May Weeks 3 and 4 - Parkview Kids Team · 5/5/2016  · May Weeks 3 and 4 May 21st/22nd May...


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Key Question: Who can you love? Bottom Line: I can love God and love people. Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart...

Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39, NIV Bible Story Focus: We can love God and love people with our friends. Early Church Acts 2:42-47 Coloring Page: God’s family meets together. Music: I Like To Praise the Lord Everyday

Whatever, Wherever Love One Another

Bible Lesson: The Beginner’s Bible The First Church Pages 480 to 483 Story: My Town by Sindy McKay Service Time: 66 minutes (week 3) 64 minutes (week 4)

Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV

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The image part with relationship ID rId10 was not found in the file.



Pom-Pom Cheer Big Idea: “Pom-Pom Cheer” is an activity that incorporates movement and a cheer to reinforce the Bible lesson. What You Need: 2 different colors of crepe paper streamers, scissors, and yarn What You Do: Before the Activity: Cut both of the rolls of crepe paper in half length wise. You will have very long strips. Cut the strips into 2 feet sections. Mix the colors and pick out about 8-10 strips. Tie the yarn in the middle of the bundle of strips. Make sure the yarn is very tight and secure. This will make about 8-10 pom-poms. Make sure you have one for every child. (See classroom numbers)During the Activity: Give each child a pom-pom. Say the following Cheer with them several times while encouraging them to shake their pom-poms.

Who can you love? Who can you love? God and people. God and people.

After the Activity: Repeat as desired. Say the Bottom Line together. What You Say: Before the Activity: Let’s say our cheer about how we can love God and love people! During the Activity: (Give each child a pom-pom) “We can use these to help us do our cheer! Are you ready!

“Who can you love? “Who can you love? “God and people. “God and people.”

After the Activity: “Great job! There are so many ways that we can love God and love people! Who can you love? I can love God and love people.”

Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV


The image part with relationship ID rId10 was not found in the file.



Here to There Big Idea: “Here to There” is an activity in which preschoolers will use their gross motor, sorting, and social skills as they work together to beat the timer. What You Need: Two laundry baskets, a timer, and several of two different items like blocks and toy cars or toy food items and Little People. Whatever two items you choose, make sure you have several of them. What You Do: During the activity: Place the two laundry baskets at one end of the room. Place all of the items in one large pile at the opposite end of the room. Challenge the children to see how quickly they can help each other sort all of the items into the two laundry baskets (e.g., blocks in one basket and cars in the other). (Option: After the children complete the activity once, put that amount of time on your timer and challenge the children to try and beat their first time before the buzzer sounds.) What You Say: Before the activity: “I have a super fun game, but we’re going to have to really help each other to make it work. See all of these (name the two items)? I need you to get all of them down to those two baskets. I need (one item) in one basket and (second item) in the other basket. I brought my super cool timer to see just how fast you can do it. Are you ready? (Pause.) When I say ‘GO!’ you can begin helping each other. Three, two, one, GO!” At the end of the activity: “Yay! (Announce amount of time it took kids to complete the task.) Way to go! That’s what happens when you help each other. Our Bible lesson today was about some people who helped each other. Do you remember who they were?”

Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV


The image part with relationship ID rId10 was not found in the file.



Memory Verse March Big Idea: “Memory Verse March” is an activity that uses listening and gross motor movements to review this month’s Memory Verse. What You Need: Painter’s tape or masking tape What You Do: Before the Activity: Use the tape to create a large heart shape on the floor. It needs to be large enough for the children in your class to walk around. If you have a large class, consider creating two hearts on the floor. During the Activity: Point out the shape on the floor. Ask the kids to follow you, walking along the outline of the heart as you repeat this month’s Memory Verse together. What You Say: During the Activity: “Can anyone tell me what this shape is? (Pause.) That’s right! It’s a heart. We’ve been learning all month that we should love God and love people. Let’s say our verse for this month as we walk around this heart. ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart. … Love your neighbor as yourself,’ Matthew 22:37-39.” (Repeat as desired.) After the Activity: “Great job, everyone. Who can you love? I can love God and love people.” Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV




Colored Hearts Big Idea: “Colored Hearts” is an activity that uses color recognition and listening skills to review the Bottom Line. What You Need: 4 different colors of heart stickers (can be any color, but make sure the colors can be distinguished by the children), fun music and a cd player. What You Do: Before the activity: Divide the children into four groups. Give each group a different color of heart sticker. Make sure each child has a sticker and encourage them to attach the sticker to their shirt or dress. (If possible have a leader or student leader assigned to help each group.) During the activity: Play the music and have the children dance and be silly together. Turn off the music, call out one color, and give them an activity to do. (Ex: If you have a green heart on your shirt, touch your toes five times!) Turn the music back on and repeat with a different color and different activity. Repeat as many times as desired. At the end of the activity: Call out all of the colors and ask them to hop to you. When all of the children are next to you, tell them that God loves them and wants them to love Him and other people. What You Say: Before the activity: “Who wants a sticker? (Hold up stickers and give one to each child.) Put your sticker on your shirt. (Demonstrate.) Okay, look at your sticker. Do you know what color your heart is? (Pause.) Good job! Now everyone has to use your (pull on your ears) EARS to listen so you’ll know what to do. I am going to play the music and everyone can dance and be silly. When I stop the music, that is when you use your listening ears. Ready?” During the activity: (Play music.) “Everyone dance! (After 15 seconds, stop the music.) If you are wearing a green heart, touch your toes five times. Great job, green team! Let’s dance! (Start music and play for 15 seconds. Then stop music again.) If you are wearing a red heart, jump up high three times. Awesome, red team! (Start music again and stop it after 15 seconds.) If you are wearing a pink heart, pat your head four times. Way to go, pink team! Time to dance! (Start music again and stop it after 15 seconds.) If you are wearing a blue heart, pat your head five times. Wonderful job blue team! Let’s dance!” (Continue as long as there is interest.) At the end of the activity: “If you are wearing a pink, green, red, or blue sticker please hop like a bunny over to me. (Wait until all of the children are next to you.) You all did such a wonderful job listening today! We are wearing hearts to remind us that God wants us to love Him and people.

Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV

ACTIVITY 4 – 4’s/5’s only



Heart Over and Under Big Idea: “Heart Over and Under” is an activity that uses large motor skills and teamwork. What You Need: Medium-sized heart-shaped pillow. What You Do: Before the activity: Have the children line up in a single file line with about one and a half feet in between each child. During the activity: Give the first child in line the pillow and instruct him to hand it to the child behind him by putting it under his body through his legs. When the second child gets the pillow have him pass it by handing it over his head. Continue through the line by alternating under and over. Repeat as many times as desired. At the end of the activity: Have all the children shout, “I Can Love God and People!” What You Say: Before the activity: “Do you know what shape this pillow is? (Hold up pillow.) Yes, it is a heart. We are going to use a heart pillow to remind us that we can love God and love people. Now can everyone get in a line behind (name child)? Perfect! Now I am going to give the pillow to (name child) and we will start having fun!” During the activity: “Now (name child) will pass the pillow to the person behind him by passing it between his legs. Great! Now (next child in line) will pass the pillow behind him, over his head. (Demonstrate.) Okay now under again, and then over. Great job! You got it! (Go through entire line.) Now let’s try it again and see if we can do it faster!” At the end of the activity: “That was so much fun! I am so glad that we used the heart-shaped pillow to remind us that God loves us and wants us to love Him and love people. We need to remember that everyday! Who can you love? I can love God and love people.” Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV

ACTIVITY 5 – 4’s/5’s only



Memory Verse –

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:37-39, NIV

Love God, Love People Big Idea: “Love God, Love People” is an activity that allows the children to review the Bible lesson and to focus on the key points. What You Need: “Stamped” from the Activity Pages found on the Website, cardstock, scissors, heart stamps a black pen, and wet wipes

What You Do: Before the Activity: Copy “Stamped” on cardstock and cut at cutline. Provide one half page for each kid. During the Activity: Talk about how Jesus said the two biggest things we could do is to love God and love people. Have two or three friends work together to cover a page with heart stamps. Do two or three sets so each friend can take one home. Help them wipe their hands if needed. Fill in the names of the friends that worked on the paper together and then write each child’s name on his or her paper. After the Activity: Say the Bottom Line together. Set papers aside to dry. What You Say: Before the Activity: “Today we learned that Jesus says there are two things we should do. You are going to work together with friends to make a love stamped picture.” (Help put kids into pairs or trios.) During the Activity: “Jesus said that the two things we should do are to love God and love people. Now what I want you to do is to work together and fill your paper with heart stamps. All three of you get to put hearts on the papers! Let’s get stamping! Now work on this paper and then this one. You each get to take one of these together. (Help kids stamp.) You loved each other by sharing the paper and now you get to take the beautiful picture home! (Clean hands.) Now, we need to write your names on the papers and then put them aside to dry.” (Write names in the appropriate blanks. Set aside to dry.) After the Activity: “Who can you love? I can love God and love people!”





Cards of Love Big Idea: “Cards of Love” is an activity that allows the children to review the Bible lesson and to focus on the key points. What You Need: “Eat,” “Sing,” “Pray,” “Share,” “Happy,” and “Base” from the Activity Pages found on the Website, white cardstock, scissors, and glue sticks What You Do: Before the Activity: Copy all of the Activity Pages onto the white cardstock. Cut out all of the cards on the “Eat,” “Sing,” “Pray,” “Share,” and “Happy” pages. Each child will need one of each card. During the Activity: Give each child a “Base” Activity Page and one of each of the cards. Begin to retell the lesson, and when you get to the elements of each card, hold it up. Then allow the children time to glue it onto the “Base.” They can glue it anywhere they would like on the page. After the Activity: Name the five ways to love God and love people. Say the Bottom Line together. What You Say: Before the Activity: “Today we learned that we can love God and love people in different ways. I have cards that tell us the different ways that we can love God and love people. (Hold up ‘Eat.’) This card says we can love when we eat together. (Hold up ‘Sing.’) This one says we can love when we sing about God together. (Hold up ‘Pray.’) This one says that we love each other when we pray to God together. (Hold up ‘Share.’) This one says that we can show love when we share and help others. This one (hold up ‘Happy.’) says we can show love when we have a happy heart!”During the Activity: “I am going to tell you the lesson again. When you hear one way we can love, pick up that card and glue it to your page. Are you ready? (Pause.) Our lesson today was about the very first church in the Bible. It was a group of people. They did not have a building; they just had each other. That is all they needed to have a church! The would eat together. Pick up your eat together card and glue it on the page. Great job! They would also sing about God together. Do you have a sing together card? (Pause.) Yes! Great! Glue it on! The also prayed together and learned about God together. Glue on your pray together card. Nice work! The people also shared what they had with each other and helped each other. Now it is time to glue on your sharing card. The people loved each other and they loved God. They had happy hearts! Do you have a happy heart card? (Pause.) Perfect! Now all of our ways we can love God and love people are on our page.”

Memory Verse –

“’Come, and follow me,’ Jesus said.”

Matthew 4:19, NIV

Small Group Time

What you Need: Parent Take Home Card, Playdoh, Rolling Pins, People Shaped Cookie Cutters and Sticker Roll

SMALL GROUP LEADER (SGL): “Raise your hand if you like Playdoh. (Pause and raise your own hand.) I do too! Today, I have some really special cookie cutters we can play with. Can you tell me what shape they are? (Pause) You are right! They are shaped liked people. Everything is better with other people. Eating is better with friends. Playing games is better with friends. Even going to church is better with friends!

“Our Bible lesson today is about how the first church got started. New friends came every day—lots of them! Everyone was so excited about Jesus that they told all of their friends so they could know Jesus too. And guess what all of those friends did? (Pause.) They loved God and loved people together.

“Do you remember how they loved God and loved people together? (Pause.) They prayed and sang songs to God together. They made sure everyone had food to eat and clothes to wear. They took care of the sad people and sick people. It was awesome!

“Our church is full of friends too. I’m your friend and you’re my friend. We can love God and love people together, just like the church in our lesson today. We can pray and sing to God together. We can help people who need food and clothes. These are all ways we can love God and love people together. So tell me: Who can you love? I can love God and love people!”

SGL: “Yes, you can! Tell me again: Who can you love? ‘I can love God and love people!’ Let’s make some more friends and then thank God for them when we pray. When I call your name, tell me the name of one friend. (It can be a friend, neighbor, someone in our family, anyone) Ok, it’s time to review our lesson. I am going to ask you some questions and you will get a sticker for answering them. I have some really cool sticker today. Are you ready? (Pause) Great! (Ask the children the questions from the “Parent Take Home Cards”. You can also make up additional questions from our video lesson. Don’t forget to ask them to say their memory verse for another sticker. You can repeat the same questions over and over as repetition is good for preschoolers.) You are such great listeners!”

“Now I’ll pray before it’s time to say goodbye until next week. (Read the prayer on the back of the “Parent Take Home Card.”)”

Memory Verse –

“’Come, and follow me,’ Jesus said.”

Matthew 4:19, NIV



