May 10, 2015 Bulletin



Bulletin for May 10, 2015

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Grace Christian Reformed Church

255 Tweedsmuir Ave. W., Chatham, ON, N7M 5K4, 519-436-1558

Telephone Worship Services: 519-436-0041 (dial 5 min before the service)

Fax: 519-436-1241 E-mail: Web:

Congregational Assistance Plan (CAP) 866 347-0041

WELCOME: We welcome you to Grace CRC!


TODAY: Pastor Jake Snieder and the youth will lead our time of worship.

NEXT SUNDAY: We welcome Pastor Fred Heslinga as he leads our time of praise and worship.


(Grace CRC Dial In: 519-436-0041)

TONIGHT: The Combined Evening Service tonight is led by First CRC.

SR. PASTOR: Pastor William Koopmans


YOUTH PASTOR: Pastor Jake Snieder


PASTOR OF VISITATION: Pastor Fred Heslinga


CLERK: Ron Middel

(519) 358-6248

TREASURER: Hank Batterink





Cheryl-Lynn DeGraaf

Who We Are

We are called Christian because we confess, belong to, and follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

We are called Reformed because our history is rooted in the 16th century Protestant Reformation. We continue to affirm the Reformation teachings of salvation by faith in Christ alone, and the Bible as the only rule of faith and conduct.

We are called Church because we are part of the universal family of God, through which our relationships to God, to each other, and the world are nurtured.

May 10, 2015

VERSE OF THE WEEK: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27


ELDERS: Frank Beute, Ron Middel

DEACONS: Jackie Bultje, Ryan VanEijkern

COFFEE SOCIAL: Ray & Theresa VanderSluis, Richard & Tanya Vyn, Ron & Meike VanVeen

NURSERY: Janessa Geene, Brittany Pieterman, Kaden VanHelden, Carol Dieleman, Hannah Douma

USHERS: Tom Rintjema, Ken Bosman, Grace Blokzyl


Sunday, May 10, 2015: World Renew Nepal Earthquake Relief

Sunday, May 17, 2015: Diaconate


There is a worship service on SUNDAY, MAY 10 at Copper Terrace at 2:30 pm.

The worship service at Riverview Gardens is cancelled for today.


Mon:7:30 pm, BOT

Wed:7:30 pm, Deacons

8 pm, Young Adults

Th:7:30 pm, Education Committee

7:30 pm, Worship Committee

Pastor William is currently attending the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, which meets this year in Lebanon. He expects to be back in the church office on Tuesday, May 19. Please pray for safety in travels and Gods blessings upon the work of the committee. We welcome Pastor Jake Snieder and the youth as they lead our worship service today.

bulletin password: grace

Please have all bulletin items in by Thursday 7pm.

Office Hours: Mon. Fri., 9 am - noon


LIBRARY NEWS: Holly Cramers past choices have finally caught up to her, but she never expected them to endanger her baby. Now her babys father is a person of interest in a drug-related murder case. Holly uses her private investigating skills to search for him. But her bravado backfires when he turns the tables and takes her and the baby hostage. Find out more as your read Twisted Innocence by Terri Blackstock.


BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG: REFUGE is the counselling and practical support arm of Right to Life Kent. REFUGE thanks Grace CRC for once again supporting this voluntary fundraising initiative from Mothers Day to Fathers Day 2015. Participants can take a baby bottle home and collect funds of any value to support REFUGE. (Tax receipts are issued for donations of $15 or greater.) The bottles are to be returned by Fathers Day June 21st. Please pick up a baby bottle in the Narthex if you wish to support this initiative. To view the promotional video on youtube search Baby Bottle Boomerang Refuge or visit and click promotional tab for other BBB digital resources. Please visit the office at 39 Grand Ave. W. (beside McKeough Park) anytime to see the positive results of your support. Thanks!

CLASSIS AGENDAS: Classis Chatham is scheduled to meet on May 26 at Essex CRC. There are copies of the agenda available in the library.


Nominations of Office Bearers: The following members have been nominated for theoffice of Deacon: Hilda Douma, Joel Hoekstra, Paul Hoekstra, Susie Hoekstra, and Peggy Nydam. The following members have been nominated for Elder: Keith Groen, Ella Heslinga, Richard Koomans, Albert Postma, Ed Schiestel and Richard Vyn. This year we require two (2) Deacons and three (3) Elders to fill the vacancies.

In addition, Ray VanderSluis has been nominated by Council to serve another year as Seniors Elder and Council is asking the congregation to re-affirm Ray for an additional year in this position.

Today we ask the congregation to affirm these brothers and sisters for their respective offices. The affirmed names will be drawn on Sunday, May 24th and installation planned for Sunday, May 31st. Council requests that you remember these people and this process when you come to our Lord in your prayers.


SPRING SERVICE PROJECTS dont forget to sign up today!

MISSING: Someone has removed a majority of the junior DVDs as well as many junior books from the Library. These books have not been signed out, so we have no cards to identify where they may be. Please return them to the Library ASAP, or let the secretary know their whereabouts.


Have you signed up for the e-bulletin yet?

Are you reading the e-bulletin online right now?

What are they? E-bulletins are a digital version of our church bulletin and will include the regular announcements, common insert, order of worship, outline and bulletin inserts. The intention is that e-bulletins will replace 75% of our paper copies and save our church about $50 a week. Each Sunday, paper copies of the order of worship will still be distributed and there will always be copies of the full bulletin available for those unable to read it digitally.

Why? With so many members of Graces congregation being connected through e-mail and able to access the internet easily, it is now possible to deliver the bulletin in an easy-to-read format electronically, and significantly cut our paper use down.

When? Our first e-bulletin will be used TODAY. The e-bulletins will be used for the AM services only and paper copies of the Order of Worship will still be available. Paper copies of the Order of Worship will be used for the Combined Evening Service.

To sign up to receive the e-bulletin through your e-mail, go to and selected the Bulletin tab. After entering the password (found elsewhere in this bulletin), you will be able to quickly sign up to receive the e-bulletin by selecting the blue Bulletin button. If you need assistance, please contact Kathy in the church office.

NEW MEMBERS/PROFESSION OF FAITH CLASSES: Classes will begin on Tuesday, May 12 at 7:30 at the church. Classes will run for 5 weeks. These classes are for anyone who has recently started attending Grace church and would like to know more about the Reformed church, anyone considering making a public Profession of Faith, or for anyone who has already made Profession of Faith and would like to take the classes again. Please contact Pastor Jake for more information or to indicate your interest.

ANNUAL BIKE RODEO AND BBQ: Saturday, May 30 beginning at 10 am.Let's all work together to meet some practical needs in our community and welcome people to our church! Volunteers are needed to repair bikes, donate baked goods, paint faces or serve food. Sign up on the sheet in the foyer. Flyers are available today for delivery to the neighbourhood.

GRACE CHURCH PICNIC the Social Committee would like to invite you to our church picnic on Sunday, May 31st. It will be held immediately following the morning church service on the yard surrounding the church. We will have lunch together and play some fun games and yes we will be divided by districts to help encourage some healthy competition! Each District has been assigned a colour and you are encouraged to show your team support and wear the colour of your District. District one =purple. District two =blue. District three =green. District four =yellow. District five =orange. District six =red.

We would really like to know who will be coming and how many hamburgers/hotdogs to plan for. This year you can either register online via an email that you receive OR on the sign-up sheets in the narthex. You do not need to sign-up in both places. However, please sign-up by Sunday, May 24that the latest. For more information, please contact one of the Social Committee members (Tom D, Joe W, Steve T, Helene P, Claire P, Ed W, or Sharon S).



YOUTH GROUP: Tonight: Mother's Day -No Youth Group. Next Sunday: All Ontario Youth Convention. No Youth on Sunday night.


YOUNG ADULTS: All those ages 18 to 25ish are invited to join us at Pastor Jake's home on Wednesday night at 8pm. If the weather is nice bring a lawn chair with you.