Mass transfer and equilibrium studies for the sorption of...


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Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173

Mass transfer and equilibrium studies for the sorption ofchromium ions onto chitin

Yesim Sag *, Yucel AktayDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe Uni6ersity, 06532 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

Received 21 February 2000; received in revised form 16 May 2000; accepted 27 May 2000


The kinetics and equilibrium of chromium sorption onto chitin were studied with respect to pH, particle size, initial metal ionconcentration, sorbent concentration and stirring rate. In order to select the main rate-limiting step in the overall uptakemechanism, a single external mass transfer diffusion model and intraparticular mass transfer diffusion models were used. Externalfilm mass transfer coefficients gave a mean value of 1.16×10−3 cm s−1. Chromium sorption onto chitin was mainly located onthe surface. However, the stirring rate had no noticeable effect on the overall uptake rate of chromium. This observation led tothe conclusion that external mass transfer resistance was not the major limiting phenomenon. Intraparticle diffusion coefficientsgave a mean value of 2.78×10−3 mmol g−1 s−0.5 (0.17 mmol g−1 h−0.5), indicating a poor intraparticular diffusion into thechitin or into the pores. The equilibrium isotherms were analysed using the monolayer and multilayer sorption models. Finally,the chromium binding capacity of chitin was compared with that of Rhizopus arrhizus, which possesses a high chitin content inthe cell wall. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sorption; Chitin; Rhizopus arrhizus ; External film mass transfer coefficient; Intraparticle diffusion coefficient; Sorption models

1. Introduction

Accumulation of heavy metals by micro-organismsor their products has been studied extensively. Most ofthe published reports on biosorption of metallic ionsare aimed at assessing the metal-binding capacity, andonly a few attempts have been made to elucidate themechanism of binding. The biosorption mechanism de-pends strongly on the nature of the biosorbent. Algae,fungi and bacteria differ from each other in their com-position, giving rise to different mechanisms of metalbiosorption. To explore biosorption mechanisms, it isnecessary to identify the functional groups involved inthe biosorption process [1]. Chitin, a polymer of N-ace-tyl-D-glucosamine residues, is the second most commonpolymer produced by living beings. It is produced byfungi, insects, and a variety of marine animals and isable to chelate heavy metal ions. Therefore, studies on

the interaction between heavy metal ions and chitin orRhizopus arrhizus cells, a well-established biosorbent,are of interest in environmental biotechnology [2,3].

Chitin, a completely substituted polysaccharide car-rying one amine or amide group per glucose ring (9%nitrogen), exhibits some metal uptake. Deacetylatedchitin is called chitosan. The formation of a coordina-tion complex between the metal and the chitin nitrogenor oxygen has been suggested. Ion exchange has alsobeen suggested as a process that may be active in theuptake of certain metals by chitin or chitosan, however,the chitin/chitosan–metal biosorption mechanism hasnot been fully explained [2,4]. Sorption of chromiumappears to occur by precipitation onto chitin with theformation of nodules of metal, a mechanism referred tothe Eiden–Jewell effect [5]. In order to improve metal-binding abilities, some chemical modifications such asincreasing the degree of deacetylation [6], crosslinkingbetween the polymer chains [7] or grafting of functionalgroups [8] can be made. Chitin can be extracted in largequantities from crab and shrimp shells, saving the costsinvolved in landfilling the tons of crab and shrimp

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-312-2977444; fax: +90-312-2992124.

E-mail address: (Y. Sag).

0032-9592/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 0 3 2 -9592 (00 )00200 -4

Y. Sag, Y. Aktay / Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173158

shells piling up along coastlines or from the broth ofindustrial fungal processes [9].

The precise mechanisms of metal ion binding havenot been established for many of the biosorbents. In thepresent paper, it has been shown that intraparticlediffusion, external mass transfer and chemical bindingreactions can be rate-controlling steps. The applicationof mass transfer diffusion models and equilibrium mod-els would help in understanding the sorbent behaviourand aiding the scale-up of the process. Sorption kineticsof chromium onto chitin are mainly controlled by threeconsecutive steps including diffusion processes [10–13]:1. chromium transport from the boundary film to the

surface of the sorbent;2. transfer of chromium from the surface to the intra-

particular active sites;3. uptake of the chromium ions on the active sites, via

electrostatic and ionic interactions, sorption andintraparticular precipitation.

The last step is assumed to be rapid while steps 1 and2 are the rate determining steps, either singly or incombination. Determination of the rate limiting steps insorption is necessary in order to define the rate parame-ters for design purposes. In a well-agitated batch sys-tem, the boundary layer surrounding the particle ismuch reduced, reducing the external mass transfer co-efficient; hence, intraparticular diffusion is more likelyto be the rate controlling step [12,13].

1.1. External mass transfer diffusion model (or theboundary model)

The boundary model assumes that the surface con-centration of chromium, Cs, is negligible at t=0, andconsequently, intraparticle diffusion is negligible. Thechange in chromium concentration with respect to timeis related to the liquid–solid mass transfer coefficient,bL, by the equation [12–17]:


= −bLS(C−Cs) (1)

where C is the liquid phase solid concentration at atime t, and C=C0 at t=0; Cs the liquid phase soluteconcentration at the particle surface; and S the specificsurface area for mass transfer.

After making the assumptions mentioned above, theprevious equation can be simplified to�d(C/C0)



= −bLS (2)

Since it was not possible to determine the specificsurface area S, due to the poor porosity of chitinparticles, the specific surface area is approximated asthe external surface area. The particles are supposed tobe spherical and S, calculated as the external surfacecompared with the solid/liquid ratio in the solution,gives




where m is the sorbent mass concentration in the solu-tion, dp the particle diameter and rapp the apparentvolume mass of the sorbent.

1.2. Intraparticular mass transfer diffusion models

In the model developed by Weber and Morris [15]and McKay and Poots [16], the initial rate of intra-particular diffusion is calculated by linearisation of thecurve q= f(t0.5) [12,13]. Another kind of intraparticulardiffusion model was proposed by Urano andTachikawa (U&T) [18]. In this model the sorption rateis considered to be independent of the stirring speedand external diffusion to be negligible relative to thelow overall sorption rate. The (U&T) model is given bythe following equation [13,18]:

f� q


�= −



� qqm



2 (4)

where q and qm are the solute concentrations in thesolid at t and t��, dp the particle diameter and Di thediffusion coefficient in the solid. Linearisation is carriedout using the initial time of contact between 0 and 360min.

1.3. Equilibrium sorption models

The most widely used isotherm equation for mod-elling of the biosorption equilibrium data is the Lang-muir equation [19,20]




where Ceq is the metal concentration in solution anda=qsb. The Langmuir model assumes that each siteaccepts only one molecule, that sorbed molecules areorganised as a monolayer, that all sites are energeticallyequivalent and that there is no interaction betweensorbed molecules. The Langmuir equation obeys Hen-ry’s law at low concentrations.

The Freundlich expression is an empirical equationbased on sorption on a heterogeneous surface. TheFreundlich equation is commonly presented as [19,20]:

qeq=a0C eqb0


and the equation may be linearised by takinglogarithms.

A further empirical isotherm has been developed byRedlich and Peterson (RP), incorporating threeparameters [21]:


1+aRC eqb


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where the exponent b, lies between 0 and 1. Whenb=1, the Redlich–Peterson equation reduces to theLangmuir equation. When b=0, Henry’s law formresults.

The theoretical model for multilayer sorption is[22,23]:


(Cs−Ceq)[1+ (B−1)(Ceq/Cs)](8)

where Cs is the saturation concentration of the solute,and B a constant relating to the energy of interactionwith the surface. The linearised form of the BET equa-tion is given as follows:


qeq(1− (Ceq/Cs))=






The aim of this study was to understand the mecha-nisms that govern chromium removal by chitin, and topropose appropriate models for the kinetics and equi-librium of removal in a batch reactor. Batch studieswere carried out to identify the rate controlling stepsfor chromium sorption by determining an external filmmass transfer coefficient and an intraparticle diffusioncoefficient. The equilibrium data were then analysedusing Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich–Peterson andBET sorption models and the characteristic sorptionparameters for each isotherm were determined.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

Chitin prepared from crab shells poly(N-acetyl-1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine)] (C8H13NO5)n (Fluka 22720) wasused for chromium removal. Before utilisation of thesorbent, the raw chitin was ground and sieved intothree fractions as a function of particle diameter dp

(mm) — 250BdpB420, 420BdpB595 and 595BdpB841. Before and after sorption experiments, the chitinparticles were weighed and no weight loss of the sor-bent was observed at any pH examined. The degree ofdeacetylation (DD) of the chitin flakes was determinedby a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscope(Shimadzu 8100) using the following equation [6]:

Degree of deacetylation (%)=�



� 11.33



where A1655 and A3450 are absorbency values at 1655and 3450 cm−1 for carbonyl and hydroxyl peaks, re-spectively. Acetylation analysis gives a 27.2% DD.

R. arrhizus, a filamentous fungus, was obtained fromthe U.S. Department of Agriculture Culture Collection.R. arrhizus was grown aerobically in batch culture at30°C and prepared for biosorption as described previ-ously [24].

2.2. Preparation of sorption media

The stock solution of Cr(VI) (1.0 g l−1) was preparedby dissolving a weighed quantity of potassium dichro-mate (K2Cr2O7) in distilled water. The range of concen-trations of prepared metal solutions varied between0.481 and 4.808 mmol l−1. Before mixing with thechitin flakes or fungal suspension, the pH of each wasadjusted to the required value for the biosorption ofCr(VI) ions, by adding 1 mol l−1 of H2SO4.

2.3. Batch sorption experiments

Batch kinetics experiments were conducted at a con-stant temperature (25°C), in a rotary shaker, using250-ml flasks. The sorption media consisted of a totalvolume of 100 ml. Before mixing the chitin flakes andthe metal-bearing solution, 3-ml samples were takenfrom the sorption media. Subsequently, samples weretaken at 5-min intervals at the beginning of sorptionand at 15–30-min intervals before reaching equilibrium.Batch type contact studies were continued for 7 days.The sorption equilibrium was reached after 24 or 48 h,depending on the initial metal ion concentration andparticle size. At higher initial metal ion concentrationsor lower particle sizes, the variation of the unadsorbedCr(VI) concentration in the solution was negligibleafter 420 min of contact time. After the equilibriumstage, long-term chromium sorption continued. In theU&T model, the sorbed Cr(VI) ion quantity per unitweight of chitin at the end of 7 days was qm. In orderto investigate the effects of stirring rate, sorption stud-ies were performed in a batch-baffled and magneticallystirred reactor. The working volume of the reactor was100 ml. The stirring rate was varied between 200 and800 rpm. Fungal biosorption studies were carried out asdescribed previously [24].

2.4. Analysis of Cr(VI) ions

The Cr(VI) content in the sorption medium wasdetermined spectrophotometrically. The coloured com-plex of Cr(VI) ions with diphenyl carbazide was read at540 nm [25].

3. Results and discussion

3.1. In6estigation of sorption kinetics

In this study, chromium sorption kinetics onto chitinwere investigated as a function of pH, particle size,initial metal ion concentration, sorbent concentrationand stirring rate, using the three models of singlediffusion previously described. Single independent mod-els were chosen in order to estimate the relative influ-

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ence of experimental parameters. Some of the modelspresent multi-linearity, i.e. several portions of the curvewere linear in a restricted range [26–28]. This couldindicate that two or more phenomena were occurringsuccessively. For the determination of intraparticle dif-fusion coefficients, which predominates in the range10–60% of the adsorption region, correlations onlytake into account the first part of the curves. So, for thedetermination of the diffusion rates and related coeffi-cients this first linear part is only considered to be anapproximation of both intraparticular and external dif-fusion characteristics. Then a decreasing rate of sorp-tion produces another curved portion leading to anequilibrium plateau.

3.1.1. Effect of pHChitin is a good sorbent for metal ions due to its high

content of acetylamino and amino groups, which areresponsible for chelating metal ions. The pH influencesthe metal chemistry in solution or the protonation ordeprotonation of the polymer. Chromium forms stablecomplexes such as Cr2O7

2−, HCrO4−, CrO4

2− andHCr2O7

− and the fraction of any particular species isdependent upon chromium concentration and pH. Alower pH will cause the functional groups of chitin tobe protonated to a higher extent and result in astronger attraction for a negatively charged ion in thesolution. Since the Cr(VI) ions in the solution arepresent in the form of dichromate ions which arenegatively charged, they are attracted by the protonatedamino groups of the chitin. For that reason, Cr(VI)ions are best adsorbed onto chitin at pH in the range2.0–3.0. Beyond pH 6.0, the sorbent was also nega-tively charged and chromium removal was drasticallyreduced. This forms the base of the adsorption phe-nomenon, but overall metal removal process does notcontain only this adsorption step, there is also transferof the chromium ions from the bulk solution to thesurface of the chitin particles which are in the form offlakes having a size distribution varying between 250and 420, 420 and 595, and 595 and 841mm. Adsorptiondepends on the ionic interaction between those anionicmetals and protonated active sites of the chitin. Thismight be expected to be a faster step compared with theexternal mass transfer of chromium onto the surface ofchitin particles. Therefore, this external mass transfermust be the controlling step for the overall sorptionprocess. The effect of pH on the external diffusion ratesis given by a plot of Ct/C0 versus time (Fig. 1a). Theexternal film mass transfer coefficient, bL, can be deter-mined from the slope as t�0. According to the equa-tion W&M, intraparticle diffusion is determined by adependence on the square root of time, t1/2, and isassessed from plots of q versus t1/2. If intraparticlediffusion is a rate controlling step, then the plots shouldbe linear; the slope of the linear section is determined

and is defined as an intraparticle diffusion rate parame-ter, K. Fig. 1b shows a plot of q versus t1/2 for the effectof pH on Cr(VI) sorption by chitin. According to theU&T equation, the slope of a plot of f(q/qm)= −log(1− (q/qm)2) versus t gives the diffusion coefficientD i% in the solid (cm2 s−1) (Fig. 1c). As seen from Table1, at lower pH values the attraction between the func-tional groups of chitin and anionic chromium ions getsstronger because of higher protonation extent of thoseacetylamino and amino groups. This effect causes theexternal mass transfer coefficient to increase. Consider-ing the W&M intraparticle diffusion model, the internaldiffusion coefficient also increases. These two phenom-ena can be assumed to take place combined in differentproportions.

3.1.2. Effect of particle sizeAs seen from Fig. 2a–c and Table 2, particle size

influences the sorption rate. As the particle size isdecreased, the external surface of the chitin flakes in-creased. This decrease in the particle size decreasedboth the intraparticle diffusion resistance and the exter-nal mass transfer resistance. The initial external diffu-sion rate (bLS) was increased by lowering the particlesize of the sorbent. Under the same conditions, theintraparticle diffusion rate (k and initial slope of f(q/qm)) increased. Increasing the particle size resulted in agreater time to reach equilibrium. The solute requiredmore time to diffuse to the interior of the particle. Theincreased particle size will introduce a higher intraparti-cle diffusion resistance and will therefore have a lowerinternal diffusion coefficient. The existence on the samecurve of various lines suggests that various intraparticlediffusion coefficients can be determined. This result canbe attributed to diffusion in pores of different classsizes [17]. This distinction is also related to the size ofthe ion. Low sorption can be a result of poor diffusionas observed for 420–595 and 595–841 mm particleclasses. In some cases, the linearisation of q versus t1/2

gives a positive and significant ordinate intercept, indi-cating the influence of external rate control. Since theU&T model does not take external mass transfer resis-tance into account, it appears to be inadequate for theprocess.

3.1.3. Effect of initial metal ion concentrationAs a rule, increasing the initial metal concentration

results in a decrease in the initial rate of externaldiffusion (Fig. 3a), but an increase in the intraparticulardiffusion rate according to the W&M model (Fig. 3b).Increasing the metal concentration in the solution re-duced the diffusion of metal ions in the boundary layerand enchanges the diffusion in the chitin. These resultsare consistent with previous studies on copper andvanadium sorption onto chitosan [12,13]. In this study,it is interesting to observe that the external diffusion

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rate decreased at initial metal ion concentrations lowerthan 1.968 mmol l−1. At low initial metal ion concentra-tions, adsorption step occurred very fast owing to the largedifference in concentration between the chitin surface andthe boundary layer or a strong driving force. Externaltransport can also become the rate-limiting step insystems, which have a dilute concentrate of sorbate. TheU&T model is characterised by a poor fit to experimental

results (Fig. 3c) and a meaningful change of intrapartic-ular diffusion coefficients with initial concentrations wasnot observed. Table 3 confirms these conclusions. pH andmetal concentration mainly influenced both metal andchitin chemistry in solution and so their effects werestudied jointly. The chromium sorption onto chitin at pH3.0 exhibited similar behaviour to diffusion mechanismsin chromium sorption at pH 2.0 (Table 4).

Fig. 1. Effect of pH on the sorption kinetics of Cr(VI) ions by chitin. (a) External mass transfer diffusion model; (b) intraparticular mass transferdiffusion model of Weber and Morris; (c) intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Urano and Tachikawa (C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; particlesize, 250–420 mm; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1).

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Table 1Effect of pH on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitina

Internal diffusionExternal diffusionpH

bLS (×103, s−1) bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M model U&T model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

1.99 3.290.38 1.382.0 1.11 2.55 1.63 10.70

0.62 1.73 0.884.0 5.780.12

a C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; particle size, 250–420 mm; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1.

3.1.4. Effect of sorbent concentrationThe variation in external film mass transfer coeffi-

cients and intraparticle diffusion coefficients calculatedby both W&M and U&T models at different chitinconcentrations is given in Table 5. As seen from Fig. 4a,an increase in chitin concentration generally increasedthe adsorbed Cr(VI) concentration because of an in-creasing adsorption surface area, whereas the adsorbedmetal ion quantity q per unit weight of chitin decreasedby increasing the chitin quantity (Fig. 4b and c). Chitinconcentration (1 g l−1) seems to be an optimum sorbentconcentration with respect to both external and internaldiffusion rates. Although the decrease in q with increasein sorbent concentration is due to complex interactionsof several factors, there are two main reasons. First, therate of sorption is reduced at high sorbent concentra-tions, and hence more time is needed to reach equi-librium. Second, the extent of desorption of sorbed ionsfrom sorbent will increase with increase in sorbentconcentration, as a result of collision of sorbent parti-cles, and the potential of multilayer sorption will bereduced.

3.1.5. Effect of stirring rateThe effect of stirring speed (n) on the external and

intraparticular diffusion is evaluated in terms ofReynolds number (NRe=nDa

2r/m) calculated from thediameter (Da) and peripheral speed of the impeller(nDa). Agitation influences the distribution of the solutein the bulk solution but can also act on the formationof the external boundary film. Increasing the Reynoldsnumber from 2900 to 5800 increased the bL value; thiswas not unexpected as increased turbulence reduces thefilm boundary layer surrounding the chitin particle(Table 6). At NRe numbers lower than 5800, there wasinsufficient agitation to ensure the uniform distributionof sorbent and solute. Fig. 5a shows a good overlap ofthe curves at Reynolds number in the range 5800–11 600. Increasing the Reynolds number beyond 5800,however, did not raise the bL value, indicating thatexternal film mass transfer was not the rate-limiting stepin a well-agitated vessel. At NRe numbers higher than11 600, the strong shear forces may have interfered with

sorption, damaging the chitin particles. Since the initialexternal diffusion rate decreased with increasing particlesize, the stirrer speed becomes important in overcomingexternal mass transfer resistances in a particle size range595–841 mm. In this particle size range, the highestinitial external diffusion rate was obtained at NRe=8700 (Table 7). Comparison of intraparticle diffusioncoefficients determined for different stirrer speeds andparticle size ranges, 250–420 and 595–841 mm showedthat variation of agitation had little effect on the inter-nal diffusion rate (K) value (Fig. 5b). This was notunexpected as agitation only influences the externaltransport step. However, the U&T model seemed to beaffected significantly by a variation of the agitationspeed, contrary to previous hypotheses. This confirmsthe inadequacy of this model for the sorption of Cr(VI)by chitin (Fig. 5c). This model was established withhypotheses such as a negligible influence of externaldiffusion in the sorption kinetic control. The slighteffect of agitation implies that external mass transfer isnot the sole rate-limiting phase, and confirms thatintraparticle diffusion resistance needs to be included inthe analysis of overall sorption. These deviations fromthe models also indicate that single models are notsufficient to describe experimental points accurately.

In this study, the external film mass transfer coeffi-cient, bL, was 1.99×10−3 cm s−1 with an externaldiffusion rate of 0.38 s−1 at optimum values of all theparameters examined (at pH 2.0, 250–420 mm particlesize range, 1.968 mmol l−1 initial metal ion concentra-tion and 1.0 g l−1 sorbent concentration). The externalfilm mass transfer coefficients had a mean value of1.16×10−3 cm s−1. The same order of magnitude forexternal diffusion rate was observed for uranium sorp-tion by glutamate glucan (around 0.4×10−3 s−1). Withvanadium this rate approximates a mean value of 2×10−3 s−1 (bL=17×10−3 cm s−1) [13]. For copper andmercury sorption onto chitosan, McKay et al. [17]calculated a bL coefficient equal to 8.5×10−3 and4×10−3 cm s−1, respectively. For uranium sorption bymodified chitosans, this value approximates a meanvalue of 5.8×10−3 cm s−1 [29,30]. Findon et al. [12]report external diffusion coefficients changing between

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63.6×10−3 and 5.4×10−3 cm s−1 with experimentalparameters for copper sorption by chitosan.

For intraparticular diffusion rates, the model definedby the Weber and Morris gave the best fit to experi-mental results. The intraparticle diffusion coefficient, K,was determined as 3.29×10−3 mmol g−1 s−0.5 (0.20mmol g−1 h−0.5) at optimum values of all the parame-ters examined. Intraparticle diffusion coefficients had amean value of 2.78×10−3 mmol g−1 s−0.5 (0.17 mmol

g−1 h−0.5). In the literature, the W&M model is gener-ally applied and gives a mean value for vanadiumbetween 1.18 and 9 mmol g−1 h−0.5 [13]. For uraniumsorption by modified chitosan, these values are setbetween 0.13 and 1.3 mmol g−1 h−0.5 [29,30].Chromium sorption by chitin appeared to be less con-trolled by diffusion mechanisms than vanadium anduranium uptake by chitosan. Yang and Zall [31] com-pared sorption performances and kinetic characteristics

Fig. 2. Effect of particle size on the sorption kinetics of Cr(VI) ions by chitin. (a) External mass transfer diffusion model; (b) intraparticular masstransfer diffusion model of Weber and Morris; (c) intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Urano and Tachikawa (pH 2.0; C0, 2.885 mmoll−1; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1).

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Table 2Effect of particle size on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitina

External diffusionParticle size (mm) Intraparticular diffusion

bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M modelbLS (×103, s−1) U&T model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

1.67 4.33250–420 1.150.32 7.53420–595 0.27 2.14 3.27 0.95 14.30

2.27 2.74595–841 1.230.20 37.10

a pH 2.0; C0, 2.885 mmol l−1; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1.

(by a diffusion equation similar to the model of Weberand Morris) of copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium andlead onto chitosan and intraparticular diffusion rateswere found to be 2.31, 0.94, 1.25, 0.83 and 0.28 mmolg−1 h−0.5, respectively. Findon et al. [12] obtained anaverage value of 0.52 mmol g−1 h−0.5 for the intra-particular diffusion coefficient of Cu(II) ions in chi-tosan. Diffusion coefficients were significantly lowerthan those obtained in water or porous solids, indicat-ing a poor intraparticular diffusion into the solid orinto the pores [32].

3.2. In6estigation of equilibrium parameters

3.2.1. Effect of pHTo determine the equilibrium isotherms, initial

Cr(VI) ion concentrations were varied between 0.481and 4.808 mmol l−1 while the chitin concentration ineach sorption medium was kept constant at 1.0 g l−1.The sorption relationship was studied by examining thecloseness of fit of various sorption isotherm models.The sorption constants calculated according to theLangmuir, Redlich–Peterson, BET and the Freundlichsorption models at different pH values are listed inTable 8. The Langmuir equation was linearised byplotting 1/qeq versus 1/Ceq to determine the Langmuirconstants from the slope 1/a and the intercept b/a. Theamount of adsorbate per unit weight of adsorbent toform a complete monolayer on the surface is qs and b isthe ratio of adsorption/desorption rates and a largevalue of b implies strong bonding. The three parame-ters, aR, KR and b, given by the Redlich–Petersonsorption model were estimated from the equilibriumsorption data of Cr(VI) ions using an MS Excel 7.0computer program. Since the poor diffusion in thesolid, or the limitation of diffusion to a thin layer,implies that good overall sorption is possibly due tomultilayer sorption, the BET model describing multi-layer sorption was also applied to sorption equilibriumdata of Cr(VI) ions onto chitin. The BET equation waslinearised by plotting (Ceq/Cs)/qeq(1−Ceq/Cs) versusCeq/Cs to determine the BET constants from the slope(B−1)/QmB and the intercept 1/QmB (Fig. 6). Finally,

the intercept of the linearised Freundlich equation, a0,is an indication of the sorption capacity of the sorbent;the slope, b0, indicates the effect of concentration onthe sorption capacity and represents the sorption inten-sity (Fig. 7). The values of the sorption constantsobtained from the sorption isotherms confirm pH op-tima determined from the external and intraparticlediffusion rates for the uptake of Cr(VI) ions. Sinceincreasing the pH diminishes electrostatic repulsion, theoptimum pH for Cr(VI) sorption by chitin is reached atpH around 2. In addition, at high pH conditions thepercentage of dichromate also decreases and, conse-quently, the chromium sorption was reduced. The cor-relation coefficients (R) were generally very high for thevarious models. However, the Freundlich model pro-vided the best fit with experimental and predicted val-ues at all pH values, even though this equation wasderived for monolayer sorption. The Freundlichisotherm is an empirical model assuming a logarithmicdecrease in the heat of sorption with the fraction ofsurface covered by the sorbed solute. Biological sur-faces are expected to have heterogeneous energies forsorbing metals, and therefore a good fit was expected.The BET equation was not satisfactory to correlate theexperimental isotherms. This is not surprising since theBET isotherm does not consider the heterogeneity ofthe sorbent surface and the lateral interactions betweenthe sorbed molecules.

In this study, crab shell chitin with a 27.2% deacety-lation degree (DD) was used. The number of Cr(VI)ions sorbed onto chitin is reported to increase with theincrease of the DD. Kim et al. [6] report that the qs

values for the deacetylated crab shell chitins with 46.8,36.3, and 10.7% DDs at pH 3.0 are 2.054, 1.350, and0.349 mmol g−1, respectively, which are again propor-tional to the increase of the DD of the chitin. This ismainly due to the increase of �NH3

+ groups in chitinwith a high DD and the low pH of the system. How-ever, a high DD of chitosan brings an instability inacidic solutions owing to the increased solubility.Metal-containing industrial waste waters are stronglyacidic and this restricts the use of chitosan as a metalscavenger, especially in the case of chromium.

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3.2.2. Effect of particle sizeThe equilibrium uptake was influenced by the size

distribution of sorbent particles (Fig. 8). Maximumuptake was a function of the specific area or externalsurface of the sorbent. Thus, smaller the particle, largeris the surface area. It is clear that the Langmuir con-stant, qs, the BET constant, Qm, and the Freundlichconstant, a0, decreased with increase in mean chitindiameter, suggesting that the smaller particles tend to

have a higher capacity for Cr(VI) (Table 9). If sorptioncapacity is independent of the particle size, it wouldindicate that all the sorbent mass was saturated; thesolute is able to diffuse even at the centre of theparticle. On the other hand, a large size of Cr(VI) ionscould explain a restriction in the diffusion of solute. Acomparison of sorption capacities using the externalsurface would give a poor correlation — maximumuptake at equilibrium is not directly proportional to the

Fig. 3. Effect of initial metal ion concentration on the sorption kinetics of Cr(VI) ions by chitin. (a) External mass transfer diffusion model; (b)intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Weber and Morris; (c) intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Urano and Tachikawa (pH2.0; particle size, 250–420 mm; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1).

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Table 3Effect of initial metal ion concentration on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitin at pH 2.0a

External diffusionCi (mmol l−1) Intraparticular diffusion

bL (×103, cm s−1)bLS (×103, s−1) W&M model U&T model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

0.503 0.22 1.13 0.45 0.37 2.401.005 0.21 1.09 0.58 0.25 1.64

1.99 3.290.38 1.381.968 9.051.67 4.33 1.152.847 7.530.321.34 4.370.26 0.653.821 4.25

0.224.682 1.14 8.78 1.70 11.1

a Particle size, 250–420 mm; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1.

Table 4Effect of initial metal ion concentration on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitin at pH 3.0a

Ci (mmol l−1) Intraparticular diffusionExternal diffusion

bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M modelbLS (×103, s−1) U&T model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

0.170.521 0.87 0.32 0.33 2.181.01 0.670.19 0.571.036 3.71

1.868 1.110.21 2.55 1.63 10.71.28 3.020.24 0.602.927 3.93

0.213.795 1.12 3.43 0.47 3.050.944.718 6.480.18 1.15 7.53

a Particle size, 250–420 mm; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1.

Table 5Effect of sorbent concentration on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitina

Sorbent concentration (g l−1) Intraparticular diffusionExternal diffusion

bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M modelbLS (×103, s−1) U&T model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

2.57 3.910.50 1.080.25 7.090.75 2.190.31 2.77 0.70 4.58

1.99 3.290.38 1.381.00 0.94 0.92 0.23 1.53

2.00 0.430.17 1.21 0.40 2.620.27 0.74 0.230.13 1.532.50

a pH 2.0; C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; particle size, 250–420 mm.

specific surface area. For example, the ratio between250 and 420, and 595 and 841 mm particle sizes inexternal surface was almost 2.14, but the resultingsorption capacity only decreased by 17%. This wouldsuggest that the control of the equilibrium concentra-tion was not conditioned by the external surface alone.Chitin shows a concentration profile, which indicated alow diffusion in the centre of the particles and, forparticles of greater diameters, sorption occurred into athin layer. Consequently, uptake capacity is a functionof both residual metal ion concentration in solutionand the particle size of the polymer.

3.3. Comparison of the sorption of chromium ontochitin with R. arrhizus

R. arrhizus is known for its strong metal-sorbentproperties. Rhizopus species have both chitin and chi-tosan as cell-wall components responsible for heavymetal uptake and their productivity of chitin/chitosancan be as high as 58% of the cell-wall mass [33]. Inorder to compare sorption capacities of all cells of R.arrhizus and chitin, the experimental data for all cells ofR. arrhizus were modelled with the Langmuir and Fre-undlich isotherm equations (Fig. 9) and the constants

Y. Sag, Y. Aktay / Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173 167

Fig. 4. Effect of sorbent concentration on the sorption kinetics of Cr(VI) ions by chitin. (a) External mass transfer diffusion model; (b)intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Weber and Morris; (c) intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Urano and Tachikawa (pH2.0; C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; particle size, 250–420 mm).

Table 6Effect of stirring rate on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitin in a particle size range 250–420 mma

External diffusionNRe Intraparticular diffusion

U&T modelbLS (×103, s−1) bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M model

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

3.57 23.30.562900 0.11 1.900.14 3.37 5.68 37.25800 0.73

5.038700 32.90.12 0.62 3.164.92 32.211 600 0.11 2.860.59

a pH 2.0; C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; sorbent concentration, 1.0 g l−1.

Y. Sag, Y. Aktay / Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173168

Fig. 5. Effect of stirring rate on the sorption kinetics of Cr(VI) ions by chitin. (a) External mass transfer diffusion model; (b) intraparticular masstransfer diffusion model of Weber and Morris; (c) intraparticular mass transfer diffusion model of Urano and Tachikawa (pH 2.0; particle size,250–420 mm; C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; sorbent concentration, 1.0 g l−1).

Table 7Effect of stirring rate on the external and intraparticular diffusion constants in Cr(VI) sorption by chitin in a particle size range 595–841 mma

NRe Intraparticular diffusionExternal diffusion

bL (×103, cm s−1) W&M model U&T modelbLS (×103, s−1)

K (×103, mmol g−1 s−0.5) f(q/qm) slope (×105, s−1) Di (×1010, cm2 s−1)

0.74 2.282900 6.050.07 1825800 0.08 0.91 3.20 7.95 239

1.24 2.958700 6.170.11 1851.08 2.66 5.020.10 15111 600

a pH 2.0; C0, 1.923 mmol l−1; sorbent concentration, 1.0 g l−1.

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a R(m























Rq s




























































































Y. Sag, Y. Aktay / Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173170























































)a R























Rq s


























































































Y. Sag, Y. Aktay / Process Biochemistry 36 (2000) 157–173 171

derived are listed in Table 10. All cells of R. arrhizusand chitin reached equilibrium uptake values of 0.850mmol Cr(VI) (g dry cell)−1 and 0.577 mmol Cr(VI)g−1, respectively, in a sorption medium containing1.923 mmol Cr(VI) l−1. The chromium sorption yieldson all cells that can be mainly attributed to sorption tothe cell walls and chitin were estimated to be 67 and38%, respectively. Although chitin/chitosan only consti-tutes 17% of the cells [9], it seems to be responsible for60% of the total Cr(VI) removal.

4. Conclusions

Chromium sorption onto chitin is influenced byparameters such as pH, particle size and initial metalion concentration. This effect is noticeable on both Fig. 8. The Freundlich sorption isotherms obtained at different

particle sizes for Cr(VI) sorption onto chitin (pH 2.0; sorbent concen-tration, 1 g l−1).

Fig. 6. The BET sorption isotherms obtained at different pH valuesfor Cr(VI) sorption onto chitin (particle size, 250–420 mm; sorbentconcentration, 1 g l−1).

Fig. 9. Comparison of the Freundlich sorption isotherms for Cr(VI)sorption by R. arrhizus and chitin (pH 2.0; sorbent concentration, 1g l−1).

Fig. 7. The Freundlich sorption isotherms obtained at different pHvalues for Cr(VI) sorption onto chitin (particle size, 250–420 mm;sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1).

kinetic and equilibrium aspects. A good correlation ofexperimental results with the linearised form of theexternal and internal mass transfer diffusion modelsindicates that diffusion mechanisms control sorptionkinetics. Correlation coefficients vary between 0.865and 0.995. The existence on the same curve of variouslines suggests that two or more transport phenomenaoccur successively. However, a real approach of globaldiffusion would require a combined model, which ismuch more complicated to solve.

Sorption is a fast step compared with the externalmass transfer of chromium onto the surface of chitinparticles. Therefore, this external mass transfer must bethe controlling step for the overall sorption process.There might also be an internal diffusion of chromiumions into a thin layer of the chitin particles. Althoughchitin particles are not considered to be porous, they

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Table 10Comparison of the sorption isotherm coefficients for Cr(VI) sorption by R. arrhizus and chitina1

Freundlich constantsLangmuir constants

b (l mmol−1) a (l g−1) a0 (mmolb0+1 g−1 l−b0)qs (mmol g−1) b0

Whole cell 1.135 2.392 2.714 0.777 0.4760.335Chitin 0.6521.946 0.464 0.835

a pH 2.0; sorbent concentration, 1 g l−1.

will contain some micropores as well as roughness ontheir surfaces. Considering the size of chromium ions,the penetration of those anions into these small porescould be ruled out. Thus, it can be assumed that thesorption of chromium ions only occurs on the externalsurface of the chitin flakes and the total uptake capacityand the rate of sorption depend on this surface area. Inthis case, the sorption rate would be greatly influencedby the stirring rate. The liquid phase external masstransfer resistance around the chitin flakes can be re-duced by vigorous agitation. However, the results showthat the sorption rate does not seem to be muchsensitive to stirring rate. Therefore, assuming there issolely external mass transfer without an internal diffu-sion step is not justified. As the particle size is decreased,the external surface area of the chitin flakes will beincreased. This decrease in the particle size decreasesboth the intraparticle diffusion resistance and the exter-nal mass transfer resistance. As confirmed by the exper-imental results, the enhancement in total metal uptakeand sorption rate owing to the smaller particles used isattributed to these reduced resistances as mentionedabove. For the sorption of chromium ions, this enhance-ment is most likely to be interpreted as the reducedexternal mass transfer resistance surrounding the chitinflakes. However, the control of the initial, equilibriumand final concentration is not conditioned only by theexternal surface. For particles of greater diameters, onlypart of the chitin particle is saturated, and both kineticsand equilibrium are affected. Intraparticular diffusion isreduced and only the external surface, or a thin layer ofthe sorbent, is able to sorb chromium. The inadequacyof the single intraparticular diffusion model also impliesthat a combined effect of the two mechanisms is proba-ble. The model defined by Urano and Tachikawa givesa poor fit to experimental results, defined with thehypothesis that external diffusion has not to be takeninto account for the kinetic profile.


The authors wish to thank TU8 BI: TAK, the Scientificand Technical Research Council of Turkey, for thepartial financial support of this study (Project NoYDABCAG, 199Y095).


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