Measurement of sin2 b at B A B AR



Measurement of sin2 b at B A B AR. Update B 0  (cc) K 0 Update B 0  D *+ D *- New B 0  f K 0 S New B 0  J /  p 0. Douglas Wright Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory For the B A B AR Collaboration. 31st International Conference in High Energy Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measurement of sin2 at BABARDouglas Wright

Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryFor the BBAABBARAR Collaboration

31st International Conference in High Energy Physics

Amsterdam, 24 July 2002

Update B 0(cc)K 0

Update B 0D*+D*-

New B 0 K0S

New B 0J/ 0

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 2




Weak interaction of quarks in the Standard Model

CP violation will arise from complex component of Vub, Vtd

Unitarity TriangleCKM Matrix

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 3

B0-B0 mixing introduces time-dependant CP violation


B 0


BL ,H p B0 q B0 b





top quark box introduces: Vtb Vtd*

f(t )e t /

41S f sin(mdt)C f cos(mdt)

md = mH - mL


Cf 1 f


1 f2

Sf 2 Im f

1 f2

f qp

A(B0 fCP)

A(B0 fCP)




f (B0 fCP)

f (B0 fCP)

Direct CP violation if multiple amplitudes with different phases

Sensitive to overall phase of

f even if no

Direct CP Violation

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 4

Theoretically clean: Tree level dominates and CP only from B0-B0 mixing

Relatively large branching fractions

Clear experimental signatures

CP asymmetry in B0 (cc)K0

ACP (t) f+ f-f+ f-

f sin 2 sin(mdt)

f = f e-








f qp


fCP)A(B 0 fCP)

B0 K0

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 5


Boost: = 0.55

Start the Clock

Coherent BB pair



Experimental technique at the (4S) resonance


e+e- (4S) B B

Exclusive B meson and vertex reconstruction

Exclusive B meson and vertex reconstruction



t z c




Flavor tag and vertex reconstructi


Flavor tag and vertex reconstructi


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 6

PEP-II top luminosity: 4.60 x 1033cm-2s-1 (exceeded design goal 3.0 x 1033)

PEP-II delivered 99 fb-1

BaBar recorded 94 fb-1

In this analysisOn peak 81 fb-1

88M BB pairsOff peak 10 fb-1

PEP-II top luminosity: 4.60 x 1033cm-2s-1 (exceeded design goal 3.0 x 1033)

PEP-II delivered 99 fb-1

BaBar recorded 94 fb-1

In this analysisOn peak 81 fb-1

88M BB pairsOff peak 10 fb-1

SLAC B Factory performance

9 GeV e- on 3.1 GeV e+

Boost = 0.55

IP beam size 147 m x 5 m

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 7

BABAR Detector

SVT: 97% efficiency, 15 m z hit resolution (inner layers, perp. tracks)SVT+DCH: (pT)/pT = 0.13 % pT + 0.45 %

DIRC: K- separation 4.2 @ 3.0 GeV/c 2.5 @ 4.0 GeV/c EMC: E/E = 2.3 %E-1/4 1.9 %

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 8

Vertex and t Reconstruction

Reconstruct Brec vertex fromcharged Brec daughters

Determine BTag vertex from All charged tracks

not in Brec

Constrain with Brec vertex, beam spot, and (4S) momentum

Remove high 2 tracks (to reject charm decays)

High efficiency: 95% Average z resolution ~ 180 m (dominated

by BTag) (<|z|> ~ 260 m)

t resolution function measured from data

Beam spot

Interaction Point

BREC Vertex

BREC daughters

BREC direction

BTAG direction

TAG Vertex

TAG tracks, V0s


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 9

B Flavor tagging method

Using tracks with or without particle identification, and kinematic variables, a multilevel neural network assigns each event to one of five mutually-exclusive categories:

Lepton tag: primary leptons from semileptonic decay Kaon1 tag: high quality kaons, correlated K- and +

s (from D*) Kaon2 tag: lower quality kaons, s from D*

Inclusive tag: unidentified leptons, low quality K, leptons No tag: event is not used for CP analysis

b sc


New and improved tagging method

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 10


perfect tagging & time resolution

Tagging errors and finite t resolution dilute the CP asymmetry

BtagB 0


typical mistagging & finite time


Need to know mistag fraction w and t resolution function R in order to measure CP asymmetry.

Can extract these from data with B0-B0 mixing events.

f(t) e t /



1 f sin2(1 2w) sin(mdt)


BtagB 0

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 11

Use self-tagged Bflav sample to measure w and R

Fully reconstruct self-tagged modes:

Bflav sample is x10 size of CP sample


(t) e t /


4 B

1(1 2w) cos(mdt)


Apply Btag to other side, fit for B0-B0 mixing

B0 D(*)-




B0 J/K*0(KNtagged=1757


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 12

Tagging performance from Bflav sample



y ()Mistag Fr. (w)


Lepton 9.1 0.2 3.3 0.6 7.9 0.3

Kaon1 16.7 0.2 9.9 0.7 10.7 0.4

Kaon2 19.8 0.3 20.9 0.8

6.7 0.4


20.0 0.3 31.6 0.9

2.7 0.3

Total 65.6 0.5

28.1 0.7

This new tagging method increases Q by 7% compared to the method used in our previous result:PRL87 (Aug 01).

Amixing Nunmixed Nmixed

Nunmixed Nmixed

(1 2w) cos(mdt)~1-2w

(sin2) 1Q

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 13

Recent addition:B0 c Ks

where c K+K-

0 or

K+Ks -

sin2 golden sample: (cc)KS (f = -1)

Sample NtaggedPurit


J/ Ks(+-) 974 97%

J/ Ks(00) 170 89%

(2S) Ks 150 97%

c1 Ks 80 95%

c Ks 132 73%

Total 1506 92%

Energy-substituted mass

J/Ks (+-)

J/Ks (00)




mES Ebeamcm 2 pB

cm 2

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 14

sin2 samples: J/ KL and J/ K*0

J/ KL J/K*0(Ks0)


J/ Bkg

Fake J/ Bkg

• Data

Use mB constraint to determine pKL

J/ background shape estimated from Monte Carlo

Fake J/ background shape estimated from data sidebands

Vector-Vector mode: mixture of CP+ and CP-

Use angular analysis to determine CP- fraction

Treat CP- component as

dilution effective f

f = +0.65±0.07Ntagged = 147Purity = 81%

f = +1Ntagged = 988Purity = 55%

E Ebeamcm EKL


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 15

sin2 likelihood fit

Simultaneous unbinned maximum likelihood fit of CP and mixing samples

Fit Parameters 34 totalsin2 1 BCP

Mistag fractions w for B0 and B0 tags 8Bflav

Signal t resolution function R 8Bflav

Background properties 17BCP+Bflav

(mostly from mES sidebands in data)

B lifetime fixed (PDG 2002) B = 1.542 psMixing frequency fixed (PDG 2002) md = 0.489 ps-


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 16

sin2 = 0.723 0.158 sin2 = 0.755 0.074

Fit results

f =-1 f =+1

sin2 = 0.741 0.067 (stat) 0.033 (sys)

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 17

sin2 fit results by decay mode

Consistency of CP Channels: P(2) = 57%

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 18

(cc)KS with lepton tag

Ntagged = 220

Purity = 98%

Mistag fraction 3.3%

t 20% better than other tag categories

sin2 = 0.79 0.11

Dramatic effect in golden modes with lepton tag

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 19

Cross-check on data control samples

Observed no asymmetry as expected

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 20

Sources of Systematic Error

sin2Description of background events 0.017

CP content of background componentsBackground shape uncertainties

Composition and content of J/ KL background 0.015

t resolution and detector effects 0.017Silicon detector alignment uncertaintyt resolution model

Mistag differences between BCP and Bflav samples 0.012

Fit bias correction 0.010Fixed lifetime and oscillation frequency 0.005TOTAL 0.033

Steadily reducing systematic error: July 2002 = 0.033July 2001 = 0.05

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 21

Standard Model comparison

One solution for is in excellent

agreement with measurements of unitarity triangle


Method as in Höcker et al, Eur.Phys.J.C21:225-259,2001

= (1-2/2)

= (1-2/2)

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 22

Consistent with the Standard Model expectation of |f |=1 and nominal fit sin2 = 0.755 0.074 for (cc)Ks modes alone.

If another amplitude (new physics) contributes a different phase, then

In the Standard Model |f | = 1 (which we assume in the nominal sin2 fit)

Sf - f sin2 Cf 0 Fit |f| and Sf using the clean (cc)Ks modes

(f =-1, Ntagged = 1506, Purity = 92%):

Search for non-Standard Model effects in (cc)KS

| f | = 0.948 0.051 (stat) 0.017


Sf = 0.759 0.074 (stat) 0.032 (syst)

ACP (t) S f sin(mdt) C f cos(mdt)

Cf 1



1 f


Sf 2 Im


1 f


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 23

Cabbibo-suppressed mode with tree level weak phase same as b ccs

Penguin contribution uncertain, expected to be small < 0.1 Tree

Not a CP eigenstate, mixture of CP even (L=0,2) and CP odd (L=1) Resolve using angular analysis (in

transversity basis)

(b ccd) mode B0 D*+D*-

Ntagged= 102

Purity = 82%Reconstruct D*+ D0+

or D+0 , but not both to 0 mode


D* -

D* +


D* -

D* +


July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 24

CP composition of B0 D*+D*-

We measure CP odd fraction (corrected for acceptance) to be small:

R = 0.07 0.06 (stat) 0.03 (syst)

ddcos tr


1 R sin2 tr 32

R cos2 tr

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 25

CP asymmetry fit B0 D*+D*-

|+| = 0.98 0.25 (stat) 0.09 (syst)

Im(+) = 0.31 0.43 (stat) 0.10 (syst)

If penguins are negligible, then

Im(+) = - sin2

Im(+) measurement ~2.7 from BaBar sin2 in charmonium, assuming no penguins.

Improved fitting strategy since winter conferences: Parameterize in terms of CP even

(+) and odd () components, include angular information from partial-wave analysis

Fix CP odd component to =1, Im( ) = -0.741

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 26




D _


D _


D* _


D* _



(b ccd) mode B0 D*+D-

D*D 56 fb-1

Ntagged= 85Purity = 52%

S+- = -0.43 1.41 0.20

C+- = 0.53 0.74 0.13

S-+ = 0.38 0.88 0.05

C-+= 0.30 0.50 0.08

Update to full data set in progress

D*D not CP eigenstate Possible strong phase

contribution (and still have penguins)

Different (but related) decay time distributions forB0 D*+D- B0 D*- D+

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 27

(bccd) mode B0 J/ 0

Cabibbo and color-suppressed mode with comparable tree and penguin contributions

Ntagged= 49Purity = 59%

f = + 1


Tree: ~VcbVcd* ~ O(3)

same weak phase as bccs

Penguin:~VcbVcd* + VubVud

* ~ O(3) adds additional weak phase

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 28

CP asymmetry fit for B0 J/ 0

In absence of penguins C=0, S = -


f = + 1

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 29

Charmless decay dominated by (b sss) gluonic penguins Weak phase same as b ccs, but sensitive to new physics in


sin2 from penguin mode B0 KS

Ntagged = 66 Purity = 50%f = - 1

Small branching fraction O(10-5)

Significant background from qq continuum

Using only K+K-

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 30

CP asymmetry fit for B0 KS

Fix |K| = 1, fit: SK = -0.19 (stat) 0.09


+0.52- 0.50

Cross check on B+ K +

SK = 0.26 0.27

If no new physics, SK = sin2

Analysis of B0 ’ KS in progress

t (ps)

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 31

Begun to probe the same CP-violating phase and possibly new physics via penguin modes:B 0 K0


B 0J/ 0

and open charm modes:B 0D*+D*-

B 0D*+D-


New measurement of sin2 from charmonium modes (88 x106 BB)

Submitted to PRL July 17, 2002(hep-ex/0207042)

Results have been improving by more than just luminosity gain

The Standard Model remains unscathed, but the high statistics future of BaBar will provide further opportunities to challenge the theory.

(First BaBar results)

Million BB pairs

July 00

Feb 01

July 01Mar 02

July 02

sin2sin2 = 0.741 ± 0.067 (stat) ± 0.033 (syst) = 0.741 ± 0.067 (stat) ± 0.033 (syst)

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 32

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 33

sin2 in subsamples

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 34

Tagging performance

Category Efficiency () Mistag Fr. () Mistag Q=(1-2)2

Lepton 9.1 0.2 3.3 0.6 -1.4 1.1 7.9 0.3

KPiorK 16.7 0.2 9.9 0.7 -1.1 1.1 10.7 0.4

KorPi 19.8 0.3 20.9 0.8 -4.2 1.1 6.7 0.4

Inclusive 20.0 0.3 31.6 0.9 -2.0 1.2 2.7 0.3

Total 65.6 0.5 28.1 0.7

July 24, 2002 Doug Wright, ICHEP Amsterdam 35

Monte Carlo correction

We evaluated the size of any potential bias on sin2 by fitting the full MC in two ways: Fitting data-sized signal MC samples with mistag fractions and t

resolution fixed to the MC truth values (see plot).Average bias = +0.012 0.005.

Same as above except mistag fractions and t resolution from Breco MC.

Average bias = +0.014 0.005.

One possible source of bias comes from neglecting the known correlation between the mistag fractions (or dilutions) and sigma t. Estimates from toy and full MC inticate a bias at the level of +0.004.

We correct the fitted sin2 by subtracting 0.014 and assign a systematic error of 0.010 to this correction.
