Medic Dispatch - November 2, 2009



Medic weekly newsletter

Citation preview


This Week:

Employee Recognition Event


Gold Award Photos



Enrollment 4

Training Schedule 8

Medic Calendar 8

Medic’s in Atlanta: Agency Receives Gold Award

News From The Front Line November 2, 2009

The MEDIC Dispatch

Mecklenburg EMS


Dates to Remember:

November 5th ROSC Recognition Event

November 6th PALS Training

On Wednesday, October 28th, 33 Medic employees traveled to Atlanta to participate in the 2009 Gold Award ceremony. Together with Assistant Director Richard Dean, all 33 employ-ees took the stage during the EMS EXPO opening ceremony to accept the award on behalf of Mecklenburg EMS Agency.

Below are the employees who were able to attend the awards ceremony:

This year the EMS EXPO was held in Georgia’s World Congress Center from Monday, October 26th through Friday, October 30th. Medic employ-ees got the chance to tour the trade-show floor and check out various vendors and attend informational seminars.

The day began with the opening cere-monies honoring fallen heroes, Gold Award winners and a message from the keynote speaker. During the ceremony, Medic was honored with the 2009 Gold Award trophy and again, with all employees who were in attendance taking the stage. In all there were about 500 people who

attend the ceremony, who saw Mecklenburg EMS Agency take home the 2009 Gold Award. Throughout the day, employees were congratulated by attendees for the honor that they re-ceived that morning.

The Medic presence was definitely felt throughout the EXPO. Not only did 33 of our em-ployees make the 4 hour trip to Atlanta, but three of our vehicles were placed in prominent locations on the tradeshow floor. EXPO participants had the chance to tour our Mass Casu-alty Bus, our 4500 Truck and one of our new Dodge Sprinters, which were all three being represented by their manufacture. (Continued on Page 3)

Anne Carter Chris Peet Effie Ledbetter Katherine Pike Jason Jeffares Tim Marshburn Kim Kuriger Steve McAuley

Kristin Young Deborah Parrish Lakisha Steele Rhona Nelson Michella Taylor Barry Bagwell Mike Stratton Charles Rorie

Randy McKown Eric Bitler Rebecca Zamangi-Mander Jacque Coulthard

Robin Pariso Jim Manning Jeff Keith Julia Barela

Michael Durham Karl Ottesen Heather Smith Michael Moore Kristi Grimland Rebecca Hamilton

Todd Sims Teresa Womble Thomas Muhammad


Performance Pay Update — Results Through October 15, 2009

The latest results for the first tracking period of the Performance Pay Program are in! Medic has officially completed 217 out of the 300 patient surveys for this three month period. The Dispatch is proud to announce for the first time of this tracking period, we are currently ON TRACK in every area.

This means we are currently on target for our 65% patient satisfaction average. However, employees must keep in mind that we still have 83 surveys to go for this tracking period, so the average could fluctuate one way or the other. Please continue to use the AIDET approach during every patient encounter.

Please watch for future postings around Post 100 and the Dispatch for the final count, which will be completed on October 31, 2009.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Performance Pay Program, feel free to speak with your Supervisor or Jeff Keith anytime.

Medic Financial Standing vs. Budget: ON TARGET

Patient Satisfaction: 65 % Hospital Turn Times: 34:26

Response Time Compliance: P1 = 95.10%; P2 = 97.67%; P3 = 98.39%

CMED MPDS Compliance: 97.17% Agency Driver Safety Scoring Average: 8

Employee ROSC Recognition Event

Medic employees do some amazing things each and every day. EMS Magazine recognized the entire Agency for just this rea-son. On a more local level – we are getting ready to do some celebrating specific to the success we have with some of the most serious cases we see in this community on a pretty regular basis – sudden cardiac arrests. On November 5th, 2009 Medic is hosting a recognition event at CPCC to celebrate the Agency’s success with achieving ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) in sudden cardiac arrest patients. We have been consistently tracking such data since Jan 1, 2007. We are going to recognize every Medic field and CMED employee who had a hand in at least one ROSC from Jan 1, 2007 – Dec 31 2008. This encompasses roughly 250 Medic employees – some of which had a hand in one save while oth-ers participated in as many as ten! Our goal is to make this an annual event. This first recognition event will take place at CPCC’s Halton Theater. It will be in the evening and last for two hours. It will be public and include first responder partners, both hospital systems and members of city, county and state government. This event should garner strong media attention as well – a good thing for Medic’s image in the community overall. Invitations are arriving in mailboxes today and should contain most of the details you will be seeking. Unfortunately, budget constraints did not allow us to invite everyone in the Agency to the event on November 5th. That is why we are hosting a second event here at Medic the following week (details will follow later). Everyone with an ROSC save will be recognized between the two events. The invitation list for the November 5th event includes those with an ROSC save, their supervisors, those involved with train-ing, the OAs and the QI team. I apologize that we do not have the resources to invite everyone to the November 5th event – but again – we will have a second recognition event here at Medic the following week which will be open to anyone who does not get to attend the initial event on November 5th. We do some incredible work here at Medic, and we are intent on celebrating the success of Medic employees the best way we can despite the challenges associated with the 24/7 nature of our business. I wish we could simply host everyone at one event, but the nature of our business simply won’t allow that to occur. Everyone will get the chance to be recognized at one of the two events (1 at CPCC, 1 the following week at Medic), which is the best we can do under the circumstances. If you have any questions – please contact either Jeff Keith (6160) or Kristin Young (6165). Keep your eyes out for additional communications about this event in the future.


CMED In-Service Dates

Attention all CMED Employees! The following are the remaining In-Services dates for 2009:

2010 CMED In-Service dates will be released as soon as they are available.

Tuesday, December 8th and 15th Time: 1000 - 1400 Topic: TBD

Thanks to everyone who was able to make the trip to Atlanta! However, if you were unable to make the trip, there will be another ceremony here at Medic with the local media. More information on the second ceremony will be communicated to employees through the Dispatch and MedTV.

PLEASE READ: Important Training Information Please note: If you need to take a refresher course in either CPR, PALS or ACLS below are the last sessions offered this year. Class days and times can be found on the MEDIC Calendar on Page 8 of the Dispatch. If you have questions, please con-tact Robin Pariso at 6143.

The October CPR classes are the last classes until January 2010

The November PALS classes are the last classes until February 2010

The December ACLS classes are the last classes until March 2010

** As a reminder ALL employees must be in uniform for all training classes.

Atlanta Gold Award Trip Continued from Page 1



Plan Changes for 2010: Medical: Mecklenburg EMS Agency’s medical insurance for 2010 will continue to be administered by CIGNA with the following plan design changes:

• The lifetime maximum will increase from 1 million to 1.5 million

• A $50 increase in the emergency room co-pay

• The same options (Standard and Enhanced) will continue as will the two rate schedules (Tobacco and Non Tobacco)

Dental: Medic will offer two new dental plans administered by CIGNA. A standard and an enhanced dental plan will be offered.

Because we are changing dental vendors and adding an additional plan, all employees will be required to complete an enrollment form.

Important Information for 2010 Open Enrollment:

All Employees must fill out an Enrollment Form this year or will not have Health or Dental coverage for 2010.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA): A flexible spending account allows you to set up a tax-free savings account to help you pay for your family’s healthcare or dependent day care costs. Re-enroll for FSA each year. Fill out the Enrollment form in the FSA section of information if you choose to enroll.

Deadline is November 19th at 12 noon to turn-in forms to HR NO EXCEPTIONS!

Medical Insurance Opt Out/Waive: If you have other group coverage and do not want to participate in Medic’s medical plan for 2010, you may choose to opt out and medic will contribute $400 to your flexible spending accounts. See details in this packet. Mark this choice on the Enrollment Form.

Change of Name or Address: When filling out your Enrollment Form please include your most current name and address information so we can update our records. Please note that it is very important to keep this information current.

Important Notice for Tobacco Users: Employees who have used tobacco products within the past 12 months are defined as tobacco users and must use the Tobacco Rate Schedule. However, if that employee completes a Medic approved tobacco cessation program and remains tobacco free for 3 months following completion of that class, after the employee signs an affidavit of his/her non-smoking status, the employee can change to the Non Tobacco 2010 rate.

Coverage for Eligible Family Members: Family members eligible for all insurance plans include: spouse (legally married); biological/foster/adopted child to age 19 (to age 26 if the child is an unmarried, full-time student); stepchild to age 19 or to age 26 if unmarried full-time student and if the child lives with the employee in a parent-child relationship. Medic reserves the right to request proof of dependent eligibility at any time.

Continued on Page 7


On Monday, Medic received 500 more H1N1 injections. Kim Kuriger will be distributing the H1N1 injections on a first come, first serve basis during her office hours, which are list below:

There are still a few H1N1 injections left from this round - however, they are going quickly! Nurse Kim’s Office Hours Monday: 6:00 am – 4:00 pm

Tuesday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wednesday: OFF

Thursday: 6:00 am – 4:00 pm

Friday: 6:00 am – 4:00 pm If your schedule does not line up with any of these times – please email Nurse Kim Kuriger ( to make alternate arrangements. Further communications will be sent out as Medic receives the next shipment of H1N1 injections – and when/if this first ship-ment runs out. Remember, the vaccine is not mandatory. HOWEVER, anyone choosing to NOT receive the vaccination in one form or the other MUST sign a declination form through Nurse Kim Kuriger. She is tracking those who come by for vaccination or to sign the waiver form, so please take it upon yourself to see her and do one or the other. For more information on the H1N1 vaccination, please visit our Agency website at: Or con-tact Kim Kuriger at ext 6100.

Employees who will be receiving a Service Award this year need to go ahead and mark their calendars! The Agency has set a date of Thursday, December 10th after 5:00 pm.

This year the Service Awards will be a dinner instead of a breakfast and all honorees will be able to bring their families. To allow for

families and for a nice dinner, we will be hosting the event at Post 100 - exact location and time will be announced soon.

In addition, for those employees who will be receiving a service award this year and happen to be on shift the night of December 10th, will still be receiving a meal and will be presented their pins.

Those details will also be announced soon!

Please note the following employees to the left will be receiving a Service Award this year. If you have any questions please contact either Jeff Keith (6160) or Kristin Young (6165) in the Public Rela-tions Department.

Do you need your H1N1 vaccination?

Service Awards Date Announced

Danny Griffith Chris Milby Darrell Love Ken Murray Deborah Parrish Beth Rimmer Todd Childers Jamie Stanford Melissa Garifo John Stroup Doug Kennerly William Worthey Alan Maness Trevor Taylor Todd Sims Jonathan Wise Debbie Cash Marie Colbert Shari Lambeth Katie Currin Tim Marshburn Mariann Earwood Don Shue Russell Harrell Deanna Vandeventer Rebecca Lee Margaret Carmichael Gabe McGaha Tracy Gaskins Thomas Muhammad Virgil Leggett Jeremy Murphy Jim Norris Selina Olomua Tony Pattillo Gene Starnes Jacob Brod Angie Hulshult Bryan Edwards Pen Lee Jim Emerson Robin Pariso Randy McKown Don Singer Maureen Townes Michael Durham Scott Wilson


This year, Medic employees and their families/friends have the chance to attend a Charlotte Bobcats game for a discounted

price with plenty of opportunities for their entire family to share in the experience. But employees should act FAST because

tickets will be going fast!

WHEN: Saturday, November 14th at 6:00 pm

WHAT: Charlotte Bobcats vs. Portland Trailblazers

WHERE: Great LOWER LEVEL Seats for Everyone (Section 112)

Medic’s Honor Guard will Present the Colors for the National Anthem!

Check out what this AMAZING Package has to offer:

• Tickets are $8 per person – Maximum of 6 tickets available per employee

⇒ Includes a $10 food voucher & free Bobcats gift at the game for each person

⇒ Tickets can be paid for through payroll deduction • Up to 42 children* of Medic employees in attendance will get to go on the court with the players to participate in

the pre-game action, including:

⇒ High five lines for the players to run through when entering the court

⇒ Sitting on the Bobcat’s bench during player warm ups

⇒ Standing with the Bobcat players during the National Anthem.

• One child in attendance will received an AUTOGRAPHED BOBCATS JERSEY, which will be raffled off at the

game! This is an unbelievable opportunity to share with your family and co-workers. We only have 200 tickets avail-able for this event, so please act quickly.

Please contact Kim Krakower via email or at

ext: 6059 to purchase tickets. * This is only available to children ages 5-12 unless we do not fill all 42 slots. If we have more than 42 eligible chil-dren attending, we will choose participants by lottery prior to game day.

Family Night with the Charlotte Medic Bobcats!



December NC Recertification Testing

Below is a list individuals who need to sign up for NC Recertifi-cation Testing. If your name is on this list, please contact Robin

Pariso immediately to sign up for a session/testing (at 6143). If you have any additional questions about testing, please contact Robin as well.




TEST DATES: By Appt. Only – NO walk ins

DEC. 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21,









November In-Service Dates

November, 2009 *

10 Tuesday 6:00 p.m. – 10 p.m.

12 Thursday Noon – 4:00 p.m.

13 Friday 8:00 a.m. – Noon

16 Monday 8:00 a.m. – Noon and

6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

18 Wednesday 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

December, 2009 No continuing education sched-uled due to the holidays.

* November’s sessions occur one week early due to Thanksgiving holiday later in the month.

Continued from Page 4: Open Enrollment HR is Available to You:

An HR Representative will be available to answer your questions at all November In-Services starting 1 hour prior to the start

of the meeting and during the break.

Visit our Vendors and HR Reps at the Health, Safety, and Benefits Fair November 17th and 19th both days from 8:30

am to 11:30 am. Get your questions answered and get great give-a-ways!


A packet will be emailed as well as mailed to each Medic Employee’s home. Extra benefit forms and information are available in the Employee Crew Lounge, Post 100 Kitchen, or in the HR Department.

Medic HR Department Contact Information:

Phone: 704-943-6086 Leigh or 704-943-6083 Ronda

Hours: M,T,W,F 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Thursday 8:30 AM– 5:30 PM

Email:;; or


2009 Training Schedule

AHA Refresher Classes at Medic CLASS TIME: 1300-1700 - **except where otherwise noted LOCATION: MEDIC AUDITORIUM PALS NOV 6, 9, 13, 16 ACLS DEC 4, 7, 11, 14

NC Scope of Practice Recertification Testing


DEC 11, 12, 18, 19, 21

If you have any questions or to register for a class PLEASE contact the Education Coordinator at extension 6143.

Visit Us on the Web!

MEDIC Mecklenburg EMS Agency

4525 Statesville Road Charlotte, NC 28269

Tel: 704-943-6000 Fax: 704-943-6001

November 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B

5 B

ROSC Recognition Event

6 A

PALS Training

1300 - 1700

7 A

8 A 9 B

PALS Training

1300 - 1700

10 B

In-Service 6 pm - 10 pm

11 A 12 A

In-Service Noon - 4 pm

13 B

In-Service 8 am - 12 pm

PALS Training 1300 - 1700

14 B

15 B 16 A

In-Service 8 am - 12 pm and

6 pm - 10 pm

PALS Training 1300 - 1700

17 A

18 B

In-Service 6 pm - 10 pm

19 B

20 A

21 A

22 A 23 B

24 B

25 A

26 A



27 B

28 B

29 B

30 A

In-Service 6 pm - 10 pm



Medic Events


Recertification Testing

Medic Calendar