Meeting Agenda NCZM 12-20-10


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  • 8/8/2019 Meeting Agenda NCZM 12-20-10


    (Teamspeak) Meeting Agenda NCZM (12-20-2010)

    y A link to instructions for logging on to the global"Teamspeak"y Meeting to take place under North America, heading

    y NCZM webpage:y

    y Introduction-members introduce themselves/interest in movement (5-10 min)2. Sub-chapter meetings(5-10 min)

    a. Discuss progressi. Local events scheduled in the future (other than the Z3 events)ii. time date of local meetings in respective areasiii. has everyone received contact list for your area (from Matt)

    1. have you updated those lists?3. The inauguration of the official NCZM webpage (10-15 min)

    a. Outlining websites featuresb. Everyone create an account for the NCZM website, and sign up for the newsletterc. Sub-chapter coordinators: did you learn about updating local website on Zeitgeist- How do sub-chapter coordinators access/update their area on the site?

    4. Open to general inquires about website:i. NC monthly newsletter (how to contribute?), newsletter submission tab?ii. Creation of and where to access NCZM sub-chapter email?

    5. Screening Toolkit for Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (10-15 min)a. Securing a venue (where in NC are events schedules to take place?)

    i. Asheville (2 showings), Wilmington (1 venue), Traid (1 venue),Eden (drive in theater possibility), the Triangle, Charlotte

    ii. Can anyone lend a hand with the events in their area that who is notalready doing so?

    b. Will any event feature speakers or other special guests?i. If not, consider having an MC or moderator to introduce and lead a Q & A


    ii. Use the energy that will be in the room after the film is screened to have acommunity, town hall discussion of the issues brought up. What topics are most

    relevant to your community from the film? Environment? Economy? Value

    Shifts in the culture? Get in touch with individuals that can speak about these

    issues relevant to the movement.

    iii. People are going to feel much better if they leave the screening thinking theycan do something to be a part of this culture shift by possibly joining the

    movement or at least supporting it by spreading the message. Heighten visibility

    and spotlight the movement by connecting it with the issues raised in the film. It

    is best that you engage the audience in a way that enhances their values and

    what the movement advocates directly. Have materials from the Zeitgeist

  • 8/8/2019 Meeting Agenda NCZM 12-20-10


    Movement Global site, the Venus Project as well as your local chapter and

    encourage people to get involved by joining or starting a chapter in their area.

    The point of the film is not to get us angry or depressed but rather to galvanize

    us to educate and spread awareness of an alternative operating system for us

    on earth: a Resource Based Economy.

    c. Promoting/Planning a successful event (press releases/flyering/publicspeakers)(10-15 min)

    i. Direct mailbuy anyone?ii. Does anyone have experience/interest in to contacting news

    media regarding NCZM Moving Forward events?

    d. LOCALMEDIA: We realize that some sections will not be applicable to every event andthis section on local media is a great example depending on your objectives and your

    audience, you may or may not decide to pursue media coverage. Thats fine, as its all

    about how best to reach and impact youraudience. But read on for some guidance for

    how simple media outreach can be!

    i. Ten days before the event, issue the release to a wide range of mainstream,alternative, community and specialized media. Make sure to send it to reporters

    covering science, culture, robotics, sociology, environment, global economy and

    metro sections.

    ii. If press wants photos or a press kit about the fi lm itself, you can always directthem to where those materials are available

    iii. Get the event on calendar listings in your citys weekly publication(s) and on theweb.

    iv. Make calls to local television and radio programs. Let them know about yourevent, and be prepared to give them contact and title information of

    spokesperson or chapter coordinator of event that can be available for


    v. Local TV news: assignment editorvi. Public affairs or magazine programs: producers

    vii. Talk radio or local/community radio: producers or hostsviii. A couple of days prior to your event contact the people to whom you sent press

    materials and encourage them to attend the event. Pitch the value of this

    unique screening and the importance of educating people about a Resource

    Based Economy.

    ix. Post information on websites, listservs and blogs at your school & other schoolsin the area.

    x. Post your screening on Craigslist in the community events section.xi. Create a Facebook event and encourage students to forward it widely


    Send press release to on-campus newspapers & publications, on-campus radio& TV

    xiii. Flyer around campus, table in the student mailrooms and dormitoriesxiv. NCZM press release (example) can be accessed on front page of zeitgeist-

    xv. Flyering set a time and date Z3 (in your area)

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    e. ELECTRONIC/VIRALOUTREACH: This is one of the most effective ways to reach people,but attention spans are short, and it works best when it is accompanied by other sorts

    of outreach and publicity.

    f. NEWSLETTER/EMAILANNOUNCEMENT: In all electronic outreach, be sure to includeyour event information as well as the link to so

    people can view the trailer and press kit. We recommend you send out these emails at

    least three times: two weeks before, and then a reminder a few days before your event

    as well as day of event. You can use any of the official promotional and press materials

    found at as well as video and articles from the global

    site at or The Venus Project at . You will also find many independent graphic designs for the

    movie and the movement at and further explanation of

    the film series at

    g. BLOGS: Reach out to any bloggers that you know and to bloggers who are popular withyour target audience. Contact bloggers in areas like environment, science, robotics,

    lifestyle or culture, progressive/alternative outlooks. Even a brief mention with a link to

    the event is helpful. Be sure to send them information to link to or embed Zeitgeist:

    Moving Forwardtrailer from onto their site for

    increased impact as well as your event details.

    h. FACEBOOK, MYSPACE & TWITTER: Social networks like Facebook, MySpace and Twitterhave become hugely important in reaching certain audiences, and can be especially

    useful when theres a Facebook or MySpace group connected to a specific local

    community such as a university, local organization, etc. Embed the ZMF trailer on your

    website, Facebook, MySpace along with your local screening details. We suggest setting

    up an event and inviting members of your community to forward and distribute the

    event information to friends. You can also just send a message with the event

    information to your friends and to groups that might be interested, including links to website as well as the gateway at The

    closer you get to the premiere date, the more advertising needs to be in place.Utilize

    your FB and Youtube and Newsletters to the maximum during the last days before the


    i. PRESSKITS: Send electronic press kits/screening announcement to all media- localweekly paper, major local paper, events sections of papers, opinion sections of papers,

    progressive and public radio stations, college radio stations, bloggers.

    j. PR SEATS: If you manage to establish contact and possible attendance from mediareporters, bloggers, grassroots groups or special guests for the event, then ask them to

    inform their exposure lists about the Z3 premiere. Once they confirm attendance, try to

    reserve special seats for these invitees for optimum viewing of the film.

    k. POSTERS & FLYERS: Print out and put up posters and flyers around your community, inthe right coffee shops, bookstores, community centers, college campuses, and on

    community bulletin boards can be incredibly effective.We offer poster and graphics at . We recommend attaching a simple flyer at the

    bottom of the poster with the basic details about your event. Leave a stack of flyers at

    appropriate local businesses and ask if you can place a miniposter in their window. Try

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  • 8/8/2019 Meeting Agenda NCZM 12-20-10


    conversation remains productive and many perspectives are heard. Guide any comments or

    concerns to a positive end that applauds the benefits of sharing information in an open forum.

    *For any further questions, please email Sharleen at
