MasterofArts inBusiness andEconomics MasterofScience …18e01eab-4759-46a8-ad95-d... · 2019. 12....


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Master of Artsin Businessand EconomicsMaster of Sciencein Informatics

Study at Switzerland’s largest university, in the heartof the financial and business hub Zurich. Top-rankedin Europe, the Faculty of Business, Economics andInformatics at the University of Zurich offers youhigh-profile Master’s programs, the latest insightsfrom research, and access to an international anddiverse community of professors and students.


Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

“Our aim is to enable our graduates to excel in today’s fastchanging digital world. We therefore educate our studentsto become critical and responsible thinkers with stronganalytical skills. Combined with the scientific depth of ourrenowned Master’s programs, this opens up a whole worldof employment opportunities for our graduates.”Prof.Dr. Harald Gall, Deanof the Faculty of Business,Economicsand Informatics

UNFOLDYOURPOTENTIALPursuingaMaster’s program in BusinessandEconomicsor in Informatics at the Uni-versity of Zurichmeanscoming to enjoy an intellectually challengingand rewardingacademiceducation that providesyou with the knowledge and skills neededto kick-start your academicor corporate career.

All programs consist of a major and a minor program that you are free to choose,allowing you to acquirean individual andunique set of skillsthat set you apart.

OurMaster’sprogramsoffer you the opportunity to profit from:• Studyingat a research-orientedFacultywith top rankings in Europe• Shapinga clearand individual profile thanks to the major/minor system• Learningfrom leading scholarsand guest lecturers in their field• Beingpart of adiverseand inspiring student community• Takingpart in international exchangeprogramswith more than100partner universities

• Immersing yourself in the financial andbusinesshub Zurich• Buildinga network for your future


Degrees Master of Arts UZHin Businessand EconomicsMaster of ScienceUZHin Informatics

Total scope120ECTScredits

Major: 90 ECTScreditsMinor: 30 ECTScredits

Normal period of study 4 semesters

Languageof instruction English

Start of program Spring and Fall semester

BRIGHT FUTURE“Employerson the national and inter-national labormarket arehighly awareof the excellent academiceducationthat our graduates receive.Theyacknowledgethat our Master’sgraduatesareperfectly trained to understandandfind solutions to complex problemsbasedon the latest researchand businesstech-niques. Theseskills are in high demandacrossbranchesand professional fields.”RogerGfrörer, Head of CareerServicesat the University of Zurich

MIX AND MATCH: CREATEYOUROWN PROFILETheMaster’sprogramsat our Facultygiveyoumaximum flexibility to createyour ownprofile. Theyaredivided into a major and aminor program, which you cancombineaccordingto your strengths and interests. Regardlessofthe program you choose,a totalof 120ECTScreditsmust be completed.

Examplesof major/minor combinations1.Seekspecializationby combining amajor with aminor in the samefield, for instance,Bankingand Financewith Corporate Finance,or Data Sciencewith Informatics.

2.Broadenyour profile by combining a major in Informatics (e.g.,Data Science)with aminor in Businessand Economics(e.g.,BusinessAdministration) or vice versa.

1.Choose your major 2. Choose your minor

Major study programs90 ECTScredits

Minor study programs30 ECTScredits

Banking and Finance Accounting and Finance

BusinessAdministration Banking

Computing and Economics Banking and Finance

Data Science Behavioral Economics

Economics BusinessAdministration

Information Systems Corporate Finance

Management and Economics Data Science

People-OrientedComputing Economic Policy

Software Systems Economics

Financial Economics


Information Systems

Managing Education


Quantitative Finance

Detailed information

on eachprogram:



One of many possiblecombinations

“Both the Economics program and the Banking and Financeprogram have a very strong reputation and are amongthe very best in Swi�erland. Especially in Banking andFinance you get in touch with a very international setof professors. I also like that my student fellows have verydifferent nationalities and backgrounds, I surely madesome friends for life.”RahulBhagwanani, Major in Economics,Minor in Banking and Finance

“The Informatics program at the University of Zurich isdifferent because it has a strong economic perspective.While programming is important, we also focus onunderlying business needs and how humans and digitalprograms interact and influence each other. I want todevelop solutions that help simplifying and improvingour lives.”ClaudiaVogel,Major in Information Systems,Minor in Informatics

More studentvoiceson:



“The opportunity to choose a major in Business andEconomics and a minor in Informatics was decisive for me.It allows me to acquire management knowledge andcomputing skills – a combination that many companies areurgently looking for.”AlexanderPfyffer, Major in BusinessAdministration, Minor in People-OrientedComputing

Mentoring programAll our Master’s students can apply forone of the mentoring placesthat the Fa-culty offers in conjunction with itsalumni network. Thementoring programhelps you extend your professional com-petences by discussing your personalgoals and careerplans with an experi-encedmentor. All mentors arecommit-ted graduatesof our Facultywho offertheir adviceduring the one-yearprogramto help you take the first stepsinto yourprofessional career.

AlumniOur strong alumni networks offer an im-portant platform to stay connectedtoyour colleagues and the Faculty afteryour studies.Regularevents allow you toexchange experiences, ideas and infor-mation. Youwill find our alumni every-where in the world asillustrated bydiffe-rent alumni chapters, for instance, inLondon, Hong Kong or Sydney. Duringyour studies you createties for life thatareworthwhile fostering –becomepartof an inspiringnetwork of alumni.


International exchangeprogramsUSA,Singapore, Sweden – during yourMaster’sstudies you havethe possibilityto spenda semester at another univer-sity and delve into another culture. Ourcarefully selectedpartner network spansmore than 100universities and facultiesworldwide. Completed coursescan betransferred to your studiesat the Univer-sity of Zurichbasedon prior agreement.Enrich your academic record, build aninternational network and expandyourhorizon– it isan opportunity not to miss.

StudentnetworksAt our Faculty you will find severalstu-dent networks that help you navigatethrough your studies and build connec-tions that gobeyondyour academicfocus.Thetwo largest organizations arethe Stu-dent Associationof the Facultyand theInformaticsClub. In addition, youmay, forinstance, join the Businessor the FinanceClubsto network with professionalsfromdifferent corporates. Joining a studentnetwork meansnot only actively shapinguniversity life but alsohaving the chanceto developvaluable soft skills by contri-buting in oneof many possibleroles.

Ouralumni network spansthe globe – becomepart of it!Berlin, Boston,Hong Kong,London,LosAngeles, New York, SanFrancisco,Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney,Taipei,Tokio,Washington, Zurich


About your studiesDetails about studying at our Facultyandabout all study programs:

Admission to the Master’s

Faculty contactUniversity of ZurichFaculty of Business,Economicsand InformaticsDean’sOfficeRämistrasse 718006 Zurich

Student organizationsStudent Associationof the Faculty:www.fvoec.chInformatics

AlumniOECAlumni UZH:www.oecalumni.uzh.chInformatics Alumni
