May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works


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  • 8/8/2019 May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works



    Published Monthly by Interfaith Works, P.O. Box 1221, Olympia, WA 98507(360) 357-7224

    Interfaith Works promotes interfaith understanding,and serves the community through

    charitable, social and educational endeavors.



    Kathy Erlandson, Executive DirectorMay 1 marked the beginning of Interfaith Worksfiscal and program year, and the beginning ofterms for new board members. At the April 21Annual Meeting, the membership elected new

    officers and board members to fill vacancies left byretiring members.

    Susan Apt leaves the board having served onnumerous committees in her two year term.During both years, she was especially active inplanning Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebrations andthe World Sacred Music Festival. Departingtreasurer Kasey Carter has served in that office fortwo years. Her navigation through the rows ofnumbers has been invaluable to the board ofdirectors. We are grateful for her guidance throughsome very tight financial situations, and her wise

    direction in crafting two annual budgets. IW hasbenefitted greatly from the service of these twodedicated women.

    Although we have yet to find a new treasurer, fivenew directors were elected to the board,

    (Continued on page 2)

    MAY 2009


    YOUTH CAMPDiane Pieroni

    My daughter Nikala has attended InterfaithYouth Camp all of the three years that it hasbeen in existence. She is too old to attend thisyear and is repeatedly asking if I can get a

    camp organized for high school students!Wouldnt that be great?

    Interfaith Youth Camp has truly made a bigimpact on my daughter. I saw her write a pa-per about how Muslims were not terrorists. Iheard about her involvement in a class discus-sion about the same subject. I participated asshe led an interfaith study for her high schoolchurch group.

    Interfaith Youth Campers do not proselytize butlearn openly about other faith groups and growto be friends through understanding and ac-ceptance. Nikala is still in contact with some ofthe kids text, MySpace, and sometimes evenby old fashioned phone. I think she recognizesthe value to her life in having friends from otherfaiths. I am very happy that I took that first flier

    (Continued on page 2)

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    bringing the number to ten, and greatly increasingits faith diversity. New to the board are LaurieBrown, Buddhist teacher at Bodhi House; BarnettKalikow, member of Temple Beth Hatfiloh; Spike

    Millman, member of Lutheran Church of theGood Shepherd; Mustafa Mohamedali fromIslamic Center of Olympia; and Jan Spiller fromOlympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

    Members continuing on the board are President,Miles, teacher at Open Gate Zendo; Secretary,

    Kathleen Peppard, lay leader at Community forInterfaith Celebration, Marge Johnson, memberat Faith Assembly of Lacey, Dan Ryan, memberof South Sound Buddhist Fellowship, and RichYoung, member of Baha'i of Thurston CountyEast.

    I'm looking forward to an exciting andproductive year working with this wonderfulgroup of people!

    Greetings, Farewell, Thanks(Continued from page 1)


    home to ask if she was interested! Pleasehelp by encouraging any middle school stu-dent that you know to attend.

    This year we are preparing again for a lifeenriching event for kids in 7th to 9th grade.The Camp will take place August 23-28 atCamp Seymour. Please consider making afinancial investment. Contributions may bemade by check to PSI Youth Camp, andmailed to Interfaith Works. We need to insure

    that all who apply are able to attend. Manyfamilies need financial support. I have seenfirst hand how attending the Camp can impactour common future.

    Check out our web site! We are seekingcampers, counselors and staff. Applications

    available on-line at the camp website,, or phone IW at360-357-7224.

    Interfaith Youth Camp(Continued from page 1)


    For many years, Interfaith Works has recruited writers for the "Perspective" column published

    weekly in the Saturday edition of The Olympian. Previously called "Pastor's Perspective", when thisbecame an interfaith organization, The Olympian staff agreed to change the name of the column.The column is a forum for people of faith to present their perspective on such topics as faith issuesand traditions, religious celebrations, and current events. Earlier this year, IW was temporarily short-staffed and unable to manage the program. Consequently, The Olympian stopped running the col-umn altogether. The response from readers came as a little bit of a surprise. People began phon-

    ing and e-mailing to ask, "What happened to "Perspective?"The interest was greater than expected. IW's board of directors expressed concern over loss of thecolumn, and several groups and individuals volunteered to assume responsibility for reviving thecolumn. The result was that Interfaith Works volunteers Dan Ryan and Leslie Edwards-Hill ac-

    (Continued on page 6)

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    Center for Spiritual AwakeningCommunity for Interfaith CelebrationEvergreen Christian ChurchFirst Baptist ChurchFirst United Methodist ChurchGirl Scout Troop #41084Gloria Dei Lutheran ChurchLacey Community ChurchLacey PresbyterianLutheran Church of the Good ShepherdNew Life Baptist Church

    Olympia High SchoolOlympia Friends MeetingOlympia Unitarian Universalist CongregationRadio Watch

    Retired Senior Services of South SoundSacred Heart Catholic ChurchSalvation ArmySouth Sound Buddhist Peace FellowshipSt. Andrews United Methodist ChurchSt. Benedicts Episcopal ChurchSt. John Episcopal ChurchSt. Mark Lutheran ChurchSt. Michael Catholic Parish / St. VincentDePaulTemple Beth Hatfiloh

    Tumwater United Methodist ChurchTumwater High SchoolUnited Churches of OlympiaUnity Church of OlympiaWestminster Presbyterian Church


    On Sunday, May 3, about 450 walkers turned out for the 29th annual Thurston County

    Crop Walk. Their purpose was twofold; to raise money to relieve hunger locally andaround the globe, and to walk in solidarity with millions of people who walk five to tenmiles each day for clean water and firewood for cooking. Who walked the 6.2 miles?Children as young as five years old and seniors as young as ninety. There werewalkers, runners and rollers (strollers and wheelchairs). And there were several four-legged walkers as well. (Woof!)

    Adding to the fun and excitement of the day were the musicians who played at varioustimes and places throughout the day. The walk was begun by the bagpipes of theOlympia Highlanders. Marcie LaViollette and friends played jazz in Tumwater HistoricalPark. And upon returning to the Capitol, walkers were greeted by Drum Fun.

    Did your congregation or club have a team in the 2009 Thurston County Crop Walk?Interfaith Works and the Thurston County Crop Walk Committee thank the 30 groups

    who walked and volunteered as support. They are:

    Our community should be proud of all the walkers and other volunteers

    who worked so hard to make this another fun and successful Crop Walk.

  • 8/8/2019 May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works


    Community for Interfaith Celebration Anna Fagergren Evie Fagergren Betty Hauser Rob Knapp

    Karen Lohmann Annie McManus Keeva McManus Hugh O'Neill Kathleen Peppard Coral Ann Porter Kathy PruittPenny Purkerson Jody Rush Char Simons Dee Williams First Christian ChurchJudy Bushell Nell Carl-son Rachel Crum Angie Franklin Judy Gregorius Brenda Hatcher Steve Hatcher Vern Lacewell Gary Loyd Mary Ol-ney-Loyd Cheryl Moore Karen Nye Mary Olney-Loyd Si Sarton Devon Schrum Robert Smith Jeb Thornton Ani

    Williams Randy Williams Helena Wilson Leah Wilson Mark Wilton First United Methodist ChurchCindy Bramlette Adriana Caviede Dorothy Collard Tom Culhane Robert Dengel Jean Dragon Kevin Dragon JudyFondaw Maria Garner John Grettenberger Dagmar Growe Saunders Charlene Gudmonds Jane Hutt Paul Hutt

    Jeanne Kirkpatrick Terry Kirkpatrick Kathy Leonard Mary Mahaffy Jeff McQuarrie Chuck McReynolds Randi MoeMae Owada Karen Roede Blanche Scott Dale Smith Ginny Smith Jerry Smith Kerry Smith Susie Stutzman John

    Thompson Teresa Thompson Jeri Van Dyk Chris Wolfe Lutheran Church of the Good ShepherdKris Anderson Diane Armbrust Ed Armbrust Sally Brennand Lynn Byrnes Ron Byrnes Sharon Caffey Dave CarlsonKathy Carlson Tim Dickey Doug Drees Carl Fehring Dotty Fehring Gery Gerst Val Gerst Linnea Glover MarjorieGray Woody Hill Deb Johnson Bob Kerrigan Petra Kerrigan Kris Knutzen Barbara Lantz Leif Lantz Melissa LinckeLaura Maki Cindy Michael Dan Miller Karen Olson Sally Olson Jim Parent Heidi Reisbick Penny Savage PaulineSchryver Cindy Schultz Jerry Schultz Missy Tade Jeanne Vosburgh Carolyn Wagner Paul Wagner Vita Weaver

    Individuals Rosemary Barnhart John Davis Charlene Griffith Karen Kaclspm Christine Massoth Sr. MaureenMaloney Paula Rosenkranz Theresa Stalcys Lacey Presbyterian Church Don Backman Lynda BackmanBrian Bergren Dianne Bergren Kristin Bradshaw Lindy Carlson Kristen Case Susan Covey Marc Crooks MaryCrooks George Ducatt Stuart Dugan Nancy Dunlap Carol Dunn Jamie Eggleston Eric Ervine Heather Ervine BeckyGrossmann Tom Harmon David Hutton June Jungmayer Perry Jungmayer Judy Karman Lorrie Kewley Mary Kew-ley Mike Kewley Jan Lauterbach Gene Mensching Sue Mensching Carol Merritt Tom Merritt Carol Ortiz DavidPanapa Diana Panapa Kea Panapa Patty Panish Lucille Rhoads Bonnie Salter James Salter Bea Schmidt June ShafferKathy Sisson Ron Sisson Steve Sleasman Chris Smith Dawn Sturgeon Mike Sturgeon Bill Stutz Cheri Stutz Vonnie

    Tallon Val Tribble Wanda Turner Jennifer Wood Mary Wood Nancy Wood Olympia Unitarian

    Universalist Congregation Ruth Abad Brady Anderson Donna Andrews Bill Arensmeyer Susan BakkeMyra Barker Rick Brandt-Krentz Jane Brody Sue Brown Deborah Campbell Rod Campbell Rod Campbell II K.T.Cox Alice Curtis Danette Davis Frances Davis Harmon Eaton Lorrie Eaton Selden Hall Cheryl Hanks Dirk HavlakDixie Havlak Ron Hinson Robin Hood Illona Hruska Jack Jackson Karen Jackson Simone Javaher Sue Langhans Jim

    Interfaith Works thanks the 12 congregations and450 volunteers who made the 2008-2009Emergency Overflow Shelter possible.

    Lengenfelder Judy Love Jesse Maupin Julia Moore Ariel Natalo-Lifton Eric Ness Janet Pearson Jean Phillips DonnaPodger Emily Ray Sarah Rocker Connie Ruhl Jill Severn Bernie Steckler Joyce Steckler Kieran Stilson Anna Swanson

    Mark Swanson Barb Tindall Mary Ann Trause Arthur Vaeni Billie Williams Jane Wilson Sandra Worthington AnnYeo Ken Yeo Jo Ann Young Mike Young Providence St. Peter Volunteers Benita Akins Sandy Chris-

    tian Brenda Hicks-Wickersham Liz Hopkins Mary Lane Connie Walker Gloria Weston-Smart St. Johns

    Episcopal Church Nancy Axell Kathy Baros Friedt Dorn Barr Lorraine Bently Bryce Brown Mindy Cham-bers Usrah Claar-Rice Rick Cooper Sue Gallaghar Emily Gardner Lydia Groseclose Paula Hughart Cristie KrugerMary Ann Mahurin Wilma McCord TF Moore Edith Pill Adele Roberts Sherry Sullivan Tim Tayne Marj Twelves

    Lesley Weatherman Ric Weatherman Cynthia Wolfe St. Michael Parish Stacey Anderson & Family Kris

    Bartruff Dave Bellefeuille-Rice Judy Bourgault Cecilia Brennan Grace Brewer-Smith Bill Buthorn Nancy ButhornKatie Corcoran Nancy Davies Rebecca Doane Georgia Eckroth Gary Fasnacht Sharon Fasnacht Mary Lynn FellowsPaul Fiorini Sandy French CatherineGrunenfelder Barbara Guilfoil Pat Hedwall Mary Holden Jill Hulbert ElizabethInfante Deborah Janeson Alice Janny Barb Jaramillo Karen Jeske Kathy Judd Janet Kostecha Paul Kostecha KathleenKrech Mary Beth Lang Lea Leingang Anna Lempe-Martin Lifeteen Judy Linehan Joan Lissner Corazon Maningas EssieMarapo Rad Marapo Katy Mayrand John Merslich Mickie Merslich Vickie Micheau Mal Monahan Mary Monahan Par-ish Nurses Kellen O'Neill Marguerite O'Neill Karen Ordos Parish Nurses Catherine Pedras Peg Plummer JoeRaudebaugh Nikki Raudebaugh Ann Reiter Gale Smiley Leanne Smith Lucille Soto St. Raphael Guild Beth Sutch Pete

  • 8/8/2019 May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works



    cepted responsibility and began recruiting writers. In mid-March "Perspective" appeared once again in The Olympian.Recent topics have included the faith challenge during eco-nomic hard times, Earth Day in faith communities, and find-

    ing happiness in being useful.If you are one who enjoys reading the weekly "Perspective",you can help ensure its survival into the future. Considerwriting or phoning The Olympian to tell them that you valuethe column. Another way to help would be to encourageyour faith leader or someone else to write an article.

    Persons interested in writing for "Perspective" should con-tact Dan, or Leslie,

    Perspectives (Continued from page 2)


    ...the way forward for theological education will be deeply interfaith or it will fail. The

    fact is our lives are now interfaith, in bone deep ways. We live in interfaith families: we eatMiddle Eastern food for lunch, kosher for dinner, sugar-laden cereal for breakfast. Wehave hymns on our iPods, yoga mats in our backpacks, Talmudic meditations by ourbedsides...The fact that these merged and mixing practices are not always recognized as"interfaith" is only proof of how deeply they are ingrained in us. Our educatedunderstanding of religion needs to embrace the diet of insight and imagination that marks

    our hybrid practices. In this regard, the future will be carried by the presence of of ourinterfaith partners and the extraordinary possibilities for dialogue...

    Excerpted from the Rev. Serene Jones' November, 2008 inauguration speechas President of Union Theological Seminary in New York City. To read the fullspeech on-line, go to

    President Obama and his family shared a Passover Sederwith friendsand staff on April 12. This was apparently the first time a U.S. President has partici-pated in the traditional feast at the White house. A photo can be seen on-line


    Unitarian Universalist


  • 8/8/2019 May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works


    COMMUNITY CALENDARA listing of some of the activities and events of Interfaith Works members and cooperating organizations.

    IW does not necessarily endorse these events. More details and events at .

    May 20

    Wednesday7:30 pm

    The Qadim Ensemble.Their repertoire includes Arabic, Jewish, Turkish-Sufi, Hebrew-Yemenite,

    Armenian, Greek and Moroccan music, celebrating the common musical and spiritual heritage of theregions cultures. Evergreen Recital Hall, Tickets $15/10 students. Info at

    May 23Saturday6:30 pm

    Spiritual Cinema at The United Churches.. Dessert potluck followed by this months film:Emmanuels Gift, a touching documentary from Ghana, narrated by Oprah Winfrey. Emmanuelstruggles with a handicap, but accomplishes amazing things. Disability does not mean inability!

    May 26

    Tuesday7:00 pm

    Alternatives to the Death Penalty Committee of Olympia FOR. Meets monthly on fourth

    Tuesdays, at MIXX 96 meeting room, corner of State and Washington. For information contactChuck or Rozanne, 705-8520, or

    May 31Sunday3:00 pm

    African GospelA Capella . Four men representing different tribes in Liberia.all have survived civil war,poverty and other hardships. They began singing together in 1992, and now raise funds for orphans and disabledin their home country. St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran, 2109 College St. SE, Lacey.

    June 2

    Tuesday6:459:00 pm

    Intro to Nonviolent Communication. Join NVC trainer Liv Monroe for a lively, engaging introduction to

    this simple and very powerful system of interpersonal communication. Lincoln Elementary SchoolCafeteria, 213 21st Ave SE, Olympia. No charge, donations are welcome.

    June 3Wednesday9:15 am-4:00 pm

    Re-Focus Your Life. Nothing changes in our lives until we decide to change our minds. Old habitscan keep us on automatic pilot and our lives remain the same. St. Placid Priory Spirituality Center.$50. Bring a sack lunch. Registration information at, or 438-2595.

    June 10Wednesday, Noon

    Interfaith Earth Stewardship Committee. Meets in the library of First Christian Church, 7th

    and Franklin, on second Wednesdays. For information, e-mail

    June 10Wednesday

    7:00 pm

    Choral Concert at South Puget Sound Community College Minnaert Center for the Arts. Theprogram includesAlleluia by Randall Thompson; Witness, a spiritual; a Sanctus from an African

    Mass; selections from John RuttersMagnificat, and more. Tickets $5 general, $2 students.June 22-26Monday-Friday8:00 am-5:00 pm

    Professional Mediation Training with The Dispute Resolution Center. Learn powerful skills youcan use at home, work, or as a DRC volunteer for helping people to solve conflicts in a healthy way.Fee: $585. For information, call 956-1155, or visit

    June 26-28FridaySunday

    9:305:30 pm

    Creating a Culture of Peace. A three day immersion in the spirituality and practice of non-violence.Developed by FOR, based on Pace e Bene, and broadly interfaith. At St. Michael Parish. Contact

    David Bellefeuille-Rice at 943-6264. Cost $35.00.August 23-28SundayFriday

    Puget Sound Interfaith Youth Camp The 4th Annual Interfaith camp for 7th to 9th graders, to beheld at YMCA Camp Seymour. Applications available on-line at, orcall 360-357-7224. Sponsored by Interfaith Works and Associated Ministries of Tacoma.

    June 7

    Sunday7:00 pm

    Interfaith Comedy Show, featuring Azhar Usman (Allah Made Me Funny), Rabbi Bob Alper, and

    Rev. Susan Sparks. Benefit for Tacoma/ Pierce Co. Habitats Interfaith Build. Urban Grace Church, 902Market St., Tacoma. Tickets $15 Adult $10 Student/Senior/Military.


  • 8/8/2019 May 2009 Interfaith Connection Newsletter, Interfaith Works


    Interfaith WorksPO Box 1221Olympia WA 98507

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    Carolyn's Closet seeks donations of housewares, dishes, pots & pans, sheets, andother small essentials for setting up a home.

    All donations are given free to people inneed, especially those making the transitionfrom homelessness. (We do not take clothes

    or furniture)

    For more information, call Paul at 352-1315.