May 2012 Chronicle



Check out the Greater Long Beach Jewish Community Happenings

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T H E V O I C E O F T H E J E W I S H C O M M U N I T YPublished since 1947 by the Jewish Federation oF greater long beach and west orange county | 562.426.7601 May 2012 | 5772 | Iyar-SIvan | Vol.64-no.9




TribeFest 2012: Connect. Explore. Celebrate.Page 2









Convening with other Jews is one of the most impor-

tant things we can do to keep Judaism alive,” comedian and “Saturday Night Live” star Rachel Dratch told the 1500 young Jewish adults from over 80 communities at The Jewish Federations of North America’s TribeFest in Las Vegas March 25-27. And convene we did! Eleven young adults from the Greater Long Beach area joined forty participants from the Orange County Federation to make up the Long Beach-Orange County Delegation. Rabbi Drew Kaplan remarked, “It was really great to experi-ence the energy in a gathering with 1500 other young Jews from across North America who want to be in-volved with Jewish life in meaningful ways.” The two and half days were filled with speak-ers, break-out sessions, Mash-Ups, and a service project. Speakers ranged from celebrities like Dratch and Jacobs to Jewish innovators and so-cial activists. Jonny Imerman and Rochelle Shoretz spoke of their respective organizations to help Jewish cancer patients. Hadas Malada-Matsree, an Ethiopian-Israeli, told her story of becoming a medical officer in the Israeli Air Force. Filmmaker and lawyer Brooke Goldstein and former Israeli journalist Stav Shaffir presented about their experi-ences in social activism. Other speakers touched on their own Jewish journeys, such as 17 year old Talia Leman, whose sense of Jewish community and Tikkun Olam led her to found RandomKid to

help empower youth across the globe. “When we believe in the power that we each have,” she said, “We have the greatest power of all.” Many of the sessions offered strategies that TribeFest participants could implement in their own communities. “Next Gen in the Shark Tank,” inspired by ABC’s “The Shark Tank,” for example, featured a contest for the most innovative program aimed at engaging young adults. Other sessions highlighted successful programs in com-munities around North America. Anoth-er interesting session was the entitled the Jewish Vote in 2012. The Republi-can Jewish Coalition and the National Jewish Democratic Council teamed up to give audience members a taste of how Jews might vote in 2012. Attendee

Jaime Nemirow adds, “It was interesting be-cause Sheldon Adelson, owner of the Venetian Hotels and Jewish phi-lanthropist supporting many causes including Birthright Israel, joined the session and shared his views with us.”eeeeOn Monday morn-ing, over 600 TribeFest participants loaded buses to travel into the Clark County School Dis-trict in Las Vegas to meet and read to over 1,000 students in some of their lowest performing schools. Each student received a backpack full of books that were donated by participants and the PJ Library program. Marysa Miller, a senior at CSULB, explains, “I really en-joyed reading to the students in the

school that we went to. They were just so thankful for the books that they now owned and I was inspired by their energy.” eeeThe Long Beach Orange County delegation also took some time to meet and network with other So. Cal. delegations includ-ing Santa Barbara, Palm Springs, and San Diego. Drew Kaplan, So. Cal. Stu-dent Services Rabbi, continues, “Coming together specifically with other young

Jewish adults from So. Cal. while being in another venue allowed us to make special connections that we will be able to continue beyond Vegas.” The eleven Greater Long Beach participants are inspired to bring TribeFest home. The Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach helps connect adults ages 25-45 to the local Jewish community and beyond. Jewish

Federations of North America’s National Young Leadership is hosting a Summer Mission to Israel for this age group July 1- 10, 2012. This one-of-a-kind mission to Israel is very affordable and regis-tration is open. Visit for more information. If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved, contact the Jewish Federation at 562-426-7601.

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TribeFest 2012: Connect. Explore. Celebrate.By Anna Shabtay, Donor Relations Director

(L-R) Ally Mars, Susanne Katz, Paige Fingerhut, Shaun Wood, and Jaime Nemirow spend time together at the Sunday Night Mash Up enjoying each other’s company while listening to Jewish Musicians

The Long Beach Delegation patiently waits to board the buses to travel to the Clark County School District to read to Kindergarten through Third graders | MAY 2012 | 3








Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation of Long Beach and West Orange

Jim BreslauerPRESIDENT




Erin BellinghausenGRAPHIC ARTIST

Publication office:3801 E. Willow StreetLong Beach, CA 90815-1791562-426-7601, ExT 1314FAx 562-424-3915

All submissions should be submitted via e-mail:

advertising & coPY deadlineFirst Wednesday of the month:July 2012 deadline: June 6

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Anna Shabtay562-426-7601 ExT 1007

Yolanda Placencio 562-426-7601 ExT 1314

ISSN# 1525- 6847 _____________________Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Member _____________________

The Jewish Community

Chronicle Contents

Thank You to our Corporate Partners

Become aCorporate Partner


Contact The Federationat 562-426-7601 formore information 2nd Street Beauty

www.2ndstbeauty.comCraig Kain

www.craigkain.comThe Shadden Group Morgan

Stanley Smith Barney Team(562) 901-4340

4Educating the Next Generation of leadersNew Leaders Forum

5l’Dor v’Dor: From Generation to Generation

1a-4aAlpert Jewish Community Center Program GuideMay Events at the Alpert JCC

12Marriott long BeachSpecial JCC/Federation Discount


May 4 7:21 pm

May 11 7:26 pm

May 18 7:31 pm

May 25 7:36 pm

The appearance of product or establishment advertising in the Jewish Community Chronicle does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth. Opinions printed in the Jewish Community Chronicle do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, the Federation or the Jewish Chronicle Committee. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and style. The publication of a paid political advertisement does not constitute endorsement of any candidate, political party or political position by this newspaper, the Federation, or any employee. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without the express permission of the Chronicle. This newspaper is published monthly.


For more inFormation: 3801 e. Willow Street

Long Beach, Ca 90815WeB:

PHone: 562-426-7601

Introducing Long Beach Solomon Society

Educating the next Generation of Leaders

The inaugural Long Beach Solomon Society Event was held at the home of Ross Tesser in February. Yitzy Geisinsky, Joel Perler, and Matt Simmons along with Michael Stoll of Orange County and Jim Breslauer, Jewish Federation President worked hard to plan this kick-off event for men in the greater Long Beach area. With over 40 men in at-tendance, the “Non-Oscar Party” was a huge success. Everyone in attendance met new people, learned about the Solomon Society, and got excited about the op-portunities available with the Solomon Society. The second event of the Long Beach Solomon Society was held at Joe Jost’s Famous Tavern on April 25. The men in atten-dance celebrated Israel’s Independence Day, net-worked with each other, and got to experience the famous Joe Jost’s Famous Tavern. Jim Breslauer ex-plains, “With two events un-der our belt and over 40 men of all age groups participat-ing, the enthusiasm is build-

ing and I look forward to this group becoming a focal point for networking, social interaction and philanthropy.” The Long Beach Solomon Society will continue to have events for men in the greater Long Beach area but it is also an opportunity for men to get together for smaller “cluster” activities. If you are interested in helping to plan an activ-ity, please contact the Jewish Federation. The Long Beach Solomon Society is a fellow-ship of men - brothers, fathers, sons and friends - who inspire each other through their val-ues and actions. Today, in-spired by the wisdom and leadership of King Solomon, generations of Jewish men in Greater Long Beach have a new opportunity to fuel their passion for community build-ing. At our core, we are a fun group of men that have a passion for having fun. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the Jewish Federation at 562-426-7601 or visit our website

Over the past nine months, sixteen Greater Long Beach community members have come together to learn about the Jewish community and to strengthen their lead-ership skills in New Leaders Forum, a community-wide leadership development program sponsored by the Jewish Federation and made possible by Barbara and Ray Alpert. Each month there is a different topic that the participants explore with each other and various pre-senters with all kinds of dif-ferent backgrounds. The par-ticipants engage in in-depth discussions about Jewish his-tory, the Jewish community, Israel, and leadership skills including change manage-ment and public speaking. Joel Perler, current Jewish Federation Board Member and New Leaders Forum participant elaborates, “The New Leaders Forum has been a valuable experience. I’ve learned so much – per-sonally and professionally. Plus, I’ve made a lot of new Jewish friends. There is quite a bit that I will take away from this program that will al-low me to make great con-tributions in my current and

future leadership roles.” Sam Aborne, FeliceAdler-Shohet, Karen Calechman, Paul De Young, Alicia Friedman, Karl Garman, Sarah Greenspan, Yanki Greenspan, Jay Grosflam, Jamie Klein, Dan Lasker, Gabriel Lopez, Nicole Malina, Joel Perler, and Beth Sterling will all be graduat-ing from New Leaders Fo-rum on June 14 at the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation An-nual Meeting. They will pres-ent their graduation project to the group and will share with the community all that they have learned and gained from their experienc-es in New Leaders Forum. Past graduates have continued on to serve on agency boards, serve on community organization’s committees, plan fundrais-ers for organizations, and make a difference in their synagogues. This graduat-ing class will be no different. They will move on to serve the Jewish community and to have an impact on the future of our community. Wendy Puzarne, Executive Director of Jewish Family & Children’s Service, explains “New

Leaders Forum participants are better prepared for vol-unteer work in the Jewish non-profit world after they have participated in this pro-gram. JFCS has several grad-uates who have decided to become involved by serving on our board and the skills and the knowledge that they have gained from NLF has already made a huge im-pact. They participate with great enthusiasm and our other board members have been continually inspired by their commitment to JFCS.” Joel Perler adds, “I highly recommend the NLF for as-piring Jewish leaders in our community.” New Leaders Forum is currently recruiting participants for the 2012-2013 program year. If you or someone you know is interested in strengthening their leadership skills and learning more about being a leader in the Jewish commu-nity, please contact Khatera Zubin at 562-426-7601 ExT 1006 or to request an ap-plication. The deadline for applications is July 16, 2012 and the 2012-2013 program year will begin in September 2012.

Nicole Malina and Joel Perler work together at the Opening Retreat to learn more about each other

Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation Combined Annual MeetingElection and Installation of New Board MembersBaldwin and Neuberger Award Presentations New Leaders Forum Graduation

Thursday, June 14, 2012

6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres7:00 p.m. Annual MeetingAlpert Jewish Community Center3801 East Willow Street, Long Beach

Please RSVP to Yolanda: or 562-426-7601 ExT 1314 by June 10.

SAVE the DATE | MAY 2012 | 5

To learn more about how The Jewish Community Foundation

can help your family Create it’s LegacyCall 562-426-7601 EXT 1009

Your legacy lives on


L’Dor v’Dor: From Generation to Generation

Jewish teachings abound with the message of the im-portance of transmitting our values and heritage to the next generations. Combine that sense of tradition with an unbridled love for family and community and you have the story of Rita and Barry Zamost. The Long Beach Jewish Community has been an im-portant part of their life for 30 years. When they first moved here, they were not sure what to expect, but as Barry stated, “This community has been a more close-knit one than we ever could have imagined.” Rita grew up in a mostly non-Jewish area in Fontana, California, that along with her parents contained a small group of Holocaust survivors. When she attended UCLA and discovered Hillel, it set her on a path of belong-ing to Jewish organizations. Quite differently, Barry grew up in Highland Park, New Jersey, where about one third of the town was Jewish and his parents were active in numerous Jewish organizations. Barry learned

that it was important to “be-long” and give back to others. Rita and Barry moved to Long Beach in 1982 and the Jewish Community Center (now the Alpert JCC - AJCC) very quickly became an im-portant part of their lives. Their children attended the JCC preschool and there the Zamosts met the group of friends with whom they have remained close over all these years. As Rita remarked, “We have been through births, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings and now the next generation of babies.” Rita and Barry re-cently became grandparents of twin baby girls. Their children Aaron, Shanah & Sara were in-volved in camp as both campers and later as camp counselors, acted in Sum-mer Stock, and participated in many programs at the AJCC. As teenagers, Aaron and Shanah visited Israel through the AJCC and Young Judea, and Sara, while in college, participated in birth-right. This year both Shanah & Sara attended the Jewish Federation of North Amer-ica “Tribefest” convention. Shanah plans to go to Israel on a Federation National Young Leadership Mission this year. Rita & Barry have seen first-hand the importance of hav-ing these types of programs

available for all Jewish youth. In addition to the friend-ships and programs for their children, Rita & Barry also were involved in the Federation’s Young Leader-ship training program. From a parent volunteer in the pre-school, Rita went on to be-come a AJCC board member and served as the President from 1991-1992. Rita was on the Capital Campaign Committee to build the “New Jewish Community Cam-pus” and they were gener-ous donors to the building. Barry continues to serve on the Executive Committee of the AJCC. Along with the extended family members, the Zamosts have spon-sored the AJCC Golf Tour-nament for the past 6 years.

With this as the

background, it was natural for Rita & Barry to choose to leave a bequest to the com-munity in their trust. They feel strongly about preserving the Jewish culture and tradi-tions, and want the programs and institutions that make this possible to continue. Having worked to make this Jewish Community Cam-pus a reality, Rita shares, “When I walk through the front door and get a sense of what goes on here, programs for babies to bubbies, I am filled with a sense of pride and feel very lucky that we can give something back.” Rita never knew her grandparents and most of her family was lost in the Holocaust. “They did not have the opportunity to leave a legacy and it is im-portant for every one of us to leave something, not just for

our own family but for others who need the connection of a strong Jewish community.” As Barry puts it, “Leav-ing something for the future allows us a connection to previous generations and to a heritage worth preserv-ing. It doesn’t matter the amount you give, it is just important to give back both for today and the future.” Everyone Can…Leave a Jewish Legacy. For more information about creating your own Jewish Legacy, please call Sharon Kenigsberg at the Jewish Community Foundation, 562-426-7601 EXT 1008 or and ask for a copy of the “Create a Jewish Legacy” brochure.

Zamost family welcomes the next generation: (Seated) Aaron & Ana Zamost with twins Olivia & Zoe, (Standing L-R): Shanah, Barry, Rita & Sara

Barry & Rita Zamost








Ascending with the Omer CountingRabbi Drew Kaplan

Congregation Shir Chadash (i)6440 Del Amo Blvd.Lakewood, CA 90713Contact Rabbi Howard LaibsonPhone: 562-429-0715Email:csclakewood@dslextreme.comWebsite: www.CongregationShirChadash.orgShul By the Shore (o)Seaport Marina Hotel 6400 Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, California 90803Contact: Rabbi Abba PerelmuterPhone: 562-621-9828Email: rabbi@shulbytheshore.orgWebsite: www.shulbytheshore.orgtemple Beth David (r)6100 Hefley St.Westminster, CA 92683Contact: Rabbi Nancy MyersPhone: 714-892-6623Email: tbdavid@templebethdavid.orgWebsite: www.templebethdavid.orgtemple Beth Shalom (C)3635 Elm Ave.Long Beach, CA 90807Contact: Rabbi David KlatzkerPhone: 562-426-6413Email: rabbi@tbslb.orgWebsite: www.tbslb.orgtemple israel (r)269 Loma Ave.Long Beach, CA 90803Contact: Rabbi Steven MoskowitzPhone: 562-434-0996Email: info@tilb.orgWebsite: www.tilb.orgtemple ner tamid of Downey (r)10629 Lakewood BoulevardDowney, CA 90241Contact: President David SalzmanPhone: 562-861-9276Website: www.downeytemplenertamid.orgP’nai or (i)Long Beach, CAContact: Cantor Steven PuzarneSpiritual DirectorEmail: cantor@pnaior.orgWebsite: www.PnaiOr.orgPhone 562-364-5154Congregation Lubavitch (o)3981 Atlantic Ave.Long Beach, CA 90807Contact: Rabbi NewmanPhone: 562-426-5480Email: yitzyg@aol.comChabad of Cypress (o)4454 Cerritos Ave.Los Alamitos, CA 90720Contact: Rabbi Shmuel MarcusPhone: 714-828-1851Email: smarcus@jewishcypress.comWebsite: www.jewishcypress.comCongregation SholomLeisure World, Seal Beach (C)P. O. Box 2901Seal Beach, CA 90740Contact: Cantor Galit Levy-SlaterSpiritual LeaderMembership: 562-431-0113temple Beth ohr (r)15721 Rosecrans Ave.La Mirada, CA 90638Contact: Rabbi Mark GoldfarbPhone: 562-691-2551E-Mail-Tmplbthohr@AOL.comWebsite: www.TempleBethOhr.comChabad of West orange County/Congregation adat israel (o)5052 Warner Ave.Huntington BeachContact: Rabbi Aron David BerkowitzPhone: 714-846-2285Email: info@chabadhb.comWebsite: www.chabadhb.comSurf City Synagogue (C)Services held at the HB Central Library7111 Talbert Ave.Huntington BeachPhone: 714-596-2220E-Mail: info@surfcitysynagogue.orgCongregation ahavas Yisroel (o)10433 Los Alamitos BoulevardLos Alamitos, CA 90720Contact: Rabbi Yitzchok MarcusWebsite: Under ConstructionE-mail: CongAhavas@aol.comPhone: 562-493-4570

(r)=reform (C)=Conservative(o)=orthodox (i)=independent

Upcoming Events at Our Area SynagoguesBelow you will find many of the exciting events happening at our local synagogues. Be sure to contact them directly if you have any questions. Their contact information is available in the Synagogue Directory on the right sidebar of this page.

Synagogue Directory

Temple Beth David Sunday, May 20, at 7:00 pm, TBD presents An Evening with Larry Elder, KABC TalkRadio personality to share his libertarian phi-losophy. Saturday, May 26, at 7:00 pm, TBD invites the community to Confirmation & Shavout Service. Celebrate the confirmation of Jeremy Geller, Sophie Joslyn, Gillian Lelchuk, and Evin Rosenberg. Call office for more informa-tion on either events.

Temple Beth Shalom Sunday, May 6, from 12:30-2:00 pm, as part of

Big Sunday TBS invites you to become a “Book Doctor” and help them repair gently-used books that will be given to young children who are not fortunate enough to own their own books. Together we will make sure every book is ready to be read. Event will take place at TBS as a part of Think Together’s Early Liter-acy Project. For more informa-tion call office.

Temple Israel Wednesday, May 18, at 6:00 pm, TI will host a Tot Shabbat, an informal child-centered Shabbat Service with songs, prayers and sto-

ries led by HaMo’Robyn fol-lowed by a free pizza dinner. At 7:00 pm a Shabbat ser-vice with prayer insights will be led by Rabbi Moskowitz, Cantor Finnley and pianist David York. Rabbi Moskowitz will provide Rabbinic insights in the historical and spiritual context of the prayers that are part of the weekly service.

If your synagogue would like to

be a part of this listing, please

submit your events to chronicle@

The time between the vernal equinox and pre-summer carries with it a special sense of growing, which is enhanced by the ever-increasing amount of sunlight in this time period. In Jewish life, there is a com-mandment to count the days in an ascending fashion for seven weeks in this time pe-riod, known as the counting of the Omer. Called after a measurement of barley to be offered, this counting for seven weeks begins the sec-ond night of Passover and continues until the fiftieth day, when we celebrate the holi-day of Shavuot. Similar to the fall harvest festivals, there is a seven-day festival fol-lowed by a concluding fes-tival. However, as opposed to Sukkot being closely fol-lowed Shemini Atzeret, Pass-over’s seven-day festival and concluding festival cycle are not concluded until weeks later with Shavuot. The rabbis, in the wake of the destruction of the Sec-ond Temple, carried on the

counting of the Omer. And, by the turn of the fifth century, one rabbi, Amemar, stated that the counting, in lieu of being able to actually offer the Omer, was now merely in remembrance of the Temple. In the medieval period, although there were some rabbinic authorities who stat-ed that the counting of the Omer was still a biblical obli-gation, such as Maimonides, many ruled that it was now merely a rabbinic one. In spite of this time pe-riod being somewhat happy, being connectedly between two festivals, some medieval-ists began instituting semi-mourning practices. They did this, at least for part of this seven-week period, some-what commemoratively for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva in the second century, but also perhaps in the face of their own persecutions, especially the Crusades. It is possible that these semi-mourning practices of not having weddings nor tak-ing haircuts were created in

order to temper the improv-ing mood of the blossoming weather that might lead us to unbridled frivolity. Another approach has been to see this season as hearkening back to theIsraelite’s time in the desert, with their departure from Egypt being at Passover and ascending in purity and holi-ness to prepare for the recep-tion of the Torah from God at Mount Sinai, celebrated at the holiday of Shavuot. When the kabbalists came along, they offered an internal approach to this section of time. They saw these seven weeks as a way to correspond to what they described as the seven lower divine attributes. They were then able to generate a nice system whereby each week focuses on one spe-cific divine attribute that the individual would be able to cultivate or develop. More-over, each day of any given week was then given over to developing a specific attri-bute in relationship to the at-

tribute of the week. This s e v e n - b y -seven matrix is a well-s t r u c t u re d f ramework with which to perform ame-liorative inner work. Whether one is Jewish or not, this ethi-cal characteristic improve-ment structure is a potentially useful tool for people in this time of the year. While there are other customs that have sprung up that Jewish people incor-porate in this time, the late spring season is seen as fruitful and full of potential, especially for growth and as-cending, whether national, personal, or otherwise. This season is an opportunity for us to seize in whichever way we see fit to work on our lives. Let us grow. Rabbi Drew Kaplan is the rabbi and director for South-ern California Jewish Student Services. He serves as rabbi for Long Beach Hillel.

Rabbi Drew Kaplan

Jewish Lecture Series With this year’s presidential elec-tion contest in full swing, it seems appropriate to explore the role of the presidential

speechwriter and how he or she can affect a campaign. On May 1, Dr. Craig Smith will discuss Writing for the President: How Speeches Shape Presidential Cam-paigns and share his experi-ence as a full-time speechwrit-er to President Gerald Ford and consultant to George H. W. Bush. The lecture series is free and open to the community. The lecture starts at 7:30 pm at the Alpert JCC. For more information, please contact Susan Paletz at the Alpert JCC at 562-426-7601 ExT 1012.

Dr. Craig R. Smith

The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center


FOR MORE INFORMATION:Phone: (562)426-7601

Around the “J”insideAJCC Summer Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Martial Arts Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Summer Stock Auditions for “13” . . . . . 2

Iyar-Sivan, 5772 MAY 2012

Mother’s Day Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Older Americans Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Community Dinner Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . 3

Car Care Clinic “Just For Women”. . . . . 3Alan Alda & Madeleine Albright . . . . . . 3Summer Fun With Your Baby . . . . . . . . . 4


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Iyar-Sivan, 5772 MAY 2012


Have you ever walked into a place for thevery first time and it just felt like you werehome? Instantly, you felt comfortable. Youseemed to connect with everyone. Smilingcame easy to you that day as you realizedthat you were in the right place. That’s what

happened the first time that Rebecca Gotz attended summer camp at theAlpert JCC in 1996.

Rebecca continued to attend summer camp, performing in Footloose andThe Music Man in the AJCC’s Teen Summer Stock program. In 2007, shebecame a Junior Camp Counselor. In 2009, she was a Sr. Camp Counselor.In 2011, Rebecca became CIT Supervisor, a position in which she will becontinuing this summer, following her graduation from the University ofArizona with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education.

The really great thing about Rebecca’s story is that it isn’t unique. So manyof our campers and counselors come back to the “J” summer after summer. And we couldn’t be happier to see them! If you are looking for aplace where your son or daughter will feel as at home as Rebecca and somany of her friends, we hope you visit to learnmore about our summer programs for kids of every age. From CampKomaroff to more than a dozen specialty camps, sports camps and aquatics programs, the Alpert JCC offers so much more than just somethingfor kids to do. Send your kids to the Alpert JCC’s summer camp programand give them the opportunity to create cherished memories and make lifelong friendships.

The Summer CampYou Keep Coming Back To

AQUATICSSascha Bryan-Zwick, • (562)426-7601, ext. 1035

Group Swim LessonsApril 30-May 24 (4 wk Session)$75/AJCC Member; $90/PublicMay 28-June 7 (2 wk Session)$40/AJCC Member; $50/Public

Tiny Tots: 3-5 yrs (1:4 Ratio)Beginner: 6-4 yrs (1:4 Ratio)Adv. Beginner: 5-8 yrs (1:6 Ratio)

Masters SwimMon & Wed, 6:30-7:30pmSat, 9-10amAges 14+

Spring Water PoloMay 9-30, Mon & WedSplash Ball: 5-8yrsMon & Wed. 4-4:30pmYouth Polo: 8-12yrsMon. & Wed. 4:30-5:15pm

Private Swim LessonsLimited spots available, call today.

Prep-Swim TeamTue, Thur, 4:30-5:15pmAges 5-12

Youth Swim Teamwith Coach Rafe MontesMon-Thur, 5-6:30pmFri, 4:30-5:30pmAges 6-14

“J” Crew Trip to BoomersSaturday, May 19, 6-9pm

6th Grade & UpJoin “J” Crew for an evening of miniature golf, go karts, bumper boats,arcade games, and more at Boomers Fountain Valley, 16800 MagnoliaStreet. Please see the Boomer’s website for a complete list ofattractions and prices. Drop off and pick up will be at Boomers.

YOUTHNatalie Chernik, • (562)426-7601, ext. 1205

TEENSRachel Gordon, • (562)426-7601, ext. 1023

Teen Summer StockRehearsal Dates: June 25-July 29Performance Dates: July 25, 26, 28, 29Middle School & up kids must be registeredfor Summer Stock in order to audition

during the first week of camp.

With an unforgettable rock score from Tony Award-winning composerJason Robert Brown, 13 is a hilarious, high-energy musical for allages about discovering that cool is where you find it, and sometimeswhere you least expect it.

Alan Alda with Eric Kandel:May 3, 7pmSix-time Emmy Award winner Alan Alda isdeveloping innovative programs that enablescientists to communicate more effectively withthe public. Eric Kandel’s most recent book, The Age of Insight, explores how five of the best

minds in 1900, including Sigmund Freud, radically reframed ourunderstanding of our unconscious mental processes. They initiated a dialogbetween art & brain science that continues to provide insight today.

Madeleine AlbrightMay 24, 7pmMadeleine Albright served as the 64th Secretaryof State from 1997 to 2001. In this conversation,Albright shares her story along with herremembrances of the people and events that tookplace during her tenure.

92Y Lecture Series is presented in partnership with the Alpert JCC, JewishFederation, and local synagogues Temple Beth David, Temple Beth Shalom,

Temple Israel, Shir Chadash, Shul by the Shore & Temple Beth Ohr

FREE to organization members listed above; $10/Non Member

For more information on 92Y Lectures visit www.alpertjcc.orgRSVP to Eve Lunt, (562)426-7601, ext. 1067 or


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The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center


Mother’s Day Senior Adult LuncheonHosted by Binnie and Jack Berro & Family

If ever you have needed to witness a beautiful Mother’s Day tribute, look nofurther than the Alpert JCC on Wednesday, May 9th at noon. That’s when AJCCmembers Binnie and Jack Berro and Family will be hosting our Annual Mother’sDay Senior Adult Luncheon.

Each year, the Berro family opens their hearts to host this wonderful event inloving memory and appreciation of their mother and grandmother, FloraSpellens. Our senior adult attendees will enjoy a delicious lunch includingJessie Butler’s popular homemade blintzes, tuna salad, fresh chocolate chipcookies and vanilla bean ice cream.This luncheon is open to all senior adults. After all, you either are a mother oryou probably had one! And thanks to the Berros’ generosity, there is no chargefor this wonderful afternoon.RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu, (562)426-7601, ext. 1721 or

Play Day Lunch! Wed, May 2, 12-2pm Enjoy Bingo, Jeopardy & more. $5

Dollars & SenseFri, May 4, 10am–12pmLearn how to better manage yourmoney and retirement.FREE

Veterans’ Forum Fri, May 11, 9am-12pmThe City of Long Beach will sponsorits second Veterans Forum to raiseawareness and promote dialogue ofveteran issues. Join us for resourcesand information.FREE

Trip to the The Huntingtonin PasadenaMon, May 14Bus leaves the AJCC at 11:30amThe Huntington contains a massivelibrary, a vast art collection, &several botanical gardens. Includestransportation, lunch & admission.$20 ($10 cancellation fee)

Lunch Pizza Party Wed, May 23, 12pmEnjoy some Merlot while dining ongourmet pizza and farm-fresh salad.Entertainment: Francisco & The RedRock Ramblers.$5

Play your way to fitness!Wed, May 30, 12-1:30pmLearn simple stretches and easywork-outs after lunch. $5

AJCC Monthly Senior EventsSenior Lunch: Wed, 12-2pm Bridge: Wed, 2-4pmMah Jongg: Thur, 1-3pmKnit Wits: Mon, 1-3pmLong Term Widowhood:3rd Friday of month 10:30am-12pmSenior Fitness Classes:Visit

May is Older Americans MonthDr. Susan Mathieu,, (562)426-7601, ext, 1721

May is nationally recognized as Older Americans Month. In recognition the AJCC, JFCS, and RSVP are hosting a month of special events for OlderAmericans and their families. Please join us in celebrating the OlderAmericans in our lives and in yours.

ADULTSEve Lunt,, ext. 1067

Mah Jongg Specialty Workshop:How to Pick a HandThursday, May 10, 7pm The hardest part of playing Mah Jonggis how to pick your hand. Do you knowthe rules of the game but are havingtrouble picking a hand from the NMJLcard? Mah Jongg Maven, LindaSimmons, will show players how toconfidently choose from all thoseconfusing hands. $8/AJCC Member; $10/PublicBring your own 2012 NMJL card

Rosh Chodesh at the JCCTuesday, May 22, 7pmJoin other women for Rosh Chodesh,the new moon, which has specialmeaning to Jewish women and helpus usher in the Jewish month of Sivan.FREE

“Just for Women”Car Care Clinic Sunday, June 3, 10-11:30amThis Clinic, hosted by PerformancePlus Tire & sponsored by Bridgestone,is a unique opportunity for women toget some great advice & hands onexperience in a friendly, supportiveenvironment. FREE & open to community womenRSVP to Eve Lunt.

Alpert JCC CommunityDinner Theatre

May 2-July 8Open Auditions: May 2 & 3, 7-9pm

Adults & children 5th grade & upNo unaccompanied youths under 13What would happen if a BarMitzvah and Quinceañera wereaccidentally scheduled for thesame date at the J? Hilarity ensuesin this Romeo & Juliet inspiredmusical written & directed by SeanMcMullen. Rehearsals May 9-June 28Performances are Sat. July 7 & Sun,July 8 at 2pm.$35/High School age & above$25/5th-8th grade$100/Family of 4, each additional child $20

AJCC Poker Club Tuesday, May 157-10:30pm: Game Time$20/AJCC Member; $25/Public(Cash Only)Visit web for re-buys/add-ons info.

GESHERCITYYOUNG ADULTSSponsored by the Alpert JCC &Jewish Federation of Greater Long BeachSusanne Katz, (562)426-7601, ext. 1625

GesherCity ShabbatFriday, May 4th, 7:30pmCome to the GesherCity Shabbat,where we’ll celebrate with goodfriends, great music and tasty food.

This program brings special pre-recordedlectures from NYC’s renowned 92nd Street Yto the Alpert JCC in Long Beach


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Iyar-Sivan, 5772 MAY 2012


Introducing our new Early ChildhoodEducation Director, Linda KeilesWhen someone takes up a new position in anorganization, it’s customary to write up a short piece,introducing that person to the rest of the community.But in the case of Linda Sunshine Keiles, the newDirector of the Early Childhood Education Dept. at theAlpert JCC, an introduction is hardly necessary. Lindahas been a part of the AJCC team for the past 14years, beginning her AJCC career as the Asst. Directorof ECE and, most recently, serving as our Youth, Teen,

Sports & Camp Director, where she developed and introduced new andinnovative programs, including J Crew Teen Camp, Kids University and theAJCC/Pete Davis Youth Basketball League.

“I’m looking forward to continuing the Alpert JCC’s tradition of excellencein Jewish early childhood education,” Linda commented. “My vision for thefuture of the ECE Dept. is for it to be a vital home for Jewish education, life andculture for children and families in Long Beach and surrounding communities.I envision the ECE Dept. as a place where families can come together to beginand to enrich their Jewish journeys, and where people of diverse faiths andcultures can learn through a Jewish lens.”

We look forward to watching Linda lead our ECE Dept. into the future with hertrademark passion, vibrancy and vision.

Linda Sunshine Keiles


(562)426-7601, ext. 1092

Kid’s Night Out, Parent’s Night OffSaturday, May 19, 5-9pm

Enjoy dinner, a movie, or a walk on the beach while ECE staff takes care of the kids!Cost includes dinner, games, stories, play, and staff supervision.$25 per child. Sibling discounts available.

Looking for summer funwith your baby or toddler?

Summer Parent/Child Participation Classes offer fun & learning for familieswith children from birth through toddler in a welcoming Jewish atmosphere.The “J” has three different classes; find the right one for you and your baby.

From the BeginningWednesday Mornings, 9:30am

Newborn through walking, with an adultBegin your new life with us at theAJCC; this class for new mothers andtheir infants will help you discoverthe joys and face the challenges thatare part of transitioning your familywhen a new baby arrives, whetherit’s your first or your fourth! Class isfacilitated by a caring andexperienced ECE staff member.

This is a FREE class

Yad b’ Yad (Hand in Hand)Tuesdays & Thursdays

9:15-10:45amFor children 9-23 months, with an adultYour child will experiencedevelopment and discovery throughhands-on learning, including music,arts & crafts, manipulatives, tableand playground time. This class is agreat way to make friends you andyour family will keep for a lifetime.

Moving OnTuesdays & Thursdays

9:30am-12:30pm18-28 months with an adult

Parents enjoy playing with their childfor the first hour, and then leavethem in the nurturing care ofexperienced ECE staff. The childrenwill learn through guided group play,participating in music, rhythm,stories and dramatic play and otherhands-on activities. The emphasis ofthis class is on social skills anddevelopment which will provide agreat transition into pre-school!

Wellness & FitnessAlpert JCC P.E. Courtesy Desk, (562)426-7601, ext. 1051

Fitness MythbustersThursday, May 10, 9:30am & 7pmSome fitness myths just need busting, and the sooner thebetter! To help put you on the path to a healthier, safer andmore enjoyable workout, Cindi Massengale will share thelowdown on what’s true and what’s not true when it comesto exercise tips. Lecture presented by Cindi, AJCC Fitness &Wellness Center Manager.

Cindi has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology, is anACE certified Group Fitness Instructor, AFAA Certified

Personal Fitness Trainer, and Turbo KickBox Instructor. Shehas been teaching Group Exercise classes for 23 years, Personal Training clientsfor 6 years, and coaching outdoor fitness boot camps for 3 years. Cindi has stayedcurrent with the fitness trends in the fitness industry, and has taught manydifferent formats including Body Sculpting, Step, Lo/Hi Impact, Cycle, Pilates, Yoga,and Turbo Kickboxing.

Take the first step toward a Healthy & Fit YouPersonal trainers make the most of your time with efficient workouts, they helpmotivate you to stick with your exercise routine, and create fitness programsspecifically designed for you to reach your goal. Whether your goal is to fit intoyour skinny jeans, lose weight, tone & sculpt your physique, or train for anupcoming event, the AJCC personal trainers can help you get there.To schedule a free consultation with one of our nationally certified personaltrainers call (562)426-7601, ext. 1051.

Cycling for NicoleBeit Issie Shapiro is a very special place for very special kids. Located inRa’anana, Israel, this non-profit community organization provides a wide rangeof services for over 30,000 children with developmental disabilities and theirfamilies. They are committed to building a caring and responsible communityin which people with special needs enjoy full rights and access to social,educational, treatment and recreational services.

The Alpert JCC’s Early Childhood Education Department is sponsoring Nicole,a young Israeli girl with special needs, in our Cycle for Smiles fundraiser onMay 23 and 24. During these two exciting days, our children in ECE will ridetheir tricycles to support their new friend, Nicole, by raising money for Beit IssieShapiro. In the process, they will be learning about kids with special needs andhow each one of us can make a difference in someone’s life. Even someoneliving many thousands of miles away.

Our goal is to raise at least $5,000 for Nicole. Your family can support ourefforts by making a minimum pledge of Chai ($18). And, of course, we’re happyif you choose to donate even more! Thank you in advance for helping us teachour children about the importance of mitzvot, and for making the life of onelittle girl in Israel a better one.

For more information Contact Linda Keiles, ECE Director,at (562)426-7601 ext. 1092 or at

Cindi Massengale | MAY 2012 | 7

On April 1, the commu-nity turned out for what has become the most success-ful Walk/Run in JFCS’s 24 year history of the event. Al-most 400 people took part in the event and it exceeded JFCS’ fundraising goal, dou-bling the amount of money that was raised last year. A healthy day of fun for all, from children to seniors, ev-eryone showed up with the aim to heal the world, one person, one family at a time…by taking one step at a time. The day featured a beau-tiful 5K/10K Walk/Run,

food trucks, a costume con-test, free massages as well as the music of KIIS-FM’s truck. Wendy Puzarne, executive director of JFCS said, “I am so proud of JFCS and how far we have come with this event. Lise Miller, Director of Development and Marketing and Pamela Weinstein, the Chair of the event are to be congratulated for the success of this day.” A special thank you to Race Chair, Pamela Weinstein, for putting to-gether such a great race and such a great volunteer com-mittee. Also a special thank you to Joanne Lopez, Nancy Levy, Danielle Van Divort, the women of NCJW’s Com-munity Service Committee, Rachel Plotkin Olemese from St. Mary’s, KIIS-FM, Alan Brawer from Verizon, and Dr. Richard Lotto from Upright Chiropractic as well as the many volunteers and all the others that were involved in putting together this year’s race. One of the most touching parts of this year’s race was the large showing of support

for “Team Roberta,” a team dedicated to honoring the memory of one of the be-loved members of our com-munity lost this year, Roberta Fassler-Katz. Roberta spent much of her life working for a Jewish Family Service in No. Cal. and more than anyone embodied the spirit of giving back to the community. For those in the Long Beach com-munity, she might have been best known as the Director of the Women’s Division for the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County. It just so happens that her birthday was also April 1 and so the memorial was particularly appropriate. We wish to thank all the members of Team Roberta for honoring her in such a generous and thoughtful way. Some of the other teams that made an appearance that day included the April Fool’s and Francee’s Birth-day Buddies, Energizer Bun-nies, Joanne’s Joggers, Keir Jones State Farm, Sole Sisters, Super Seven, Team Judy, Team P-WOWW, Team Sa-fari, and Weinsteins Walk-

ers. We had one gentleman travel from Mexico to be a part of the Race and the day featured racers from 3 to 90 years old. Richard Ruby, president of JFCS’ board, said, “I am so proud of our board and our community for rising to this occasion and bringing their passion, their commit-ment, their dollars and their time to help change and save the lives of neighbors in our community. Times like these are particularly hard for social service agencies like ours to find the resources to do their important work and this year’s turnout will go a long way to providing the thousands of clients JFCS serves each year with the help they need.” We wish to give our deepest thanks to this year’s sponsors as well as all those who made donations in sup-port of this year’s racers. We couldn’t do any of the work we do without you. Contact JFCS for a full list of sponsors.

JFCSCall Today! We’re Here to Help!

3801 e. WiLLoW StreetLong BeaCH, Ca 90815

WeB: www.jfcslongbeach.orgemaiL:

PHone: 562-427-7916

OUR MISSION: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Long Beach/West Orange County is a nonprofit agency that provides a wide range of professional counseling and support services to assist all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation in facing life’s challenges.

Race With a view – Bigger and Better than Ever

Race With a View Committee mem-bers, (L-R) Joanne Lopez, Pamela Weinstein (Chair) & Danielle Van Divort

Who’s the Man in the Big Yellow Hat with Curious George? Craig Kain and his son Asher of course

Racer’s enjoying the food trucks, (L-R) Shari Nemirow, Rob Feldman, Jaime Nemirow & Debbie Feldman

Three generations of Berro’s at the finish line, (L-R) Michele Berro Krug-man, Jack Berro & Miriam Berro


HiLLeL at CSULBFor more inFormation:

WeB: www.Beachhillel.orgemaiL:

PHone: 562-985-7068 or 562-426-7601 ext 1424

Spotlight on Birthright Beach Hillel Annual Brunch

dddOn December 21, five Beach Hillel students em-barked on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip with other Hillel students from So. Cal. The Beach Hillel students bond-ed as a group prior to the trip through preparatory meet-ings lead by Rabbi Drew Kaplan. They learned about Israeli culture and history and what to expect while traveling in the foreign coun-try. One participant, Allison LaKomski, gives a detailed account of her experiences: It may seem impossible, but I had a life changing ex-perience in the span of only ten days in Israel. It took just ten days for me to fall in love with the country, to fall in love with the culture and most of all to fall in love with those who shared my expe-rience, Bus 967. My jour-ney through Israel was an adventure to say the least. This gift was an inspiration to me. The trip itinerary was incredible. First, we trav-eled from Bat Yam to Tiberius. Then, we drove jeeps through the Golan Heights and saw the Syrian and Lebanese bor-ders. Next, we learned about synagogues in Sfat and floated in the Dead

Sea. Later, we experienced Bedouin hospitality and rode camels through the Negev desert. We also hiked Masada at sunrise and danced at sunset in Jerusalem. It was so mean-ingful when we walked in the footsteps of our people in the Old City, touched the Western Wall, and remem-bered the devastation of the Holocaust at Yad VaShem. Finally, we brought in the New Year on Ben Yehuda Street. I was personally capti-vated by Jerusalem. The city has a sort of magic to it that can only be felt and is hard to describe. For me, it was hard to accept because I am not a religious person. Once I was able to put that aside however, I was able to feel and understand the beauty of Jerusalem

and the beauty of religion. I decided to have a Bat Mitzvah while on the trip which strengthened and im-pacted my connection to Judaism. It was an amaz-ing feeling. However, the most intriguing part of the trip was having the chance to connect with some Israeli soldiers. This gave me the opportunity to ask questions, make connections and make lifelong friends. I hope many others will open up their hearts to a life changing ex-perience in Israel like I did. –Allison LaKomski Birthright Israel is a free 10 day trip to Israel for young adults between 18-26. Birthright Israel receives funding from Jewish Federations across North America including the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach.

On April 29, Beach Hil-lel held their annual yearend brunch. Students, parents, Beach Hillel Board of Direc-tors, and community mem-bers gathered at the home of Barbara & Leon Shoag to celebrate another successful year. Thank you to Barbara & Leon for graciously hosting this joyous event. Zach Katona received the award for Outstanding Student of the Year. Con-gratulations to Zach for his excellent student leadership and setting a positive exam-ple for his peers. As an active member of the Beach Hillel student board and Alpha Ep-silon Pi fraternity, he led a se-ries of successful Challah for Hunger events, baking chal-lah and selling it on campus to raise money for charity. He consistently goes above and beyond to participate and

volunteer at Beach Hillel and community events. Zach also had the privilege to travel with the Beach Hillel group on Taglit-Birthright Israel last summer, as well as attend the So. Cal.CSU Hillel Engage-ment Retreat. The Annual Brunch was also held to recognize the group of students participat-ing in Beach Hillel’s Taglit-Birthright Israel trip this sum-mer. Five students from Beach Hillel will join Hillel students from around the country for the free ten-day trip. We wish them all safe and happy trav-els and cannot wait to hear about their experience.

Beach Hillel student, Allison LaKomski, celebrates her Bat Mitzvah on the Taglit-Birthright Israel trip | MAY 2012 | 9

HeBreW aCaDemYAward Winning Academics in a Genuine Jewish Environment

14401 WiLLoW LaneHUntington BeaCH, Ca 92647

WeB: www.hebrewacademyhb.comPHone: 714-898-0051

CamP SiLVer gan iSraeL:

The Art of Preschool MusicBy Shawn Smith, Music Teacher

Lag B’Omer

Mother’s Day Tea Preschool Registration

So far we have covered Music as a Science using hands on experience with vibration, sound waves, and resonance. The instruments used have been: guitar, drums, tone chimes, piano, bells, and harp. Simple household items used have been: different length metal objects such as screws, bolts, washers, vary-

ing lengths and thickness of sticks. The children grew to learn that they could some-times guess which direction a tone might go, by visually es-timating the difference in size and length or thickness of an object; therefore proving their understanding of high and lowness in pitch (ear train-ing). We have also played around with “range” of dif-ferent instruments including our voice. We have learned a little about the voice as an instrument and how to take good care of it. The Language of Music we’ve learned other musical terms such as Italian words, Forte - loud, playing with more force, fortissimo - loud-er. Piano which means a more gentle touch or breath producing a softer volume. Using the understanding of high low and then middle they also are learning Mez-zo as in Mezzo Piano and Mezzo Forte. We’re having fun saying these new words. Music Math we have in-troduced Musical Notation, a pre math skill, using frac-tions and the new language of musical symbols. The class is able to tell the difference in 4 notes with their words and to demonstrate this by clap-ping and counting. They can also place these different notes quite accurately into familiar children’s songs. All these skills are on-going. We review to ensure their importance and find new relevance and applica-tions for what we’ve learned with these wonderful pieces of the musical puzzle.

Lag B’omer is a day to celebrate Jewish Pride and Unity. This is the day we hon-or Rabbi Akiva whose most famous teaching was “love your fellow as yourself.” It is also the Yahrtzeit of the Great Tanna and Kabbal-ist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who requested that this day be commemorated as a day

for rejoicing and celebration. Jews across the globe cele-brate this auspicious day by bringing their communities to-gether to celebrate and take pride in their strength as a people. The H.A. will be hosting its annual Community Grand Lag B’omer celebration on Thursday, May 10 from

5:00-7:30 p.m. The program will kick off with parades, music, dancing and outstand-ing food and entertainment for all ages around a mega bonfire in the tradition of the Kabbalists. The entire community is welcomed. For more infor-mation please contact Rabbi Popack at ExT 203.

Looking for a day of re laxa t ion and pam-p e r i n g ? H e b r e w A c a d e m y preschoolers are going to do just that on Monday, May 14 at the annual Mother’s Day Tea from 2:45-3:15 p.m. The preschoolers are preparing to treat their moms with mani-cures and pedicures. They plan on making bath crystal gift sets, baking cookies and inviting their mom to tea. Be sure to come and peek in.

Early Childhood Director, Chanie Perelmuter is organiz-ing class lists for next Sep-tember. Be sure to register for next year if you haven’t already. This year Pre-K class en-

joyed: computer in the com-puter lab, art, music, dance, swimming, physical educa-tion with a designated spe-cialist and visits to the library. For more information, contact ExT 204 or visit the website.

May Upcoming Events


academy classic golf tournament

Monday, May 7

Mother/daughter banquet

Tuesday, May 8

lag b’omer celebration

Thursday, May 10

spring book fairMonday, May 14

Preschool Mother’s day tea Monday, May 14

2:45-3:15 p.m.

K-8th open HouseWednesday, May 16

6:00-7:45 p.m.

K-5th family fun day Hiking

Sunday, May 20

rosh chodesh assembly

Tuesday, May 223:00-3:30 p.m.

open registration for Preschool,

camp silver gan israel and fall classes






& A








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Long Beach Marriott, the Jewish Federation and the Alpert JCC Team Up for Sweet Summer Deals

Frieda Caplan Honored with nAWBO-LA Legacy Award


Michael Robby, Director of Sales at the Long Beach Marriott, has always val-ued his connection to the Jewish community, both in business and his personal life. Being 50% Jewish by blood, his father was born of Jewish parents and raised in Brooklyn, NY, part of a large Jewish family. Over the last few years, Michael has be-come very interested in his Jewish roots, family history, and holocaust research. With his Aunt’s help, he was able to find and re-connect with

many cousins currently living in Israel with whom the family had lost touch. Michael Robby has been working in the hotel indus-try since 1999, most of this time within the Marriott Ho-tels organization at different locations in So. Cal. Since Michael joined the team in Long Beach, he reached out to the Jewish Federation and Alpert JCC not only to show off the renovated spaces at the Long Beach Marriott but also because he feels a con-nection to the programs and

services that the two organi-zations provide. He believes that a strong Jewish commu-nity is important for the entire Long Beach Jewish Commu-nity. If you have relatives com-ing into town during the sum-mer, or you want to get away for a night then check out the Long Beach Marriott. See the ad on back page for all the details about the promo-tional deals. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Michael directly at 562-627-8055.

eeeNational Association of Women Busi-ness Owners, Los Angeles, r e c o g n i z e d

Caplan at An-nual Awards Luncheon held in March 2012. Frieda Rapoport Caplan, founder of Frieda’s Specialty Produce, was honored in March at the 26th Annual National Association of

Women Business Owners, Los Angeles (NAWBO-LA) Awards Luncheon. Caplan is one of seven honorees for 2012. The NAWBO-LA Awards give tribute to top achievers and advocates in the women’s business com-munity and recognize their contributions to the advance-ment of women. Caplan received the Legacy Award for her role as the first woman to own a U.S.

produce business, her contin-uous efforts in the advance-ment of women in the busi-ness world, and her activism in women’s rights. Caplan is most known for introducing the Kiwifruit to America in 1962, and Frieda’s, Inc. has since introduced over 200 specialty produce items to U.S. supermarkets. This year marks the company’s 50th anniversary.

Frieda Caplan

CCEJ Humanitarian Awards Dinner California Conference for Equality and Justice will present four distinguished honorees with the 2012 Hu-manitarian Award at its An-nual Humanitarian Awards Dinner held on May 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the Renaissance, Long Beach. The honorees are: Rich Archbold, Mike

Murray, Richard Steinke and Rocky Suares. Recently retired President, Margaux Kohut will also be recog-nized for her 25 years of dedicated service to CCEJ and the community of Long Beach. For more information contact CCEJ at 562-435-8184 or

Tribute & memorial contribu-tions are special gifts to honor, memorialize, or congratulate friends & family for all occa-sions. We will be delighted to send a card on your behalf.

Jewish FederationFEDERATIOn AnnUAL CAMPAIGn•In memory of Herman Sacks, brother of Ann Martin•To Susan & Victor Cohn, in memory of your mother, from Judy Lorber

Jewish Community Foundation GERDA SEIFER YOM HASHOAH FUnD• To Michelle Alpert & Scott Kelrick, in honor of your engagement, from Dr. & Mrs. Seifer•To Linda Alpert & Shawn Foley, in honor of your

engagement, from Dr. & Mrs. Seifer•To Sofya Weitz, in honor of your graduation, from Dr. & Mrs. Seifer

For tributes to the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation please call 562-426-7601 EXT 1314

AJCCGEnERAL FUnD•In honor of Laurie Raykoff, from the Law Office of Curtis M. Kaiser

MICHAEL SEGAL MAIMOnIDES FUnD•In honor of Dr. Lance Sieger’s retirement, from Jessie Butler

For tributes to AJCC please call 562-426-7601 ext 1414

JFCSGEnERAL JFCS FUnD•To Libbe Murez, in honor of your birthday, from Marilyn & Lance Valt

BLAKEY FUnD•To Ann & Morris Kutcher, in honor of your 70th wedding anniversary, from Ruth Beckman•To Susan & Victor Cohn, in memory of your mother Joan, from Sandy & Jerry Horwitz

WEISS FUnD•To Nickey & Elizabeth Levy & family, in memory of your mother Blanche, from Binnie & Jack Berro

For tributes to JFCS please call 562-426-7601 ext 235 or 562-427-7916 | MAY 2012 | 11








Temple Israel ~ 562.434.0996 ~

FRIDAY, MAY 256:00 p.m. Shabbat ServiceSATURDAY, MAY 268:45 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service

FRIDAY, MAY 186:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat7:00 p.m. Shabbat Service SATURDAY, MAY 198:45 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service

FRIDAY, MAY 116:00 p.m. Ruach ShabbatSATURDAY, MAY 128:45 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service

FRIDAY, MAY 47:00 p.m. Family ServiceSATURDAY, MAY 58:45 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Sabbath Fellowship

Friday Evening Services conducted by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Cantor Finnley, and pianist, David York. Saturday Morning Services and Torah Study conducted by Rabbi Moskowitz

Join us for Shabbat Services being held at the Alpert Jewish Community Center during construction


Join us at oC’s Biggest Community CeleBration for israel

sunday, may 20, 1:00-6:00pm FREE ADmISSION

samueli Jewish Campus , 1 federation way, irvine 949-435-3484 • israelexpo@jffs.orgEXPO’12

Coming together for peaCe

attraCtions 4 live entertainment 4 shopping 4 Jerusalem day CeleBration 4 israeli food

in cooperation with Jewish federation of greater long Beach and west orange County

LongBeach expo ad.indd 1 4/10/12 2:15 PM

B’nai MitzvahTEMPLE BETH DAvIDJacob mesa

Jacob Mesa will be called to the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah on May 19. He volunteers

regularly at Giving Children Hope, an international and local aid organization in Buena Park. He attends 7th grade at Spring View Middle School.

Federation tower apartmentsFREE Alpert JCC MembershipSeniors 62+ pay only 30% of your income for rent!(562) 426-84043799 E. Willow Street, Long Beach. Next to the Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus

Donate a vehicle to The Jewish Federation

of Greater Long Beach

Call 1-800-237-5714


Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDPermit No.129

Long Beach, CA

The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815

S e r v i n g t h e L o n g B e a c h c o m m u n i t y s i n c e 1 9 8 7

J C C / F e d e r a t i o n D i s c o u n t

“Special JCC/Federation family weekend rates”

For more information:Michael RobbyDirector of

longbeachmarriott.com4700 Airport Plaza Drive

Long Beach, CA 90815Free Parking

For special event, group and catering information call (562) 627-8040 or JCC/Federation discount may be available, inquire for details.

Subject to limited availability.

Inquire for details … (from $109.00 per night, subject to dates and rate availability *)does not include 15% hotel occupancy tax.

Come see our exquisite $6 million renovation!Featuring a bright, modern look with an

energy-efficient and green designGreat location near Long Beach airport

Complimentary parking

*Offer valid through December 31, 2012, and is subject to availability. Prices are exclusive of taxes, gratuity, incidental charges and service charge. A deposit is required at time of event booking, which is non-refundable and refunds or credits will not be issued. This offer may not be combined with other select promotions, offers or discounts, nor can it be applied to holidays or outside catered events. To reserve an event by phone, please contact Michael Robby, Director of Sales at (562) 627-8055. Offer includes a 15% discount off published 2012 event pricing held by December 31, 2012. No credits or refunds are permitted for any unused benefits.



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KindredSPIRITS Concert EventSaturday, June 23, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.

The Walt Disney Concert HallBenefitting


Featuring:Amick Byram, Cassie LaRocca,

Julie Silver, Ilan Davidson, Faithful Central Bible Church 60-voice

Gospel Choir, LA Jewish Symphony under the Direction of

Dr. Noreen Green,and Special Celebrity Guests.

Visit or call 323-319-4TIX (4849)

for concert tickets, donations,sponsorship opportunities, and

more information.

Jewish World WatchJewish World Watch

KindredSPIRITS Shotgun Golf Tournament at Terranea Resort

June 7, 2012 • Tee Time 9:00 a.m.Win a Car, Cash, and other Prizes • Benefitting Jewish World Watch

$100 per player including lunchFor more info email to by May 25