Megan ryder property prices being affected, destroying greenbelt land … · 2017-10-02 · Land...


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FromTo Planning PolicySubject ObjectionsDate 13 June 2017 183036

Megan ryder17 Milton road addlestone Surrey Kt151jb

I clearly object to the proposed row town plan due to congestion lack of space in local schoolproperty prices being affected destroying greenbelt land and natural habitats More and morehouses are being put up in row town which is affecting its natural beauty

Megan Ryder

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis CcSubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 194504

Neil Percival32 Ongar PlaceRow TownSurreyKT15 1JF

Irsquod like to register my concerns in regards to the proposed local plan for Row Town i really cannotbelieve that anyone who cares about the local community would even contemplate buildingadditional homes on the greenbelt and to add additional traveller sites the infrastructure that iscurrently in place to support what is in place today following the building of strawberry fields isinadequate to say the least to even think about putting additional strain on this is reckless to saythe least obviously people proposing this cannot live in the Row Town areaTo bring more people into the area will obviously mean greater attendance at the local schools wehave in Row Town which will mean more traffic attending those sites for anyone that lives in RowTown that will just mean a much bigger headache to when schools start amp end and it is only amatter of time before we see a serious accident due to this over congestion to add to it just showslittle regards for peoples wellbeing especially that of children

lets hope that people see common sense and put an end to such an ill thought out idea at the off-set

RegardsNeil Percival

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Cc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Revised Plans for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 194633

To whom it may concern

I totally object to the 6000 dwellings that are proposed to bebuilt mainly on the Green Belt in Runnymede and over 5000 houses within6 miles of Ottershaw

Too many reasons to list on this email


John RudlandMarley CloseRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1AR

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Cc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection - Local Plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 195135

To whom it may concern

I am writing to object to the proposed Local Plan for Row Town

I understand the urgency of homes in the current climate however Row Tow has already hadhundreds of houses built in the Strawberry Fields estate Obviously this has put strain on our localinfrastructure but also our community Our road Franklands Drive has had 3 burglaries (that Iknow of) in the last 6 months What was once a quiet safe neighbourhood is now becoming a highcrime area This is not what was reflected in the cost of buying our house which of course we gettaxed on via stamp duty Happy to take our tax money but not to look after us as citizens I had ababy in St Peters 6 months ago and as amazing as the medical staff were there to say they werespread thin was an understated I also love the outdoors and yet I am struggling to find decentsafe green areas to walk around

I would also like to hear more about how this will work for schools and parks The park inStrawberry Fields is an unfinished neglected boggy mess It most certainly doesnt fulfil the greenspace that was promised It has also made the popular woods next to it unsafe for dog walking as itis full of litter and beer cans With the crime rate increasing it is also a less safe place to walkalone Green spaces are vital for peoples physical and mental health and with mental illness andobesity on the increase how do these developments support these very serious issues in ourcommunity If you look at Addlestone at 3pm with children walking home from school obesity isclearly a concerning issue

People move to this area to have a slower pace of life at weekends as the working week is such ademand My partner and I do the right things work hard and long hours to pay for a house in asafe and friendly community to raise our family in What compensation do we get for being acontributing citizen A house that devalues a less likely chance to get our children in our firstchoice school (baring in mind our house price reflects the schools) longer waiting times forhealthcare treatment (I had to wait 4 weeks for a doctors appointment recently) less green spaceto escape and exercise in I am a teacher and my partner works in construction both key roles inthe area and we are considering moving away to increase our quality of life I know a lot ofteachers in the same position You do know that many if not all schools struggle to recruit

There are alternatives just maybe areas where less profit is to be had Despite an urban area RowTown has a traditional community spirit Within 3 months of moving to the area we knew by nameover 10 neighbours This may sound small but our previous home on Liberty Lane we only knew athird of that and we had lived there for 4 years Once lost this rare community will be goneforever

Please reconsider what you are proposing and really think about the bigger picture

RegardsJackie Cooke36 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT15 1EG

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Subject Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 204132

Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035

Traffic congestion from M25 Green Lane 320 you are proposing 175 houses thatmust equal another 200 cars

To make an appointment to see a Doctor is 3 weeks or more with another1000 houses around this

area what then

Regarding Traffic congestion you must of overlooked St Peters HospitalAmbulance Service or will they

have Helicopters

Children being taken to school in the mornings will have problems with the extratraffic will there be room

in the class for more pupils all we hear is that most of our schools are full now

Another Point The field behind my house in Elmtree Close floods in the winterthere is a drainage

ditch running through my property which transport the water from the field to theMain Drains in

Green Lane with heavy rain Floods through the winter months

Mr DG Lee

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PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

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Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis CcSubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 194504

Neil Percival32 Ongar PlaceRow TownSurreyKT15 1JF

Irsquod like to register my concerns in regards to the proposed local plan for Row Town i really cannotbelieve that anyone who cares about the local community would even contemplate buildingadditional homes on the greenbelt and to add additional traveller sites the infrastructure that iscurrently in place to support what is in place today following the building of strawberry fields isinadequate to say the least to even think about putting additional strain on this is reckless to saythe least obviously people proposing this cannot live in the Row Town areaTo bring more people into the area will obviously mean greater attendance at the local schools wehave in Row Town which will mean more traffic attending those sites for anyone that lives in RowTown that will just mean a much bigger headache to when schools start amp end and it is only amatter of time before we see a serious accident due to this over congestion to add to it just showslittle regards for peoples wellbeing especially that of children

lets hope that people see common sense and put an end to such an ill thought out idea at the off-set

RegardsNeil Percival

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Cc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Revised Plans for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 194633

To whom it may concern

I totally object to the 6000 dwellings that are proposed to bebuilt mainly on the Green Belt in Runnymede and over 5000 houses within6 miles of Ottershaw

Too many reasons to list on this email


John RudlandMarley CloseRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1AR

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Cc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection - Local Plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 195135

To whom it may concern

I am writing to object to the proposed Local Plan for Row Town

I understand the urgency of homes in the current climate however Row Tow has already hadhundreds of houses built in the Strawberry Fields estate Obviously this has put strain on our localinfrastructure but also our community Our road Franklands Drive has had 3 burglaries (that Iknow of) in the last 6 months What was once a quiet safe neighbourhood is now becoming a highcrime area This is not what was reflected in the cost of buying our house which of course we gettaxed on via stamp duty Happy to take our tax money but not to look after us as citizens I had ababy in St Peters 6 months ago and as amazing as the medical staff were there to say they werespread thin was an understated I also love the outdoors and yet I am struggling to find decentsafe green areas to walk around

I would also like to hear more about how this will work for schools and parks The park inStrawberry Fields is an unfinished neglected boggy mess It most certainly doesnt fulfil the greenspace that was promised It has also made the popular woods next to it unsafe for dog walking as itis full of litter and beer cans With the crime rate increasing it is also a less safe place to walkalone Green spaces are vital for peoples physical and mental health and with mental illness andobesity on the increase how do these developments support these very serious issues in ourcommunity If you look at Addlestone at 3pm with children walking home from school obesity isclearly a concerning issue

People move to this area to have a slower pace of life at weekends as the working week is such ademand My partner and I do the right things work hard and long hours to pay for a house in asafe and friendly community to raise our family in What compensation do we get for being acontributing citizen A house that devalues a less likely chance to get our children in our firstchoice school (baring in mind our house price reflects the schools) longer waiting times forhealthcare treatment (I had to wait 4 weeks for a doctors appointment recently) less green spaceto escape and exercise in I am a teacher and my partner works in construction both key roles inthe area and we are considering moving away to increase our quality of life I know a lot ofteachers in the same position You do know that many if not all schools struggle to recruit

There are alternatives just maybe areas where less profit is to be had Despite an urban area RowTown has a traditional community spirit Within 3 months of moving to the area we knew by nameover 10 neighbours This may sound small but our previous home on Liberty Lane we only knew athird of that and we had lived there for 4 years Once lost this rare community will be goneforever

Please reconsider what you are proposing and really think about the bigger picture

RegardsJackie Cooke36 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT15 1EG

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 204132

Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035

Traffic congestion from M25 Green Lane 320 you are proposing 175 houses thatmust equal another 200 cars

To make an appointment to see a Doctor is 3 weeks or more with another1000 houses around this

area what then

Regarding Traffic congestion you must of overlooked St Peters HospitalAmbulance Service or will they

have Helicopters

Children being taken to school in the mornings will have problems with the extratraffic will there be room

in the class for more pupils all we hear is that most of our schools are full now

Another Point The field behind my house in Elmtree Close floods in the winterthere is a drainage

ditch running through my property which transport the water from the field to theMain Drains in

Green Lane with heavy rain Floods through the winter months

Mr DG Lee

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PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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Sent from my iPhone

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message

From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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Begin forwarded message

FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Cc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Revised Plans for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 194633

To whom it may concern

I totally object to the 6000 dwellings that are proposed to bebuilt mainly on the Green Belt in Runnymede and over 5000 houses within6 miles of Ottershaw

Too many reasons to list on this email


John RudlandMarley CloseRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1AR

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Cc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection - Local Plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 195135

To whom it may concern

I am writing to object to the proposed Local Plan for Row Town

I understand the urgency of homes in the current climate however Row Tow has already hadhundreds of houses built in the Strawberry Fields estate Obviously this has put strain on our localinfrastructure but also our community Our road Franklands Drive has had 3 burglaries (that Iknow of) in the last 6 months What was once a quiet safe neighbourhood is now becoming a highcrime area This is not what was reflected in the cost of buying our house which of course we gettaxed on via stamp duty Happy to take our tax money but not to look after us as citizens I had ababy in St Peters 6 months ago and as amazing as the medical staff were there to say they werespread thin was an understated I also love the outdoors and yet I am struggling to find decentsafe green areas to walk around

I would also like to hear more about how this will work for schools and parks The park inStrawberry Fields is an unfinished neglected boggy mess It most certainly doesnt fulfil the greenspace that was promised It has also made the popular woods next to it unsafe for dog walking as itis full of litter and beer cans With the crime rate increasing it is also a less safe place to walkalone Green spaces are vital for peoples physical and mental health and with mental illness andobesity on the increase how do these developments support these very serious issues in ourcommunity If you look at Addlestone at 3pm with children walking home from school obesity isclearly a concerning issue

People move to this area to have a slower pace of life at weekends as the working week is such ademand My partner and I do the right things work hard and long hours to pay for a house in asafe and friendly community to raise our family in What compensation do we get for being acontributing citizen A house that devalues a less likely chance to get our children in our firstchoice school (baring in mind our house price reflects the schools) longer waiting times forhealthcare treatment (I had to wait 4 weeks for a doctors appointment recently) less green spaceto escape and exercise in I am a teacher and my partner works in construction both key roles inthe area and we are considering moving away to increase our quality of life I know a lot ofteachers in the same position You do know that many if not all schools struggle to recruit

There are alternatives just maybe areas where less profit is to be had Despite an urban area RowTown has a traditional community spirit Within 3 months of moving to the area we knew by nameover 10 neighbours This may sound small but our previous home on Liberty Lane we only knew athird of that and we had lived there for 4 years Once lost this rare community will be goneforever

Please reconsider what you are proposing and really think about the bigger picture

RegardsJackie Cooke36 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT15 1EG

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Subject Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 204132

Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035

Traffic congestion from M25 Green Lane 320 you are proposing 175 houses thatmust equal another 200 cars

To make an appointment to see a Doctor is 3 weeks or more with another1000 houses around this

area what then

Regarding Traffic congestion you must of overlooked St Peters HospitalAmbulance Service or will they

have Helicopters

Children being taken to school in the mornings will have problems with the extratraffic will there be room

in the class for more pupils all we hear is that most of our schools are full now

Another Point The field behind my house in Elmtree Close floods in the winterthere is a drainage

ditch running through my property which transport the water from the field to theMain Drains in

Green Lane with heavy rain Floods through the winter months

Mr DG Lee

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PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

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Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Cc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection - Local Plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 195135

To whom it may concern

I am writing to object to the proposed Local Plan for Row Town

I understand the urgency of homes in the current climate however Row Tow has already hadhundreds of houses built in the Strawberry Fields estate Obviously this has put strain on our localinfrastructure but also our community Our road Franklands Drive has had 3 burglaries (that Iknow of) in the last 6 months What was once a quiet safe neighbourhood is now becoming a highcrime area This is not what was reflected in the cost of buying our house which of course we gettaxed on via stamp duty Happy to take our tax money but not to look after us as citizens I had ababy in St Peters 6 months ago and as amazing as the medical staff were there to say they werespread thin was an understated I also love the outdoors and yet I am struggling to find decentsafe green areas to walk around

I would also like to hear more about how this will work for schools and parks The park inStrawberry Fields is an unfinished neglected boggy mess It most certainly doesnt fulfil the greenspace that was promised It has also made the popular woods next to it unsafe for dog walking as itis full of litter and beer cans With the crime rate increasing it is also a less safe place to walkalone Green spaces are vital for peoples physical and mental health and with mental illness andobesity on the increase how do these developments support these very serious issues in ourcommunity If you look at Addlestone at 3pm with children walking home from school obesity isclearly a concerning issue

People move to this area to have a slower pace of life at weekends as the working week is such ademand My partner and I do the right things work hard and long hours to pay for a house in asafe and friendly community to raise our family in What compensation do we get for being acontributing citizen A house that devalues a less likely chance to get our children in our firstchoice school (baring in mind our house price reflects the schools) longer waiting times forhealthcare treatment (I had to wait 4 weeks for a doctors appointment recently) less green spaceto escape and exercise in I am a teacher and my partner works in construction both key roles inthe area and we are considering moving away to increase our quality of life I know a lot ofteachers in the same position You do know that many if not all schools struggle to recruit

There are alternatives just maybe areas where less profit is to be had Despite an urban area RowTown has a traditional community spirit Within 3 months of moving to the area we knew by nameover 10 neighbours This may sound small but our previous home on Liberty Lane we only knew athird of that and we had lived there for 4 years Once lost this rare community will be goneforever

Please reconsider what you are proposing and really think about the bigger picture

RegardsJackie Cooke36 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT15 1EG

Sent from my iPhone

Typewritten Text

Subject Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 204132

Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035

Traffic congestion from M25 Green Lane 320 you are proposing 175 houses thatmust equal another 200 cars

To make an appointment to see a Doctor is 3 weeks or more with another1000 houses around this

area what then

Regarding Traffic congestion you must of overlooked St Peters HospitalAmbulance Service or will they

have Helicopters

Children being taken to school in the mornings will have problems with the extratraffic will there be room

in the class for more pupils all we hear is that most of our schools are full now

Another Point The field behind my house in Elmtree Close floods in the winterthere is a drainage

ditch running through my property which transport the water from the field to theMain Drains in

Green Lane with heavy rain Floods through the winter months

Mr DG Lee

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PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Subject Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 204132

Objection to Runnymede Councils New Local Plan 2035

Traffic congestion from M25 Green Lane 320 you are proposing 175 houses thatmust equal another 200 cars

To make an appointment to see a Doctor is 3 weeks or more with another1000 houses around this

area what then

Regarding Traffic congestion you must of overlooked St Peters HospitalAmbulance Service or will they

have Helicopters

Children being taken to school in the mornings will have problems with the extratraffic will there be room

in the class for more pupils all we hear is that most of our schools are full now

Another Point The field behind my house in Elmtree Close floods in the winterthere is a drainage

ditch running through my property which transport the water from the field to theMain Drains in

Green Lane with heavy rain Floods through the winter months

Mr DG Lee

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PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Propose plan for Row TownDate 13 June 2017 205154

To whom it may concern

I am looking to express my concerns for the proposed plans to build two travellerareas and 150+ plus houses in Row town

I live on Ongar place Row town KT15 1JF with my husband and my three youngchildren We brought our property 4 years ago as we liked the idea of bringing upour young family in a small community such as Row Town In the short period oftime this small community has already grown dramatically with the developmentof Strawberry fields Putting extra pressure on the local school doctors and othercommunity resources

Since this development was built I have personally already experienced anincrease of concerns where I will not walk around the wooded area due toconcerns about some residences that live in strawberry field and do not want mychildren to be placed at risk of harm

I am concerned that with further development especially a travel site that theseconcerns will heighten and the small safe community to that we wanted to raiseour children would be no more

When I have viewed other properties in the past to buy if I have seen a localtravellers site this has made me extremely reluctant to buy in that area and Iam sure this will have the same impact on others looking to buy with in Rowtown Resulting in properties de valuing and our future investments at risk

I am there fore objecting for the reason listed below

The change in dynamics in the local village

Concerns of the extra pressure on already stretched local resources

The heightened risk of crime

The devaluing of local properties

More traffic in village

Negative impact on village in whole

Best regards

Mrs Rebecca Davies Ongar place

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Sent from my iPhone

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message

From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message

FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

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Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Sent from my iPhone

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Objection for proposed plan for RowtownDate 13 June 2017 211255

I am a local resident of Rowtown and would strongly like to to share my objections aboutthe above

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope (As a Deputy Head Teacher of a localschool I see the negative effects over capacity has on all areas of infrastructure)Pollution

Hanorah Murphy6 Barton CloseRowtown

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message

From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message

FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Fwd Objections against proposed building plansDate 13 June 2017 211308

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From Date 13 June 2017 at 211225 BSTTo Subject Fwd Objections against proposed building plans

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FromDate 13 June 2017 at 211053 BSTTo planningpolicyrunnymeadgovukSubject Objections against proposed building plans

I am emailing for make my objections known against thepromised local plans for row town and ottershaw Myselfand my boyfriend strongly disagree with building in thisarea and were very upset and disappointment when weheard about the proposed plans We moved to this area tolive in a quieter area with more green space and less builtup by the houses and busy roads Building in the proposedareas will damage our surrounding environment whennature is thriving and produce more traffic and pollution

Nicola Williams 33 Ongar PlaceRowtown Kt15 1jf

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject greenbelt in rowtownDate 13 June 2017 212848

i am emailing to object to the proposed local plan in rowtown my reasonsfor objecting are-

pristine green field land in rowtown should not be taken from the greenbelt

the green field land fully performs the function of the green belt ie- tocheck urban sprawl protecting the openness of the country side andsafeguarding the countryside from encroachment

the plan for 150+ high density dwellings is out of character with thearea

traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character ofthe area

it is likely that property values will fall due to the proposeddevelopment

theres not enough space at local schools hospitals and doctors it seemsthat the whole area is already struggling with this issue

traffic volume congestion on the roads and rowtowns carbon foot printwill be significantly worse

the thought of traveler sites close to our homes would cause even morestress and worry for the safety of our family and property when due tothe amount of anti social behaviour burglaries and lack of policepresence over the last few years (police presence going down andburglaries going up) we seem to be worried enough about it as it is

we hope you will do the right thing and keep our town nice and not dragit down even more than it has already been dragged down with the recentdevelopments

Many ThanksKate Noto

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Runnymede 2035-Site 255 Chertsey Bittams - ObjectionDate 13 June 2017 214655

Hi I object to the planned developments for following reasons

1 M25- Why would you purposely build any new houses next to the M25 MotorwayThe noise and pollution is already bad with traffic getting worse as time progresses

2 Lost Green Belt- Why build on the Green belt What about nature conservation3 Large number of proposed builds- This is overdevelopment and burden to

infrastructure Why build so many4 Hospital access- Why build near a busy roundabout next to a hospital that already

suffers traffic jams5 Traveller pitches = concern for safety increased crime rate and subsequent increase

in insurance premiums- Why are you even considering building traveller pitches It isgoing to cause even more opposition

6 Bittam Lane is already too narrow for oncoming traffic- Why build along Bittams lanewhich is extremely narrow and not fit for average traffic never mind constructiontraffic It is already quite stressful passing other cars without fear of collision

7 Parking-a This is already a problem because of St Peterrsquos Hospital patients amp visitors

not willing to pay for packing leaving their cars in surrounding roadshellipb Will each dwelling have off road parking space for at least 2 Cars If not

where they going to park Are you going to build a multi-story carpark It isnot safe to park in Bittams lane now

8 Bittams Lane was closed for over two weeks not long ago and it caused misery withlong traffic jams on surrounding roads and no doubt even more pollution for kidsgoing to nearby schools

In summary what you are planning does not make sense I feel you are trying to punish thepotential new residents by subjecting them to noise and pollution by building so close to theMotorway damaging the environment putting a strain on infrastructure for other residents andcausing traffic mayhem for everyone Regards Phil Davies40 Ferndale AvenueChertseyKt16

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

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FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllrscottlewisrunneymedegovuk

Subject Objection for proposed plan for Row Town Site 254 Parcel BDate 13 June 2017 220141

Land from Greenbelt should not be takenWe must protect and safeguard the countryside from encroachmentTraveller sites are out of character with the areaProperty values will falllocal infrastructure will not be able to cope PollutionIn their Election manifesto pg71 the Conservative party have promised tomaintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green belt yet atlocal level the Conservative Council is seeking to remove Greenfield land fromthe green belt this would appear to be huge contradiction

Mr A Murphy6 Barton CloseRow TownAddlestoneSurrey KT15 1JE

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FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy Cllr Scott Lewis Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Subject RBC Local Borough Plan 2035Date 13 June 2017 232404

I am writing to object to RBC Local Borough Plan 2035

I grew up in Leigh Close I now live on the Strawberry Fields estate in the next road (FranklandsDrive Development) My parents and grandmother still live in Leigh Close

I dread coming out of my road or my parents because of the volume of traffic The round about atthe end is a death trap the speed people fly over it

I am at Ottershaw Doctors Surgery and nearly lost my place there moving to Strawberry Fields asthey cant take anymore on there list I had to fight to get my son registered there when he wasborn and I only moved one road

When I mention where I live everyone knows it as its had so much bad press already I didnt wantthem to build new houses but then thought there up now and it would be nice to be near mum ampdad I have lived here 5years now the road markings still havnt been done theres not enoughparking we were lied to when buying into scheme that the council residents would be selected asworking familys The roads are tiny it should be one way Council residents and non council do notget on (not everyone) but the people who buy respect there property and look after there areasome council tenants dont care then we (the buyers) are billed to put right whatever has beenabused or vandalised (Ie the bin stores being dumping grounds) and put everything right Thepolice are always down our way drug users drug raids stabbing police helicopters amp dogs The listcan go on

Dont you think youve ruined Rowtown enough Im desperate to get out if anyone will buy myproperty and if I can ever save enough

Putting a traveller site in the mix with council tenants and home buyers I think youll get a warvery bad idea

I managed a local salon and often we had Travellers out side in groups blocking the salon entrancekids running in the salon using the toilet and trashing it I Called the police many times and thelocal community officers showed up once or twice but didnt do anything I think they areintimidated by them If the police wont or cant do anything then dont add a site to Rowtown asStrawberry Fields takes up enough of the polices time

I have clients who are travellers and they are lovely so I am not discriminating against travellersIm not the best at explaining myself I know first hand that travellers like to live in and aroundtravellers putting them slap bang in a new housing estate is frankly illogical Potential buyers arelikely to be put of at the very idea You cannot deny that the stigma attached to this communitysomewhat frightens people who have not been exposed to it first hand You need to also considerthe travelling community Again from talking with my clients over the years they are traditionalpeople they are proud of their heritage and are as equally dubious of non travellers as we can beof them You are effectively forcing these people to live in an environment that is the exactopposite of what they want They will get there land then build big walls and shut us out as theywont want to mix with us they keep to there community Why cant you build a new school ordoctor surgery something we need and want Stop building houses I cant understand the personat the top planning all this thinking that it is ok They cant live in this area surely

I have seen an increase of for sale signs over the last few years people trying to get away fromRowtown I would imagine because of Strawberry Fields what makes you think that building morehouses is a anywhere near positive move

My parents are looking to move out of this area now due to this which will have an impact on us Iwill have to give up work to look after my son

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Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Lisa Botana

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

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Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed Local plan for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 100851


I object to the plans being made for new dwellings in the Greenbelt land in Row TownI think we need to keep it as it is as having more dwellings being built will just make things worsein a lot of areas as well as taking a nice part our nature away


Ashley Beck33 Franklands DriveAddlestoneKT151EG

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Objection to the proposed local plan of two travellers area for Row TownDate 14 June 2017 135007


There has been posts floating in the social media about plans for thedevelopment of two Traveller areas and 150+ houses on pristine Greenbelt landin Row TownIf this is true I would like to strongly object to the proposed plan

We are victim of recent break-in into our garage and our home My two little girlslive in constant fear in their own home even after one and a half months of theincident and I needed counselling to come out of this traumatic experience

The number of breakins have increased so much in recent times Now there areother horrendous crimes happening in Addlestone and Row town areas that areleaving our young generation feeling insecure at all times

These kind of developments will invite more and more such crimes in our area

Please consider our objection towards the proposed plan for this development

ThanksRuma Puri16 The GlenAddlestoneKT15 1AQ

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 14 June 2017 142909

The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B Rowtown

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of

the Greenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countrysideand safeguard the countryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the current

density) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the

proposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads

Utilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will become

significantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen

Kind regards

Elaine Mawby

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FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

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4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Greenbelt development in Row TownDate 14 June 2017 153802

Please accept this email as an official objection to the proposed development of Two Traveller areasand houses in Row Town

My view is that the green belt land should continue to be protected against any development I liveon Woodham Park Road and over the past couple of years this road has become incredibly busy

The road infrastructure of Row Town and the surrounding area simply can not withstand any newdwellings The other significant issue is that schools and other council facilities are at breaking pointwithin this area

I do hope you get the necessary objections as part of your local consultations

Kind regards

Richard Varney77 a Woodham Park RoadWoodhamSurreyKT15 3TJ

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed housing development at Row TownDate 14 June 2017 164545

Dear sirs

I wish to object to the proposed plans for development on pristine green belt land in Row Town

It is vital for future generations to maintain all Green belt land in this area

The plan for 150 plus High density dwellings is out of keeping with the area

Two Traveller sites are totally unsuitable for this area and as whereever these sites have beenestablisked crime in the area increases and the sites always expand and become out of control

Local property values will decrease due to the threat of this development

Traffic and congestion will become significantly worse and Surrey county council have no plans orthe finance to address thisit will also increase pollution in the area as a consequence

May i remind you that in their election manifesto the Conservative party promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt

If you proceed with this rediculious plan you will ruin yet another beautiful part of surrey

Laurence Hyde

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc abgellsurreyccgovukSubject proposed development on greenbelt land row townDate 14 June 2017 170053

Dear Sirs I am writing to oppose the proposed development on greenbelt land inRow Town I was under the impression that greenbelt was to stop the urbansprawl not add to it This development is out of character with the area amp can onlyput a further drain on already stretched resources Please Please do not allow thisto go ahead regards Sean Davis of 5Hillside GardensAddlestone KT15 1AX

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Site 254 (Parcel B)Date 14 June 2017 180850

Good Evening I refer to the proposal to develop the green field land (area 254) and wish to raise my objection tothe plan Rowtown has seen a considerable increase in traffic flow as a result of the development ofFranklands and this small village location where I have lived for over 23 years cannot take anymore development Traveller sites are totally out of keeping with the village atmosphere as is the proposal for a further150+ high density dwellings As it is the traffic has increased considerably as mentioned above and I am sure that SurreyCounty Council have no plans to deal with the additional congestion which would emanate fromyet another development Local services are already under strain GP surgeries St Peters Hospital and schools will beunable to cope with yet another increase in the population of the village to say nothing of the factthat you are proposing to develop prime green belt the conservatives for whom I voted havepledged to maintain the protection of existing green belt Where does all this stop councils simply cannot keep building on every piece of grass they findRowtown is going to end up as a concrete jungle with no green space for any of us to enjoy Regards Christine Smethurst22 Liberty RiseAddlestone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott LewisSubject Site254(parcelb) RowtownDate 14 June 2017 190259

Dear Sir my name is Graham wilkinson 16 Marley Close Addlestone Surrey Kt151ar I am objectingto the planning proposal of the above site for reason stated1 Pristine field lands in Rowtown should not be taken for the green belt2The plan is for 150+ high density dwelling ( more than double the current density)this is out ofkeeping with the character of the area3Traveller sites are unsuitable and out of keeping with the character of the area4 It is likely property values in the area will fall because of the threat of the proposed development5 local infrastructure is already under strain( HospitalsSchoolsDoctorsRoadsUtilities andEmergency services )Runnymede Borough Council can only identify funding sources for 62 of thecost of the extra infrastructure that would be needed to support the planned additional householdsin Runnymede6 The traffic volume and congestion on roads in the Row Town area will become significantly worse Surrey council has no plans nor additional funds to address this 7 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in or area will worsen 8 In there Election manifesto pg 71 the Conservative party have promised to ( maintain theexisting strong protections on designated land like green belt) yet at a local level the Conservativecouncil is seeking to remove pristine Greenfield land from the green belt- this is hypocrisy

Sent from my iPhone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Greenbelt land in Row Town under threatDate 14 June 2017 215136Attachments Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017pdf

Dear Panning TeamPlease see the attached letter with regards to the proposed plans for the RowTown areaThank youLisa Knightly

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

Typewritten Text

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

Lisa and Grant Knightly

68 Ongar Place Rowtown

Surrey KT15 1JG

14th June 2017

FAO The planning team

Runnymede Borough Council

Station Road


Surry KT15 2AH

Reference Proposed plans to the Row Town area

Dear Planning Department

We were horrified to find out about your proposed developments for the pristine Greenbelt land in

Row Town

We strongly feel that this land should not be taken from the greenbelt The open land known as area

254 ndash parcel B protects openness of the country and wellbeing preventing encroachment on the

countryside and allowing wildlife to sprawl

Both the plan for the Traveller sites and the 150+ high density dwellings are both completely out of

character for this area

It is likely that the sale of property will be effected and that property prices will fall under the threat

of the proposed development

Local infrastructure is already under immense strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors Roads Utilities and

Emergency services) and we feel that added pressure on these services will have a devastating


We cannot understand how Runnymede Borough Council will fund the cost of the extra

infrastructure over the planned support of the additional households in Runnymede

The volume of traffic and congestion on the roads in the Row Town area will become sufficiently

worse and the extra traffic will affect the condition of the roads and increase maintenance costs year

on year

A consequence of the additional traffic will result in the pollution in our area to become increasingly


I hope that you recognise all the points that we have highlighted and reconsider your plans to

disrupt our local area

Best regards

Lisa and Grant Knightly

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

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To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

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FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South Greenbelt Proposed Development Runnymede 2035Date 14 June 2017 220206

To whom it may concern

Proposed Runnymede Development Chertsey South Greenbelt In 2035Green Lane Bittams Lane

Our comments to be considered by the Council

The reasons to why we would DECLINE this proposal

bull Green Lane during rush hour is currently very heavily congested from work ampschool traffic and often queues for nearly a mile By adding an additional 600-1000 cars this would cause gridlock in the surrounding areas Mostmorningsevenings it can take upto 5 minutes to even leave my drive

bull Green belt land should be preserved for the wildlife

bull Impact on the council tax services

bull Impact on local schooling

bull Impact on the already overcrowded railway service at Chertsey station

bull Noise and disturbance from the building works

bull The direct impact in the saleability amp house prices from having 9 travellerspitches

We have lived here for a number of years love the area and our home Thisproposal will make us have to consider moving in the near future


Mr amp Mrs Mckeown 354 Green Lane Chertsey KT16 9QP

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Green Belt development - Row TownDate 14 June 2017 221328

I am writing to express my concern about this further development of Green Belt land

Row Town has already seen a massive increase in population due to the development ofthe Franklands DriveStrawberry Fields site This is causing additional strain on the localinfrastructure such as schools and GP services We have also had an increase in crime inthis area and the park at the top of Row Town is now a no-go area for residents in theevening

I have recently retired after working in the Education sector and have got to know manyTraveller families - most of whom live in Lyne (New Oak Farm and other places) I donthave the prejudices and concerns that some residents do even though I am aware thatsome of them do have criminal tendencies However I do know that it is not a good ideato put a Travellers site next to council housing This will cause major problems for ourover-stretched police services If a council house is broken into or a car or otherproperty is vandalised the first people to be blamed will be the Travellers whether itwas them or not

I would urge you to rethink this plan Row Town has already been majorly impacted bythe Franklands Drive development with increased traffic on roads that cannot bewidened or improved

I would hope that the Conservative-led Council will honour their commitment to votersto maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like the green beltAnything else would be a slap in the face to the residents of this area who elected themto look after their interests

Yours sincerely

Joan Raymond12 Malus Drive Row Town Addlestone KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed local plan for row townDate 15 June 2017 075137

I am sending you an email as I am strongly objecting to your plans to build on greenbelt

The main reason I voted for Mary in local elections was that she said she was againstbuilding on greenbelt If this goes ahead she will not have mine or my familys vote

Julie-Ann Jackson68 Howards Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Additional Sites and Options CondultationsDate 15 June 2017 093335

I write to register my objection to the proposed large number of sites in andaround Chertsey when other wealthier parts of the borough continue to enjoylow densities and greater green space I am particularly concerned at theproposed Bittams A-E sites which are a massive over development of the area Amajor concern is the impact on flooding risk to existing properties and the lack ofschool provision which is already greatly stretched

Geoff Harrison 16 Gordon DriveKT169PP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject green beltDate 15 June 2017 114835

I would like my objection to the proposed development on the green belt at row town to benoted for future meetings I believe there are too many proposed developments in our area forthe infrastructure to support Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

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FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Cllr Scott Lewis maryangellsurreyccgovukSubject RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing HomeDate 15 June 2017 124230Attachments letter to council re RBC local planZIP

Please find attached objection letters

letter to council re RBC local plandocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

RBC Local Borough Plan

This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development

The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

letter to council re Rodwell Nursing Homedocx

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team


Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Dear Sirs

Rodwell Nursing Home

This letter records my objection to the proposal to allow the owners of the old Rodwell Nursing Home to apply for permission NOT TO RETURN THE SITE TO GREENBELT LAND The Local Authority must not allow the owners to flagrantly abuse the contract and deal made in order to obtain planning for the large new build nursing home in this fashion

The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this

The Green Belt Area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown is being systematically eroded by frankly unscrupulous developers

Yours faithfully

T L Snow

Typewritten Text

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

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FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

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FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

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FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

4 Orchard Way



KT15 1NP


The Planning Team RBC Civic Centre Station Road Addlestone KT15 2AH Dear Sirs RBC Local Borough Plan This letter records my objection to the proposal to build 150 new homes and 2 traveller pitches on Green Belt land behind Leigh Close in Rowtown The area has recently had to accommodate a significant increase in residents due to the Strawberry Fields estate development The infrastructure is under-funded and struggling to accommodate the new residents in the area I am informed that there is a pound62m shortfall in infrastructure funding in Runnymede which includes funding for highways and education No new development should be sanctioned until all funding has been identified for the necessary (current) infrastructure requirement

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

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Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

The area which separates the areas of New Haw Woodham and Rowtown are being systematically eroded The existing deal regarding the enormous new Rodwell Nursing Home whereby the old care home be demolished and the land returned to Green Belt is now under threat as the owners are requesting that the land is not returned to Green Belt as agreed This is not only contrary to the agreement made by the Local Authority in order that planning be obtained but also chips at the area that separates Woodham and Rowtown and I object to this For residents of Leigh Close and Old Road any proposed increase in housing as proposed will change the street scene and is entirely out of keeping with the area and out of character for the area which is not known for traveller sites or large scale housing estates Yours faithfully T L Snow

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The2035 Local plan SlAA ref254 parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 125209

Show us the Residents of Strawberry Fields the fire health and safety that will be put inplace I believe in light of the Fire in London on 14 of June that the proposed plansmust assure all the Residents that our homes and families will not be put at any addedrisk as these are Traveller Units bring cars vans lorries skips motorbikes in and out ofthere Units Please do not ignore the safeguard of all the Residents Our homes costpound300000 to pound400000 but our love ones and families have no cost they are ourlives

Sent from Windows Mail

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

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there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

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  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurreyccgovukSubject Proposed Plan for new dwellings and traveller sites in RowtownDate 15 June 2017 142106

I am extremely disappointed to see the proposed plans in respect of the above and would like tolodge my objection The Green Field land in Rowtown fully performs the function of the greenbelt and greater careshould be taken to safeguard our countryside from encroachment The plan for 150 or more dwellings and the provision of two traveller sites is totally out ofcharacter with the areaFurthermore I am concerned that in particular traveller sites will have an adverse effect on myproperty value and am also worried about anti-social behaviour that tends to follow travellersIndeed my children have already expressed concern about there safety in what has historicallybeen a very friendly and safe area Schools doctors roads and utilities which are already under considerable strain will bestretched even further as will the provision of our emergency services I also understand that the Conservatives in there election manifesto promised to maintain theexisting strong protections on land such as green belt I think Irsquom being generous when I say thiscould have been a mistake as it would appear that the local Conservative Council is seeking toremove this pristine Greenfield land from the greenbelt I trust that my objection and concerns and those that I am sure you will have received fromother local residents will be taken into careful consideration and that the proposed plans will beshelved Yours Michael Dennis Ashley9 Old RoadRowtownAddlestoneKT15 1EW Sent from Windows 10

Typewritten Text

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

To Planning PolicySubject Re Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Additional Sites and Options ConsultationDate 15 June 2017 144952

Dear SirMadam

I object in the strongest terms to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035particularly in relation to the Councils proposal to release significantland from the Green Belt without having completed the requisiteviability and infrastructure studies This is highly relevant to VirginiaWaterLongcross which has been identified for massive newdevelopment by the Council but does not have either theinfrastructure or the facilities to support such excessive developmentFurther there is a woeful lack of effort by the Council to even attemptto propose appropriate infrastructure to support its ill-conceived LocalPlan The Councils evidence base is completely flawed in this respect

The proposed allocation for significant residential and employmentdevelopment at DERA is unsustainable and contrary to the NPPF 2012 This is because (amongst other things) the Council has failed toconsider - either properly or at all - its probable impact oninfrastructure such as traffic air quality etc Separately the fact thatthe DERA Garden Village is being sited so close to the M3motorway does not seem to bode well for our overall environment inthe area

The Council ought not have summarily dismissed alternativeoptions that do not give rise to such a significant release of land fromthe Green Belt In this respect the Council has failed to demonstratethat it has engaged in substantive discussions with adjoining localplanning authorities pursuant to its statutory duty to cooperate In theabsence of these discussions and those authorities undertaking theirown Green Belt review the Councils proposal to release land from theGreen Belt is premature and ill-conceived

Overall the Council has failed to demonstrate exceptionalcircumstances which is necessary before it can even engage in aproper consideration of any meaningful Green Belt release as isrequired by the NPPF

In conclusion I object fully to the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 forabove reasons

Yours sincerely

-- Nigel Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia Water

Typewritten Text


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted


FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCcSubject Fwd Chertsey Bittams proposed developmentsDate 15 June 2017 145515

Runnymede Borough Council

Runnymede Civic Centre

Station Road



KT15 2AH

Richard Blake

20 Little Green Lane



KT16 9PH

14th June 2017

Objections to the Chertsey Bittams proposed developments

Dear Sir MadamI wish to express my strong objections to the proposed developments at Site 255 Chertsey Bittams The proposal to allow the traveller pitches at Bittams A Bittams B Bittams C willhave a profound negative effect upon my properties in this locality

1 It will lower the value of existing property because it is outside the precedent established in this area which is predominately residential

houses and bungalows

2 I accept that the travellers will require a place to pitch but surely Hillswood Drive or similar rural site would be better suited where

Typewritten Text

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

there are numerous areas that could be used

3 Temporary mobile homes do not blend with the type of housing already established in this are because brick and tile form the principal building materials accepted by the planners

4 The infrastructure and emergency services will struggle to support a further massive influx of residents

5 The A320 Guilford Road is the principal artery road that would would be highly congested in addition to the current situation at peak times 8 - 9am and 3 - 30 to 5 - 30 PM

I gratefully request that you give consideration to these above comments as part of this consultation process

Yours sincerely

Richard Blake

Vanessa Blake

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Chertsey South GreenbeltDate 15 June 2017 172215

Dear SirAs residents of Gordon Drive we strongly object to the building of 620 residential units in our areaWe already have difficulty getting along Little Green Lane due to hospital staff parking andnumerous driving schools using the roads aroundExtra housing would add to the traffic parking pollution and a burden to the infrastructure Alsosafety for school children is a concernThis pleasant area of Chertsey would become very busy and we would seriously consider whetherwe would like to remain hereYours faithfullyDoreen amp Mike Sharkey20 Gordon DriveKT16 9PP

Sent from my iPad

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject The 2035 Local Plan SLAA Ref 254 Parcel B RowtownDate 15 June 2017 173150

I object to the above proposal on the following grounds

1 Traveller Sites are unsuitable for the area

2 Pristine Green Field Land in Row Town should not be taken from the Greenbelt

3 The Green Field land (known as area 254 ndash parcel B) fully performs the function of theGreenbelt ie to check the urban sprawl protecting the openness of the countryside and safeguard thecountryside from encroachment

4 The plan is for 150 + high density dwellings (more than double the currentdensity) This is out of keeping with the character of the area

5 It is likely that property values in the area will fall because of the threat of theproposed development

6 Local infrastructure is already under strain (Hospitals Schools Doctors RoadsUtilities and Emergency Services) Runnymede Borough Council can onlyidentify funding sources for 62 of the cost of the extra infrastructure thatwould be needed to support the planned additional households in Runneymede

7 The traffic volume and congestion on the roads in Row Town area will becomesignificantly worse Surrey County Council have no plans nor sufficient fundsto address this

8 As a consequence of the additional traffic the pollution in our area will worsen Kind regardsJohn Corby

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott Lewis Subject Proposed housing development on green belt landDate 15 June 2017 174802

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and traveller pitches inRowtown which also encroaches on current green beltThe green belt is there for a purpose to maintain the natural environment andcountryside which minimises pollution and protects wildlife It also preventstowns merging into one another and is for the benefit of allTraffic in Rowtown has become worse already in only a short space of time andthese proposed plans will make this worse and also create more pollution whichI might add is already high due to our close proximity to the motorway and nearthe flight path of HeathrowPacking in more accommodation encourages anti social behaviour in the areawhich is already high in our local crime figuresI have worked in at St Peters Hospital 30 years now and the services there and atlocal GP s is at breaking point We cannot be encouraging even more serviceusers to this already overcrowded badly resourced area The area around Rowtown and Ottershaw is a bottleneck for traffic as comutersschool drivers head toward the motorways and main roads Public transport ispoor and expensive in this area and roads already inadequateThere are far too many housing projects already in the area and this is simplyanother unacceptable plan

Mr and Mrs Moth3 Avon CloseRowtownKT15 1JD

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Runnymede Local Plan 2035Date 15 June 2017 190238

To whom this may concern

I am writing to you to formally object the Runnymede Local Plan 2035 Theprimary reason for my objection is due to the lack of infrastructure and adverseeffects it will have on air quality and traffic

The Plan is fundamentally flawed Unless the Council is prepared to significantlyinvest in improving and expanding the infrastructure in the area in conjunctionwith this development the Plan should not go ahead

Yours faithfully

Saskia Moss

Wentworth LodgePortnall RiseVirginia WaterSurrey GU25 4JZ

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning Policy maryangell Cllr Scott LewisSubject Row Town Planning ObjectionDate 15 June 2017 191011

Please accept our combined objection to the proposal of Site 254(Parcel B) for yet more development on Green Belt land in RowTown Surrey The infrastructure is at breaking point already withspecial emphasis on the local schools (all full to our knowledge) Thedevelopers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of all objectionsbeing ignored Green Belt land should be preserved for futuregenerations to enjoy

Thank you

Bob amp Anne Lane

20 Malus Drive Rowtown Addlestone Surrey KT15 1EP

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed greenbelt development RowtownDate 15 June 2017 195625

To whom it may concern

I would like to express my utter dismay at the proposed plans to develop twogreenbelt areas in Rowtown Rowtown is where l choose to live and raise my family we moved fromAddlestone to Howards lane nine years ago as the area was less built up and offof our road is a beautiful woodlands Rowtown in itself is far more green thansome of the surrounding areas these are beautiful unspoilt areas to be enjoyedand cherished by residents and nature alike Areas like these havens are fastdisappearing to be developed into yet more housing estates and travellers sitesAll of this at the expense of the current residents and their families and thewildlife who unfortunately cant speak out and plead their cases No thought is spared for usgreenbelt areas need to be secured for futuregenerations already we are overstretched local doctors offered me anappointment for 3wks timereally Schools are struggling to accommodate our children locally forcing siblings intodifferent schools and people having to use cars to get to schools they cannotwalk to this is going to be heightened by the horrendous proposed plans not tomention congestion St Peters hospital Rowtown will lose its charm andcharacter quite frankly becoming another overstretched unattractive townStrawberry fields development already on our doorstep taking up lots ofpreviously unspoilt land have us locals not lost enough Area 254 I have never heard such a clinical term being used for an area thatevokes so much local passion and feeling unspoilt greenbelt area thats itsname An area to be kept treasured protectedFor future generations my children grandchildren and all future residents as wellas the nature that lives there unheard This proposal would be disastrous for Rowtown and Ottershaw it must not beallowed to happen to be gone forever Yet another soulless area of housing estates and travellers pitches

Yours extremely concerned

Natalie Serpant

22 Howards lane Rowtown Kt15 1et

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicySubject Proposed local plan for Row TownDate 15 June 2017 195749

I Matthew Burch am writing in total objection to the proposed 150+ houses andtraveller areas on GREEN belt land in Row TownFirstly weve already had a huge affordable housing estate built in the village and traffichas increased immensely since We are also a cut through for the M25 We have a newcinema along with high st shops amp restaurants (and housing) not even opened yetTraffic will be entering through Row Town to get to these shops etc we cannot copewith anymore traffic at present amp thats before we become a cut through for the newshopping centre Schools are tight now to get places amp doctors are at bursting point Allthese points are before the housing has been filled in the new shopping area LEAVE USALONE we had to accept the huge Franklands drive estate but we CERTAINLY WILL NOTaccept this Is someone within our local planning department making moneysomewhere God forbid if the plans go ahead as at least Ive shown my concerns amp ihope our local council that we vote in show the same concernsMatthew Burch 41 Row TownRow Town (soon to have a motorway through it to cope)

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc maryangellsurreyccgovuk Cllr Scott LewisSubject Greenbelt rowtownDate 15 June 2017 201210

Dear who it my concern I am contacting you with my objection to the proposed greenbelt development inrowtown we dont want or need more traveller sites or big housing estatesThey will ruin a lovely village Anthony Serpant 22 Howards lane

Sent from my Sony Xperiatrade smartphone

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted
Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc MaryangellsurryccgovukSubject Proposed building on Greenbelt land around Row TownDate 15 June 2017 202448

Vincent FanningFlat 7 BrignallsWriotsley WayRow TownAddlestoneSurreyKT15 1LL

Dear sir or MadamId like to oppose your plans for two proposed residential sites and Travellers pitches around theRow Town areaThe area is already highly populated and further housing will also gridlock the existing roadnetwork we currently haveAlso we are very very overcrowded in the Health centreThere is already a very large amount of housing being built in Addlestone which will worsen thealready busy roads in the immediate areasI believe planning permission is already requested at Fairoaks and Longcross this will no doubtif approved cause major congestion in the Ottershaw area because of its link to the M3 and M25MotorwaysSo I strongly appose any New builds in the Row Town areaRegardsVincent Fanning

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyDate 16 June 2017 074825


Dear SirMadam

I wish to strongly object to your latest propose for Ottershaw EastBrox Lane development

Changes to the Green Belt require ldquoexceptional circumstancesrdquo Can you please clearly specify whatthese areRBC are proposing 242 units in Ottershaw EastBrox Lane which includes +2 travellersites (how big is a site) which represents a 14 increase 1700 houses already in Ottershaw-increases of this size and style are going to place unacceptable pressure on the alreadyovercrowded roads especially the A320 which is full to capacity at peak times The plan stillincludes 40 houses in the site off Brox Lane far too many for a small location like Ottershaw It ispurely profit motive little has been considered for residents of Runnymede BoroughThere is nocomprehensive statement on how the existing crowded roads will be improve Both within thevillage which has only 3 access points Plus traffic internally with the school and Dr surgery All ofthe remaining semi-rural character of Ottershaw will be lost by this development What overallStrategic Planning is happening as Ottershaw will be affected by other possible and planneddevelopments outside the centre of Ottershaw along the A320 A319 B3121 roads (ie WoodhamNew Town the large Fairoaks Garden Village development (again unacceptable in thiscrowded area) St Peters Hospital Bittams Lane and Longcross NorthSouth) This is a largenumber of developments all being proposed simultaneously by developers purely to maximisetheir profit Please provide full HONEST and comprehensive answers to all of these questions as Iobject strongly to all the development proposals put forward Thankyou

Yours faithfully

Typewritten Text

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted

FromTo Planning PolicyCc Mary Angell Philip HAMMONDSubject Rowtown Local Plan ConsultatiionDate 16 June 2017 091446

I wish to OBJECT to the Proposals to build on GreenBelt inRowtown

Green Fields should not be taken from the GreenbeltPollution in the area will increase due to the increased trafficThe risk of accidents and fatalities will increase if the roads are more crowded - Surrey is already experiencing a huge number of accidents which in turn cause delays and frustration Surrey has no plans or funding to improve road conditionsThere are plenty of empty houses in the Borough and more effort should be made to make them available as opposed to building more housesThe Conservative party promised in their Election Manifesto to maintain the existing strong protections on designated land like green beltLocal infrastructure is already under pressure - our Water infrastructure seems to be particularly sensitive as demonstrated by the frequent water main bursts which are being experienced in the local areaThe plan for high density dwellings is out of keeping for the character of the area Poor quality housing such as is already at the back of Franklands Drive is a blight on our borough Badly designed unattractive buildings and poor quality finish is not acceptable There needs to be adequate provision for parking - for residents visitors and infrastructure There isnrsquot space for an Ambulance or a delivery driver to park

I would urge you to reconsider these proposals

Mrs Shacircn Hughes23 Copthall wayNew HawKT15 3TX

Typewritten Text
  • 900-Ms Megan Ryder_Redacted
  • 901-Mr Neil Percival_Redacted
  • 902-Mr John Rudland_Redacted
  • 903-Ms Jackie Cooke_Redacted
  • 904-Mr Dennis G Lee_Redacted
  • 905-Mrs Rebecca Davies_Redacted
  • 906-Mrs Maureen Joan Leahy_Redacted
  • 907-Ms Hanorah Murphy_Redacted
  • 908-Ms Nicola Williams_Redacted
  • 909-Ms Kate Noto_Redacted
  • 910-Mr Phil Davies_Redacted
  • 911-Mrs J Brocklesby_Redacted
  • 912-Mr Anthony Murphy_Redacted
  • 913-Ms Lisa Botana_Redacted
  • 914-Mrs Suzanne Potter_Redacted
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 1
    • 914-Mr Martyn and Mrs Suzanne Potter 2
      • 915-Mr Peter Shepperdson_Redacted
      • 916-Ms Lauren Canham_Redacted
      • 917-Mr Andrew Webb_Redacted
      • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker_Redacted
        • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
        • 918-Mrs Donna-Maria Barker
          • 919-Mrs Denise Skidmore_Redacted
          • 920-Mr Ashley Beck_Redacted
          • 921-Ms Ruma Puri_Redacted
          • 922-Ms Elaine Mawby_Redacted
          • 923-Mr Richard Varney_Redacted
          • 924-Mr Laurence Hyde_Redacted
          • 925-Mr Sean Davis_Redacted
          • 926-Ms Christine Smethurst_Redacted
          • 927-Mr Graham Wilkinson_Redacted
          • 928-Mr Grant and Mrs Lisa Knightly_Redacted
            • Greenbelt land in Row Town under threat
            • Proposed plans for Rowtown June 2017
              • 929-Mr and Mrs Mckeown_Redacted
              • 930-Ms Joan Raymond_Redacted
              • 931-Ms Julie-Ann Jackson_Redacted
              • 932-Mr Geoff Harrison_Redacted
              • 933-JT Wells_Redacted
              • 934-Ms Tonia L Snow_Redacted
                • RBC local plan and Rodwell Nursing Home
                • letter to council re RBC local plan - Copy
                  • 935-Mr Dermot McCarthy_Redacted
                  • 936-Mr Michael Dennis Ashley_Redacted
                  • 937-Mr Nigel Moss_Redacted
                  • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake_Redacted
                    • bethanowen_22-06-2017_09-13-02
                    • 938-Mr Richard and Mrs Vannessa Blake
                      • 939-Mr Mike and Mrs Doreen Sharkey_Redacted
                      • 940-Mr John Corby_Redacted
                      • 941-Mr and Mrs Moth_Redacted
                      • 942-Ms Saskia Moss_Redacted
                      • 943-Mr Bob and Mrs Anne Lane_Redacted
                      • 944-Ms Natalie Serpant_Redacted
                      • 945-Mr Matthew Burch_Redacted
                      • 946-Mr Anthony Serpant_Redacted
                      • 947-Mrs M Williams_Redacted
                      • 948-Mr Vincent Fanning_Redacted
                      • 949-Ms Carolyn Shaw_Redacted
                      • 950-Mrs Shan Hughes_Redacted