Media Tech Oct2010


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Media Technology – October 2010

Accomplished Objectives! Initiated New Position - Lighting Operator Mark Carson, Zach Price, Greg Casparian& Kat Deckert

Refined lighting in Sanctuary with adjusted light cues

Stage Manager - Mini-Service Rehearsal Sheri Copeland, Scott Shackelford & Amber Thailing

Site visit to Church of the Resurrection

Growth on FaceBook - Limit DVD Duplication FacebookFan Page - 576 visits in a week!

Goals for Next QT! Maintain Service needs for Teaching Pastors & Events

72 Words, Intersections & Guest Preachers

Covenant Conference Nov. 4th, 5th& 6th

Equipping our Volunteers Constant training (retraining) and monitoring

Final Cut Pro Certification

High-K Working “on” the ministry and not “in” it

2nd Annual Tech Appreciation Dinner


1) Effective uses of media in service: Memorial Stones, Pancake Breakfast/Ministry Fair Video, & Sandy’s Testimonial

2) Effective use of technology in sanctuary: Beth Moore Simulcast

3) Effective use of volunteers: stage managers &Kat Deckert