McMaster University CIHR Information Session. CIHR Info Session Tuesday January 21, 2014 1:00 - 3:30...


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McMaster University CIHR Information Session

CIHR Info Session Tuesday January 21, 2014 1:00 - 3:30 pm

MDCL 3020

1:00 Welcome — Wendy Hollinshead, Asst. Director,Health Research Services

1:05 Lori Burrows, University Delegate-updates on CIHR REFORMS  

2:15 Snack Break 

2:30 e-Approval, Research NET, and CIHR OpenOperating Grants – Lisa Hodge, Sr. Advisor, CIHR

3:00 Q & A – Lori Burrows

3:25 Closing Remarks –Wendy Hollinshead, Asst. Director,Health Research Services

*Peer Review past and present --CIHR Peer Review Members at the CIHR website


• Lisa Hodge, Sr. Grants Advisor, ext 26367

• Jennifer Snow, Senior Grants Advisor ext 28141

Highlights of Materials to be presented:

Updates- CIHR REFORMSe-Approval-on Research NETWhat do you need to do?

-process and review tips

CIHR Reforms: What it means for you?

Open Operating (OOG) will disappear after March 2015

March 2, 2015 is a “transitional” FINAL OOG

March 3, 2014 Operating is last regular OOG

“streamlining review” will turn into 2-stage piloted reviewing

Foundation grants once a year and Project grants twice a year

Open Operating (OOG) will disappear after March 2015

March 2, 2015 is a “transitional” FINAL OOG

March 3, 2014 Operating is last regular OOG

“streamlining review” will turn into 2-stage piloted reviewing

Foundation grants once a year and Project grants twice a year

e-Approval and Research NET

What is e-approval? How it works

Hitting “SUBMIT” - who you are ‘submitting to’


The signature process via HRS

What is e-approval? How it works

Hitting “SUBMIT” - who you are ‘submitting to’


The signature process via HRS

ALL institutions are on e-approval since Fall 2009 Operating grants competitionALL institutions are on e-approval since Fall 2009 Operating grants competition

e-Approval is not used for all CIHR!!! If it is you will get a message when you start your submission

OOG Registration is mandatory if you are planning on submitting a full Application

-Registration requires a CIHR PIN; new applicants must request a PIN

-Common CV and CCV confirmation # is required

All information provided to CIHR at registration can be revised in the full application Except:

•Name of Nominated Principal Applicant •Project Title•Chosen Peer Review Committee***

e-Approval: Step by Step

***it is crucial to choose correctly; review the committee descriptions for assistance or contact the committee Scientific Officer for direction

Industry Partnered Operating - also due March 3, 2014

Review is done by paper review- NOT online by e-approval

Similar to a regular Open Operating, but different in the partnered aspect

-industrial partner must bring new $$$

Must include overhead in the partnered contributions as part of the partner budget


If you DO NOT choose your institution paid in Project Details—(in the Enter Project Information section), you will not be notified of yellow highlighted institutional deadlines.

Canadian Common CV: produces a new confirmation # with revisions

Repository for CV information to be used to assemble various types of CVs for grant application submission

Different types of CV depending on agency

CIHR CCV:4 Kinds: Academic, IAB, Knowledge User, Registration

REGISTRATION CV and ACADEMIC CV used for Operating grants

Common CV: Different types of CVs and confirmation #s

Timeline for CIHR 2014 Spring Operating Grant(Applicant action items are in green boxes)

February 4Applicant will receive e-mail receipt of registration and notified of INTERNAL deadline

February 4FHS Applicants must arrange Mandatory Peer Review (PRF) with Department and Peer

Review Facilitator

February 24HRS INTERNAL Deadline; Applicant must hit ‘SUBMIT ’ on Research Net;

PRF & Checklist due in HRS

February 28Last day for HRS to return online application to Applicant

March 3, 2014Applicant to hit ‘SUBMIT’ by 4:00pm EST

(Applicant must upload signature pages as pdf attachment prior to submitting)

June 30, 2014CIHR Announcement of final regular Open Operating Grants competition results

Allow 10-14 days to complete the Peer Review process

February 3, 2014Registration* deadline – Applicant must register for Research NET

* If you do not Register, you CANNOT submit a full Application

Mandatory Peer Review (FHS only)*:Mandatory Peer Review (FHS only)*:

Peer Review Feedback Form (PRF)

Department Peer Review Facilitator arranges Peer Review sign off required, by internal deadline, prior to HRS review institutional signature not possible without it

PRF and Health Research Services (HRS)

**receipt of PRF from researcher signals HRS online review of Application:-email, delivered, or faxed signed (by facilitator and reviewer) PRF

*Non-FHS are exempt but may arrange peer review through ROADS office-contact Cynthia Belaskie, Sr. Advisor, or ext. 21581

Get started on Peer Review!

**review begins when signed PRF and signed HRS Checklist are received AND applicant CONCURRENTLY hits “SUBMIT” on ResearchNET

Peer Review Facilitator Contacts

HRS Internal Review Deadline: Feb 24th 4:00 pm

Represents the date and time ALL applicants must submit materials online via Research NET Hit ‘SUBMIT’ on Research NET to submit to the institution (HRS) for INTERNAL

review AND hand in/deliver/email/fax required INTERNAL paperwork

FINAL deadline is reset after applicant hits “SUBMIT” for INTERNAL deadline; application is returned online to Research NET after internal review is completed

Allows enough time to revise and “tweak” before FINAL submission deadline

Note: Review on Research NET does not allow for HRS comments or corrections to be made to the application online via Research NET; separate e-mail with comments/suggestions will be sent to the applicant

Represents the date and time ALL applicants must submit materials online via Research NET Hit ‘SUBMIT’ on Research NET to submit to the institution (HRS) for INTERNAL

review AND hand in/deliver/email/fax required INTERNAL paperwork

FINAL deadline is reset after applicant hits “SUBMIT” for INTERNAL deadline; application is returned online to Research NET after internal review is completed

Allows enough time to revise and “tweak” before FINAL submission deadline

Note: Review on Research NET does not allow for HRS comments or corrections to be made to the application online via Research NET; separate e-mail with comments/suggestions will be sent to the applicant

INTERNAL Review Deadline is set on Research NET by HRS

TIPS and TRICKS for meeting the INTERNAL Review Deadline

Participants—can change up until you hit SUBMIT for FINAL deadline (missing CCV conf # can cause issues; flip to collaborator if missing info for INTERNAL review, then flip back to co-app for FINAL deadline with correct CCV conf #)

Budget—fleshing out Research NET module is better (for reviewing it is easier to see ineligible items from online module rather than draft boxes/tables/spreadsheets)

DRAFT—better to indicate areas of “draft state” (I review whatever I get—if you are still working on bits, use highlighting or indicate ”more to come” or obvious notes to me that you are missing material)

JUSTIFY—sell your work in your budget (budgets can be high or low, padded or not; reviewers know. Use justification to clarify, not to stuff more documents that say the same thing. Charts/tables, etc . should provide more insight into budget items or the associated aims rather than just reiterating numbers)

Participants—can change up until you hit SUBMIT for FINAL deadline (missing CCV conf # can cause issues; flip to collaborator if missing info for INTERNAL review, then flip back to co-app for FINAL deadline with correct CCV conf #)

Budget—fleshing out Research NET module is better (for reviewing it is easier to see ineligible items from online module rather than draft boxes/tables/spreadsheets)

DRAFT—better to indicate areas of “draft state” (I review whatever I get—if you are still working on bits, use highlighting or indicate ”more to come” or obvious notes to me that you are missing material)

JUSTIFY—sell your work in your budget (budgets can be high or low, padded or not; reviewers know. Use justification to clarify, not to stuff more documents that say the same thing. Charts/tables, etc . should provide more insight into budget items or the associated aims rather than just reiterating numbers)

REQUIRED PAPERWORK: What HRS needs from ALL applicants at INTERNAL Deadline

Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Peer Review)

ANDPaperwork required for institutional sign off:

•Signed INTERNAL signature form or Faculty Checklist (HRS/ROADS)-

•signed PRF (peer review) Form •Signature page 1 – Routing Slip•Signature page – TO BE SIGNED BY INSTITUTION (leave blank)•Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application

Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible

Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Peer Review)

ANDPaperwork required for institutional sign off:

•Signed INTERNAL signature form or Faculty Checklist (HRS/ROADS)-

•signed PRF (peer review) Form •Signature page 1 – Routing Slip•Signature page – TO BE SIGNED BY INSTITUTION (leave blank)•Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application

Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible

WHAT Paperwork HRS Needs from FHS Applicants by the INTERNAL deadline

Deadline Extensions for Reviewers

Those currently on a CIHR review panel (or recently on a panel) may be granted a 2 week extension to submit for the OOG

HRS needs to know to reset your deadlines on the system

INTERNAL review online is still required (just 2 wks. Later)

CONTACT CIHR to verify and send email to Lisa Hodge to confirm your reviewer deadline extension

Those currently on a CIHR review panel (or recently on a panel) may be granted a 2 week extension to submit for the OOG

HRS needs to know to reset your deadlines on the system

INTERNAL review online is still required (just 2 wks. Later)

CONTACT CIHR to verify and send email to Lisa Hodge to confirm your reviewer deadline extension

Resources: McMaster CIHR website


PRIORITY FUNDING-frequently overlooked; no longer

automatic-added source of funding

SOME COMPETITIONS ARE NOT e-APPROVAL-other competitions with same

deadline-always check with HRS

INTERNAL DEADLINES ARE REAL-always 2 wks. ahead unless e-

approval-respect that other work exists

Internal Review: Common Issue (to Avoid)

Format—12 pt. font, ¾” margins, header/footer, page limits (11 versus 13 for 2+ PI)

Budget—eligible items (equipment, benefits*)

Eligibility—faculty appointment

Signature pages (missing)

Missing the INTERNAL review deadline

Format—12 pt. font, ¾” margins, header/footer, page limits (11 versus 13 for 2+ PI)

Budget—eligible items (equipment, benefits*)

Eligibility—faculty appointment

Signature pages (missing)

Missing the INTERNAL review deadline*benefits rates have been updated---see “Operating Grant Resources” on the HRS-CIHR website

NEW! CIHR FINAL Deadline time change

Effective January 2011 for ALL Research NET submissionsEffective January 2011 for ALL Research NET submissions

16:00 (8:00 PM) EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline(Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions)

If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition

16:00 (8:00 PM) EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline(Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions)

If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition

HRS INTERNAL DEADLINE is ALWAYS 4:00 pm EST or earlier for any CIHR Research NET online e-approval submissions

HRS INTERNAL DEADLINE is ALWAYS 4:00 pm EST or earlier for any CIHR Research NET online e-approval submissions

Current funding opportunities http://www.researchnet-

Grants and Awards Guide

Visit us often at

For further assistance contact Lisa Hodge at ext. 26367

Helpful CIHR Links

These materials are available at

CIHR Operating FAQ
