Mattson Middle School



Mattson Middle School. Student-Led Conferences. Content Objectives: Students will understand WHY Student-Led Conferences are valuable to him/her. (NEW!) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mattson Middle School

Student-Led Conferences

Content Objectives:Students will understand WHY Student-Led Conferences are

valuable to him/her. (NEW!)Students will take ownership in their learning by setting goals for

the areas of Reading, Writing, and Math based on their individual data and making a plan to achieve their goals. (OLD- Finish SLP)

Students will begin to learn presentation skills by completing the PP that will be used during conferences. (NEW!)

Language Objectives:Through direct instruction and working with individual data,

students will gain an understanding of the following terms:Student-Led ConferenceStudent Learning PlanSMART Goals

Student-Led ConferencesA closer look…

Student-Led Conferences

• This year, instead of doing our traditional “arena conferencing” on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we will be doing “Student-Led Conferences”

• ALL Mattson students will be expected to complete a Student-Led Conference.

What is student-led conferencing? Students conduct

formal conferences

with their parents to

display their


and discuss their own

learning, goals, and

strategies for meeting

those goals.

• Students take ownership of their learning.

• Students demonstrate increased accountability for their progress.

• Students learn to set goals and work towards them.

• Student work becomes more focused.

• Students have the opportunity to develop presentation skills.

Why Student-Led Conferences?

Parents need to know how you are doing in school.

Parents will experience a greater appreciation of your progress and a greater understanding of how to support your learning.

Parents gain an appreciation for your ability to “own” and articulate your own academic goals and progress.

Benefits for Parents

What does it look like?

You will be sent a PPT template to use.

You can change the template and make it your own, however, there will be elements that you must include…

IntroductionSLPReading/Writing GoalLanguage Arts ProgressMath GoalMath ProgressScience GoalScience ProgressElective, SS and H/F ProgressConclusion

What does it look like?

Your SLP will be a large part of your presentation

In addition to your goals, you may want to share samples of your work to show what you know and what you need work on:

If you include samples of work, then you should make comments such as:

“I do this well; I struggle with….”

What does it look like? Artifacts

Mrs. Unruh has sent you a PowerPoint template for you to use.

As you work on this, save it to your teacher’s inbox on the S: drive AND your H: Drive. Instructions are on the PowerPoint template.

We will be re-visiting your goals throughout the year to see how you are progressing.

What does it look like?

Mrs. Unruh will send you a PowerPoint template to use.

As you work on this, save it to your teacher’s inbox on the S: drive AND your H: Drive. Instructions are on the PowerPoint template.

We will be re-visiting your goals throughout the year to see how you are progressing.

What does it look like?

Mrs. Unruh will send you a PowerPoint template to use.

As you work on this, save it to your teacher’s inbox on the S: drive AND your H: Drive. Instructions are on the PowerPoint template.

We will be re-visiting your goals throughout the year to see how you are progressing.

What does it look like?

We will schedule conferences through individual teacher classes.

Parents will receive information via email, website, and newsletter.

Parents will pick a time when we schedule conferences during Stang Time.

What does it look like? Mattson’s Plan

We will schedule conferences through individual teacher classes.

Parents will receive information via email, website, and newsletter.

Parents will pick a time when we schedule conferences during Stang Time.

What does it look like? Mattson’s Plan

We will schedule conferences through individual teacher classes.

Parents will receive training at Open House, via email, website, and newsletter.

Parents will pick a time when we schedule conferences during Stang Time.

What does it look like? Mattson’s Plan

• Scheduled for 20 minute time periods

• All conferences will be held in the GYM

• After your conference you and your parent are free to visit all of your teachers

What does it look like? Mattson’s Plan

What does it

look like?





Report Card Pick-Up Counselors

SLC Check-In







We will have these materials posted on the school website for you to re-download if necessary.

