May Lamplighter



Monthly Newsletter for Zion UCC, Mayview, MO May 2015

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    Zion United Church

    of Christ May 2015

    Inside This Issue

    1 Pastors Peace

    2 Palm of Prayer

    3 Worship Ways

    4 This Months Events

    5 Community & Conference Clamor

    6 Butterfly Room &

    Expression Session

    7 Celebration Occasions

    8 Worship Whirl

    The Lamplighter

    Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224

    Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355


    Ordination! The day was beautiful, in the midst of spring burst-ing. A dogwood tree across the street from Zion UCC Mayview lifted its branches and spread its white blossoms wide to embrace the holy beauty of Gods movement within our congregation and town. Rain threatened and began to sprinkle its cleansing drops to continue growth within the bursting, and joy filled the air, exploding in beautiful and fun music played by Teresa and sung by the choir. Mildred Jungerman had changed the paraments up on the chancel to red, indicating the power of the Holy Spirits movement within the ordination process. The morning had begun with the adult gathering in the meeting room, led by Bill Bainbridge (thank you!), where we dis-cussed David as Shepherd, called to lead his people, but not to build the temple of the Lord, in II Samuel 7. Solo-mon, his son, would later build the temple, yet we know

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    The Lamplighter the temple of the Lord is now in each of us, as Jesus Christ ushered in the Way of ultimate Love and forgiveness and mercy and joy into our hearts, through his assumption of humanity and the consummation in death, even the horrible death on a cross. Throughout the day we celebrated this joy of the resurrected Christ in our livesthe very object of the faith of the Church, as we understand in part the love and the newness of heart and mind and soul in Christs love, and anticipate knowing fully one day, as we are already fully known and loved by God. I thought about spring waiting for joy in fellowship hall, as we would feast together after the ordination service among potted flowers, nourishing food, laughter, wonder, and of course a gorgeous cake of color and splendorthe theme organized by Denise Bainbridge and carried out by Parish Life and SAILtruly serving all in love!

    It was so fun to greet everyone as they came to participate in this special day of celebration and affirmationMartha Hawthorne passed out booklets, clergy and members of the Western Association and Committee on Ministrymy precious step-father Charlie and amazing son Ian gathered in the Meeting Room to prepare for the service and

    process together. This is all about God, after all, and we are invited continuously to take part in Gods beautiful plan as it unfolds throughout our lives and the many generations that have been and will be. Rev. Dr. Tommy Faris from Salem UCC in Higginsville was spot on in his sermon about how this journey is not being imparted by the participation of the clergy and congregation, but being reaffirmed by God, who has already imparted authorization and gifting and beautywhat a tremendous celebration as we were reminded of Antoinette Brown, the first woman ordained in the UCC so long agothis is just a stepping into a doorway swung wide open for me, a door again burgeoning with spring and beauty, and challenges awaiting. Thank you all- the Member-in-Discernment CommitteeDiane Wagner, Carl Hoeppner, Bill Bainbridge, Elaine Hudson, Martha Hawthorne, the Rev. Andy Mockridge and the Rev. Dr. Tommy Faris, for your time, your discernment, your affirmation of what God is doing in my life and the life of this congregation. Thank you to the Council who works so hard to take care of this church and congregation,

    and discerns how we are able to do Gods glorious work through our hands and hearts, time and talentsand of course all of you and us who share these and all our treasures, which ultimately we are lent while we are here, at such as time as this. Please know, named or unnamed in this writing, how much you are loved and appreciated. I am honored to be part of Zion UCC Mayview, the Western Association, the Missouri Mid-South Conference, the greater United Church of Christ, but especially to be a beloved child of our Creator, who lives within and among us every second of every day. Gods blessings are with us! Your Reverend, Kristin

    PALM of PRAYER 16 Without doubt, the secret of

    our life of worship is great: He

    was shown to us in a human

    body, proved right in spirit, and seen by

    angels. He was proclaimed to the nations,

    believed in by the world, and taken up in glory.

    1 Timothy 3:16 (NCV)

    Concerns Please continue to surround in love and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties

    &/or recovering from surgery, the loss of family

    and friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in

    their lives: El Dean Dickmeyer, Calle Hoeppner,

    Lillie Jennings, Dale Hilgedick, Jeanne

    Fleischmann, Samuel Burroughs, Virgil Stratton,

    Kathy Herman, Charles Cole, Pastor Jacob

    Mueller ; family and friends of Richard Dick Bremer, Linda Kristinek; first responders; military

    personnel and their families; families around the

    world that are in the midst of disease, natural

    disasters, immigration crisis, tensions, conflicts

    and wars which are going on in different parts of

    the world. Joys The ordination of Pastor Kristin and her journey of being called to serve! The homecoming of baby Samuel Burroughs! Graduates of all ages! Teachers! Mothers! Veterans who have served and those currently deployed protecting our

    freedom and liberty! All blessings come to us through our Lord.

    He will teach us, for in beholding His life we find

    that He is the best example.

    Saint Teresa of Avila

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    ZION UCC WORSHIP WAYS BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HUGE THANK YOU To the men of our beautiful faith community for the marvelous breakfast cooked and served to us on Easter morning after the fabu-lous Sunrise Service put on by the Youth! It is al-ways a joy to worship and feast together! The church will recognize all graduates on May 17, 2015, during the10:30am worship service. If you have anyone graduating from high school or college this spring please call the church be-fore May 13 so we can include names in the bulle-tin! A special offering will be collected on Mothers Day and is designated for House of Hope. All mothers will receive a carnation. Please wear red on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, in celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit!

    3 Then they saw what looked like

    tongues of fire which spread out

    and touched each person there.

    Acts 2:3 (GNT)

    There will be no Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Zion this year. Children are encouraged to join existing VBS opportunities this summer.

    BCE will designate another mis-sion offering to be collected in June, for food pantries desperately in need in Higginsville and Odessa. Our summer Sunday mornings beginning on June 7 will be Fellow-

    ship at 9:30am, and Worship at 10:00am. The summer schedule will continue until Promo-tion Sunday, which is September 13. A special offering will be collected on Fathers Day and is designated for Habitat for Humanity. Dads will receive candy bars. A float will be entered in the Mayview Picnic pa-rade and will be created the morning of the event, July 11. We do not yet know the theme, but we need to begin to get volunteers ready to prepare the best (and of course to get supplies, etc.) Please speak with Amy Hoefer about volunteering! Re-member, there's a potential prize out there, not to mention honor at stake--First Baptist came in first last year!

    Johnny s mother had three children. The first child was named April The second child was named May. What was the third child s name?

    Johnny of course!!!

    Go forth knowing that God has filled you

    with the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice in the power of the Spirit

    within and among you,

    and tell the Good News everywhere you go,

    trusting that God will translate where needed.


    Mission Committee Mission Committee has cleaned up the Commu-nity Garden for planting. May 16th is the official Community Garden work day, beginning at 9:30 AM. Festival of Sharing Collections begin in May. We will begin with an IMA Safe Motherhood Kit at a $10 value, with a shipping cost of $15 and sterile supplies. Kit includes 1 Receiving Blanket, 1 Baby Jacket or Tunic, 1 Regular Size Bar of Ivory Soap, 1 Newborn Cap and 1 Regular Size Cotton Washcloth. Place all five items in a large Ziploc bag. Clothing items can be handmade or purchased. (Please include only one set of items in each Ziploc bag.) The clean and sterile child-birth items that complete the kit will be added by IMA World Health. Cash donations are welcome. The Habitat for Humanity Run/Walk is June 13, starting at 7:30 a.m. in Lexington. We look forward to your participation!

    Strengthen the Church offering will be taken on May 24. Invest in the Vision! Each day, visions and dreams are created in the hearts of many in the UCC. Through the Strengthen the Church of-fering, they can become a reality. As God calls our congregations to be "church" in new ways, your gift will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Because of this offering, many more will hear the good news that "God is still speaking."

    SAIL News SAIL enjoyed a Women's Luncheon at the Victo-rian Peddler on March 24 and teamed up with Parish Life to provide the meal, dessert and punch for Pastor Kristin's Ordination on April 19. Way to go!

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    YOUTH YAK The Easter Egg Hunt on April 4 was a blast! The candy loot was yummy, and there were snacks and activities for all. Easter morning young men of our church provided a beautiful sunrise service to a good crowd on our lawn. They talked about symbols of Easter which made our celebration of the res-urrection of Jesus all the more special. Great job guys! A new Confirmation class will begin in the fall--please call the church office if you have a student entering 7th grade this fall--660-237-4355.


    Mayview Community Betterment is hoping to get a game going this sum-mer--church against church? Mayview Committee against another Mayview Committee? Neighbor against

    neighbor? The possibilities are endless. Start thinking about whether you want to play or cheer, and help bring this town back to life! The Mayview School is now owned by the May-view Mo Foundation (MMF) and all are invited to help clean up the area, landscape and share

    ideas for what the building could become. 19 After the Lord Jesus said these things to his followers, he was carried up into

    heaven, and he sat at the right side of

    God. Mark 16:19 (NCV)

    The Lamplighter

    S.S.9:30 A.M. Worship10:30 A.M.

    May 1, 2015 May Day May 3, 2015 Communion

    May 5, 2015 Cinco De Mayo National Teachers Day May 6, 2015 Choir, 7pm

    May 10, 2015 Mothers Day May 13, 2015 Choir, 7pm

    May 14, 2015 Ascension May 16, 2015 Armed Forces Day Community Garden Work, 9am May 20, 2015 Newsletter Submission Deadline Choir, 7pm May 24, 2015 Pentecost Strengthen the Church Offering First Sunday of Summer Schedule 9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Worship May 25, 2015 Memorial Day May 31, 2015 Trinity Sunday

    Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

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    The Lamplighter Community, County &

    Conference Clamor About General Synod 2015 Every two years, General Synod brings together thousands of faithful members of the United Church of Christ for formal church witness, inspirational worship, and fellowship with friends (new and old). In June 2015, thousands from across the country (and abroad) will gather for General Synod 30 in Cleveland, Ohio the birthplace of the United Church of Christ. Together, we will discern resolutions of witness, church structure, and function. We will stand up for issues that demand a faithful witness. And we will join together in worship each day to lift up the Stillspeaking God. At General Synod 30, we will explore some of the "Unexpected Places" where we hear Gods voice, encounter the Spirit, and find the United Church of Christ lifting up its witness in the world.

    Our Church's Wider Mission = OCWM OCWM are four letters many of us have heard all of our lives. For some, they're just a part of who we are. Some of us remember that it meant Our Christian World Mission. And later Our Church's Wider Mission. And now we are beginning to hear other words to go with the same four letters. In Missouri, someone said Our Church Works Miracles. Whatever the letters mean, OCWM is simple - it sums up all that we are and do as a people who call ourselves the United Church of Christ. It's not just about money spent in ways that excite or bore, that we like or don't. It is at the heart of our connecting with each other and the ministry of Christ. It is how we share resources to be the church in many differing settings. It is how we hold each other accountable as lay and clergy alike. It is the means by which we can function effectively... Connecting to each other Connecting to the wider church Connecting to the resources that we need to be church. The Covenanted Ministry for OCWM wants to help tell the many stories of Our Church's Wider Mission to help us understand and work together.

    It takes all of us to use our time and energy and share our financial gifts. So... because it is hard for us to understand, our team wants to share sto-ries of what OCWM does, how our dollars are spent, how we are better because we are many different parts in the body of Christ. Keep watch-ing the eCourier for future articles! Your OCWM Covenanted Ministry, Keith Karau-Chair, Karen Boyd, Ken Ulmer, Adam Smith, Joyce Bathke and Renee Cordes

    Conference Annual Gathering Our MMSUCC Conference Annual Gathering will be held June 4-6, 2015, at the Columbia Holiday Inn. The theme for this year's event is "Rebuild, Restore & Renew", with each day centering on a different and pertinent topic woven within the theme.

    National Day of Prayer The 64th annual National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7, 2015, will have pro-found significance for our country. It is an un-precedented opportunity to see the Lords healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on citizens to humbly come before His throne.

    Our theme for 2015 is Lord, Hear Our Cry, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign

    over all governments, authorities, and men. To further highlight our theme, weve chosen I Kings 8:28 as our Scripture for this year: Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. A bake sale will be held Friday, May 1, from 4-6 PM at Patricias Food in Odessa and dur-ing the day Saturday in town for the citywide ga-rage sale. This years community observance again will be a prayer breakfast May 7th from 6:45 7:30 AM with breakfast immediately following. The lo-cation is The Crown, 7411 Outer Road, Odessa . We are called as a congregation to pray together at this event. Please let Pastor Kristin know if you

    are planning on attending. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures

    two feet by three feet by four feet?

    There is no dirt in a hole!!

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    Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glo-rified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    EXPRESSION SESSION Thank Yous Dear Zion UCC, I wish to thank everyone for the cards and prayers I re-ceived. I am doing good now and I'm being fitted for a prosthetic leg. The first of May my cancer will be checked again to see how I proceed with that. Thanks again for all your prayers and cards.

    Charles Cole

    The Lamplighter BUTTERFLY ROOM 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto my-self; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    John 14:3 (KJV)

    "mothers garden"

    My Mother kept a garden,

    a garden of the heart,

    she planted all the good things

    that gave my life its start.

    She turned me to the sunshine

    and encouraged me to dream,

    fostering and nurturing

    the seeds of self-esteem...

    And when the winds and rain came,

    she protected me enough--

    but not too much because she knew

    I'd need to stand up strong and tough.

    Her constant good example

    always taught me right from wrong--

    markers for my pathway

    that will last a lifetime long.

    I am my Mother's garden.

    I am her legacy-

    and I hope today she feels the love

    reflected back from me

    Author unknown

    How often Ive ached to embrace your children, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her

    wings. (Matthew 23:37b, The Message)

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    The Lamplighter

    Celebration Occasions

    May Birthdays

    Date Birthday 3 Trey Hoeppner

    10 Warren Hawthorne

    12 Wilbur Neher

    15 Darrell Fiegenbaum

    19 Dorothy Begemann

    22 Jesse Engel

    Philip Hoeppner

    23 Robert Brueggenjohann

    31 Teresa Begemann

    Juanita Wright

    Administrative Affairs

    Reverend Kristin Aardema Faigh

    Home(660) 237- 4902 Church (660) 237-4355 Cell (660) 641-1038

    Scott Alvested Council President (816) 230-4450

    Angie Lawson Church Secretary

    (660) 237- 4355

    Jenny Holt Newsletter

    (660) 237 - 4923

    Teresa Begemann Organist

    (816) 633 - 4133

    Dawn Stuart Custodian

    (660) 237 - 4355

    Serving Souls


    3 Kristen Johnson Jeff & Connie Sanders

    10 Austin Aardema


    Norma Mittelhauser & Jeannette Starkebaum

    17 Donovan Aardema


    Elaine Hudson & Doris


    24 Trinity Alvested Roger & Mary Ellen


    31 Tanner Burns Ron & Diane Wagner

    Office Hours

    Pastor Secretary


    8:00 AMNoon


    6:008:00 PM Wednesday

    5:009:00 PM


    8:00 AMNoon


    The deadline for submissions for the June newsletter is Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Send your submissions to: or

    Or Call (660) 237-4923

    May Anniversaries

    20 Robert & Amy Hoefer

    23 Mike & Amy Burns

    31 Ronnie & Martha Hawthorne

    May 5, 2015

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    Zion United Church of Christ 105 North Mary St. Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians Sunday School 9:30 am Worship at 10:30 am ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

    The Lamplighter May 2015

    Zion UCC Mission Statement The avowed purpose of our church shall be:

    To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacra-ments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congre-

    gation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

    Worship Whirl

    Traditional Worship 10:30 AM Sundays

    Come As You Are Service 10:30 AM Monthly - 3rd Sunday

    Sunday School 9:30 AM Sundays

    Communion 10:30AM Monthly 1st Sunday & Special Holidays

    Church Council 7:00 PM Monthly

    Board of Christian Education 7:00 PM Monthly

    SAIL (Serving All in Love) 7:00 PM Monthly - 4th Tuesday
