

"Great truths are portions of the soul of man;Great souls are portions of eternity."

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The man who realizes his ignorance has taken the first step toward knowledge.

He was born on July 23rd, 1865 into the noble family Von Grasshoff, which was connected to the German Court during the lifetime of Prince Bismarck. His name was Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, but later adopted the pen name of Max Heindel.

Between the years 1895, and 1901, he was a consulting engineer in the city of New York. His first marriage was full of disappointments and sorrow and ended by the death of his wife in 1905


In 1903, Max Heindel moved to Los Angeles, California, seeking work. After attending lectures by the theosophist C.W. Leadbeater, he joined the Theosophical Society of Los Angeles, of which he became vice-president in 1904 and 1905. He also became a vegetarian, and began the study of astrology, which gave him the key to unlocking the mysteries of man's inner nature.

He met his future wife Augusta Foss around this time. However, overwork and privation brought him severe heart trouble in 1905, and for months he lay at the point of death. Upon his recovery he was more keenly aware of the needs of humanity. It is said that he spent much of the time during this illness out of his body, consciously working and seeking for the truth as he might find it on the invisible planes.

In 1908 where he at once started to formulate the Rosicrucian teachings, the Western Wisdom Teachings, which he had received from the Elder Brothers, published as a book entitled The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception in 1909. It is a reference work in the Christian mysticism practice and in the Occult study literature, containing the fundamentals of Esoteric Christianity from a Rosicrucian perspective. The Cosmo contains a comprehensive outline of the evolutionary processes of man and the universe, correlating science with religion.

From 1909 to 1919, suffering a severe heart condition and with an adverse financial situation, but with an indomitable will and great energy, Max Heindel was able to accomplish the great work for the Brothers of the Rose Cross. With the help, support and inspiration of his wife Augusta Foss, to whom in August 1910 he was joined in marriage, he gave successful teaching lectures; he sent correspondence lessons to the students, who formed groups in many of the larger cities; he wrote volumes which are translated into many languages all over the world; he founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship in 1909/11 at Mount Ecclesia, Oceanside (California); he published the Christian Esoteric magazine Rays from the Rose Cross in 1913 and, above all, he launched the Fellowship's Spiritual Healing service


Occult writings

• The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, first edition in 1909 (1911 ed.) (1920 ed.)

• The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures • The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume I • The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume II • The Rosicrucian Mysteries Letters to Students • Gleanings of a Mystic • Mysteries of the Great Operas • Teachings of an Initiate • Ancient and Modern Initiation • The Web of Destiny • Freemasonry and Catholicism • The Vital Body • The Desire Body • The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training • How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? • The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas • The Mystical Interpretation of Easter • Nature Spirits and Nature Forces • The Message of the Stars • Simplified Scientific Astrology • Astro-Diagnosis - A Guide to Healing • Occult Principles of Health and Healing • Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine, from his 1905/6 lectures (edited

1933; Introduction by Manly Palmer Hall) • New Age Vegetarian Cookbook, 492 pages

After lunch on January 6th, 1919, at about 4 P.M. Max Heindel, looked up smiling into Mrs. Heindel's face with his last words, "I am all right dear," and he passed into the Great Beyond.


Max Heindel was a great admirer of Madame Blavatsky, the struggles of these two great messengers were similar: both these spirits were encased in suffering bodies, and both were in need of financial help which was denied them, both were unappreciated and neglected by their friends until death had taken them, then the world began to realize their greatness.

Like Madame Blavatsky he was in constant physical pain and in great need of help, both physical and financial. The struggle and hardships which both these souls suffered was greatly responsible in shortening their days in the physical body. But what a great work they have accomplished, what a boon to humanity they have been, and in the words of Lowell:

"Great truths are portions of the soul of man;

Great souls are portions of eternity."


