckert


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    Tackle This

    TV only mirrors society. Popular meme

    From even before his fathers first whistle,

    my son and I were a team, sport as metaphora familiar mantra to mothers who must survive

    the baby, the bathwater, rules, expectations

    of biased umpires, the outfield of politics

    testosterone hyper-charged. Those men on TV

    who kill each other are paid, I explained.

    I said no guns, till he, at four was so grown up.

    Mum, theyre not really real.


    The primary school had rung my place of work.

    He was playing at lunchtime with friends.

    The nurse thinks its a broken arm.

    They didnt know how and could I collect him.

    I drive, rethinking last night, his pleas

    to watch a football match, State of the Origin.

    Everyone else is. The print adverts were raw.

    We talked about scrums, men in wheelchairs.

    Praising him for being so brave, I throw in

    a loose ball from the sidelines, Howd it happen?

    A broken voice defended his position.

    Mum, we were just tackling like the men on TV.

    Margaret Owen Ruckert


  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004


    Anywhere Else But Here (A Tribute to Nol Coward)

    I wish I was in the jungle

    Amongst the creepers and vines

    You just cant beat the stinking heat

    Oh, it is divine!

    Malaria, snakes and spidersAnd fierce, man-eating tigers

    I really am sincere

    Id rather be there than here!

    I wish I was on the ocean

    Riding the briny waves

    A tropical storm would be a yawn

    Its really what I crave!

    Sea-sickness wont alarm me

    Nor if the winds becalm me

    I want to be perfectly clearId rather be there than here!

    Id love to be in the desert

    In miles of burning sand

    Id love to gloat of my parched, dry throat

    That really would be grand!

    The scorpions all a-crawling

    The heat and glare appalling

    Im serious now, my dear

    Id rather be there than here!

    I wish I was at the North Pole

    Surrounded by snow and ice

    To have frosty breath and catch my death

    It would be so terribly nice!

    The killer whale, the polar bear

    The thin, thin ice of which to beware

    It would really advance my career

    If I were there, not here!

    I wish I was on a mountainHigh on a lonely peak

    To cling all alone to a cliff of stone

    Oh what a thrill to seek!

    With fingers and toes all gripping

    Until my grip was slipping

    The descent would be rather shear

    But Id rather be there than here!

    Id just love to be in outer space

    Amongst all the planets and stars

    To drift uncontrolled would be really bold


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    You could never drift too far!

    The cold would be intense

    And the silence quite immense

    And no breathable atmosphere

    But Id rather be there than here!

    Lana Webber


  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 004


    The Scarecrow

    The moon hung low and still

    Over the misty hill

    Scarecrow stood alone

    In the evening chill

    His shadow stretched forlornOver the rustling corn

    Scarecrow stood alone

    A purpose to fulfil

    The wind was an eerie moan

    Over the fence of stone

    Scarecrow, he moved not

    Though the field was all his own

    His rags were stuffed with straw

    Which filled his heartless core

    Scarecrow, he moved notLike one of flesh and bone

    The footprints, they looked new

    In the sparkling dew

    Scarecrow could not see

    The darkened trail they drew

    His eyes were empty holes

    That burned like blackened coals

    Scarecrow could not see

    The footprints left no clues

    In the village near

    Little children dear

    Scarecrow on the hill

    Filled them all with fear

    They knew that on the morn

    Another would be gone

    Scarecrow on the hill

    In the rustling corn

    Lana Webber

