Medical Tourism For Preparation




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Prepared by:-Sajal AgarwalSumit GuptaVidhi AgarwalKriti Mathur

“A multibillion dollar industry”

“India a International medical tourisms hub”

“One of the hottest sectors in India” (Public Health Foundation of India)

Joint Replacement Surgery Dental Surgery

Heath Tourism is to provide World Class Health treatment at competitive affordable prices”.

Travel tourism

pleasure, physical & mental relaxation

value addition of medical treatment at lowest cost


Anatomy of Medical Value Travel

Medical tourism is the practice of a patient "outsourcing" healthcare services to an area outside of his/her home country.

Medical Tourism also known as medical travel ,health tourism or global healthcare is a term initially coined by travel agencies and mass media to describe the rapidly growing practice of travelling across international border to obtain health care.


Such Services include complex specialized surgeries such as Joint Replacement, (Knee/Hip), Cardiac Surgery, Dental Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery, and Ayurvedic treatment.

However every type of health care including psychiatry, alternative treatment, convarescent care & even burial services are available.


Some important reasons for increasing popularity of MEDICAL TOURISM are :

1)Potential savings : Medical tourism is an affordable alternative to

skyrocketing costs of health care. 2) Shorter waits :

Patients can usually be scheduled for a surgery within a few days or weeks allowing patients convenience.

3) Relaxing Recovery : Travelling for medical treatment gives people the added benefit of helping themselves to a relaxing vacation while they are in recovery .

4) Insurance Coverage : While it isn’t a guarantee , there are some insurance plans that will cover treatment that is performed outside of your home country . More and more insurance providers are covering treatment abroad , as it saves them in costs also.

5) Same Facilities And Equipments As Home : Since medical tourism is such a big industry, hospitals are making big investments in equipment and technology to help them draw more patients.

6) Package deals : If people are unsure where to start when getting medical tourism abroad , package deals can be a great time saver.

7) Surgical Options : While most popular options are cosmetic and dental surgeries, the reality is that there is a growing market for a wide variety of procedures including heart surgery , orthopedic hip and knee replacements , etc.

8) Luxury Accommodations:

Many hospitals that cater to medical tourists are

corporately owned , this can be real boon to patients , who

benefit from private rooms and accommodations.

Medical Tourism Destinations

Cost and quality are obviously the most important factors patients consider in choosing specific destinations for treatment. But many patients also consider amenities commonly found in resort & hotels

.THE AMERICAS Argentina Brazil Canada Colombia Cuba Mexico Panama United States

ASIA/PACIFIC China Hong Kong India Israel

Jordan Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand UAE

• EUROPE Cyprus Germany Malta Portugal Spain Turkey Ukraine


India is a popular destination for medical tourists. It arguably has the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations, and English is widely spoken.

India’s medical tourism sector is expected to experience an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a Rs. 9,500-crore industry by 2015 estimates of the value of medical tourism to India go as high as $2 billion a year by 2012.

India is known in particular for heart surgery, hip resurfacing and other areas of advanced medicine.



India is rated amongst the world’s “must see top ten destination” by Conde Naste (international magazine)

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) sponsored Mc Kinsey & Co. study.–“Healthcare in India : The Road Ahead” report:-

1.3 million medical tourists visit Asia / year

Nos. of US patients seeking cheaper care abroad - grew to

7,10,000 / year

Over 1, 50000 medical tourists travelled to India in 2002 bringing in earnings of $ 300 million. 2006-07 > 3,00000

A forecast by Deloitte Consulting published in August 2008 projected that medical tourism originating in the US could jump by a factor of ten over the next decade

An estimated 750,000 Americans went abroad for health care in 2007, and the report estimated that a million and a half would seek health care outside the US in 2008. The time spent waiting for a procedure such as a hip replacement can be a year or more in Britain and Canada; however, in New Zealand, Costa Rica, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cuba, Colombia, Philippines or India, a patient could feasibly have an operation the day after their arrival.

In Canada, the number of procedures in 2005 for which people were waiting was 782,936.

With global revenues of approximately US$ 20 Billion (2005), the medical tourism industry is one of the world's largest industry.

India's cost effective treatment makes it an important player in this industry

Growing Medical tourism in India will be one of the major sources for foreign exchange.

With increasing number of non-insured population in western countries and increasing healthcare expenditure to GDP resulting in people opting for treatment choices outside their country.

Lower Medication cost: •Strong Pharma Sector and gaining world recognition

• Fast emerging as major Drug R&D Center

• Strong Generic drugs business

•Low cost of drug development in India

•No waiting

Tourist Interest:• 5000 year old civilization

• Renowned for Historical, Cultural and Religious diversity

• Diverse geographical landmarks; vast coastline

• Traditional arts and crafts

• Vibrant democracy: Freedom for citizens; empowered women population


“First World Treatment at Third World Costs”

Disadvantages of Medical Tourism:

•Going to foreign country for medical treatment has its own risks as the country you go to may not regulate professional licensing and certification of the medical professionals.

•You might end up traveling too soon after a surgery and this can cause serious complications like blood clots or pulmonary embolism. In addition, you can suffer from swelling and/or infections. •Usually post-operative care is minimum and limited as most hospitals believe in getting in patients and then releasing them quickly and there will be hardly any post-operative care.

Disadvantages ( contd…….)

• Going to a foreign country for treatment means that you will not have immunity prevalent in that country and this can pose the risk of catching an infection.

• If something goes wrong during the medical procedure you will have very little legal recourse.

•  Although medical tourism is not the perfect solution to fight rising medical costs in the United States, it does offer a viable and feasible alternative to many people.

India has several advantages in the field of medical tourism. However, this is still an evolving concept and several challenges need to be addressed. Focused efforts on several fronts would be required for the medical tourism industry in India to realize its promise. The medical and healthcare institutions, the hospitality industry, transportation providers, and the government need to work in concert to promote medical tourism in India.
