Mass Animal – Bird - Fish Deaths - International - Part 1 of 2


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  • 8/7/2019 Mass Animal Bird - Fish Deaths - International - Part 1 of 2


    Mass Animal Bird - Fish Deaths - Domestic USA -

    Part 1 of 2

    *This list has been split into TWO listings Part 1 International

    and Part 2 US & Domestic Territories.

    Updated April 30, 2011

    2011 - Maureen Dauphinee All Rights Reserved

  • 8/7/2019 Mass Animal Bird - Fish Deaths - International - Part 1 of 2


    Thus far, according to the authorities, many of these animals died because of the cold andindigestion, but theres a problem here. Theres no cold in these countries: Thailand,Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil nor in New Zealand and could all these birds and fish

    suddenly become victims of mass indigestion? Theres something bizarre happeninghere. This mysterious apocalyptic phenomenon has happened so far in the followingplaces:


    January 26, 2010 - Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica - Mass Death of EmperorPenguin Chicks.

    Ascenion Island (South Pacific)

    February 24, 2011 Ascenion Island - Over the last few weeks we have been recordinghigh numbers of dead fish washing up onto the beaches around the Island.


    March 29, 2011 - Patagonian Coast Observers have found 308 dead whales in thewaters around Peninsula Valdes along Argentina's Patagonian Coast since 2005.

    April 22, 2011 Campo Viera - A bizarre report from northeastern Argentina of sheepand cattle mutilations that occurred in 2010, the blood sucked out of ten sheep from adeep incised wound on their necks. The suspect: A three clawed creature, the SouthAmerican El Chupacabra.


    October 21, 2010 - Queensland Migratory bird deaths blamed on wild weather.
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    December 13, 2010 - Woolwash Lagoon Thousands of dead barramundi fish wash upin Australia, unknown causes.

    December 19, 2010 - Sydney Airport Dead fish clog lake at airport.


    February 21, 2011 - Tasmania - death of thousands of juvenile barracouta at two sites inthe River Derwent.

    February 23, 2011 - Mouth of River Murray - Dead fish, shrimp and yabbies been seenupstream near the Victorian border.

    February 23, 2011 - Angelsea - Thousands of dead fish -

    February 23, 2011 - Wyong - five dead pelicans and an albatross.

    February 23, 2011 - Perth - At least 27 native birds have died and 12 have been sent toanimal rehabilitation.

    February 25, 2011 - Tasmania - death of thousands of squid in the River Derwent, noknown cause.

    February 25, 2011 Tasmania - Early this week a large mass of dead juvenile barracudawas found in Windermere Bay near Claremont Primary School.

    March 3, 2011 - Jurien Bay and Leeman - Widespread fish kills between Jurien Bay andLeeman this week, with many dead fish and marine crustaceans being washed ashoreevery day.

    March 5, 2011 - Queens Park Weir - hundreds of fish gasping for oxygen and dying drewdozens to Queens Park Weir.

    March 9, 2011 - Perth - Thousands of dead fish, eels and crayfish have been found onshores - with the coastline of Green Head, some 290km north of Perth, covered in now-rotting carcasses.
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    March 14, 2011 - Darling River - Floodwaters are being blamed for the death of hundredsof thousands of fish in the Darling River at Bourke in western New South Wales.

    March 18, 2011 - Jurien Bay - Large schools of dead fish were found dead at Jurien Bay

    and the Abrolhos Islands last week.

    March 29, 2011 Tasmania - About 28 long-finned pilot whales became stranded on abeach in South Bruny National Park on Thursday afternoon. Their plight was reported bya yachtsman.

    March 30, 2011 - Taree, New South Wales DEAD mullet have been found floating onthe surface of a Taree waterway for the second time in less than two months.

    March 31, 2011 - Lake Kimberley, Tweed New South Wales - The bodies of 24 Pacificblack ducks were found in and around Lake Kimberley at Banora Point on Tuesday.

    April 14, 2011 - Boyne Island & Tannum Sands, Queensland - More mystery turtledeaths in central Qld Fifteen turtles have been reportedly found, but the cause of death isunknown.


    August 3, 2010 6 million dead fish, alligators, turtles and dolphins floating downBolivian rivers.


    July 20, 2010 - Sao Paolo - Hundreds of dead penguins wash ashore in Brazil. About 500of the black-and-white birds have been found just in the last 10 days on Peruibe, PraiaGrande and Itanhaem beaches in Sao Paulo.
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    February 3, 2011 Mato Grosso Do Sul/Amazon Region At Aquidauana, pantanalregion of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, shoals of painteds, pacus, golden fishes, cacharas,and even stingrays, are floating dead in Rio Negro, one of the largest in the AmazonRiver basin.

    February 28, 2011 Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Rio - Thousands of dead fish washed upon the shores of a popular beachside lagoon in Rio over the weekend, offending joggers'olfactory senses and leading the city to fight the stench with disinfectant.

    March 1, 2011 - Paran, Paranagu - Mysterious killing of fish in coastal.

    March 10, 2011 - Cerra Largo - Mass fish kill reported.

    Cayman Islands

    June 24, 2010 - Cayman Islands - 1000s of baby fish wash ashore.



    December 30, 2010 - Victoria Goldstream River, at Goldstream Provincial Park,Victoria mysteriously turns bright green.

    January 3, 2011 - Manitoba 10,000s of Birds found dead.,000s_of_Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba.html

    January 9, 2011 - St.-Augustin-de-Desmaures, west of Quebec City Canadian farmerfinds flock of dead birds.,000s_of_Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba.html,000s_of_Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba.html,000s_of_Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba.html,000s_of_Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba.html
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    January 18, 2011 - Labrador - Hundreds of dead seals washing ashore.

    January 19, 2011 - St. Anthony - Dead seals, catfish, starfish, urchins, slugs was ashore.


    January 21, 2011 - Manitoba Dead Birds and Fish reported in St. Clair River, Ontario.

    January 25, 2011 - Cedar Dead herring wash ashore on second beach.

    February 16, 2011 - Windsor - - Millions of dead fish

    and dozens of dead ducks that have washed ashore Little River, near Riverside Drive -

    February 25, 2011 - Comox Valley, on Vancouver Island - Over 6000+ Bald Eagles fallfrom sky.

    March 9, 2011 - Cedar B.C. Vancouver Island - Massive Fisk Kill reported.

    March 21, 2011 Boat Harbor Mass seal deaths - Exhaustive testing in St. John's hasruled out injury, trauma, starvation and infectious disease as possible causes of death ofthe seals, some of which were washed up in Boat Harbour.


    January 2, 2011 - Thousands of Birds fall from the sky in South America.

    January 18, 2011 Geleshan - 300 dead sparrows found dropping from sky dead.
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    July 1, 2010 Jiaxing - 2500 tons of fish die in China. environmental protectiondepartment did not find water.

    January 7, 2011 Weinan Pucheng - 300 dead sparrows found.

    January 7, 2011 - Haerbin - Dead eagles and birds are falling from the sky.

    January 10, 2011 - Haerbin - Thousands of sparrows have been found in the woods nearfrozen to death.

    February 2011 - Beijing Discovery of dozens of dead birds. Among the dead forunknown reasons the birds are like ducks and magpies and blackbirds. According to oneversion, the cause of mass deaths of birds have become cold and lack of food, however,ornithologists have been unable to confirm this hypothesis.

    February 4, 2011 Boca Chica Beach - Dead Fish Wash Ashore From Winter Blast.

    April 19, 2011 - Nanjing, China - Inspectors from the municipal and districtenvironmental protection bureaus began an investigation on Monday to find the cause of

    the mass fish die-off. They soon discovered that the river water deteriorated afterdomestic waste.


    January 27, 2011 Strange Light Kills Thousands of Fish in Colombia. Reports indicate

    the dead fish looked burnt, with strange markings.

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    June 26, 2010 - Grand Cayman Island - Thousands of tiny speckled fish have washed upon the shores of the Cayman Islands, befuddling environmental officials who say theydont know what caused the die-off. The fish were found Wednesday scattered acrossSeven Mile Beach on the western shore of Grand Cayman Island, which lies in theCaribbean Sea south of Cuba.


    Falkland Islands

    March 22, 2011 Speedwell Island - On Speedwell island, south west of East Falklands,400 pilot whales were discovered dead. The man who discovered the whales on March12th, estimated they had been dead for about 10 days placing the time of death aroundMarch 2, 2011.


    October 26, 2010 Guillec - massive fish kill in a river close to la Guillec, France.According to Dr. Sophie Plouviez, the die-off affected not only fish, but nearly all of thebenthic invertebrates in the river. The cause of the die-off has yet to be determined.


    January - March, 2011 Dren - 43 dead birds of prey within a 48 hour period. Theseincluded 31 Common Buzzards, 2 Red Kites, 2 Goshawks, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 GrayHeron and skeletons of 5 more raptors. New totals bring the count to 83.


    December 15, 2010 Seven whales have been washed ashore along the Western coast ofGhana over the past six months in circumstances that have caused alarm among localfishermen and environmentalists.

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    April 20, 2011 - Eqalungaarsuit - A large number of dead whales have been foundaround Greenland and authorities are scratching their heads as to why. Now it has cometo light that such a spate of sudden deaths may not be unprecedented.


    December 29, 2010 - Port-Au-Prince - Scores of fish have been found dead in LakeAzuei, specifically in areas of Fond Parisien and Malpasse, since Christmas Eve.


    February 14, 2011 - In places such as the Wadden Sea, off Holland, and AmericasNarragansett Bay, an estuary off New England, oysters are rated functionally extinct bythe research team from the US Institute of Biological Sciences.


    January 3, 2011 - Guwahati At least a dozen migratory Bar-headed Geese found dead.

    January 10, 2011 Mathura City - Thousands of Fish Dead in Indias Yamuna River.

    January 11, 2011 - Bangalore Sewage inflow kills fish in thousands in Iblur Lake.

    January 29, 2011 - Wankaner- Seventeen peacocks have been found dead near Gadhiya

    Dungar in Wankaner.

    January 31, 2011 - Etawah - Thousands of fishes and about a dozen turtles were founddead during the past few days in Pakka Talab in Etawah. The fishes and turtles have beendying since last week and the number is increasing gradually.
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    February 26, 2011 - Rajasthan - 7 additional peacocks found dead - poison grainsuspected.

    March 5, 2011 - Agartala - In the last four days, two leopards and as many as 11 birds of

    various species including night herons, pond herons, eagles, owls, kites, small cranes andwhite and black-necked storks have died in the Sepahijala zoo. Besides the two leopards,another wild cat was found dead in the zoo area. A vulture was also found sick andimmediately shifted to the intensive care unit. Vultures are now considered an extremelyendangered species.

    March 7, 2011 - Sakkarakottai - Mystery shrouds the death of birds, including Pelicans,an endangered migratory species, at Sakkarakottai tank here.

    March 29, 2011 - Lakhota Lake, Jamnagar - Around 45 tortoises were found dead in thefamous Lakhota lake situated in the middle of Jamnagar city. Sources said the carcasseswere taken out from the lake on Tuesday. The reason behind the death is not known yet.

    April 2, 2011 - Bundi (Rajasthan) - As many as fifteen peacocks have been found dead inKharuna. Poisoning has been suspected.

    April 13, 2011 Purdicherry - Sixteen long-nosed dolphins were washed ashore dead at

    three places along the Puducherry coast on Monday. It has raised concern amongenvironmentalists as it is the 20th instance in 16 months of protected marine mammalsbeing washed ashore dead or alive.

    April 14, 2011 Kolak River - Hundreds of fish have been found dead on the banks ofthe Kolak river. The dead fish were found strewn on a 2.5 km stretch starting fromUdwada in Valsad district. This has brought to the fore the issue of marine life sufferingdue to the solid waste discharge into the river in Vapi and other coastal areas.

    April 30, 2011 Panaji - The dead sardines were apparently deposited at high tide on thebeach on Thursday night. They are scattered for more than a kilometre on Calangutebeach, a fishermen said

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    January 14, 2011 - Azerbaijan, Baku Mass death of fish in the Caspian Sea is recordedon the west coast of the Gulistan Province. A large number of dead mullet have washedashore.


    November 7, 2010 - Donegal Scientists have taken skin and tissue samples from the 33pilot whales which died off the coast of County Donegal.

    March 7, 2011 - Grand Canal, Dublin - Reports of dead swans concentrated on the 7thlevel from Portobello to Suir Road Bridge. A number were taken from the water foranalysis last week. A number of sick birds were also found and were taken to the

    DSPCA depot for treatment. Another half dozen birds have been found dead 3/7/11.

    March 15, 2011 - Cork, Waterford, Wexford - The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group(IWDG) announced that a record 19 common dolphins washed up dead in Cork,Waterford and Wexford in January and February of this year alone - 17 more than in thesame two months of last year.


    December 28, 2010 Scarlino - Massacre of the sea clams and crabs. The remains ofanimals, some still dying, were lying in two parallel rows almost two kilometers long, ina stretch of coast near the industrial area of the town.

    January 5, 2011 Faenza - Birds Dying In Italy: Thousands Of Turtle Doves Fall DeadFrom Sky .

    January 10, 2011 Modena -An additional 40 turtle doves found dead.

    January 11, 2011 - Update: Overeating and indigestion blamed for 1,000 turtle dovesfalling dead in Italy with strange blue stain on their beaks.
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    January 15, 2011 Caserta - 200 birds dead in Caserta, Italy.


    January 3, 2011 - Tokyo - Japan on alert after finding dead birds.

    March 6, 2011 - Mito - About 50 melon-headed whales were found to have beached onthe shore in Kashima, Ibaraki Prefecture, in eastern Japan.


    May 28, 2010 Kazakhstan - A mystery disease has killed more than 10,000 saigaantelope in Kazakhstan.


    February 18, 2011 - Marsabit - Sudden downpour causes deaths of over 8000 goats,sheep, camels, donkeys and cattle.,_Animals_did_not_Drown.html

    February 20, 2011 - Kenya - 5 MILLION Aquatic Animals DIE At Mara River InKenya. The National Environmental Management Authority (Nema), Public HealthMinistry and Kenya Wildlife Service are investigating the deaths of fish in Mara River.Conservationists suspect the deaths that started last week might have been caused by agrochemicals from farms, that drain into the river. Hoteliers in Masai Mara Game Reserveare now expressing fear that the chemicals might kill animals that depend on the river.

    March 8, 2011 - Mara River - 5 million aquatic animals die at Mara river in Kenya,including fish, a crocodile and a hippo.,_Animals_did_not_Drown.html,_Animals_did_not_Drown.html,_Animals_did_not_Drown.html,_Animals_did_not_Drown.html
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    March 24, 2011 - Baltic Sea, Smiltyne - Tons of dead fish. Marine EnvironmentalProtection Agency head Raimond Lifetime said that fish contaminated a 2-km stretch ofcoast.



    January 25, 2011 Ipoh - Hundreds of fish believed to be poisoned were found dead in apond near a cemetery in Tambun here.

    February 27, 2011 - Banting, Selangor - 120 cows found dead, owner suspects poisoning.


    January 15, 2011 4,000 bird deaths in Lakes in Guanajuato Mexico.

    February 19, 2011 - Juarez - hundreds of birds began to die. Virus suspected.

    March 11, 2011 - Acapulco - Masses of sardines, anchovies, stripped bass and mackerelsurged close to shore Friday on one beach in the Mexican resort city, packed so tightlynear the surface they looked like an oil slick from above.


    January 11, 2011 - Berkel Massive fish kills in Berkel.
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    New Guinea

    January 7, 2011 - Papua Dead fish washed ashore at Pari village.

    New Zealand

    December 23, 2010 Northern beaches - Penguins, petrels and other seabirds, massdeaths.

    December 23, 2010 - Kawau Island 10 tons of dead fish on Kawau Island. A trail ofdead fish about three kilometres long was seen.

    January 5, 2011 - Coromandel Peninsula beaches - Hundreds of snapper dead onbeaches.

    January 13, 2011 Waitakere - Botulism outbreak killing ducks.

    January 21, 2011 Wellington - 24 pilot whales dead in New Zealands Far Northstranding.

    February 20, 2010 - Stewart Island - 107 stranded Pilot Whales die.

    February 24, 2011 North Island - A herpes virus that has devastated North Island oysterfarms and so far cost about $12 million in potential sales has shut the pioneering Nelsonhatchery that supplies 20 per cent of New Zealand's stock.


    January 26, 2011 Andenes - Eider ducks die like flies. They behave quite abnormal,nervous system and their coordination ability does not work.

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    July 18, 2010 - Karachi Millions of SeaShells appearing on Pakistani Beaches.

    March 11, 2011 - Karachi - At least 50 animals, mostly cows have died due to amysterious disease in different villages of Gadap Town in just three days creating panic

    among the local herdsmen.


    January 11, 2010 Manilla - 100 tons of fish found dead on Lake Buhi.

    January 18, 2011 - Lapu-Lapu Residents gather, eat dead fish floating in barangay Ibo.


    January 3, 2011 Vila Nova de Gaia beach - Thousands of dead octopuses wash up onPortugal beach.


    January 8, 2011 Dead birds falling in 3 cites in Romania.

    January 12, 2011 Constanta - Alcohol poisoning, not avian flu, killed Romanian birds.


    January 28, 2011 - - Kalmyka Region - Extraordinary weather conditions in theKalmykya region of Southern Russia bordering the Caspian Sea have led to the deaths ofat least several hundred - and possibly thousands - of rare geese.

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    April 18, 2011 - Baleshare Shore, North Uist - Dead whale found washed ashore onNorth Uist beach, 30-metre long mammal - believed to be a female sperm whale - foundon Baleshare shore.

    South Korea

    December 28, 2010 - Seoul - Dead Teal Ducks With Bird Flu Strain Found In SouthKorea.

    South Africa

    June 15, 2010 - Pretoria - Nearly 500 African penguins died in 24-hours blamed on coldand wet weather.

    September 7, 2010 - Capetown - Mystery of "scores of dead pidgeons" on Cape roads.

    December 24, 2010 Durban - 731 wild-caught African gray parrots mysteriously die

    while being air transported.

    March 26, 2011 - Capetown - A mix of island officials and resident volunteers arestruggling to save tens of thousands of Northern Rockhopper penguins threatened by anoil spill in the remote stretches of the south Atlantic, roughly 1,500 miles west of CapeTown, South Africa.


    Jan 12, 2011 - Catarroja Investigating the death of these fish, whose numbers couldreach 40,000 units, according to the bags of fish taken to date.
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    Stockholm - January 5, 2011 - Officials say about 50 birds have been found dead on a

    street in Sweden.


    February 1, 2011 Geneva - A deadly virus is killing what may be hundreds of pigeonsand turtledoves around Geneva, particularly in the commune of Carouge.


    January 8, 2011 - Taichung City 5 species of wild birds, including about 100 BlackBulbul, the birds of about 30, two white ears thrush, magpie a tree, and Pulsatilla, for atotal of about 150 dead wild birds.


    December 31, 2010 - Dong Thap More than 150 tonnes of red tilapias have died enmasse in the past week in Cao Lanh District in the southern province of Dong Thap.

    March 26, 2011 - Ban Laem Klat - Over the past 15 months, some 41 dolphins have beenfound dead in Ban Laem Klad and in tambon Mai Rood in Khlong Yai district of Trat.

    April 23, 2011 Phuket - Millions of krill yesterday washed up on the shores of Kata andKaron Beaches on Phuket's west coast, sparking fears among local residents of animpending tsunami.

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    January 2011 - Karacabev Dead starlings found residents of the county Karacabey inBursa province. On the road were dozens of carcasses of birds.

    February 1, 2011 - Harsit Stream, Mescitli - Sudden and unexplained mass fish deaths in

    the Black Sea region of Turkey have local residents worried about the safety of theirwater supply and calling on officials to solve the mystery. Forty years ago, we and ouranimals were able to drink the stream water. Water for our crops was provided from thestream. Now there is nothing growing here, life has ended here, DHA quoted a localresident as saying.

    February 8, 2011 - Karacabey/Bursa Province - Turkey has recorded a new case of themysterious bird deaths. Experts are currently conducting the necessary tests. However,while they failed to establish the cause of death of starlings



    October 23, 2010 - Bolshoi Dzendzik Island About 1,500 birds have been found deadon an Ukraine island, authorities said Saturday. Most of the birds were cormorants, but alarge number of herring gulls were also found on Ukraine's Bolshoi Dzendzik Island, theemergencies ministry said.

    United Kingdom

    August 13, 2010 - North Norfolk Mystery deaths of 38 seals off Norfolk Coast.

    January 28, 2010 - Highlands Large number of dead barn owls found.

    January 2, 2011 - Abergavenny - Hundreds of dead fish, mostly bream, carp and roach,

    have been found in the marina on the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal at Goytre Wharfnear Abergavenny.

    January 5, 2011 Kent Coast - More than 40,000 of the crabs - Britain's largestswimming crab - are littering beaches around Thanet, along with smaller numbers ofwhelks, sponges and anemones.
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    January 8, 2011 - Berwick upon Tweed and Edinburgh Foul play suspected as bodies of60 seal pups are found on beach.

    January 14, 2011 - Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal in Cwmbran Another 100 fishdie in Cwmbran, UK.

    January 4, 2011 - Thanet's Coast - Mysterious deposits of black sand and thousands ofdead crabs wash ashore.

    January 19, 2011 - Walney Beach - "unbelievable amount" of starfish and youngspawned mussels.

    January 24, 2011 - Country-wide Cold winter kills record number of barn owls.

    February 20, 2011 - Stratford-Upon-Avon - 16 swan deaths in six weeks.

    March 3, 2011 - Turners Pond, Elvetham Heath Nature Reserve - Up to 100 deadgoldfish have been removed from a pond on a Fleet estate.

    March 4, 2011 - Kilwinning - 20 dead turkeys were found next to the roadside with noknown explanation as to their deaths.

    March 7 , 2011 Pegwell Bay - A whale found dead off the south coast starved to death,initial findings have found.

    March 10, 2011 Coxley - 75 starlings fall from the sky.

    March 11, 2011 - Blaenrhondda - South Wales Police are investigating a suspectedpoisoning incident that has killed thousands of fish at Blaenrhondda.
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    March 11, 2010 - London 100 dead birds fall on British home.

    March 11, 2011 - Rhondda - About 26,000 trout have been found dead at a fish farm in


    March 12, 2011 - Falkland Islands - The pod of whales apparently died after becomingstranded on the uninhabited Speedwell island to the south west of East Falkland and werediscovered by Christopher May a local sheep farmer. He twice counted the whales andreached 400 each time.

    March 23, 2011 - North Wales - Several hundred dead starfish have been found washedup on a north Wales beach.

    March 23, 2011 - Nightingale Island - An oil spill caused by a ship run around onNightingale Island in the South Atlantic (part of Tristan da Cunha group of islands)which has resulted in rockhopper penguins, listed as endangered by IUCN, and sealsbeing covered in oil, in addition to the undoubted effects on the less charismatic parts ofthe food chain.

    March 24, 2011 - Talybont Beach, Gwynedd - Hundreds of dead starfish wash up onTalybont beach.


    December 31, 2010 - Dong Thap More than 150 tonnes of red tilapias have died enmasse in the past week.

    January 20, 2011 10,000 Cattle in Vietnam Mysteriously Die.

    February 2, 2011 Northern Provinces - As of 4pm on February 2, a total of 50,000heads of cattle have died because of the recent long cold spell in some northernprovinces, according to the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture andRural Development (MARD).
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    February 26, 2011 - Dong Nai River - 36 tons of fishes killed by pollution in Dong Nairiver, Viet Nam.

    April 4, 2011 - Bai Xep - A dead huge whale washed ashore was found at a beach in Bai

    Xep resort based in the central Phu Yen province at 2:00pm today, local source said.
