Maskot vančurova sr




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Základná škola s Materskou školou, Vančurova, 38, trnava

CHILDREN´S Mascot designs

children´s mascot choiceLOGO

We start. Hand me, hold, stick it up, move out, go away,.....

The pupils of the class 2 made a stand of waste materials, tetrapack milk cartons.

Help the nature. Students from 6-8 classes collected milk cartons.

Ready.The stand is ready. We hand in the relay to the students in 6C class.

The 6C students start. Informative material.

Click here, click there, ...symbols, flags, photos,....

What is typical to our school, town, country? Look.

the Trnava football stadium with its funs

Trnava, the SR

Our school

Drawing. The artgirls from 6C start their work.

Smile, we start.

We measure, draw, cut.

The cover of the body – feathers. The pupils from 2class help again.

To draw, to cut.

A cut here and a cut there,...

Sticking. We alternate colours, the size of feathers, we glue, ...

The head is almost ready.

A body. The last change.

The oldest students start their work.

The first testing.First the body, then the head.

How will we fix the wings?

Could it be done like this?

Our mascot has come to life.

Our mascot with our boss, Mrs. Chrvalova

The team of mascot´s authors

