Media - Primeval (Gender) Essay



Primeval essay

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At the start of the clip, we are introduced to the scene with a male and a female character who seem to have a disagreement. The location of the scene is outside at a grassy area, near a forest. The lighting is very bright with the natural sunlight and clear blue sky.

An over the shoulder shot at a slight high angle used to portray the female talking suggests how the man is represented as powerful like the stereotypical male character in a drama. Along with this, there is non-diegetic sound of upsetting background music which perhaps indicates how the female is disappointed as she is shown to have walked off and got into a car. This is quite powerful as the mood of the female character causes the whole atmosphere to be in the same depressing mood. However, the following shot reverse shot of the man looking in the direction of where the woman is, suggest that both characters have equal power to one another.

Consequently, a sound bridge consisting of very tense music is used to situate the audience to the following scene in the forest. The lighting is less bright compared to the previous scene which suggests that there is a change in the mood, perhaps becoming tenser. The background music creates tension and suggests to the audience that something might happen. The camera tracks into the digger moving leftwards at the same time, to slowly reveal the character inside the digger, which the audience can eventually see is a woman. This perhaps surprises the audience because they may expect to see a man inside rather than a woman due to the stereotypes of men and women. Men are stereotypically thought to be strong and technical so digging would be considered as a man’s job, whereas females are considered to be weak and gentle and so digging would not usually be associated with women. This therefore highlights the power of this character as she breaks the stereotypical image of a woman.

After, a cutaway of a man dressed in a pink shirt with a black waistcoat, black hat, and black fingerless gloves is shown. The audience can see that he places a mysterious object on the ground very slowly and carefully. This character is portrayed as being different in terms of clothing, as other male characters are wearing either smart clothing or casual clothing but this character is wearing a mix of both. The wide shot used to display the position and actions of him reveals slight feminine characteristics with his careful and slow movements.

Then, it cuts back to the woman called Abby in the digger. A mid shot is used to reveal how she uses the digger comfortably, indicating she is

experienced in digging which further indicates her strength as women are less likely to be seen as professional with machinery and vehicles. Furthermore, using a mid shot allows the audience to see the appearance of Abby more clearly. Abby is shown to be wearing a black leather jacket which creates a strong and tough image to her, as it juxtaposes with the stereotypical girly image of wearing brightly colouring clothing. In addition, the audience are able to see that her hair is short which strengthens her tough image as it is more commonly seen on males than females. This indicates that she is perhaps strong and powerful unlike the stereotypical female, which illustrates a reverse in stereotypes.

Subsequently, a man wearing a light blue t-shirt with some faded mud stains is shown. This reveals how he is like the typical men people think, as men are stereotypically thought to be less focused on fashion and also regarded as dirty and they don’t really bother about getting their clothes dirty. The shot reverse shot of the man looking at the mud and the close up of the buried arm itself suggest his fear and worry from discovering it. This contrasts with what people may expect as men are stereotypically seen to be brave and strong.

Straight after, asynchronous sound of a sound perspective of an animal roaring hints that there is danger nearby. Then a point of view shot of the sabre-toothed tiger slowly walking slowly towards the man illustrates nit being frightening which creates tension as they are known to be strong and fierce which may potentially cause harm to the man. The loud sound effects of the tiger add to the horrifying image of it. A high angle shot of the man being attacked by the tiger portrays him as being weak and helpless which juxtaposes with the stereotypical characteristics of men –strong. Contrastingly, the low angle shot of the tiger creates a powerful and strong impression to the audience. Then it cuts away to the woman who is conveyed as the strong one who is rescuing the weak and frightened man.

Afterwards, a sound bridge is used to demonstrate continuity of the chase scene. The background music is yet again very tense with the fast beats of the percussion instruments which get the attention of the audience. An ariel shot is used to capture how the man runs towards the ladder. This could perhaps again suggest the weakness in the man as it seems like the audience are ‘looking down’ on him. Following this, a shot reverse shot of the man climbing the ladder and the tiger behind him roaring allows the audience to get a sense of how close together they are and so it build up more suspense. Then, an eyeline match of the man looking at the tiger reveals how he is constantly checking to see how close the tiger is to him, indicating his fear of the animal reaching to him. Afterwards, a shot

reverse shot is used again to portray how the man looks at the zip wire, suggesting to the audience that he plans to escape from the tiger by using the zip wire.

Eventually, the man takes off his belt and uses it to slide down the zip wire. A point of view shot is used to illustrate how he slides down the zip wire and sound effects of the contact of the belt and zip wire makes the scene more realistic. Subsequently, a close up and long shot of the man on the zip wire demonstrates the motion of him sliding further down on it. Then about halfway down the zip wire, a low angle shot is used to display how he is travelling down on it and then it tilts down on the tiger beneath him running along behind him. This again creates tension to the audience as they are aware that he could be in danger if he falls down. This was all collected together from continuity editing as it creates a sense of reality and time moving forward.

Shortly after, a cutaway of Abby reveals how she is running in the direction of the man and tiger. The audience are able to see that she is now holding a gun in her arm, suggesting her strength again.

When the man finally lands, he tumbles across the ground with the tiger only about a metre away from him. However a cutaway of Abby was inserted and this time she was firing the gun at the tiger, which causes it to leap over the man. Then a close up of the man’s face reveals his relieved and exhausted expression indicating his little strength, which contrasts with Abby who is constantly proving her power.

Later the camera tracks out leftwards and continues to move backwards to capture the movement of the four characters presented. In this scene, four men and one woman are shown to be in a conversation with the 360-degree turn of the camera, focusing on each character speaking. The fact that when one of the men arrives to discuss with the other people and Abby is the first one to ask a question, indicates her power among the group. This is also reinforced with the two shot of Abby and another man in a suit which suggest her authority within the group as she is standing next to a man who seems to have high status due to the stereotypes of men in suits being rich, intelligent and powerful.

Then the scene changes to a new location of a barn. A shot reverse shot is used to portray the conversation between the man and woman in the barn. It firstly focuses on the woman who is wearing a black low cut dress with a white coat and has obvious make-up on with her bright red lipstick. This character is being portrayed as seductive perhaps to convince the man to agree with her. This could indicate her power from her being able to use her sexuality to persuade others but at the same time it suggests

women’s powerlessness as they are seen as objects and are only able to convince others through their appearance. Then Mr West who seems to be a farmer is revealed. His clothing indicates his character as he wears a simple navy blue t-shirt with a sleeveless jacket commonly worn by farmers. Mr West is portrayed as being dominant in the conversation as he openly rejects the woman saying “No, I won’t stitched up.” This demonstrates the stereotypical speech of a man as they are usually considered to be the one in control in a conversation. Although there is slight hesitation at the beginning of his dialogue which suggests his weakness as it seems that he is kind of afraid to reject her. However he continues to depict his power by holding a gun against the woman. The sound effect of the gun shots generate shock to the audience and subsequent sound effects of the dogs barking adds to the tension of the scene, especially when it is slowed down when in sync with the dogs. This slowed down sound effect is used for emphasis to create suspense to the audience and perhaps illustrate Mr West being strong and the woman being helpless and fearful.

However, all the non-diegetic sound stops and another character’s dialogue interrupt the actions of Mr West. A man and Abby both holding a gun in their hands are revealed, immediately reducing Mr West’s dominance in the barn. Another man walks in behind the two and grabs hold of a shovel in position to attack Mr West as well. This suggest the slight femininity of this character again as he doesn’t have a gun like the other the other two, who are portrayed as having the typical characteristics of a man, being strong and brave. Mr West then surrenders as he is aware of his position being not good and not as strong as he may have imagined. The last shot was a close up of Mr West who displays a weak, confused and shocked expression reinforcing his powerlessness.
