Math 20-2: Research Project By: Kacie Raymond. What is it???


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Math 20-2: Research Project

By: Kacie Raymond

What is it???

AlgebraAlgebraThe part of mathematics in which letters and other

Symbols are used to represent numbers andquantities in formulae and equations.

Explain the importanceScience• When doing any form of science, whether just a

project or a lifetime career choice, you will have to be able to do and understand how to use and apply algebra.

Every day life• Formulas are a part of our lives. Whether we drive a

car and need to calculate the distance, or need to work out the volume in a milk container

The History• Algebra came from Egypt and Babylon, about 5000

years old.• The ancient Egyptians used words 'aha', meaning

'heap', to mean an unknown number. In the same way, we might use the letter x today.

• For 500 years algebra was 'the theory of equations',• In the 19th century people realized that symbols in

algebra could represent more than just numbers.

Egyptian Algebra

• Problems were stated and solved verbally.• Algebra used no symbols• Founded in 1650 B.CThe Egyptians used their algebraic skills during the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza.The Egyptians were the first civilization to develop and solve second-degree, quadratics and equations.

Egyptians Decimal System

• 1: shown by a single stroke• 10: is shown by drawing of a hobble for cattle• 100: a coil of rope• 1,000: a drawing of a lotus plant• 10,000: represented by a finger• 100,000: by a tadpole or frog• 1,000,000: is the figure of a god with arms raised

above his heads.

Babylonian Algebra

• Equations were solved with no symbols• Were taught through examples• No explanations• Our knowledge of Babylonian Algebra is from 400

clay tablets unearthed

• They were written in

Cuneiform script.

Greek Geometrical Algebra

• They learned algebra from Egypt.• The Greek believed that: - Negative and complex solutions of equations were rejected as “absurd” or “impossible”.

-irrational numbers existed but refused to consider them as numbers. They went to great lengths to avoid them.

Diophantine Algebra

• Diophantine was named after the Greek mathematician "Diophantus of Alexandria."

• Many argue that Diophantus should hold the title of 'The Father of Algebra' which was originally given to him

• Several years later, it was argued that Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī should hold the title, and so it was given to him instead.

Hindu Algebra

• Most all Hindu mathematics was devoted to astronomy and astrology.

• They used symbols• There is a symbol that denotes the unknown,

when solving algebraic equations.• Introduced negative numbers to represent


The Importance

- Basic algebra is the first in a series of higher-level math classes students need to succeed in college life.

- According to a study by the educational nonprofit ACT, students who take algebra, are much more likely to do well in college math.


Did you calculate??

• It is believed that priests used mathematics and algebra along side their religious rituals.








(Know) (Know)




• I learned….. -that there are different types of algebra.

- that in Hindu algebra they spoke the problems and solved them verbally.

- that priests use algebra in church. - people learned about algebra from some rocks

that had equations on them. - that there was a fight between two mathematicians just for the title “the father of algebra”

List of Resourses•• "math problem solving." math problem solving. N.p.. Web. 7 Jun 2013.


•• "the history of algebra." Highlights in the history of Algebra. N.p.. Web. 7 Jun 2013.



• Shannon, Tori. "Egyptian algebra." History on egyptian algebra. N.p., 18 september 2012. Web. 7 Jun 2013. <>.

•• "history of algebra." history of algebra. N.p.. Web. 7 Jun 2013.


•• "algebra." algebra. N.p.. Web. 7 Jun 2013. <>.
