matthew locklear & Julius Stubbs



THE BATTLE OF C’VILLE BY Julius Stubbs & Matthew Locklear ENGLISH 9 CP 2/27/12 his plane, and jumped in it. Officer Jones. “Yeah, but now we have the key,” said down Dr. J’s face as he started running to “You will find out in good time,” said “Well, that was a close one Dr,” said Dr. J. “What is that key for?” said Jones. Dr. J. phone was a man with a deep voice Castro. ring it was detective young phone. On the get back what is mine,” said Castro. “What you talk?” said young. “The key,” said Castro.

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ENGLISH 9 CP2/27/12


Julius Stubbs & Matthew Locklear

It was a cold night in Cuba. Rain ran

down Dr. J’s face as he started running to

his plane, and jumped in it.

“Well, that was a close one Dr,” said

Officer Jones.

“Yeah, but now we have the key,” said

Dr. J. “What is that key for?” said Jones.

“You will find out in good time,” said

Dr. J.

Now Back in C’ville Dr. J put the key up

were only he now were it was. Ring ring

ring it was detective young phone. On the

phone was a man with a deep voice Castro.

“Now your men came to my town and

Stole from me, and now we are coming to

get back what is mine,” said Castro.

“What you talk?” said young.

“The key,” said Castro.

“I don’t know what you talk bout,” said

young. But by than Castro had all ready

hang up.

Young rundown the hall to Dr. J room

and said “were the key.” “WERE THE

KEY!!!!” yelled young.

“It put up” said Dr. J.

“Cuba on the way,” said young.

“What? How they know were I’m at?”

said Dr. J.

“I don’t know I just know they on the

way!” said young. BOOM!! It was Cuba’s

army and everything started shaking; next

thing they know Castro said “attack!”

Every one in C’ville start fight back but

they was to wake, and Cuba army was too

big. C’ville started to lose more men as the

war went on.

Castro called Dr. J and young and said

“are you ready to give me the key?”

With Dr. J loosing men by the minute he

had to say, “Yes.” Five minutes went by

then there was a knock on the door it was

Castro with out saying a word went and pick

the key off of Dr. J table and walked out.

When Castro and his army left, Dr. J called

a meeting everyone and town were their. Dr.

J than told tell every one the key was for a

big bomb everyone start yelling than Dr. J

told them he gave him a fake key and he had

the real one. They never hired from Cuba


Town meeting
