Mathematical Intelligence Quotient-concept,method & assessment


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  • 8/7/2019 Mathematical Intelligence Quotient-concept,method & assessment


    athematical Intelligence Quotient

    --Concept,methods and Assessment

    Dr Nenmeli K Srinivasan


    I am proposing the concept of "Mathematical Intelligence

    Quotient" which would enable us to assess theMath

    Intelligence Quotient {MIQ} of any student.

    MIQ will be based on five measures.

    1 Pattern recognition

    Since much of math is dependent on pattern recognition, a

    simple test for this could be devised.

    For instance, fill in the blank number in the following


    15 , 12, 9, ---, 3, 0, -3

    More complex tests with some visuals can be added for higher


    2 Setting up problem for real-life situation

    This skill is required to convert real situations or math

    problems in terms of math symbols and operations.

    For instance, many "word problems" begin with this step of

    translating the words into math formalism,equations or


    Example: Sarah is planning for a birthday party for her 5 year

    old son.The hall charges would be $100. Food expenses would be

    $ 8 per person. There are 6 family members. If N number of

    guests are invited, what is the effective cost for each guest.?

    Total Cost C = 100 + 6x8 + N x 8

    Effective Cost per guest = [148 + 8N]/8

  • 8/7/2019 Mathematical Intelligence Quotient-concept,method & assessment


    3 Problem Solving by a) direct method or b) indirect method

    [graphical,heuristic, trail method.

    Direct methods form the bulk of teaching math:

    Example: solve y=10 x + 6 If y= 96, then 96 = 10 x + 6

    or 90 = 10 x x= 90/10 = 9

    Indirect methods are of other methods which are also taught at

    various stages:

    Example: Find the square root of 42 by trial method:

    6x6 = 36 7x7= 49

    So the square root of 42 must lie between 6 and 7. Take this as


    6.5 x 6.5 = 42.25

    This is slightly greater than 42. So the square root of 42 must

    be a little less than 6.5.

    try: 6.4 6.4x 6.4 = 40.96.

    So try a number slightly more than 6.4 but less than 6.5

    try 6.45 6.45 x 6.45 = 41.6

    This is pretty close to 42. So we stop our trial and take that

    the square root of 42= 41.6

    The actual value is : 42= 6.48

    [our result 6.45 is off by 0.03 or 0.03/6.48 x 100 %

    4 Using a given formula

    Here we want to test the usage of a formula knowing the

    contents of the formula, employing proper units:

    Example: Find the area of a triangle using the formula A= (1/2)

    base x height

    Base = 10 in height = 6 inches

    A = 0.5 x 10 x 6 = 30 square inches.

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    Here the student is expected to convert the units properly and

    also state the result in proper units. In the above example the

    student should write 30 sq-in.

    5 Synthetic or compound problems

    Using the skills of all or some of the above.

    Example: McDonald , the farmer, has a rectangular farm with

    width 200 feet and length 1000 ft. The cost of fencing a

    running feet is just $3. Find the total fencing cost.

    Here using the perimeter formula: perimeter P = 2(1000 + 200)=

    2400 feet.

    Cost = $3 per foot x P = 7200 $

    Assessment of MIQ

    1 Firstly a teacher may given different weights for the skills

    1 to 5.

    2 The teacher may give more than one test question for each


    Find the score for all or some of the skills. Some of the

    skills can be deleted for junior classes.

    3 The weightage can also be changed depending on age levels.

    ish you a Happy time assessing the MIQ of your students!

    Please send the feedback at this email ID:


  • 8/7/2019 Mathematical Intelligence Quotient-concept,method & assessment


