Media quest




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1) How old are you? ……………………………………

2) What is your gender?

Male …………………

Female ………………

3) What is your current occupation?

Working, if so what do you do? ……………………

A student ………………………

4) Do you read magazines often?

Yes ………………

No ...…………….

Occasionally …………

5) How often do you tend to buy a magazine?

More than once a week .....................

Once a week ..........................

Once a month .........................

Less than once a month ........................

6) What first attracts you to buy a magazine? (may select multiple answers)

Contents ......................

Front page ...................

Layout( fonts,colour scheme) .........................

The way words are used on the cover..........................

The type of people in it (celebrities) ..............................

Articles/stories inside ....................................................


7) What price would you be willing to pay for a magazine?

Less than £1 .................

£1-£2 .............................

£2-£3 .............................

£3+ ................................

8) What do you dislike about magazines?

News features .......................

Reviews/Interviews .................

Posters/Adverts .......................

Competitions ...........................

Other please state) .................................

9) What is your favourite type(s) of music?

Rock ..........................

Pop ............................

Indie ...........................

Dance .........................

Rap/Hip hop .................

Heavy Metal .................

Other(please state) ....................

10) Do you prefer to have a music magazine based on...

One select genre of music ........................

Mixed genres ...........................................

11) What parts of a music magazine do you prefer?

News Features .............................

Reviews/ Interviews ......................

Posters ...........................................

Other(please state) ........................

12) Which parts of a magazine do you dislike? (multiple answers)

News Features ..............................

Reviews/Interviews ......................

Posters ........................................

Adverts .......................................

Competitions .............................

Other(please state) ...................

13) What kind of photo do you prefer on the front of a magazine?

Close up of face .............................

Mid- shot of face ............................

Other(please state) .......................

14) What layout do you prefer? (please circle one)

15) Which colour scheme do you prefer on the front of the magazine?

Black and white ………………

Multicoloured ………………….

Centred picture with text around the edges.

Picture to one side with writing on the opposite side.

Image of a group that takes up whole cover with overlapped writing.

Large image with text at the top and bottom.

Other please draw.

Other (please state) ………………….

16) Which title for a magazine do you prefer? (select only one answer)

In Tune ……………………

Melody ……………………

Lyrical nosie ...............................

Catch the beat ........................

Rhythm nation .........................

17) Which font for the words used on the cover do you prefer?

Gill sans ultra bold ....... Princetown let .........Cooper Black ........ Stencil ..........Heattenschweiier ............... SYnchro let ..........Jazz let ...... Cracked ..............Marker felt ......... Onyx...................Kismet…..
