Measuring service value in a B2B context of cloud computing




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Service value in a business-to-business context of cloud computing

Roland Padilla (PhD candidate)Department of Computing and Information Systems

01 June 2013

“Just like water from the tap in your kitchen, cloud computing services can be turned on or off quickly as needed. Like at the water company, there is a team of dedicated professionals making sure the service provided is safe, secure and available on a 24/7 basis. When the tap isn’t on, not only are you saving water, but you aren’t paying for resources you don’t currently need.”

-Vivek Kundra, previous CIO during the Obama administrationReference: Sourya (2011) The Architect of the Official Cloud Computing Revolution, accessed from on 31 May 2013

Presentation Outline

I. Introduction


A)Research question

B)What is known about the topic

C)Methods to be used

D)Work done to date

E)Relevance of the project


I. Introduction

1. Why - SSMED; Research project; ICT practice

2. Why this research – research priority; gap

3. What's in it for you – motivated; publish; contribution

4. What this presentation will cover- timings; points

A. Outline of topic and statement of research questions

1. What problem will this research address – service value measurement in B2B contexts; frameworks

2. What exactly will I investigate – service value model;IaaS

3. What question will this study attempt to answer - research question

B. Literature review and analysis

1. What work has already been done on this research topic/problem – service value model; IaaS framework

2. What are the highlights of earlier research – outsourcing;Cloud service model; formative approach

3. Where are the 'gaps' or needs now

C. Framework of methods to be used in the investigation

1. What methods or approaches will I use to answer my research questions – qual + QUANT

2. Why these and not others?

3. What data will I collect?

D. Summary of progress to date

1. What are the major stages of the project?

2. What has already been done?

E. Argument for the relevance and importance of this study

1. Once completed, how will this study address the need, problem or gap?

2. What are the potential outcomes and benefits of the study?

III. Conclusion

1. The questions that this study will address

2. How they relate to the current research literature

3. The methods I will use

4. The fact that this project is in its early stages, but I hopethat when completed, it will make a significant contribution.

Note: Structure was based on UniMelb's Postgraduate Essentials

Questions and suggestions

Reference: Hallatt, A. (2009) Arctic Circle accessed from on 31May2013.
