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Media Kit 2019

2 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Rate sheet snapshot

Product Price Page

Best Of editions $4,500 page / $7,500 premier 12

Online ads $30–$50 CPM 39

eTOC sponsorship $1,800 top / $2,000 middle 39

SciClick Rates vary on frequency 11

Inserts and cover tips Starting at $6k, varies by journal 38

Webinar Starting at $20k 24

Leads on demand Starting at $10 per lead n/a

SnapShots Contact representative 16

Cell Press Selections Starting at $15k 14

Cell Picture Show Contact representative 19

Cell Press Videos Contact representative 19

i3 Contact representative 22

Posters Starting at $2 per poster 18

Coloring and comic books Contact representative 19

Journal Reader app $30k n/a

Social media Package dependent n/a

Cell Symposia Exhibition starting at $2k 26

Print ads $560–$7,171 38


Cell Press is committed to data privacy, and we’ve updated all our commercial business practices to comply with the new EU privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took effect on May 25, 2018. We see GDPR as building on Cell Press’s commitment to responsible data privacy and security practices. As part of our GDPR program, we evaluated, and where necessary made enhancements to, our products and services to ensure that we treat personal data in line with GDPR. During this transition, we kept our commercial partners front of mind, and you can be assured that leads generated through Cell Press products not only are high quality but also were collected with the proper care to today’s data privacy standards.

If you have any questions about Cell Press’s privacy program and how it affects our commercial products, please contact your sales representative. CellPress Media Kit 2019 3

Table of contents

Rate sheet snapshot 2

Table of contents 3

Demographics 4

Introduction 5

HubSpot Capabilities 6

Traditional media 8

Marketplace Recommendations 10

Best Ofs 12

Trends Limited Editions and Special Issues 13

Cell Press Selections 14

SnapShots 16

Custom capabilities 18

Research Arc 20

i3 data visualizations 22

Webinars 24

Cell Symposia 26

Cell Press Conversations 28

Cell Press research journals 30

Cell Press review journals 33

Society partner journals 34

Consortia publishing 36

Detailed demographics 37

Print rates 38

Online rates 39

Print advertisment sizes 40

Calendar 41

Dates and deadlines: research journals 42

Dates and deadlines: review journals 45

Contacts 47

4 CellPress Media Kit 2019


Our readers, your target audience

Based on user data (2017)


Asia 6%

Asia Paci�c 1.4%

0.6% Middle East

0.6% Africa

71.7%North America

South America1.8%

23.42%Hospital/Medical School

Government 6.07%



4.93% Other


25.74% PrincipalInvestigator

16.52% ResearchScientist

15.65% Professors/Educator

14.06% Postdoc Fellow


Dept Head5.17%

Other 4.48%

Undergrad Student0.74%


Research Technician1.64%

Lab Manager1.64%


Marketing/Sales Manager0.13%



Cancer Research/Oncology

Stem CellsMetabolism/


Developmental Biology






Plant Biology



Pharmacology/Drug Discovery

Energy Research

Ecology & Evolution

Infectious Diseases





Biophysics CellPress Media Kit 2019 5


As we go forward into 2019, it’s worth reflecting on how far we’ve come in the previous year. While Cell Press continues to set the goal posts for innovation in life science publishing, our progress has been fueled by the ever-more-valuable feedback we receive from our corporate and research audiences.

2018 saw one of Cell Press’s boldest entries into the open-access space with the release of iScience, a quick-to-publish interdisciplinary journal that features research at the cutting edge of both basic and applied science. We heeded the research community’s input and relaunched Sneak Peek, a tool that allows for papers under review to be shared and examined prior to publication, enabling greater and faster communication between labs. In partnership with the NCI and a global consortium of researchers, we published the Pan-Cancer Atlas, a seminal collection in cancer genomics 10 years in the making. We expanded our Chinese Editor-in-Residence program as we continue to increase our global reach in the most emergent geographies. And last but not least, we welcomed Dr. John Pham as the first new Editor-in-Chief of Cell in 15 years.

We also continued to meet researchers where they are, with eight amazing Cell Symposia covering the hottest areas in basic and translational research and another five LabLinks driving the open and collaborative exchange of ideas. At SfN, we hosted State of the Mind 2018, which provided a stage for a candid discussion between some of the most important minds in neuroscience. Our webinar program has never been stronger, as we attracted more highly engaged attendees than in any year prior. We continued to innovate the scientific article, developing interactive i3 data visualizations to drive insights and redesigning our article page to meet the needs of on-the-go mobile users.

As we broaden our publishing toolkit, we of course are cognizant of the feedback that our corporate marketing partners have given us. For the last several years, it has been apparent that penetration into the biopharma market is critical to your business success. In response, we’ve launched Research Arc, the first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed hub for the researchers in all phases of R&D, incorporating discovery-driven review and research content to empower scientists working on the next generation of therapeutic solutions.

As each year progresses, we work tirelessly to incorporate your feedback into what we do. We want to be your trusted partner in creating value-driven, timely, and memorable marketing solutions that help move the needle for your business all while empowering and enabling scientific discovery. Let us help you do this as we move through 2019.


Jonathan Christison, Commercial Director

As each year progresses, we work tirelessly to incorporate your feedback into what we do.

6 CellPress Media Kit 2019

HubSpot Capabilities

Optimized for your needs

For more than 40 years, Cell Press has set the standard in peer-reviewed life-science publishing. But we recognize the need to keep adapting in order to maintain this record of excellence. We want to be your partner as scientific content and user behavior evolve, and we’re proud to partner with HubSpot to give you unparalleled access to your customers.

HubSpot is the most advanced inbound marketing software on the market. HubSpot’s CRM allows us to track user behavior across and qualify leads by the pages they visit, links they click, and forms they complete. By learning how our audience behaves, we can help steer your messaging to the most qualified leads and help you drive business.

Look for the HubSpot sprocket next to products throughout this kit that can be enhanced with HubSpot marketing capabilities. CellPress Media Kit 2019 7

HubSpot Capabilities

HubSpot Case Study

Step 1: Create compelling content

Work with your sales representative and the Cell Press editorial team to create a compelling piece of content to interact with our qualified audience. Products like Cell Press Selections (page 14), Special Issues (page 13), and webinars (page 24) can all be equipped with lead generation and nurturing capabilities.

Step 2: Qualify your leads

Our HubSpot-certified marketing team will help you create a registration campaign to ensure that we are gathering the most qualified leads. We will find new content to share with your customers in order to promote multiple layers of interaction and information gathering.

Step 3: Follow up with more great content

By feeding more impactful research and products to your new leads, we can further determine their lab needs and help understand their research.

Step 4: Gather your leads, dig into the data

Each one of your leads tells a story and helps you learn about your audience. Work with our team to gain insights about the behavior and trends of your leads, drive sales, and enhance your pipeline.

Step 5: Keep the conversation going!

Now that you know your audience, keep them moving down the funnel. Further segment your audience and gather new early-stage leads with a consistent, relevant stream of content.

Lead generation campaigns are all custom built and priced.

8 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Traditional media

Eliminate the competition

With Sponsorship Roadblock advertising, you can own all of the advertising space on any journal page. Utilize the different advertisement units to deliver an incredibly powerful advertising experience. Talk to your sales representative to explore the possibilities!


Our banners are now responsive! To improve ad visibility, the leaderboard banner will hover with content on desktop and mobile devices

As screens gradually permeate each aspect of our lives, banner advertising generates awareness for your brand or product in the moment your targeted customer is in their “science zone”. Readers come to, individual journal homepages, and the Elsevier online platform ScienceDirect to read and research the latest great science. Choose from standard banners, flash banners, and rich media.

Geo-target your markets. Select regional targets to push specific examples and messaging. Cater to international customers with distinct messaging!

Standard banner

• Acceptable formats: .gif and/or .jpeg

• Animations should run for less than three rotations or 30 seconds

• All ads with a white background must include a colored border

• All available ad sizes

Flash banner

• Animations should run for less than three rotations or 30 seconds

• All ads with a white background must include a colored border

• Flash ads should use Click-Tag. When submitting rich media, an alternate .gif is required

• 336 x 280 pixels

• 728 x 90 pixels

Specifications CellPress Media Kit 2019 9

Expandable media

Get creative! Cell Press now allows dynamic ad units such as expandables and advanced animation. Capture the researchers’ attention and put more emphasis on your messaging.

Campaign Subscribers Average Open Rate

AJHG 22,681 26%

Biophysical Journal 22,646 29%

Cancer Cell 30,253 32%

Cell 61,203 39%

Cell Chemical Biology 15,365 22%

Cell Host & Microbe 15,115 28%

Cell Metabolism 21,239 26%

Cell Reports 21,017 37%

Cell Stem Cell 24,207 30%

Cell Systems 4,452 29%

Chem 7,319 41%

Current Biology 29,717 23%

Developmental Cell 22,156 33%

Immunity 23,462 31%

Molecular Cell 34,497 35%

Molecular Plant 4,574 22%

Molecular Therapy 2,261 36%

Molecular Therapy – Methods & Clinical Developments

2,749 30%

Molecular Therapy – Nucleic Acids 2,551 30%

Molecular Therapy – Oncolytics 2,440 27%

Neuron 26,136 33%

Stem Cell Reports 21,972 31%

Structure 11,354 22%

Trends in Biochemical Sciences 16,707 26%

Trends in Biotechnology 19,691 24%

Trends in Cancer 7,155 34%

Trends in Cell Biology 26,102 29%

Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14,445 26%

Trends in Ecology & Evolution 12,471 25%

Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism

11,510 21%

Trends in Genetics 22,108 27%

Trends in Immunology 20,269 27%

Trends in Mircobiology 15,091 23%

Trends in Molecular Medicine 18,567 25%

Trends in Neurosciences 24,342 32%

Trends in Parasitology 8,168 15%

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 12,344 21%

Trends in Plant Science 11,312 20%

10 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Marketplace Recommendations

It’s contextual, with a PhD

Discover a comprehensive marketing solution. Our readers turn to Cell Press for landmark discoveries and a host of fascinating article formats, including our highly popular Previews, Minireviews, and Reviews. Generate maximum awareness through Marketplace Recommendations.

Rather than guessing where your messaging should land, our Marketplace Recommendations tool uses SciClick software to read every article in real time and match it to product notes that you’ve supplied. This ensures that every reader is being shown your relevant product lines at every juncture of their research.

Marketplace Recommendations with Cell Press offers an unrivaled opportunity to drive Cell Press readers directly to your applications and products relevant to their work.

• Drive highly qualified traffic to your website from a robust content-rich environment

• Deliver a focused and targeted message alongside first-rate, peer-reviewed content

• SciClick Contextual Link Advertising utilizes a unique search algorithm to match your message in context with the content on to drive traffic to your specifically chosen URL


• Customized campaign with campaign optimization manager

• Unlimited SciClick Contextual Link Advertising

• Unlimited outbound clicks

• Monthly updates and edits

• Comprehensive analytics

Advertising package includes CellPress Media Kit 2019 11

Marketplace Recommendations


Incorporate your text-based ads alongside relevant premium content on to connect with the reader in the most relevant moment. SciClick Contextual Link Advertising utilizes a unique search algorithm to match your message in context with content to drive traffic to your site. Each time a visitor views editorial content that is related to your organization, SciClick delivers your links, getting the right message to the right person at the right time.

• Able to match up to 30 applications/URLs

• Ads mimic supplemental material

• Native advertising

• Unlimited article-level exposure

• Deliver a targeted message alongside first-rate, peer-reviewed content

• Drive highly qualified traffic to your website

• Pay-per-Click and Unlimited Click packages available


Click the research title

Kits for relevant assays


12 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Best Ofs

Align your brand with the best

The Best Of series is a Cell Press institution. These highlight collections bring together the top research and reviews from across our portfolio of high-impact journals. Papers in each Best Of edition are chosen based on citations and reader download data, ensuring a top-flight collection of research that your audience will love. Best Ofs are distributed at every major conference throughout the year and are made available as lead-generating digital editions as well.

Best Of editions are distributed to your audience at all of the following conferences:

Edition Distribution Tentative Deadline

Best Of Molecular Cell: Tech SLAS 04-Jan-19

Best Of Biophysical Journal In all attendee bags, Biophysical Society annual meeting 01-Feb-19

Best Of Cell Metabolism ENDO 22-Feb-19

Best Of Cancer Cell AACR 01-Mar-19

Best Of Molecular Therapy Family of Journals In all attendee bags, ASGCT annual meeting 25-Mar-19

Best Of Immunity AAI 11-Apr-19

Best Of Cell Host & Microbe ASM 23-May-19

Best Of Cell Stem Cell In all attendee bags, ISSCR annual meeting 29-May-19

Best Of Stem Cell Reports In all attendee bags, ISSCR annual meeting 29-May-19

Best Of AJHG In all attendee bags, ASHG annual meeting 17-Sept-19

Best Of Neuron SFN 14-Oct-19

Best Of Cell ASCB 01-Nov-19

Best Of Cell Reports ASCB 01-Nov-19

Best Of Developmental Cell: Imaging ASCB 01-Nov-19 CellPress Media Kit 2019 13

Trends Limited Editions and Special Issues

Tentative schedule for 2019 Special Issues

Journal Topic Tentative Deadline

Cell Stem Cell Stem Cell Mechanisms of Cancer January

Cell Human Genetics February

Cell Host & Microbe Phages February

Neuron Neural Mechanisms Underlying Disease March

Neuron Psychiatric Research April

Immunity Cytokines April

Trends in Immunology Emerging Immunotherapies April

Cell Host & Microbe Microbes and Drugs June

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences AI in Pharma June

Trends in Parasitology Malaria June

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Rethinking Hormones June

Cell Host & Microbe Plant Microbe Interactions August

Neuron Reviews in Neuroscience October

Trends in Immunology Hallmarks of Neuroimmunology November

Trends in Cancer AI in Cancer and Medicine TBD

Trends Limited Editions

Bring impact into scope

Trends Limited Editions are thematically driven collections from across our Trends review journal portfolio. Zeroing in on the most bustling fields in life science, Trends Limited Editions provide an up-to-the-minute overview of advancements made from across the scientific spectrum.

Special Issues

Join us at the vanguard

Every year, Cell Press journals publish Special Issues centered around emerging and hot topics in the fields they lead. Special Issues are designed to generate and drive discussion among experts in that journal’s field. Ensure your brand is part of the conversation by sponsoring a reprint of a Special Issue.


Ongoing series

• Your choice from more than 30 Special Issues published across Cell Press’s primary research, Trends, and partner journals

• Exclusively sponsored issue reprint

• Print edition for promotional distribution at exhibitions

• Digital edition with average 500 leads per issue

• Perspectives on Cancer

• High-Impact Genomics

• Reviews in Neuroscience

• Perspectives in Stem Cell Research

14 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Cell Press Selections

Choose your target, own the topic

Align your product or brand with the highest-impact research and reviews on a topic of your choice. Selections are editorially curated reprint collections that highlight a particular area of science customized to highlight your brand’s expertise through content. Selections come in both print and lead-generation digital formats and are designed to capture the most exciting science published across all our journals.

Each Selection is accompanied by an aggressive marketing campaign that drives the audience to your messaging. Selections average more than 500 leads per edition over the 3-month promotional window. Marketing plan includes:

• 60,000 banners on

• 6 social media posts across Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

• Booth distribution at relevant conferences, LabLinks, and Cell Symposia

• Featured promotion on relevant journal homepages

• Optional polybagging with Cell Press journal distribution CellPress Media Kit 2019 15

Cell Press Selections

• Exclusively branded compendium incorporating high-impact articles and reviews

• Print edition for promotional distribution or at exhibitions

• Fully interactive digital edition with lead generation

• Digital edition sent to Cell Press subscribers, minimum 35,000 recipients

• Average 500 well-qualified leads per Selection


Web banners

Digital edition

Download form

Print edition

16 CellPress Media Kit 2019



The world of science at a glance

SnapShots are one-page reference guides that illustrate important topics and processes in cell and molecular biology, encapsulating diverse subjects ranging from silencing by small RNAs to bladder cancer. SnapShots have endured as one of Cell Press’s most popular content features, averaging more than 3,500 downloads per year. They can be presented in a variety of different ways—in print or electronic formats—to meet your marketing message. Ask your sales representative about enhanced, interactive SnapShots and downloadable PDFs.

Most downloaded SnapShots of 2018

Title Journal Downloads

TCGA-Analyzed Tumors Cell 7,169

Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Contact Sites

Cell 6,801

Cellular Senescence Pathways Cell 6,629

CGAS-STING Signaling Cell 5,574

Circadian Clock Cell 5,467

Class 2 CRISPR-Cas Systems Cell 4,557

Mitochondrial Nucleoid Cell 4,275

Abscisic Acid Signaling Cell 4,021

Channel Gating Mechanisms Cell 3,744

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Cancer Cell 3,501 CellPress Media Kit 2019 17


SnapShot posters

Give your brand some staying power with SnapShot wallchart. Scientists love hanging these visual resources on the walls and cabinets of their labs and using them as a quick reference during their daily work. Distribute at scientific meetings or polybag with an issue of a Cell Press journal. SnapShot posters can also be blown in with Best Ofs, Cell Press Selections, and Special Issues—ask your sales representative about custom distribution and packaging options.

SnapShot booklets

Compile a handy booklet of topically linked SnapShots to align with your brand or product. SnapShot booklets cut straight to the chase, grouping together 10-12 SnapShots from across Cell Press journals. SnapShot booklets provide an easy desktop resource that your target audience will keep coming back to. Choose a topic, and we’ll build a visual narrative around it.

Ongoing SnapShot booklet series

• Top 10 Cancer Research SnapShots

• Top 10 Cell Biology SnapShots

• Top 10 Immunology SnapShots

• Top 10 Neuroscience SnapShots

• Top 10 Stem Cell Research SnapShots

18 CellPress Media Kit 2019


Our editors and art team will work together to create intuitively designed posters to showcase your brand alongside a relevant biological process or pathway that resonates with your target audience. Custom posters can be polybagged or blown in to any issue of a Cell Press journal or developed in conjunction with a Best Of, Cell Press Selection, or Special Issue. Time your poster with a key annual meeting to maximize the number of leads visiting your booth.

Anything is possible with Cell Press

Cell Press is your partner in custom publishing. Though we offer a multitude of off-the-shelf options for you to purchase, we’re also keen to work with brands on developing new custom products that leverage our content and multimedia assets. Schedule a chat with your sales representative about how we can leverage our talents and audience to help serve your marketing needs.


The annual Cell Picture Show calendar is one of the most anticipated booth giveaways at early-year meetings. Scientists love to pin these calendars up and mark down their key dates for the year. Do you want a spot on their wall? Talk to your sales representative about compiling a custom calendar that matches your business goals.

Custom capabilities CellPress Media Kit 2019 19

Custom capabilities

Coloring books

Several years ago, we created Coloring with Cell, a coloring book exploring Sammy the Cell’s world of cellular biology. This became so incredibly popular with scientists, educators, and children that we’re at it again! We are excited to bring a series of Color-In Comics to our readers. These comics will be graphical representations of a scientific process, left black and white for your coloring pleasure.

These books are our most popular giveaway at shows and events. Take an opportunity to have exclusive branding and show your support for science education in an alternate environment, connecting with the local community and educational establishments.


Own a corner of with a custom website. We created products like Cell Picture Show—a gallery series featuring striking images in cell, developmental, and molecular biology—and Cell Press Videos—a portal to all the greatest video content published in Cell Press journals—to drive eyes to our sponsors’ products, and we can do the same for you. Talk to your sales representative about creating a custom visual, digital solution on

20 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Research Arc

Your gateway to the bio-pharma market

Research Arc is Cell Press’s newest product, offering our sponsors access to R&D professionals in the bio pharmaceutical community. Research Arc is the destination for up-to-date peer-reviewed research on the latest trends, delivery mechanisms, and policies that will affect the future of therapeutics.

Targeted to support innovation from discovery to diagnostics, Research Arc gives you access to the well-funded non-academic market.


Research Arc’s homepage is updated monthly with new papers, infographics, videos, and collections tailor made for the R&D community. Papers are categorized based on which step in the drug development process they apply to (Discovery, Research and Development, Preclinical, Clinical Trials, Diagnostics, and Policy), making them easy to browse and digest.

Email newsletters

R&D scientists are even more pressed for time than their counterparts in academia, so we made Research Arc subscribable. A readers simply inputs their email address, and they’re delivered a monthly update of all the new content added to the homepage. CellPress Media Kit 2019 21

Research Arc

Print collections

For researchers that prefer to browse by subject, Research Arc routinely publishes print collections focused on the most emergent topics and techniques translating from the bench to therapeutics. Print collections contain only need-to-know advances, and Cell Press is constantly releasing new volumes and distributing them for free at key meetings to keep R&D scientists updated on how academia is pushing industry forward.


Custom infographics are published in the front of all print collections, delivering key information at a glance. Deliver longer-lasting impact by sponsoring a custom poster or digital spread of an infographic to be delivered directly to your prospects in bio-pharma.

22 CellPress Media Kit 2019

i3 data visualizations

Bring your customers’ curiosity to life

Information, interpretation, and insight: these are the three tenants that make up our data visualization product, i3. i3 visualizations offer you the opportunity to captivate and delight your audience, allowing them to quickly navigate and absorb mounds of data in an instant. Using a d3 JavaScript library, Cell Press can create totally custom resources that bring customer-relevant data to life and keep users actively engaged.

We can transform any spreadsheet of data points into a beautiful, unique visualization. Users spend 12 times longer viewing an i3 than an average webpage, meaning your brand will get maximum exposure to a curious audience.

For the latest i3 visualization, visit


• Exclusive sponsorship of a data-rich portal on

• Direct association with leading Cell Press editorial content

• Lead generation through a coordinated webinar, Cell Press Selection, or Special Issue

• Sponsor-provided content promoted on page CellPress Media Kit 2019 23

i3 data visualizations

24 CellPress Media Kit 2019


Our network. Your audience. Together live.

Connect with our highly qualified audience of senior scientists and researchers through educational Cell Press webinars. For the scientist, webinars are free access to the top scientists in their field. For your brand, webinars are a pipeline of qualified, active leads. We will work with you to align speakers, content, and audiences and generate maximum impact. The recorded webinar then becomes available on demand at, meaning your audience will continue to grow long after the event takes place. CellPress Media Kit 2019 25


Average Webinar PerformanceYear Live Leads On-Demand Leads Total Leads2018 1,572 201 1,7732017 1,285 201 1,4862016 1,234 348 1,4552015 1,319 395 1,713

Top-Performing WebinarsWebinar Speakers Live



LeadsCRISPR: The Next Generation J. Keith Joung and Rodolphe Barrangou 2,996 943 3,939Diverse Applications of CRISPR Feng Zhang and Luciano Marraffini 2,717 572 3,289Super-Resolution Imaging of Neurons Daniel Choquet, Xiaowei Zhuang, and Stehpan Sigrist 1,414 1,605 3,019Imaging CRISPR Bo Huang and Gene Yeo 2,098 642 2,740Tumor-Immune Crosstalk Miriam Merad, Matthew Krummel, and Andy Minn 2,268 248 2,516

26 CellPress Media Kit 2019


February 24–26, 2019 • Singapore

May 5–7, 2019 • Sitges, Spain

May 12–14, 2019 • Berlin, Germany

Single Cells: Technology to Biology

Exercise Metabolism

Regulatory RNAs

A revolution is underway, unleashed by the study of single cells, in our understanding of cell identity, diversity, development, and function. The emerging technologies for single-cell “omics” for the study of genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes are becoming increasingly widespread, with some of the most exciting advances enabling multimodal analyses and systems biology assays that perturb and record at single-cell resolution. Perhaps even more far reaching are single-cell in situ sequencing and imaging-based methods that offer an unparalleled perspective on the biology of individual cells within tissues. The application of this knowledge

for precision medicine is also not far from reality, as one can easily imagine a time when a standard blood test or biopsy will include single-cell profiling to aid in diagnosis or to monitor treatment.

The overarching goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for sharing and disseminating cutting-edge technologies, biological insights, and biomedical applications in the field of single-cell analysis. Come join us in Singapore, a global crossroads and scientific hub, for stimulating discussions and to build bridges between the expanding and interconnected international efforts in single-cell biology.

The aim of this symposium is to bring together a diverse set of exercise physiologists, systems biologists, circadian biologists, nutritional experts, and other strategic leaders at the intersection of

energy management in health and disease to accelerate the rate of our mechanistic understanding of the beneficial effects of exercise and its integration with nutrition toward tailored personalized medicine.

Between the DNA blueprint and the protein machines it encodes lies a wealth of RNA molecules. These RNAs serve to increase genetic diversity, but as we have also come to appreciate, RNAs also serve a much richer function and can take on regulatory roles

themselves. New methods that allow analysis at the single-cell and single-molecule levels have provided us with a greater ability to understand the significance of these functions with greater precision than before.

Get together with your audience and our KOLs

The global network of scientists in academia, business, and government is being targeted to generate a highly qualified audience from the Cell Press community. Our sponsors and exhibitors have the opportunity to network face-to-face with some of the leading names in the field and to build brand awareness and partnerships with international delegates.

Use your presence to:

• Increase brand awareness via both onsite and pre-event exposure

• Enhance relationships with existing customers and meet new ones

• Generate sales leads and educate the market

• Demonstrate products or services and launch new products

• Seek international partners and form new alliances

• Elevate your company profile within the community

• Increase visibility in focused markets

• Communicate your message to a highly qualified scientific community

For further information on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact your sales representative. CellPress Media Kit 2019 27

Symposia and workshops

September 22–24, 2019 • Long Beach, CA, USA

October 20–22, 2019 • Chicago, IL, USA

November 17–19, 2019 • Seattle, WA, USA

November 17–19, 2019 • Xiamen, China

August 25–27, 2019 • San Diego, CA, USA

Neuro-Immune Axis: Reciprocal Regulation in Development, Health, and Disease

Transcriptional Regulation

Hallmarks of Cancer

Next-Generation Materials for Energy Applications

Engineering Organoids and Organs

The goal of this symposium is to explore the interface between the nervous and immune systems during development, homeostasis, and disease. The meeting will examine the mediators, mechanisms, and implications of neuro-immune crosstalk in the central and peripheral nervous systems. It will also cover emerging areas such

as the neuronal regulation of peripheral immune function and the influence of the microbiota on the brain. We will bring together researchers from across the fields of neuroscience and immunology to facilitate discussion of exciting new concepts and developments in both fields.

The precise regulation of gene expression is necessary for organismal development, and changes in gene expression regulation underlie many evolutionary adaptations. Defective transcriptional regulation can lead to developmental disorders and disease. Through the combination of novel new technologies, genetics, evolutionary biology, biochemistry, and molecular, cell,

and computational biology, many layers of transcriptional regulation have been uncovered and dissected. This meeting will address several of these areas, including basic transcriptional control, enhancer structure and function, chromatin packaging, epigenetics, and phase separation.

As one of the most investigated areas in biomedical research, the cancer field is rapidly advancing by translating biological insights towards better detection and therapeutics, including molecular classifications as well as immunotherapies. In the era of the genetically informed, emerging concepts in cancer biology and oncology research are colliding into precision medicine. In order to accelerate the development of personalized cancer therapies and further translate fundamental discoveries into the clinic, there must be open lines of communication at the interface between the lab and the clinic.

Our goal in organizing Hallmarks of Cancer is to convene global leaders in the cancer research arena to enhance our understanding of the key aspects of cancer and how to promote translation of this knowledge into the development of targeted therapeutics. We aim to provide a high-impact, high-profile forum for exchanging ideas and establishing a dialogue among clinicians, scientists, and drug development companies.

The ability to generate mini-organs with higher-order function has tremendous potential for disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine applications. To build these higher-order structures, researchers are pursuing many strategies, particularly those involving organoids, which harness developmental principles and self-guided assembly, as well as chimeric organ engineering. These efforts have resulted in the development of more physiologically relevant models, including pathological models of disease and cancer, further advancing therapeutic development and personalized medicine. Despite this promising progress, both of these

strategies have inherent limitations, which burgeoning bioengineering advances, such as genome engineering, microfluidics, and biomaterials, among many others, are now just beginning to address.

The goal of this Cell Symposia is to bring scientists studying organoids and organ engineering together with bioengineers to discuss the exciting opportunities and challenges for engineering complexity in higher-order organ-like systems and to foster collaborations and synergize efforts toward generating cellular platforms that can address a myriad of unmet needs.

28 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Cell Press Conversations

An unparalleled brand opportunity

Arranged to bring the top minds in a given field together, Cell Press Conversations are unique branding and partnership opportunities. At one of the major scientific events of the year, we create an evening of impactful discussion and discovery by gathering a panel of the most revered and influential KOLs to discuss the state of science.

The entire evening is turned into a networking and social event with unrivaled access to top names in the field, leading editors, and peers in an elegant environment of celebration and learning. Cell Press Conversations started in 2012 with Hallmarks of Cancer, and since then, they have become incredibly anticipated evenings in annual conference cycle.

Contact with your sales representative to discuss sponsoring a Cell Press Conversation at your target meeting. CellPress Media Kit 2019 29

Cell Press Conversations

Past Cell Press ConversationsTitle Conference Panelists AttendeesState of the Mind 2013

SfN 2013 Tobias BonhoefferHolly ClineGrae DavisNancy IpClay ReidDavid Van EssenHuda ZoghbiEric Kandel


Immunology Unplugged

AAI 2015 Rafi AhmedYasmine BelkaidRonald GermainDan LittmanGwen RandolphShannon TurleyJedd Wolchok


What’s Next? Big Topics in Cancer Immunology

AACR 2016 Aviv RegevTom GajewskiDan ChenPam SharmaMichel SadelainJerome GalonIra MellmanCatherine Wu


The Intersection of Oncology, Immunology, and Precision Medicine

AACR 2017 José BaselgaEdison LiuElaine MardisMargaret ShippCharles SwantonJedd Wolchok


State of the Mind 2018

SfN 2018 Anne ChurchlandRui CostaFred GageEarl MillerKay TyeHongkui ZengSteve Hyman


30 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Cell Press research journals

Cell Press: the best of the best• 47% of our readers are the lead decision maker in their company or lab

• Consistently the highest impact factor in the biology category

• Discipline-leading journals in all life science verticals

• Increased translational content offerings

• Trends and review content provide invaluable insights

Relevance and impact factorAt Cell Press, we understand that impact factor is just one measure of journal performance, and you can find additional metrics at:

26 issues per year

• Molecular biology (transcription, RNAi splicing, RNA editing, DNA replication and repair, protein synthesis and editing, protein modification and degradation, and chromatin)

• Cell biology (cell cycle, subcellular organization, protein and membrane transport, protein folding and stability, and signal transduction)

• Systems biology

• Stem cells

• Human disease (infectious diseases including HIV and other viruses, cancer, and human disease genes)

• Developmental biology (differentiation and morphogenesis, organogenesis, sex determination, stem cell biology, apostosis, and embryology in all model organisms including plants, mice, fish, flies, chicks, and worms)

• Genetics and genomics (bacterial regulation, fly and worm genetics, and eukaryotic genomics)

• Proteomics

• Cancer research

• Immunology (T cell selection, lymphocytes and immunoglobulins, and somatic hypermutation)

• Neuroscience (learning and memory, neuronal guidance and connections, and synaptic transmission)

• Structural biology

• Microbiology

• Virology

• Physiology (receptors, hormone action, obesity, and lifespan)

• Evolution

• Biophysics

• Computational biology

12 issues per year• Genetics, epigenetics, and genomic


• Cell signaling and communication

• Cell cycle and DNA repair

• Diagnostics (molecular profiling and pharmacogenomics)

• Telomerase and transformation

• Apoptosis

• Angiogenesis and metastasis

• Animal models

• Cancer therapy (rational drug design and small-molecule and biological-molecule therapeutics)

12 issues per year• Chemical insights into signaling, catalysis,

and gene expression• Novel chemical and biological methods for

molecular design, synthesis, and analysis• Glycomics• Chemical genetics• Chemistry and biology of natural and

unnatural biopolymers• The use of natural and designed molecules

as probes of cellular pathways• Drug design• The nature of molecular recognition in

biological systems• Novel procedures for the large-scale

analysis of genes and proteins• Functional and structural genomics• Molecular basis of evolution

12 issues per year• Molecular and cell biology of microbes

• Microbial pathogenesis

• Host cellular and immune response to microbes

• Immune evasion

• Therapeutics

• Evolution, epidemiology, and natural history of microbes

• Vaccine design, development, and trials

• Emerging pathogens

12 issues per year• Diabetes

• Obesity

• Energy balance

• Cardiovascular disease

• Adipocyte and lipid biology

• Aging and stress response

• Mitochondria

• Hypertension

• Bone homeostasis

• Molecular endocrinology

Impact Factor

22.844Impact Factor


Impact Factor


Impact Factor

17.872Impact Factor

20.565 CellPress Media Kit 2019 31

Cell Press research journals

52 issues per year• Open-access, online-only

• High-quality papers across life science spectrum

• Focus on shorter, single-point articles, entitled Reports, in addition to longer articles

• The primary criterion for both types of formats is new biological insight

12 issues per year• Embryonic stem cells• Pluripotency• Germline stem cells• Tissue-specific stem cells• Stem cell differentiation• Epigenetics• Stem cell genomics and systems biology• Genome reprogramming• Cancer stem cells• Stem cell niches• Stem cell-based disease models• Nuclear transfer technology• Bioengineering• Drug discovery• In vivo imaging of stem cells• Therapeutic applications• Regenerative medicine• Clinical and translational insights• Stem cell research policies, ethical

issues, and technical or resource-based innovations

12 issues per year• Systems at all scales

• Microbiology

• Cancer

• Immunology

• Plant biology

• Computational biology

• Genomics

• Proteomics

• Translational medicine

• Digital healthcare

• Biological engineering

• Systems and synthetic biology

24 issues per year• Cell biology, including cell signaling,

cell-cycle regulation, and apoptosis

• Developmental biology

• Cellular and systems neuroscience

• Neurobiology and behavior

• Cancer biology

• Gene expression, including genomics and proteomics

• DNA and RNA metabolism, including transcription and translation

• Immunology

• Ecology and evolution

Impact Factor

9.616Impact Factor


Impact Factor

8.032Impact Factor


Impact Factor


Impact Factor


Impact Factor


Impact Factor


24 issues per year• Cell migration

• Cell polarity

• Cell proliferation

• Developmental roles of genes or pathways

• Differentiation

• Evolutionary relationships

• Genome-wide analysis

• Intracellular targeting

• Membrane traffic

• Morphogenesis

• Signaling pathways

12 issues per year• Immune cell development and


• Signal transduction

• Gene regulation

• Innate and adaptive immunity

• Cytokines and inflammatory responses

• Autoimmunity and tolerance

• Infectious disease

• Tumor immunology

• Vaccine biology

• Transplantation biology

• Allergy and asthma

24 issues per year• Gene expression and transcriptional

and epigenetic regulation

• DNA replication, recombination, and repair

• RNA processing

• Translation

• Protein folding, modification, and degradation

• Signal transduction

• Cell cycle

• Cell death

• Systems biology

24 issues per year• Developmental neurobiology

• Cellular and molecular neuroscience

• Synaptic transmission and plasticity

• Ion channel structure and function

• Behavioral and systems neuroscience

• Cognitive neuroscience

• Neurological and psychiatric disease

• Computational neurobiology

32 CellPress Media Kit 2019

12 issues per year• Atomic resolution analysis

• X-ray crystallography

• Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

• Computational analyses, simulations, and predictions

• Electron microscopy

• Neutron scattering

• Hydrodynamics

• X-ray absorption spectroscopy

• Biochemical studies

• Biophysical analyses

• Fluorescence energy transfer

• Design, construction, and analysis of novel protein and RNA structures

• Catalytic activities

• Medium- to low-resolution structural analysis

• Single-molecule analysis

• Small-angle X-ray scattering

• Emerging methods in structure determination

12 issues per year

Chem publishes work from across the chemical sciences and at the interfaces between chemistry and other disciplines. Chem showcases how fundamental studies in chemistry and its sub-disciplines may help in finding potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow.

• Organic chemistry

• Inorganic chemistry

• Physical chemistry

• Materials science

• Nanoscience

• Catalysis

• Chemical biology

• Analytical chemistry

• Supramolecular chemistry

• Theoretical chemistry

• Computational chemistry

• Green chemistry

• Energy and environmental chemistry

• Atmospheric chemistry

• Food chemistry

12 issues per year

Joule is a home for outstanding and insightful research, analysis, and ideas addressing a key global challenge: the need for more sustainable energy. Joule is a distinctive and forward-looking journal, bridging disciplines and scales of energy research, which connects all who are researching and analyzing the challenges – scientific, technical, economic, policy, and social – of providing sustainable energy solutions.

• Batteries and supercapacitors

• Biofuels and biotechnology

• Carbon capture and storage

• Energy access, security, and behavior

• Energy grids and networks

• Energy-harvesting devices

• Energy policy and economics

• Fuel cells and electrocatalysis

• Geothermal energy

• Hydrogen storage and energy

• Materials for energy systems

• Nuclear power

• Solar energy

• Techno-economic analysis and life-cycle assessment

• Transportation fuels

• Wave energy, wind energy, and hydroelectricity

12 issues per year

Life sciences• Cancer

• Cell biology

• Development

• Immunology

• Metabolism

• Microbiology

Physical sciences• Chemistry

• Energy

• Material science

• Physics

• Polymer science

Environmental sciences• Climate science

• Atmospheric science

• Ecology and evolution

• Hydrology

• Solid earth science

Impact Factor


Cell Press research journals

NEW IN2017

NEW IN2018

Impact Factor

14.104 CellPress Media Kit 2019 33

Cell Press review journals

Impact Factor

15.678Impact Factor

13.578Impact Factor

6.859Impact Factor


Impact Factor

15.557Impact Factor

15.938Impact Factor


Impact Factor

10.556Impact Factor

14.188Impact Factor

11.776Impact Factor


Impact Factor

1.439Impact Factor

7.929Impact Factor

12.108Impact Factor


NEW IN2019

34 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Society partner journals

Cell Press is proud to publish eight journals on behalf of learned societies, including the American Society of Human Genetics, the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, the Biophysical Society, and the International Society of Stem Cell Research as well as partner institutions such as the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Society of Plant Biology.

Impact Factor

8.855Impact Factor

3.495Impact Factor

9.326Impact Factor

6.53712 issues per year

• Behavioral genetics

• Biochemical genetics

• Clinical genetics

• Cytogenetics

• Dysmorphology

• Gene therapy

• Genetic counseling

• Genetic epidemiology

• Genomics

• Immunogenetics

• Molecular genetics

• Neurogenetics

• Population genetics

24 issues per year

• Channels, receptors, and electrical signaling

• Proteins

• Biophysical theory and modeling

• Cell biophysics

• Photobiophysics

• Membranes

• Spectroscopy, imaging,and other techniques

• Muscle and contractility

• Supramolecular assemblies

• Bioenergetics

• Nucleic acids

• Electrophysiology

12 issues per year

• Cellular biology

• Physiology

• Biochemistry

• Molecular biology

• Genetics

• Development

• Plant-microbe interaction

• Genomics

• Bioinformatics

• Molecular evolution

12 issues per year

• Embryonic stem cells

• Adult stem cells

• Reprogramming to pluripotency and lineage conversion

• Directed differentiation

• Germ cells

• Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms

• Stem cells in development

• Stem cell niche

• Cancer stem cells

• Disease modeling and drug screening

• Stem cell therapy

• Clinical studies in regenerative medicine

• Tissue engineering and biomaterials

• Imaging and diagnostics

• Stem cell products, manufacturing, and quality control

• Ethical, legal, and social issues


Molecular Therapy family of journals

Cell Press is delighted to announce our partnership with the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy to publish the Molecular Therapy family of journals. Commencing January 2017, this premier collection of journals in the exciting areas of molecular and cellular therapeutics is published alongside the high-quality, cutting-edge research that you’ve come to expect from Cell Press journals.

Impact Factor

7.008Impact Factor

3.681Impact Factor

5.660Impact Factor

3.69012 issues per year

Molecular Therapy is the leading international journal for research on the development of molecular and cellular therapeutics to correct genetic and acquired diseases, including, but not limited to, research on gene transfer and editing, vector development and design, stem cell manipulation, vaccine development, pre-clinical target validation, safety/efficacy studies, and clinical trials.

4 issues per year

Molecular Therapy — Methods & Clinical Development is an open-access journal publishing top-quality, novel methods, as well as significant improvements to established research techniques in basic, translational, and clinical cell and gene therapy. Topics of interest include gene vector engineering and production, methods for targeted genome editing and engineering, technology development for cell reprogramming, and directed differentiation of pluripotent cells.

4 issues per year

Molecular Therapy — Nucleic Acids publishes research targeted to the advances in nucleic acid-based therapeutics to treat and/or correct genetic and acquired disease. Subject areas include development of therapeutics based on nucleic acids and their derivatives, vector development and design for the delivery of RNA-based therapeutics, and applications of gene-modifying agents.

4 issues per year

Molecular Therapy — Oncolytics is an international, open-access journal focusing on the development and clinical testing of viral, cellular, and other biological therapies targeting cancer. While providing a unique forum for work in the burgeoning fields of oncolytic virotherapy, as well as T cell- and stem cell-based therapies, the journal will consider all top-quality research that employs innovative molecular and cellular approaches that target cancer cells for


Society partner journals

36 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Consortia publishing

As research has become increasingly collaborative and globalized, publishers have been forced to adapt, and Cell Press has become the premier home for wide-scale, high-impact consortia publications. In the past three years, we’ve published seminal research packages from the Next Generation Genetic Association Studies (NextGen) Consortium, the International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC), and most notably, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) consortium.

Consortia publication is an extremely integrated, comprehensive event at Cell Press, spanning several of our leading titles and spurring the creation of coinciding i3 data visualizations, webinars, SnapShot posters, and Cell Press Selections. Ask your sales representative about how your brand can integrate with the next consortium package publishing at Cell Press. CellPress Media Kit 2019 37

Detailed demographics

Monthly visits per journal per region

Journal Name Asia Pacific US/Canada Rest of World UK/Europe Grand Total

Biophysical Journal 16,323 28,346 1,981 17,449 64,098

Cancer Cell 28,294 38,545 1,400 20,957 89,196

Cell 239,250 344,604 20,753 212,342 816,948

Cell Chemical Biology 8,056 11,920 633 7,645 28,253

Cell Host Amp Microbe 11,927 19,697 1,558 10,935 44,117

Cell Metabolism 28,071 51,144 4,044 30,381 113,640

Cell Reports 44,150 74,957 3,319 49,065 171,491

Cell Stem Cell 26,234 37,431 1,842 21,779 87,285

Cell Systems 5,090 12,367 362 7,007 24,824

Chem 12,509 6,324 343 4,801 23,977

Current Biology 40,809 89,424 7,408 60,591 198,232

Developmental Cell 16,576 23,761 903 16,971 58,211

Immunity 28,690 42,594 2,432 26,280 99,996

Iscience 4,642 5,967 471 4,342 15,422

Joule 7,929 8,788 374 4,959 22,050

Molecular Cell 32,717 48,924 1,890 33,438 116,970

Molecular Plant 12,707 5,374 821 5,011 23,913

Molecular Therapy 10,160 18,386 880 9,175 38,600

Molecular Therapy Methods Amp Clinical Development 1,174 2,537 104 1,161 4,975

Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 2,616 2,965 195 1,855 7,631

Molecular Therapy Oncolytics 312 544 19 261 1,136

Neuron 37,501 82,349 4,546 46,678 171,075

Stem Cell Reports 11,838 12,974 562 9,555 34,928

Structure 6,500 9,923 735 7,868 25,026

The American Journal Of Human Genetics 8,192 18,263 1,381 11,017 38,852

Trends In Biochemical Sciences 10,749 12,998 1,615 10,541 35,903

Trends In Biotechnology 15,202 11,354 2,428 10,415 39,398

Trends In Cancer 5,586 8,527 602 5,735 20,450

Trends In Cell Biology 9,991 12,557 1,196 10,686 34,431

Trends In Cognitive Sciences 7,864 14,919 1,648 13,939 38,371

Trends In Ecology Amp Evolution 7,462 14,337 3,224 11,887 36,910

Trends In Endocrinology Amp Metabolism 7,154 8,410 1,393 6,951 23,908

Trends In Genetics 8,398 11,902 1,431 9,276 31,006

Trends In Immunology 9,558 13,601 1,585 9,893 34,637

Trends In Microbiology 8,560 10,002 2,360 8,264 29,186

Trends In Molecular Medicine 7,930 10,158 1,219 7,609 26,915

Trends In Neurosciences 7,998 13,959 1,462 10,943 34,361

Trends In Parasitology 3,746 4,388 2,579 4,260 14,973

Trends In Pharmacological Sciences 8,067 9,103 1,463 7,315 25,947

Trends In Plant Science 13,287 8,866 2,834 9,173 34,160

Grand Total 773,818 1,163,185 85,989 758,405 2,781,396

38 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Print rates

Journal Full Page Full Page Half Page Half Page 1/3 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page

B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color

Cell $4,585 $6,374 $2,391 $4,181 $1,911 $3,700 $1,450 $3,228

Neuron $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242

Cancer Cell $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242

Molecular Cell $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242

Molecular Therapy $4,585 $6,374 $2,391 $4,181 $1,911 $3,700 $1,450 $3,228

Immunity $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242

AJHG $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242

Current Biology $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Developmental Cell $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Cell Chemical Biology $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Structure $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Cell Metabolism $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Cell Host & Microbe $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Cell Stem Cell $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Biophysical Journal $1,198 $2,744 $714 $2,262 $560 $2,108 $427 $1,974

Trends $1,914 $3,556 $1,004 $2,647 $794 $2,435 $599 $2,242


B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color B/W 4 Color

Cell $4,983 $6,772 $5,379 $7,171 $4,386 $6,175 $4,983 $6,772

Neuron $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727

Cancer Cell $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727

Molecular Cell $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727

Molecular Therapy $4,983 $6,772 $5,379 $7,171 $4,386 $6,175 $4,983 $6,772

Immunity $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727

AJHG $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727

Current Biology $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Developmental Cell $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Cell Chemical Biology $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Structure $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Cell Metabolism $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Cell Host & Microbe $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Cell Stem Cell $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Biophysical Journal $1,497 $3,045 $1,618 $3,167 $1,320 $2,822 $1,497 $3,045

Trends $2,084 $3,727 $2,246 $3,888 $1,832 $3,500 $2,084 $3,727 CellPress Media Kit 2019 39

Website Ad Slot Size Page (Position) Price Pricing Model

Cell Press (, all titles,

run of site or targeted per journal

Cell Press eTOC

728 x 90

336 x 280

728 x 90 336 x 280

All pages

Journal homepages








ScienceDirect,* target one title only

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$40 $50







ScienceDirect,* target one title up to 20,000 impressions monthly

All $1,100 Sponsorship

ScienceDirect,* target one scientific discipline

120 x 600

728 x 90 280 x 300

180 x 150 160 x 600

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

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Online rates

40 CellPress Media Kit 2019

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Print advertisment sizes CellPress Media Kit 2019 41


Bonus Distribution means your advertisement will have broad visibility at key meetings and conferences throughout 2018. Cell Press journals will have extensive presence at many Keystone Symposia, Cell Symposia, LabLinks meetings, and additional society and annual meetings worldwide.

Society and Annual MeetingsConference/Meeting Name Start Date End Date Location

Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening 06/02/19 09/02/19 Washington, DC, USA

Biophysical Society 02/03/19 06/03/19 Baltimore, ML, USA

American Chemical Society - Spring 31/03/19 04/04/19 Orlando, FL, USA

American Association for Cancer Research 29/03/19 03/04/19 Atlanta, GA, USA

American Association of Immunologists 09/05/19 13/05/19 San Diego, CA, USA

American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy 10/05/19 13/05/19 Washington, DC, USA

American Society for Microbiology 20/06/19 24/06/19 San Francisco, CA, USA

International Society for Stem Cell Research 26/06/19 29/06/19 Los Angeles, CA, USA

American Chemical Society - Fall 25/08/19 29/08/19 San Diego, CA, USA

NIH - Fall Research Festival September 2019

September 2019

Bethesda, MD, USA

American Society of Human Genetics 15/10/19 19/10/19 Houston, TX, USA

Society for Neuroscience 19/10/19 23/10/19 Chicago, IL, USA

Materials Research Society - Fall 01/12/19 06/12/19 Boston, MA, USA

American Society for Cell Biology 07/12/19 11/12/19 Washington, DC, USA

American Geophysical Union 09/12/19 13/12/19 San Francisco, CA, USA

Cell SymposiaConference/Meeting Name Start Date End Date Location

Single Cells: Technology to Biology 24/02/19 26/02/19 Singapore

Exercise Metabolism 05/05/19 07/05/19 Sitges, Spain

Regulatory RNAs 12/05/19 14/05/19 Berlin, Germany

Engineering Organoids and Organs 25/08/19 01/08/19 San Diego, CA, USA

Neuro-Immune Axis: Reciprocal Regulation in Development, Health, and Disease 22/09/19 24/09/19 Long Beach, CA, USA

Transcriptional Regulation 20/10/19 22/10/19 Chicago, IL, USA

Hallmarks of Cancer 17/11/19 19/11/19 Seattle, WA, USA

Next Generation Materials for Energy Applications 17/11/19 19/11/19 Xiamen, China

Cell Press LabLinksConference/Meeting Name Date Location

Single Molecule Biophysics March 2019 New York, NY, USA

Frontiers in Molecular Immunology TBD Los Angeles, CA, USA

Tools & Tricks for Drugging the Undruggable TBD Cambridge, MA, USA

CO2: from Waste to Resource TBD Cambridge, MA, USA

Genetics of Human Disease TBD Chicago, IL, USA

Viruses TBD Wuhan, China

Microbial Genomics  Early 2020 Boston, MA, USA

42 CellPress Media Kit 2019

American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG)

Volume(Issue) 104(1) 104(2) 104(3) 104(4) 104(5) 104(6) 105(1) 105(2) 105(3) 105(4) 105(5) 105(6)

Issue Date 03-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 04-Apr-19 02-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 01-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 03-Oct-19 07-Nov-19 05-Dec-19

Ad Close 04-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 05-Apr-19 09-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 06-Nov-19

Materials Due 11-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 15-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 16-May-19 13-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 15-Aug-19 13-Sep-19 18-Oct-19 13-Nov-19

Biophysical Journal (BPJ)

Volume(Issue) 116(1) 116(2) 116(3) 116(4) 116(5) 116(6) 116(7) 116(8) 116(9) 116(10) 116(11) 116(12)

Issue Date 8-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 5-Feb-19 19-Feb-19 5-Mar-19 19-Mar-19 2-Apr-19 23-Apr-19 7-May-19 21-May-19 4-Jun-19 18-Jun-19

Ad Close 07-Dec-18 20-Dec-18 08-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 20-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 27-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 24-Apr-19 07-May-19 21-May-19

Materials Due 14-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 27-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 01-May-19 14-May-19 29-May-19

Volume(Issue) 117(1) 117(2) 117(3) 117(4) 117(5) 117(6) 117(7) 117(8) 117(9) 117(10) 117(11) 117(12)

Issue Date 9-Jul-19 23-Jul-19 6-Aug-19 20-Aug-19 3-Sep-19 17-Sep-19 1-Oct-19 15-Oct-19 5-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 3-Dec-19 17-Dec-19

Ad Close 10-Jun-19 24-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 24-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 20-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 18-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 23-Oct-19 04-Nov-19 18-Nov-19

Materials Due 17-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 31-Jul-19 13-Aug-19 27-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 25-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 30-Oct-19 11-Nov-19 25-Nov-19

Cancer Cell (CCELL)

Volume(Issue) 35(1) 35(2) 35(3) 35(4) 35(5) 35(6) 36(1) 36(2) 36(3) 36(4) 36(5) 36(6)

Issue Date 14-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 18-Mar-19 15-Apr-19 13-May-19 10-Jun-19 08-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 16-Sep-19 14-Oct-19 11-Nov-19 09-Dec-19

Ad Close 13-Dec-18 11-Jan-19 19-Feb-19 19-Mar-19 15-Apr-19 13-May-19 07-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 19-Aug-19 13-Sep-19 15-Oct-19 08-Nov-19

Materials Due 20-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 26-Feb-19 26-Mar-19 22-Apr-19 20-May-19 14-Jun-19 23-Jul-19 26-Aug-19 20-Sep-19 22-Oct-19 15-Nov-19

Cell (CELL)

Volume(Issue) 176(1 and 2) 176(3) 176(4) 176(5) 176(6) 177(1) 177(2) 177(3) 177(4) 177(5) 177(6) 177(7)

Issue Date 10-Jan-19 24-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 21-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 04-Apr-19 18-Apr-19 02-May-19 16-May-19 30-May-19 13-Jun-19

Ad Close 11-Dec-18 26-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 24-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 22-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 22-Mar-19 05-Apr-19 19-Apr-19 02-May-19 16-May-19

Materials Due 18-Dec-18 03-Jan-19 17-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 01-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 26-Apr-19 09-May-19 23-May-19

Volume(Issue) 178(1) 178(2) 178(3) 178(4) 178(5) 178(6) 179(1) 179(2) 179(3) 179(4) 179(5) 179(6) 179(7)

Issue Date 27-Jun-19 11-Jul-19 25-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 22-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 03-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 31-Oct-19 14-Nov-19 27-Nov-19 12-Dec-19

Ad Close 31-May-19 12-Jun-19 26-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 26-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 22-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 20-Sep-19 04-Oct-19 18-Oct-19 31-Oct-19 13-Nov-19

Materials Due 07-Jun-19 19-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 19-Jul-19 02-Aug-19 15-Aug-19 29-Aug-19 13-Sep-19 27-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 25-Oct-19 07-Nov-19 20-Nov-19

Cell Host & Microbe (CHOM)

Volume(Issue) 25(1) 25(2) 25(3) 25(4) 25(5) 25(6) 26(1) 26(2) 26(3) 26(4) 26(5) 26(6)

Issue Date 09-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 08-May-19 12-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 14-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 13-Nov-19 11-Dec-19

Ad Close 10-Dec-18 16-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 14-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 15-May-19 11-Jun-19 18-Jul-19 13-Aug-19 10-Sep-19 17-Oct-19 12-Nov-19

Materials Due 17-Dec-18 24-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 17-Apr-19 22-May-19 18-Jun-19 25-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 17-Sep-19 24-Oct-19 19-Nov-19

Cell Metabolism (CMET)

Volume(Issue) 29(1) 29(2) 29(3) 29(4) 29(5) 29(6) 30(1) 30(2) 30(3) 30(4) 30(5) 30(6)

Issue Date 08-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 07-May-19 04-Jun-19 02-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 03-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 03-Dec-19

Ad Close 07-Dec-18 07-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 09-Apr-19 07-May-19 05-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 04-Nov-19

Materials Due 14-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 14-May-19 12-Jun-19 17-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 11-Nov-19

Cell Reports (CELREP)

Volume(Issue) 26(1) 26(2) 26(3) 26(4) 26(5) 26(6) 26(7) 26(8) 26(9) 26(10) 26(11) 26(12) 26(13)

Issue Date 02-Jan-19 08-Jan-19 15-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 19-Feb-19 26-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 12-Mar-19 19-Mar-19 26-Mar-19

Ad Close 03-Dec-18 07-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 20-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 08-Jan-19 15-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 20-Feb-19 27-Feb-19

Materials Due 10-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 21-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 08-Jan-19 15-Jan-19 23-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 20-Feb-19 27-Feb-19 06-Mar-19

Volume(Issue) 27(1) 27(2) 27(3) 27(4) 27(5) 27(6) 27(7) 27(8) 27(9) 27(10) 27(11) 27(12) 27(13)

Issue Date 02-Apr-19 09-Apr-19 16-Apr-19 23-Apr-19 30-Apr-19 07-May-19 14-May-19 21-May-19 28-May-19 04-Jun-19 11-Jun-19 18-Jun-19 25-Jun-19

Ad Close 06-Mar-19 13-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 27-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 10-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 24-Apr-19 30-Apr-19 07-May-19 14-May-19 21-May-19 29-May-19

Materials Due 13-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 27-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 10-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 24-Apr-19 01-May-19 07-May-19 14-May-19 21-May-19 29-May-19 05-Jun-19

Volume(Issue) 28(1) 28(2) 28(3) 28(4) 28(5) 28(6) 28(7) 28(8) 28(9) 28(10) 28(11) 28(12) 28(13)

Issue Date 02-Jul-19 09-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 23-Jul-19 30-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 13-Aug-19 20-Aug-19 27-Aug-19 03-Sep-19 10-Sep-19 17-Sep-19 24-Sep-19

Ad Close 05-Jun-19 10-Jun-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 10-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 24-Jul-19 31-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 13-Aug-19 20-Aug-19 27-Aug-19

Materials Due 12-Jun-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 10-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 24-Jul-19 31-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 13-Aug-19 20-Aug-19 27-Aug-19 04-Sep-19

Volume(Issue) 29(1) 29(2) 29(3) 29(4) 29(5) 29(6) 29(7) 29(8) 29(9) 29(10) 29(11) 29(12) 29(13)

Issue Date 01-Oct-19 08-Oct-19 15-Oct-19 22-Oct-19 29-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 12-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 26-Nov-19 03-Dec-19 10-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 24-Dec-19

Ad Close 04-Sep-19 11-Sep-19 18-Sep-19 25-Sep-19 02-Oct-19 09-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 23-Oct-19 30-Oct-19 04-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 18-Nov-19 25-Nov-19

Materials Due 11-Sep-19 18-Sep-19 25-Sep-19 02-Oct-19 09-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 23-Oct-19 30-Oct-19 06-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 18-Nov-19 25-Nov-19 04-Dec-19

Dates and deadlines: research journals CellPress Media Kit 2019 43

Cell Stem Cell (STEM)

Volume(Issue) 24(1) 24(2) 24(3) 24(4) 24(5) 24(6) 25(1) 25(2) 25(3) 25(4) 25(5) 25(6)

Issue Date 03-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 04-Apr-19 02-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 01-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 03-Oct-19 07-Nov-19 05-Dec-19

Ad Close 04-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 05-Apr-19 09-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 06-Nov-19

Materials Due 11-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 15-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 16-May-19 13-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 15-Aug-19 13-Sep-19 18-Oct-19 13-Nov-19

Cell Systems (CELS)

Volume(Issue) 8(1) 8(2) 8(3) 8(4) 8(5) 8(6) 9(1) 9(2) 9(3) 9(4) 9(5) 9(6)

Issue Date 23-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 22-May-19 26-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 28-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 23-Oct-19 27-Nov-19 18-Dec-19

Ad Close 20-Dec-18 30-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 28-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 30-May-19 25-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 28-Aug-19 24-Sep-19 31-Oct-19 19-Nov-19

Materials Due 31-Dec-18 06-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 04-Apr-19 02-May-19 06-Jun-19 02-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 07-Nov-19 26-Nov-19

Cell Chemical Biology (formerly Chemistry & Biology) (CCBIO)

Volume(Issue) 26(1) 26(2) 26(3) 26(4) 26(5) 26(6) 26(7) 26(8) 26(9) 26(10) 26(11) 26(12)

Issue Date 17-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 18-Apr-19 16-May-19 20-Jun-19 18-Jul-19 15-Aug-19 19-Sep-19 17-Oct-19 21-Nov-19 19-Dec-19

Ad Close 17-Dec-18 24-Jan-19 22-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 18-Apr-19 23-May-19 19-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 18-Sep-19 25-Oct-19 20-Nov-19

Materials Due 26-Dec-18 31-Jan-19 01-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 25-Apr-19 31-May-19 26-Jun-19 26-Jul-19 29-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 01-Nov-19 27-Nov-19

Chem (CHEM)

Volume(Issue) 5(1) 5(2) 5(3) 5(4) 5(5) 5(6) 5(7) 5(8) 5(9) 5(10) 5(11) 5(12)

Issue Date 10-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 14-Mar-19 11-Apr-19 09-May-19 13-Jun-19 11-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 12-Sep-19 10-Oct-19 14-Nov-19 12-Dec-19

Ad Close 11-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 15-Mar-19 11-Apr-19 16-May-19 12-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 14-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 18-Oct-19 13-Nov-19

Materials Due 18-Dec-18 25-Jan-19 22-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 18-Apr-19 23-May-19 19-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 18-Sep-19 25-Oct-19 20-Nov-19

Current Biology (CURBIO)

Volume(Issue) 29(1) 29(2) 29(3) 29(4) 29(5) 29(6) 29(7) 29(8) 29(9) 29(10) 29(11) 29(12)

Issue Date 07-Jan-19 21-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 18-Feb-19 04-Mar-19 18-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 22-Apr-19 06-May-19 20-May-19 03-Jun-19 17-Jun-19

Ad Close 06-Dec-18 20-Dec-18 07-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 19-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 26-Mar-19 09-Apr-19 23-Apr-19 06-May-19 20-May-19

Materials Due 13-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 26-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 16-Apr-19 30-Apr-19 13-May-19 28-May-19

Volume(Issue) 29(13) 29(14) 29(15) 29(16) 29(17) 29(18) 29(19) 29(20) 29(21) 29(22) 29(23) 29(24)

Issue Date 08-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 19-Aug-19 09-Sep-19 23-Sep-19 07-Oct-19 21-Oct-19 04-Nov-19 18-Nov-19 02-Dec-19 16-Dec-19

Ad Close 07-Jun-19 21-Jun-19 09-Jul-19 23-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 26-Aug-19 10-Sep-19 24-Sep-19 08-Oct-19 22-Oct-19 01-Nov-19 15-Nov-19

Materials Due 14-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 30-Jul-19 19-Aug-19 03-Sep-19 17-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 15-Oct-19 29-Oct-19 08-Nov-19 22-Nov-19

Developmental Cell (DEVCEL)

Volume(Issue) 48(1) 48(2) 48(3) 48(4) 48(5) 48(6) 49(1) 49(2) 49(3) 49(4) 49(5) 49(6)

Issue Date 07-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 25-Feb-19 11-Mar-19 25-Mar-19 08-Apr-19 22-Apr-19 06-May-19 20-May-19 03-Jun-19 17-Jun-19

Ad Close 06-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 11-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 26-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 26-Mar-19 08-Apr-19 22-Apr-19 06-May-19 20-May-19

Materials Due 13-Dec-18 04-Jan-19 22-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 19-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 19-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 15-Apr-19 29-Apr-19 13-May-19 28-May-19

Volume(Issue) 50(1) 50(2) 50(3) 50(4) 50(5) 50(6) 51(1) 51(2) 51(3) 51(4) 51(5) 51(6)

Issue Date 01-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 19-Aug-19 09-Sep-19 23-Sep-19 07-Oct-19 21-Oct-19 04-Nov-19 18-Nov-19 02-Dec-19 16-Dec-19

Ad Close 04-Jun-19 21-Jun-19 09-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 09-Aug-19 26-Aug-19 09-Sep-19 20-Sep-19 08-Oct-19 22-Oct-19 01-Nov-19 15-Nov-19

Materials Due 11-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 29-Jul-19 19-Aug-19 03-Sep-19 16-Sep-19 27-Sep-19 15-Oct-19 29-Oct-19 08-Nov-19 22-Nov-19

Immunity (IMMUNI)

Volume(Issue) 50(1) 50(2) 50(3) 50(4) 50(5) 50(6) 51(1) 51(2) 51(3) 51(4) 51(5) 51(6)

Issue Date 15-Jan-19 19-Feb-19 19-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 21-May-19 18-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 17-Sep-19 15-Oct-19 19-Nov-19 17-Dec-19

Ad Close 14-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 20-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 21-May-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 18-Sep-19 23-Oct-19 18-Nov-19

Materials Due 21-Dec-18 29-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 01-May-19 29-May-19 24-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 30-Oct-19 25-Nov-19

Molecular Cell (MOLCEL)

Volume(Issue) 73(1) 73(2) 73(3) 73(4) 73(5) 73(6) 74(1) 74(2) 74(3) 74(4) 74(5) 74(6)

Issue Date 03-Jan-19 17-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 21-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 04-Apr-19 18-Apr-19 02-May-19 16-May-19 06-Jun-19 20-Jun-19

Ad Close 04-Dec-18 18-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 24-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 22-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 22-Mar-19 05-Apr-19 19-Apr-19 09-May-19 23-May-19

Materials Due 11-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 01-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 26-Apr-19 16-May-19 31-May-19

Volume(Issue) 75(1) 75(2) 75(3) 75(4) 75(5) 75(6) 76(1) 76(2) 76(3) 76(4) 76(5) 76(6)

Issue Date 11-Jul-19 25-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 22-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 03-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 07-Nov-19 21-Nov-19 05-Dec-19 19-Dec-19

Ad Close 12-Jun-19 26-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 26-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 22-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 20-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 25-Oct-19 06-Nov-19 20-Nov-19

Materials Due 19-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 19-Jul-19 02-Aug-19 15-Aug-19 29-Aug-19 13-Sep-19 27-Sep-19 18-Oct-19 01-Nov-19 13-Nov-19 27-Nov-19

Dates and deadlines: research journals

44 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Molecular Plant (MOLP)

Volume(Issue) 12(1) 12(2) 12(3) 12(4) 12(5) 12(6) 12(7) 12(8) 12(9) 12(10) 12(11) 12(12)

Issue Date 07-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 04-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 06-May-19 03-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 02-Sep-19 07-Oct-19 04-Nov-19 02-Dec-19

Ad Close 06-Dec-18 04-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 08-Apr-19 06-May-19 04-Jun-19 09-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 09-Sep-19 08-Oct-19 01-Nov-19

Materials Due 13-Dec-18 11-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 15-Apr-19 13-May-19 11-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 16-Sep-19 15-Oct-19 08-Nov-19

Molecular Therapy (MT)

Volume(Issue) 27(1) 27(2) 27(3) 27(4) 27(5) 27(6) 27(7) 27(8) 27(9) 27(10) 27(11) 27(12)

Issue Date 02-Jan-19 06-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 08-May-19 05-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 02-Oct-19 06-Nov-19 04-Dec-19

Ad Close 03-Dec-18 09-Jan-19 06-Feb-19 14-Mar-19 11-Apr-19 08-May-19 06-Jun-19 11-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 10-Oct-19 05-Nov-19

Materials Due 10-Dec-18 16-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 18-Apr-19 15-May-19 13-Jun-19 18-Jul-19 14-Aug-19 12-Sep-19 17-Oct-19 12-Nov-19

Neuron (NEURON)

Volume(Issue) 101(1) 101(2) 101(3) 101(4) 101(5) 101(6) 102(1) 102(2) 102(3) 102(4) 102(5) 102(6)

Issue Date 02-Jan-19 16-Jan-19 06-Feb-19 20-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 08-May-19 22-May-19 05-Jun-19 19-Jun-19

Ad Close 03-Dec-18 17-Dec-18 09-Jan-19 23-Jan-19 06-Feb-19 21-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 11-Apr-19 25-Apr-19 08-May-19 22-May-19

Materials Due 10-Dec-18 26-Dec-18 16-Jan-19 30-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 28-Feb-19 14-Mar-19 28-Mar-19 18-Apr-19 02-May-19 15-May-19 30-May-19

Volume(Issue) 103(1) 103(2) 103(3) 103(4) 103(5) 103(6) 104(1) 104(2) 104(3) 104(4) 104(5) 104(6)

Issue Date 03-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 21-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 25-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 23-Oct-19 06-Nov-19 20-Nov-19 04-Dec-19 18-Dec-19

Ad Close 06-Jun-19 18-Jun-19 11-Jul-19 25-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 28-Aug-19 12-Sep-19 26-Sep-19 10-Oct-19 24-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 19-Nov-19

Materials Due 13-Jun-19 25-Jun-19 18-Jul-19 01-Aug-19 14-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 03-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 31-Oct-19 12-Nov-19 26-Nov-19

Stem Cell Reports (STEMCR)

Volume(Issue) 12(1) 12(2) 12(3) 12(4) 12(5) 12(6) 13(1) 13(2) 13(3) 13(4) 13(5) 13(6)

Issue Date 08-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 09-Apr-19 14-May-19 11-Jun-19 09-Jul-19 13-Aug-19 10-Sep-19 08-Oct-19 12-Nov-19 10-Dec-19

Ad Close 07-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 14-May-19 10-Jun-19 17-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 09-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 11-Nov-19

Materials Due 14-Dec-18 23-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 23-Apr-19 21-May-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 16-Sep-19 23-Oct-19 18-Nov-19

Structure (STFODE)

Volume(Issue) 27(1) 27(2) 27(3) 27(4) 27(5) 27(6) 27(7) 27(8) 27(9) 27(10) 27(11) 27(12)

Issue Date 02-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 07-May-19 04-Jun-19 02-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 03-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 03-Dec-19

Ad Close 03-Dec-18 07-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 09-Apr-19 07-May-19 05-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 04-Nov-19

Materials Due 10-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 14-May-19 12-Jun-19 17-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 11-Nov-19

Joule (JOUL)

Volume(Issue) 3(1) 3(2) 3(3) 3(4) 3(5) 3(6) 3(7) 3(8) 3(9) 3(10) 3(11) 3(12)

Issue Date 16-Jan-19 20-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 17-Apr-19 15-May-19 19-Jun-19 17-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 18-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 20-Nov-19 18-Dec-19

Ad Close 14-Dec-18 23-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 17-Apr-19 22-May-19 18-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 17-Sep-19 24-Oct-19 19-Nov-19

Materials Due 21-Dec-18 30-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 28-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 30-May-19 25-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 28-Aug-19 24-Sep-19 31-Oct-19 26-Nov-19

Dates and deadlines: research journals CellPress Media Kit 2019 45

Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS)

Volume/issue 44/1 44/2 44/3 44/4 44/5 44/6 44/7 44/8 44/9 44/10 44/11 44/12

Issue Mail Date 08-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 26-Apr-19 31-May-19 26-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 28-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 30-Oct-19 27-Nov-19

Ad Close 21-Nov-18 17-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 15-Mar-19 17-Apr-19 14-May-19 12-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 15-Aug-19 20-Sep-19 18-Oct-19

Materials Due 30-Nov-18 27-Dec-18 25-Jan-19 22-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 26-Apr-19 21-May-19 19-Jun-19 26-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 27-Sep-19 25-Oct-19

Trends in Biotechnology (TIBTEC)

Volume/issue 37/1 37/2 37/3 37/4 37/5 37/6 37/7 37/8 37/9 37/10 37/11 37/12

Issue Mail Date 07-Jan-19 30-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 26-Mar-19 25-Apr-19 29-May-19 25-Jun-19 23-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 24-Sep-19 29-Oct-19 26-Nov-19

Ad Close 20-Nov-18 14-Dec-18 16-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 14-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 13-May-19 11-Jun-19 18-Jul-19 14-Aug-19 19-Sep-19 17-Oct-19

Materials Due 29-Nov-18 21-Dec-18 24-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 25-Apr-19 20-May-19 18-Jun-19 25-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 26-Sep-19 24-Oct-19

Trends in Cancer (TRECAN)

Volume/issue 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 11-Mar-19 08-Apr-19 06-May-19 12-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 10-Sep-19 07-Oct-19 11-Nov-19 11-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 31-Dec-18 29-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 25-Mar-19 30-Apr-19 24-May-19 24-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 02-Oct-19 30-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 08-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 07-May-19 04-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 06-Nov-19

Trends in Cell Biology (TICB)

Volume/issue 29/1 29/2 29/3 29/4 29/5 29/6 29/7 29/8 29/9 29/10 29/11 29/12

Issue Mail Date 08-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 26-Apr-19 31-May-19 26-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 28-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 30-Oct-19 27-Nov-19

Ad Close 21-Nov-18 17-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 14-Feb-19 15-Mar-19 17-Apr-19 14-May-19 12-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 15-Aug-19 20-Sep-19 18-Oct-19

Materials Due 30-Nov-18 27-Dec-18 25-Jan-19 22-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 26-Apr-19 21-May-19 19-Jun-19 26-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 27-Sep-19 25-Oct-19

Trends in Cognitive Sciences (TICS)

Volume/issue 23/1 23/2 23/3 23/4 23/5 23/6 23/7 23/8 23/9 23/10 23/11 23/12

Issue Mail Date 04-Jan-19 29-Jan-19 26-Feb-19 25-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 28-May-19 24-Jun-19 22-Jul-19 26-Aug-19 23-Sep-19 28-Oct-19 25-Nov-19

Ad Close 19-Nov-18 13-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 12-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 15-Apr-19 10-May-19 07-Jun-19 17-Jul-19 13-Aug-19 18-Sep-19 16-Oct-19

Materials Due 28-Nov-18 20-Dec-18 23-Jan-19 20-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 17-May-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 23-Oct-19

Trends in Ecology and Evolution (TREE)

Volume/issue 34/1 34/2 34/3 34/4 34/5 34/6 34/7 34/8 34/9 34/10 34/11 34/12

Issue Mail Date 07-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 04-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 01-May-19 05-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 29-Jul-19 03-Sep-19 30-Sep-19 04-Nov-19 04-Dec-19

Ad Close 20-Nov-18 19-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 20-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 16-May-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 23-Oct-19

Materials Due 29-Nov-18 31-Dec-18 29-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 01-May-19 23-May-19 24-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 02-Oct-19 30-Oct-19

Trends in Genetics (TIGS)

Volume/issue 35/1 35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5 35/6 35/7 35/8 35/9 35/10 35/11 35/12

Issue Mail Date 03-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 25-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 23-Apr-19 24-May-19 24-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 23-Aug-19 20-Sep-19 25-Oct-19 22-Nov-19

Ad Close 16-Nov-18 12-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 10-May-19 06-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 17-Sep-19 15-Oct-19

Materials Due 27-Nov-18 19-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 19-Feb-19 19-Mar-19 23-Apr-19 17-May-19 14-Jun-19 23-Jul-19 19-Aug-19 24-Sep-19 22-Oct-19

Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism (TEM)

Volume/issue 30/1 30/2 30/3 30/4 30/5 30/6 30/7 30/8 30/9 30/10 30/11 30/12

Issue Mail Date 04-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 04-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 01-May-19 05-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 29-Jul-19 03-Sep-19 30-Sep-19 04-Nov-19 04-Dec-19

Ad Close 19-Nov-18 19-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 20-Feb-19 20-Mar-19 24-Apr-19 16-May-19 17-Jun-19 24-Jul-19 20-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 23-Oct-19

Materials Due 28-Nov-18 31-Dec-18 29-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 27-Mar-19 01-May-19 23-May-19 24-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 02-Oct-19 30-Oct-19

Trends in Immunology (TREIMM)

Volume/issue 40/1 40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5 40/6 40/7 40/8 40/9 40/10 40/11 40/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 08-May-19 13-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 12-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 13-Nov-19 12-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 03-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 01-Mar-19 27-Mar-19 01-May-19 29-May-19 26-Jun-19 02-Aug-19 29-Aug-19 04-Oct-19 31-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 08-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 09-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 07-Nov-19

Trends in Microbiology (TIMI)

Volume/issue 27/1 27/2 27/3 27/4 27/5 27/6 27/7 27/8 27/9 27/10 27/11 27/12

Issue Mail Date 03-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 25-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 23-Apr-19 24-May-19 24-Jun-19 19-Jul-19 23-Aug-19 20-Sep-19 25-Oct-19 22-Nov-19

Ad Close 16-Nov-18 12-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 12-Mar-19 12-Apr-19 10-May-19 06-Jun-19 16-Jul-19 12-Aug-19 17-Sep-19 15-Oct-19

Materials Due 27-Nov-18 19-Dec-18 22-Jan-19 19-Feb-19 19-Mar-19 23-Apr-19 17-May-19 14-Jun-19 23-Jul-19 19-Aug-19 24-Sep-19 22-Oct-19

Dates and deadlines: review journals

46 CellPress Media Kit 2019

Trends in Molecular Medicine (TRMOME)

Volume/issue 25/1 25/2 25/3 25/4 25/5 25/6 25/7 25/8 25/9 25/10 25/11 25/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 13-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 10-Apr-19 08-May-19 13-Jun-19 12-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 12-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 13-Nov-19 12-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 03-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 01-Mar-19 27-Mar-19 01-May-19 29-May-19 26-Jun-19 02-Aug-19 29-Aug-19 04-Oct-19 31-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 10-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 08-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 08-May-19 06-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 09-Aug-19 06-Sep-19 11-Oct-19 07-Nov-19

Trends in Neurosciences (TINS)

Volume/issue 42/1 42/2 42/3 42/4 42/5 42/6 42/7 42/8 42/9 42/10 42/11 42/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 11-Mar-19 08-Apr-19 06-May-19 12-Jun-19 10-Jul-19 05-Aug-19 10-Sep-19 07-Oct-19 11-Nov-19 11-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 31-Dec-18 29-Jan-19 27-Feb-19 25-Mar-19 30-Apr-19 24-May-19 24-Jun-19 31-Jul-19 27-Aug-19 02-Oct-19 30-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 08-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 07-May-19 04-Jun-19 01-Jul-19 07-Aug-19 04-Sep-19 09-Oct-19 06-Nov-19

Trends in Parasitology (TREPAR)

Volume/issue 35/1 35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5 35/6 35/7 35/8 35/9 35/10 35/11 35/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 02-May-19 06-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 30-Jul-19 04-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 05-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 20-Dec-18 23-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 25-Apr-19 16-May-19 18-Jun-19 25-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 26-Sep-19 24-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 02-Jan-19 30-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 28-Mar-19 02-May-19 23-May-19 25-Jun-19 01-Aug-19 28-Aug-19 03-Oct-19 31-Oct-19

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (TIPS)

Volume/issue 40/1 40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5 40/6 40/7 40/8 40/9 40/10 40/11 40/12

Issue Mail Date 08-Jan-19 06-Feb-19 06-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 03-May-19 07-Jun-19 03-Jul-19 31-Jul-19 05-Sep-19 02-Oct-19 06-Nov-19 06-Dec-19

Ad Close 21-Nov-18 21-Dec-18 24-Jan-19 22-Feb-19 22-Mar-19 26-Apr-19 21-May-19 19-Jun-19 26-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 27-Sep-19 25-Oct-19

Materials Due 30-Nov-18 03-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 01-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 03-May-19 29-May-19 26-Jun-19 02-Aug-19 29-Aug-19 04-Oct-19 01-Nov-19

Trends in Plant Science (TRPLSC)

Volume/issue 24/1 24/2 24/3 24/4 24/5 24/6 24/7 24/8 24/9 24/10 24/11 24/12

Issue Mail Date 10-Jan-19 05-Feb-19 05-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 02-May-19 06-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 30-Jul-19 04-Sep-19 01-Oct-19 05-Nov-19 05-Dec-19

Ad Close 27-Nov-18 20-Dec-18 23-Jan-19 21-Feb-19 21-Mar-19 25-Apr-19 16-May-19 18-Jun-19 25-Jul-19 21-Aug-19 26-Sep-19 24-Oct-19

Materials Due 04-Dec-18 02-Jan-19 30-Jan-19 28-Feb-19 28-Mar-19 02-May-19 23-May-19 25-Jun-19 01-Aug-19 28-Aug-19 03-Oct-19 31-Oct-19

Trends in Chemistry (TRCHM)

Volume/issue 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9

Issue Mail Date 09-Apr-19 07-May-19 13-Jun-19 11-Jul-19 06-Aug-19 11-Sep-19 08-Oct-19 12-Nov-19 12-Dec-19

Ad Close 28-Feb-19 26-Mar-19 01-May-19 28-May-19 25-Jun-19 01-Aug-19 28-Aug-19 03-Oct-19 31-Oct-19

Materials Due 07-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 08-May-19 05-Jun-19 02-Jul-19 08-Aug-19 05-Sep-19 10-Oct-19 07-Nov-19

Dates and deadlines: review journals CellPress Media Kit 2019 47


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Gordon Sheffield+1


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Media Kit 2019
