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Mathilde ViennotPh.D Candidate in Economics

35 rue Broca, ParisH +33 6 87 95 15 76

B mathilde.viennot@gmail.com26 years, French nationality

Education2014 – 2017 Paris School of Economics, PhD in Economics, Paris.

"Financial crises, debt accumulation and sovereign default", under the aegis of Daniel Cohen (PSE andCEPR)

Jan. – Jul.2014

University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Scholar, Berkeley.Semester at Economics Department, under the aegis of Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas

2012 – 2013 Paris School of Economics, APE Graduate programme, Paris.Master thesis "Introducing sovereign risk in a DSGE model", under the aegis of Daniel Cohen (PSE andCEPR)

2011 – 2012 Paris School of Economics, ETE Graduate programme, Paris.Master thesis "The macreoconomic situation of sovereign defaults", under the aegis of Nicolas Dromel(PSE) and Florin Bilbiie (PSE and CEPR)

2010 – 2014 École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, ENS, Cachan.Economics Department

2008 – 2010 Lycee Henri IV, Undergraduate studies, Paris.Intensive courses preparing the entrance exams to the top French business schools. Accepted at HEC,ESSEC Business School and ESCP-Europe

ExperienceExperience in academic research

2014 – 2017 École Normale Supérieure, Head of studies, Paris.Economics Department

2013 Cepremap, Research assistant, Paris.MacFinRobods research project, DSGE model with sovereign risk: extension of Hamilton (1989) withsovereign default

2011 – 2013 OFCE – Research center in economics of Sciences Po, Research assistant, Paris.FESSUD research project, optimal level of public expenditures in the OECD countries, extension of Barro’smodel (1990) with fiscal multiplier and public debt

Experience in teaching2017 – École Normale Supérieure, Humanities Entrance Exam, Paris.

Design of the Social Sciences paper and grading2014 – 2017 Paris School of Economics, Teaching assistant, Paris.

Advanced macroeconomics course (graduate level): matching models of unemployment, fiscal and monetarypolicy, sovereign debt and sovereign default models, growth theories

2011 Teaching assistant, Sciences Po, Paris.European Summer School programme



March 2016 "The effect of ECB monetary policies on interest rates and volumes", with J. Creel andP. Hubert, Applied Economics,Volume 48, Issue 47.

Policy papersNovember

2015"The Eurozone debt crisis: lessons from emerging markets", with D. Cohen and S. Villemot,MacFinRobods Paper Series, No. D10.3.


"The French financial system from past to present", with C. Blot, J. Creel, et al., FESSUDStudies in Financial Systems, No.2.

Working PapersNovember

2013"Assessing the interest rate and bank lending channels of ECB monetary policies", withJ. Creel and P. Hubert, Technical report, Sciences Po Department of Economics.


"The monetary transmission mechanism in France: effects of the policy interest rate onbank interest rates and credit conditions", with P. Hubert, FESSUD Working Paper Series,No.17.

Work in progress2016 – "Schauble versus Tsipras: a New-Keynesian DSGE model for the Eurozone debt crisis",

with D. Cohen.2016 – "When do countries default?", with D. Cohen.

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences2017 Paris School of Economics Macro Workshop, OFCE Seminar, Bocconi SUERF Workshop, Eighteen

IEA World Congress, 32nd EEA meeting2016 RIDGE / Banco Central del Uruguay - Workshop on Financial Stability, CEPREMAP Modelization

Seminar2015 Second MacFinRobods Scientific Workshop

Computer skills and languageLanguage

Fluent English, TOEIC 985/990Intermediate German, Spanish

Computer skillsMatlab, Dynare, Stata, LATEX, R, MS Office

