Mastercard Gold Travel Insurance Benefits · travel insurance policy with American International...


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Mastercard GoldTravel Insurance Benefits

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Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)


American International Group UK Limited isregistered in England: company number10737370. Registered address: The AIGBuilding, 58 Fenchurch Street, LondonEC3M 4AB.

American International Group UK Limited isauthorised by the Prudential RegulationAuthority and regulated by the FinancialConduct Authority and the PrudentialRegulation Authority (FRN 781109). Thisinformation can be checked by visiting theFS Register (

The policy is underwritten by AmericanInternational Group UK Limited.

The Bank will appoint a PrincipalCardholder as its agent to make claims thatrelate to his/her insured losses (or those ofother family members within the policycoverage). The cardholder may thereforecontact the insurer directly to make a claimand does not need to notify Danske Bankseparately. The appointment will extend tothe agreement of sums payable by theinsurer, the receipt of claims monies (whichmay therefore be paid directly to thePrincipal Cardholder or as he or shedirects). In all these respects, the PrincipalCardholder will be acting as agent of the

action under the policy against AmericanInternational Group UK Limited (and theContracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act1999 does not apply) but, as beneficiaries,they will be entitled to receive the benefit ofclaims made under the policy in respect oftheir insured losses.

Northern Bank Limited is authorised by thePrudential Regulation Authority andregulated by the Financial ConductAuthority and the Prudential RegulationAuthority. However the Financial ConductAuthority and the Prudential and thePrudential Regulation Authority do notregulate the provision of this benefit;Principal Cardholders and the otherBeneficiaries will not qualify as a customerof the Bank or of American InternationalGroup UK Limited under the rules of theFinancial Conduct Authority and will not beentitled to the protection of those rules.

In the event of the insolvency of AmericanInternational Group UK Limited,compensation from the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme will not be available.

Travel InsuranceBenefits (for MastercardGold Credit Cards)

Northern Bank Limited has taken out atravel insurance policy with AmericanInternational Group UK Limited (theinsurer). The policy covers losses sufferedby the Principal Cardholder of aMastercard (as defined in the extract fromthe policy below) and certain familymembers of the Principal Cardholder butdoes not extend to Additional Cardholders(as defined in the extract from the policybelow).

The Bank holds the policy, and the rightsunder it, as trustee for these beneficiaries.The Bank is the sole policyholder and onlythe Bank has rights against the insurer andthe entitlement to claims monies payable bythe insurer or any other benefits to bemade available by the insurer under theterms of the policy. Principal Cardholders(and the other beneficiaries) are not partyto a traditional insurance contract and haveno rights under the policy and are notpolicyholders. Principal Cardholders andthe other beneficiaries are not able to take

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Bank. Neither the Principal Cardholder norany other beneficiary has any entitlement tocommence legal proceedings as the agent ofthe Bank. By making a claim, as agent of theBank, the Principal Cardholder will beaccepting this appointment andacknowledging that in certain circumstancesthe insurer may have the right to recoverclaims monies paid (a) if pre-conditionsstipulated in this policy (see extract below)have not been met or (b) if thecircumstances that have given rise to aclaim no longer apply (for example, if aBeneficiary is presumed mistakenly to havedied – see Section A1 and 2 Extension –Disappearance in the extract below).

Every effort is made to ensure thatcomplaints are dealt with satisfactorily. Youcan find details about how to make acomplaint in Section 15 of the policy extractset out in the next part of this booklet.

The following is an extract from the policysetting out the terms and conditions of thecoverage:

Mastercard Gold – Extract from Policy No.PAC 006999

1. General Definitions The insurer uses certain words andexpressions in this policy which have aspecific meaning, and sometimes the meaningis unique to this policy. These words and theirmeaning in this policy are shown below andeach time one of them is used in the policy, theword or expression is shown in bold type.Plural forms of the words defined have thesame meaning as the singular form.

AccidentA sudden, unexpected and specific event,external to the body, which occurs at anidentif iable time and place whilst the policy isin force.

Additional cardholderAn individual who is the holder of aMastercard but who is not the principalcardholder.

AssaultBodily injury caused as the direct result of:• an unprovoked malicious attack on the

beneficiary by another person; or• theft or attempted theft of the

beneficiary’s property.

BankNorthern Bank Limited trading as DanskeBank whose registered address is atDonegall Square West, Belfast, BT1 6JS.

Beneficiary(1) A cardholder or the spouse or partnerof a cardholder (up to and including the ageof 71) when travelling together orseparately on a covered journey; (2) children under 16 years of ageaccompanied on a covered journey by acardholder or the spouse or partner of acardholder or another adult aged 21 yearsor older; and (3), subject to the definition ofcovered journey, children of 16, 17 or 18years of age travelling alone or whentravelling together with the cardholder, orthe spouse or partner of the cardholder oranother adult aged 21 years or older.


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Bodily injury An identif iable physical injury to abeneficiary’s body which is caused directlyand solely by an accident, is notintentionally self-inf licted and does notresult from sickness or disease.

CardholderA holder of a Mastercard who has signedthe credit agreement in respect of that cardand who is the debtor under thatagreement, provided that the Mastercardin question has not been cancelled as at thecommencement of a covered journey.

ChildThe dependent child or children of acardholder or of a cardholder's spouse orpartner (including stepchildren and legallyadopted children) up to and including 18years of age.

Covered journey The first 60 days of any journey, which iscompleted in the period of coverage, suchjourney commencing from the time thebeneficiary leaves their usual place ofresidence or usual place of business orschool, as the case may be, in the UnitedKingdom, and terminating on return to theirusual place of residence or usual place of

business or school, as the case may be, inthe United Kingdom and involving:• travel in connection with the business of

the beneficiary provided that a journeythat does not extend beyond a day mustinvolve travel outside a region and thattravel between the beneficiary’s usualplace of residence and usual place ofbusiness or school is excluded; and/or

• travel away from the beneficiary’s usualplace of residence, provided that ajourney that does not extend beyond aday must involve travel outside a regionand that travel between thebeneficiary’s usual place of residenceand usual place of business or school isexcluded.

Provided that if cancellation of such journeyis the subject of a claim under Section C1(cancellation and curtailment charges) suchjourney will be a covered journey to thatextent and for the related purposes of thispolicy, notwithstanding that althoughbooked during the period of coverage suchcancellation has prevented it beingundertaken during the period of coverage.

Provided further that if a covered journeyexceeds 60 days’ duration as a result of amishap beyond the control of the

beneficiary, coverage provided under thispolicy will remain in force for a period notexceeding a further 21 days, or if earlier,until the beneficiary returns to their placeof residence in the United Kingdom.

Provided further that in the event of ahijack and while the beneficiary is subjectto the control of the person(s) or theirassociates making the hijack, coverageunder this policy shall continue beyond thefirst 60 days of the covered journey for aperiod not exceeding twelve months fromthe date of the hijack or if earlier until thebeneficiary arrives at the beneficiary’soriginal destination or the beneficiary’susual place of residence in the UnitedKingdom.

Provided further that the cover will notapply until the bank accepts the applicationof the relevant cardholder for aMastercard.

Provided further that in the case of a childof 16, 17 or 18 years of age when travellingalone on a covered journey, subject to thepreceding provisions, cover under thispolicy is limited to the f irst 30 days of thecovered journey.


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Curtailment or curtailed The cutting short of a covered journey afterthe commencement of such coveredjourney.

Dental expensesThe cost of emergency dental treatmentprovided to the beneficiary by a registereddentist.

Hijack Unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise ofcontrol of an aircraft or conveyance and thecrew thereof on which the beneficiary istravelling as a passenger (and not as a crewmember) during a covered journey.

InsurerAmerican International Group UK Limited,an insurance undertaking duly authorised tounderwrite non-life insurance in the UnitedKingdom.

Mastercard The bank’s Mastercard Gold Credit Card.

Money Coins, bank or currency notes, bankersdrafts, bills of exchange, letters of credit,luncheon vouchers, credit, debit or chargecards, phone cards, postal or money orders,travellers cheques, travel tickets, petrol orother coupons with a monetary value, or

credit vouchers which belong to or are inthe custody and control of a beneficiaryand are intended for travel, meals,accommodation and personal expenditureonly.

Partner Any man or woman living with a cardholderas a couple at the same address for aminimum period of six months at the date ofbooking a covered journey.

Period of coverage In respect of a beneficiary, the periodwhilst the policy remains in force from thedate the bank accepts the application of therelevant cardholder for a Mastercard untilsuch cardholder’s Mastercard iscancelled.

Permanent loss of limb Loss by permanent physical separation of ahand at or above the wrist or a foot at orabove the ankle, or permanent total andirrecoverable loss of use of a hand, arm,foot, or leg with or without permanentseparation.

Permanent loss of sightPermanent, total and irrecoverable loss ofsight in one or both eyes if the degree of

sight remaining after correction is 3/60 orless on the Snellen Scale (seeing at 3 feetwhat the beneficiary should see at 60 feet).

Permanent total disablementPermanent disablement which entirelyprevents the beneficiary from attending toany business or occupation of any andevery kind and which, having lasted at leasttwelve calendar months is at the expiry ofthat period, in the opinion of a qualif iedmedical practitioner, beyond hope ofimprovement for the remainder of their life.

PolicyThis policy of insurance (numbered PAC006999) between the insurer and thebank, held by the bank as trustee for thebenefit of the beneficiaries.

Pre-existing medical conditionIn respect of a beneficiary: a) any medical condition of which the

beneficiary has been informed or madeaware or for which the beneficiary hasreceived treatment at a hospital, clinic,or doctor’s surgery (including repeatprescriptions and the like) in the twelvemonths before the covered journey wasbooked;


Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)

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b) any heart related condition orhypertension for which the beneficiaryhas been prescribed ongoingmedication, or any heart relatedoperation, stroke, arterial disease,kidney disease, malignant disease(cancer), lung or respiratory disease(excluding controlled asthma for whichthe beneficiary has not received in-patient hospital treatment in the twelvemonths prior to the booking of thecovered journey), motor-neuronedisease, Parkinson’s disease orAlzheimer’s disease of which thebeneficiary has been informed or madeaware prior to the booking of thecovered journey;

c) any terminal illness of the beneficiarywhich has been diagnosed prior to thebooking of the covered journey.

Principal CardholderThe cardholder.

Property irregularity reportA report by an airline or other carrierrecording lost luggage.

RegionThe county in which the beneficiary’s usual

2. Table of Benefits

Section Benefit Limits (up to) ExcessSection A Accident £100,000 Assault £50,000 Dental expenses £1,000 Section B Medical & £1,000,000 £75 Other ExpensesSection C1Cancellation charges £2,500 £75 Curtailment charges £3,000 £75Section C2Flight Delay £700 (up to £100 per full hour in excess of 6 hours)Section D1Personal Effects and Baggage £2500 £75 Limit of any one item, set, pair (without valuation) £250 Limit on all valuables £250 Limit on money £500

Section D2Delayed Baggage £700 Section E Personal Liability (personal injury, damage to property) £1,000,000 Section F Legal Expenses £10,000

place of residence or usual place ofbusiness or school is located.

ValuablesAntiques, audio equipment, binoculars,computer equipment, furs, items made ofprecious metals, jewellery, mobile phones(including smart phones and tabletcomputers) and other mobilecommunication equipment, perfumes,photographic equipment, precious stones,silks, televisions, video and electricalequipment of any kind (including CDs, Ipods,mini discs, DVDs, video and audio tapes,MP3 players) and watches.

War Any activity arising out of the use of orattempt to participate in the use of militaryforce between nations and will include civilwar, invasion, insurrection, revolution, useof military power or usurpation ofgovernment or military power.


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3. CancellationIf a Mastercard is cancelled by the bank,the insurance provided by the insurer tothe bank under this policy will automaticallystop except in respect of any coveredjourney which has commenced on or beforesuch cancellation.

4. Law This contract will be governed by the lawsof England and Wales.

5.Territorial Limits Worldwide.

6. General Conditions (a) each covered journey shall be deemed

to be a separate insurance, each beingsubject to the terms and conditions of this policy.

(b) the insurer will only pay for a bodilyinjury resulting in a permanent, totaland irrecoverable loss for the whole ofthe applicable item specified underSection A1 or A2. In the event that abeneficiary suffers a bodily injury foran item not specified under Section A1or A2, or an injury for part of an itemspecified under Section A1 or A2, noclaim will be paid.

(c) The Insurer shall not be deemed toprovide cover and the Insurer shall notbe liable to pay any claim or provideany benefit hereunder to the extentthat the provision of such cover,payment of such claim or provision ofsuch benefit would expose the Insurer,its parent company or its ultimatecontrolling entity to any sanction,prohibition or restriction under UnitedNations resolutions or the trade oreconomic sanctions, laws orregulations of the European Union orthe United States of America.

(d) The Insurer will not be liable to provideany coverage or make any paymenthereunder for any claim arising beforeor during trips in, to or through thefollowing countries: Cuba, Iran, Syria,Sudan, North Korea or the Crimearegion.

7. General Exclusions The following exclusions apply to allsections of this policy and are in addition tothe specific exclusions under eachindividual section of cover.

The insurer shall not be liable for any claim: a) arising out of war;

b) resulting from loss or destruction ofor damage to any propertywhatsoever or any loss or expensewhatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss, anylegal liability of whatsoever nature,directly or indirectly caused by orcontributed to by or arising from: (i). ionising radiation or contamination

by radioactivity from any nuclearfuel or from any nuclear wastefrom the combustion of nuclearfuel;

(ii).the radioactive toxic explosive orother hazardous properties of anynuclear assembly or nuclearcomponents thereof;

c) arising either directly or indirectly inthe treatment or diagnosis orcounselling of either AcquiredImmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)or AIDS Related Complex (ARC);

d) arising directly or indirectly out of,f inancial incapacity or disinclinationto travel;

e) directly or indirectly occasioned by,happening through or in consequenceof participation in any airborneactivities, unless as a fare-payingpassenger on a commercial f light;


Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)

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(b) Permanent loss of sight of one orboth eyes £100,000

(c) Permanent loss of limbs (one ormore) £100,000

(d) Permanent total disablement (otherthan permanent loss of sight of oneor both eyes or permanent loss oflimbs (one or more )) £100,000

(e) Dental expenses up to £1,000

Section A2 – AssaultIn the event of an assault during a coveredjourney, which solely and independently ofany other cause (except illness directlyresulting from medical or surgicaltreatment rendered necessary by suchassault) within twenty four calendarmonths from the date of the assaultresulting in the beneficiary suffering orincurring any of the conditions specified inthis Section A2, the insurer will pay theapplicable one of the amounts specifiedbelow:(a) Death (beneficiary over 18 years at

the date of the assault) £50,000 Death (child 18 years of age or under

at the date of the assault) £2,400(b) Permanent loss of sight of one or

both eyes £50,000(c) Permanent loss of limbs (one or

more) £50,000


Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)

f) if a covered journey exceeds 60 daysduration, then (subject to thedefinition of covered journey) cover isnot provided for every day after the60th day of the covered journey;

g) resulting from the tour operator,airline or any other company, f irm orperson becoming insolvent, or beingunable or unwilling to fulf il any part oftheir obligation to the beneficiary;

h) in respect of taking part in BMX stuntriding, boxing, sports that in theinsurer’s opinion are classified asextreme sports, hang gliding, highdiving over 3 metres, paid manualwork, martial arts, microlighting,motor rallying, mountaineering androck climbing (using ropes or guides),parachuting, paragliding other thanwhen attached to a land or sea craft,parasailing, parascending, pot holing,professional or semi-professionalsport of any kind, scuba diving to adepth greater than 35 meters, snowski-jumping, using skeletons orbobsleighs, weightlifting or wrestling;or

i) in respect of the beneficiary takingpart in any of the following sportingand hazardous activities on the

covered journey: abseiling, Americanfootball, big game hunting, bungeejumping, fencing, go karting (over 120cc), horse riding, ice hockey, jet skiing,polo, racing on foot for distances of13 miles or more, safaris usingfirearms, speed or endurance tests,water skiing, water ski jumping, whitewater rafting or white water canoeing.

See also the exclusions applying specificallyto each Section (see Section 9).

8. Cover Section A1 – AccidentIn the event of bodily injury caused by anaccident during a covered journey, whichsolely and independently of any other cause(except illness directly resulting frommedical or surgical treatment renderednecessary by such bodily injury) withintwenty four calendar months of the date ofthe bodily injury resulting in thebeneficiary suffering or incurring any of theconditions specified in this Section A1, theinsurer will pay the applicable one of theamounts specified below:(a) Death (beneficiary over 18 years at

the date of bodily injury) £100,000 Death (child 18 years of age or under

at the date of bodily injury) £2,400

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4. The reasonable additional cost ofcontinued accommodation andadditional expenses necessarilyincurred in returning a sick or injuredbeneficiary to their place of residencein the United Kingdom;

5. The reasonable cost of transportationand accommodation (less anypossible recovery or saving) up to£150 per complete day and £1,500in total if an injured or sickbeneficiary is an in-patient in ahospital outside the United Kingdomfor more than five consecutive days,in respect of:(a) travel in connection with the

beneficiary’s business, anemployee of the company ororganisation for whom thebeneficiary made the coveredjourney; or

(b) a covered journey not involvingbusiness travel, one person whoneeds to travel to, and remain with,a beneficiary.

The maximum payment under Section B is£1,000,000 in relation to each beneficiary.

Please see the general exclusions (Section7) and specific Section exclusions (Section9) and Condition Precedent 2 (Section 12).


Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)

(d) Permanent total disablement (otherthan permanent loss of sight of oneor both eyes or permanent loss oflimbs (one or more)) £50,000

(e) Dental expenses up to £1,000

Section A1 and 2 Extension -Disappearance It is agreed that, subject to all the terms,limitations, conditions and exclusions ofthis policy, if the beneficiary disappearsduring the covered journey and their bodyis not found within 90 days after theirdisappearance and sufficient evidence isproduced satisfactory to the insurer thatleads them to the conclusion that thebeneficiary has died as a result of bodilyinjury, the insurer shall pay the deathbenefit specified in section A1 or A2 inrespect of such beneficiary. It isacknowledged that if the beneficiary issubsequently discovered to be alive, theinsurer may have an equitable or other non-contractual right to recover such deathbenefit and that such recovery be sought assoon as is reasonably practicable after thediscovery.

Please see the general exclusions (Section 7)and specific Section exclusions (Section 9).

Section B - Medical and Other Expenses This policy shall extend to cover thefollowing costs incurred by a beneficiaryduring a covered journey outside theUnited Kingdom: 1. The cost of reasonable medical,

surgical or hospital treatment(including emergency dentaltreatment but only to the extentnecessary for the immediate relief ofpain) necessarily incurred, for up to amaximum of 12 months from the dateof injury or f irst date of diagnosis ofillness. The insurer reserves the rightto pay the amount of costs forrepatriating the beneficiary when, inthe opinion of a qualif ied doctor andthe insurer’s medical advisers, thebeneficiary is f it to travel.

2. The cost of transporting the remainsof a beneficiary to their usual place ofresidence in the United Kingdom orthe cost of a funeral in the countryoutside the United Kingdom wheredeath occurs.

3. The cost of return to the UnitedKingdom of an injured or sickbeneficiary by air ambulance wherein the opinion of the insurer’s medicaladvisers such repatriation ismedically necessary.

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Travel Insurance Benef its (for Mastercard Gold Credit Cards)

Section C1 - Cancellation and CurtailmentChargesThis policy will cover:

i) up to a limit of £2,500, travel, andaccommodation expenses and theprice of excursions of the beneficiary,in respect of the beneficiary’scovered journey which have beenpaid, contracted to be paid or prepaidprior to any occurrence (and which isnot recoverable) giving rise to a claimunder this section, if the coveredjourney is necessarily cancelled orwith the advance approval of AIGTravel (telephone +44 (0) 1273400610 or email:,is curtailed; and

ii) up to a maximum limit of £3,000(both in respect of these costs andthe expenses covered in paragraph i)above), reasonable transport costsand the reasonable additional costs ofresuming the covered journey (whichare agreed in advance by AIG Travel) ifthere are at least 15 days remainingof the covered journey at the date ofresumption, if the covered journey isnecessarily and with the advanceapproval of AIG Travel

(telephone +44 (0) 1273 400610 oremail:, curtailed;

as a result of:a) death, injury or illness of a

beneficiary; b) death, injury or illness of a

cardholder’s spouse or partner, or ofa person with whom a beneficiaryhas arranged to travel on a coveredjourney, or of the father, mother,father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother,sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,child, f iancé(e) or close businessassociate of a cardholder or thespouse or partner of a cardholder;

c) compulsory quarantine, jury serviceor witness call in a court of the UnitedKingdom of a beneficiary;

d) redundancy of a beneficiarycommencing after the date thecovered journey was booked andqualifying for payment under thecurrent redundancy payment laws; or

e) f ire at the residence of thebeneficiary rendering it uninhabitable10 days or less before departure.

The maximum payment under Section C1(i)is £2,500 and under Section C1(ii) is£3,000, in relation to each beneficiary upto a maximum limit of £3,000 under bothSections C1(i) and C1(ii) for eachbeneficiary and subject to a maximum

overall limit of £6,000 for each coveredjourney in respect of all beneficiaries.

Please see the general exclusions (Section7) and specific Section exclusions (Section9).

Section C2 – Flight DelayIf during a covered journey, the aircraft onwhich the beneficiary is travelling is:• delayed by more than 6 hours;• suspended; • overbooked; or • missed because of documented late

arrival of a connecting f light and noalternative f light is available;

the insurer will pay the reasonable cost ofmeals, overnight accommodation and otheressential purchases of the beneficiarythereby necessitated up to a maximum perbeneficiary of £100 for each full hour inexcess of 6 hours delay and subject to anoverall limit of liability of £700, providedsuch expenditure is supported by originalreceipts (not copies) and provided thebeneficiary completes the covered journeyin the event that it becomes available to becommenced within a reasonable period.

Please see the general exclusions (Section 7)and specific Section exclusions (Section 9).

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Section D1 – Personal Effects, Baggage andMoneySubject to an overall limit of liability inrespect of all beneficiaries of £6,000 percovered journey, this policy will extend tocover loss, theft or damage (including costof a replacement passport) to abeneficiary’s personal effects and baggage(including valuables), during a coveredjourney up to a maximum of £2,500 perbeneficiary and subject to an inner limit of£250 per item, set or pair (which is not avaluable) and an inner aggregate limit of£250 for all valuables. Provided alwaysthat in the event of loss or theft, the loss ortheft is reported to the police or otherappropriate authority as soon as ispracticable and in addition that an originalreceipt or insurance valuation is providedfor any item, set or pair (whether or not avaluable) worth more than £250 each.

The insurer reserves the right to determinethe reasonable value of any item, set or pair(whether or not a valuable) which is thesubject of a claim under this policy wherethe claim is for more than £250, if theinsurer is not supplied with an originalreceipt or insurance valuation in respectthereof.

Subject to an overall limit of liability inrespect of all beneficiaries of £6,000 percovered journey, the insurer will pay theamount of loss suffered by eachbeneficiary resulting from the theft oraccidental loss of money during a coveredjourney whilst being carried on abeneficiary or while left in a locked safetydeposit box in the beneficiary’saccommodation, up to a maximum of £500in relation to each beneficiary. Cover inrespect of foreign currency purchased willbe effective from time of collection fromthe bank or travel agent, or for 3 daysbefore commencement of a coveredjourney whichever is the later, providedalways that in the event of loss or theft, thisis reported to the police or otherappropriate authority as soon as ispracticable.

The maximum liability for each coveredjourney for all beneficiaries under SectionD1 is £6,000.

Please see the general exclusions (Section7) and specific Section exclusions (Section9).

Section D2 - Baggage DelayIf a beneficiary’s personal baggage isdelayed or lost for more than 6 hours by anairline, railway or shipping company beyondthe time the beneficiary arrives at the f inalor interim destination on an outboundcovered journey, the insurer will pay up to£700 in total in relation to each beneficiaryfor the purchase of essential items ofclothing and toiletries provided suchexpenditure is supported by originalreceipts (not copies). Any payment made fordelayed baggage will be deducted from anypayment subsequently arising in respect ofsuch baggage under Section D1.

Subject to the overall limit of £700 perbeneficiary under this Section D2 and if thebeneficiary can document that the specificpurpose of a covered journey is toparticipate in a specific sport and theequipment needed to do so is delayed formore than 6 hours on the outbound part ofthe covered journey the cover providedunder this Section D2 shall extend to coverthe cost of the beneficiary rentingreplacement equipment up to a maximumliability of £35 per day and an overallmaximum liability of £105 per beneficiary. Please see the general exclusions (Section7) and specific Section exclusions (Section 9).


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Section E – Personal Liability Cover under this policy will extend to abeneficiary’s legal liability for injury topersons and/or damage to property up to alimit of £1,000,000 per beneficiary for anyone event or series of events (includinglegal costs) arising from events occurringduring and in connection with a coveredjourney.

It is a condition for any payments to bemade by the insurer under this Section Ethat the beneficiary shall:• make no admission of liability and that

no admission, arrangement, offer,promise, negotiation, denial of liabilityor payment shall be made by thebeneficiary without the writtenconsent of the insurer, who to theextent entitled by law, may seek totake over and conduct in the name ofthe beneficiary their defence of anyclaim or to prosecute in their namefor their own benefit any claims forindemnity or damages or otherwiseagainst any third party, and shall havefull discretion in the conduct of anynegotiations or proceedings or thesettlement of any claim; and

• whenever possible, give all suchinformation and assistance as theinsurer may reasonably require.

The insurer may to the extent permissiblein equity or law seek to recover any moneypaid which the beneficiary subsequentlyrecovers from a third party.

Please see the general exclusions (Section 7)and specific Section exclusions (Section 9).

Section F – Legal Expenses The coverage under this policy will apply inrespect of legal costs and expensesincurred by a beneficiary in the pursuit oflegal proceedings for compensation ordamages directly arising from or out ofinjury to or death of the beneficiary duringa covered journey up to £10,000 perbeneficiary provided always that theinsurer will have complete control over thelegal proceedings, selection, appointmentand control of lawyers and the beneficiarymust follow the advices of the insurer andthe insurer’s handling agents. The insurershall only be liable to pay legal expensesincurred with their written consent andshall reserve the right to withdraw at anystage and thereafter they shall not be liablefor any further expenses. The insurer may,to the extent permissible at law, seek torecover any expenses that the beneficiarysubsequently recovers from a third party.

Please see the general exclusions (Section 7)and specific Section exclusions (Section 9).

9. Specific ExclusionsExclusions applying to Sections A (1 and 2),B and C (1 and 2)The insurer shall not be liable for any claim: a) arising from any pre-existing medical

condition;b) if at the time of booking a covered

journey, the beneficiary is:(i) on a hospital waiting list for

treatment or investigation orawaiting the results of medicaltests,

(ii) travelling contrary to medicaladvice or specifically to obtainmedical treatment,

(iii) travelling after a terminalprognosis has been made,

(iv) expected to give birth during thecovered journey or within twomonths of date of arriving back attheir place of residence in theUnited Kingdom,

(v) requiring medication or treatmentwhich they know, at the start of thecovered journey, will be neededwhile outside the United Kingdom.


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c) arising whilst the beneficiary isengaged or taking part in Military, AirForce or Naval Service or Operations(other than reserve or volunteertraining);

d) directly or indirectly caused orcontributed to by intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide,the beneficiary provoking an assault,f ighting (except in bona fide self-defence) or from the beneficiary’sown criminal act, or whilst engaged ortaking part in civil commotions orriots of any kind;

e) in respect of dental expensesresulting from eating food (includingobjects found in food), normal wearand tear or taking part in boxing orrugby, unless wearing the appropriatemouth protection;

f) in respect of dental expensesincurred more than 90 days after thedate of the bodily injury;

g) occasioned by or occurring whilst thebeneficiary is in a state of insanity(temporary or otherwise);

h) occasioned by or occurring whilstriding or driving in any kind of race;

i) occasioned by or occurring whilstengaged or taking part inmountaineering or rock climbing

(normally involving the use of ropesand/or guides);

j) consequent upon the beneficiarybeing under the inf luence of alcohol,or a drug or drugs;

k) in respect of emergency medical or in-hospital medical treatment notapproved in advance by AIG Travel; or

l) the f irst £75 of each claim (thisexcess does not apply to claims underSection A or C2) in relation to eachbeneficiary.

Please also see the general exclusions(Section 7).

Exclusion applying to Section BThe insurer shall not be liable for any claimarising from treatment of any illness and/orinjury occurring on trips made while withinthe United Kingdom.

Exclusions applying to Section C1The insurer shall not be liable for any claim: a) due to a medical condition or any

illness of any of the persons specifiedin Section C1b) which the beneficiaryknew about before commencing thecovered journey;

b) where curtailment of the coveredjourney is not approved in advance byAIG Travel.

Please also see the general exclusions(Section 7).

Exclusions applying to Section D (1 and 2)The insurer shall not be liable for: (a) damage due to moth, vermin, wear,

tear and gradual deterioration; (b) losses arising from confiscation or

detention by customs or otherofficials;

(c) property otherwise insured;(d) any luggage lost whilst in the custody

of an airline or other carrier unlesssuch loss is reported to the airline orother carrier within 24 hours and aproperty irregularity report (or otherappropriate lost luggage report if aproperty irregularity report is notavailable) is obtained;

(e) losses not reported to the police orappropriate authorities within 24hours of discovery and a writtenreport not obtained;

(f) the full value of any item, set or pairworth more than £250 for which the


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beneficiary has not obtained anoriginal receipt or insurance valuationbefore the loss occurs;

(g) any expenses incurred due to baggagedelayed on an inbound part of acovered journey back to the UnitedKingdom;

(h) the f irst £75 for each claim inrelation to each beneficiary inrespect of Section D personal effectsand baggage; or

(i) the f irst £75 for each claim inrelation to each beneficiary inrespect of Section D money.

Please also see the general exclusions(Section 7).

Exclusions applying to Section EThe insurer shall not be liable for:1. any liability arising from an injury or

loss or damage to property:[a] owned by a beneficiary, a member

of a beneficiary’s family orhousehold or a person employed bya beneficiary; or

[b] in the care, custody or control of abeneficiary, a member of abeneficiary’s family or householdor a person employed by abeneficiary;.

2. any liability, injury, loss or damage:[a] to a member of a beneficiary’s

family or household (other than acardholder or child) or a personemployed by a beneficiary;

[b] while carrying out a beneficiary’strade, profession or business;

[c] arising out of a contract enteredinto by a beneficiary;

[d] arising out of the owning,possessing, using or living on anyland or in buildings, immobileproperty or caravans;

[e] arising out of the owning,possessing, or using horse-drawnor mechanically-propelled vehicles,water craft or aircraft of anydescription, animals, f irearms orweapons; or

[f] arising out of any criminal,malicious or deliberate acts.

3. injury to any person who is under acontract of service or apprenticeshipwith the beneficiary when such injuryarises out of and in the course of theiremployment by the beneficiary;

4. loss or damage to property belongingto or held in trust by or in the custodyor control of the beneficiary;

5. any liability attaching to thebeneficiary by reason of an expressterm of any contract unless suchliability would have attached to thebeneficiary notwithstanding such aterm; or

6. any legal liability for which indemnityis provided under any contract ofinsurance in the name of thebeneficiary.

Please also see the general exclusions(Section 7).

Exclusions applying to Section FThe insurer shall not be liable for: (a) costs or expenses incurred for any

claim brought against a tour operator,travel agent, carrier, the insurer orthe bank;

(b) costs or expenses incurred prior toobtaining written consent from theinsurer;

(c) f ines or other penalties imposed by acourt of criminal jurisdiction;

(d) any claim reported more than 180days after the commencement of theincident giving rise to such claim;

(e) legal expenses incurred in thedefence against any civil claim or


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legal proceedings made or broughtagainst the beneficiary; or

(f) claims raising out of any criminal,malicious or deliberate act of thebeneficiary or the beneficiary’sbrother, brother-in-law, daughter,daughter-in-law, father, father-in-law,husband, mother, mother-in-law,sister, sister-in-law; son, son-in-law,step-daughter, step-father, step-mother, step-son or wife.

Please also see the general exclusions(Section 7).

10. Conditions relating to submission ofclaimsMedical Emergencies It is a condition precedent to any liability ofthe insurer under Section B of this policy inrespect of a claim relating to a beneficiarythat the Emergency Service (as definedbelow) is contacted within 48 hours or suchgreater period of time as it is reasonable toexpect in the circumstances of thatbeneficiary being admitted to hospitaloutside the United Kingdom.

In the event of a medical emergencyaffecting a beneficiary while outside theUnited Kingdom, contact AIG Travel 24 houremergency service helpline (the“Emergency Service”) on:

Telephone Number: + 44 (0) 1273 400 610Fax Number: + 44 (0) 1273 376 935

AIG Travel is available to provide medicalassistance and advice in respect of suchmatters as hospital admission, treatment,payment of bills and transportation backhome and to keep relatives of thebeneficiary informed of the beneficiary’sprogress. The Emergency Service must notbe used for general enquiries or requestingclaim forms.

Claims Notif ication 1. It is a condition precedent to any

liability of the insurer to make anypayment under this policy that:

• the insurer is informed of anyclaim as soon as possible after acovered journey has ended but inany event within 31 days of therelevant covered journey ending.

• all certif icates, information andevidence reasonably required by

the insurer in respect of a claimshall be furnished at no expense tothe insurer and shall be in suchform and of such nature as theinsurer may reasonably prescribe.

• the beneficiary shall as often asreasonably required in respect of aclaim under this policy submit tomedical examination on behalf ofthe insurer at the insurer’sexpense.

• in the event of death of abeneficiary, the insurer shall beentitled to have a post mortemexamination at the insurer’s ownexpense.

• any items which become thesubject of a claim for damage shallbe retained for the insurer’sinspection and shall be forwardedto their agents upon request at theexpense of the beneficiary or theirlegal personal representatives. Allsuch forwarded items shallbecome the property of the insurerfollowing final settlement of theclaim.


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2. The required notice of claim mustbe delivered / advised to AIGTravel Claims Department. Suchnotice must include a briefdescription of the claim. Noticemay be given in writing, by email orby telephone from Monday toFriday, 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.(excluding public holidays), to:

Travel Claims Services AIG Travel Claims P O Box 454 Feltham, TW13 9EH Phone: 0330 123 3126 E-mail:

3. The insurer through AIG Travel willon request provide a claim form assoon as notif ication of a claim ismade.

11. Settlement of claims The insurer may at its option discharge anyliability under this insurance by providing areplacement or paying the cost of repairs ofany article or articles lost or damaged.

12. Conditions Precedent1. The due observance and fulf ilment

of the terms, provisions, conditionsand endorsements of the policyinsofar as they relate to anythingto be done or complied with by thebeneficiary shall be conditionsprecedent to any liability of theinsurer to make any paymentunder the policy.

2. It is a condition precedent to anypayment under this policy that:

• with respect to claims made underSection B, if a beneficiary isadmitted to hospital outside theUnited Kingdom, the EmergencyService (as defined in Section 10 –Medical Emergencies) is notif ied inaccordance with and within theperiod specified in that provision ofSection 10;

• with respect to claims made underSection E, the beneficiary shallgive immediate notice in writing toAIG Travel Claims Departmentimmediately following any writ,summons or other legal processand shall give all necessaryinformation and assistance to

enable the insurer (to the extentpermitted by law) to negotiate theclaim or to institute proceedings.The beneficiary shall notnegotiate, pay, settle, admit orrepudiate any claim without thewritten consent of the insurer;

• the beneficiary shall observe duecare and control of their propertyat all times;

• the beneficiary shall take allpracticable steps to recover anyarticles lost or stolen; and

• in the event of any occurrencewhich may give rise to a claimunder this policy, the beneficiaryshall take all reasonable steps toavoid or minimise any loss arisingout of such claim.

3. If a fraudulent claim is made underthis policy, the coverage in respectof the relevant cardholder (and anyother beneficiaries relating to therelevant cardholder) shall beconsidered null and void and allrelated claims shall be forfeit inrespect of such beneficiaries.


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13. Other insurance If at the time of any loss or damage insuredby Sections B, C1, C2, D1, D2, E or F thereshall be any other insurance covering suchloss or damage or any part thereof, theinsurer to the extent permissible at lawmay seek a contribution from such otherinsurance for loss or damage.

14. Provision The liability of the insurer under this policyshall only apply once to each coveredjourney even if the relevant Mastercard isused twice or more to purchase a fare forthe covered journey.

15. Our commitment to the principal cardholder The bank and insurer believe the principalcardholder and the other beneficiariesdeserve to be treated in a courteous, fairand prompt manner. If there is an occasionwhen they feel let down then the principalcardholder should contact either the bankor insurer using the appropriate contactdetails below, providing the Policy/Claimnumber together with the cardholder’s andbeneficiary’s name(s) to ensure the matteris dealt with promptly.

(a) If the complaint is about the serviceprovided by the insurer the principal

cardholder should follow the steps below:Write to: The Customer Relations Manager, AIG Travel, PO Box 2157, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex BN43 9DH.Call: +44 (0) 330 123 3126 Email: Online:

Lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am– 5.00pm (excluding public holidays).

The insurer takes all customer complaintsseriously and has established the followingcomplaint procedure to resolve concernsquickly, fairly and by the appropriatedepartment.

Step 1: Within three business days ofreceiving a complaint:In the first instance the insurer wouldencourage the principal cardholder tocontact the department they are unhappywith. Members of staff are empowered toprovide support and will aim to resolve anyconcerns within three business days,following receipt of a complaint. A writtensummary resolution communication will beprovided to the principal cardholder if thecomplaint is resolved to the principalcardholder’s satisfaction.

Step 2: If the complaint cannot be resolvedwithin three business days:The insurer will send the principalcardholder an acknowledgement letter toexplain that the complaint has been escalatedto the Customer Relations Unit who willappoint a dedicated Complaint Manager tosupport the principal cardholder, keep theminformed of progress and provide one of thefollowing within 8 weeks:.

- A final response letter explaining theoutcome of the insurer’s investigation,the reason for it and the next steps; or

- A holding letter confirming when theinsurer anticipates it will have concludedits investigation.

Step 3: Referring to the FinancialOmbudsman Service:After receiving the insurer’s final responseor if it has been unable to conclude itsinvestigation within 8 weeks, the principalcardholdermay refer the complaint to theFinancial Ombudsman Service. The insurerwill provide full details of how to do this in itsfinal response or holding letter.

The Financial Ombudsman Service can becontacted as follows:


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Write to: Financial Ombudsman Service,Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.Call: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123Email:

Following this complaint procedure doesnot affect the principal cardholder’s rightsto take legal action.

(b) If the complaint is about the serviceprovided by the bank the principalcardholder should take the action setout below:

Write to:Danske Bank, PO Box 2111, Belfast, BT10 9EG.Call: 0345 600 2882 Online:

Lines are open between 8am and 8pmMonday to Friday and between 9am and5pm on Saturdays and Sundays, except forbank holidays or other holidays in NorthernIreland when the bank is not open forbusiness. The bank may record or monitorcalls to confirm details of conversations,and for training and quality purposes. Call

charges may vary. The principalcardholder should contact his/her phonecompany for details.

If the principal cardholder is not happy withany part of the bank’s service, please askthe bank for a copy of its leaf let ‘Puttingthings right for you’ or visit its website atthe address set out above. The bank aimsto deal with complaints in a way that itscustomers are satisfied with.

If the principal cardholder has followed thebank’s published complaint procedures anddisagrees with the response it has given,they can refer the matter to the FinancialOmbudsman Service.

The Financial Ombudsman Service can becontacted as follows:

Write to:Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.Call: 0800 023 4567 or

0300 123

16. How the insurer uses personalinformationAmerican International Group UK Limited(the insurer) is committed to protecting theprivacy of customers, claimants and otherbusiness contacts.

“Personal Information” identif ies andrelates to a beneficiary or other individuals.If you provide personal information aboutanother individual, a beneficiary must(unless the insurer agrees otherwise)inform the individual about the content ofthis notice and the insurer’s Privacy Policyand obtain their permission (wherepossible) for sharing of their personalinformation with the insurer.

The types of Personal Information theinsurer may collect and why - Depending onthe insurer's relationship with you,personal information collected may include:contact information, f inancial informationand account details, credit reference andscoring information, sensitive informationabout health or medical conditions,(collected with the beneficiaries consentwhere required by applicable law) as well asother personal information provided by thebeneficiary or that the insurer obtains inconnection with its relationship with you.


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Personal Information may be used for thefollowing purposes:

• Insurance administration, e.g.communications, claims processing andpayment

• Make assessments and decisions aboutthe provision and terms of insurance andsettlement of claims

• Assistance and advice on medical andtravel matters

• Management and audit of the insurer’sbusiness operations and IT infrastructure

• Prevention, detection and investigation ofcrime, e.g. fraud and money laundering

• Establishment and defence of legal rights

• Legal and regulatory compliance(including compliance with laws outsidethe beneficiary's country of residence)

• Monitoring and recording of telephonecalls for quality, training and securitypurposes

• Marketing, market research and analysis

MarketingThe insurer will not use any PersonalInformation collected in relation to thisinsurance policy to send a beneficiary anymarketing communications, unless abeneficiary expressly asks the insurer to.As such, the “Marketing Preferences”section of the insurer’s full Privacy Policyand any other wording in the insurer’sPrivacy Policy that suggests the insurerwill market to beneficiaries, do not apply,unless a beneficiary has expresslyrequested that the insurer sends thebeneficiary marketing communications.The insurer may still send a beneficiaryother important communications, e.g.communications relating to administrationof this insurance policy and/or a claim.

Sharing of Personal Information - For theabove purposes personal information maybe shared with the insurer’s groupcompanies and third parties (such asbrokers and other insurance distributionparties, insurers and reinsurers, creditreference agencies, healthcareprofessionals and other service providers).Personal information will be shared withother third parties (including governmentauthorities) if required by laws or

regulations. Personal information(including details of injuries) may berecorded on claims registers shared withother insurers. The insurer is required toregister all third party claims forcompensation relating to bodily injury toworkers’ compensation boards. Theinsurer may search these registers toprevent, detect and investigate fraud or tovalidate the beneficiaries claims history orthat of any other person or property likely tobe involved in the policy or claim. Personalinformation may be shared withprospective purchasers and purchasers,and transferred upon a sale of the insurer’scompany or transfer of business assets.

International transfer - Due to the globalnature of the insurer’s business, personalinformation may be transferred to partieslocated in other countries (including theUnited States, China, Mexico, Malaysia,Philippines, Bermuda and other countrieswhich may have a data protection regimewhich is dif ferent to that in your country ofresidence). When making these transfers,the insurer will take steps to ensure thatthe beneficiaries personal information isadequately protected and transferred inaccordance with the requirements of data


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protection law. Further information aboutinternational transfers is set out in theinsurer’s Privacy Policy (see below).

Security of Personal Information –Appropriate technical and physical securitymeasures are used to keep thebeneficiaries personal information safeand secure. When the insurer providespersonal information to a third party(including the insurer’s service providers)or engages a third party to collect personalinformation on its behalf, the third partywill be selected carefully and required touse appropriate security measures.

Your rights - You have a number of rightsunder data protection law in connectionwith the insurer’s use of personalinformation. These rights may only apply incertain circumstances and are subject tocertain exemptions. These rights mayinclude a right to access personalinformation, a right to correct inaccuratedata, a right to erase data or suspend theinsurer’s use of data. These rights mayalso include a right to transfer thebeneficiaries data to another organisation,a right to object to the insurer’s use of thebeneficiaries personal information, a rightto request that certain automated decisions

the insurer makes have humaninvolvement, a right to withdraw consentand a right to complain to the dataprotection regulator. Further informationabout the beneficiaries rights and how thebeneficiary may exercise them is set out infull in the insurer’s Privacy Policy (seebelow).

Privacy Policy - More details about thebeneficiaries rights and how the insurercollects, uses and discloses thebeneficiaries personal information can befound in the insurer’s full Privacy Policy at oryou may request a copy by writing to: DataProtection Officer, American InternationalGroup UK Limited, The AIG Building, 58Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB or byemail at

Copyright © American International GroupUK Limited 2018 All Rights Reserved.

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American International Group UK Limited Contact Details



Fax Numbers Email Address Online Postal Address




Mon - Fri

9am - 5pm0330 123 3128 +44 (0) 1273 376 935

The Customer Relations


Danske Bank Travel


PO Box 2157

Shoreham by Sea

West Sussex BN43 9DH

ClaimsMon - Fri

9am - 5pm0330 123 3126

Travel Claims Services

AIG Travel Claims

PO Box 454

Feltham TW13 9EH


Assistance24/7/365 +44 (0) 1273 400 610 +44 (0) 1273 376 935


in relation to

the insurer

(not about a


Mon - Fri

9am - 5pm0330 123 3128


The Customer Relations


Danske Bank Travel


PO Box 2157

Shoreham by Sea

West Sussex BN43 9DH


in relation to

the insurer

(about a claim)

Mon - Fri

9am - 5pm0330 123 3126


The Customer Care Manager

AIG Travel Claims Department

PO Box 2157

Shoreham by Sea

West Sussex BN43 9DH


in relation to

the Bank

Mon - Fri

9am - 5pm0345 600 2882

Danske Bank

PO Box 2111


BT10 9EG

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Correct as at 03/2020 28583UK

This publicat ion is also availablein Braille, in large pr int, on tapeand on disk. Speak to a memberof staf f for details.

Danske Bank is a trading name of Northern Bank Limited which is

authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by

the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation

Authority, Financial Services Register, reference number 122261.

Registered in Northern Ireland R568.

Registered Of f ice:

Donegall Square West

Belfast BT1 6JS

Northern Bank Limited is a member of the Danske Bank Group.

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