Meeting Announcements - AAUW · 1/6/2012  · AAUW BOOKSTORE – WOW! Great news! We are close to...


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JUNE 2016 Newsletter

Meeting Announcements July

July 20th - GARDEN TOUR

August End of August – Jamestown Block Party

June is Membership Renewal time and also time for all of us to get together for our Potluck Salad Supper.

We (the Steering Committee) are asking YOU, the members to bring a macaroni, rice, lettuce/cabbage, fruit or Jell-O salad. The Steering Committee will bring the desserts, breads, & lemonade.

We will meet at 6pm on Thursday, June 2nd at the 1208 CenterPoint* condos. Both North & South doors will be open. Dishes, cups, utensils, napkins, lemonade or water will be provided. Serving utensils will also be provided.

*Address for Salad Lunch: 1208 7th

St SW. You may use either

north or south doors. Questions regarding location or

directions, call Donna at 320-1415.

Our 27th Annual Garden Tour The 27th Garden Tour is Wednesday, July 20th 4-8PM, so be sure to clear your schedule. We need everyone to participate in this event and even ask you to recruit a friend, former member, or family member to assist if needed. Letters of invitation have been sent to five prospective host couples. Kelly Krein, Chairperson, is hoping at least four of the five will be ready to show as they indicated last summer that they should be ready if there were no conflicts. Kelly will report on that at the meeting. If all goes well with securing the sites, we can get the tickets, posters, schedules, etc done early and that would be great since she will be gone from June 17th – 26th.


You are encouraged to sign-in more than one place if you are able (- i.e. bring bars and work at a garden location or maybe work both first and second sessions at a location instead of just one. If you can also recruit a friend or family member list them also. Work # 1 is the first session - 4:45 to 6:30; Work # 2 is the second session - 6:20 to 8:00

Reception is at the Arts Center - We need TWO for each work time. The first time slot will be mainly setting up, the second includes clean-up at the end.

We'll need 8 or 9 people to each provide 2 doz. bars or cookies.

Sample sign-up sheet:

If you know what, when & where you want to help, pick up that phone & call Kelly Krein (Home 252-4107 or Work 252-4690) RIGHT NOW!!! There will be a sign-up sheet at the next meeting, June 2nd.

Memorial Day marks the opening of Frontier Village for the summer. The schoolhouse, which is AAUW’s project, is being cleaned Friday, May 27th. (Thanks to Joan Enderle for making arrangements.) We still need someone to help with the afternoon ‘staffing’ at the schoolhouse. One or two coordinators are needed to help with the calendar. The retired teachers are helping, but we need to step up to help staff it. If you could be that person(s), contact Joan Slusser or Kelsey Murray. The old ND map for school house is being prepared for display by the Frame Shop. More info on this at the June meeting!

AAUW BOOKSTORE – WOW! Great news! We are close to re-opening our bookstore! No definite date, but the second week in June has been “tweeted” about by a little bird! Far ahead of schedule!!

Celebrate June Food Holidays Welcome Summer ~ And 45 Food Holidays

Although we’re not quite sure why National Turkey Lover’s Month

is in June, we’re not complaining—we love turkey anytime. National Candy Month National Dairy Month National Iced Tea Month National Papaya Month

National Seafood Month National Steakhouse Month National Turkey Lover’s Month

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

In addition to celebrating the monthly holiday, each day in June brings a new festivity: First Friday: National Doughnut Day June 1: National Hazelnut Cake Day June 2: National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day June 3: National Egg Day June 4: National Cheese Day June 4: National Frozen Yogurt Day June 4: National Cognac Day June 5: National Gingerbread Day June 5: World Environment Day June 6: National Applesauce Cake Day June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day June 8: Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day June 8: World Oceans Day (Sustainable Seafood) June 9: National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day June 10: Herbs & Spices Day June 10: National Iced Tea Day June 10: National Black Cow* Day *A root beer float June 11: National German Chocolate Cake Day June 12: International Cachaça Day June 12: International Falafel Day June 12: National Jerky Day June 12: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day June 13: Kitchen Klutzes of America Day June 13: National Cucumber Day Middle Friday Of The Month: Midsummer’s Eve June 14: National Strawberry Shortcake Day June 15: National Lobster Day June 15: World Gin Day June 16: National Fudge Day June 17: Eat All Your Veggies Day June 17: National Apple Strudel Day June 18: National Cherry Tart Day June 18: International Picnic Day June 18: National Sushi Day June 19: National Dry Martini Day June 20: National Vanilla Milkshake Day June 21: National Peaches and Cream Day June 22: National Chocolate Éclair Day June 22: National Onion Rings Day June 23: National Pecan Sandy Day June 24: National Pralines Day June 25: National Catfish Day June 25: National Strawberry Parfait Day June 26: National Chocolate Pudding Day June 27: National Indian Pudding Day June 27: National Orange Blossom Day June 28: National Ceviche Day June 28: National Tapioca Day June 29: National Almond Buttercrunch Day

June 30: National Ice Cream Soda Day

Children’s Corner

Music Corner


Same view on 5/25


AAUW Membership Renewal It is that time of year to renew your membership in AAUW and it has gotten easier because you can do it online. At the June 2nd meeting there will be a drawing for FREE Branch dues for two members which is a savings of $5. Those eligible would be those who have paid the 2016-2017 dues on or before June 2, 2016. If you have questions, contact Mary Craft
