Masso Watershed Adventure


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Ridge to Reef

! A watershed is an area that

collects water above ground or


! We all live in a watershed.

! Rain replenishes watersheds.

! Tributaries flow down a hilly ridge

into Masso Reservoir.

! The Masso River drains the

reservoir and flows into Piti Bay

which contains coral reefs.

! Threats to watersheds and coral

reefs include:

! pollution (sewage and litter)

! erosion and sedimentation

caused by wildland fires, off-

roading, and ungulates (wild

pigs and deer).

!Masso Watershed AdventureMaking connections in the environment

Using the information, label the watershed features below.

The Climate Change Connection! Most climate scientists agree that warming of the Earth is

primarily due to human activities involving burning of fossil fuels.! Fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, come from the remains

of long dead plants and animals.! Burning fossil fuels provides energy to run cars, factories, and

produce electricity, but also produces gases like carbon dioxideand methane.

! When released into the atmosphere, these gases absorb heat andare called "greenhouse gases." Normally, about 30% of the sun’sheat is radiated out to space, but greenhouse gases are keepingsome of that heat from escaping

! The result is a warmer Earth and ocean.! Higher temperatures are causing more severe storms, droughts,

acid rain, sea level rise, and ocean acidification.! These changes can adversely affect the health of watersheds

and coral reefs.


Service Opportunity - Make several seed sling-stones. Keepone for yourself and donate the others to be planted in the southern hills to reduce erosion and hence, minimize sedimentation on the reefs.

Seeds to be used: noni, nonak, da’ok, kapok and others.

Questions: I made ____ seed sling-stones using ____________, ____________ and ____________ seeds. I am/am not keeping one to plant at _____________.

The others will be planted in the __________________ to reduce __________ and minimize _____________ on the coral reefs.

Why did you add:

Coir (coconut husk) to the clay?


Ash from banana tree leaves?

Dirt from under a breadfruit tree?

Which three plants are native to Guam? ____________________________________

Which three plants are non-native to Guam? _________________________________

__________ is a ‘nurse plant’ that increases nitrogen and improves the soil for other plants.

Masso Scavenger Hunt – Find these native and non-native plants on the trail.


Kafu or Pandanus tectorius – This tree has long leaves with sharp, saw-tooth edges and arched air roots.

Lada or Morinda citrofolia – look for green fruits and tiny white flowers.

Bottlebrush acacia, or Acacia confusa – look for trees with slender leaves and yellow flowers.

Pagu, or Hibiscus tiliaceus – this tree has heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers that are purple at the base of each petal.

Tangantangan, or Leucena leucocephala - This plant has tiny, paired leaflets on branchlets. Flowers resemble fluffy pompoms and the fruits are long, curved seed pods with pointy tips.

Wildfires contribute to global warming and cause erosion in a watershed and sedimentation on a coral reef.

Hyptis capitata - This shrub has young green button-like flowers that dry up and turn brown.

1. What  can  cause  high  levels  of  nitrate  in  a  stream  or  river?

2. Is  excess  nitrate  in  a  river  bad?  Why  or  why  not?

3. Explain  how  river  water  quality  affects  coastal  areas.

Site  Name:   Date:  

River:   Time:  

Point   Nitrate  ( ) pH  






Answer  these  questions  about  river  ecosystems!  

Across  5. Invasive  bug  that  kills  coconut  trees8. Non-­‐native  fish  introduced  from  the  aquarium  trade

11. Bamboo  creates  these  when  they  fall  into  a  river12. These  native  river  molluscs  lay  eggs  that  look  like

sesame  seeds


3. Native  river  animal  with  the  scientific  name  Macrobrachium4. High  nitrates  cause  this  to  grow  in  rivers6. When  it  rains,  watch  out  for  these  when  you're  in  a  river7. Native  9. By  digging  up  roots,  these  animals  contribute  to  erosion10. When  the  river  washes  away  riverbanks

Answers:  1.  Bamboo,  2.  Gobies,  3.  Shrimp,  4.  Algae,  5.  Rhino  beetles,  6.  Flash  floods,  7.  Kuhlia,  8.  Guppies,  9.  Pigs,  10A.  Eel,  10D.  Erosion,  11.  Logjams,  12.  Nerite  snails

Water  Quality  Measurement  

Tåsi - Ocean What  is  Ocean  Acidification?  

Directions:  Use  the  word  bank  below  to  fill  in  the  blanks  about  ocean  acidification.      

Increased  _________  dioxide  gas  absorbed  by  the  water  causes  our  oceans  to  be  more  __________.    If  our  oceans  become  more  acidic,  then  animals  like  clams  and  aliling  will  grow  more  __________.  In  addition,  corals  will  have  weaker  __________.    Weaker  coral  reef  ecosystems  can  threaten  marine  food  webs,  so  there  are  fewer  fish  and  other  sea  foods  for  people  to  eat.  


2  3  



Name  that  Marine  Preserve!      

Directions:  Fill  in  the  matching  number  to  the  correct  Marine  Preserve.  

Why  have  Marine  Preserves?      Marine  preserves  are  fish  factories!  These  areas  allow  some  fish  to  grow  bigger  and  older  to  produce  more  fish  that  people  can  catch  in  other  areas.  Our  preserves  include  important  habitats  like  coral  reefs,  mangroves,  and  sea  grass  beds.  

Education  Stations    

Directions:  Visit  educational  booths  to  learn  more  and  answer  the  following  questions.    

WORD  BANK  skeletons            slowly    acidic          carbon  

_____  Tumon  Bay  

_____  Piti  Bomb  Holes  

_____  Pati  Point    

_____  Achang  Reef  Flat  

_____  Sasa  Bay  

Tasi  Beach  Guides  1. What  are  two  benefits  of  coral  reefs  to  Guam?

2. Name    one  threat  to  Guam’s  coral  reefs.

Piti  Pride  Campaign  1. What’s  the  Chamoru  name  of  the  bay  that  Piti  Bomb  Holes

Marine  Preserve  is  in?

2. Name  two  ways  you  can  protect  fish  habitat.

Planting trees can help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Avoid car engine idling. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
