May 16, 2021 Chapel Chatter Altar Flowers


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Chapel Chatter

Christ - Students - Community Coming Together

Pastors: The Rev. Curtis Dwyer (mobile 517-974-8198) The Rev. James Robinson (mobile 619-889-8969) The Rev. David Dressel (mobile 517-285-4166) Ministry Assistant: Dian Silvey (mobile 517-420-3124) Office Administrator: Erika Schember (office 517-332-0778) Office Assistant: Sophia Coke Chapel Manager: Ben Scheffler Music Director: Yatidi Lightfoot Evening Accompanist: Mary Grace Int’l Student Ministry Dan Winter, Executive Director

444 Abbot Road

East Lansing, MI 48823

May 16, 2021

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where

you are heading.”

Lao Tzu

Altar Flowers

Please call or email our office if you’d like to purchase a $35 floral arrangement in memory of or in honor of a loved one.

Worship Services begin at 8:30 AM,10:30 AM and 7 PM

10:30 AM Worship will be live streamed via YouTube

PLEASE SIGN IN This is to help our cleaning staff know what’s been used, as well as for contact tracing, if need be. Please sign in at the prayer desk if you stop in. If you are worshiping with us, please fill out your interest sheet in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate.

ABBOT ROAD CONSTRUCTION Abbot road will be closed for con-struction for another week or so. The church will remain open as usual, but congregants will need to enter MLC from Park Ln.

MASK ON, OR MASK OFF? In accordance with national, state, and local guidelines from our public health experts, we are now allowing those who worship with us outside to remove their

masks. Please remember to keep your social distance as well. When you are in our building, please continue to mask up for everyone's safety.

CHURCH CARNIVAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Do you have a passion for serving the greater com-munity, and/or event planning? We need you to volun-teer to be on our Carnival Planning Committee! Christ- Students- Community- Coming Together: simply put, this event should live up to our slogan. Though there will be a strong focus on welcoming students, this event will have festivities for all ages, and need many volunteers from all walks of life. This month, we are asking for event planners to help us make this happen. We will be meeting virtually over the summer to work out particularities for a fall event. Want to join the team? Please contact Sophia, VP, at to get started.

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR LORETTA SUELTER This service will be held on Saturday, June 12th. Visit-ation will start at 10 am and the service will commence at 11 am, followed by a light luncheon outside- weath-er permitting. Loretta’s obituary was published today in the State Journal, as well as online.

Thought for the Day

ENGLISH CONVERSATION PARTNERS NEEDED Can you imagine traveling to another country and meeting a new friend, without leaving the comforts of your own home? Well, that is what can happen when you volunteer to be a Conversation Partner at Friendship House MSU. If you have an extra hour each week to sit down and chat about any imaginable topic, you may have found one of the best ways to make a difference in another person’s life. The Friendship House MSU is in need of additional English speaking Conversation Partners, especially those who are willing to connect virtually through Zoom (or an equivalent platform) If this all sounds like something of interest to you, please contact Dan Winter, the new Executive Direc-tor of Friendship House MSU, at 517-657-7778 or

Volunteer as an English

Conversation Partner!

COUNCIL DATE CHANGE Council will not be meeting tomorrow, but instead, on Monday, May 24 at 6:30 pm. All persons involved with Martin Luther Chapel are welcome to attend. A link will be sent out in next Friday’s Good New’s email.

Planning Committee


This Week at Martin Luther Chapel

SUNDAY— 5/16 8:30 am Outdoor Worship (Lawn) 10:30 am Worship (Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Worship (Sanctuary)

MONDAY— 5/17 10:45 am Prayers for Ministry

TUESDAY— 5/18 7:00 pm Stephen Ministers Training 7:00 pm Spiritual Care & Growth

THURSDAY— 5/20 7:00 pm 20’s and 30’s Bible Study (Zoom) 8:30 pm Children and Family Bible Study

SUNDAY— 5/23 8:30 am Outdoor Worship (Lawn) 10:30 am Worship (Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Worship (Sanctuary)

STOPPING IN? Don’t forget to sign in at the prayer desk when you visit! Mark each area you intend to use, as well as when you came in. There are a few other things to know if you plan on entering our building. Please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, etc. The building will be open and restrooms and childcare areas will be available as necessary. Everyone should wear a mask while we are gathered and keep a 6 ft. distance from non-household mem-bers (even outside). We will have some masks available inside if you don't bring your own. Please use hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes on the surfaces you touch. These will be available throughout the church. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe

and healthy.

OUTDOOR SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Hey, early birds! Join us for Sunday morning worship on the lawn at 8:30 am. Worshiping outdoors will give us the opportunity to sing along as part of the service. You are welcome to bring your own chair or utilize one of the chapel’s. It is still required to mask up and keep a safe distance.

COMMUNION APPOINTMENTS No matter what’s happening in the world, it is our priority as a church body to meet the spiritual needs of our congregants, espe-cially in providing the sacrament of our Lord in Holy Communion. Your safety and comfort is very important to us. Call the office anytime to set up a private ser-vice of the sacrament for with one of our pastors.

CONNECTING WITH NEW STUDENTS Do you know a student coming to MSU/LCC this fall? Help us get in contact with them by filling out a brief online questionnaire via the QR code. Alternatively, you may talk with a pastor about connecting with your student.



Attention: Parents


& Guardians FAMILY DRAWING PROJECT We want all households represented in service, regardless of where you worship! Have your young artists draw their family on posterboard to be featured during the 10:30 am livestream. Your child will be able to see themselves on screen when you worship together at home! Posterboard will be available from the church office. Please turn in your masterpieces to the office prior to Sunday, June 20. Questions? Please contact Lauren Paluta.
