Mayfield Town Council Meeting January 14,...


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Mayfield Town Council Meeting January 14, 2015

Regular meeting of the Mayfield Town Council was held on January 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the

Mayfield Town Hall, located at 52 North Main Street, Mayfield, Utah.

Present at the meeting: (by roll call) Others present at the meeting:

G J Willden

Zara Faatz - Councilmember Max White

Eric Peterson – Councilmember David Sorensen

Desirae Christiansen – Councilmember

Van Malmgren - Maintenance Supervisor

Catherine Bartholomew – Town Recorder

Mayor John Christensen presiding


Billie Coates - Councilmember

Mayor Christensen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer was

given by John Christensen.

Dr. G. J. Willden was present at the meeting to ask the council about the possibility of

connecting to the town’s culinary water system when they build their new home. They have

purchased the land up above Mark Hopkins property. The property is not in the Town limits but

it is in the county buffer zone. Historical there are a couple ways to look at this we have had

other requests to let others connect to our water system. It has been on a case to case basis. The

Mayor stated that he has been in favor of allowing it because it brings more revenue to the town

and then someone is not drilling a well which takes away from our sources. The Mayor stated

that one concern is once we allow someone outside of the town limits to connect then we have

set a presentence. After some discussion motion was made by Eric to allow Dr. Willden to

connect to the town culinary water system with the understanding that he will be responsible to

cover all the cost to connect to our system. Also, that the council reserves the right to allow

people to connect to our water system on a case by case bases. Seconded by Desirae

Christiansen, motion carried.

Dr. Willden asked the council if they had come up with a name of someone from town to serve

on the new Gunnison Valley Swimming Pool Committee. After some discussion of names the

council asked Catherine to call Doreen Jacobs to see if she would like to serve.

Max White from Whites Sanitation was at the meeting for their annual visit. Max asked the

council if they have any concerns or questions concerning the town garbage service. Max also

stated that our contract with them will be up in July of this year. Max stated that they will no

longer pick-up carpet. He stated that he will get the new contract ready and send it for us to

review. They discussed the town clean-up. Catherine stated that she had received a call from

Whites stated that the cost of monthly garbage service had dropped as of the 1st of January from

$8. 25 to $7.75 per house hold.

David Sorensen was at the meeting and asked the council about the fire hydrants in town and if

we have them checked yearly. The Mayor stated that we had just met with the Gunnison Fire

Department concerning this issue.

Minutes were read for the month of November and December 2014 and motion was made by

Desirae to accept the minutes. Seconded by Eric, motion carried.

The bills for the month of January were presented for payment. After some more discussion

motion was made by Eric to pay the bills. Seconded by Zara, motion carried.

Catherine reviewed the financial report with the council. They discussed the class “C” budget

and the cabin budget.

Catherine stated that Zara was concerned about the perpetual care interest and if we had it in a

saving account. Catherine stated that she had talked to our auditors and the interest from our

perpetual care money is put back into the general fund to help pay for the cost to maintain the


Catherine stated that there were questions about how we determine what we pay the Sanpete

County Landfill monthly. She stated that through our computer program she can print off a

report that tells her how many people we charged each month for water, garbage and fire.

Catherine gave the council a list of the building permits issued for the year in Mayfield.

John updated the council on the January meeting of the CIB board concerning our road project.

He stated that we were going to wait until February to go back before the board, but they pulled

our application from the previous month’s meeting and gave us the grant for the full amount that

we had requested. The CIB board will fund the grant at their February meeting.

Desirae stated that Daren Hill will be the new chairman of the Gunnison Valley Recreation

Committee this coming year. She stated that the committee is working on the possibility of

building a new complex.

John stated that he had a meeting with the Director of the Six County to set up our short and long

term goals for the Town. He stated that they said that they can help us with completing our

general plan.

Zara talked about improvement project ideas she has for the cemetery.

Move to adjourn.