May Friendship Day · Join us in celebration of her life. Eleanor died peacefully in her sleep on...


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The Sundial

April 2018

May Friendship Day

May 4, 2018 At United Church of Pittsford

Program begins at 5:00 PM Catered Meal provided

please RSVP at or call CWU Office at 342-2790.

All are welcome. Please join us, and bring a friend!

Church Women United Phone: (585) 342-2790 644 Titus Ave. Website:

Rochester, NY 14617 Email:



Practicing Patience

When I was teenager, my family had weekly bible

studies. One Sunday before Easter, we read in

Galatians about the fruits of the Spirit. My father

encouraged us all to choose a Fruit of the Spirit to

pray for. Then he announced that he was praying for

patience. Dumb founded, we all looked at each other

with mouths hanging open because my father was a

very patient man. I tried to talk some sense into him.

I began with, “Do you understand what you are

asking for ? and you don’t need to be more patient”

His reply, Yup, I’m choosing to practice patience.

What are you choosing? I said “well it won’t be

patience, maybe kindness?” We all set off with our

goal for the week. Half way through the week, I

checked in with my dad on his goal. He threw up his

hands and said “that’s it, I give up, I can’t take this

anymore!!! “ This has been the worst week ever, I’ve

been tested at every turn.” I smiled, and said what did

you expect? Tribulations works patience. DUH!! Ok,

not kind, I know.

I often think about that week and why my father

wanted to practice something so difficult. Practice

works. Merriam Wester says practice :to perform or

work at repeatedly so as to become proficient. We

all like to be good at something whether it is Yoga,

knitting, cooking, shooting hoops or painting.

My dad wasn’t trying being perfect, he wanted to

have a response that is easy to attain. A response that

is pleasing to God. He wanted the others to see God

in him.

Do others see God in your life? Or will they see

anger, complaining, disrespect, gossip or hate? How

easy is your response? I encourage you to become

proficient at one of these…. love, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control. Choose one of the Fruits

of Spirit, learn all the ways to practice that one thing

– your practice/response will get easier and soon it

will be your way of being. Yes, it might be difficult,

but worth it. I’m thankful my father showed me not

to shy away from taking on the practice of the Spirit.

Let’s face it, we can never attain perfection. Life is so

sweet, and full of blessings since I decided to learn

more about this wonderful, loving God. Hopefully,

my practice will show the God, I know and love.

What do you practice?


Laura Hood

Our Condolences For Eleanor Pope

Memorial Service for Eleanor Pope at 12 corners

Presbyterian Church in Brighton on April 7 at 1pm.

Join us in celebration of her life. Eleanor died

peacefully in her sleep on January 10th. Her mind still

clear. She was a faithful example of Christ’s love to

us all. Thank you all for your friendship and for

giving her the opportunity to serve with you.

Excerpt from Pam Pope’s(Eleanor’s Daughter)

Facebook page.

11 Nester St., Rochester NY 14621

This month, our most needed items are:

Mac & Cheese

Volunteers gather on the 2nd Wednesday and Friday

of each month around 9:00am to pack the bags.

Won’t you consider joining us this month? Many

hands make light work! Please call the CWU office

for details or directions at 342-2790.



Our Health Kits go to

both women and men at

the House of Mercy and


Each Health Kit

Consists of:



Razor/Shaving Cream (man)


Bar soap


Small pack tissues


To Assemble a Health Kit: Please pack in a 1-gallon plastic bag. Please label your

kit “MAN” if intended for a male recipient. There is

currently a great need for men’s kits. Please bring

donations to our monthly Celebrations or to the CWU

Office. Thank you in advance for your help with

this important ministry!

We wish to thank all of our faithful contributors in

2017, without whom we could not continue

to make a difference in this community

Dorothy Borden Sue Forsyth Rosalie Gabbert Barb Outterson Vera S. Powely Edith Thoburn Julianne L. Huse Evelyn Stateler Helen G. Johnson Mary Smith Janice Gulick Audrey Davison Gabrielle E. Wohlauer Colleen Trevisani Jean Murphy Esther Cable Ellen Kimbrough Esther Hammer Patricia M. McDonell Joan Hamb

Alison Clarke Barbara Alexander Shirley G. London Jean Kendrick Gloria Klink Mary Ann Henry Diana Kubick Nancy Garlock Cinda Gill Neva Hoffmeier Mountain Rise UCC Immanuel Lutheran Church Hilton Baptist Church United Presbyterian Women’s Assn – Ogden Presbyterian Women of DUPC Fairport United Methodist Women Presbyterian Women – Bethany Presbyterian United Methodist Women - Webster

NEXT BOARD MEETING April, 10 am. at Church Christ The Good Shepherd

Lutheran Church.


All submissions for the May Sundial must be

received by April 20, 2018. Please send to:


Check out our website at the same address It is the best place to keep

up to date on events, celebrations and recent news.



“Hope For The Poor And Vulnerable: Poor

People’s Campaign”

Speaker Rev. Emily McNeil, Executive Director of

Labor Religion Coalition and co-chair of the N.Y.

State Poor People’s Campaign followed by a Panel

Discussion and comments from the floor. Sunday,

May 6, 2018 from 3:00 to 5 PM

Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Ave.,

Rochester, NY 14618 (Note NEW LOCATION)

Free and Open to the Public (disabled access)

H. Robert Herman, Secretary TIAR

H. Robert Herman



Wednesday, March 28th program/lunch at Temple

B'rith Kodesh, 2131 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester

11:30am: "Calling God She", a panel discussion We

talk about God. We write about God. We use

words. Letters, words and language are all developed

constructs. All language falls short of what we

perceive as reality. What is the impact of continuing

to use male language for God without using female


Rev Dr Barbara Thorington Green, Retired Pastor

United Methodist Church and author of "Calling God

She?" Rev Edris Hitchcock, Pastor at The First

Baptist Church of LeRoy Rabbi Kelly Levy,

Associate Rabbi at Temple B'rith Kodesh

Join us for a panel discussion and informal lunch

conversation with women of different faith

communities. Please bring your own non-meat

lunch. Coffee and delectable desserts will be

provided. The program is free of charge, but a

donation of toilet paper for the Brighton Food

Cupboard would be appreciated. We would like to

collect 125 rolls in honor of the 125th anniversary of


Reservations are helpful but not required. Contact

244-7060 x233 or if possible, so that we

may prepare adequately.

Wed April 11 Book review at the Jewish


Coffee 10: meeting 10:30-11:30

Speaker Marvin McMickle on racism

Wed May 9 Urban farming, We will meet at the

farm at 10:30 The farm is in northwest Rochester off

Lexington Ave, and is operated primarily by

refugees. Directions will be provided. The farm

benefits more than 60 families and 300 people. It is

one of the two dozen community gardens supported

by Foodlink.

Wed June 13 Coffee 10: meeting 10:30-11:30

Annual meeting and luncheon. The nomination

committee is in the process of providing selections

for a president and other officers for next year.

My understanding is that many of the responsibilities

are broken down and are shared by many rather than

belonging to one person, making each position

easier. At this meeting we will vote for next year's

president and other committee members. It is

important that we all attend.



What is Alpha?

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the

Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal

environment. Alpha is for people who have had no

formal contact with church as well as those who want

to deepen their faith in a supportive, open, informal

setting. Alpha is about meeting people where they

are, engaging them in conversations about life’s

important questions, introducing them to the person

of Jesus, and ultimately helping them build a

relationship with Jesus, one another and the Church.

While we are hosting it at Saint Kateri, we are using

the ecumenical Alpha program and there is no

pressure for people to join our or any church. All are


Alpha runs for Adults (18-99+!). Dinner Provided;

Child Care Available on Wednesdays.

WED 6-7:30PM, Feb 21 – May 2 at St Margaret

Mary Church, 401 Rogers Pkwy, 14617 -



Because the NYS budget will be revealed on our

about 3/30, we are asking CWU members to

contact their NYS Assemblyman and NYS

Senator to SUPPORT (from the Rochester

Regional Coalition Against Human Trafficking


1. Increase funding for the Maternal Home Visiting

programs that prevent the abuse and trauma that

make children vulnerable for traffickers. Currently

only 5% of eligible families have access to the

program. The biggest program in New York State,

Healthy Families NY, has been flat-funded for more

than a decade, meaning it can serve fewer people

each year. We are asking for $5 million spread

across existing sites and $13 million for two pilot

sites where every eligible family could have a slot.


2. Eliminate New York's statute of limitations for

child sexual abuse. Researchers have demonstrated

that it takes survivors of child sexual abuse, on

average, 21 years to disclose their abuse. New York's

current SOL on the crime keeps most victims from

pressing charges on their 23rd birthday, which means

it is impossible to convict most abusers, and without

convictions, it is impossible to properly vet adults

entrusted to work with children. There is a version of

the Child Victims Act in the Governor's budget that is

supported by advocates and has all essential

components, and we are asking legislators to support


3. Safe Harbor grants provide agencies that work

directly with trafficked youth or youth at high risk of

being trafficked with a lifeline. The grants enable

recipient counties to provide direct services for this

very high-need population and to gather data on the

scope of youth trafficking. Cash-strapped counties

are having difficulty making up the balance to

maintain these programs after funding sunsets. We

are asking for a provision to extend Safe Harbor

funding for recipient counties.



Human trafficking is the fastest-growing and second-

largest criminal industry in the world. It is estimated

that this industry generates around 150 billion dollars

annually (more than Nike, Starbucks and Google


Since 2007, the National Human Trafficking

Resource Center Hotline has received more than

36,000 reports of human trafficking in the United

States. Of those, 5,687 were from New York State,

5th highest in call volume to the national hotline. We

know this is likely a gross underestimation given the

hidden nature of the crime.

RRCAHT calls Trafficking in Persons a global public

health problem, a violation of basic human rights and

a crime against humanity.

In response to the increased incidence of human

trafficking reports within the Greater Rochester

community, RRCAHT was formed in 2013 as a

coordinated response to the needs of trafficked

victims. What started out with a couple of nonprofits

and individuals now includes many across the

community spectrum, including: Sisters of St.

Joseph, Stop Abuse Campaign, World Wide

Documentaries, Feminists for Nonviolent Choices,

Worker Justice Center of New York, National

Council of Jewish Women, The Vignelli Center

for Design Studies at RIT, Angels of Mercy, Villa

of Hope, Church Women United and our newest

member, Bright Star Community. In addition to

these groups, many individuals give their

uncompensated time to RRCAHT— simply because

they refuse to do nothing.

RRCAHT is dedicated to eliminating human

trafficking in our communities through education,

advocacy, and networking with individuals and

organizations. To put the words of our mission into

action, we developed our "Yes, Here" campaign to

foster awareness. We placed our "Yes, Here"

message on the exterior of RTS buses throughout

Monroe County to educate the public that human

trafficking occurs in Rochester and our entire region.

Another mainstay of RRCAHT is our Care Pack

Initiative. Our goal is to help victims by providing

them with essentials like toiletries, quarters, combs,

snacks, and warm blankets. We organize community

groups that collect supplies, assemble them in packs,

and distribute them to organizations like Center for

Youth, Angels of Mercy and Paper Bag Ladies.

Care Pack Initiative. Our goal is to help victims by

providing them with essentials like toiletries,

quarters, combs, snacks, and warm blankets. We

organize community groups that collect supplies,

assemble them in packs, and distribute them to

organizations like Center for Youth, Angels of Mercy

and Paper Bag Ladies. (the quarters are used for

laundry, bus passes and/or pay phone) (warm

blankets are those that can be rolled up and

carried.... sometimes 3 for $10)



In December we asked for your ideas and feedback

on The Children's Agenda's Interfaith Collaborative,

and we've made some changes based on what we

heard. Building on our successful advocacy on Child

Protective Services reforms in 2017, we'll have new

opportunities to make a difference for children in



Changes to meeting schedule: Our meeting schedule has been adjusted to give our

subcommittees more time to do their work! We will

meet as a big group every other month for 90

minutes. Our location, Colgate Rochester Crozer

Divinity School, will remain the same

Upcoming Interfaith Collaborative meetings will

be held on:

Thursday, April 19, 1:00 - 2:30 pm

Thursday, June 21, 1:00 - 2:30 pm

Note that there will be no meeting of the full TCA

Interfaith Collaborative in March or May.

Gathering to celebrate children in 2018

We plan to hold an event in early June to celebrate

children with performances, fun activities for

families, and opportunities to learn more about

building a better community for young people. Look

for a "Save the Date" announcement soon! Want to

help with this event? Contact Brigit at or 256-2620, ext.


A Child care/early childhood education

subcommittee will continue our work to ensure that

every child in the Rochester area has access to quality

early experiences. To connect with this group, contact

Brigit at or 256-

2620, ext. 2602.

Advocating for Rochester City School District

students: In March, April and May there will be

opportunities to push for needed change in RCSD

programs, and expansion of effective programs.

TCA Education Policy Analyst Eamonn Scanlon will

provide training and talking points to parents and

interested community members for RCSD public

budget hearings on April 10th & April 25th at 6:00

pm. Want to be kept up-to-date? Email Eamonn at!


If you have a

Facebook account,

look us up and “like”

us. Read about what

the Church Women United Rochester & the Vicinity

community is doing. We also list other relevant

Community Events there. There are many ways to

volunteer your time and get involved!

MAJOR LESSONS from Minor Prophets


The teachings of the prophets are timeless. In this

year’s Interfaith Bible Study series, we will explore

often-overlooked texts rich in “prophetable” lessons,

from Christian and Jewish perspectives. Join us for a

new interactive format that includes small-group

discussions. All sessions will be held at a new

location, the Louis S. Wolk JCC, 1200 Edgewood

Avenue, from 12 - 1 PM.

DATE: Wednesday, March 14, 2018

SESSION: Zechariah

SPEAKERS: Dr Mark Brummitt, Associate

Professor of Old Testament Studies, Colgate

Rochester Crozer Divinity School. Rabbi Peter Stein,

Temple B’rith Kodesh

DATE: Wednesday, April 11, 2018


SPEAKERS: Reverend Denise Yabrough, Director,

Religious and Spirit life, University of Rochester

Rabbi Debbi Till, Temple Sinai


Congress has released the text of its FY 2018

Appropriations Omnibus, which includes $1.362

billion for the HOME Investment Partnerships

Program. This represents a $400 million increase

over FY 2017 enacted levels and is the highest

funding level the HOME Program has seen in seven

years. This funding level is particularly significant as

the Trump Administration zeroed out the program in

its proposed FY 2017 and FY 2018 budget requests.

The Omnibus would also extend the suspension of

the 24-month commitment deadline through 2020.


The HOME Coalition thanks everyone who

advocated for HOME by visiting, calling, writing,

and tweeting their Members of Congress as well as

those who shared their personal stories of how stable

housing has connected them to better opportunities.

Your efforts have been a crucial part of this


Over the past year, 1,564 organizations signed on to

the HOME Coalition letter advocating for $1.2

billion for the HOME Program in FY 2018. Thanks

to advocates and champions in Congress, HOME will

receive a significant increase in funding, enabling

states and communities to better meet the growing

demand for safe and affordable housing.

The HOME Coalition would like to thank Sen.

Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), Rep.

Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL-25), and Rep. David Price

(D-NC-4) for their leadership in prioritizing

affordable housing and the HOME Program in the

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development

(THUD) Appropriations Bill, as well as that of Sen.

Chris Coons (D-DE), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),

and Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH-11) for sponsoring

Dear Colleague letters for the HOME Program.

The HOME Coalition looks forward to continue

advocating for and educating Congress about the

essential value of the HOME Program.

Ruth Circle at Irondequoit United Church of


Everyone is invited to Ruth Circle on Tuesday,

April 17. Please join us at 12 noon for a bring your

own lunch (Dessert and beverage will be supplied).

The program begins at 1 PM: Invigorate Irondequoit

Programs – Speaker David Seeley. For More

information call Gaye Mattys at 544-4385


Come join us for the 2018 5k Race and Walk! It will

be on Saturday, May 26, 2018. Please fill out both

the registration form and waiver and mail them to

Sunset House 5k, 3746 St Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY,

All proceeds from the race go to Sunset House,

which provides alternative living arrangements for

hundreds of local residents who are unable to receive

hospice care services in their own homes. Focusing

on quality of life rather than quantity of time, Sunset

House supports the physical, emotional and spiritual

needs of its residents, allowing them to maintain

control during an important time of transition.

Saturday, April 28th– Sunday, April 29th, 2018 5:00 pm – 7:30 am, St. Joseph's Catholic Church,

43 Gebhardt Road, Penfield

(*note change of venue this year)

Registration: $30 adult/$15 youth (12 – 18 years)

Raise $50 or more and receive a Car City T-shirt!

Car City gives the community an opportunity to learn

about family homelessness in a meaningful, hands-on

way by sleeping overnight in a car or gym. Similar to

the idea of a walk-a-thon, participants in Car City

raise a registration fee plus pledges to benefit the

Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network

(RAIHN). "Virtual" participants (raise funds and

attend the event, but sleep at home) are also


This year join us for dinner, followed by a poverty

simulation exploring the barriers and journeys of

families experiencing homelessness. Participants will

then enjoy a carnival, with 9 games and a 78 foot

inflatable obstacle course. Cotton candy and popcorn

will be offered as well! The night will end with

meditative yoga before climbing into a car or

sleeping bag in the gym.

Groups, families and individuals are encouraged to

register and participate in the evening’s

events. Registration is $30 for adults and $15 for

youth, ages 12-18. Raise a minimum of $50 and

receive a Car City T-shirt

Email or call 585-506-9050 for

more info. Help us raise our goal of $25,000 by

visiting and register to attend or donate today!

Church Women United in Rochester and Vicinity invites you to

May Friendship Day

May 4, 2018 At United Church of Pittsford

Program begins at 5:00 PM Catered Meal provided

please RSVP at or call CWU Office at 342-2790

All are welcome. Please join us, and bring a friend!

Church Women United Phone: (585) 342-2790 644 Titus Ave. Website:

Rochester, NY 14617 Email:
